355 Kinnersley v Reynolds

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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Hercules Kinnersley of Cleobury North, co. Salop, gent v Thomas Reynolds of Abcote, co. Salop

May 1640


Kinnersley complained that Reynolds gave him the lie, called him knave and said that he was no gentleman. Process was granted on 10 May 1640, but no further proceedings survive.

Initial proceedings

5/31, Plaintiff's bond

7 May 1640

Bound to 'appear in the court in the painted chamber in the Palace of Westminster'

Signed by Thomas Kynnersley.

Sealed signed and delivered in the presence of John Watson.

5/32, Petition

'Thomas Reynolds of Abcot in the said countie, within six months last past, did very much vilifie the petitioner with many opprobrious and scandalous words and did say the petitioner was no gentleman, called him knave and severall times gave the petitioner the lye, the petitioner giving him no provocation.'

Prays that Reynolds may be bought to answer

Maltravers granted process on 10 May 1640.


Hercules Kynnersley was the son of Edward Kynnersley of Cleobury, co. Salop, and Jane, daughter of Richard Johnson of the city of Chester. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Smallman of Newton, co. Salop. The Thomas Kynnersley who signed his bond was probably his younger brother.

G. Grazebrook and J. P. Rylands (eds.), The Visitation of Shropshire taken in the year 1623, vol. II (Publications of the Harleian Society, 29, 1889), p. 301.

Abcote may refer to the hamlet of Abdon, just 3 miles from Cleobury.


  • Initial proceedings
    • Plaintiff's bond: 5/31 (7 May 1640)
    • Petition: 5/32 (10 May 1640)

People mentioned in the case

  • Howard, Henry, baron Maltravers
  • Johnson, Jane
  • Johnson, Richard
  • Kinnersley, Edward, gent (also Kynnersley)
  • Kinnersley, Elizabeth (also Kynnersley)
  • Kinnersley, Hercules, gent (also Kynnersley)
  • Kinnersley, Thomas (also Kynnersley)
  • Reynolds, Thomas
  • Smallman, Edward
  • Smallman, Elizabeth
  • Watson, John

Places mentioned in the case

  • Salop / Shropshire
    • Abcote
    • Newton
    • North Cleobury

Topics of the case

  • denial of gentility
  • giving the lie