Index of Persons - E

Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.

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-, Earles, Mr. (fl. 1638). St. Mary le Bow 16C? (r)

-, Eason, John (fl. 1614, d. by 1617), cit. & grocer. St. Mary Colechurch 10A (r)

-, Easterley, Mr. (fl. 1638). St. Mary le Bow 6A (r)

Eastfield, Sir William, see William ESTFELD

-, Eastney, John (fl. 1474-1505), abbot of Westminster. St. Pancras Soper Lane 29, 36, 37

EASTON, see also ESTON
-, Easton (Eston), John (fl. 1489-c.1527), mercer, merchant venturer. St. Mary le Bow 33b (s)
-, Easton, Roger (fl. 1581). 95/18B
-, Easton, William (fl. 1484-98), mercer, merchant venturer. St. Mary le Bow 33b (s)

-, Eatch, Thomas (fl. 1666), porter. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1Aii (r)

Eaton, see ETON

de Ebor', William, see William of YORK

-, Eburton, Henry (fl. 1485, d. 1490x1500), cit. & draper. 11/10; St. Mary le Bow 14

-, Eccleston, John (fl. 1530, d. 1551), cit. & grocer, h. of Margery, f. of John. 11/2 (r), 8B (r?)
-, ~, ~, Margery w. of (fl. 1549). 11/2
-, Eccleston, John (b. c. 1539, fl. 1551-66), goldsmith, s. of John Eccleston. 11/2, 8B
-, Eccleston, Nicholas (fl. 1568-71). 11/8B

Ede, Thomas alias Thomas Stodelee, see STUDLEY

Edecrone, Edecroue, see ETECRONE

-, de Edelmeton, Geoffrey (fl. 1283), servant of John de Edelmeton. St. Mary Colechurch 3
-, Possibly identical with Geoffrey Patrik (PATRICK)
-, de Edelmeton, Geoffrey (fl. 1309), h. of Isabel. St. Mary Colechurch 3
-, ~, ~, Isabel w. of (fl. 1309). St. Mary Colechurch 3
-, Possibly identical with Isabel wid. of Geoffrey Patrik (PATRICK)
-, Edelmeton (alias Abel), Henry (d. c.1276), br. of Robert. 11/0 (ref. to), 12 (ref. to); St. Mary Colechurch 1 or St. Pancras Soper Lane 39
-, ~, ~, Robert br. of (fl. 1276). St. Mary Colechurch 1 &/or St. Pancras Soper Lane 39
-, de Edelmeton, John (fl. 1272, d. 1283-4), the elder, cutler, master of Geoffrey de Edelmeton. St. Mary Colechurch 1, 2, 3
-, de Edelmeton, John (fl. 1351), tanner. St. Mary le Bow 42 (s)
-, de Edelmeton, Roger (fl. 1313), tanner. St. Mary le Bow 42 (s)

-, Edge, Mary (?recte Lodge) (fl. 1664), wid. of Benjamin LODGE?. St. Pancras Soper Lane 37

-, Edlyn, Edmund (fl. 1633-4), cit. & salter, br. of Philippa. 95/6-7B, 6-7C
-, ~, ~, Philippa sis. of, see Philippa w. of Robert BUNTINGE

Edmond(es), see EDMUNDS

Edmund s. of Arnold the saddler, see Edmund s. of ARNOLD

-, Edmund, Lord (fl. 1265-94), earl of Leicester, s. of Henry III, br. of Edward I, f. of THOMAS earl of Lancaster. St. Mary le Bow 24, 36; St. Mary Colechurch 2

EDMUNDS (Edmond, Edmondes, Edmund)
-, Edmond, Nicholas (fl. 1349-<1365). Next to 95/7
-, Edmunds, Ralph (fl. 1630), tailor. 11/8A1 (r)
-, Edmund, Thomas (fl. <1330). St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-9
-, Edmondes (Edmond), Thomas (fl. 1547, d. c.1558), cit. & mercer. St. Mary le Bow 30 (r)

-, Edon, Cuthbert (fl. 1580). St. Mary le Bow 34 (s?)

EDRICH (Edriche)
-, Edriche, Peter (fl. 1397), cit. & brewer (pandoxator). St. Mary Colechurch 1 & St. Pancras Soper Lane 39 (r)
-, Edrich, William (fl. 1418-23), cit. & brewer. 95/1; St. Mary Colechurch 13 (s)

-, Edward Albus (fl. c.1220), ?gdf. of Edward s. of Roger Blund (BLOUNTE). St. Mary le Bow 15 (r?)
-, Edward le Blund, see BLOUNTE
-, Edward II, see the CROWN (under Institutions)
-, Edward III, see the CROWN, see also Alice PERRERS
-, Edward duke of Cornwall & earl of Chester (fl. 1342, d. 1376), 'Black Prince', s. of Edward III, h. of Joan. 95/8-12
-, ~, ~, Joan wid. of (fl. 1376). 95/8-12
-, Edward VI (fl. 1547, d. 1553), see the CROWN (under Institutions)

EDWARDS (Edwardes, Edward)
-, Edwardes, Christopher (fl. c.1570), haberdasher, vintner. St. Pancras Soper Lane 1A (r)
-, Edwards, Francis (fl. 1541-52), partner of Anthony BOSUM. 11/5 (r)
-, Edwardes, John (fl. 1535, d. c. 1550), cit. & grocer or haberdasher, h. of Margaret. St. Mary le Bow 23D (r), 24A-B (r), 35 (s?), 36C
-, ~, ~, Margaret wid. of (fl. 1554-60), later mar. John BAMRIDGE. St. Mary le Bow 24
-, Edwards, Lewis (fl. 1651, d. 1664), of London, bodice-seller. St. Mary le Bow 19
-, Edwards, Richard (fl. 1652-66), barber-surgeon. St. Mary Colechurch 32AB (r)
-, Edwards, Rowland (fl. 1536, d. c.1540), clothworker. 11/1 (r)
-, Edward, William (fl. 1360), executor of William de MADEFORD. 11/2
-, Egerton, Thomas (fl. 1589, d. 1590x7), cit. & mercer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 2

-, Egremound, Nicholas (fl. 1435-8), pewterer. St. Mary Colechurch 17

ELCOCKE (Elcock, Elcocks)
-, Elcocke (Elcocks), Nicholas (fl. 1583-90, d. c.1604), cit. & clothworker. St. Mary le Bow 16B (r)

de Eldham, see DE ALDHAM

-, Eleanor, Queen, see the CROWN
-, Lady Eleanor da. of Peter (fl. 1309). 95/3
-, Possibly identical with Eleanor wid. of John s. of PETER

-, Elias s. of Benedict le Eveske, see BENEDICT le Eveske
-, Elias le Blund, see Elias le Blund (BLOUNTE)
-, Elias (le) Caller (fl. 13C). St. Pancras Soper Lane 28-9
-, Elias Episcopus, Jew, br. of SLEUIA widow (q.v.)
-, Elias the Jew (fl. 1246->1252). 95/1-2, 8-12 (r)
-, Elias the Jew, see his daughter, CRESSIA
-, Elias the priest (alias Helias presbyter de Hunilane) (fl. 1191x1212). 11/0 (ref. to)
-, Elias of the Conduit, see Elias de Conducto (CONDUIT)

Eliot, see ELLIOT

Elizabeth, queen of England, see the CROWN (under Institutions)

ELKINGTON (Elkyngton)
-, Elkington, James (fl.1638-1666), founder. St. Mary Colechurch 19E-G (s)
-, Elkyngton, John (fl. <1628). 132 1A (r)

ELKYN (Elkin)
-, Elkyn (Elkin), Richard (fl. 1558). St. Pancras Soper Lane 13 (r)

-, Ellerker, Robert (fl. 1375), clerk. St. Pancras Soper Lane 14-15

-, Ellestowe, John (fl. 1374), cit. & horse-trader (mercator equorum), h. of Cecilia. St. Pancras Soper Lane 9D

ELLIOT (Elliettes, Ellietts, Elliott, Ellyot(t), Ellyotte, Elyetts, Elyott)
-, Elyott (Ellietts, Elliott, Ellyott), Anne (fl. 1594, d. 1612), widow, m. of Abigail w. of William MOSELEY. 95/5, 5D-F, 5K-L
-, Ellyotte, Christopher (fl. <1550). St. Mary Colechurch 8-9
-, Ellyot, George (fl. 1541-6), mercer. St. Mary le Bow 12, 13B (r)
-, Ellyott, James (fl. c. 1575), of Basforde (Suff.), h. of Elizabeth, br.-in-law of Edward GRESHAM. St. Pancras Soper Lane 36B
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth w. of, see Elizabeth da. of John GRESHAM
-, Ellyot, John (fl. 1523-5), cit. & draper. 11/6A (r)
-, Elyott (Elliettes, Elyetts, Elliot, Elliott), John (d. 1597-9), cit. & leatherseller, h. of Ann Elyott. 95/5D-E (r)
-, Elliot, William (fl. <1679), esq. St. Mary le Bow 35D

ELLIS (Elys), see also ELY
-, Ellis (Elys), James (fl. c.1635-8), cook. 95/13-14 (r)
-, Elys, John (fl. 1385), yeoman of the king's chamber. St. Mary le Bow 25 & 27A
-, Elys (Ellis), Richard (fl. 1399), groom of chamber. St. Mary Colechurch 6?

Ellmer, see ELMER

-, de Ellyng, Beatrice (fl. <1354). St. Pancras Soper Lane 10 (s)

Ellyot(te), see ELLIOT

-, Elmand, Peter (fl. >13C?). St. Mary le Bow 14

ELMER (Ellmer)
-, Elmer, Edward (d. 1620), cit. & fishmonger. St. Mary le Bow 3A (r)
-, Elmer, John, see John AYLMER
-, Elmer (Ellmer), John (fl. 1620-<1633), br. & executor of Edward Elmer. St. Mary le Bow 3A (r)

-, de Elmyngham, Thomas (fl. 1349), executor of John de TOTENHAM. 11/2

-, de Elmyntone, Sir Henry (fl. 1312), rector of St. Pancras. St. Pancras Soper Lane 16

Elsenham, see ELSYNGHAM

DE ELSYNG (Elsinge, Elsyngg)
-, de Elsyng, Jordan (fl. 1349-69), cit. & mercer, h. of Margaret, nephew of Alice de BRANDON. St. Mary Colechurch 3 (r)
-, ~, ~, Margaret w. of (fl. 1349, d. by 1369). St. Mary Colechurch 3
-, de Elsinge, Richard (alias Richard Feuerer of Elsing) (fl. 1319, d. 1332), of Norfolk, cit. & mercer, br. of William. St. Mary le Bow 23; St. Pancras Soper Lane 5A (s)
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. 1333). St. Mary le Bow 23
-, de Elsyng, Thomas (fl. 1401-27), s. of Robert, gds. of William, nephew of Alice BRANDON. St. Mary le Bow 4, 31; St. Mary Colechurch 3
-, de Elsyngg (de Elsyng), William (fl. 1319, d. 1349), cit. & mercer, founder of Elsing Spital, br. of Richard. 11/6, 7; 95/18; St. Mary le Bow 23, 24C, 37; St. Pancras Soper Lane 5A (ref. to), 25-6 (r)

ELSYNGHAM (Elsenham, Elsynham)
-, Elsyngham (Elsynham), John (fl. 1373). St. Pancras Soper Lane 9A, 9C-D (r)
-, Elsenham, Peter (fl. 1376). St. Pancras Soper Lane 10 (s)

-, Elton, Nicholas (fl. 1610-18), cit. & merchant tailor. St. Mary le Bow 22 (r), 23B (r)
-, Elton, Richard (fl. 1412-15, d. <1429), cit. & draper, h. of Anne. St. Mary le Bow 35
-, ~, ~, Anne w. of (fl. 1412-29), later mar. Robert TATERSALL. St. Mary le Bow 35
-, Elton, Richard (fl. 1637-51). St. Mary le Bow 22

-, Elvys, John (fl. 1421), cit. & draper. St. Mary Colechurch 17

ELWICK (Elwicke)
-, Elwick, James (fl. 1605-7). 11/8A1

Elwicke, Timothy (fl. 1619-59), mercer. 95/1 (r) & St. Mary Colechurch 15 (r)

-, Elwin, Allyne (fl. <1607), leatherseller. See St. Pancras Soper Lane 34, 35B

(DE) ELY, see also ELLIS
-, de Ely, Peter (fl. 1214-15). 95/3 (r)
-, de Ely, Richard (fl. early 13C), br. of Peter. 95/3?
-, Ely, Thomas (fl. 1478-85), pointmaker. 95/4B (r)
-, Ely, Thomas (fl. 1666), coat-seller. 95/4D (r)
-, de Ely, William (fl. early 13C). 95/3

Elyetts, Elyot, see ELLIOT

-, Emma, William s. of (fl. c.1220). St. Mary le Bow 35
-, ~, ~, Henry s. of, see Joan da. of
-, ~, ~, ~, Joan da. of (fl. c.1268), mar. Adam de Hallyngebur (HALLINGBURY). St. Mary le Bow 8

-, Emme, Robert (fl. 1450), chaplain. 11/0 (ref. to)

-, Emote (?), Robert (fl. 1451). 11/10

-, Empson, William (fl. 1646-90), cit. & leatherseller. St. Mary Colechurch 1-2 (s?), 18 (s?)

(DE) ENEFELD (Enfield)
-, Enefeld, Sir Henry (fl. 1294-<1301), kt. St. Mary le Bow 10
-, de Enefeld, John (d. 1345-6), chandler, h. of Margaret. St. Mary Colechurch 20 (s)
-, ~, ~, Margaret w. of (fl. 1345x6). St. Mary Colechurch 20
-, de Enfield, John (fl. 1323), tailor. St. Mary le Bow 14
-, de Enefeld, John (fl. c.1301-<1335), kt. St. Mary le Bow 10
-, de Enefeld, John (fl. 1361, d. 1369), cit. & pepperer, ?h. of Imaine GODELAMB. St. Mary le Bow 25, 27A; St. Pancras Soper Lane 9B
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. 1369). St. Mary le Bow 25
-, de Enefeld, Thomas (fl. c.1335), executor of Thomas ROMEYN. 11/6
-, de Enefeld, William (fl. c.1260-<1301), goldsmith, executor of Roger de AMIENS. St. Mary le Bow 4, 16

Enemete, see ENNEMETE

-, England, Matthew (fl. 1624-33). St. Mary Colechurch 21F

ENGLISH (Inglish)
-, English, John (fl. 1368-73), rector of All Hallows Honey Lane, executor of children of John de BOVYNDON. 11/1A, 3, 9A
-, English (Inglish), John (fl. 1645-66), silkman. 11/3 (r); St. Pancras Soper Lane 27A (r)

ENNEMETE (Enemete)
-, Ennemete (Enemete), John (fl. 1374-8). St. Pancras Soper Lane 20 (r)

-, Ensor, Daniel (fl. 1609, d. 1610), ironmonger. St. Mary Colechurch 19

-, Ent, Sir George (fl. <1667). St. Mary le Bow 24

-, Ergum, Robert (fl. 1423-4), draper, & prev. chief servant of John PRENTOUT. St. Mary le Bow 14 (r)

-, Erle, John (d. by 1423). St. Mary le Bow 7

Ermeton, see ERNETON

Ernard of Oxford, see ARNALD of Oxford

ERNETON (Ermeton)
-, Erneton (Ermeton), William (fl. 1373). St. Pancras Soper Lane 9 (s)

ERNEY (Harney)
-, Erney (Harney), John (fl. 1513-18). St. Mary le Bow 33e (r)

-, Ernisius Rufus, see Robert s. of
-, ~, ~, Robert s. of (fl. c.1200). 95/13-15

Ernold de Curtune, see Ernold de CURTUNE

-, Erswell, Elizabeth (Mrs) (fl. 1640, d. 1653-5), of St. Faith's parish, widow, m. of Alice. St. Mary le Bow 19
-, ~, ~, Alice da. of see Alice w. of George BARNARDISTON
-, de Erswell, Thomas (fl. 1348-9). St. Pancras Soper Lane 10

DE ESETESFORD (de Eyssecefford)
-, de Esetesford (de Eyssecefford), William (fl. c.1220). St. Mary le Bow 24; St. Pancras Soper Lane 37

-, Esgaston, Richard (fl. 1420), cit. & fishmonger. St. Mary Colechurch 11

le Espicer, see SPICER

Essex, earl of, see Geoffrey FITZPETER, & Geoffrey de MANDEVILLE

-, de Essex, John (fl. 1325x30, d. c.1330), apothecary, f. of Matthew and John, br. of Matthew. St. Mary le Bow 23
-, ~, ~, Matthew s. of (fl. 1330, d. by ?1338), br. of John. St. Mary le Bow 23
-, de Essex, John (fl. 1338), s. of John de Essex, br. of Matthew. St. Mary le Bow 23
-, de Essex, John (fl. 1350), pheliparius, uncle & guardian of Nicholas & William sons of Stephen le Straunge (STRANGE). St. Pancras Soper Lane 37
-, Essex, John (fl. 1363-4), girdler. St. Pancras Soper Lane 34, 35B
-, de Essex, Matthew (fl. c.1300, d. c.1325), cit. & apothecary, br. of John, h. of Rose & Margaret. 11/1A (s); St. Mary le Bow 3, 23, 23A (s)
-, ~, ~, Margaret w. of (fl. 1325). St. Mary le Bow 23
-, ~, ~, Rose w. of (d. <1325). St. Mary le Bow 23
-, ~, ~, parents of (d. <1325). St. Mary le Bow 23
-, de Essex, Odo (fl. 1298, d. c.?1330), servant (valettus) of Roger de Essex late cit. & apothecary. 11/1
-, de Essex, Richard (fl. 1255-6), shopkeeper (soparius). St. Pancras Soper Lane 9A-B (s)
-, de Essex, Richard (fl. 1357, d. 1361), cit. & draper, h. of Maud. St. Mary le Bow 16
-, ~, ~, executors of, see Maud wid. of, & John de SOMERSHAM
-, ~, ~, Maud wid. of (fl. 1361-2), executrix of Richard. St. Mary le Bow 16
-, de Essex, Roger (d. 1298). 11/1
-, Essex, Thomas (fl. 1494), esq., s. of William. St. Mary Colechurch 11
-, de Essex, Walter (fl. 1257), f. of Margery & Walter de London. St. Pancras Soper Lane 35A & 35B1
-, ~, ~, Margery da. of (fl. 1257), sis. of Walter de London, mar. William de TOTHAM, m. of Christina de TOTHAM. St. Pancras Soper Lane 35A & B1
-, ~, ~, Walter s. of, see Walter de LONDON
-, (de) Essex, William (fl. 1352-87, d. by 1402), draper. St. Mary le Bow 5, 7, 11, 23B (r), 27A; St. Mary Colechurch 1 & St. Pancras Soper Lane 39
-, de Essex, William (fl. 1357), h. of Isabel. St. Pancras Soper Lane 16
-, ~, ~, Isabel w. of, see Isabel wid. of John de HOULEE
-, Essex, William (fl. 1469-c.1489, d. by 1494), f. of Thomas esq. St. Mary Colechurch 11; St. Pancras Soper Lane 14-15

-, Essington, Robert (fl. 1544-54), leatherseller. 11/1 (r)

Esswi, see ASHEWY

-, Est, John (fl. c.1310-11), mercer. St. Pancras Soper Lane 10

-, Estcot, James (fl. 1580). St. Olave Old Jewry 1, 2?

ESTFELD (Eastfield)
-, Estfeld (Eastfield), William (fl. 1425-37, d. by 1454), cit. & mercer, kt. 95/6-7; St. Mary Colechurch 18 (ref. to); St. Pancras Soper Lane 1A & 1B, 30

-, Estgate, Richard (fl. 1487-8), mercer. St. Mary le Bow 24D (r)

-, Estmonden, Cecilia (fl. 1417-18). St. Pancras Soper Lane 25-6

-, Eston, John (fl. 1392). St. Mary le Bow 6 (r)
-, Eston, John (fl. 1526). St. Mary Colechurch 18
-, de Eston, Robert, cit., see his son, William de WILEHALE

Eswy, see ASHEWY

ETECRONE (Edecrone, Edecroue, Etegroue)
-, Etegroue, Joan (fl. 1373). 11/9
-, Possibly identical with Joan w. of Walter Etecrone da. of Roger OSEKYN
-, Edecroue, Joan (fl. 1393), see Joan da. of Roger OSEKYN
-, Etecrone, John (fl. 1388). St. Pancras Soper Lane 24A
-, Etecrone (Edecrone), Walter (fl. <1374), cit. & pepperer, f. of Joan. St. Pancras Soper Lane 24A
-, ~, ~, Joan w. of, see Joan da. of Roger OSEKYN
-, ~, ~, Joan da. of (fl. 1374-96) & da. of Joan. St. Pancras Soper Lane 24A
-, Possibly identical with ?Joan w. of Stephen HULL

(DE) ETON (Eaton), see also HEATON
-, Eaton, Anne, widow (fl. 1629-40). 95/17
-, Eaton (Heaton), George (fl. 1573), chamberlain of London. St. Mary le Bow 6
-, Eaton, John (fl. 1666), cit. & mercer, h. of Katharine. St. Mary le Bow 11A
-, ~, ~, Katharine w. of (fl. 1666). St. Mary le Bow 11A
-, de Eton, Nicholas, see Nicholas FOUKE of Eton
-, Eton, Thomas (fl. 1386), of Essex. See 11/10
-, Eton, William (fl. 1481, d. 1503x6), mercer & cit. 11/5 (s); St. Mary le Bow 14 (s)
-, Possibly identical with William HEATON

-, Ettys, William (fl. 1540). St. Mary Colechurch 2 (r)

de Euere, see de EURE

Euerard, Alan, see Alan EVERARD

Euot, see EVOT

(DE) EURE (Euere, Evere, Ewer, Ewree)
-, de Eure, Christina (fl. 1306, d. by 1316), ?da. of John, ?sis. of Alice, m. of Walter de Eure. St. Mary Colechurch 35 (r)
-, de Eure, Clemencia (fl. 1291), wid. of Henry, m. of John. St. Mary Colechurch 29 & 30
-, de Euere (de Eure, d'Hever), Henry (fl. 1275-86, d. by 1291), ironmonger, h. of Clemencia, f. of John & Nutonus. St. Mary Colechurch 29 (s), 30(s), 33(s)
-, ~, ~, Clemencia w. of, see Clemencia de EURE
-, ~, ~, John s. of (fl. <1284), monk? St. Mary Colechurch 30
-, ~, ~, Nutonus s. of (fl. 1315). St. Mary Colechurch 33
-, de Evere, John (fl. <1278). St. Mary Colechurch 35
-, ~, ~, Alice da. of (fl. 1306), ?sis. of Christina, mar. Walter HAUTEYN & Nicholas PYCOT, m. of John HAUTEYN. St. Mary Colechurch 35
-, Ewer, John (fl. 1402), of Barking (Essex), h. of Margery. St. Mary Colechurch 7, 9A
-, ~, ~, Margery w. of, see Margery wid. of Alexander BEDYK
-, Ewer, Mark (fl. 1624-50), haberdasher. 95/4B (r)
-, de Ewree (?Euere), Peter (fl. 1231x45). St. Mary Colechurch 33 (r)
-, de Euere, Roger (fl. 1286-1316), cit. & ironmonger. St. Mary Colechurch 3, 4A or B, 26 (s), 27, 38 (s)
-, ~, ~, Agnes da. of (fl. 1336), mar. Richard de BEDEFORD. St. Pancras Soper Lane 38
-, de Eure, Walter (fl. 1316), cit. & -derus, s. of Christina. St. Mary Colechurch 35
-, de Eure, William (fl. <1316). St. Mary Colechurch 35

-, Eustace, Sir Richard (fl. 1408), clerk. St. Mary Colechurch 4, 5

EVANS (Evanes)
-, Evans, John (fl. 1601-?24), cit. & goldsmith. St. Mary Colechurch 21F (r)
-, Evanes, John (fl. 1664). St. Pancras Soper Lane 27
-, Evans, Richard (fl. 1669). St. Mary le Bow 22

-, Eve, Henry, D.D. (fl. 1667), h. of Martha da. of William ROBINSON. St. Mary Colechurch 33-34

Everard, see his son FULCRED

EVERARD (Euerard, Everand), see also YORK
-, Everard (Euerard), Alan (fl. 1393, d. 1426-7), cit. & mercer. 95/2; St. Mary le Bow 4, 11, 13, 31; St. Pancras Soper Lane 0 (ref. to), 1A, 1B (s), 2, 10, 14-15, 16, 20 (s)
-, Everard, Joan (d. 1365), da. of William of York. St. Mary le Bow 24C
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. 1365). St. Mary le Bow 24C
-, Everard, John (d. 1426). St. Pancras Soper Lane 0 (ref. to)
-, Everard, Richard (fl. <1423). St. Mary le Bow 7
-, Everard (?Everand), Thomas (fl. 1368-72). St. Pancras Soper Lane 33 (s?), 35A (s)

Everard, William, see William of YORK
-, Everard, William (fl. c.1328-9), cit. & goldsmith, h. of Juliana of Gloucester da. of Ralph de ALEGATE. 11/2

de Evere, see de EURE

-, Everley, Richard (fl. 1451-2). St. Mary Colechurch 33

-, Evesham, John (fl. 1401), late keeper of king's lions at the tower. St. Pancras Soper Lane 36

le Evesk, see DIEUS s. of Benedict le Evesk

EVOT (Euot)
-, Evot (Euot), William (fl. 1395-1402, d. by 1404), cit. & draper. St. Mary le Bow 14; St. Mary Colechurch 17 (r), 25, 29-32A
-, ~, ~, executors of (fl. 1404). St. Mary Colechurch 17

-, Ewe, Leonard (fl. 1539). St. Mary le Bow 31 (r)

-, de Ewell, John (fl. 1336), of London. St. Mary Colechurch 14
-, de Ewell, Richard (fl. 1267x75). 95/13-15
-, Ewell, Richard (fl. 1363). St. Pancras Soper Lane 17
-, ~, ~, Joan w. of, see Joan wid. of Henry de LANCASTRE

-, Ewen, Thomas (fl. 1656), of Limehouse, h. of Martha. St. Mary Colechurch 10B
-, ~, ~, Martha w. of, see Martha da. of John Slatter (SLATER)

Ewer, Ewree?, see de EURE

-, Exmewe, Thomas (fl. 1518-28), kt., cit., aldm. 11/4, 111/1

EXTON (Eyton), see also ESTON
-, de Exton, Nicholas (fl. 1357-72), cit. & fishmonger, h. of Joan & Katharine. 95/5A; St. Mary le Bow 10
-, ~, ~, Joan w. of, see Joan w. of Richard de BERKYNG
-, ~, ~, Katharine w. of (fl. 1372). 95/5A
-, Exton, Peter (fl. 1402-3). St. Pancras Soper Lane 1A
-, Eyton (Exton), William (fl. 1445-8). 95/5K (r)

-, Eydon, Thomas (fl. 1379), clerk. St. Mary le Bow 32

Eyer, see EYRE

EYNSHAM (Eynysham)
-, Eynysham, John (fl. 1425). 81/E
-, Eynysham (Eynsham), William (fl. 1375-<1400), cit. & pepperer. 81/E; St. Pancras Soper Lane 14-15

EYRE (Eyr, Eyer)
-, Eyre, Elizabeth (fl. 1524-7), widow. St. Mary Colechurch 35
-, Eyre, John (fl. <1537), s. of Thomas. St. Mary Colechurch 35
-, Eyre, Nicholas (fl. 1490-1). St. Mary Colechurch 35
-, Eyr, Robert (fl. 1397). St. Mary le Bow 16
-, Eyre, Thomas (fl. 1448-72), cit. & draper. St. Mary le Bow 37 (s), 38-40
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth w. of (fl. 1472). St. Mary le Bow 39
-, Eyr(e), Thomas (d. 1505-6), parishioner of St. Mary Colechurch, cit. & grocer, f. of John. St. Mary Colechurch 35
-, Eyre, William (fl. 1495), h. of Elizabeth. St. Mary le Bow 28
-, ~, ~, Elizabeth w. of, see Elizabeth wid. of Edward GRENE

de Eyssecefford, see DE ESETESFORD

-, Eytburhale, Thomas (fl. 1459), clerk. 95/17

Eyton, see EXTON