Pages 349-368
County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 4, 1616-18. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1941.
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In this section
Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery, on 19 and 20 March, 15 James I [A.D. 1617–18].
Recognizances of:—
15 February, 15 James I [A.D. 1617–18].
John Goodsoffe of "Mertell", co. Essex, husbandman, William
Austen of Tillingham, co. Essex, drover, Richard Denham of Purleigh,
co. Essex, drover, and Richard Turner of Layer Marney, co. Essex,
drover, all for selling calves at Mile End on the Sabbath day, and all
respited to the next General Sessions, when they came and were
Sureties:—Thomas Hogg of Mile End, gentleman, and George
Nunnes of the same, innholder.
Sess. Roll. 563/1, 12, 2, 3.
Sess. Reg. 2/486, 487, 491, 499, 500.
Joan Gage of St. Olave's, co. Surrey, widow, to give evidence
against Helen Androwes for buying stolen goods.
The said Helen delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 563/4.
G.D.R. 2/143.
Lewis Powell of the City of London, fruiterer, to give evidence
against Jane Brakin for suspiction of felony, respited without bail
to the next and delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 563/7.
G.D.R. 2/143, 145d.
Joan Harrison of Southwark, widow, to give evidence against
Jane Rowland of St. James', Clerkenwell, widow, for suspicion of
felony; and of Richard Patricke, cook, and Roland Fletcher, both of
the same, for the said Jane to appear.
The said Jane came and was committed.
Sess. Roll 563/8, 45.
G.D.R. 2/145.
William Martin and Robert Ray of Bishopsgate Street, glovers,
and William Geason of Barking, London, combmaker, for Katherine,
wife of the said Martin, for suspicion of felony; and of Peter Pricket
of St. John of Jerusalem to give evidence against her.
Sess. Roll 563/9, 44.
G.D.R. 2/145.
John Battey of St. Sepulchre's, farrier, and Ralph Liddoll of the
same, tailor, for Thomas Brazier of the same, victualler, and Ann his
wife, for suspicion of felony.
Sess. Roll 563/10.
G.D.R. 2/145.
Bernard Austin and Richard Brewer of Westminster, for William
Fisher and Richard Rogers of the same for their misbehaviour in
emptying a house of office into the streets to the annoyance of divers
gentlemen and other inhabitants near Charing Cross.
Sess. Roll 563/12, 13.
Sess. Reg. 2/492, 493.
John Armstrong of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields to give evidence
against William Dilkes for felony.
The said William delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 563/15.
G.D.R. 2/143.
Geoffrey Ames of St. Sepulchre's, gardener, and John Batten of
the same, farrier, for Joan, wife of Samuel Bushe of the same, suspected
to have stolen four bands and a cap from Richard Wright of St.
Martin's-in-the-Fields; and of the said Richard to give evidence
against the said Joan and Samuel.
The said Samuel delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 563/16, 88.
G.D.R. 2/143, 145.
Thomas Popkyn of Whitechapel, collier, and John Willyams of
Rosemary Lane, labourer, for Henry Viccars [Vickers] of Whitechapel, shoemaker, for suspicion of cozening Margaret Standon of
Limehouse, widow, of a bundle of linen; and of the said Margaret
to give evidence against him.
Sess. Roll 563/17, 18.
Sess. Reg. 2/493, 496.
Thomas Commings of Poplar, gentleman, to prosecute Thomas
Painter of East Smithfield, gunsmith, for taking away certain planks
out of his ground near Poplar; and of Thomas Berry of East Smithfield, gunmaker, and Gabriel Barton of Rosemary Lane, mason, for
Richard Stevens of Ratcliffe, blacksmith, to answer the said Comminges for the said planks taken out of his ground and sold by him
to the said Painter; and of the said Berry and Samuel Taylor of East
Smithfield, tailor, for the said Painter to answer concerning the said
wooden planks that were found in his custody, being the goods of
the said Comminges.
Sess. Roll 563/19, 20, 53.
Sess. Reg. 2/493.
4 February, 15 James I [A.D. 1617–18].
Richard Langworth [Langford] of St. Martin's, Ludgate, haberdasher, to prosecute Joseph [John] Johnson for breaking his shop
and stealing thence divers wares to the value of £40.
The said Joseph indicted in London; respited by the court at the
Sess. Roll 563/23.
Sess. Reg. 2/492.
G.D.R. 2/139d.
18 February, 15 James I [A.D. 1617–18].
George Symons of "Swardston" in the parish of Waltham Abbey,
co. Essex, to prosecute Richard Wilson for suspicion of breaking
his house in the night and stealing divers goods to the value of £30.
The said George bound to prosecute at the next and then did
not come; the said Richard respited from the last Sessions without
bail, and delivered by proclamation at this.
Sess. Roll 563/24.
Sess. Reg. 2/492.
G.D.R. 2/139d, 142d, 143, 144d.
Alice Hall and Angela Crafts of Westminister, spinsters, Samuel
Lewes and William Steadman of the same, all to give evidence
against William Mourton for felony, who is respited without bail to
the next and delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 563/25–8.
G.D.R. 2/143, 145d.
Henry Harrison of Whetstone, collier, to give evidence against
William Miller, who is respited without bail to the next and delivered
by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 563/29.
G.D.R. 2/143, 145d.
Nicholas Southerne of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, painter,
to answer for keeping company with a whore at unlawful hours.
Sess. Roll 563/30.
Sess. Reg. 2/495.
Bridget Parchmore [Pasmore] of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields to answer
for keeping a lewd and disordered house in the same, and to be of good
John Evans of St. Clement Danes, victualler, handed over in
bail to the next to Samuel Harmond of Cow Cross and John
Harrington of St. Sepulchre's, saddler, for harbouring divers lewd
persons that committed the riot at the house of the said Bridget.
Sess. Roll 563/31.
Sess. Reg. 2/495, 496.
Peter Bagget of Cow Cross, clothworker, George Hart, porter,
and Henry Wallis, both of the same, for Margery Gardiner to answer
for a great disorder committed in St. Clement's, whereof much
bloodshed ensued, and to be of good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 563/32.
Sess. Reg. 2/495.
26 February, 15 James I [A. D. 1617–18].
Richard Chater [Charter] of Clerkenwell, cutler, and Thomas Breet
of Cow Cross, victualler, for Margaret, wife of Edward Rogers of
St. Andrew's, Holborn, carman, to answer George Eastland of
Tothill Street, Westminster, gentleman; and of Hugh Copeland of
St. James', Clerkenwell, silversmith, James Sanders of the same,
tailor, and the said Richard, for Helen, wife of the said Hugh, to
answer the said George.
The said George to give evidence against the said Helen who
came and was committed.
Sess. Roll 563/34, 46.
Sess. Reg. 2/494, 501.
G.D.R. 2/145.
27 January, 15 James I [A.D. 1617–18].
John Shekspere of St. Clement Danes, bitmaker, and Richard
Hawkesworth of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, gentleman, for George
Walton of St. Clement Danes, bitmaker, for begetting a bastard child
upon the body of Elizabeth Powell of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, which
is likely to prove chargeable to the said parish.
Respited to the next because ill, and respited further.
Sess. Roll 563/36.
Sess. Reg. 2/485, 491, 500.
Anthony Carr of St. Katherine's, victualler, for selling and uttering
unwholesome butter by unlawful weights.
Sess. Roll 563/49.
Sess. Reg. 2/495.
19 February, 15 James I [A.D. 1617–18].
Christopher Robinson of Carter Lane, cordwainer, and Thomas
Willbrome of Ratcliffe, tailor, for Alice Willson, now wife of William
King, to give evidence against the said William for having two
wives, his first being still alive; and of Robert Brand of Rood Lane,
tailor, and Richard Chandeller of St. Mary Overies, Southwark,
grocer, to give evidence likewise.
The said Alice and Robert respited to the next and then came and
were discharged.
Sess. Roll 563/53, 54, 57.
Sess. Reg. 2/492.
G.D.R. 2/143d.
Robert Wortlye of St. Clement Danes, carpenter, and Thomas
West of St. Andrew's, Holborn, baker, for Richard Dingly [Dynglye]
of St. Clement Danes aforesaid, baker, to answer the accusation of
Richard Weden [Weedon] of the same, baker, for persuading Samuel
Carter to cozen his master William [sic] Weedon of his bread; and of
the said Richard Weden and John Lymbroe of St. Andrew's aforesaid,
baker, for the said Carter to answer for his embezzling of the goods
of the said Richard [sic] Weden his master.
The said Dingly, charged likewise with embezzling his master's
goods, handed over further in bail to Richard Worrall of St. Clement's
aforesaid, tailor, and Owen Cockett of the same, gentleman, to
prosecute his traverse with effect.
Sess. Roll 563/59, 60.
Sess. Reg. 2/494, 500.
P.R.B. 1/125d.
William Cottingham of St. Mary-le-Savoy in the Strand, shoemaker,
and George Pinnell of the same, tailor, for Robert Holland of the
same, victualler, to answer the accusation of Matthew Faron concerning
a cloak which he lost in his house.
Sess. Roll 563/62.
Sess. Reg. 2/494.
Peter Benson of Kentish Town, tanner, and Nicholas Parker of
the same, for George Man [Manne] of the same, tanner, for assaulting
and striking Richard Farrar in the King's highway.
Sess. Roll 563/63.
Sess. Reg. 2/494.
Richard Burchinshaw of St. Olave's, Southwark, feltman, for
Elizabeth Hughes of St. Clement Danes, spinster, to answer the
accusation of Richard Yarworth [Yerworth] of the same.
Sess. Roll 563/64.
Sess. Reg. 2/494.
Hugh Crowch [Crouche] of St. Clement Danes, currier, and
Maurice Hughes of St. Bride's, blacksmith, each bound in £50, for
Richard Lowch [Louch] of St. Clement Danes, cook, bound in £100,
"for animatinge of a great company of boyes and other unruely
persones to pull downe a howse in Lyncons Inne Fieldes, promisinge
to give unto them money to effect the same"; and of Richard Gilman
of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, bricklayer, William Edmons, smith, and
John Smyth, cobbler, both of the same, and John Stonyer, Henry
Kellawaie, William Crosse, George Wood and William Carpenter,
all of St. Clement Danes, to give evidence against the said Lowch.
The said Lowch bound over further in £100 to the said Crowch
and Hughes, each bound in £30, to appear at the Sessions of the Peace
after Easter, 1619.
Sess. Roll 563/65, 69.
Sess. Reg. 2/493, 500.
George Shaw of St. Andrew's, Holborn, vintner, for William Burd
of St. Magnus', wine-cooper, to answer the accusation of Mr. Doctor
Chambers, his Majesty's physician, "for partakinge with porters
and other rude fellowes that did assault and stricke hym passinge
peaceably thorowgh Holborne, and beate and wound his footeman
Dennys Lee", and for using "very proud and comparative speeches
unto hym"; and of Thomas Willis of St. Andrew's aforesaid,
innholder, for Robert Taylor of St. Olave's, Southwark, wine-porter,
accused to be one of those that assaulted and struck the said Doctor
Chambers and beat and wounded the said Dennis Lee.
The said Burd bound to the next in bail to William Shawe of
Holborn, vintner, and Samuel Kerby of St. Margaret's, Fish Street,
haberdasher, when came was discharged; the said Taylor came
and was discharged; Richard Cocke of St. Andrew's aforesaid, innholder, bound
over to the next by the same sureties, for participating
in the assault made upon James Chambers, Doctor of Medicine, and
came and was discharged; Amos Wright of the same, vintner, handed
over to the next for the like and discharged likewise; Cuthbert
Johnson of High Holborn, Richard Fuller and Robert Quinborowe
indicted also for a riotous assault upon the said James Chambers.
Sess. Roll 563/66, 67.
Sess. Reg. 2/494, 495, 500.
P.R.B. 1/125.
G.D.R. 2/143d.
Rice Jones of St. Clement's, tailor, William Crosse of St. Martin'sin-the-Fields, gentleman, John Cotton of St. Mary Savoy, tailor, and
John Harborne of St. Andrew's, Holborn, stationer, for Cornelius
Murrey and Farwell Murrey of London, gentlemen, for making an
assault and breach of the peace upon the body of William Stallibras
[Stallybras] of St. Clement's, joiner, and wounding him in the head.
Both delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 563/68.
Sess. Reg. 2/495.
G.D.R. 2/143.
Richard Gilman of St. Bride's, sempster, John Dottin of Harberton,
co. Devon, and William Sherman of St. Sepulchre's, gentleman, for
William Cowper to be of good behaviour for one whole year,
respited by order of the Court at the last Sessions; without
Sess. Roll 563/70.
G.D.R. 2/145.
Richard Barnes of St. James', Clerkenwell, cutler, and Thomas
Greenewood of the same, tailor, for Richard Hardwicke of the same,
nailer, to appear, respited by order of the Court at the last Sessions.
Sess. Roll 563/71.
G.D.R. 2/145.
Thomas Middleton of Hackney, shoemaker, and Simon Hughes
of Holywell Street, tailor, for Simon Colebecke of Hackney, victualler,
for harbouring and lodging in his house divers persons suspected
to be notorious horse-stealers.
Handed over further in bail to Leonard Richardson of St. John
Street and William Rogers of St. Martin's, and discharged by the Court.
Sess. Roll 563/73.
Sess. Reg. 2/495, 500
John Tyce of Hoxton, weaver, and Henry Hodge of the same,
brewer, for Thomas Griggson of the same, weaver, for keeping
a victualling-house without licence.
Sess. Roll 563/74.
Sess. Reg. 2/495.
Nicholas Smith of Haggerston and John Hall of Holywell Street,
bailiff, for Francis Symons of Hoxteon, chandler, for victualling
without licence, being a chandler.
Sess. Roll 563/75.
Sess. Reg. 2/495.
Ann Orme of Finsbury, spinster, and Margery Bray of "Creetchurch", spinster, to give evidence against Thomas Hardinge for
suspicion of poisoning Frances Forrest; and of John Pope of
Newington, co. Surrey, hushandman, for Rebecca his wife to give
evidence likewise.
The said Thomas found not guilty, but the said Frances was a
suicide; respited for sureties for good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 563/76.
G.D.R. 2/143d.
Richard Hayes of Islington, labourer, to give evidence agains
William Gilding and Thomas Lowe for burglary and divers goods.
The said William and Thomas not guilty.
Sess. Roll 563/77.
G.D.R. 2/143d.
Elizeus Falconer of Norton Folgate in the parish of St. Leonard's,
Shoreditch, blacksmith, to appear, charged by Richard Moore to
have misbehaved himself in his office of constable "by sharing moneys
gotten by lewde meanes and confederatyng himself with persons
of evill behavior".
Sess. Roll 563/78.
Sess. Reg. 2/493.
John George of "Hoggeston" in the parish of St. Leonard's,
Shoreditch, for John Clay of Hoddesdon, co. Hertford, for buying
calves in the country and driving them to London, and selling them
to butchers with an intent to be killed in the time of Lent.
Sess. Roll 563/79.
Sess. Reg. 2/492.
Richard Goffe of Harlestone, co. Northampton, gentleman,
Lawrence Summer of St. Dunstan's, tailor, and Thomas Edwards
of St. Sepulchre's, girdler, for William Jones of the Strand, suspected
of felony and found no true bill.
Sess. Roll 563/80.
Sess. Reg. 2/496.
William Wancklen of "Stratford Langton," co. Essex, weaver,
to be of good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 563/82.
Sess. Reg. 2/493.
Roland Maddox of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, baker, and Thomas
Collins of the same, for William Harrupp of the same for assaulting
and kicking Walter Glasse.
Sess. Roll 563/86.
Sess. Reg. 2/493.
Edward Fynes of Enfield, —, to give evidence against Thomas
Gold [Gould] for felony.
The said Thomas delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 563/89.
G.D.R. 2/143.
Recognizances to keep the peace of:—
Edward Poltack of Wapping Wall, tailor, and Robert Macham
of the same, husbandman, for John Richardson of the same, labourer,
towards Mary, wife of Thomas Border; and of Roger Lincone of
St. Katherine's, dyer, and Morgan Winn of Wapping Wall, barbersurgeon, for the said Mary towards Mary Richardson.
Sess. Roll 563/21, 22.
Sess. Reg. 2/493.
John Cooke of St. Mary Savoy, gentleman, and Thomas Brookes
of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, gardener, for William Carpenter of St.
Mary's aforesaid, victualler, towards William Cottingam of the same,
victualler, whom he wounded; and of Thomas Hill and William
Cottingam of the same, shoemakers, for the said William Cottingam.
victualler, towards the said William Carpenter.
Sess. Roll 563/33, 58.
Sess. Reg. 2/494.
Henry Clarke of St. James', Clerkenwell, John Bone of the same,
carpenter, and William Wright of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate,
musician, for William Hunter of the City of London, merchanttailor, and George Hunter of St. James' aforesaid, saddler, towards
John Johnson.
Sess. Roll 563/40, 41.
Sess. Reg. 2/492.
Thomas Argoll of Whitechapel, smith, and William Payne of the
same, tailor, for Thomas Lewys of the same, victualler, towards
Mary Reignoldes.
The said Thomas indicted, acknowledged, fined 5s. and suppressed.
Sess. Roll 563/47.
Sess. Reg. 2/492.
Nicholas Cooch of Whitechapel, baker, and Griffin Thomas of
the same, brewer's servant, for Ginking Jones towards John Evans,
Sess. Roll 563/56.
Sess. Reg. 2/493.
Indictment of
Christopher Trowe of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, barber, for assaulting Francis Fortescue, gentleman, at the same, upsetting him so
violently that his left knee was put out of joint, and biting him with
his teeth on the right hand so that the said Francis was greatly
Achnowledged, fined —.
Sureties:—Merrick Griffin of the same, tailor, and Edmund
P— of St. Clement Danes, cordwainer.
Sess. Roll 563/83, 91.
Sess. Reg. 2/492.
31 December, 15 James I [A.D. 1617].
George Piggott of Whitechapel for assaulting and beating Emery
Piggott at the same, so that she despaired of her life.
Prosecutors:—John Pigott, Katherine Russell.
Sess. Roll 563/92.
30 November, 15 James I [A.D. 1617].
Margaret, wife of Anthony Colchester [Coulchester] of St. Giles'in-the-Fields, brewer, for assaulting and beating Margaret, wife of
Henry Pettingale of the same, at Drury Lane, so that she despaired
of her life.
Protesting that she is not guilty she submitted herself to a fine,
and it was assessed at 12d., paid to the Sheriff.
Sess. Roll 563/61, 93.
Sess. Reg. 2/494.
P.R.B. 1/125d.
8 February, 15 James I [A.D. 1617–18].
Arthur Pryce [Price] of St. Clement Danes [St. Giles'-in-theFields], gentleman, Richard Evans, Benjamin Broughton and Robert
Prosser of the same for being unlawfully and riotously assembled
together at St. Clement Danes aforesaid, and for assaulting and
beating Alexander May, constable of the same, in the execution
of his office.
The said Arthur charged with assaulting the said Alexander with
a club and threatening to strike out his brains, as he was coming to
appease a tumult in St. Clement's Fields, raised by disordered persons
unlawfully assembled together; came and was handed over further.
Sess. Roll 563/35, 94.
Sess. Reg. 2/489, 491, 500.
P.R.B. 1/125d.
Thomas Sharffeild of Chancery Lane, cobbler, John Readeinge
[Redding] of Loudwater in the parish of Wycombe, co. Buckingham,
and Robert Welch of the same for being unlawfully and riotously
assembled together at Chancery Lane, and for assaulting and beating
Thomas Larmoth, gentleman, at the same, so that he despaired of his
The said Thomas protesting that he is not guilty, acknowledged
and submitted to a fine, assessed at 12d., paid to the Sheriff and
Sureties: For the said Thomas:— John Sidway of Chancery Lane,
cordwainer, and Robert Welche of London, gentleman.
For the said John:—Nicholas Bower of Chancery Lane aforesaid,
tapster, and John Carter of the same, spurrier.
Sess. Roll 563/38, 81, 95.
Sess. Reg. 2/496.
P.R.B. 1/125d.
Samuel Harman of St. Sepulchre's, baker, and Margaret his wife
for assaulting and beating Barbara Blackway, servant of Richard
Robinson of Goswell Street, plasterer, so that she despaired of her
Both acknowledged, fined 12d., paid to the Sheriff in Court.
Sureties for the said Margaret:—Thomas Catesbey, gentleman,
and John Radford, barber-surgeon, both of St. Sepulchre's
Sess. Roll 563/39, 96.
Sess. Reg. 2/492.
Elizabeth Hyche of Westminster, spinster, for stealing divers goods,
including a brass mortar worth 2s., a pair of pillows worth 5s., two
taffety aprons worth 8s., and a thirty-pound weight of pewter worth
10s., belonging to Edward Hall, at the same; and of Mark Wells of
the same, John Oldham of the same and Elizabeth his wife for receiving and helping her after the said felony.
All at large.
Sess. Roll 563/97.
P.R.B. 1/125.
Alice Warde of St. Katherine's, spinster, [and Mary Warde of the
same, spinster, deleted] for stealing a brass kettle worth 5s. and
eighteen pewter dishes worth 16s., belonging to Robert Lympeny of
Whitefriars, gentleman, at St. Katherine's aforesaid; and of Elizabeth
Rookesbye of the same, widow, [and Edward Vawters of the
same, victualler, deleted] for receiving and helping her after the
said felony.
The said Alice at large; the said Elizabeth postponed to be tried
because the principal at large, respited for sureties and delivered by
Prosecutors:—Elizabeth Lympeny [deleted], William Norman of
St. Dunstan's-in-the-East, Ram Alley, cutler.
Sureties for the said Vawters, accused of receiving stolen goods:—
William Barnes, baker, and Ezekiel Haynes, waterman, both of St.
Katherine's aforesaid.
Sess. Roll 563/48, 50, 98.
Sess. Reg. 2/494.
P.R.B. 1/125.
G.D.R. 2/143d, 145.
Richard Wollins [Woollinges] of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, victualler, for keeping a common tippling-house at the same and tippling without licence.
By his own acknowledgement recorded on the recognizance under the hand of the Justice of the Peace.
Sureties:— Henry Carter and Jenkin Morgan of the same.
Sess. Roll 563/14, 99.
Sess. Reg. 2/492.
P.R.B. 1/125.
22 February, 15 James I [A.D. 1617–18].
Robert Halley of Ratcliffe, blacksmith, for breaking into the house
of Roland Beardman at the same, about ten o'clock at night, no
person being in the same house, and stealing "one flocke bed"
worth 10s., two coverlets worth 20s., one pillowbeer worth 5s.,
two pots of iron worth 4s., one pair of tongs worth 8d., two pairs
of sheets worth 10s. and two blankets worth 6s., belonging to the
said Roland.
Postponed at this for lack of time; at the Sessions held on 20 May,
1618, found not guilty.
Prosecutors:—Walter Olive, Thomas Wilkenson.
Sess. Roll 563/100.
G.D.R. 2/143.
Edward Mathew of Westminster, butcher, for stealing one ewe
sheep worth 13s. 4d., belonging to Samuel Turberville of Kensington,
innkeeper, at Westminster aforesaid.
Respited without bail to the next, when found guilty to the value
of 11½d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutor:—Thomas [Francis] Galloway of the same, butcher.
Sess. Roll 563/101.
Sess. Reg. 2/501.
G.D.R. 2/143, 146.
Richard Mason, Robert Higham and Ann Strowde, spinster, all
of the Strand, for stealing one coachbed of velvet worth £4, belonging
to Sir Thomas Edmonds, at the same; and of Ann, wife of Thomas
Brazier of Cow Cross [St. Sepulchre's, victualler], for receiving and
helping them after the said felony.
The said Ann Brazier at large; the rest respited without bail to
the next, when found not guilty.
Prosecutors: — Robert —, Francis Beeley, Elizabeth Poulter,
spinster, servant to the said Thomas Brazier, and Walter Wray of
St. Clement's at Temple Bar.
Sureties for the said Ann Brazier:—James Mathew of St. James',
Clerkenwell, tailor, Robert Price of the same, brushmaker, and
Henry Gray of Golding Lane, embroiderer.
Sess. Roll 563/11, 42, 53, 102.
P.R.B. 1/125.
G.D.R. 2/143, 146, 148.
17 February, 15 James I [A.D. 1617–18].
Robert Cartroll [Cotterell] of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate,
spurrier, Edward Greene and Jasper Ploder of Hoxton, being unlawfully and riotously assembled together at the same, for breaking into
the house of Thomas Eagles of the same, vintner, putting him and
all his household in peril of their lives, and breaking up and despoiling
the said house and all the goods and chattels of the said Thomas
being in the same house, to the great damage of the said Thomas.
The said Robert protesting that he is not guilty, acknowledges
and fined £5; handed over further to prosecute his traverse with
effect in bail to John Turner of Holborn, linendraper, and William
Chaplyn [Chaplen] of St. Bridge's, gilder [girdler]; the said Edward
guilty, fined £10 and respited for sureties for good behaviour during
his life; the said Jasper at large.
Prosecutors:— John Badham, Thomas Buckley.
Sess. Roll 563/5, 103.
Sess. Reg. 2/495.
P.R.B. 1/125.
G.D.R. 2/143d, 144d.
14 May, 15 James I [A.D. 1617].
John Moxiffe, Stephen Phillips, William Nixon and Nicholas
Wembe of East Smithfield for breaking into the house of Peter
Jorden at the same, about eleven o'clock at night, and stealing
three women's gowns worth £10, one carpet worth 20s., one
petticoat worth 20s., two aprons worth —, one waistcoat worth
12s., one pewter charger worth 7s., one pair of stockings worth 4s.
and one muff worth 6s., belonging to the said Peter.
The said John at large; the said Stephen stands mute and has judgment of the peine forte et dure; the said William and Nicholas not guilty.
Prosecutors:— Cecilia Jorden, Anthony Turner, Giles Chambers,
Edward Faithorne.
Sess. Roll 563/105.
P.R.B. 1/125.
G.D.R. 2/144.
19 January, 15 James I [A.D. 1617–18].
Thomas Butler and John Brownrigg of Wapping for assaulting
Thurstan Smith at Wapping aforesaid, the same Smith not having
first struck them for any reason, and the said Thomas stabbed the
said Smith, giving him a mortal wound so that he died at the
The said Thomas at large; the said John not guilty of murder.
Prosecutors:—Mary Angell, Thomas D—, Edward Goldsmith, John B—, Samuel Es—.
Sess. Roll 563/106.
P.R.B. 1/125.
G.D.R. 2/140d, 144.
John Rydeing [Reding] of Islington, constable, for suffering four
rogues to escape unpunished; and of Francis Daborne of the same,
head-borough, for suffering two rogues to escape likewise; and of
Robert Hilliard of Clerkenwell, constable, for suffering two rogues to
escape likewise, and for not apprehending seven unknown rogues
wandering in the streets of Clerkenwell.
The said John guilty, fined £4, respited for sureties for good
behaviour and to be removed from his office by the two next Justices;
the said Francis guilty, fined 40s., respited and to be removed likewise; the said Robert, respited from the last Sessions together with
George Taylor, constable of Islington aforesaid, not guilty on first
charge; on the second charge guilty, fined £3. 10s. to the use of the
poor of the said parish of Clerkenwell, respited and to be removed
Forasmuch as the said Robert, John and Francis are convicted at
this Sessions for not punishing rogues as they ought to do by the law,
and are therefore adjudged to find sureties for their good behaviour
and to pay such fine as by the Statute is imposed upon them; It is
also further ordered by this Court that the next Justices of the Peace,
inhabiting near the places where the said Robert, John and Francis
dwell, do remove them out of their places "as men unworthy by
their neglectes and contempts to hold the same, and to choose and
sweare others in their steeds more discreete and carefull of the performance of their oathe and duty."
Sureties:—Francis Marshe of Islington, gentleman, John Waterworte, innholder, and Robert Dawes, both of the same.
Prosecutors:—William—, Lucas Atkinson, Robert Lunsford.
Sess. Roll 563/107–10.
G.D.R. 2/142d, 144, 144d, 145.
Thomas [Porter] of Isleworth for stealing one — worth 2d.
and one pair of stockings worth 4d., belonging to Elizabeth Elvyn,
at the same.
Guilty to the value of 101/2d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutor:—Elizabeth Goldspin.
Sess. Roll 563/111.
G.D.R. 2/144.
Walter Styles of Rosemary Lane, labourer, for stealing a brass
kettle worth 5s. and a brass basin worth 4d., belonging to Daringo
Lee of Whitechapel, widow, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 10½d., no goods, to be whipped.
The said Daringo bound to prosecute also Solomon Delayhay
[de la Hay], charged together with the said Walter and both committed
to the gaol; the said Solomon delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 563/84, 112.
G.D.R. 2/143, 144.
Susan Turner of St. Mary-le-Strand otherwise Savoy, spinster,
for stealing a petticoat worth 10s., two waistcoats worth 6s., one
women's ruff worth 10s., four coifs worth 12d. and £33 in money,
being in a trunk, belonging to William Carpenter of the same, at the
Guilty to the value of 10½d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 563/52, 113.
G.D.R. 2/144.
Mary Cannarye of St. Clement Danes, spinster, for stealing one
jewel worth 20s., belonging to Henry Fisher, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 10½d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutor:—Richard Lewes of Westminster.
Sess. Roll 563/87, 114.
G.D.R. 2/144.
Alexander Williams otherwise called Thomas Davies of St.
Katherine's-next-the-Tower of London, labourer, for breaking into
the house of John Clyston [Cliston] of the same, baker, at the same,
about one o'clock at night, with intent to rob the same, and putting
the said John and all his household in fear of their lives; and for
breaking into the said house and stealing twenty "bisketts",
belonging to the said John.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Sess. Roll 563/51, 115, 116.
G.D.R. 2/144.
George Rawlins of Shoreditch for assaulting Grace Harley in
the highway at the same, putting her in fear of her life, and stealing
6s. out of her purse, from her person and contrary to her will.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Surety for the said Grace to give evidence against the said George:—
John Smith of Stepney, gardener.
Sess. Roll 563/72, 117.
G.D.R. 2/144.
John Waterfall of Tottenham for stealing and driving away one
calf worth 16s., belonging to Joan Bradway, widow, at Tottenham
High Cross.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutors:—Bartholomew Blewet of Tottenham, husbandman,
and Ambrose Dewell of Whitechapel [Norton Folgate], butcher.
The said Ambrose is also handed over in bail to Thomas Harvye
of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, joiner, and Roger Driver of Whitechapel,
butcher, to answer concerning the supposed felony of the calf stolen
at Tottenham, and the said Bartholomew and John Webber of Whitechapel, butcher, are bound over to give evidence against him.
Sess. Roll 563/6, 85, 90, 118
G.D.R. 2/144, 144d.
John Cleaton of Westminster for stealing a silver cup of Robert
Terry, at the same.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Sess. Roll 563/119.
G.D.R. 2/143d.
[Nos. 563/120, 121 are jury panels to enquire for the King concerning certain treasons, misprisions of treason, insurrections, rebellions, etc., No. 121 being illegible; No.563/122 is a fragment of a writ issued by Sir William Smith, knight, and others; Nos. 563/123–7 are illegible indictments; No. 563/128 is the jury writ, issued by Sir Thomas Lake, knight, for the Sessions to be held at Hicks Hall on 19 March, A.D. 1617–18, and No. 563/129 is the jury panel for this Sessions, the names being mostly illegible.]
p.493. To the next Sessions:—
George Leichfeild of Clerkenwell handed over in bail to Francis Stone of St. Bride's, haberdasher, and Theodore Hanley of Clerkenwell, gentleman, for refusing to pay Ann Lee his servant the sum of 10s. for her quarter's wages; he was committed, and he is not to be discharged out of prison until he pay his servant her wages and deliver her her clothes, but afterwards handed in bail as appears.
p.495. Committed:—
William Merryfeild of Wells, co. Somerset, gentleman, committed to Gittins the bailiff to give evidence against Richard Smart for his audacity in interrupting the evidence given on behalf of the King against him. The said Richard indicted for hunting in Hyde Park and denying it upon examination before two Justices; found guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded (and G.D.R. 2/143d).
p.496. To the next Sessions:—
Robert Foxall of Fulham, brweer, and Humphrey Lympenny of the same, chandler, to give evidence against Samuel Preston and others for burglary; came (and p.501).
Matthew Foster of Whitecross Street, carman, handed in bail to Robert Ventrys of Cornhill, haberdasher, for unloading his cart in the street to the great annoyance of the inhabitants of Chiswell Street; came and was discharged (and p.501).
George Browne of Paddington, gentleman, for fishing; acknowledged and fined 5s., paid to the Sheriff.
William Faulknor [Fawkener] and Thomas Collins of Highgate for a forcible entry at the same; protesting that they are not guilty, found guilty and bound over to appear at the next; brought writs of certiorari for the indictment received in the Quindenes of Easter. therefore discharged of the recognizance (and p. 501 and P.R.B. 1/125d.),
Stay of process against Sir Michael Stanhope.
Upon certificate made known to the Court by divers Justices that a certain bridge called Maltman's bridge in East Bedfont (for which Sir Michael Stanhope, knight, stands presented at a former Sessions) (fn. 1) is now sufficiently repaired; It is ordered therefore that further process upon the said presentment be stayed against the said Sir Michael for the decay of the said bridge.
Order that warrants be made to the four high constables of the hundred of Osulstone for restraint of all manner of new buildings contrary to his Majesty's proclamation, and to bring before the Justices all such owners or workmen as they shall find in any such building from time to time.
p.497. Whereas William Goodale [Goodall], late Governor of the
House of Correction, has been a humble petitioner to the Justices
many and sundry times for some relief to be bestowed on him in
respect of great losses sustained by him in his service in the said
House, as he pretends, and by becoming indebted unto divers persons
in the time of his service; It is ordered therefore, in respect of his
poverty and because he was removed from the government of the
said House in the midst of a quarter, that the Clerk of the Peace
shall deliver and pay unto the said William, out of such money as
remains in his hands belonging to the House of Correction, one other
half quarter's salary more, amounting to the sum of £17 10s., to be
bestowed on him by way of free gift and to relieve his necessity and
wants withall, and for certain implements left by him in the said House,
the sum of 50s. Present at the gift:—Sir Richard Wigmore, Sir
Baptist Hickes and Sir John Sucklyn, knights, William Buggins,
Henry Spiller and Francis Michell, esquires, with the consent of
Edward Forsett, esquire, testified by Sir John Sucklyn. They are
also contented to remit unto him the loss of such implements and
other goods as he stood charged withall to make good to the county
during the time of his government.
It was also then ordered that informers shall be appointed to
enquire and present the default and negligence of the petty constables
and headboroughs in not punishing rogues within the county, and
that they shall have rewards for their pains as heretofore they have
Walter Couch of St. Clement Danes, victualler, licensed for tippling: sureties, Leonard Richardson of St. John Street, "corvicer", and William Smith of London, gentleman.
f. 125. Robert Best of Islington for burglary; at large.
William Mervin of St. John Street, brewer, for an annoyance with rubbish out of his brewhouse.
f. 143. John Smither, John Holmes, Richard Davies, William Fowler and Richard Hudlesse respited without bail to the next.
Robert Marshe and Henry Marshe respited to the order of Thomas Watson and Edmond Dowbleday, esquires; respited further without bail (and f.145d).
f. 143d. Guilty, no goods, to be hanged:—
Peter Johnson for a nag of Thomas Johnson.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded:—
James Gray for a silver cup of Richard Nashe.
Not guilty:—
Henry Reynoldes for clipping money; treason; respited without bail to the next. Ann Dorrell, for accessory after to the same, discharged because the principal not guilty. The said Henry indicted in London (and f. 145d).
f. 145. Came and handed over further:—
William Taylor of Bushey, co. Hertford, for assaulting Robert Finch in the highway. Handed in bail to the next to Philip Smith of the Old Bailey, baker, and Henry Palmer of Cow Lane.
Petition was made at this Sessions by William Jones, Lawrence Hagan, Richard Snowe and Humphrey Rayman, that forasmuch as they were bound to appear at this Sessions by Sir Robert Johnson, knight, upon the complaint of one Fletcher, and have here attended all the time of the Sessions as well at Hicks Hall as at this place, where no such recognizance is returned by the said Justice as was taken, that this Court would be pleased to record their appearance; It was therefore ordered that their several appearances should be recorded in discharge of the said recognizance, and notice thereof given to the said Justice.