92 Camarden v Lynley

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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Richard Camarden of All Hallows, Barking, by the Tower, London, esq v Henry Lynley of Cheapside, London, shopkeeper

February 1638


Camarden, surveyor of the petty customs in the Port of London, complained that Lynley had abused him when his servant, Roger Lewis, secured Lynley with an order from the Court of Requests. Lynley told Lewis 'that he would make him keepe his head under the hatch for playinge theis knaves trickes...and so tell your master.' No further proceedings survive.

Initial proceedings

EM98, Petition

'Whereas your petitioner, being in suite with one Henry Lynley (a shopkeeper in Cheapside) in the Courte of Requests, and your petitioner's servant, securing Lynley with an order out of that court, he spake scandalously, and did abuse your petitioner most disgracefully, as by affidavit hereunto annexed appeareth. Forasmuch as your supplicant hath ever byn reputed and knowne to be an honest man, a gentleman by discent, his Majesties servant, and immediat officer in the Custome House London, humbly praieth your lordship to doe him justice, that his honesty and reputation may be repaired.

And he shall ever praie and c.'

EM99, Affidavit

Roger Lewis of All Hallows, Barking, London, aged 25, servant to Mr Camarden

Deposed that on 22 February 1638 he served Henry Lingley with an order made by the Lord Privy Seal between Richard Camarden, plaintiff, and Roger Brittridge and Henry Lingley, defendants for the confirmation of an injunction granted against them. Lewis further deposed that Lingley said 'in a disgracefull manner', 'that he would make him keepe his head under the hatch for playinge theis knaves trickes as he hath done already, and so tell your Master.'

Taken before Jo. Mychell.

22 February 1638.


Lucy, daughter of Richard Camarden, Surveyor of the Customs of the Port of London, esq, became the second wife of John Cooke of St Katherine Coleman, London, gent.

J. B. Whitmore and A. W. Hughes Clarke (eds.), London Visitation Pedigrees, 1664 (Publications of the Harleian Society, 92, 1940), p. 45.

For Camarden's office as surveyor of the petty customs in the Port of London:

J Broadway, R. P. Cust and S. K. Roberts (eds.), A Calendar of the Docquets of Lord keeper Coventry 1625-1640 (List and Index Soc., 2004, spec. ser., 34-37), pp. 203, 207; K. Lindley, Popular Politics in Civil War London (Aldershot, 1997), p. 64.

Richard, son of Richard Carmarden, esq, was baptized on 11 August 1612.

Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Carmarden, esq, was baptized on 14 November 1614.

Dorothy, daughter of Richard Carmarden, esq, was buried on 3 September 1618.

Richard, son of Mr Richard Carmarden was buried on 26 October 1622.

College of Arms, MS Chester 53, partial copy of the parish registers of All Hallows, Barking, by the Tower of London.

Further references to the surname Carmarden occur in the registers of St Lawrence, Pountney, St Martin Orgar with St Clement Eastcheap (mid sixteenth century), St Stephen, Coleman Street, and St Olave, Hart Street (c.1606-1610).

William Carmarden of St Olave, Hart Street, was buried in 1605.

Brian Carmarden of St Olave, Hart Street, was buried in 1607.

Boyd's London Burials (typescript)


  • Initial proceedings
    • Petition: EM98 (no date)
    • Affidavit: EM99 (22 Feb 1638)

People mentioned in the case

  • Brittridge, Roger
  • Cooke, John
  • Cooke, Lucy
  • Camarden, Brian (also Carmarden)
  • Camarden, Dorothy (also Carmarden)
  • Camarden, Elizabeth (also Carmarden)
  • Camarden, Lucy (also Carmarden)
  • Camarden, Richard, esq (also Carmarden)
  • Camarden, Richard (also Carmarden)
  • Camarden, William (also Carmarden)
  • Lewis, Roger, servant
  • Lynley, shopkeeper (also Lingley)
  • Mychell, Jo.

Places mentioned in the case

  • London
    • All Hallows, Barking
    • Cheapside
    • Custom House
    • St Clement Eastcheap
    • St Katherine Coleman
    • St Lawrence, Pountney
    • St Martin Orgar
    • St Olave, Hart Street
    • St Stephen, Coleman Street
    • Tower of London

Topics of the case

  • allegation of cheating
  • Court of Requests
  • office-holding
  • other courts
  • taxation