Index: L-R

Pages 595-610

Analytical Index to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia 1579-1664. Originally published by EJ Francis, London, 1878.

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Labourers, statute of, 5 Eliz., 91

Lake, Gen. Lord, 5n
-, Sir Thomas, 5, 6, 158, 162, 175, 295, 338, 516, 542, 560

Lamalene, John Vincentio, 189

Lambe, Mr., the murder of, 455

Lambert, Richard, sheriff, 276n

Lambeth, farmers of the ferry at, 36
-, tumultuous assembly at, 458
-, Church, Bernard Grenville buried at, 41n

Lampreys in the Thames, 500

Lancaster, attorney of the Duchy of, 292

Land and sea service, the committee for, 244

Lande, Marquess de, Polish ambassador, 447

Lane, G., 64

Langbourn Ward, aldermen of:—
-, Sir George Barnes, 113n, 181n
-, Sir Richard Browne, Knt. and Bart., 199n
-, Sir James Harvey, 113n, 276n
-, John Kendrick, 296n
-, Sir John Langley, 276n
-, Sir R. Lee, 3n, 80n
-, Sir Nicholas Mosley, 80n
-, Sir John Spencer, 172n
-, Sir John Watts, 3n, 287n
-, Sir George Whitmore, 296n

Langham, Sir James Hay, 9n
-, Sir John, alderman, 9

Langley, Frances, 354
-, Francis, 277
-, Sir John, alderman, 276
-, John, 495
-, Richard, deputy town clerk, 188, 189
-, Thomas, 300

Langrake, Mr., 91

Langton, Mr. Gore, 105n

Lanier, Clement, 471, 472
-, Innocent, 509
-, Nicholas, Jeromy Clement, Andrea, and John, petition of, 456
-, Nicholas, charged with rioting, 455, 456

Lantern of glass belonging to the Earl of Sussex, 487

Lantern horns, Humphrey Rowland maker of, 154

Latham, Ralph, common serjeant, 318n

Laud, William, 30n
-, Archbishop of Canterbury, 30n, 49n, 88n, 329

Lawnde, John, 492

Lawne, Gideon de, alderman, 7

Lawton, Robert, bailiff of the Hundred of Ossulstone, 280

Laystall, complaint of turning Smithfield into a, 471

Lazarettos established on the Thames for infected vessels, 348, 349

Lea, Alice, wife of Sir Thomas Ramsey, alderman, 91n

Lea, Bevis, of Enfield, 91n

Lead, application of Capt. Henry Bell for letters patent for the survey and stamping of, 220, 221; petitions against the patent, 222; patent granted, 220n; office of surveyor of, taken from him, 220n
-, annuity out of the profits of the office given to Sir Robert Ayton, 220n
-, English, the best and most marketable, 222
-, pigs and sows of, 222, 223

Lead, petition of the Plumbers' Company against the deceit used in making pigs and sows of, 223
-, complaint against the imposition of toll on by the town of Hull, 224, 444

Leadenhall, residence of Sir Nicholas Woodrof, alderman, at. 35n
-, fitted up as a cloth market, 72n
-, searching of clothes at, 76
-, cutlery wares to be brought to and sold at, 260
-, refusal of foreign cutlers to bring their wares to, 261
-, shops provided at, for the sale of loriners', nailers', and cutlers' wares, 262
-, porter of, 293
-, prizes to be played at, 352
-, granaries for the storing of corn at, 376
-, complaint as to the profits of the farm of, 437
-, keepership of, 437n
-, Market, the City beam for weighing wool established at, 178n
-, the staple of Westminster removed to, 178n
-, leather market held there, 178, 179
-, butchers' stalls in, 202
-, yeoman of the meat market at, 289
-, Street, complaint as to the erection of a forge in, 51

Leak, Mr. John, deputy alnager, 69

Leake, John, 437

Leases of City property, the power of granting entrusted to six aldermen, 177

Leat, Nicholas, ironmonger, 261; his garden in Holborn, 261n

Leate, Nicholas, 496

Leather, controversy between the free and foreign cordwainers as to the buying of, 178, 179
-, proclamation regulating the search and sale of, 179n
-, search and allowance of, granted to the City, 180
-, a patent for the search and sealing of granted to Mr. Edward Darcie, 179, 180, 181
-, petitions of several imprisoned members of the Leathersellers' Company and their wives against Mr. Darcie's patent, 182; the patent revoked, 182
-, a patent for the sole gilding and painting of, granted, 183; the patent assigned, 183; the Council requested to intercede with the King to revoke the patent, 183; the painting and gilding of, practised before the patent was granted, 183; abuses in tanned, complained of, 183; officers appointed to search and seal it, 183; act against regrators of, 519n

Leathersellers' Company, cause between, and the Earl of March, 101
-, privileges for searching and sealing leather granted to, 180
-, watch of the at Aldersgate, 550
-, Sir William Allen master of, 506n

Lee, Humphrey, 3n

Lee, Sir Robert, alderman, 3, 80n, 285
-, river, riot on, 4n
-, lowness of water in, 382
-, erection of bridges over, 382n
-, mills on the, 552
-, duties charged on vessels laden with malt on, 374

Leech, Mr. Thomas, 291

Leeds, the Duke of, 156n

Leicester House, 531n

Leicester, Robert, Earl of, see Dudley, Robert.
-, Mr., 376

Leigh, Humfrey, sword bearer, 302

Leighton, Hugh, 37n

Leith, the treaty of, 147n

Leman, Sir John, alderman, 4n

Lempster, Lord William, 100n

Lenox, Ludovic Stuart, first Duke of, 72, 75, 83, 159, 160, 192, 212, 495
-, the patent for issuing farthing tokens granted to, 90n
-, entertained at Clothworkers' Hall, 287n
-, Esme Stuart, Lord Aubigny, Earl of March, third Duke of, 101, 119, 178n, 294
-, Charles Stuart, fifth Earl of, 481n

Lent, orders to be observed for abstinence from flesh in, 392, 393, 395, 399, 401
-, the non-observance of the orders complained of, 394, 397
-, the Lord Mayor to licence butchers and poulterers, 399, 401, 402, 403
-, the appointment of butchers to kill flesh in, given to the clerks of the Council, 396

Lenthall, Edmund, 246n

Leonard, St., Foster Lane, Dr. Samuel Bolton rector of, 139n

Letherland, Zacharie, 544

Letters, a book of,. entered by Mr. Norton, remembrancer, placed in the custody of Mr. Chamberlain, 188n; chest of, in the charge of Mr. Dyos, remembrancer, to stand in the Council Chamber, 188n
-, the post for carrying, 418

Levant merchants required to be freemen of London, 262, 263; refusal of to pay duty on currants, 527

Levesey, Mr., justice of the peace for Surrey, 30, 232

Levett, Sir Richard, alderman, 199n

Lewen, Christopher, 79, 80

Lewis, Captain Allen, 408
-, Dr., master of requests, &c., 365, 501, 562

Lewkenor, Christopher, 228, 228n, 229
-, Sir Lewis, master of the ceremonies, 12

Ley, Sir James, Earl of Marlborough, 163
-, solicits the reversion of the office of common pleader for Francis Walsted, 303

Lichfield and Coventry, Robert Abbott, Bishop of, 131n

Lidiard, Hugh, 509

Linacre, Dr., 63n

Lieutenancy, Commission of, for Middlesex 454; for the City, 533

Lightfoot, Christopher, 177

Lighthouses at Wintertonness and Dungeness, patent for the erection and keeping of the, 183

Lights, reference to the custom of the City as to in the erection of new buildings, 46

Limehouse, increase of new buildings at, 49

Lime Street, the residence of Sir Hugh Offley, alderman, in, 37n

Lime Street Ward, aldermen of:—
-, Sir Thomas Atkins, 143n, 498n
-, Sir Thomas Bennet, 208n, 311n
-, Sir James Cambell, 498n
-, Sir Wm. Cockayne, 211n
-, Sir Wm. Craven, 211n
-, Sir John Hart, 311n
-, Sir Rowland Hayward, 37n
-, Sir Hugh Offley, 37n

Lincoln, the Lord Bishop of, see Williams, Lord Keeper.
-, Earl of, 147n, 236, 282, 307

Lincolnshire, chantry lands in, 493

Lincoln's Inn, 277, 287
-, residence of Sir James Ley in, 163n
-, the garden of, 172

Lindsey, Earl of, 100, 197n

Lisbon, Spanish forces preparing at, to invade England, 243

Lisle, Lord, see Dudley, Ambrose.
-, Robert Sidney, Lord, see Sidney, Sir Robert.
-, Laurence, 270

Lister, Dr., 319

Little, Anne, wife of Roger Haughton, 319n
-, John, 319n

Littlepage, John, white baker, 95

Littleton or Lyttleton, Edward, Lord (recorder), 302, 304

Lloris, Andreas, 61

Loans, to the city of Rochelle, 185, 197
-, to Queen Elizabeth, by Gerrard Bierbaum, 185; by Sir Horatio Palavicino 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 194; by Baptista Spinola, 186; by the City, 186, 188
-, upon the security of the Carrick goods, 187
-, to King James, by the City, 189, 190, 191, 194, 198; Petitions, &c., for repayment of, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196
-, to King Charles I., 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 253
-, to King Charles II., 200, 201
-, to the Count Palatine, 411, 412, 413
-, request for, of 3,000l. or 4,000l. for the Lords Lennox, Pembroke, Southampton, and Doncaster, 192

Locksmith, Mr., 542

Lodowicke, Walrane, 163

Loftis, Blanch, 315

Logwood, the importation of prohibited, 110
-, a patent granted for the burning of, 110
-, seized, 121, 529

Lombard Street, William Sebright's house in, 31n

Lombard Street, office or the issue of farthing tokens in, 90
-, charity left for poor housekeepers in, 212n
-, Sheriff Rainton's house in, 270, 479n

Lomelili, Domenico, a Genoese, 105n

London, Lord Bishop of, 53, 54, 60, 124, 126, 128, 129, 153n, 159, 168, 185, 308, 326, 328, 364, 366, 447n, 481, 486, 506
-, petition of the Corporation of, for a new charter, 61; charter granted, 62, 63, 64; promise of Charles II. to renew, 423
-, a fine of 70,000l. imposed upon, 64
-, Hollar's map of, 213
-, the number of strangers trading in to be ascertained, 260
-, the public buildings of, damaged by a storm, 323n
-, assemblies at common halls prohibited on account of the plague, 341
-, the population of the City in 1631, 389
-, the peace of the City to be preserved, 424
-, citizens' goods exempt from toll throughout the kingdom, 444, 446
-, the chamber of, 148; suits commenced against, for moneys advanced to the king, 196; contributions for the repair of St. Paul's to be paid into, 327, 328
-, the gates of to be watched, 395, 535, 549, 550
-, streets of, complaint of their not being cleansed, 333, 343; pestered with beggars, rogues, and wanderers, 348; impassable state of, 481, 482; the pavement to be repaired, 482; a proposition for beautifying, 483

London Bridge, order for the repair of, 35, 516; fire on, 35, 175; houses upon, 36, 38
-, life of Anne Hewet saved by Edward Osborn at, 156n
-, mills to be erected at, 239, 504, 505, 506, 553
-, night-walkers taken on, 240
-, vagrants to be prevented passing over, into the City, 458
-, the waterworks at, 508, 551n

London Wall, the postern gate in, by the Tower, 427n

Long, Sir Robert, 167

Longbow-Makers' Company incorporated, 17

Long Lane, encroachment in, 140

Loriners' wares to be sold at Leadenhall, 261

Lotteries, permission given to Julian Miccottie to hold one in the City, 201, 202
-, one to be held, by command of Queen Elizabeth, at the house of Mr. Dericke in Cheapside, 201n
-, proclamation of the Lord Mayor with regard to, 202n
-, John Johnson appointed surveyor of, 202n

Louis, St., Paris, Hospital of, 340

Love, William, alderman, 64, 65

Low Countries, the, 300 soldiers to be sent to assist, 241
-, towns in, infected, 345
-, refined sugar from, 479

Lowe, Henry, 498
-, Nicholas, 94, 257, 258
-, Sir Thomas, alderman, 80n, 210, 224

Lucas, servant of Sir George Carey, charged with using abusive words, 264

Ludgate, 357; the conduit at, 554
-, Hill, 356; house on converted into a tavern, 542

Ludgate Prison, dispute between Mr. Glascok, deputy keeper, and Mr. Trower, keeper of, 370, 371
-, Leonard Blanchard and John Hankin recommended by the Council as principal keepers of, 371
-, the reversion of keeper granted to George Southack, 371

Lumley, Lord, 42n
-, Sir Martin, alderman, 105, 301n, 318n

Lusher, William, 160

Lutterell, Geter, 254

Lutwich, Mr., 371

Lymiers, Mr., 158

Lyming, Zachary, alderman of Salisbury, 495

Lyn, Cuthbert, 162

Lyon Quay, affray of watermen at, 450

Lyttleton, Lord, see Littleton, Edward, Lord (recorder).

Lytton, Sir Robert, of Knebworth, Herts, 176n


Mabbe, John, chamberlain, 277

Macham, Christopher, 289

Mackerel, 475

Madocks, John and Edmund, 485

Magnus, St., church of, 551n

Maiden Lane, Camden House in, residence of Sir Thomas Bludworth, alderman, 65n

Mallory, Andrew, 280, 281, 282

Malt, quantities of used by brewers, 541
-, the high price of, 380
-, metage, duty charged upon, brought to the City by the River Lee, 374, 375

Manners, Sir Thomas, 234, 235

Mansfeld, Count von, 416

Manstanter, Mr., 267

Manwood, Sir Roger, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 112, 117, 178, 489, 493

Mapleton, Henry, 493

Marcel, St., Paris, Hospital of, 340

March of the English nation, reform of, 254

March, the Earl of, see Stuart, Esme.

Margaret Pattens, St., Dr. Mylward presented to, 131n

Margaret, St., Westminster, 306n
-, Waller, the poet, married to Anne Banks at, 319n

Mariners, search to be made in the City for, 236
-, and seamen, disorders of to be suppressed, 249

Marius, Adrian, a bookseller, 160

Mark Lane, the new Corn Exchange in, 31n

Market, assault committed by Raymand's man at, 438
-, Bosworth, Leicestershire, foundation of the Grammar School at, 435n

Markets, butchers' stalls in Leadenhall claimed, 202
-, ancient, for fish, at Old and New Fish Street, and the Stocks, 202
-, petition against the establishment of within five miles of the City contrary to charter, 203; the like within seven miles of the City, 204
-, attempt to establish, at St. Giles's-inthe-Fields, 203; at Stepney and East Smithfield, 205; and see Leadenhall, Smithfield.
-, forestalling and engrossing in, to be prevented, 402

Marlborough, Earl of, see Ley, Sir James.

Marque, letters of, 247

Marrmer, Adrianson, of Flushing, 494

Marseilles, goods detained at, 493

Marshal, the Earl, 438, 439
-, the Knight, his officer interfered with, 437
-, and two assistants appointed to keep beggars out of the City, 337

Marshall, Dame Elizabeth, 320
-, Sir George, 320
-, John, 457

Marshalsea, steward of the Court of, 428n
-, the, persons committed to, 43n, 454n, 474

Marshalsmen, the, charged with causing a riot in Southwark, 474, 475

Marten, or Martin, Sir Henry, 328, 406, 509

Martin, Anne, 308n
-, Dorcas, wife of Sir Julius Cæsar, 4n, 60n
-, Lady Elizabeth, buried at St. Antholin's, Budge Row, 308
-, Joan, daughter of Alderman Sir Roger Martin, and wife to Anthony Smith, 308n, 311
-, John, 432n
-, Lawrence, of Long Melford, Suffolk, 308n
-, Mr., 487
-, Mary, daughter of Alderman Sir Roger Martin, wife of Alexander Denton, 308n
-, Alderman Sir Richard, 1, 4, 31, 60n, 80n, 437, 460, 486, 492
-, Sir Roger, alderman, 308, 311, 441n
-, Thomas, 269
-, St., Ludgate, struck by lightning, 322n, 543

Martin's Lane, St., Lady Darby's house in, 559n
-, the residence of Denzell Holles's son in, 560

Martin's-le-Grand, St., a privileged place, 459; residents in not to be impressed, 459; their refusal to pay assessment for shipmoney, 469

Martyn, Captain John, 291, 292
-, John, 551
-, Richard, goldsmith, 258n

Mary, Queen, Thomas Ratcliffe, Earl of Sussex, sent to Prince Philip to treat of marriage with, 125n
-, of Scots, commissioners for the trial of:—
-, Sir Thomas Bromley, 118n
-, Sir Roger Manwood, 112n
-, Sir Walter Mildmay, 115n
-, Sir Francis Walsingham, 10n

Mary Abchurch, St., monument to Sir John Branche, alderman, in, 124n
-, Aldermanbury, St., burials in:—
-, Sir Thomas Hayes, alderman, 4n
-, Alderman Rotherham, 212n
-, Sir John Swynnerton, alderman, 211n
-, Ralph Woodcock, alderman, 311n

Mary-le-Bow, St., the body of Thomas Knowles removed to, 308n
-, Sir Thomas Starkey, alderman, married at, 486n

Mary-at-Hill, St., the residence of Sir Thomas Blanke, alderman, in, 153n; his burial in the church of, 153n
-, Sir Cuthbert Buckle, alderman, buried at, 315n

Mary Woolnoth, St., Sir Anthony Pell's charity, 212n

Marylebone Park, Sir Edward Cary appointed keeper of, 153n

Mason, John, a maimed soldier, 256
-, Robert, recorder, 304
-, Thomas, 176

Masque played before Charles I., 357

Mass, persons attending, to be apprehended, 136

Massingberd, John, 298

Mathew, Henry, 178
-, Richard, 459

May, John, 72
-, Sir Thomas, of Mayfield, Sussex, 306n
-, Thomas, City chronologer, 305, 306
-, Zachary, 428

Mayday, fencers at the theatre on, 352; and see Riots.

Maydwell, Richard, licence to his widow to beg in the City churches, 168

Mayflower, the, to sail for Virginia, 361n

-, Presentation of at the Exchequer, 207; grant of wine to, and the sheriffs, 208; innovation attempted at election of, 208, 209; proceedings against the (Harvey), for not holding a Court of Hustings, 207

Mayor's feast:—
-, Council to be informed why not held, 205; answer thereto, 206; to be held notwithstanding the sickness, 206; not to be held, 207

Mayor's Court, proceedings taken in against the members of the Dutch congregation, 259

Mayor's Court, clerkship of the, 271

Meade, Mr. Justice Thomas, 178, 179, 310

Measurer of corn, &c., see Corn.

Medicis, Mary de, lodged at Gidea Hall, 29n

Medlome, Philip, 471

Medway, the river, fisheries in, 502

Melford Hall, Suffolk, 147n

Mellow, Lawrence, 518, 519

Melting house in Turnmill Street complained of, 263

Mendoza, Bernardine, 10

Mercers' Company, charter of Queen Elizabeth to, 37n

Merchandise, the import and export of, 118

Merchant adventurer, Sir W. Romney, alderman, 495n

Merchant Adventurers, the Company of, 92, 379, 526

Merchant Stranger, corrupt wine imported by, 527

Merchant Strangers, appeal of Lord Mayor against grant to Wolfen to make twenty denizens free, 209, 210; the King's reply, 210
-, payment of scavage dues by, 321, 322

Merchant Taylors' Company, gift of 100 marks to John Gore, Lord Mayor, 105n
-, gift of 50l. to Sir John Gresham towards the expenses of the mayoralty, 332n; attendance of the livery at his funeral at Hackney Church, 332n
-, subscription of 500l. by, for sending idle persons to Virginia, 361n
-, Hall, 65n
-, School, rebuilding of after the fire, 65n; Bishop Andrews educated at, 170n; Bishop Buckeridge the like, 170n

Merick or Mirick, Sir John, 11

Mervin, Sir Henry, 85
-, Sir James, patentee for concealed lands, 115

Mesnille, Lewis, 257

Miccottie, Julian, permitted to hold a lottery in the City, 201, 202

Michael Bassishaw, St., Sir Lionel Cranfield baptised at, 161n
-, Sir Wolstan Dixie, alderman, buried in, 435n
-, Sir Henry Martin born in parish of, 406n

Middlesex, steps taken to prevent the spread of the plague in, 337
-, rates to be levied in for the erection of pest houses, 346
-, archdeacon of, Dean Nowell created, 364n
-, Earl of, see Cranfield, Sir Lionel.
-, House of Correction for, contribution of 500l. by the Corporation towards the erection of, 372
-, the Justices of the Peace for, to forbid plays and interludes on account of the plague, 331, 341; to meet and advise as to prevention of increase of the plague, 346; instructions for their guidance therein, 348; to make a return of the names of persons residing in the suburbs, 409

Middleton, Dame Anne, 3n
-, Hugh, 555, 556
-, Magdalen, widow of City chronclonger, grant to, 305n
-, Richard, 3n
-, Robert, 246
-, Roger, 318
-, Sir Thomas, alderman, 3, 72n, 74, 105, 253, 318, 522, 523, 555
-, Sir Thomas, of Chirk Castle, 76n
-, Thomas, City chronologer, 305n; author of the pageants, entitled 'The Triumphs of Truth,' 3n; 'The Triumphs of Integrity,' 105n

Midlemore, Mr., 276

Mildmay, Robert, alderman, 8
-, Sir Walter, Master of the Rolls, 114, 118, 148, 151, 327, 433
-, request of that the lease of a house in the Old Bailey might be granted to Sir John Brocket, 176

Mildred, St., the parish of, proposed tavern in, 544

Mildrom or Mildrum, Sir John, 85, 86, 184

Mile End Fields, increase of buildings at, 331
-, training and mustering of shot pikemen and trained bands in, 231, 531n

Milford Lane, Strand, residence of Dr. Roger Bates in, 368n

Military affairs:—
-, Men to be provided by the City—
-, To proceed to Kent, Essex, or Sussex, 229, 243, 244
-, " Ireland, 232, 233, 234, 245
-, " Normandy, 240
-, " Portsmouth, 250
-, " Guernsey and Jersey, 251
-, " the Isle of Retz, 252
-, " Scotland, 256
-, For the garrisons at Ostend, 240
-, To serve in the Low Countries, 241
-, To assist in the recapture of Brest, 241, 242
-, " the King of Denmark, 250, 253, 254
-, " the Prince and Princess Palatine, 255
-, Complaint of neglect in training the shot (men), 230
-, Three thousand men to be trained, 230, 231, 332
-, Money to be levied to pay the soldiers, 236, 237, 238
-, Trumpeters, smiths, and surgeons to be provided to accompany the forces, 236
-, Soldiers to be trained yearly, 236
-, Refusal of privileged places to contribute money or provide soldiers, 238
-, Proclamation for all mariners and soldiers to join the ships, 238
-, Night-walkers and prisoners in the compters to be taken as soldiers, 240
-, The officers of Kent to assist in recovering armour left by soldiers in, 245
-, Coat and conduct money, 232, 234, 251, 253, 416
-, Allowance to conductor of troops, 253
-, Reform of march of English nation, 254
-, Objections of the vintners of Smithfield to the billeting of soldiers upon them, 256
-, Military band to be set as a watch at the City gates at Shrovetide, 454

Militia, assessment for payment of, 26

Milk Street, disorder in, 451

Miller, William, 287

Mills at London Bridge, 239, 504, 505, 506, 553
-, the City's mill called Sanes Mill, and Temple Mill on the river Lee, 552

Milner, Tempest, alderman, 64

Milton next Gravesend, ferry at, 511, 512
-, officers of, restraint of wheat ships by, 373

Minion, the, one of the City's ships, 242

Ministers and preachers, maintenance of, see Tithes.

Minories, the, a privileged place, 261, 262, 483

Mint, the, Mr. Palmer comptroller of, 278

Mitchell, Robert, town clerk, 26n

Mitford, Henry, 79

Mitre Tavern, Fleet Street, 457

Molines, Anne, 208n

Moll Haven, lazaretto established at, 349

Molleneux, Christopher, 285.

Monger, James, 290

Monk, General, Duke of Albemarle, 10n, 41n, 201, 256, 424, 561

-, The right of granting patents and dispensations, 213
-, Letters patent granted for the redress of corrupt oils, soap, &c., 214
-, Saltpetre, the digging and making of, 214
-, Smault, the making of, 215
-, Salt, the making of, 215, 216, 227
-, For making brushes of heath, 216, 217
-, Cutting iron into small rods, 217, 218
-, Saltpetre and gunpowder, 218, 219
-, Gold and silver thread, 219, 220, 223
-, Gold and silver bullion, purchase of, 225, 226
-, Lead, the surveying and stamping of, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224
-, Guinea trade, patent for, 224
-, Soap, hard and soft, patent for making applied for, 224, 225
-, Flax, the importation of, 226
-, Petitions of makers of and traders in aquavitæ, aquacomposita, and vinegar against patent to Richard Drake, 214, 215

Mons, John, 494

Montague, Sir Edward, of Broughton, 193n
-, Edward, second Earl of Manchester, 116, 163, 448, 478, 560
-, Sir Henry, 23, 116n, 161, 202, 219, 287, 288, 289, 293, 294, 300, 415, 452n, 471, 496, 559
-, Viscount Mandeville, 413, 415
-, Earl of Manchester, 13, 23n, 254, 467
-, recommendations of persons by, for appointments to and reversions of offices:— Thomas Pickhaver for common pleader, 295; Mr. Calthrope for the like, 301; John Willson for the office of music and voice, 303

Montague, Sir Sidney, 193, 303n, 513

Montford, Thomas, 162

Montgomery, the Earl of, 304

Monti, Jacomo de, 40

Moodey, Mrs., 266, 267

Moor ditch to be filled up and enclosed, 483

Moore, a wire drawer, 219
-, Elizabeth, wife of Sir John Brocket, 176n
-, Roger, of Burchester, 176n
-, William, 488

Moorfields, the walks of, 46; assault on the keeper of, 451
-, Sir Thomas Rowe's new burial-ground at, 333n

Mordaunt, Viscount, 423

More, Sir George, lieutenant of the Tower, 441n, 477
-, Sir William, 355n

Morehead, Robert, 159

Moreton, Thomas, Bishop of Durham, 422

Morewood, Gilbert, 222

Morgan, Mr., Her Majesty's apothecary, 70, 237
-, Francis, judge of the Sheriffs' Court, 288, 291, 292
-, jun., 292n
-, Margaret, wife of Sir John Herbert, 217n
-, William, one of the sworn viewers, 45n
-, William, of Pennerlawth, Monmouthshire, 217n

Morice, Peter, 551, 553

Morions, 234

Morley, Cuthbert, 41n
-, Edward, tenth Baron, 32
-, Elizabeth, wife of William Sebright, town clerk, 31n
-, Thomas, complaint against, for using unlicensed carts, 59

Morocco, the ambassador from, to be lodged in the City, 15

Morrice, Sir William, Secretary of State, 16 40, 117, 139, 143, 163, 213, 263, 307, 348, 425

Mortality, bills of, 339

Moseley, Edward, of Ancoats, Lancashire, 80n
-, Sir Edward, 291, 292
-, Mr.Secondary, 207, 432

Mosley, Sir Tonman, Bart., 80n
-, Sir Nicholas, alderman, 80, 133n, 291n

Mountjoy, Lord, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 245n

Munday, Anthony, 495n

Munster, Sir John Norris, lord president of, 242n
-, House, Middlesex, 498n

Murray, Mr. John, arrearages of land given for superstitious uses granted to, 116
-, William, 295, 296, 297

Muscovy Company, 11
-, Sir John Merick, governor of, 11n, 13

Music, Prick Songs, 129
-, and voice, the office of, 303

Musicians, Her Majesty's, to be freed from holding any office, 428

Musicians, the King's band of, 456n
-, Company, William Warren, master of, 92

Musson, Mr., 177

Musters, of the citizens, 230
-, The aldermen and citizens residing in Southwark not to be charged with, in the county of Surrey, 473, 474
-, the commissioners for, 477

Muster Master General, 48n
-, the appointment solicited for Captain Mynnes, 533; Captain John Fisher recommended by the King, 536, 537; the office conferred upon him under the great seal, 538; allowance to be granted to him, 538

Mylbrum, Mr. Common Serjeant, 286

Mylward, Dr., 131

Myre, John le, 158


Nailmakers' petition against renewal of patent for cutting iron into small rods, 217

Nailers' wares to be sold at Leadenhall, 261

Napier, Sir Alexander (Sandy), 76n
-, Sir Archibald, 76n
-, Sir Richard, of Linford, Bucks, 76n
-, Sir Robert, Bart., 76, 461, 465

Naunton, Sir Robert, Secretary of State, 67, 99, 101, 453

Navigation, Act for the increase of mariners and the maintenance of, 396

Naval affairs:—
-, The number of shipmasters, mariners, and seamen belonging to the port of London to be ascertained, 236
-, Proclamation to be issued commanding all mariners to join their ships, 238
-, Committee for fitting out the City ships to proceed to Gravesend, 239
-, Twenty ships to be furnished by the City, 246, 247, 248, 249
-, Names of the ships provided by the City,
-, Letters of marque to be granted to the City, 247
-, Ships to be sent to Tilbury Hope, 248
-, The livery companies to furnish funds for providing ships of war, 237n, 238
-, Mariners wanted for ships proceeding to Spain, 239
-, Arrival of the West India Fleet, 240; the City to be released from any partition in the purchase brought home by, 240
-, List of the ships which accompanied H.M.'s fleet to Brittaine, 242
-, War munitions conveyed to Spain by Ham. burg ships, 244
-, Ships to be sent against the Dunkirkers 244, 246, 251
-, Steps taken to impress ships, 245
-, Disorders committed by mariners, seamen, &c., 249
-, Two galleys presented by the City to Queen Elizabeth, 246
-, Watermen on the Thames to be impressed, 256

Navy, wheat to be supplied from the City's stores for victualling the, 390
-, Sir John Hawkins, treasurer of the, 234
-, Sir Allen Apsley, surveyor of victuals for the, 441n

Needham, Francis, 496

Needlemakers' Company, complaint of the making of needles of bad metal, and by an engine, 104; the engine recommended to be suppressed, 105; report of Sir Thomas Middleton and John Gore, aldermen, upon the petition of, 105

Needles first made in England, 104n

Neile, Bishop of Durham, 170

Nelson, Mary, 37n

Netherlands, increase of the plague in, 338

Nets, a Peternet, 344n
-, "Trinkes," 502
-, assize of, 502
-, flue-nets seized, 506

Newcastle, abuses among the sea coal owners of, 78
-, common coal-pits belonging to the town of leased, 78
-, commission to inquire into the mixture of sea coal at, 79
-, colliers trading to, to pay dues for maintaining lighthouses, 185
-, coal ships taxed for making a new channel, 417, 418
-, petition of Eastland merchants in, for removal of prohibition against exportation of salt, 227
-, ten ships to be provided by, for the King's service, 248
-, complaint from, of the outrages committed by the Dunkirkers, 251
-, ravages committed by the Scots at, 423
-, the office of surveyor of coals shipped at, granted to Sir Andrew Boyde, 83

New Corporation of Tradesmen and Artificers, patent for incorporation, 227; complaint of the Corporation of London against, 228, 229

Newdegate, Francis, 309

Newgate, 357

Newgate Market, the yeoman of, 289
-, offal from to be taken to the river side for the King's bears, 478

Newgate Prison, committals to:—
-, Robert Arthur, 264
-, John Hollingshed, 265
-, William Humberston, 31
-, Sir John Langham, alderman, 9
-, Thomas Martin, 270
-, Sir T. Middleton, alderman, 3, 4
-, James Oxley, a freeman of Rye, 431
-, John Williams, 437
-, Officers neglecting to shut up infected houses, &c., 347
-, The wardens of several companies for neglecting the supply of corn, 389, 390, 391
-, Yeomen warders of the Tower for refusing to bear office, 447
-, Burchmore for turning his house into a tavern, 545
-, disorders committed at, 369; Sir Owen Hopton and others appointed to inquire into, 369
-, charge against Crowther, keeper of, 369; his removal from office, 370; Sir Thomas Bromley's opinion of the charges made against him, 371
-, application of R. Hatchman for keepership of, 284; his removal from office, 285

Newhall, near Chelmsford, 33

Newholt, David, 393

Newman, John, 30

New River, the opening of, 3n, 211n
-, Act of Parliament for bringing water from Chadwell and Amwell, 555, 556, 558; the work undertaken by Hugh Middleton, 555, 556; the justices of the peace for Herts and Middlesex to assist him, 555; support of the undertaking by the King (James I.), 557

Newton, Robert, 162
-, Theodora, wife of Sir Thomas Manners, 234n
-, Sir Thomas of Derbyshire, 234n

Nicholas, Sir Ambrose, alderman, 303n
-, Sir Edward, Secretary of State, 51, 65, 138, 143, 164, 167, 364, 424, 539, 550
-, letter from by direction of Charles II. as to dismissal of Sir John Weld, town clerk, 306
-, John, keeper of Wood Street Compter, 287
-, Dr. Matthew, 51n

Nicholas, St., Cole Abbey, 489
-, St., Shambles, 39, 395

Nicholls, Robert, 148, 271
-, Thomas, 148

Nichols, Humfry, brown baker, 33

Nicholson, Dr., 124
-, Ellen, wife of Sir John Branche, alderman, 124n
-, William, 124n

Nieuport, battle near, 241n

Night-bellmen established, 37n

Night watches, number of men too small and feeble, 550

Nine Elms, almshouses founded at, 258n

Nis, Daniel, 483

Noble, Mary, 315

Noble Street, the residence of Recorder Fleetwood in, 114n

Nombre de Dios, death of Sir Francis Drake off, 243n

Nonsuch Palace, 41 60
-, the great park of, and Worcester House, demised to Sir Robert Long, 168n

Norfolk, butter and cheese from, 396

Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, see Howard, Lord Charles.

Normandy, 350 soldiers to be sent by the City to, 240

Norreys, Lord, 450

Norris, Henry, recommended for the office of bailiff of Ossulstone, 280
-, Sir John, 242

North London Railway, built on the site of Rowe's New Burial-Ground, Moorfields, 33n

North, Baroness, 154n
-, Edward, first Lord, 235
-, Thomas, 235

Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of, 438
-, William Lord Compton, Earl of, 172n
-, William Spencer, second Earl of, 447n

Northumberland, ravages by the Scots at, 423

Northumberland House, Charing Cross, 561
-, claim by the Court of Aldermen to a garden belonging to, 141

Northumberland, Henry Percy, ninth Earl of, see Percy, Henry.
-, John Dudley, Duke of, see Dudley, John.
-, Algernon Percy, tenth Earl of, see see Percy, Algernon.

Norton, Isaac, comfert-maker, 283
-, Thomas, remembrancer, 27, 31, 70, 92, 188n, 207, 266, 282, 335, 336, 367, 460, 485, 562

Norwich, Mr. Sheriff Atkins alderman of, 143n, 465

Nottingham Castle, the governor of, 442n

Nottingham, the Earl of, see Howard, Charles Lord, of Effingham.
-, see Finch, Sir Heneage.

Nowell, Alexander, Dean of St. Paul's, 53, 150, 364

Noye, Sir William, Attorney-General, 467n


Oastmen, or Hostmen, of Newcastle, 87

Oatmeal sold by cornchandlers to the poor, 390

Oats, the quantities of English and foreign in store, 389
-, the price of to be fixed, 405

Offley, Robert, 492
-, Sir Thomas, alderman, 37
-, William, 37n

Ogilby, John, 45n

Oil for making soap, the price of, 518, 519

Oils, vinegar, soap, &c., letters patent for the redress of corrupt, 214

Olave's Jewry, St., Sir James Cambell, alderman, buried at, 498n

Old Bailey, residence of Sir Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellor, in, 118n, 177
-, leases of houses in, requested, 176, 177

Old Fish Street, water to be brought to from the Thames, 553

Old Jewry, Gurney House in, 560n

Onslowe, Philip, patent for gilding, &c., leather granted to, 183

Ordnance, officers of, to be exempted from ward offices, 448

Ormond, Earl of, 233n

-, Francis Morgan and Thomas Harrys charged with stealing away, &c., the orphans of Myles Hubbard, 292n
-, Mr. Robert Hewson committed for stealing away Judeth Cox, 307, 308
-, The custody of an orphan of John Rember, 307
-, Arrangements suggested for the benefit of the children of Sir Roger Martin, alderman, 308, 311
-, The custody of Elizabeth Saunders, 309
-, Dispute as to the orphans of Robinson, 309
-, A grant of 100l. orphanage money requested for Richard Dyer, 310
-, The daughter of Mrs. Blackwell's complaint of her treatment, 310, 311
-, The case of the orphans of Henry Stanley, 310
-, Chest of evidence for the use of the heirs of James Barnard, 310
-, Complaint against Mr. Powell as to orphanage money belonging to Dunn, 311
-, The property of Joan Hartop, 312
-, Dispute between Sir James Harvey, alderman, and his son-in-law (Avenon), 312, 313, 314
-, One of the orphans of J. Walker to be entrusted to William Bromeley, 314
-, Suit against John Clark, 314
-, The portion of Edmond Hills, 314
-, The estates left by the only son of Sir W. Rowe, alderman, 314
-, Application of Sir Robert Cecil for use of money due to the heir of Sir Cuthbert Buckle, alderman, 315
-, Blanch Loftis to be taken out of the custody of John Watts, 315
-, Application of Sir John Fortescue to have the custody of the daughter of Thomas Ridge, 315
-, Suit touching the children of Coop, 315
-, Suit as to the orphans of Peter Bouncher, 315
-, The marriage of Mary Noble, 315
-, John Gilpin charged with having taken away Mary Rogers, 316
-, Abuse of an orphan by Edward Field, 316
-, The settlement of a cause in which Arthur Grimes was concerned requested, 316
-, Custom as to the division of property in, 316, 317
-, Complaint of the orphans of Cornelius, 317
-, Money due from the Countess of Bedford to the orphans of Richard Clarke, 317
-, Proceedings in the case of the orphans of Tristram Diamond, 317
-, Certificate in the case of the orphans of Richard Bankworth, 318
-, The lands of Roger Roydon to be viewed, 318
-, The case of the widow of Alderman Prescolt, 319
-, The Earl of Salisbury to pay into the Chamber 1,000l. due to the estate of the late Alderman Prescott, 319
-, The portion of Ann Smithes, daughter of Mr. Alderman Smithes, to be paid to her, 319
-, Letter from Charles I. as to the case of Edmond Waller (the poet), who had married an orphan, 319, 320
-, Suit brought by the son and heir of Robert Angell against Dame Elizabeth Marshall, 320
-, Administration granted of the goods of Thomas Craven to William Lord Craven, 320

Orphans' Court, 316, 320

Orphans' money used for furnishing ships for the defence of the realm, 466

Osborne, Sir Edward, alderman, 156, 311, 435
-, John, 118
-, Sir Peter, 148, 271, 272
-, Richard, 148n, 156n

Ossulston, John, Baron, 164n
-, bailiff of, 280, 290

Ostend, men to be provided by the City to complete garrisons at, 240
-, defence of, 241n

Oughtred, William, 299

Outroper, the office of, 289

Overall, John, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry and Norwich, 160

Overed, Hugh, 470

Overy, St. Mary, Southwark, 379

Owen, Sir David, 154n
-, Edward, bailiff of Shrewsbury, 69
-, John, 290

Oxebo, William, a brazier, 51

Oxelees, waste water to the conduits from, 559

Oxenbridge, Dr. Andrew, 128
-, Marie, 128

Oxford Place, Cannon Street, the residence of Sir John Hart, alderman, near, 311n

Oxford, the Earl of, 355
-, letter from the mayor, &c. of, as to the holding of "Firdeswide Fair," 334
-, Trinity College, grant of markets and fairs to, 203
-, Gilbert Sheldon, chancellor of the University of, 139n
-, William Lord Beauchamp, chancellor of the University, 481n
-, Robert Abbott, vice-chancellor of, 131n

Oxley, James, 430

Oysters, the price of, 405
-, not to be transported, 406


Package and Scavage:—
-, Annuity proposed to Mr. Proby out of, 320
-, Refusal of merchant strangers to pay dues, 321; order to the officers of the Customs as to passing their goods, 321
-, Petition of merchants, sons of strangers, against the fees claimed, 322; commission to inquire into the question, 322
-, The office of purchased, 398

Packer, the office of common, 270, 288

Packet post, 418n

Packington, or Pakington, Humphrey, 21n, 37n, 308n
-, Jane, wife of Sir Lyonell Duckett, alderman, 37n
-, Sir John, of Hampton Lovett, Worcestershire, 21n, 308n
-, John, Lord Hampton, 21n
-, Letitia, wife of Sir Roger Martin, alderman, 308n

Pageant in honour of James I. to be removed, 417

Pageants performed on accession of Lord Mayors to office:—
-, Tes Irenes Trophæa, or the Triumphs of Peace, 6n
-, Descensus Astrææ, 31n
-, The Triumphs of Love and Antiquity, 100n
-, Monuments of Honor, 105n
-, Triumphs of Integrity, 105n
-, Porta Pietatis, 166n
-, London Triumphs, 199n, 560n
-, The Royal Oak, 200n
-, Metropolis Coronata, 210n
-, Troia Nova Triumphans, 211n
-, London's Jus Honorarium, 296n
-, Londini Artium et Scientiarum Scaturigo, 479n
-, The Triumphs of the re-united Britannia, 495n

Paine, John, 161

Painter Stainers' Company, Ralph Broke a member of, 490n

Palatine, Frederick Count, husband of Princess Elizabeth, 31n
-, loan requested for, 411, 412, 413
-, entertained by the Merchant Taylors' Company, 211n
-, troops raised to assist the Prince and Princess, 255

Palatinate, the, invaded, 412
-, permission given to levy and impress men for service in, 416

Palavicino, Ann, wife of Sir Oliver Cromwell, 439n
-, Fabritio, of Jeane, 186, 187, 188, 194
-, Sir Horatio, 54, 55n, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 194, 439n
-, Sir Toby, 55n; his proceeding against the City for loan to Queen Elizabeth, 194

Palmer, Dr., comptroller of the Mint, 278, 440
-, Francis, 70
-, Sir Geoffrey, 205
-, Sir Henry, 239
-, Michael, 286
-, Peter, 502

Palmes, Francis, committed to the Marshalsea, 454

Pamplyn, Robert, 280

Panton, Captain Edward, 19, 23
-, Sir Thomas, 46

Panton Street and Square, Haymarket, 19n

Papistry, a pamphlet on, called Truth Oppressed and Driven into Corners, 30

Paris, the hospitals of St. Louis and St. Marcel at, 340
-, marriage of Queen Henrietta Maria by proxy in, 421

Paris Gardens, fatal accident at, 17n, 336
-, late disorder at, 352
-, liberty of, 477
-, visit of Queen Elizabeth to, 478n

Park, Nicholas, 45

Parker, John, 494
-, William alnager of cloth, 69, 271, 272

Parkes, John, 149

Parkhurst, Elizabeth, wife of Sir Edmund Sawyer, 51n
-, Henry, of Guildford, 14n
-, Sir Robert, alderman, 14, 51n

Parkins, Christopher, 510
-, George, 294

Parliament, letter from King Charles II., from Breda, to the, 423n
-, thanks of, to Sir John Granville, the bearer of the letter, 423n
-, Sir Heneage Finch, Speaker of the Commons House of, 295n
-, the long, impeachment of the judges by for their decisions on the trial concerning ship money, 469n
-, Sir Thomas May Secretary of, 306n

Parr, Queen Catherine, 500n

Parrey, Hugh, 197

Parry, David, 103
-, Sir Thomas, 160, 217, 481n

Partridges, the sale of prohibited before the 6th of June, 397

Paulet, William, first Marquis of Winchester, 133n
-, William, third ditto, 552
-, William, fourth ditto, 133

Paul, St., Cathedral, repair of, 46, 213, 297n, 322, 323
-, destroyed by fire, 323n
-, commission appointed for the repair of, 327, 328
-, collections and contributions for the repair of, 324, 326, 327, 328, 329
-, dispute as to the carrying up of the sword before the Lord Mayor in, 327, 328
-, lectures at, 365
-, Edmund Grindal preached before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen at, 153n
-, deans of, Dr. Matthew Nicholas, 51n; Dr. Alexander Nowell, 53, 364n; Dr. John Overall, 160n
-, burials in: Sir William Cockayne, 100
-, Sir Christopher Hatton, 37n
-, Dean Nowell, 364n
-, Dr. Stanhope, 365n
-, Lady Ursula Walsingham, 152n
-, shops erected at the west gate of, to be removed, 48

Paul's, St., Churchyard, the residence of Alderman William Turner in, 65n
-, letter to the dean as to burials in, 333
-, burials in to be restrained, 332, 333

Paul's Cross, collections at, for the redemption of captives, 54, 56
-, the pulpit at, 129
-, sermon preached before James I. at, 322n
-, the Court of Aldermen publicly defamed in a sermon at, 366
-, sermon at, 368
-, right of the City to a room at, 438

Payne, Peter Van, 529

Peade, Richard, 159

Peake, William, 472

Pearcy, Anthony, 282

Peas, cornchandlers permitted to sell for supplying the poor, 390

Peckham, Sir George, 157

Pedlars to be licensed, 361

Peers, the council of, assembled at York, application for a loan from, 199

Peirson, William, 495

Pell, Sir Anthony, debt from the City to Alderman Rotheram to be paid to him, 212

Pember, Francis, alderman, 8, 528n

Pemberton, Sir James, alderman, 318n, 520
-, John, 318n
-, Martha, 318n

Pembroke, Henry, second Earl of, see Herbert, Henry.
-, William, third Earl of, see Herbert, William.
-, and Montgomery, the Earl of, see Herbert, Philip.

Pendleton, George, 45

Penies, Elizabeth, 485

Penn, Thomas, 540

Pennington, Sir Isaac, alderman, 66n, 200

Penny Post, John Hill's, 418n

Penson, Valentine, 271

Pepys, Paulina, wife of Sir Sidney Montague, 193n

Perce, Edmund, 402

Percy, Algernon, tenth Earl of Northumberland, 561
-, Henry, ninth Earl of Northumberland, 141

Perkins, George, 301

Pesthouse, infected persons to be carried to, 338, 340, 341, 342, 343
-, rates to be levied in Middlesex and Surrey for erecting, 346

Peter, Thomas, recommended as assistant to the recorder, and subordinate judge of the Mayor's Court, 293

Peter, St., Cornhill, the presentation to, solialderman, buried at, 312n

Peter, St., Cornhill, the presentation to, solicited by King James for Theophilus Field, 131
-, Dr. Mylward presented to, 131n
-, Dr. Samuel Bolton presented to, 131n
-, Dr. Hodges appointed, 139

Peter-le-Poer, St., Dr. Samuel Bolton rector of, 139n

Peter-le-Poer, Sir Thomas Lowe, alderman buried in, 210n

Peter ad Vincula, St. in the Tower, 442n

Peterborough, Earl of, 423n

Peterhouse College, Cambridge, 435n

Petermen forbidden to fish or destroy the fry of fish in the Thames, 344

Petersham, keeper of the lodge and walk of, in Richmond Park, 41n

Petronel, 243

Pettiward, Roger, 296n

Pettywales, near the Tower, 427n

Pewter, the marking, weighing, and selling of, 106n
-, hawking of prohibited, 106n
-, lost, to be brought to the hall of the Pewterers' Company, 106
-, complaint of the fraudulent marking of, of, 111
-, the price of, 520

Pewterers' Company, Thomas Elliott to be restored to the office of master, 93
-, petition of, against the abuses of pewter, 107
-, the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen to provide a remedy for abuses, 108
-, the wardens of, to attend as to fraudulent marking of pewter, 111

Pheasant, Peter, recorder, 511, 512

Pheasants, the sale of prohibited, 397

Phelipps, Sir Edward, 268

Philip Lane, the residence of Lord Zouch, 61; and of Sir Rowland Hayward, alderman, 37n

Phillips, Mr., auditor, 291, 415
-, Mr., warder of the Tower, 436

Phipps, Mr., 219n

Physicians to re-issue their book as to the medicines against infection, 346
-, the College of, 63, 97
-, to confer for preventing the increase of the plague, 340

Pickhaver, Thomas, 295

Pickthatch, in parish of St. Giles, Cripplegate, 480

Pierce, John, 454

Pikemen to be mustered and trained, 230, 231

Pilkington, Dr., 367

Pillory, the, Robert Arthur to stand upon, 264
-, persons found guilty of a seditious rescue to be set on, 449

Pimble, Roger, 163

Pindar, Sir Paul, 323n

Pins, the manufacture and importation of, 519, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525
-, import duty imposed upon, 522
-, quality and price of, to be settled, 525

Pinmakers' Company, incorporation of the, 97
-, petition to the Council upon the importation of foreign pins, 522, 523
-, the differences between, and the traders in pins, 524, 525
-, all pins to be sent to the hall to be viewed, 524

Pinmakers' Halls, at St. Mary Hill; near St. Katherine Cree Church; and Broad Street, 97n, 524

Pint, Abraham de, 258

Pinto, Francisco, 159

Pipe, process of the, 62

Pirates, a squadron sent to chastise the Venctian and Algerine, 203n
-, H.M.'s ships to be sent against Dunkirkers, 244
-, complaint of Newcastle against, 251
-, permission to fit out a ship against, 261n
-, merchants of London to furnish 32,000l. towards the expedition against, 329
-, expedition against the Algerine deferred, 329
-, fishing boats intercepted by, 396

-, The Mayor's feast not to be held, 38n, 207
-, Increase of, 230, 331, 332, 333, 337, 338, 339, 342, 346
-, Measures taken to prevent the spread of, 324, 330, 337, 340, 344, 346
-, Officers to shut up and mark infected houses, 333, 334, 336, 337, 340, 341, 343, 344, 346
-, Negligence in fixing the red cross complained of, 346
-, No searchers to go about without a "Redd Roade," 337
-, Weekly returns of to be made, 344, 345
-, Infected persons to be maintained, 336, 340
-, Hospitals for, to be erected, 337, 340
-, Rates to be levied for the building of pesthouses, 346
-, Infected persons to be removed thereto, 338, 340
-, Plays, cock-fighting, and bear-baiting to be restrained, 331, 337, 338, 341, 342, 350, 353
-, Burials in the churchyard of St., Paul's to be restrained, 332
-, Conference of the College of Physicians to be held concerning, 340
-, Removal of the Queen from London, 331
-, Dispersal of the Privy Council, 338
-, Term to be kept at Hertford, 334
-, Flight of citizens to the country, 342
-, Bartholomew Fair not to be held, 347
-, Permission to attend country fairs requested by some citizens, 334, 343, 345
-, Increase of, in Holland, Amsterdam, France, &c., 338, 339, 345, 348, 349
-, Ships coming from foreign ports to be inspected, 330
-, Quarantine to be established on the Thames, 339, 345, 349
-, Lazarettos to be opened, 349
-, Catalogue of the dwellers in inns, &c., to be prepared for printing, 335, 336
-, Book of directions concerning the, to be published, 340, 343
-, Book of medicines against to be printed, 346

Plague tokens, 341

Plays and players:—
-, Disorders committed at plays, 350, 352, 353
-, Wanton and profane devices represented, 337, 353
-, Discreet persons to be appointed to peruse plays, 351
-, The Master of the Revels to reform, 353
-, None to be permitted on the Sabbath days or in Lent, 351, 355
-, The players to be allowed to practise, 350, 352, 353
-, The increase of to be restrained, 353, 354
-, The disaster at Paris Gardens, 352
-, Permission requested for the new players to perform at the Cross Keys, Gracechurch Street, 353
-, Permission given to the servants of the Earls of Oxford and Worcester to play at the Boar's Head, Eastcheap, 355
-, To be suppressed on account of the death of the Prince of Wales, 410
-, Masque played at Whitehall, 357

-, The number of to be limited to two, 354
-, The theatre in Shoreditch, 350, 352, 354
-, The theatre on the Bankside, 354, 355
-, The Curtain, in Holywell Lane, 354
-, The Fortune, in Golden Lane, 354, 355
-, The Globe, on the Bankside, 355
-, The playhouse at Blackfriars, 355, 356

Plumbers' Company, 563
-, petition of, for the reform of abuses in the making of lead, 220; Captain Henry Bell's petition referred to them, 221
-, petition of against the deceit used in casting pigs and sows of lead, 223

Plummer, Thomas, 465

Pluries, letters of, 428

Plymouth, troops for Cadiz to rendezvous at, 253
-, men to be raised and conducted to, 255
-, merchandise from to be examined, for fear of infection, 330

Poland, the coach of the ambassador from attached for debt, 447

Poll tax to be raised for disbanding the army, 200

Pollard, George, 450

Poor and vagrants:—
-, Orders to be enforced against vagrants, 357, 358, 363
-, Proclamation issued against rogues and vagabonds, 359, 360
-, The increase in the number of begging, 358
-, Erection and maintenance of houses of correction for, 358
-, Steps taken by the Lord Mayor for reforming, 358
-, Keepers of lewd houses punished, 359
-, Provost marshals to be appointed, 360
-, Vagabonds to be suppressed, and pedlars and petty chapmen licensed, 361
-, Idle persons about the Court to be sent to Virginia, 361; to be kept in Bridewell until ready to depart, 362
-, Satisfactory results of the steps taken for suppressing vagrancy, 362
-, Irish vagrants to be sent to their own country, 362
-, Wandering rogues and vagrants to be punished, 363
-, Collections to be made for the relief of, 364

Poor, corporation for the relief and employment of, 364

Poor laws, the, 357n

Pope, Sir William, 154n

Popery, removal of an attorney at Guildhall for, 125, 126
-, the suppression of, 366

Popham, Sir Francis, 313n
-, John, 313n

Population, the increase of, in London, 331
-, of the City in 1631, estimate of, 389

Portage of all things measurable, the City's right to, 142

Porter, William, 41

Portsmouth, ships furnished by the City to hasten to the rendezvous at, 250, 467n

Portsoken Ward, aldermen of:—
-, Sir Thomas Adams, 9n
-, Sir Thomas Bludworth, 65n
-, Sir Leonard Halliday, 495n
-, Sir John Langham, 9n
-, William Love, 64n
-, Sir Thomas Offley, 37n
-, Sir Robert Parkhurst, 14n
-, Sir William Romney, 495n
-, Sir Thomas Rowe, 332n
-, Sir Stephen Slaney, 80n
-, Ralph Woodcock, 311n

Portugal, Sir F. Drake's expedition to, 242n

Post, Her Majesty's, of the Western Stages between London and Plymouth, 418, 419

Post-office, established by the Common Council, 418n; Act for setting the public post-office, 418n

Post master General, Sir H. Vane, 422n

Poulterers prohibited from selling pheasants
-, partridges, &c., before the 6th of June, 397
-, licence to be granted to, for uttering their wares in Lent, 399, 401, 402
-, to produce their licences for killing or uttering in Lent, to the Clerk of the Council, 402

Poulters' Company, complaint by, of the conduct of His Majesty's purveyors, 94
-, persons carrying on the trade and not belonging to, complained of, 108, 109
-, the Company of Meere Poulters, 402

Poultry, prices of, 404, 405

Poultry Compter, 452
-, prisoners in to be delivered over to the officers of war to be made soldiers, 240
-, clerk of the papers of, 298

Powder-flasks, 234

Powell, Mr., 311
-, Edmund, of Fulham, 498n
-, Sir Edward, 498

Powle, Thomas, 231, 311
-, Thomas, a City constable, charged before the Star Chamber, 269

Powlett, Richard, 70

Powlton, Mr., 477

Prague, the battle of, 411n

Preachers, appointed by the Lord Mayor, &c., 129, 367, 368, 369
-, to be provided to preach in London, 364, 365

Preachers, catalogue of all the learned men and readers to be made, 365
-, lectures to be arranged for, 365
-, collections to be made to support the, 365
-, lectures founded at the Temple and other places, 365
-, maintenance of, in the parishes and prisons, 366
-, learned men to be provided to lecture upon religion, 367

Prescott, Sir John, 318n
-, Mr., alderman, 318, 480

Price, Collet, 519
-, John, 540, 548
-, Lythan, 544
-, Nicholas, 157
-, Thomas, 519

Prichard, John, 162
-, William, 448

Prideaux, Dr. John, 369

Priest, John, 432

Priestley, William, 44

Primrose, the, one of the City ships, 242

Printing, the patent of printing apprentices' indentures, &c., granted, 101

Pritchard, Sir William, alderman, 76n

Privileged places in the City and liberties, 402; butchers licensed to kill flesh in, during Lent, 394

Privy Council, letter from, for a loan of 60,000l. for the King, 190
-, recommend Harbert Finche for common crier, 303
-, letter from, as to the complaint against Mrs. Blackwell, 310
-, forced to disperse on account of the plague, 338
-, order of, against the erection of more than two playhouses, 355
-, execution of warrants from, in the City, 445
-, clerks of the:—Sir Richard Brown, 77n; Sir Clements Edmonds, 48n; Sir Edward Nicholas, Sir Robert Southwell, 88
-, the privilege of appointing butchers to kill flesh in Lent given to the clerks of, 396

Privy Seals, loans upon, 189, 192, 193

Proby, Mr., recommended for collector of scavage, 284, 320

Proclamation commanding all mariners and soldiers to join their ships, 238
-, for the suppression and dispersion of seamen, mariners, &c., 249
-, for restraining the erection of new buildings, 323
-, for putting off Bartholomew Fair on account of the plague, 347
-, as to eating flesh in Lent, fish days, &c., 393, 546
-, requiring noblemen, &c., to repair to their country houses, 419, 420
-, regulating the cutlers' trade, 517, 518
-, regulating the goldsmiths' trade, 528
-, against the unlawful destruction of game, 549

Proclamation as to the wearing of ruffs and carrying long swords, 550

Provost Marshals to be appointed, 359, 360
-, Thomas Dudson appointed, 360
-, William Davis to be restored to his place, 363

Puckering, Sir John, 92, 285, 314, 377

Puddle Dock, right of the City to weigh hay and straw at, 472

Pullison, Sir Thomas, alderman, 284, 291, 344n

Putney, right of inhabitants of, to fish in the Thames, 503

Pye, Edmund, 542, 543

Pykes Garden, Crutched Friars, 427n

Pyndar, Henry, 493

Pynnesse, the, set forth by the City, 242

Pyott, Richard, alderman, 522

Pype, Richard, alderman, 332n


Quakers imprisoned for attending unlawful assemblies, released, 139, 425

Quarantine for persons and goods established in the port of London, 339, 340, 345, 348, 349

Quarles, Francis, City chronologer, 306n

Queenhithe Ward, aldermen of:—
-, Sir Rowland Backhouse, 13n
-, Sir Thomas Blanke, 153n
-, William Box, 1n
-, Sir John Hart, 311n
-, Sir Rowland Hayward, 37n
-, Sir John Langley, 276n
-, Sir Thomas Middleton, 3n
-, Sir William Webbe, 30n

Quiney, Bartholomew, 315


Rabbits, the sale of prohibited before the 6th of June, 397

Radclif, William, 118

Radwinter, Essex, the residence of Sir John Prescott at, 318n

Rainton, Sir Nicholas, alderman, 479
-, Robert, of Highinton, Lincolnshire, 479n

Ralapolus, Anastatius, a Greek, 55

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 187n,232, 379n, 442n, 451n

Ramsay, Sir John, Viscount Haddington and Earl of Holderness, 158, 409

Ramscroft, Harry, recommended for serjeant carver, 279

Ramsey, John, of Edenbridge, Kent, 91n
-, Sir Thomas, alderman, 91, 230

Randall, John, bridgemaster, 39n

Randill, Martha, wife of Thomas Cranfield, Mercer, 161n
-, Vincent, 161n

Randolph, Barnard, common serjeant, 278, 553

Rascall, Elizabeth, charge by, against Inigo Jones for using slanderous words, 487

Ratcliff, increase of new buildings in, 49
-, proclamation to be made in, for seamen to join the fleet, 238

Ratcliffe, Thomas, third Earl of Sussex, 125, 176, 428, 487, 551

Raunston, Bucks, Sir Heneage Finch, recorder, buried at, 295n

Rawlins, Margaret, wife of Sir Nicholas Bacon, 21n
-, William, 21n

Ray, Edward, 491

Raymand's man charged with creating a disturbance, 438

Raytinck, Zachary, 160

Read, Lady, 164

Recorder, Mr., 292, 311, 398, 425, 467
-, Henry Calthorpe, 301, 304
-, Sir Edward Coke, 93; and see Coke, Sir Edward.
-, Thomas Coventry,8, 300; and see Coventry, Sir Thomas. 299
-, Sir John Crooke, 299
-, Sir Heneage Finch, 108, 224, 260, 295, 302, 445
-, Mr. Serjeant Fleetwood, 4n,113, 114, 125, 265, 279, 281, 282, 350, 490, 501
-, Thomas Gardiner, 304
-, Serjeant John Glyn, 302
-, Robert Heath, 50, 163, 172, 247, 294, 295
-, Edward Littleton, 302, 304
-, Robert Mason, 304
-, Sir Henry Montague, 23; and see Montague, Sir Henry.
-, Peter Pheasant, 511, 512
-, Robert Shute, 294, 303

Recorder's assistant, 293

Records, permission requested to make copies of deeds and wills enrolled in the hustings, 425
-, application of the Earl of Leicester for permission for his servants to search the, 425, 426

Reculver, the church of, Ralph Broke buried at, 490n

Recusants, 26, 123, 127, 130, 132, 136, 138
-, to find both horse and arms and a substitute at the general training, 535, 536

Red cross and inscription, "Lord have mercy upon us," to be set on the door of all infected houses, 341

Redd Roade, the plague searcher to go abroad with one in his hand, 337

Reding, Mr., chamberlain of the new Corporation of the Suburbs, 229

Reekes, Mr., 266

Refiners of sugar, 479

Regrators, measures to be taken against, 383

Religion, learned men to be provided to lecture upon, 367
-, assistance rendered by the Earl of Essex to true, 408

Rember, John, 307

Remembrancer, the City's, 414, 477
-, Robert Bacon, 105, 189n 261, 301,, 446, 514
-, William Dyos, 188, 189, 223, 293, 294, 301n, 480
-, Sir Clement Edmonds, 47, 48, 160, 162, 558n
-, Dr. Fletcher, 47n, 130n, 181, 186, 282
-, Mr. Thomas Norton, 27; and see Norton, Thomas.
-, Thomas Skinner, 307n
-, Thomas Wiseman, 301n, 307
-, Thomas Allured recommended for, 304; reversion of office granted to him, 302n
-, Mr. Dynne recommended for the office, 293, 294
-, Thomas Leech recommended for the next reversion of the office, 291, 293

Rensey, Mr., 149

Requests, Court of, masters of:—
-, Dr. Cæsar, 286,
-, Sir Lionel Cranfield, 161n
-, Dr. Dale, 52n, 502
-, Right Hon. Mr. Herbert, 285
-, Dr. Lewis, 365
-, Sir Sidney Montague, 193n
-, Sir Edward Powell, 498n

Residents, orders for returns of all knights, gentlemen, &c. continuing to reside in the City and the suburbs contrary to the Queen's command, 408, 409; returns as directed and order of Star Chamber thereon, 419–20

Restoration, letter of King Charles II. to the Corporation with reference to, 423; declaration of the King, 423; plots and conspiracies against the, 424; discharge of persons suspected from prison, 425

Retz, the Isle of, soldiers to be levied in the City for, 252

Revels, Mr. Tilney, master of the, 353

Ribands, laces, &c., imported, 521

Ricard, a merchant stranger, proceedings against for importing wrought silk, 521

Rich, Isabel, Lady, 11n
-, Lord, 140n
-, Richard, sheriff, 140n
-, Sir Thomas, Bart., alderman, 64

Richardson, Ferdinando, 169
-, Robert, 539
-, Roger, 266, 539

Richmond Manor and Palace, 60, 335

Richmond, Sir Wm. Segar, Garter King at Arms, buried at, 419n

Richmond and Lenox, the Duchess Dowager of, patent for issue of farthing tokens granted to, 90n

Riddle, Sir William, of Newcastle, 79n

Rider, Mary, wife of Sir T. Lake, 5n
-, Sir Wm., alderman, 5n

Ridge, Thomas, orphan daughter of, 315

Riggs, Thomas, 485
-, Between Lord Berkeley's men and the Inns of Court, 449
-, By apprentices, &c., at Shrovetide, May Day, &c., 448, 449, 454, 455, 457, 458
-, In Barbican, 452–3
-, At Blackheath, Lambeth, and Southwark, 458
-, In Cheapside, 451
-, At Crosby House, 453
-, At East Smithfield, 451
-, On the Exchange, 455–6
-, In Fleet Street, 454, 456–7
-, At the French ambassador's house, 454
-, At Lambe's murder, 455
-, At Lyon Quay, 449, 450
-, At Smithfield, 449
-, In Southwark, 451, 472, 474
-, In the Temple, 452

Rivers, or Ryvers, Sir George, 476, 477
-, Sir John, alderman, 38, 476n

Roach in the Thames, 500

Robinson, Mr., 309
-, Henry, 133
-, Sir John, Knight and Bart., alderman, Lieutenant of the Tower, 65n, 88, 201, 447
-, Sir John Blencowe, Bart., 88n
-, the Rev. William, Archdeacon of Nottingham, 88n

Rocheforth, Henry, 346n

Rochelle, the city of, unable to repay the loan from the City of London, 185
-, letter from the King to the City of London to pay to Philip Burlamachi 20,000lfor the relief of, 197
-, departure of expeditions for the capture of, 197n
-, contagious and pestilent sickness in, 339

Rochester, John Buckeridge, Bishop of, 170

Rodes, Henry, 146

Rogers, Mary, an orphan, 316

Rogues, the punishment of, 359, 363, 391

Rolleston, Staffordshire, the manor of, 291n

Rolls, Master of the, 183, 302, 309, 370, 446

Romney, Sir William, alderman, 27n, 495
-, William, of Tedbury, Gloucestershire, 495n

Rope-dancing prohibited on account of the plague, 341

Rosney, Monsieur de, French ambassador, entertained by Sir John Spencer at Crosby Place, 173n

Rotheram, Alderman, 212

Rothwell, Thomas, 152

Rowe, Sir Henry, alderman, 4n
-, Lady, 333n
-, Reginald, 332n
-, Robert, 332n
-, Sir Thomas, alderman, 332, 364
-, Thomas, of Penshurst, 2n
-, Sir William, alderman, 2, 206, 207, 492; letter from, to Lord Treasurer as to the estates left by his only son, 314

Rowland, Humphrey, 154

Royal Society, college at Chelsea given to the, 135n

Roydon, Roger, 318

Ruffs, proclamations against monstrous, 117, 550

Rump Parliament, 9

Rupert, Prince, 411n

Russell, Baron, of Thornhaugh, 235n
-, William, 235

Russia, Sir John Merick ambassador to, 11n
-, free trading to, 464
-, company, lease of Botolph's wharf granted to, 176

Russian ambassador to be received and lodged, 13
-, residence of at York House, Strand, 560

Rustate, William, 32

Ruthven, Alexander, 451n

Rutland, F. (Edward), Earl of, 152
-, Thomas, first Earl of, 234n
-, House, Strand, 152

Rye, plague raging at, 330
-, from the east countries, 380
-, the price of, 388