717 Wills v Luke

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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Anthony Wills of Gorran, co. Cornwall, gent v Richard Luke of the same, yeoman

November - December 1639


Wills complained that in August 1639, as he walked with other gentlemen on the strand of Gorran Haven, Cornwall, he was interrupted by Luke, who gave him the lie, called him a 'pil'd garlick, and a scabbed knave', and then assaulted him. Process was granted on 29 November 1639 and Wills entered bond; but nothing further survives. Wills also brought a suit against John Tayrell which was possibly connected [see cause 718].

Initial proceedings

2/98, Petition to Arundel

In August 1639, 'your petitioner walking on the strand of Gorran Haven, and in company and conference with divers gent. and others of good quality, was then and there assaulted by one Richard Luke of Gorran, yeoman, who without any provocation at all by your petitioner given him, interrupted him in his talke, and gave him the lye, and said that your petitioner was a pil'd garlick, and a scabbed knave, with other abusive speeches.'

Signed by Joseph Martyn.

Petitioned that Luke be brought to answer.

Maltravers granted process on 29 November 1639.

2/96, Plaintiff's bond

7 December 1639

Bound to appear 'in the Court in the painted Chamber within the Pallace of Westminster'.

Signed by Richard Webber of Bodmin, co. Cornwall, gent, on behalf of Wills.

Sealed, subscribed and delivered in the presence of Humphrey Terrick.


Anthony Wills was the third son of Richard Wills of Botus Fleming, co. Cornwall, and Anne, daughter of Roger Westcot of Plymouth, co. Devon. He was two months old at the Visitation of 1620.

J. L. Vivian and H. H. Drake (eds.), The Visitation of Cornwall in the year 1620 (Publications of the Harleian Society, 9, 1874), pp. 265-6.


  • Initial proceedings
    • Petition to Arundel: 2/98 (29 Nov 1639)
    • Plaintiff's bond: 2/96 (7 Dec 1639)

People mentioned in the case

  • Howard, Henry, baron Maltravers
  • Howard, Thomas, earl of Arundel and Surrey
  • Luke, Richard, yeoman
  • Martyn, Joseph, lawyer (also Martin)
  • Terrick, Humphrey
  • Webber, Richard, gent
  • Westcot, Anne
  • Westcot, Roger
  • Wills, Anne
  • Wills, Anthony, gent
  • Wills, Richard

Places mentioned in the case

  • Cornwall
    • Botus Fleming
    • Bodmin
    • Gorran
    • Gorran Haven
  • Devon
    • Plymouth
  • Middlesex
    • Westminster

Topics of the case

  • assault
  • giving the lie
  • sexual insult