General Index: M, N

Pages 423-429

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 4, 1616-18. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1941.

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Mabbes, Richard, 193

Mabye, William, 247

Mace [Mase]

-, John, 82, 115

-, [blank], 126

Macham [Makam]

-, Edward, 2

-, George, 50

-, Robert, 357

Machen, see Mayheme.

Mackarell, William, 16

Macye, John, 13

Madder, see Mather.

Maddox, Margaret, 205

-, Roland, 357

Madeley, co. Salop, 133

Madgley, William, 255

-, -, wife of, 255

Maggott, Alice, 3

-, John, 3

Maile, see Mayle.

Maimed soldiers, see Soldiers, Maimed.

Maine, see Mayne.

Maior, John, 37

Maison, see Mason.

Maize, Edward, 298, 337

Makam, see Macham.

Makynder, Dorothy, 199

Maldon, co. Essex, 2, 173

Mallard, David, 111

Mallett, James, 299

-, Richard, 121

Mallorye, Thomas, 337

-, -, wife of, 337

Maltby, Christopher, 37

Malthrupp, Anthony, 239

Malthus [Maulthus], John, 73

Malyn, Alice, 334

-, John, 334

Man [Manne]

-, Francis, 270, 271

-, George, 354

-, Joan, 271

-, Robert, 123

-, Thomas, 301

Manby, Arthur, 335

Mander, Nicholas, 48

Manerley, see Maverley and Waverley.

Maniesborrowe, Francis, 181

Manistee, James, 320

Manning, Henry, 225

-, John, 1

-, Robert, 1

-, Thomas, 285

-, William, 113

Mansell [Maunsell]

-, John, 337

-, William, 34

Mansfield, John, 185

Mantle, Helen, 255

Manwaring, Arthur, Sir, 197

Maple [Maples]

-, John, 162

-, William, 42, 46, 136

Marberry, Richard, 284

March, Samuel, 134

-, Solomon, 309

Marchant [Marchaunt]

-, Anthony, 254

-, John, 69, 70

Marcoll, John, 113

Marcott [Markett]

-, John, 302

-, Lewis, 204

Marcros, Jenkin, 27

Marcy, see Mercye.

Mariot, William, 52

Markham, Moses, 165

-, Richard, 114

Markindale, Charles, 235

Mark Lane, St. Olave's in, see St. Olave, Hart Street.

Marle, Richard, 64

Marrett, John, 270

-, Magdalen, 348

Marsam [Marsom]

-, Christopher, 98

-, Richard, 19

-, William, 189

Marsh [Mash]

-, Christopher, 253

-, Francis, 107, 292, 363

-, Henry, 368

-, John, 303

-, Richard, 285

-, Robert, 39, 368

-, Silvester, 176

-, Thomas, 133, 232

-, William, 24, 34, 256, 285

-, Zachary, 176

Marshal, Provost, see under Middlesex.

Marshall, Edward, 233

-, Elizabeth, 322

-, Jane, 12

-, Peter, 82

-, Richard, 14, 274

Marshalsea, Treasurers for the, 155

Martin [Marten, Martyn]

-, Dennis, 185

-, Diggory, 326

-, Ellen, 66

-, Ewin, 151, 183, 200, 278

-, Henry, 274

-, Ingram, 270

-, John, 34, 127 (2), 337

-, Katherine, 349

-, Mary, 91, 143, 265

-, Nathaniel, Chief constable, 152, 203, 279, 332

-, Richard, 235, 338

-, Robert, 285

-, Sybil, 168

-, Thomas, 9, 267, 269

-, William, 35, 91, 143, 213, 265, 266, 349

Martindale, Bartholomew, 271

Marvine, see Mervine.

Marylebone, 17, 76, 122, 139, 186, 249, 344

-, Constables of, 2, 23, 151, 200, 331

-, Watch of, 2

Mascall, John, 226

Mase, see Mace.

Maser, John, 112.

Mash, see Marsh.

Mason [Maison, Masson]

-, Agnes, 103

-, Ambrose, 321–3

-, Ann, 69 (2), 91, 303, 307

-, Francis, 101, 305

-, George, 303

-, John, 69 (2), 112, 204, 264, 307

-, Nicholas, 118

-, Richard, 270, 347, 361

-, Robert, 43, 155

-, Seth, 118

-, Thomas, 98

Massam, Nicholas, 341

Massey, John, 196

-, Katherine, 91, 143, 343

-, Theodore, 100

Masson, see Mason.

Masterson, Ann, 11

-, Elizabeth, 105

Mastrell, Ann, 270

-, Francis, 274

Mather [Madder]

-, Griffin, 230

-, Margaret, 272

-, Roland, 272

Mathew [Mathewes]

-, Barnard, 133

-, Benjamin, 29

-, Colberne, 49

-, Edward, 270, 361

-, Elizabeth, 133

-, George, 114, 183

-, Hannibal, 220

-, Helen, 28, 90, 142, 189, 288, 343

-, James, 362

-, John, 41, 49, 60, 80, 151, 173, 200, 331

-, Morgan, 183

-, Richard, 7, 24

-, Thomas, 136, 249, 319

-, William, 28, 90, 92, 142, 189, 288, 343

Matrell, Philip, 92

Matson, William, 60

Matrons, Jury of, see under Jurors.

Mault, Stephen, 27

Maulthus, see Malthus.

Maundrell, Henry, 178

Maunsell, see Mansell.

Maverley [Manerley], Henry, 155, 164

Mawcumbe, Donkin, 9

Maxfeild, Robert, 23, 149, 202, 277, 329

May, Alexander, 330, 359

-, Christopher, 45

-, Henry, 241

-, John, 97, 186, 271

-, Richard, 281

-, Thomas, 248, 347

-, William, 40, 67–8

Maybanck, William, 282

Mayde, John, 339

Mayheme [Machen], Richard, 216

Mayhew, John, 87

-, Robert, 25, 285

-, [blank], 332

Mayhoe, Thomas, 116–17

Mayle [Maile], John, the younger, Bailiff, 5, 22, 148, 199, 276, 328

Maynard, Mary, 306

Mayne [Maine]

-, Francis, 12

-, Richard, 159, 275

Mayo, John, 206

-, Margaret, 206

-, Thomas, 122

Mead [Meades]

-, Richard, 256

-, Thomas, 54

Meakins, Henry, 221

Meares, see Meere.

Meavis, Joan, 324

Medcalfe, see Metcalfe.

Medhurst, [blank], 337

Medley, Edmund, 302

Medlor, John, 275

Meere [Meares]

-, Anthony, 259

-, Richard, 159, 259

-, William, 234

Melen, Cornelius, 312

Mellman [Millman], Roger, 278, 330

Melton, Ralph, 329

Memming, Richard, 211

Mempes, [blank], 36

Mercer, Edward, 42

-, John, 101, 282

Mercye [Marcy], Roger, 5, 243

Meredith, Batholomew, 86

-, Lewis, 117

-, Peter, 25, 286

-, Price, 20, 249

-, Samuel, 103, 291

Meriall, Sybil, 308

-, Thomas, 308

Merredaye [Merydale, Merydey]

-, Giles, 162, 195

-, Timothy, 268

Merrett [Merrytt]

-, Robert, 300

-, Thomas, 210

Merrick, Richard, 203

-, Roland, 317

-, Thomas, 153, 280

Merryfeild, William, 366

Merryman, Elizabeth, 90

Mersham, Richard, 223

Merston, Gilbert, 272

Mervine [Marvine]

-, Edward, 91, 143, 190

-, Henry, 272

-, William, 124, 367

Merydale [Merydey], see Merredaye.

Mese [Messe]

-, Katherine, 189

-, Peter, 182

Metcalfe [Medcalfe]

-, Christopher, 307

-, Dorothy, 242

-, Elizabeth, 100

-, Roger, 154

-, Thomas, 163

-, William, 302

Mewtas, Thomas, 287

Michael, William, 226

Michell, see Mitchell.

Middleditch, Robert, 218

Middlemore, John, 134

Middlesex, Clerk of the Peace for, 111, 367

See also Longe, George.

-, Coroners for, see Coroners; and also Bright, Robert; Harriott, Henry.

-, Custos Rotulorum for, see Lake, Sir Thomas.

-, House of Correction for, see House of Correction.

-, Marshal, Provost, for, 3, 26, 121, 162, 241

-, Pillory in, 117

See also under Punishments.

-, Purveyance for, 102–3, 162, 335

-, Questhouse in, Court held at the, 263

-, Sheriffs for, 19, 62, 166, 230, 262, 263, 300, 321, 340, 359, 360, 366

See also Cotton, Alan; Hackett, Cuthbert; Halliday, William; Johnson, Robert; Prescott, Alexander; Rotheram, Edward.

-, -, Bailiffs of the, 63, 140

-, Under-sheriff for, 80

Middle Temple, see Temple, Middle.

Middleton [Myddleton]

-, Charles, 266

-, Francis, 66, 326

-, Thomas, 219, 355

-, William, 1, 114

Mile End, 36, 51, 67, 100, 191, 268, 270, 287, 293, 320, 322, 339, 340, 341, 348, 349

-, Constables of, 150, 202, 277, 329

Mile End Green, 76

Miles [Myles]

-, Andrew, 130

-, Edward, 62, 178

-, Isabel, 130

-, Samuel, Mayor of Coventry, 184

-, William, 89

Millayne [Millen]

-, Thomas, 190, 270

-, [blank], 190

Miller, Ann, 58

-, Edward, 5

-, George, 250

-, Henry, 328

-, John, 179

-, Nicholas, 261

-, Philip, 179

-, Richard, 105

-, Roger, 165

-, Thomas, 98

-, William, 23, 58, 93, 168, 198, 232, 293, 351

Millett, Elizabeth, 14

Millington, Robert, 36, 107

Millman, see Mellman.

Mills [Milles, Mylls]

-, Alice, 1

-, Edward, 105

-, George, 42

-, Hugh, 129

-, John, 32, 52, 107, 294

-, Mary, 224

-, Philip, 74

-, Richard, 105

-, Thomas, 49

-, William, 1

-, [blank], 32

Milner [Myllner]

-, Edward, 306

-, Eleanor, 321–3

-, Robert, 198

Milson, Thomas, 13

Milton, Anthony, 250

Milward, Henry, 94

-, William, 38

Mimms, North, see North Mimms.

Mimms, South, see South Mimms.

Minne, Henry, Sir, 37

Minories, The, 11, 47, 173, 175, 210, 225

Minsterley, Edward, 306

Mint, The, 296

-, Theft from, 298

Mitchell [Michell]

-, Francis, Justice, 34, 61, 80, 89, 103, 174, 214, 218, 282, 290, 334, 335, 367

-, Henry, 137

-, James, 345

-, Joan, 12

-, John, 2, 55

-, Robert, 12, 136, 233, 245, 300

Mitchelson, James, 270

Moate, see Motte.

Mocksidge, Elizabeth, 227

-, William, 227

Molde, Robert, 117

Mole, John, 110

Monday [Munday], Thomas, 100, 269, 284, 345

Monkwell Street, 52, 256

Montagu [Mountague], Henry, Sir, Recorder of the City of London, Lord Chief Justice, 83–4, 134, 219, 314

Montgomeryshire, Newtown in, 137

Monthrop, William, 180

Moody, George, 267, 273

-, Isabel, 267

Moone, John, 93

Moore [More]

-, Edmund, 238, 239, 303, 310

-, -, wife of, 303

-, George, 334

-, Helen, 266

-, Henry, 31, 140

-, John, 218, 333

-, Nicholas, 10

-, Richard, 356

-, Robert, 13

-, Thomas, 176, 234, 338

William, 31, 51

Morehen, George, 36

Morehouse, John, 29

Morell, see Morrell.

Moreton [Morton, Mourton]

-, John, 46

-, Richard, 6, 203, 281

-, William, 351

Morgan, Christopher, 244

-, Francis, 98

-, Jenkin, 361

-, John, 3, 140, 346

-, Joseph, 94

-, Richard, 18, 231

Morison, see Morrison.

Morley, Christopher, 273

-, Harbert, 154, 163

Morlytch, Robert, 301

Morrell [Morell]

-, John, 73

-, William, 321

Morris [Morrice]

-, Anthony, 154, 215

-, Edmond, 37

-, Edward, 274

-, Griffin, 234

-, Hugh, 127

-, John, 55

-, Katherine, 86

-, Lewis, 184

-, Nathaniel, 348

-, Nicholas, 25

-, Richard, 57, 104, 247

-, Robert, 31, 192

-, Thomas, 51, 172, 247, 262

-, -, Chief constable, 149

-, William, 123, 211, 260, 309

Morrison [Morison]

-, Henry, 342

-, John, 271

-, Robert, 127

Morroughe [Murfew, Murrowe], John, 206

Mors, Richard, 295

Morte, Oliver, 117

Mortimer, Robert, 76

-, William, 76

Morton, see Moreton.

Mortram, William, 62

Mortroppe, see Nortrope.

Moseley, Francis, 347

-, William, 293

Moses, John, 46

Moss, Alice, 223

Mostian [Mostyan, Mostyn]

-, Henry, 295

-, Richard, 295

-, Robert, 155, 207, 335, 336

Motley, William, 303, 338

Motte [Moate, Mote]

-, Ann, 85

-, William, 29, 85, 282, 340

Motteram, William, 312

Mouch, Thomas, 247

Mouldsworth, Nathaniel, 12, 46

Mountague, see, Montagu.

Mountaine [Mountaigne]

-, Humphrey, 267

-, Matthew, 59

Mountney, John, 179

Mourton, see Moreton.

Mouse, Elizabeth, 300

Mouseley, Samuel, 319

Moxiffe, John, 362

Moyle, Roland, 167

Much Wenlock, co. Salop, 43

Muckly, Pageham, 60, 75

Muffett, William, 236

Muggins, Edmund, 284, 315

"Mugwell Street", see Monkwell Street.

Mullard, John, 38

Mulleneux, John, Sir, 215

Mumby, Christopher, 220

-, Thomasine, 220

Muncke, John, 302

Munday, see Monday.

Munne, James, 71

Munsey, William, 299

Munt, Robert, 253

Murch, Stephen, 244

Murden, Francis, 80

Murfield, Hugh, 10

Murfew, see Morroughe.

Murford, Ann, 120

Murrante, Edward, 219

Murren [Murran]

-, Richard, 10

-, Robert, 319

-, -, wife of, 319

Murrey, Ann, 258

-, Cornelius, 355

-, Farwell, 355

-, Henry, 302

-, Thomas, 258

Murrowe, see Morroughe.

Muscott [Muskett]

-, Simon, Justice, 335

-, Thomas, 55

Musgrave [Musgrove]

-, Thomas, 81

-, William, 299

-, [blank], 124

Mutley, John, 256

Myddleton, see Middleton.

Myles, see Miles.

Myllner, see Milner.

Mylls, see Mills.

Mynshawe, William, 343


Nanton, Robert, Sir, 31

Nash, co. Buckingham, 323

Nash, Alice, 91, 143, 190, 343

-, George, 145

-, Richard, 11, 368

-, Thomas, 247

-, William, 153, 203, 280, 333

Neale, John, 43, 51, 123, 150, 202, 277

-, Robert, 201, 278, 330

-, Simon, 78, 128

See also O'Neale.

Neaves [Neeve], see Neve.

Need [Needes]

-, Jaquetta, 87

-, Roger, 59, 87, 182, 307

Needeham, John, 29

Negoose, Thomas, 100

Nelham, John, the elder, 289

-, -, the younger, 289

-, Richard, 296

-, -, the elder, 8

-, William, 297

Nelson, Edward, 270

-, Thomas, 249, 311

Nesse, Richard, 20

Netleton, Geoffrey, 259

Netlingham, Katherine, 114

Neve [Neaves, Neeve]

-, John, 324

-, Robert, 198–9

-, Sybil, 125

Nevill, Francis, 190

-, Jerome, 12

-, Samuel, 291

-, William, 112

-, [blank], 190

New, William, 290

Newberry, William, 334

New Brentford, see Brentford, New.

Newby, Alice, 147

Newgate, Gaol of:

Commitals to the, see under Punishments.

Delivery Calendar for the, 80, 154, 204–5, 239–40

Keepers of the, see Flamstead, John; Oldsworth, [blank]; Wells, [blank].

Mutiny in the, 242

Prisoners in the, Deaths of, 106, 108, 115, 291, 322, 345

-, Escape of, 65, 347

-, Sessions of Peace held at, 60, 135

See also Old Bailey and St. Sepulchre.

Newgate Market, 51, 110

Newington, [co. Middlesex], see Stoke Newington.

Newington [Newington Butts], co. Surrey, 10, 64, 66, 356

New Inn, 170

Newman, Agnes, 238

-, Esau, 40

-, John, 320

-, Richard, 152, 203, 226, 281

-, Roger, 25, 152, 202, 286

-, Stephen, 150, 277, 329

-, Thomas, 204

-, Timothy, 87, 182, 215

-, William, 347

Newnham, Thomas, 281, 332

Newport, Peter, 132

New Sarum, co. Wilts, 274

Newton, George, 207

-, James, 28

-, John, 11, 233, 245, 260, 295

-, Mr., 172

-, [blank], 107

Newtown, co. Montgomery, 137

Newyns, Richard, 100

Nicholas, George, 70

-, James, 225 (2)

Nicholl [Niccolls, Nicholls, Nicoll]

-, Alice, 168, 265

-, Dionise, 264

-, Evan, 124

-, Francis, 99

-, Joan, 38, 136, 214

-, John, 35, 135, 139, 245

-, Margery, 124

-, Randolph, 152

-, Richard, 37

-, Robert, 262

-, Stephen, 55, 170, 347

-, Thomas, 81, 155

-, William, 148, 216

-, [blank], 32

Nicholson [Niccolson]

-, Joan, 226, 296

-, Rudolf, 176

-, Thomas, 111

-, William, 5, 184

Nicklin, Francis, 311

Nightingale Lane, 87

Nightingall, Ennidry, 258

-, John, 258

Nixe [Nickes, Nyxe]

-, John, 104

-, Lawrence, 30

-, William, 25

Nixon, William, 167, 362

Noble, Elizabeth, 50

-, John, 7

-, William, 52

Noble Street, 62

Noden, Isabel, 137

-, John, 137

Noke [Nockes, Nokes]

-, Ann, 237

-, Anthony, 212

-, Hugh, 300

-, Joan, 51

-, Susan, 237

-, Ursula, 212

Noker, Michael, 18

Noone, Elizabeth, 167

Norcott, 195, 271

Norfolk, Holkam in, 100

-, Lynn in, 180

Norfolk, John, 136

Norgate, Edward, 38

Norman, Robert, 127

-, William, 360

Normond, John, 345

Norris [Norrice, Norrys]

-, Brian, 254

-, Nicholas, 286

-, Richard, 47

-, Robert, 51

-, Roger, 137

North, Dudley, Lord, 103

-, -, -, Liberty of, Bailiff of the, 22, 149, 199, 276, 328

-, Henry, 151, 200, 279, 331

-, -, Sir, 273, 274

-, John, 252

-, Richard, 148

-, Thomas, 132–3, 219

Northage, see Nortridge.

Northall, Constables of, 153, 203, 280, 333

Northall, Richard, 163

Northamptonshire, Blickling in, 106

-, Fotheringhay in, 12, 46

-, Harlstone in, 357

-, Harringworth in, 218

-, Weedon Beck in, 323

Northcot, Daniel, 37

Northen, Francis, 339

North Mimms, co. Hertford, 55

Northoppe, Samuel, 40

Norton, co. Chester, 55

Norton, Dudley, 273

-, Francis, 162 (2), 204, 252, 280

-, Gregory, 41

-, Humphrey, 55

-, Jane, 110

-, [blank], 36

Norton Folgate, 3, 5, 13, 24, 42, 43, 51, 95, 123, 174, 175, 197, 217, 243, 250, 269, 287, 307, 329, 334, 335, 339, 347, 356, 365

-, Constables of, 51, 150, 202, 277

Nortridge [Northage], John, 150, 202, 223, 277

Nortrope [Mortroppe], John, 255

Norwood, 128, 162, 286, 317

-, Constables of, 153, 203, 280, 333

Norwood, Henry, 89–90

Noswell, Stephen, 33

Nott, Henry, 320

-, Lawrence, 320

See also Knott.

Nowell, Sarah, 345

Nunn [Nunnes]

-, George, 100, 349

-, John, 132

-, Walter, 98, 100

Nurrey, Miles, 344

Nutt, Margaret, 165

-, Stephen, 286

Nutting, John, 110, 344

-, Richard, 40, 72

-, Robert, 40, 72

Nynne, Robert, 54

-, -, wife of, 54

Nyxe, see Nixe.