Cumberland Lay Subsidy: Eskdale Ward

Pages 30-41

Cumberland Lay Subsidy Fifteenth and Tenth, 6 Edw. III. Originally published by T Wilsom, Kendal, 1912.

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In this section



Has in Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
William de Wiclef 4 19 0 William Walker 1 17 0
William del Gille 1 11 2 Richard Patonson 1 9 4
Hugo del Wode 11 4 William Rotheland 18 0
Thomas Skot 1 5 8 Henry Haket 1 6 0
Robert Baroun 2 1 0 Adam, son of Henry 1 9 8
John Odard 6 5 8 John Waldef 2 4 0
Andreas ffairhare 13 10 Adam de Conicache 1 18 4
Hugo del Tern 18 0 William, son of Christiana 3 1 0
Hugo, son of Robert 1 16 0 Richard Aldithson 1 1 8
Robert Bowwright 18 0 Adam, son of Alan 18 4
Peter Powotson 1 1 0 Robert del Wodsid 3 1 6
John del Toun 4 19 8 Adam, son of Hugo 1 9 4
Richard del Hille 2 4 0 John de 1 14 4
John Mous 2 1 4 Adam del gren 3 15 8
John de Neuby 1 1 4 Robert Cowper 2 6 8
Peter faber 18 0 Radulf de Brerethuait 18 0
Hugo, son of William 18 0 Jolyrobin 1 16 4
Adam Marschal 3 14 0 Thomas Rose 1 6 4
Richard Stele 19 4 Henry, son of Ade 1 12 2
Hugo Stele 1 1 4 John, son of William 1 11 0
William de Richardley 15 0 Thomas Bercarius 14 8
Hugo del Tern 14 4 Sireda de Kirkby 2 13 4
John de Castro 3 12 0 Thomas de Ravenwik 1 8 0
Agnes de Burghe 2 1 0 Walter Alcokson 2 9 8
Eudo del Gille 3 0 0 Aldonsa, relict of Richard 1 4 4
Thomas, son of Eudo 16 4 Robert, son of Richard 1 7 4
William, son of Henry 19 4 William de bruncanhille 1 15 4
Sum of all goods in aforesaid Vill £99 3 0
Of which one-fifteenth £6 12 2


Has in Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John Kay 1 14 4 Alice, relict of Hugo 11 4
William del Mos 13 0 Laur[..] del Eles 16 0
Christiana, relict of David 15 8 Patricuis Celererman 13 0
Henry del Walhus 11 4 Bricius Kokinan 14 4
Adam Oxhird 11 4 Henry Dobson 4 19 4
Sum of all goods £11 19 8
Of which one-fifteenth £0 16 11


Has in Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John, son of Peter 1 3 8 William de Brounrig 4 6 8
Robert, son of Richard 1 0 0 Hugo, son of Thomas 15 0
Nevyn fil Ade 1 6 8 Robert Helewisson 2 19 4
Gilbert del Hopp 18 0 Robert, son of Thomas 15 0
John Proud 15 0 Hugo Hughlotson 2 6 8
John Bowman 15 0 Thomas Helewison 1 11 8
Thomas Lang 13 4
Sum of all goods in that Vill £19 6 0
Of w one-fifteenth £1 5 8


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John Talbut 19 4 Agnes, relict of Thomas bell 1 0 10
Robert Sire 1 18 10
Robert del Haweld 12 0 Alan, son of William 12 0
John, son of Alan 11 10 Adam Molle de Neuby 1 6 11
John bercarius de Cambok 1 15 8 William Albus 1 13 11
William Bacour 13 9
Robert Viroun 1 6 8 Thomas de Aula 1 4 8
William, son of William 1 10 6 Armburgh 11 4
Anote Coltman 11 10 Radulfus Molle 1 3 0
Richard bell 1 11 10 Robert, son of Thomas 1 4 0
Richard Hyne 13 7 Richard del Hill 1 0 0
John de Walton 1 11 7 Robert, his son 1 0 8
Simon de Bromhill 1 13 6 Adam del Stable 1 12 2
William Roulandman 15 4 William de Waverton 15 4
Adam Carpentar 1 13 3 Robert Custson 1 8 2
John bercarius 14 3 William, son Ade 1 6 10
John Monot 16 8 John, son of Thomas 19 4
Walter Skot 12 8 Thomas de Blatern 3 4 8
Sum of all goods in aforesaid Vill £39 17 3
£2 13 2


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Thomas, son of Robert 1 5 8 John Leper 10 4
Robert, son of Hugo 16 8 Nicholas Breuster 1 1 3
Nicholas Molle 14 8 Alan Benson 1 1 11
William Meek 1 1 8 John Peniles 13 7
John, son of Thomas 1 6 4 Robert Betonson 4 8 8
John del Coo 1 18 11 John, son of Robert, son of Peter 1 11 10
William de Gillesland 1 13 0
John, son of Robert 1 9 4
Sum of goods in aforesaid Vill £19 13 10
Of which one-fifteenth £1 6 3


Has in Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Robert Bowman 2 19 2 Robert del Howe 2 6 4
. . de Smalthuait 1 5 0 Thomas, son of Nicholas 2 2 8
. . m Cissor 1 0 0 John Multonman 2 11 8
. . del Bowe 2 12 8 Makky, son of Gilbert 1 17 0
. . . Henry 1 10 0 Adam bercarius 18 4
. . . Manne 1 13 0 John, his neighbour 14 4
. . Richard Capellanus 13 4 Robert Sadeler 11 4
"Adam, son of Thomas 1 1 4 Henry, son of Mabbe 1 2 8
Richard Manne 2 2 8
Sum of goods in aforesaid Vill £27 1 6
Of which one-fifteenth £1 16 1

Torcrossok. (fn. 1)

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John Gritheman 1 3 0 William Lymour 1 0 0
Thomas de Bridenhill 11 4 Hugo, son of Robert 18 0
William Graistaine 1 3 0 John Lymour 1 4 0
John, son of Robert 2 17 8 John Gedirstanes 11 4
Thomas, son of Cuthbert 11 4 Adam Lymour 13 0
Michael de Crokestone 11 4
Sum of goods in aforesaid Vill £11 4 0
Of which one-fifteenth £0 14 11


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Richard bercarius 15 0 Galfridus Ened 11 4
John Gest 13 0 John de Bresceby 1 1 0
Robert, son of Hugo 1 3 0 John, s. of William, s.
William, son of Michael 1 10 4 of Henry 1 1 0
Margary, relict of Robert Gilcristson 12 4
Walter Alcok 14 0 John del ffawside 14 8
John ffisscher 13 0 Radulf Wultop 2 1 4
Roger del Lightbirkes 13 0 Henry Clericus 2 8 0
John Hull 15 0 Jacob gerrok 2 11 0
Walter, son of Eufemie 11 4 Robert, son of Christiane 1 0 4
Hugo Lambe 18 0 Gilbert, son of a widow 17 0
Sum of goods £21 3 8
Of wh one-fifteenth £1 8 3

Bothecastre (Bewcastle).

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Agnes, relict of Alan Thomas Simenaugh 1 10 4
Lambe 16 8 Robert Nelleson 12 0
John Spede 12 0 John, son of Robert 15 0
John Martin 19 4 Robert, son of Robert 11 8
William de Tirel 16 8 Mungow de Bothecastre 1 11 4
William de Schorton 18 8 Robert Mongowson 1 13 4
Thomas Webster 11 8 Paton gilmorson 15 0
John fyngod 2 2 0 John, son of Roger 2 19 8
John, son of William John Batelin 12 0
de Quelpdale 13 0 Hugo de Neubiggyng 1 0 0
Raulin de Bothcastre 13 8 William Jacobson 1 0 0
William de Ha 11 8 Adam Watson 1 3 0
William, son of Elene 13 0 Robert batison 2 0 4
John, son of Thomas 12 0 Adam Raa 11 0
Robert, son of Roger 16 8 Alan Waldesson 13 0
Henry, son of Roger 1 8 0 Thomas Baker 12 0
Thomas Smale 1 8 0 Michael de Comcronk 4 2 8
William Mungowe 1 11 0 Thomas de Bothecastre 1 0 0
Roger, son of Ade 12 0
Sum of goods in aforesaid Vill £37 8 0
Of which one-fifteenth £2 9 10

Walton with Tenants of the Prior of Lanercost.

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Peter del Tern 1 17 0 Galfridus del Leyes 1 0 0
John del Grene 1 12 0 Mariotte de Bolton 12 0
John Leceson 17 8 Enote, relict of the proctor 16 4
William Laialdon 1 8 8 Michael Koky 13 4
Richard, his son 1 0 0 William Ronkes 12 0
Alan del garthes 1 3 5 John Molle 11 8
John Clericus 1 17 0 Henry le Maceoun 1 12 4
Adam del more 1 13 8 Robert Anerman 19 8
John, son of Robert 15 0 John, son of Richard 15 4
Adam Stacy 1 13 0 Adam, son of David 1 9 0"
Thomas de Galway 14 0 Simon, son of Thomas 19 8
John Erle 14 0 Michael Gunson 16 4
John del North 1 17 4 Robert, son of Jak 15 0
Thomas priorman 2 2 0 Robert del Burn 15 0
Adam del More 15 0 Robert del Garthes 12 0
Thomas, son of Elene 10 4 Adam de Ascreton 2 0 0
William del garthes 12 0 William faber 13 8
William del More 19 0 Alexander Hildson 1 0 0
William, son of Henry 1 3 0 Adam, son of Robert 1 10 8
Thomas Wilkynson 18 4 William de ffarlingham 5 19 4
Odo del Tern 1 18 4 Hugo Skot 1 13 8
John Wodwane 1 7 4 Thomas Scut 2 8 4
Robert, son of Galfridus 10 4 Michael Gunneson 16 4
Total of goods in aforesaid Vill £57 1 1
Of which one-fifteenth £3 16 1

Stapleton and Cambok.

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John Sutor 12 0 Stephen, son of Thomas 1 1 8
Patricius Clericus 1 18 4 Thomas Darel 12 0
John Cissor 13 8 Adam de Hardegill 12 0
William Spede 12 0 Adam Wily 12 0
William bercarius 14 0 John Molle 12 0
John de Carthew 12 0 John del Stanes 16 8
John, son of Walter 12 0 Alan, son of Robert 12 0
Mariota Derman 12 0 Adam, son of Aldous 15 0
Robert de Sandwath 11 0 Thomas de Leuresdale 13 0
Total of goods in aforesaid Vill £13 3 4
Of which one-fifteenth £0 17 6

Comrewe and Castelcairok.

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Roger de Edynham 4 2 4 Richard barcarius 4 11 8
Thomas Molle 1 11 6 Roger Molle 2 0 0
John blare 10 8 William Mody 1 14 4
Radulf de Skynhow 1 6 2 Simon, son of Isabella 1 8 0
John de Drivensdal 1 3 4 Egideus Cissor 15 0
Robert de Rughthuait 1 17 4 Walter Catel 2 4 0
Robert de bruntanthuait 1 19 0 John de Meaburn 18 0
Christiana, relict of Robert 1 2 4 Richard del How 1 5 0
Christiana, relict of Robert 2 5 4
Richard, son of Thomas 4 12 0
Richard Wodrof 18 0 Emma, relict of John 1 9 0
Robert Capellanus 1 5 0 Walter, son of John 2 11 0
Thomas Hogg 5 5 8 William de Rischel 5 6 0
Thomas, son of Agnes 1 13 0 Michael Cissor 1 15 8
Adam serjant 1 9 2 Adam, servant of Robert 3 16 8
John de bruntanthuait 2 13 0 William Godmanson 3 8 4
Thomas Mauncel 2 14 0 Nicholas del gille 1 12 0
Adam bercarius 10 17 3 Agnes Craven 1 18 4
Thomas ffotman 1 9 0 Nicholas Cissor 1 4 8
Sum of all goods in the aforesaid Vill £86 11 9
Of wh one-fifteenth £5 15 5


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has In Goods: £ s. d.
Thomas bell 15 0 Richard Hubbok 17 0
David de Wyndyates 12 0 William Mundeville 1 8 0
William Skot 4 4 4 William, son of Peter 3 7 0
John Godhyne 1 16 4 Hugo del gille 2 10 6
Robert del Gilheued 2 15 8 Henry Molle 19 7
Sireda Spenser 1 18 8 Gilbert Rughe 1 9 8
Mariota de Tesdale 16 4 John Priestson 1 11 4
Adam Stern 13 4 Richard Mody 12 8
Clemens Picard 3 11 10 Walter Odard 1 9 8
John, son of Ade 15 0 John de ffarlham 1 6 4
Richard de ffarlham 1 1 8
Sum of all goods in the aforesaid Vill £34 11 11
Of wh one-fifteenth £2 6 1

Forest of Nicholas (Nichol Forest). (fn. 2)

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
William de Glasedal 15 0 John del Cotgarth 15 0
John, son of William Walter del Cotgarth 1 0 0
de Quelpdale 1 0 0 John Martin 1 0 0
Adam, son of Julia or Adam del Cotgarth 1 10 0
Julian 15 0 John de Qwele 15 0
Stephen de Glasedal 1 4 0 Thomas Hirdman 1 0 0
Robert de Walton 15 0 John, son of Gilbert 1 0 0
William Crawe 1 5 0 Paton, son of David 1 0 0
Robert, son of Matilda 15 0 Stephen, son of William
Robert, son of Roger 15 0 de Quelpdale 15 0
Robert Parker 1 10 0 Roger, son of William 15 0
William, son of John 1 5 0 Robert de Cressop 1 0 0
Robert Lowri 4 1 8 John, his son 1 0 0
Alexander de Hoton 1 1 4 John, son of Robert del
John Brokynheued 15 0 Cotgarth 15 0
Richard del Riddyng 1 0 0 William Maurtin 15 0
William, son of Mariota 1 0 0 William, son of Thomas
Thomas Burgeys 15 0 de Quelpdale 15 0
Thomas de Thornheued 15 0 John Kerre 15 0
Richard Whitheued 15 0 Jak Davyson 15 0
Sum of goods in the aforesaid Vill £35 7 0
Of which one-fifteenth £2 7 1

Ascreton (Askerton).

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Thomas, son of Thomas 13 0 Thomas, son of Nicholas 13 8
Roger, son of Helewise 13 0 Andrew de persona
Thomas, son of John 1 1 0 Ascreton 1 12 2
Henry Aubrison 16 0 Thomas de Wrangham 1 13 0
William, son of Thomas 14 4 Robert, son of Robert 2 13 0
Nicholas, son of Rede 2 1 0 Roger, son of Robert 19 8
Sum of all goods in aforesaid Vill £13 9 10
Of which one-fifteenth £0 18 0


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John Brun 13 8 John Molle 12 0
William de Westend 1 7 4 John Stele 12 0
John Collan 1 0 8 John Malot 13 0
John de Musgrave 19 4 John, his brother 13 0
Robert bercar 13 4 Adam ffraunceys 1 15 8
Henry de Leuresdale 1 5 8 Henry Bateman 1 12 8
Thomas, son of Thomas 17 8 William de Heyberis 13 0
Robert Kittok 12 0 Walter de Quale 1 13 4
Thomas Rathel 1 14 4 Robert, son of Christiane 1 14 8
Adam faber 1 12 4 John de Astynby 1 11 4
Mariota Mallot 17 4 William Stele 11 8
John, son of William 16 8 Adam parker 17 4
William prepositus 1 6 4
Sum of goods in aforesaid Vill £26 16 4
Of which one-fifteenth £1 15 9

Comquittiyngton (Cumwhitton). (fn. 3)

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Stephen, son of Michael 1 14 10 . . son of Matilda 1 2 4
William Somer 19 6 . . Wildgaure 3 7 6
Richard, son of Peter 1 5 10 . . de Sutton 19 4
Hugo Tirel 1 1 2 . . son of Alan 2 6 8
Adam Molle 1 11 0 Robert, son of Kolin 12 0
John Couper 14 3 Walter de Ormesby 2 9 0
William de Mora 1 9 0 Adam, son of Walter 1 0 4
William Clericus 1 14 4 Thomas Hirdson 2 11 8
William del Holme 15 8 John bercar 1 15 6
William Pecour 12 10 John, son of Walter 1 5 10
Thomas Walais 1 14 7 Gilbert, son of Mariota 16 1
Hugo Cowper 1 7 9 Isabella del Holme 1 12 6
Thomas Glover 2 18 7
Sum of all goods said Vill £39 4 1
Of wh one-fifteenth £2 12 4

Parva Corkeby (Corby).

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Hugo de Corkeby 1 10 4 John Brun 2 2 8
William de Redschawe 16 7 Robert, son of Hugo 10 11
Adam, son of Roger 11 11 John, son of Hugo 17 3
William de Walby 1 0 10
Sum of all goods in aforesaid Vill £7 11 6
One fifteenth £0 10 1

Magna Corkeby.

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Robert de Trantern 19 7 Robert Sumpter 17 3
John, son of Hobbe 1 16 10 John de Skalwraa 2 0 10
Adam, son of Gilbert 11 0 Adam del Holme 1 15 10
Robert bercarius 18 8 John, son of Christiane 10 3
Stephen de bradwath 19 4 Hugo Wildgaure 1 19 2
Gilbert del Hille 3 3 8 Adam Armstrang 14 8
John Nose 14 7 Alan de Langthwait 2 16 3
Adam Skot 1 4 11 William Molle 6 12 0
John, son of Henry 1 0 8 Robert de ffenton 13 11
John de Beauchaump 1 6 8 Simon ffair 1 2 3
William Randolf 1 5 11 Robert faber 1 9 7
Richard Trist 19 7 Robert de Corkby 3 15 0
Sum of all goods in aforesaid ViII £39 11 5
of which one-fifteenth £2 12 9

Hedresford. (fn. 4)

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Richard Skot 17 8 Stephen Derman 14 4
Thomas de Neuby 13 4 Richard de Neuby 1 2 4
Reginald de Hedresford 1 1 0 John Brun 16 8
John Lasceles 14 4 Henry del Tathes 1 4 8
Andrew de Boursted 1 4 8 Adam, son of Nicholas 18 6
Emma, dau. of John Lascels 16 4 William, son of Emme 1 18 0
William de Brunskaith 1 13 0
Thomas, son of John 1 9 4 Robert Lascels 2 1 0
John Whitheued 1 11 8 Robert benson 1 2 4
William de Levynholme 1 17 6 Thomas, son of Emme 13 0
William de Bromhill 13 0 Thomas de Brunskaith 16 4
Alan, son of John 11 8 William, son of Emme 17 4
Sum of all goods in aforesaid ViII £25 8 0
of which one-fifteenth £1 13 10


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Robert Sumpter 19 8 Adam, son of Thomas 2 2 4
Richard, son of Simon 6 9 0 Alicia, relict of Skot 11 8
Thomas, son of Richard 2 5 8 John, son of Ade 15 0
Adam Litel 4 8 0 John de Brunskait 13 0
Richard, son of Richard 4 8 0 John Clericus 2 16 8
Adam, son of Emme 2 11 10 William, son of Clericus 1 5 4
Richard de Hedresford 2 17 8 Adam de Crofton 11 4
John Collan 12 4 Hugo bertson 1 9 4
Sum of all goods in aforesaid ViII £34 16 2
of which one-fifteenth £2 6 5

Hoghton (Houghton).

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
. . . de Bochardby 1 18 4 Robert Walais 11 4
John, son of Roger 11 8 John Thorbrand 16 0
Robert Sharp 1 5 8 Richard Walais 1 1 0
John, son of William 11 0 Thomas del Cote 1 4 10
Thomas, his brother 12 0
Sum £8 11 10
Of wh one-fifteenth £0 11 5


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John Barker 17 4 Adam Iris 15 0
Adam, son of Robert 15 4 David Dunnyng 2 10 4
Peter del Wod 13 0 Robert de porta 1 12 0
Roger Stele 10 8 Thomas del Crogarth 1 11 0
John de Whitfeld 15 0 Robert, son of Richard 2 2 4
Hugo, son of Emme 11 0 Michael Wildok 1 11 10
Betti de Denton 1 0 0 Robert del Bow 12 8
Thomas, son of Hugo 1 1 0 William de London 1 12 0
Richard Molle 1 7 4 John Dolfyn 15 4
John, son of Hugo 1 18 0 Matilda, relict of Ade Dolfyn 12 0
Adam doun 18 8
Robert prestor 12 0 Walter de Hardegille 3 5 0
John bercarius 13 4 Stephen Barker 1 10 8
Thomas bercarius 19 0 John Mabson 13 4
John del Cragg 1 3 10 William Schort 12 0
John, son of David 1 3 10 John de Rukcroft 12 0
Thomas Dunnyng 1 1 8 Richard, son of Anabelle 1 3 0
Robert Dunnyng 1 1 0 Jak del Thorp 1 0 0
Hugo de Denton 1 4 8 John, son of Jak 12 0
Sum of all goods in aforesaid ViII £41 9 2
of which one-fifteenth £2 15 4

Artureth (Arthuret). (fn. 5)

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has In Goods: £ s. d.
John de Bochardby 2 14 4 Henry son of Roger 1 0 8
John, son of Hugo 1 0 0 Hugo, son of Richard 0 17 0
Robert prepositus 1 2 4 John Sprow 11 4
Adam Turpyn 15 0 John, son of Hugo 11 4
William Clericus 2 3 4 Adam ffethir 1 0 8
William, son of Agnes 15 0 Isabella, widow 11 0
John Craven 15 0 Emma, relict of Richard ffethir 12 8
John, son of Robert 15 0
Adam Kyng 18 4 Adam Odard 14 4
John Gretok 12 0 Robert ffethir 1 13 4
Adam faber 12 0 John Bell 12 8
Richard de Branthyngham 1 4 4 Robert, son of William, son of Agnes 12 0
Richard, son of Peter 14 8 Richard de Kirkbrid 1 1 4
Sum of all goods in aforesaid ViII £23 18 8
of which one-fifteenth £1 11 11


Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
John Stagg 16 8 John de Heyfeld 12 0
John de Schappe 15 0 John de Haiton 12 0
Sum of all goods, etc., £2 15 8
Of wh one-fifteenth £0 3 9

Solperd (Solport) Cum Eston.

Has In Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Nicholas del ffansid 13 0 Paton Sawer 12 6
Adam de bruncanhill 1 2 0 Robert Nikson 12 0
Robert bradey 12 0 Robert de Thornheued 15 0
William, son of Thomas 11 0 Richard Stele 1 0 0
Stephen de Levynwod 15 0 Richard Stodhird 15 0
Paton Punder 15 0 William faber 15 0
Adam Hert 15 0 Hugo Lang 1 0 0
Alan Brun 15 0 John de Eston 12 0
Thomas de Ladcrag 17 0 Robert, his son 17 0
Robert personus 12 0 John Walssche 15 0
William Sutor 13 0
Sum of all goods in aforesaid ViII £15 13 6
of which one-fifteenth £1 0 11

West Levyngton (Westlinton).

Has in Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Hugo de Levyngton 2 15 0 Robert, son of Anota 15 0
Gilbert de Levyngton 2 5 0 William, son of Simon 15 0
Richard prepositus 1 0 0 Robert, son of William 19 4
Adam, son of Anota 15 0 Robert, son of Patricius 11 4
Richard, son of William 15 0
Sum of all goods in the aforesaid ViII £10 10 8
one-fifteenth £0 14 0

Ffenton. (fn. 6)

Has in Goods: £ s. d. Has in Goods: £ s. d.
Robert de Slegill 2 0 0 Thomas Harper 1 1 3
William Priestman 15 0 William de Tynewald 16 0
John de Cokden 3 15 0 William Croket 1 6 11
John, son of Nicholas 10 11
Sum of all goods in aforesaid ViII £10 5 1
of which one-fifteenth £0 13 8
Sum total of one-fifteenth in said Warde £54 5 2


  • 1. Part of Lanercost.
  • 2. Name derived from Nicholas Stutevill.
  • 3. On the east side of the river Eden, north of Ainstable.
  • 4. In Kirklevington (Kirklinton).
  • 5. The old parish included Stubhill, Solport and Eston.
  • 6. In Hayton.