488 Officers Of Arms v Skinner

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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Officers of Arms v Augustine Skinner of Tutsham Hall, West Farleigh, co. Kent, esq

November 1636 - February 1637


This was a cause of office in which Skinner was cited to appear in connection with non-payment of fees due to the heralds on the funeral of his father, Augustine Skinner of Tutsham Hall, Kent, esq. No indication of sentence survives but Skinner was called to appear on 28 January 1637 and a decree was awaited on 16 February.

Initial proceedings

20/1c, Citation

Citation for non-payment of fees due on the death and funeral of his father.

Dated 8 November 1636.

'Mr Skinner was summoned the eighteenth day of January 1637'.

Signed by John Greenstreet.

Introduced 29 January 1637.

Summary of proceedings

No counsel were mentioned in this case; but Skinner was called to appear on 28 January 1637 before the earl of Arundel, Lord Maltravers and Sir Henry Marten, and a decree was awaited on 16 February 1637.


G. D. Squibb, Reports of Heraldic Cases in the Court of Chivalry, 1623-1732 (London, 1956), p. 24.

Augustine Skinner (b. c. 1596) was the son of Augustine Skinner of Tutsham Hall in West Farleigh, and Francesca, daughter of Augustine Foulkes.

R. Hovenden (ed.), The Visitation of Kent taken in the years 1619-21 (Publications of the Harleian Society, 42, 1898), p. 122.


  • Initial proceedings
    • Citation: 20/1c (8 Nov 1636)
  • Proceedings
    • Proceedings before Arundel: College of Arms MS. 'Court of Chivalry' (act book, 1636-8) [pressmark R. R. 68C] (hereafter 68C), fos. 51r-59r (28 Jan 1637)
    • Proceedings: 68C, fos. 23r-36v (11 Feb 1637)
    • Proceedings: 68C, fos. 14r-20v (16 Feb 1637)
    • Proceedings before Maltravers: 68C, fos. 60r-61r (c. 1636-8)

People mentioned in the case

  • Foulkes, Augustine
  • Foulkes, Francesca
  • Greenstreet, John
  • Howard, Henry, baron Maltravers
  • Howard, Thomas, earl of Arundel and Surrey
  • Marten, Henry, knight
  • Skinner, Augustine
  • Skinner, Augustine, esq

Places mentioned in the case

  • Kent
    • Tutsham Hall
    • West Farleigh

Topics of the case

  • cause of office
  • funeral ceremony
  • Herald