Sessions, 1617: 13 and 16 January

Pages 85-96

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 4, 1616-18. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1941.

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In this section

Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery, on 13 and 16 January, 14 James I [A.D. 1616–17].


p.370. John Freeman of Deptford, carpenter, respited by the Court at the last to give evidence against Thomas Ellis. George Dalby of Gray's Inn Lane, carpenter, to answer the complaint of the said John his master (and p.373).

George French of Furnival's Inn, gentleman, respited likewise to give evidence against Evan Billing.

p.371. Christopher Gardiner of Old Fish Street, salter, for good behaviour.

William Mote of Rosemary Lane, miller, for the peace. Discharged by the oath of Ann his wife that he is ill.

John Baggett of the same, porter, for the like.

p.372. Avice, wife of Robert Buck of Whitechapel, silkweaver, for the like.

Margaret Hall of St. Peter-ad-Vincula within the Tower of London, widow, for the like. At the next came and was discharged (and p.385).

William Piers of Tower Hill, tailor, for good behaviour.

Agnes Austen of Charterhouse Lane, spinster, to answer.

Came and discharged:—

Thomas Blunt of the Strand.

William Tasker of Clerkenwell, bucklemaker, for good behaviour.

John Vincent, servant to John Wainewright of Bridewell, woodmonger, to answer.

Henry Atwell of Stanbridge, co. Bedford, to answer.

William Perry of Westminster and Jane his wife for the peace.

William Barbor of the same for hurting John Woodhouse (and P.R.B. 1/99).

Handed over to the next:—

Thomas Bromelie of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, to traverse his indictment for wounding Robert Prudence [Prudum]. The cause is referred by the consent of both parties to the hearing and ordering of Sir Baptist Hickes, knight, and Edmond Dowbleday, esquire (and pp. 379, 399 and P.R.B. 1/99).

Mary Peirson of Clerkenwell, widow, to keep the peace.

John Bush of Kensington for the peace.

p.373. Came and discharged:—

Margaret, wife of Roger Glassington of Westminster, victualler, for the peace.

Richard Ewer, Thomas Carpenter, John Foote and Alan Burton of Fulham, yeomen, Thomas Stinte and Bartholomew Meredith of the same, victuallers, all to answer.

Reade Cooper of Kensington, gentleman, to answer Thomas Heylocke.

Elizabeth Knight of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields for the peace.

Anthony Hutchins of Gray's Inn Lane, carpenter, to answer.

Jane, wife of John Tucker of St. Clement Danes, butcher, for the peace.

William Davyes of Hackney, cutler, to answer. Discharged in the present suit.


Bridget Pasmore of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, widow, for tippling without licence.

Richard Vernam of St. Sepulchre's to answer.

William Ossen of the same, coachmaker, to answer.

p.374. Thomas Smith of the same, harness-maker, to answer.

Joan Sheele of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, spinster, for the peace.

Allowed a writ of supersedeas here filed:—

Margaret, wife of Francis Thimblethorpe of St. Dunstan's-in-theWest, haberdasher, for the peace.

Richard Barker of Shire Lane, tailor, "charged to have unlawfully imbeacelled some of the goodes of William Sweeper".

Robert Skellinge of Golding Lane, porter, for the peace. Discharged by the oath of Elizabeth his wife that he is ill.

Came and discharged:—

Jervase Smith of St. Clement Danes, victualler, for the peace.

Richard Crosman of Shoreditch to answer.

Emma Hill of St. John Street, spinster, to answer.

Respited to the next:—

John Johnson of St. John Street for wounding John Spencer. At the next came and was discharged; delivered by proclamation (and p.379 and G.D.R. 2/110).

Came and discharged:—

John Day of Wapping for tippling without licence.

"Mariana" Rauson of Shadwell, sailor, for the peace.

Robert Geyns of Hampstead for good behaviour.

Christopher Gulley of St. Sepulchre's, butcher, to answer for a rescue (and P.R.B. 1/99).

Richard Brocke of East Smithfield, smith, for good behaviour.

Susan, wife of Thomas Wright of the same, victualler, to answer.

Katherine Morris of the same for the like. No recognizance.

William Richardes of Nightingale Lane, victualler, accused to keep play in his house.

Thomas Cossans of St. Martin's Lane, baker.

p.375. John Mayhew of Holywell Street, brewer, for the peace.

Jaquetta, wife of Roger Need of East Smithfield, whitebaker, for good behaviour.

John Allen of Hackney, silkweaver, for the like.

Thomas Dearinge of Enfield, cutler, for the peace.

Alexander Crowson of Aldermanbury, bricklayer, to answer.

Benjamin Flinte of Whitecross Street, vintner, for the peace, handed over to the next Sessions in bail to Henry Cooper of the same, yeoman, and Jesper Cressey of Grub Street, vintner. Handed over further to Robert Parry of Whitecross Street, weaver, and Robert Cooper of the same, brewer, for his words against the Justices and their warrant (and pp.379, 390).

Timothy Newman of Whitecross Street to keep the peace towards Robert Anthony (and p.379).

Came and discharged:—

George Foster of St. Andrew's, Holborn, innholder.

Robert Woodcocke of Hackney for unlawful games. No recognizance.

To the next General Sessions:—

John Roberts of Whitechapel, matmaker, handed in bail to Robert Crosse, fletcher, and John Emerson, cutler, both of the same, to appear and keep the peace towards Ann Cooke. Came and discharged (and p.400).

Rose Gynnett of Whitechapel, spinster, handed in bail to the said Crosse and Emerson to do the like. Came and discharged (and p.400).

Came and discharged:—

Thomas Winterfloide and William Wright of Westminster.

p.376. Katherine, wife of Humphrey Flood of Wapping, for good behaviour.

To the next Sessions:—

Ralph Hinton of Utkinton, co. Chester, handed in bail to Gilbert Browne of Lincoln's Inn, gentleman, and Cuthbert Latham of St. Sepulchre's, upholsterer, to keep the peace (and p.379).

William Eborne of Wapping, glover, to give evidence against William Lincolne for suspicion of a horse. The said Lincolne respited to the next by order of the Court, and delivered by proclamation (and G.D.R. 2/103, 106).

John Jones of Chancery Lane, shoemaker, handed in bail to John Lewes of the same, carpenter, and Daniel Arthure of St. John Street, bodymaker, for himself and Katherine his wife to appear (and pp.374, 379, 386).

James Tompson of Whitecross Street, whitebaker, handed in bail to Benjamin Flynt, vintner, and Robert Parry, weaver, both of the same, to appear and answer for words against the Justices and their warrant. Handed over further to the said Parry and Robert Cooper, brewer (and pp.379, 390).

Robert Anthony of Stoke Newington to give evidence against the said Flynt and Tompson for their contemptuous words (and p.379).

John Davyes of All Hallows, London, dyer, to prosecute likewise (and p.379).

Upon petition of Thomas Cholstocke preferred at this Sessions to the Justices, and upon certificate of his good service and well deserving in the services wherein he had been employed in her late Majesty's wars, testified unto the Justices by Sir William Waad, knight, they thought it reasonable and so did order that so soon as any pensioner's place within this county did fall void, the said Thomas Colstocke [sic] should be thereunto admitted, and in the meantime upon the next account of the Treasurers the sum of £3 6s. 8d. is to be given him by way of free gift from the Justices, if it fall out there shall be so much remaining upon the stock of the county in the Treasurer's hands.

Licensed tipplers with their sureties:—

John Hewitt of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields: Christopher Bradley of the same, gentleman, and Henry Kelwall of St. Clement Danes, yeoman.

Allowed by Sir Lewis Lewkenor, knight, as appears by his letter and with the assent of the whole Court.

p.377. Thomas Stanley of St. Clement Danes: Nicholas Syms, tailor, and Edward Pargiter, shoemaker, both of the same.

Allowed at the request of Mr. Kirbye.

Francis Williamson of St. Andrew's, Holborn: Samuel Clarke of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields and Leonard Warman of St. Sepulchre's.

Allowed by Sir Lewis Lewkenor and Sir William Slingisbye, knights.

William Platt of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, chandler: William Platt the elder and Edward Davyes of the same.

Allowed by Sir Lewis Lewkenor, knight, witnessed by his clerk.

Robert Welling of Saffron Hill: Cuthbert Lyme of St. Anne's, London, merchant, and Philip Burbidge of the same, merchant-tailor.

Allowed by Sir Thomas Fowler, knight, witnessed by Mr. Tree.

John Evans of Cow Cross: Albion Foliambe of the same, tailor, and William Wood of Clerkenwell, currier.

Allowed as above.

Edward Jones of Whitechapel, baker: John Turner, fletcher, and William Abbott, both of the same.

Allowed by the Court upon certificate of the inhabitants and with the consent of Thomas Saunderson, esquire.

Alan Turner of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields: John Balde, gentleman, and George Warde, both of the same.

Allowed by Sir William Slingisby, knight.

Richard Evans of Westminster: John Laurence, shoemaker, and William Miles, both of the same.

Allowed by Thomas Wilson, esquire, in the place of Richard Vessey.

p.378. William Paggatt of Wapping: Thomas Parratt and Henry Hubbert of Ratcliffe.

Allowed by Francis Michell, esquire, in Court.

John Wathen of Westminster, chandler: Michael Lumley and James Weldon of the same.

Allowed by Sir John Brett, knight, in Court.

John Blackman of Whitechapel: Henry Deane, brewer, and William Palmer, miller, both of the same.

Allowed by the Court at the instance of Mr. Fletcher.

Orders taken at this Sessions concerning the government of the House of Correction erected at Clerkenwell, as also for correction and punishment of offenders to be committed thither and for providing stocks of money and all other things necessary for the same:

First that whereas an order was made at the Quarter Sessions held on 13 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15] (fn. 1), that the capital messuage, stable, curtilage and other the premises then in the occupation of Henry Norwood or George Sherley, esquires, and also the tenement, great orchard and garden then or late in the tenure of James Thurleby, situate within the parish of Clerkenwell, should be bought in the names of Sir Thomas Lake, knight, Custos Rotulorum of the county, and divers Justices, to the use of the county, and that they should thereupon erect a House of Correction and employment in labour for rogues, vagabonds etc; Now forasmuch as the said Justices have caused to be built upon part of the said premises a House of Correction according to the said former order, and for that upon examination of the Treasurers' accounts who disbursed the sums of money collected for buying the land and building the House, it appears that there is more money disbursed than can be got in or received, so that they are become indebted unto divers poor artizans and other workmen for the materials and labour done and bestowed in the building of the same House to the value of one hundred marks and more; Besides that many other things necessary, appertaining and belonging to the finishing of the said House of Correction are yet to be provided, without which it cannot be used to that end for which it was intended: It is therefore now ordered that the said capital messuage, stable, curtilage and other the premises in the occupation of the said Henry Norwood and George Sherley, esquires, together with one piece or parcel of ground adjoining to the garden wall of the said Henry Norwood, as the same is now severed and divided, and lying and being within the court or yard of the House of Correction aforesaid, shall be forthwith sold by such of the said Justices as did purchase the same, and that the money to be received upon the said sale shall be employed for and towards the payment of such debts as are due and owing by the said Treasurers or other Justices to such persons as ought to have the same, and for the fencing in and enclosing of the garden adjoining to the House of Correction aforesaid, and for the finishing and making fit of such rooms in the said House as shall seem most necessary to the Justices appointed by the order of the last Quarter Sessions to take the care of the ordering of the said House.


f.95. John Carter of Little Stanmore for stealing one pig belonging to Thomas Ewer. Outlawed at the Sessions held on 16 April, 16 James I [A.D. 1618] (and G.D.R. 1/104).

James Austen of Twickenham for robbery in the highway. Outlawed.

Elizabeth Merryman of Clerkenwell, as accessory after to John Cossans. Outlawed.

f.95–97. For not repairing to church:—

John Dam alias Adam of St. Andrew's, Holborn, cutler, and Helen his wife and William Champney and Margaret Welborne his servants, Ferdinand Emerson, cutler, and Joan his wife, William Mathewes, cutler, and Helen his wife, Susan, wife of Edwin Saule, gentleman, Magdalen, wife of John Blake, tailor, and Sarah Smith her servant, spinster, Joan Woodfall, widow, Richard Carey, esquire, Mary, wife of William Cobb, gentleman, Susan Greene, spinster, Anne Dowse, widow, William Beswicke, shoemaker, and Mary his wife, Ambrose Beswicke, yeoman, Susan, wife of Thomas Straunge, tailor, Magdalen Lillbell, spinster, Mary St. Cleere, widow, Elizabeth Willington and Ann Mason, spinsters, [blank] Thimble, gentleman, John Coe, stationer, and Margaret his wife, Thomas Knight, scrivener, and Joan his wife, Thomas Howard, cobbler, and Mary his wife, William Cooke, gentleman, and Margaret his wife, [blank] Ellis, spinster, and Christabel, wife of Thomas Bateman, embroiderer, all of the same, Joan, wife of Richard Gresham of Field Lane, carpenter, and Margaret, wife of Thurstan Feilde of the same, yeoman, Lady Roper of St. Andrew's aforesaid, widow, William Darby of St. James', Clerkenwell, tailor, John Robinson, tailor, and Ann his wife, Margaret Talbott, Ann Spittle and Katherine Copley, spinsters, Jane, wife of Christopher Hutchinson alias Beeston, yeoman, William Allen, yeoman, John Webb, esquire, and [blank] his wife, Elizabeth Boult and Katherine Massy, spinsters, Lady Holte, wife of Sir Thomas Holte, Knight and Baronet, Lady Askew, spinster, John Robinson the younger, yeoman, Joachim Ball, schoolmaster, Joan Grundy, spinster, Edward Mervine, esquire, "Hacketh" Weaver, Elizabeth Reynoldes, Mary Gower and Joan Derry, spinsters, Humphrey Paule, yeoman, Peter Smith, printer, and Joan his wife, John Higgens, labourer, Richard Peuvoes, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, Mary Lunne, spinster, Tobias Hinderson, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Sleepe, yeoman, and Christiana his wife, Lady Dorcas James, wife of Sir Henry James, knight, Frances James, spinster, and Edward Ruffoote, gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife, all of the same, Alice Nashe of St. Sepulchre's, spinster, Robert Gutterys, gentleman, and Margaret his wife, Christiana Banckes, spinster, and William Martyn, haberdasher, and Mary his wife, all of the same, Alice Cole of Heston, widow, Agnes Cole, spinster, and Jane, wife of Thomas Cole, yeoman, both of the same, and Sir Christopher Roper of Ealing, knight.

f.97. George Thorpe of Sunbury, esquire, for enclosing one piece of the common of Sunbury.

f.97d. For not repairing to church:—

Elizabeth Dymocke of Ealing, widow, and Elizabeth Dymocke of the same, spinster, Thomas Jollett of Edmonton, gentleman, and Peter Greene of Ratcliffe, yeoman.

Francis Towneley of Littleton, esquire, for enclosing the common highway.

Sir Thomas Lake of Sunbury, knight, for not repairing the bridge between Sunbury and Shepperton.

John Howseman of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields for not repairing the pavement.

[blank] Ford of the same for not repairing his pavement at St. Martin's.

Philip Thomas and Thomas Brasier of Cow Cross for keeping bawdy-houses.

Robert Davis and Thomas Pearson of Clerkenwell for keeping disorderly houses and for tippling without licence.

Simon Richardson of Wapping for erecting a house contrary to proclamation. Pledged for a fine on 14 April, 1618, extracted Michaelmas, 1618.

Christopher Hatten of Wapping, yeoman, for tippling without licence.

John Richardson of Westminster for dividing one tenement into three tenements, done at Drury Lane.

Walter Copeland of Westminster for refusing to watch and ward. f.98. Clement Chapman and Frederick Deeringe of the same for the like. Pledged for fines on 1 October, 1618.

Richard Stretton of Old Street, brewer, for tippling without licence.

Philip Matrell of East Smithfield for the like.

John Knight of the same for keeping a disorderly house.

For not repairing to church:—

[blank] Smitheman of St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, gentleman, Hugh Griffen of St. Clement Danes, yeoman, and George Jerningham of the same, gentleman, Mary, wife of Thurstan Feild of Saffron Hill, shoemaker, Mary, wife of Thomas Bateman of the same, embroiderer, and John Dam of High Holborn, cutler, and Mary his wife.

Edward Symes of Whitechapel for tippling without licence. Pledged for a fine on 30 September, 1618.

Thomas Barnett of the same for keeping a disorderly house.

Thomas Hughes of Hornsey for permitting common playing in his house in the time of Divine Service.

Ann Rawlins of Saffron Hill, widow, John Hopper, yeoman, and John Sharpe, tailor, both of the same, for keeping bawdy-houses.

.98d. For not repairing to church:—

Thomas Howard of High Holborn, cobbler, and Mary his wife, John Hallifax, yeoman, Susan, wife of Edwin Saule, gentleman, Richard Saule, gentleman, William Cooke, gentleman, and Bridget his wife, William Beswicke and Ambrose Beswicke, cordwainers, Ann Dowse, widow, Ferdinand Emerson, cutler, and Joan his wife, and William Mathewes, cutler, all of the same.

For keeping bawdy-houses:—

Roger Gunter, William Dyer, Henry Cotterell, William Leeche and Abraham Greene of Gray's Inn Lane, yeomen.


f.102d. Christiana Bowey, Simon Lowen and John Evans delivered by proclamation.

Sarah Draper, Richard James, George Austen and James Harris respited to the House of Correction.

John Cockell respited to the Gaol of Surrey because indicted for murder.

George Pearson [Peirson] and John Roche respited to the order of two of the King's Council (and f.110d).

f.103. Respited without bail to the next:—

Henry Hall, John Cassell, Anthony Gale, Edward Bassett, Christopher Jackson, George [Gregory] Warner, Thomas Ellis, John Cossans, Lawrence Sidley. The said Hall, Bassett, Warner and Sidley delivered by proclamation (f.106); the said Ellis to be hanged (f.107d); the said Gale to be branded (f.107d).

Indicted in London:—

Jane Cleere, Henry Kempe, Ralph Haseldyne, Joseph Emney.

John Daniell respited to the next for stealing the goods of John Davies, Serjeant-at-law, because the evidence not complete at this. William Teague, servant to John Moone of Chancery Lane, esquire, bound over to prosecute the said Daniell at the next for stealing divers parcels of plate and other goods of the said Moone. The said Daniell delivered by proclamation (and ff.105d, 106, 108d).

William Hodges respited without bail to the next because the evidence not complete at this, as says Sir Robert Ashby, knight.

Edward Trappes postponed to be tried because the evidence not complete at this. Respited to prison before judgment at the last Sessions (and Sess. Roll 555/275).

f.103d. Not guilty:—

Martha Adams for the murder of a woman child. Respited to the House of Correction (and f.103).

Guilty, seeks the book, reads, to be branded:—

William Miller for two smocks of Mary Parsons. Respited to the House of Correction (and f.103).

Guilty, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged, respited by the Court after judgment:—

John Hill for divers goods of Sir Edward Cooke, knight. Indicted in London (and f.103).

Guilty, no goods, to be hanged, because it appears by the evidence to have been a robbery in London:—
Godfrey Buke and Joseph Morgan for goods and 5s. in money of Moses Blisse.

Guilty of the silver cup, not guilty of the rest, seeks the book, reads, to be branded:—

Thomas Dennis for a silver cup and £3 of Henry Milward.

Not guilty:—

William Awman for an accessory after to Godfrey Buke and Joseph Morgan aforesaid.

Guilty to the value of 10d., no goods, to be whipped:—

Mary Corbett for a tapestry coverlet and blanket of James Burche.

Not guilty, but respited for sureties for good behaviour for one whole year:—

Edward Smith of Whitecross Street, tailor, for ravishing Sarah Cowper, bound over to Francis Lee of Cornhill, saddler, and John Laney of Fleet Street, saddler, to appear at the Sessions of Gaol Delivery to be held in the month of January next coming (and f.105d).

Guilty, no goods, to be hanged:—

Edward Smithe of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, tailor, for a mare of John Wells (and Sess. Reg. 2/373).

Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded:—

John Chapman for a bull of Richard Smithe.

Guilty, no goods, to be hanged:—

Henry Binckes for a ruff of Robert Forsett, gentleman.

f.104. Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped:—

James Hopwood for a coverlet and a pair of sheets of Thomas Garrett. Respited without bail to the next and postponed to be tried [on another charge] because the evidence not complete at this. Forasmuch as George Cadman of Bexley, co. Kent, has exhibited an indictment against James Hopwood for stealing a bay mare from him, the further prosecution whereof was respited by the Court till the next Sessions because the evidence for the King was defective; in the meantime it is ordered in respect of the prosecution already made, that the said mare, being stayed in a liberty of Sir Thomas Fowler's at Islington, be forthwith delivered unto the said George Cadman. At the next Sessions the said James found not guilty (and ff.103, 105d, 108).

Not guilty:—

Robert Taylor of Islington for the abovesaid goods of the said Thomas Garrett. At the next Sessions, for the said mare, was at large (and f.108 and P.R.B. 1/99).


John Darrey and Richard Edmondes for deceiving Edward Cooke their master of toll corn, being millers. The Court wishes to advise that the judgment against them ought to be given again, and meanwhile they are respited to the House of Correction there to remain until the next Sessions of Gaol Delivery, when the said Edmondes was delivered by proclamation (and ff.103, 106).


Robert Parnell of Hounslow, mealman, and Elizabeth Crabb alias Baylie of Hounslow, spinster, as combiners and procurers of the deceipt aforesaid. The said Robert respited to the House of Correction, the said Elizabeth at large (and f.103, 105d, 109, and P.R.B. 1/95).

Guilty, no goods, to be hanged:—

Thomas Dawes for burglary and divers goods of Humphrey Flood.

Guilty, no goods, to be hanged, respited by the Court:—

William Scotte for robbing Nicholas Weston.

Postponed to be tried and respited for good sureties because the evidence not complete at this:—

Thomas Bates [Bate] of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, butcher, for the killing of John Osborne. Bound over in £100, "for strickinge one that is since dead", to Thomas Lawes of Norton Folgate, fishmonger, and Robert Johnson of Bow Lane, merchant-tailor, to appear at the next to answer for the manslaughter whereof he is indicted. At the Sessions held on 20 February was found not guilty, but the said Osborne died by the visitation of God (and ff.105, 108, 108d).

Not guilty:—

Ralph Dixon for burglary with intent to rob William Smithe. Respited to the House of Correction (and f.103).


Anthony Fearne for refusing to take the Oath of Allegiance. Has judgment to forfeit all his lands and chattels and is placed outside the protection of the lord the King, and respited without bail.

Guilty to the value of 10d., to be whipped:—

John Taylor for a pair of boots worth 10d. of Alexander Elliott.

f.104d. Came and discharged:—

Isabel, wife of Thomas Hall of Grub Street, tailor.

Thomas Wharton of East Smithfield, butcher, to appear at the next Assizes for the county of Essex to testify against Stephen Woodgate for stealing two oxen belonging to [blank] Humfrey of Essex. Certified.

Abraham Wetherall of the same, butcher, to appear as above to give evidence against the said Stephen.

Came and committed:—

Margaret Weedes of Shadwell, spinster, for stealing certain goods of Sir Edward Coke.

Came and discharged:—

Robert Spencer of Clerkenwell, suspected to have stolen a cloak.

Respited to the next:—

John Starre of Charterhouse Lane. At the next came and was discharged (and f.108d).

In gaol:—

Anthony Soday of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, suspected to have stolen a cloak.

f.105. Came and discharged:—

Rebecca Spencer of Clerkenwell, spinster, suspected to have stolen a cloak.

Maurice Jones of St. Dunstan's-in-the-East, clothworker.

Charles Walker of St. Andrew's, Holborn.

John Davis of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, tailor.

Edward Elliott of Stepney.

Thomas Lewis of Whitecross Street, carpenter, to answer for the escape of Edward Smithe.

George Gibbes of the Precincts of St. Katherine's-next-the Tower of London, waterman.

Elizabeth, wife of John Boddicott of Bloomsbury, cobbler, accessory to stealing certain goods from Mr. Harris of London, goldsmith.

Sarah Jones of St. Faith's, suspected to have stolen certain parcels of plate from Mrs. Locksmith, widow.

Thomas Colall of Chelsea, waterman, for goods from Elizabeth Baylie "that was downe".

Came and was committed because indicted in London:—

Edward Bryars of Lombard Street, goldsmith, for receiving stolen plate from Sir William Younge.


  • 1. See Middlesex Sessions Records, New Series, Vol. III, p.214.