Index of Persons - G

Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.

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Gadby, Thomas, see Thomas Gawdbie

GADSDEN (Gaddesden, Gadson)
-, Gaddesden (Gadsden), Mrs. Barbara (fl. 1627-9), widow. St. Mary Colechurch 32AB
-, Gadson (?recte Gadsden), John (fl. 1619-22). St. Mary Colechurch 32AB (r)

-, Gage, John (fl. 1525-31). St. Pancras Soper Lane 37B (r)

-, Gailly, Jonette (fl. 1384). St. Mary le Bow 38-40 (s?)

Gaiwood, Joseph, see Joseph GAYWOOD

-, Gallicus, Richard (fl. c. 1210-30). St. Pancras Soper Lane 7G (s)

-, Galloway, Jeremiah (fl. <1666), h. of Martha. St. Pancras Soper Lane 38A
-, ~, ~, Martha w. of (fl. <1666). St. Pancras Soper Lane 38A

-, Galyen, Lady (fl. 1463-5). 95/6-7C (r)

-, Gamage, Anthony (fl. 1577, d. 1579), ironmonger, aldm., kt., h. of Alice, f. of William. St. Pancras Soper Lane 13 (r)
-, ~, ~, Alice wid. of (fl. 1579). St. Pancras Soper Lane 13 (r)
-, Gamage, Roger (fl. 1587), cit. & skinner. St. Pancras Soper Lane 15B (r)
-, Gamage, William (fl. 1580-8), of London, gent., s. & heir of Anthony. St. Pancras Soper Lane 13

GARDINER (Gardener, Gardner, Gardyner)
-, Gardener, Mrs. (fl. 1556-9), wid. of Robert? 11/10B
-, Gardener, Mr. (Robert?), see executors of
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. 1559-61). 11/10B. See Henry POTKIN?
-, Gardner, Mr. (fl. 1638). St. Mary le Bow 35D (r)
-, Gardner, - (fl. 1664-c.1668). 132 1B2
-, Gardner, Elizabeth (fl. 1669). St. Mary Colechurch 26B
-, Gardyner, John (fl. 1397-8), chaplain. St. Pancras Soper Lane 12?
-, Gardyner, John (fl. 1454-61), mercer. 95/4E (r)
-, Gardyner, Richard (fl. 1461, d. 1489-9), aldm., mercer. 95/3; St. Mary Colechurch 13-15; St. Pancras Soper Lane 1B (r)
-, Gardener, Robert (fl. 1544-56), cit. & draper. 11/10B (r)
-, Possibly identical with Thomas GARDENER (fl. 1553)
-, Gardiner, Thomas (fl. 1391-4), chaplain. St. Mary Colechurch 33
-, Gardener, Thomas (fl. 1553), draper. 11/10B
-, Possibly identical with Robert GARDENER
-, Gardner, Thomas (fl. 1661-9, d. 1710), cit. & barber-surgeon, surgeon. St. Mary le Bow 22 (r)

Garettson, see GARRETTSON

Garlaunde, Lucy, see Lucy da. of Waleram (WALERAN)

-, Garnet, John (fl. 1379-1401, d. by 1408), cit. & tailor, h. of Alice. St. Mary Colechurch 8 (r), 9C-E, 25, 29-32A
-, ~, ~, Alice w. of (fl. 1379). St. Mary Colechurch 8, 9C-E

-, Garrard, Henry (fl. 1642), of Cavenham (Suff.), gent., executor of John JAMES. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8
-, Garrard, John (fl. 1573-1600), cit. & haberdasher, aldm., h. of Jane, f.? of Peter. St. Mary le Bow 37-41; St. Mary Colechurch 8-9; St. Pancras Soper Lane 12 (r)
-, ~, ~, Jane w. of, see Jane da. of Richard PATRICK
-, Garrard, Peter (fl. 1595), gent, s. of ? John. St. Pancras Soper Lane 12

GARRAWAY (Garrawey, Garway(e))
-, Garway (Garraway), Mr. (fl. 1571-4). St. Mary Colechurch 24E
-, Possibly identical with Walter Garwaye (GARRAWAY)
-, Garraway, Thomas (fl. 1594-5). 11/6
-, Garwaye (Garrawey), Walter (1558-9). St. Mary Colechurch 24E (r)
-, Possibly identical with Mr. Garway (GARRAWAY)

GARRETTSON (Garettson, Gerretsonne)
-, Garettson, Fulk (fl. 1538, d. 1570-1), ?k. of Gerrot & Anna FLOKES. St. Mary Colechurch 22E (r), 24A-C, E

-, de Garschurch, Lawrence (fl. 1241-4), draper. St. Mary le Bow 43

-, Garthe, Thomas (d. 1505), esq. St. Mary Colechurch 18

DE GARTON (Gartone, Gertone)
-, de Garton, Hugh (fl. <1327, d. 1327), mercer, f. of John St. Pancras Soper Lane 9A-B, E (s), 32
-, de Garton, John (fl. 1327, d. 1362), cit. & mercer, s. of Hugh, f. of John. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9A-B, 9E (s), 10, 32
-, Gartone, John (fl. 1362-91), s. of John. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9A-B, 9E (s), 10, 32
-, ~, ~, John s. of (fl. 1380), ward of John PRENTYS. 11/6
-, de Gartone, Simon (fl. 1344, d. <1372), cit. & mercer, br. of Hugh de WYNCHYNGHAM. St. Pancras Soper Lane 10 (s)
-, de Gartone, William (fl. 1291-1332), the younger, cit. & mercer, h. of Maud & Alice. St. Pancras Soper Lane 5B, 10, 16
-, ~, ~, Alice wid. of (fl. 1339). St. Pancras Soper Lane 16
-, ~, ~, Maud w. of, see Maud wid. of John Patrik (PATRICK)

Garway(e), see GARRAWAY

GASELY (Gazeley)
-, Gasely, Mr. (1669). St. Mary le Bow 5
-, Gazeley, Elizabeth, wid., see Elizabeth da. of John ORESBY

-, de Gatesden, Silveus (Silvester) (fl. 1285), cit., h. of Alice, f. of Ralph de SELVES. 95/18
-, ~, ~, Alice w. of, see Alice da. of Robert de PRATO

de Gatewyk, Margaret, see Margaret w. of Gilbert de Asshendon (ASHENDEN)

-, Gatley, Dorothy (fl. 1519-26). 95/13 (r)

-, de Gaunt, Richard (fl. 1328, d. 1341), cit. & tailor, h. of Beatrice, executor of John de Redyng (READING). 95/2 (r)
-, ~, ~, Beatrice wid. of (fl. 1341). 95/2

-, le Gaunter, Thomas, see Ralph s. of
-, ~, ~, Ralph s. of (fl. 1261). St. Mary le Bow 33B
-, Possibly identical with Ralph s. of THOMAS
-, le Gaunter, William (fl. 1280-6). St. Mary le Bow 10

-, Gaveston, Piers (d. 1312), earl of Cornwall, h. of Margaret. 95/8-12
-, ~, ~, Margaret wid. of (fl. 1312-21, d. 1342), later mar. Hugh de AUDLEY. 95/8-12

GAWDBIE (Gadby, Gawdbye)
-, Gawdbie (Gadby, Gawdbie), Thomas (fl. 1571-83, d. c.1589), cit. & skinner. St. Mary Colechurch 22B (r), 26A (r)

-, Gawton, William (fl. 1408-14), draper, k. & executor of Alice HALE. St. Mary le Bow 5

-, Gaynesford, Nicholas (fl. <1489-c.1492), esq. St. Pancras Soper Lane 14-15

-, Gayton, Robert (fl. 1454-8). 11/6; next to St. Mary le Bow 12
-, Gayton, Walter (fl. 1406, d. <1427). 11/8A-B

GAYWOOD (Gaiwood)
-, Gaywood, Jane (fl. 1655), wid. & administratrix of Joseph. St. Pancras Soper Lane 23
-, Gaywood (Gaiwood), Joseph (fl. 1647-55, d. by 1665), cit. & glazier, h. of Jane. St. Pancras Soper Lane 23

Gazeley, see GASELY

GEARE (Geere)
-, Geare, Michael (fl. c. 1666), br. of William, h. of Susanna. 11/1
-, ~, ~, Susanna w. of (fl. 1666-8). 11/1
-, Geare (Geere), William (fl. 1625, d. c. 1653), esq., cit. & draper, captain, br. of Michael. 11/1 (r), 8, 9A, 10A
-, ~, ~, executor of, see Thomas HOWE of Gray's Inn

GEARING (Geering, Gering)
-, Geering (Gearing), Joshua (fl. 1641-61), cit. & draper. 11/11-12D; St. Mary le Bow 16B (r)

-, de Geddyng, Walter (fl. <1310), h. of Margaret wid. of Gilbert de Assendon (ASHENDON) & John AROUNDE. St. Mary le Bow 29-30

GEDNEY (Gedneye)
-, Gedneye, John (fl. 1420-33, d. by 1449), cit. & draper. St. Mary le Bow 14; St. Pancras Soper Lane 9C
-, Gedney, Thomas (fl.1549, d. c.1555), h. of Margery. 11/2
-, ~, ~, Margery w. of (fl. 1549). 11/2

Geere, see GEARE

Geering, see GEARING

-, de Geldeford, Alice (fl. 1279-1303), w. of Hugh de CHELMERESFORD. St. Pancras Soper Lane 5B

Genny, Edmund, see Edmund JENNEY
-, Gentil, John (fl. 1305-6). St. Mary Colechurch 12

-, Genynges, Mrs. (fl. <1580), widow. St. Mary le Bow 32A-B (s)

-, Geoffrey [fitzPeter], John s. of, see John FITZGEOFFREY
-, Geoffrey of St. Lawrence, see ST. LAWRENCE
-, Geoffrey the alderman, Geoffrey s. of (fl. early 13C), uncle of Reginald s. of William de HAUUILE. St. Mary le Bow 17?, 18
-, Geoffrey Blundus, see Geoffrey BLOUNTE
-, Geoffrey the cook (cocus) (fl. 1284). St. Mary le Bow 6 (r)
-, Geoffrey Crassus (fl. c.1205-18), tawyer (megucer). 95/18
-, Geoffrey the goldsmith (fl. c.1150), f. of John. 11/8-9
-, ~, ~, John s. of (fl. <c.1150). 11/9A

-, Geoscelyn, Joan (sic), see John Geoscelyn
-, Geoscelyn, John (Joan?) (fl. 1516-23), gardener. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8 (s)

-, a Genoese merchant (fl. 1512). St. Mary Colechurch 18

DE GEPESWIC (Gipeswic)
-, de Gepeswic (Gipeswic), Adam (fl. 1191x1212). 11/10 (ref. to), 11

GERARD (Gerrard)
-, Gerard, John (fl. 1436), gent., h. of Margery. 11/5
-, ~, ~, Margery w. of, see Margery da. of Walter HAMME
-, Gerard, Philip (fl. 1593), of Gray's Inn. St. Mary le Bow 12
-, Gerard, Thomas (fl. 1433). 11/5
-, Gerrard, Thomas (fl. c.1528, d. 1540), curate, rector of All Hallows Honey Lane. 11/0 (ref. to)

Gering, see GEARING

-, Gerold, Richard (fl. 1412), cit. & grocer. 95/17

Gerrard, see GERARD

de Gertone, see de GARTON

GERVEYS (Gervis, Gervueys, Jarvis, Jerveys, Jervys)
-, Gervueys, John (fl. 1383), cit. & tailor. St. Mary Colechurch 7 & 9A
-, Jerveys (Gervis, Jerves, Jervys), Richard (fl. c.1490, d. 1555x7), cit. & mercer, apprentice of William IPSWELL, h. of Winifred, f. of Richard. 11/5 (r); 95/2 (r); St. Mary le Bow 15, 23A (r)
-, ~, ~, Winifred w. of (fl. 1538), m. of John Statham (STATHOM). St. Mary le Bow 23A
-, ~, ~, Joan sis. of (fl. 1555), mar. John Cooke (COOK), m. of Anne. See St. Mary le Bow 23A
-, Gerveys (Jarvis, Jerveys), William (fl. 1435-51, d. c.1454), clerk, rector of St. Mary le Bow. St. Mary le Bow 4, 5, 14

-, de Geynesburgh, Lucy (fl. 1352), a damsel of Queen Philippa. St. Mary le Bow 15

-, Ghenow, Sir William (fl. 1390-6), rector of St. Edmund Lombard St. 11/10

GIBBES (Gippes, Gipps)
-, Gipps, Mr. (fl. 1638), see Thomas Gippes (GIBBES)
-, Gibbes, John (fl. 1626-32). 11/10B (r)
-, Gippes, Thomas (fl. 1632-49), ?f.-in-law of James BUNCE. 11/10B (r)

GIBBONS (Gibbon, Gybbones, Gybbons, Gybons)
-, Gybons, Nicholas, see Nicholas BEYGHTON
-, Gybbones (Gibbons, Gybbons) Richard (fl. 1558, d. c.1572). St. Mary Colechurch 24A (r)
-, Gibbon, Robert (fl. 1666), bodice-maker. St. Mary le Bow 1 (r)
-, Gybons, Thomas (fl. 1503-18). 11/9A
-, Gibbon, Thomas (fl. 1612-19). St. Mary Colechurch 24F (r)
-, Gybons (Gibbons, Gybbons), William (fl. 1503, d. c.1526), leatherseller. 11/9A
-, Gybbons, William (fl. 1559). St. Mary Colechurch 24A (r)

-, Gibson, Mr. (d. c.1624). St. Mary Colechurch 0 (ref. to)
-, Possibly identical with Nicholas GIBSON
-, Gibson, Francis (fl. <1598). St. Mary le Bow 23C (r)
-, Gibson, Margaret (fl. 1586, d. c.1607), widow. St. Mary Colechurch 21C (r)
-, Gibson, Michael (fl. 1570). St. Pancras Soper Lane 1A (r)
-, Gibson, Nicholas (fl. 1612-23). St. Mary Colechurch 26B (r)
-, Possibly identical with Mr. GIBSON
-, Gibson, Thomas (fl. 1529-35). St. Pancras Soper Lane 36A1 (r)
-, Gibson, William (fl. 1628), merchant tailor. St. Mary le Bow 34

-, Giffard, Godfrey (fl. c. 1266-7), archdeacon of York. St. Mary Colechurch 11-12
-, Giffard, Richard (fl. c. 1492), kt. St. Pancras Soper Lane 14-15
-, Giffard, Thomas (fl. 1402), spicer, executor of Thomas Macchyng (MATCHING). 11/9A

-, Gilbert the ironmonger, see Gilbert le FERRON
-, Gilbert, Mrs. (fl. 1638). Next to St. Pancras Soper Lane 16 & 17B
-, Gilbert, Edward (fl. c.1638). St. Pancras Soper Lane 27A
-, Gilbert, John (fl. 1627-30, d. by ?1638), parish clerk of St. Pancras. St. Pancras Soper Lane 17B (r)
-, Gilbert, William (fl. 1440), cit. & mercer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 3, 4, 18, 21-2

-, de Gildesburgh, Peter (fl. 1342), clerk. St. Mary le Bow 15

-, Giles, Lord Dawbeneye, see DAWBENEYE
-, Giles, John (fl. 1509), of London, gent, h. of Anne wid. of John HADLEY. 95/17

de Gipeswic, see GEPESWIC

Gippes, Gipps, see GIBBES

GIRDELERE (Gyrdelere)
-, Girdelere, John, see John KNYF
-, le Girdelere, Nicholas, see Nicholas CLERK

-, DE GISE (Gyse)
-, de Gise (Gyse), John (fl. c.1220-7), servant of Hubert de BURGH. 95/3; St. Olave Old Jewry 1

GISORS (de Gisorce, de Gisorcio, de Gisorco, Gizorz, Gysors, Gysorz)
-, Gisors (de Gisorco), John (I) (fl. 1263-75, d. c.1282), s. of Peter de Gysors. 95/3 & 4; St. Mary Colechurch 10; St. Pancras Soper Lane 16?
-, Gisors (Gisorz), John (II) (d. c. 1296), s. of John, gds. of Peter, f. of Beatrice & John. St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Beatrice da. of (fl. 1296). St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, heirs of (fl. 1297-1304). 95/4; St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, John (eldest) s. of (III), see John Gizorz (GISORS) (III)
-, Gizorz (de Gisorce, de Gisorcio, Gysorz), John (III) (fl. 1306-11, d. by 1337), cit., eldest s. of John (II), executor of Richard Asshewy (ASHEWY). 95/3; St. Mary le Bow 29-30, 34; St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, Gisorz, John (IV) (d. 1351), cit., h. of Alice, f. of Nicholas, Edward, & ?Thomas. 95/3, 4; St. Mary Colechurch 10; St. Pancras Soper Lane 16
-, ~, ~, Alice w. of (fl. 1351-80, d. by ?1385), later mar. John de CHICHESTRE. St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Edward s. of (fl. 1351, d. by 1385), br. of Nicholas. 95/3; St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Nicholas s. of (fl. 1351, d. by 1385), br. of Edward. 95/3, 4
-, ~, ~, Thomas s. of, see Thomas GISORS
-, Gisors, Paul (fl. 1380-5, d. by 1402), s. of Peter SPICER & Isabel, k. of Francus Nichole (NICHOLLS). St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, de Gysors, Peter, see his son, John GISORS (I)
-, Gisors, Thomas (fl. 1351), s. of John Gisorz (IV), f. of Margaret, Felicia, Juliana, Isabel & Joan. See St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Felicia da. of (fl. c.1360), mar. - Nichole (NICHOLLS). See St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Isabel da. of (fl. c.1360), mar. Peter SPICER, m. of Paul Gisors. See St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Juliana da. of (fl. c.1360), m. or gdm. of Thomas Vynent (VINENT). See St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Margaret da. of (fl. c. 1361, d. 1393), mar. Henry PICARD, Bartholomew Lord BURGHERSSH, Sir William BURCESTRE. St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Joan (5th) da. of (fl. c.1360), mar. - Betton (BETOIGNE), m. of Joan & Idonia. See St. Mary Colechurch 10

-, Gladwell, Sarah (fl. 1666), widow. 11/5 (r)
-, Gladwell, William (fl. 1663-6). 11/8C (r)

-, Gladwyn, John (fl. 1441, d. by 1459). 95/17

-, Glanton, John (fl. 1399). St. Mary Colechurch 6?

-, Glasen, William (fl. 1382), cit. & goldsmith. 11/2; St. Pancras Soper Lane 24 & 33

-, Glasyer, Richard (fl. 1531-6). St. Mary le Bow 36A (r)

-, Glendon, Roger (d. <1420), h. of Alice. St. Mary le Bow 16
-, ~, ~, Alice w. of (d. <1420), see Roger GLENDON

-, de Glida, John (fl. >1294-<1309). St. Mary le Bow 24

DE GLOUCESTER (Gloucestr, Gloucestre)
-, de Gloucestre, Hugh, see his son Richard de Gloucestre
-, de Gloucester, John (called Crepyn) (fl. 1299), ?h. of Juliana, f. of Elicia. St. Pancras Soper Lane 37
-, ~, ~, Elicia da. of (fl. 1330). St. Pancras Soper Lane 37
-, Gloucester, Juliana of, see her father Ralph de ALEGATE & her husband William EVERARD
-, de Gloucestre, Richard (I) (fl. 1309, d. by 1323), cit. & aldm., f. of Joan, Idonea, Richard, executor of Richard Asshewy (ASHEWY). St. Mary le Bow 34; St. Mary Colechurch 1; St. Pancras Soper Lane 39 (r)
-, ~, ~, Idonea da. of (fl. 1323), nun at St. Helen's. St. Mary Colechurch 1; St. Pancras Soper Lane 39
-, ~, ~, Joan da. of (fl. 1323), nun at Barking. St. Mary Colechurch 1; St. Pancras Soper Lane 39
-, de Gloucestre, Richard (II) (fl. 1323-36), s. of Richard. St. Mary Colechurch 1; St. Pancras Soper Lane 39
-, de Gloucestre, Richard (III) (fl. 1323-35), saddler, s. of Hugh. St. Mary le Bow 8 (r)
-, de Gloucestre, Robert (fl. 1318), goldsmith, executor of Richard le BARBIER. St. Mary le Bow 7
-, de Gloucester (Gloucestr', Gloucestre) Roger (fl. 1403, d. c. 1407), cit. & glover. 11/6 (r), 7 (s)
-, Gloucestre, Thomas (fl. 1440-4, d. by 1459), esq. 95/17; St. Mary Colechurch 13 (r), 14-15
-, Gloucester, William of (d. late 13C), ?k. of Juliana of Gloucester, h. of Willelma, f. of Henry. 11/2
-, ~, ~, Henry s. of (d. c. 1332) k. of Juliana of Gloucester. 11/2
-, ~, ~, Willelma w. of (fl. late 13C). 11/2

-, Glover, Mrs. (?Anne) (fl. 1638). St. Mary le Bow 14 (s)
-, Glover, Henry (fl. 1489-90). St. Mary le Bow 27 (r)
-, Glover, Richard (fl. <1620-?40), mercer? St. Mary le Bow 37-41 (r)
-, Glover, Richard (fl. 1662-3). 95/6-7B (r)

-, Glyland (Helyland), John (fl. 1246?), cit. & draper (pannarius). St. Mary le Bow 14
-, ~, ~, John s. of (fl. 1261x4). St. Mary le Bow 14

-, de Glyntone, Ivo (fl. 1342), clerk. St. Mary le Bow 15

-, Glynyan, Thomas (fl. 1397), cit. & draper. St. Mary le Bow 14

-, Gobyon, John (fl. 1413-26), leper (1426). 95/4D (r)
-, Gobyon, William (fl. 1412), esq. St. Mary Colechurch 25, 29-32A

GOCHE (Gooche)
-, Goche (Gooche), John (fl. 1520-36), cit. & mercer. St. Mary le Bow 20, 33f (s); St. Pancras Soper Lane 10
-, Possibly identical with John BOTHE
-, Possibly identical with John GOWGE
-, Goche, Richard (fl. 1536), mercer. St. Mary le Bow 20
-, Goche, Robert (fl. 1536), mercer. St. Mary le Bow 20

Godard, Godart, see GODDARD

GODCHEP (Godchiep)
-, Godchep, family of (fl. <1390). St. Mary le Bow 31, 32 (ref. to)
-, Godchiep, Hamo (fl. 1311-c. 1327), mercer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 10 (s)
-, ~, ~, Isabel wid. of, see Isabel GODCHEP (fl. 1333)
-, Godchep, Henry, see Henry FARMAN
-, Godchep, Isabel (fl. 1333, d. 1349), wid. of Hamo, m. of Richard, gdm. of Richard. St. Pancras Soper Lane 30
-, ~, ~, Richard s. of (d. by 1349), see St. Pancras Soper Lane 30
-, ~, ~, Richard gds. of (fl. 1349). St. Pancras Soper Lane 30
-, Godchep, Isabel (fl. 1340), da. of Ralph & Margery, sis. of John Godchep, w. of - FARMAN, m. of Henry FARMAN. St. Mary le Bow 32
-, Godchep, John (fl. 1332-40), cit. & mercer, s. of Margery?, br. of Roger & Isabel, h. of Felicia. St. Mary le Bow 32
-, ~, ~, Felicia w. of (fl. 1340). St. Mary le Bow 32
-, Godchep, Jordan (fl. 1279, d. c. 1290), cit., h. of Maud, f. of Agnes, Gilbert, Margery. St. Mary le Bow 19, 24B (r), 31 (s?), 32 (s)
-, ~, ~, Agnes da. of (fl. 1290). St. Mary le Bow 32
-, ~, ~, Gilbert s. of (fl. 1290). St. Mary le Bow 32
-, ~, ~, Margery da. of (fl. 1290-1319), mar. Ralph GODCHEP & Richard de KYNGESSUTTONE alias Godchep, m. of John, Roger & Isabel. St. Mary le Bow 32
-, ~, ~, Maud w. of (fl. 1340). St. Mary le Bow 32
-, Godchep, Ralph (fl. 1298-<1308), parishioner of St. Mary le Bow, h. of Margery. St. Mary le Bow 6, 32
-, ~, ~, Margery wid. of see Margery da. of Jordan GODCHEP
-, Godchep, Richard, see Richard de KYNGESSUTTONE
-, ~, ~, Margery w. of, see Margery da. of Jordan GODCHEP
-, Godchep, Richard, see Richard s. of Isabel GODCHEP or Richard gds. of Isabel GODCHEP
-, Godchep, Roger (fl. 1332), s. of Margery?, br. of John & Isabel. St. Mary le Bow 32

GODCHILD (Goodchild)
-, Godchild (Goodchild), Richard (fl. 1351-81), cit. & cutler, h. of Juliana. St. Mary Colechurch 25A, 29
-, ~, ~, Juliana w. of, see Juliana wid. of William Brunne (BROWN)
-, Godchild, Richard (fl. 1369), cit. St. Mary Colechurch 17

GODDARD (Godard, Godart)
-, Goddard, Mr. (fl. 1638). St. Mary le Bow 32 (r)
-, Godard, Geoffrey (d. c. 1274), cit. St. Mary le Bow 4
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. 1304). St. Mary le Bow 4
-, Godard, Simon (fl. 1290-8), h. of Alice, executor of Geoffrey Godard. St. Pancras Soper Lane 11?, 12, 17
-, ~, ~, Alice w. of, see Alice da. of Hugh MOTUN
-, Goddard (Godart), William (fl. 1655-76), cit. & grocer, silkman. 11/6 (s), 6D (s), 7 (r)

-, le Gode, Nicholas (fl. 1306), mercer, h. of Margery. St. Mary Colechurch 4B
-, ~, ~, Margery w. of (fl. 1306). St. Mary Colechurch 4B

-, Godegrom, William (fl. late 12C), see St. Mary le Bow 25-6

GODELAK (Goodlak)
-, Goodlak (Godelak), Joan, heirs of (fl. 1452). St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, Godelak, Thomas, h. of Joan, see Idonia, Margaret & Thomasina das. of
-, ~, ~, Joan w. of (fl. <1402), da. of John de STODEYE, sis of Margaret da. of John de STODEYE. See St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Idonia da. of (fl. 1402) & da. of Joan, sis. of Margaret & Thomasina. St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Margaret da. of (fl. 1402) & da. of Joan, sis. of Thomasina & Idonia. St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, ~, ~, Thomasina da. of (fl. 1402) & da. of Joan, sis. of Margaret & Idonia. St. Mary Colechurch 10

-, Godelamb, Imania (fl. 1361-82), of Cambridge, silkwoman (selkwoman), w. of ?John de ENEFELD & Richard Northbury (DE NORBURY). St. Pancras Soper Lane 9B (s), 10

-, Godesburgh, John (fl. 1406-7), hatter. St. Mary le Bow 29-30 (s)

-, Godeshelde (alias Leueseld), Robert (fl. 1363-82), cit. & purser (pursarius), h. of Avicia. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9A (s)
-, ~, ~, Avicia w. of (fl. 1363). St. Pancras Soper Lane 9A

-, de Godeston, John (fl. 1335, d. by 1349). St. Mary le Bow 24D (r); St. Mary Colechurch 1 & St. Pancras Soper Lane 39?

Godewin, Godewyn, see GOODWIN

GODFREY (Godfray)
-, Godfrey the chandler (unctarius) (fl. <1259-1278). St. Mary Colechurch 16
-, Possibly identical with Godfrey de HERWES
-, Godfray, Mr. (fl. 1574). St. Mary Colechurch 24D
-, Possibly identical with Godfrey Isburde (ISBORDE)
-, Godfrey, John (fl. 1649-51), mercer. 95/16 (r)
-, Godfrey, John (fl. 1666-70), clerk of the Mercers' Company. 95/17 (r); St. Mary Colechurch 16 (r), 19-20
-, Godfrey, Thomas (fl. 1609-c. 1638), ironmonger. St. Mary Colechurch 19E-G (s)

-, dictus Godhalle, William (d. 1331), f. of Richard. St. Mary le Bow 42
-, ~, ~, Richard s. of (fl. 1331). St. Mary le Bow 42

-, Godley, John (fl. 1516-23), gardener. St. Pancras Soper Lane 8 (s)

-, de Godronelane, Master Henry (Master Henry the surgeon) (fl. <1269), surgeon of Henry III, f. of Nicholas, Richard, & William. 95/17-18
-, ~, ~, Nicholas s. of (fl. 1274-c.1278), br. of Richard & William. 95/17-18
-, ~, ~, Richard s. of (fl. 1269-<90), br. of Nicholas & William. 95/17-18
-, ~, ~, William s. of (fl. 1269-<71). 95/17-18

-, Godsend, Stephen (fl. 1422-3), skinner. 95/5K

-, Godye, Thomas (fl. 1518-22). 11/10A (r)

GODYNG (Goodyng)
-, Goodyng, Alexander (fl. 1399-c.1404). 11/8 (r)
-, Godyng, Thomas (fl. 1424-5), ironmonger. St. Mary Colechurch 25 (r?) &/or 32 (r?)
-, Godyng, Thomas (fl. 1430-<1433), cit. & brewer. St. Mary Colechurch 33

Golding, William, see William GOLDRING

-, Goldring (Golding?), William (fl. 1517-21). St. Mary Colechurch 21C-F (r)

the goldsmith, Abel, see ABEL the goldsmith
-, the goldsmith, Ranulf, see RANULF the goldsmith

GOLDSMITH (Goldsmyth)
-, Goldsmyth, Isabel (fl. 1360-92). St. Pancras Soper Lane 7J-K (s)
-, Goldsmith, Robert (fl. 1397-8), clerk. St. Pancras Soper Lane 12
-, Goldsmyth, Sir William (fl. 1393), chaplain of chantry of St. Mary in St. Michael le Querne. St. Pancras Soper Lane 24B

-, Goldwell, John (fl. c.1641, d. <1668), h. of Mabel. 11/11-12D
-, ~, ~, Mabel w. of (fl. c.1641-68). 11/11-12D

-, Godyngton, Edmund (fl. <1436-8). St. Mary le Bow 33B & C (s)

-, Golofre, Richard (fl. 1488-1502), mercer. St. Mary le Bow 11, 43

-, Gonne, John (fl. 1520-1), merchant tailor. St. Pancras Soper Lane 10
-, Possibly identical with John GUNNE

-, Gonson, Benjamin (fl. 1538x42). St. Mary Colechurch 0
-, Gonson, William (fl. 1540-2), cit. & grocer. St. Mary Colechurch 18 (r)

-, de Gonwardeby, John (fl. 1355), pepperer, executor of John de GRANTHAM. St. Pancras Soper Lane 3, 4, 18, 21-2

Gooche, John, see John GOCHE

-, Good, Mrs. (fl. 1638). Next to St. Pancras Soper Lane 15A
-, Good, Robert (fl. 1563), cit. & haberdasher. 95/8-12

-, Goodall, John (fl. 1662-3). 11/8A2 (r)

Goodchild, see GODCHILD

-, Goodfellow, Mr. (Mathias) (fl. 1668), gds. of James WORRALL? 81/D?
-, Goodfellow, Christopher (fl. 1662-?81), esq., judge of Sheriffs' Court. 95/11-12 (r)

-, Goodgame, Arthur (fl. 1580), cit. & fishmonger, h. of Magdalen. St. Mary Colechurch 26
-, ~, ~, Magdalen w. of, see Magdalen wid. of William DAVIES

-, Goodier, Robert (fl. 1666), draper. St. Mary le Bow 31 (r)

-, Goodson, John (fl. 1445-8). 95/2 (r)

Goodsond, see GODSEND

GODSEND (Goodsond)
-, Godsend (Goodsond), Stephen (fl. 1422-3), skinner. 95/5K

GOODWIN (Godewyn, Goodwyn)
-, Goodwin, Edward (fl. 1674), merchant. St. Mary le Bow 23A
-, Godewyn le Pheliper, Bona w. of, see LE PHELIPER
-, Goodwyn, John (fl. 1532). 95/5J (r)
-, Godewyn, Robert (fl. 1482), cit. & draper. 11/10
-, Goodwin, Thomas (fl. 1671), cit. & scrivener. St. Pancras Soper Lane 13
-, Goodwyn, William (fl. 1532-3, d. by ?1543), cit. & mercer. 95/5D-E (r), 5J-M

GOODYER (Goodyere)
-, Goodyere, John (fl. 1454), chaplain. St. Pancras Soper Lane 10
-, Goodyer, Thomas, see his wife Sarah da. of Daniel PENNINGTON
-, ~, ~, Sarah w. of, see Sarah da. of Daniel PENNINGTON

Goodyng, see GODYNG

de Goselane, Albreda, see Albreda wid. of Reginald de LEYCESTR'

-, Goss, Henry (fl. 1670). St. Mary Colechurch 22; 132 25
-, Goss, Rebecca (fl. 1656-68), wid., sis. of Abigail FLETCHER, ?da. of Dorcas w. of Henry VINCENT. 95/5 (excl. 5M)

Gossenham, Gosseham, see COSHAM

GOSTEWIK (Gostwyke)
-, Gostewik (Gostwyke), John? (fl. 1491-1522). St. Mary le Bow 11B, 33f
-, Possibly identical with Thomas GOSTEWIK
-, ~, ~, w. of (fl. 1491-2). St. Mary le Bow 33e
-, Gostewik, Thomas (fl. 1486-1509), mercer. St. Mary le Bow 33c (s), 33f (s); St. Mary Colechurch 11
-, Possibly identical with John GOSTEWIK
-, ~, ~, w. of (fl. 1494-5). St. Mary le Bow 33c

-, atte Got, Walter (fl. 1342). 11/10

-, Gough, Geoffrey (fl. 1487-90), goldsmith. St. Mary Colechurch 33

-, Gould, William (fl. <1597). 11/8A5 (r)

-, Goundevile, Ralph (fl. 1392), esq. St. Mary le Bow 7

Gourney, Abel, see Abel GURNEY

GOWER (Gowre)
-, Gower, John (fl. 1366). St. Mary Colechurch 19-21
-, Gowre, Thomas (fl. 1658), of London, esq. 95/6-7C

-, Gowge, John (Mr.) (fl. 1522-4), mercer. 11/10 (r)
-, Possibly identical with John GOCHE

GOWLE (Gowele)
-, Gowle (Gowele), Richard (fl. 1472, d. c.1503), cit. & mercer. St. Mary le Bow 21-2 (r), 33a (s); St. Pancras Soper Lane 29, 36, 37

Gowre, see GOWER

GRACE (Grase), see also GRAS, GRASSUS
-, Grace, John (fl. 1428-34, d. by 1463), cit. & pewterer, uncle of Robert fitzRobert. St. Mary Colechurch 16; St. Pancras Soper Lane 37
-, Grace, Thomas (fl. c.1392), the younger. St. Mary le Bow 38
-, Grase, William (fl. 1453-4), founder. 95/6-7A (r)

-, Gracedieu, Thomas (fl. 1659-66). St. Mary le Bow 6A (r)

-, Grafton, Richard (fl. 1535), grocer. St. Mary Colechurch 8-9 (r)
-, Grafton, Roger (d. c.1593), cit. & haberdasher. St. Mary le Bow 36C (r)

-, de Grandison, Otto (fl. >1280-<1304). 95/8-12
-, ~, ~, attorney of, see John VANE

-, de Grantham, Henry (fl. <1252-3). St. Pancras Soper Lane 8M (s)
-, Grantham, Jeffery (fl. 1641-65). St. Mary Colechurch 26A (r)
-, de Grantham, John (fl. 1322, d. 1344-5), cit. & pepperer, h. of Cecilia, f. of John & Thomas. St. Pancras Soper Lane 3 (s), 4 (s), 8 (s), 18, 21-2, 32
-, ~, ~, Cecilia late w, of (d. <1344), see John de GRANTHAM
-, de Grantham, John (fl. 1344-5, d. by 1353), pepperer, s. of John, br. of Thomas. St. Pancras Soper Lane 3, 4, 8, 18, 21-2
-, ~, ~, executor of, see John de GONWARDEBY
-, de Grantham, Thomas (fl. 1353-68, d. by 1370), s. of John, br. of John, h. of Elizabeth, f. of Elizabeth. St. Pancras Soper Lane 3, 4, 18, 21-2
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth da. of (fl. 1370), mar. Gilbert Puruays (PURVEYS), m. of Joan. St. Pancras Soper Lane 3, 4, 18, 21-2
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth wid. of (fl. 1370). St. Pancras Soper Lane 3, 4, 18, 21-2

GRAPEFIGE (Gratefige)
-, Grapefige, Hugh (fl. 1271), h. of Joan, br.-in-law of Avice. St. Mary Colechurch 26
-, ~, ~, Joan w. of, see Joan da. of Reginald le HAUBERGER
-, Gratefige (Grapefige), Robert (fl. 1276-<1309), pepperer, f. of William. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1A, 4 (s)
-, Grapefige (Gratefige), William (fl. <1309, d. <1314), s. of Robert, h. of Joan, his heir was his k. William CLEMENT. St. Mary le Bow 34; St. Pancras Soper Lane 1A
-, ~, ~, Joan w. of, see Joan da. of Henry LE WIMPLER

-, le Gras, John (fl. 1328). 11/9B (r)

Grase, see GRACE

-, Grassus, John (fl. mid 13C-later 13C), mar. Margaret da. of John SEINTJERMAYN. 81/D-E; St. Mary Colechurch 11-12
-, Possibly identical with John s. of PETER

Gratefige, see GRAPEFIGE

-, Graunger, Richard (fl. 1584). St. Mary le Bow 35 (r)

GRAUNT (le Graunte)
-, Graunt, John (fl. 1416), clerk. St. Mary le Bow 21-2
-, le Graunte, William (fl. 1298), h. of Sabina. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9A-B, 9E
-, ~, ~, Sabina w. of, see Sabina da. of Simon de DEPEDEN
-, Graunt, William (fl. 1655-66), cit. & painter-stainer, haberdasher. 11/6D (r)

-, Graves, Abraham (fl. 1647), of Limehouse, shipwright, k. of John Graves. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1Aiv
-, Graves, John (fl. 1628), of Limehouse, shipwright, h. of Sarah, f. of Sara & John, ?k. of Abraham & Thomas. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1Aiv
-, Graves, John (fl. 1628), s. of John & Sarah, br. of Sara. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1Aiv
-, ~, ~, Sarah w. of (fl. 1628), m. of John & Sara. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1Aiv
-, Graves, Sara (fl. 1628), s. of John & Sarah, sis. of John. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1Aiv
-, Graves, Thomas (fl. 1647), of Charlestown (New England), mariner, k. of John Graves. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1Aiv

Gray, see GREY

-, Graystoke, Thomas (fl. 1445-55). 95/5J (r)

Great Walsingham (Norf.), Thomas rector of, see THOMAS

GREEN (Greene, atte Grene)
-, Grene, Anneys (fl. 1424-5), sold ale. 95/18B (r)
-, Grene, Charles (fl. 1643). St. Pancras Soper Lane 38B
-, Greene, Edmond (fl. 1669). St. Mary le Bow 8
-, Grene, Edward (d. 1493), s. of Robert, h. of Elizabeth. St. Mary le Bow 28
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth wid. of (fl. 1493-5), later mar. William EYRE. St. Mary le Bow 28
-, Greene, Edward (fl. 1662-6), cit. & haberdasher, hosier. 11/5 (r), 6C (r)
-, Grene, Elizabeth (fl. 1538-43). St. Mary Colechurch 22C (r)
-, Grene, Henry (fl. 1393), goldsmith, warden of co. St. Pancras Soper Lane 24 & 33
-, atte Grene, John, see John s. of John s. of John atte Grene
-, ~, ~, John s. of, see John s. of John s. of John
-, ~, ~, ~, John s. of (fl. 1339), of Bery, h. of Isabel. St. Mary le Bow 1A & B, 3
-, ~, ~, ~, Isabel w. of, see Isabel da. of Agnes da. of Robert de Kydermenestre (KYDERMINSTER)
-, Grene, John (fl. 1409, d. c.1413), cit. & mercer. St. Mary Colechurch 7 & 9A
-, Grene, John (fl. 1480), esq. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1B
-, Grene, Robert (fl. 1464), h. of Cecilia, f. of Edward & Cecilia. St. Mary le Bow 28
-, ~, ~, Cecilia w. of, see Cecilia da. of John CLAY
-, ~, ~, Cecilia da. of (fl. 1493-1504), sis. of Edward. St. Mary le Bow 28
-, Grene, Roger (fl. <1506), mercer. St. Mary le Bow 23A (r)
-, Grene, Thomas (fl. 1438), late servant & executor of John LEMMAN. 11/9A
-, Grene, Walter (fl. >1415-49), esq., Chief Justice of King's Bench. St. Mary le Bow 28
-, Grene, William (fl. >1404). 11/1B (r)

Grene, William (fl. 1544), merchant tailor. St. Mary le Bow 36A & B; St. Pancras Soper Lane 29 & 36A1?
-, Grene, William (fl. 1664-5). 11/1
-, Possibly identical with William GEARE

GREGORY (Gregori, Gregorye)
-, Gregorye, Anthony (fl. 1563), cit. & haberdasher. 95/8-12
-, Gregori, William (fl. 1358-65), h. of Idonia, k.? to Henry atte Mershe (MARSH). 95/6
-, ~, ~, Idonia w. of (fl. 1358-65), k.? of Henry atte Mershe (MARSH) or his w. Idonia. 95/6
-, Gregory, William (fl. 1418-19), cit. & skinner. St. Pancras Soper Lane 38
-, ~, ~, John s. of (fl. 1429). St. Pancras Soper Lane 38

Grene, see GREEN

DE GRENEWYCHE (de Grenewich, de Grenewyco)
-, de Grenewyco (de Grenewyche), Peter (fl. c.1309-37), cit. & mercer, h. of Leticia. 95/2; St. Pancras Soper Lane 1A (s)
-, ~, ~, Leticia w. of (fl. 1311). 95/2

-, de Greseleye, William (fl. 1369), rector of Byfeld. St. Mary le Bow 11

GRESHAM (Gressam, Gresseham), see also GRESSENT
-, Gresham, Edmund (fl. 1573-5), cit. & mercer, merchant, s. of John, br. of Elizabeth. St. Mary le Bow 11B (r); St. Pancras Soper Lane 9-10, 36B
-, Gresham, Sir John (fl. 1521, d. 1556), kt., br. of Richard, f. of Elizabeth & Edmund. 11/4 (incl. 111/1); St. Mary le Bow 43, St. Mary Colechurch 18; St. Pancras Soper Lane 36B
-, Possibly identical with Thomas GRESHAM (fl. c.1520)
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth da. of (fl. 1575), sis. of Edmund, mar. James Ellyott (ELLIOT). St. Pancras Soper Lane 36B
-, Gresham, Richard (fl. 1521, d. 1549), cit. & mercer, kt., br. of Sir John. St. Mary le Bow 43 (r); St. Mary Colechurch 18; St. Pancras Soper Lane 36B
-, Gresham, Thomas (fl. c.1520). 111/1 (see 11/4)
-, Possibly identical with Sir John GRESHAM
-, Gresham, Sir Thomas (fl. 1575), kt. St. Mary Colechurch 18 (ref. to)
-, Gresham (Gressam, Gresseham), William (Wyllyam) (fl. 1521-38, d. c.1548), cit. & mercer. St. Mary le Bow 23D (r), 24A-B (r), 36A; St. Pancras Soper Lane 36B

-, Gressent, William (fl. 1525, d. c. 1534), cit. & haberdasher. 11/7 (r); St. Mary le Bow 36C (r)

-, Greteham, Mr. Robert (fl. 1482-90), clerk. 11/10

-, Grevell, John (fl. 1558), wax chandler. St. Pancras Soper Lane 18 (r), 22

GREY (Gray)
-, Grey, Lord, Edmund of Ruthyn (fl. 1451-69), earl of Kent. 11/10
-, Gray, Gregory (fl. 1588-<1604), cit. & founder. St. Mary Colechurch 21G; St. Olave Old Jewry 1A
-, Grey, Humphrey (fl. <1518). St. Mary Colechurch 12
-, Grey, John (fl. 1453), the younger, cit. & grocer. St. Mary Colechurch 10
-, Grey, John (fl. 1459). 95/17
-, Gray, Matthew (fl. 1571), mercer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9-10
-, Grey, Samuel (fl. 1587-1612), girdler, h. of Cicely. St. Mary Colechurch 18 (s)
-, ~, ~, Cicely w. of (fl. 1605). St. Mary Colechurch 18
-, Grey, Thomas (fl. 1415-26), cit. & grocer, h. of Maud St. Mary Colechurch 35 (r); St. Pancras Soper Lane 36
-, ~, ~, Maud w. of, see Maud w. of William Framelyngham (FRAMLINGHAM)
-, Grey, William (fl. 1391). St. Mary le Bow 15

-, Grey(g)rigge, John (fl. 1465-70), founder. 95/6-7A (r)

le Greyndere, see GRYNDERE

-, Grice, Edmund (fl. 1656-68), h. of Mary. St. Mary Colechurch 3B, 4-6 (r)
-, ~, ~, Mary w. of (fl. 1656). St. Mary Colechurch 3B

-, Griffin, Edmund (fl. 1663-6). 11/8C (r)

GRIFFITH (Griffythe)
-, Griffith, Edward (fl. 1625, d. 1688), cit. & clothworker, linendraper. 11/2 (r), 3, 6A (r)
-, Griffythe, Thomas (fl. <1580). St. Mary le Bow 32A-B (r)

-, Griffoun, John (fl. 1321), yeoman of Crown. 95/8-12

-, Griffyn, Sir William (fl. 1348-9), of Houghton Parva, chaplain. St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-9

-, Grigge, Geoffrey (fl. 1390), taverner, h. of Agnes. 11/8 (r)
-, Grigge, Thomas (fl. 1565), tailor. 95/4 (r)

GRIMSTON (Grymston)
-, Grimston, John (fl. 1666), upholsterer. St. Mary le Bow 32 (r)
-, Grymston, Robert (fl. 1388-91). St. Mary le Bow 20 (r)

-, Gringham, Philippa (fl. 1670). St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-9, 36A2

-, Grisley, Robert (fl. 1503), servant of Richard HARPHAM leatherseller. 11/8A2 (s)

-, Gronde, -, see Thomas GRONDE
-, Gronde, John (fl. 1448-50), shearman. 95/6-7A (r)
-, Gronde, Thomas (fl. 1450-8), shearman. 95/6-7A (r)

-, Gros, John (fl. 1348-50), mercer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-9

-, Grosvenor, Robert (fl. 1670), cit. & draper. St. Mary le Bow 14

-, Grove, Adam (fl. 1630-<1638), k.? of Francis Grove. St. Mary Colechurch 10C (r?)
-, Grove, Francis (fl. 1630-<1638), k.? of Adam Grove. St. Mary Colechurch 10C (r?)
-, Grove, John (fl. 1362-98), cit. & armourer. St. Mary Colechurch 2 (r), 4, 8, 9C-E
-, Grove, Richard (fl. 1418, d. c.1432), cit. & armourer. St. Mary Colechurch 13
-, atte Grove, Stephen (fl. 1339), goldsmith, h. of Agnes. St. Mary le Bow 1A, 3
-, ~, ~, Agnes w. of, see Agnes da. of Robert de Kydemynstre (KYDERMINSTER)
-, Grove, William (fl. c.1423). St. Mary le Bow 7

-, Grubbe, Peter (fl. 1378), cit. & fishmonger, h. of Juliana da. of John de MAPELESDENE. St. Mary Colechurch 8, 9C-E
-, Grugge, John (fl. 1524), of London, gent. St. Pancras Soper Lane 38
-, Possibly identical with John CRUGE

-, Gryme, William (fl. 1455-6), grocer. St. Mary Colechurch 25 (r?), or 29-32A (r?)

-, Grymelford, Geoffrey (fl. 1402, d. by 1430), cit. St. Mary Colechurch 33

Grymston, see GRIMSTON

GRYNDERE (le Greyndere, Grynder)
-, Gryndere, Cristina (fl. 1403-45, d. by ?1448). St. Mary le Bow 23C-D (r)
-, Grynder, Margaret (fl. 1448). St. Mary le Bow 23C-D (r)
-, le Greyndere, Richard (fl. 1359), h. of Isabel da. of Reginald LE Boqueler (BUKELER). 95/17

GUALTER (Gwalter)
-, Gualter (Gwalter), John (fl. 1640-51), cit. & brewer. St. Mary Colechurch 22; 132 24-5
-, Gualter, Richard (fl. 1640-51), cit. & innholder. St. Mary Colechurch 22; 132 24-5

-, Gubbe, John (fl. 1346). Next to St. Mary Colechurch 35

Guillot de Par(is), see Guillot de PAR(IS)

DE GULDEFORD (Guldeforde), see also de GELDEFORD
-, de Guldeford alias le Mareschal, Henry (fl. 1299, d. <1314), clerk. St. Mary le Bow 2
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. 1314). St. Mary le Bow 2
-, de Guldeforde, John, former common clerk of city, f. of John & William, see his sons
-, ~, ~, John s. of (fl. c.1357). St. Pancras Soper Lane 7L
-, ~, ~, William s. of (fl. 1344-5), gods. of William of (SHREWSBURY). St. Pancras Soper Lane 7L (s)

-, Gullay, John (fl. <1368), h. of Andrina. 95/6
-, ~, ~, Andrina w. of, see Andrina da. of Thomas HENDEMAN

-, Gulle, Edmund, mercer or merchant (merc'), see John s. of
-, ~, ~, John s. of (fl. 1260). St. Pancras Soper Lane 10
-, Gulle, Walter (fl. c.1220-30). St. Pancras Soper Lane 8

-, Gumme, John (fl. 1349), of Enfield, executor of John de TOTENHAM. 11/2

-, Gunne, John (fl. 1518). St. Mary le Bow 15
-, Possibly identical with John GONNE

-, Gunston, John (fl. 1656-c.1662), merchant. St. Pancras Soper Lane 13 (r)

-, Gunter, William (fl. 1548), of London, gent. St. Mary Colechurch 1, 2, 34; St. Pancras Soper Lane 24, 39

-, Gunthorp, Mr. (fl. 1667-8). St. Pancras Soper Lane 38

-, Gunwardby, -, Lady Idonia w. of, see Idonia da. of - BELTON & Joan.
-, ~, ~, Alice da. of, mar. Thomas CROWLAND, m. of Richard & Agnes CROWLAND, see her children

GUPHEY (Guppay, Guppeye)
-, Guppay, Robert (Guphey, Guppeye) (fl. 1396, d. 1412), cit. & mercer, late h. of Joan & Joan. 81/C
-, ~, ~, Joan 1st w. of, see her h. Robert Guppay
-, ~, ~, Joan 2nd w. of, see her h. Robert Guppay

-, Gurdon, James (fl. 1675), of Inner Temple, h. of Mary, s.-in-law of John BERESFORD. St. Mary le Bow 23A
-, ~, ~, Mary w. of, see Mary BERESFORD

GURNEY (Gourney)
-, Gurney (Gourney), Abel (fl. 1633, d. c. 1658), cit. & cook. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1Aii (r), 1Aiii (r)
-, Gurney, Richard (fl. 1633, d. 1647), aldm. & clothworker, kt., bt., f. of Anne & Elizabeth. St. Mary Colechurch 21G; St. Olave Old Jewry 1, 2 (r)
-, ~, ~, Anne da. of (fl. 1648), sis. of Elizabeth, mar. Thomas RICHARDSON. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1 & 2
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth da. of (fl. 1648), sis. of Anne, mar. Sir John PETTUS. St. Olave Old Jewry 1 & 2
-, ~, ~, executors of, see Anne & Elizabeth da.s of

Gwalter, see GUALTER

-, Gwyn, Samuel (fl. 1638x46). 95/3B (r)

-, Gwyneth, John (fl. 1549), clerk, br.-in-law of Stephen VAUGHAN. St. Mary le Bow 32

Gyb(b)ons, see GIBBONS

-, Gynore, Henry (fl. 1450-1). 81/D

Gyrdelere, see GIRDELERE

Gysors, Gysorz, see GISORS