231 Fursdon v Vesy

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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George Fursdon of Cadbury, co. Devon, gent v Hugh Vesy of Loxbeare, co. Devon

May 1636


Fursdon, captain of pioneers under Colonel Francis Courtenay, complained that Vesy had called him 'base fellow' and told him that 'he lied and that hee would bring him upon his knees'. There were proceedings in May 1636, but no indication of sentence survives.

Initial proceedings

7/44, Notes from a petition

'Hugh Vesy of Loxbeere in the county of Devon did use many scandalous and disgraceful words unto George Fursdon of Cadbury in the said county, calling him base fellow and telling him hee lied, and that hee would bring him upon his knees.

Mr Fursdon is a gent and captaine of the pioneers under Francis Courtenay esq, Colonell

Pray to proceed against Hugh Vesy'.

No date.

Summary of proceedings

There were proceedings in this cause before the earl of Arundel and Sir Henry Marten in May 1636.


Bridget, daughter of George Fursdon of Cadbury married George Eveleigh of Holcombe, co. Devon, in 1612. Another of his daughters, Elizabeth, married Nicholas Turner of Halberton, co. Devon.

F. T. Colby (ed.), The Visitation of the County of Devon in the year 1620 (Publications of the Harleian Society, 6, 1872), p. 290; J. L. Vivian (ed.), The Visitations of the County of Devon of 1531, 1564 and 1620 (Exeter, 1895), pp. 336, 741.


  • Initial proceedings
    • Notes from a petition: 7/44 (no date)
  • Proceedings
    • Proceedings before Arundel: College of Arms MS. 'Court of Chivalry' (act book, 1636-8) [pressmark R.R. 68C] (hereafter 68C), fos. 89r-100r (May 1636)
    • Proceedings before Sir Henry Marten: 68C, fos. 84r-88v (9 May 1636)

People mentioned in the case

  • Courtenay, Francis, esq
  • Eveleigh, Bridget
  • Eveleigh, George
  • Fursdon, Bridget
  • Fursdon, Elizabeth
  • Fursdon, George, gent
  • Marten, Henry, knight
  • Howard, Thomas, earl of Arundel and Surrey
  • Turner, Elizabeth
  • Turner, Elizabeth
  • Vesy, Hugh

Places mentioned in the case

  • Devon
    • Cadbury
    • Halberton
    • Holcombe
    • Loxbeare

Topics of the case

  • giving the lie
  • military officer