General Index: M, N

Pages 403-409

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 2, 1614-15. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1936.

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Macclesfield, co. Chester, 276

Mace, Edward, 136, 182

Machin [Macham, Machyn]

-, Tobias, 10, 285

-, William, 28, 43

Mackbryars, Thomas, 145

MackGwyer, Edmund, 70

MacOnele, Brian, 321

Madder, Thomas, 70

Maddison, Robert, 122

Maddoxe [Madocke]

-, Mary, 202

-, Thomas, 30, 54, 82, 167, 184, 336

Madhope, Stephen, 215

Madness, Case of, xviii, 33

Magett, Alice, 148

Magicke, Dorothy, xiv, 20

Mahewe, Robert, 119

Maidstone, co. Kent, 55

Maimed soldiers, 290–1, 298

Maior [Maire]

-, John, 10

-, Robert, 267, 346

Malard, Thomas, 105

Maldon, co. Essex, 185

Malkyn, Ann, 218

Mallam [blank], 127

Mallett, Edward, 145

Mallwood, Stephen, 78

Maltis, Thomas, 264

Man [Mann]

-, Elizabeth, 129

-, Francis, 257, 283

-, George, 43, 305

-, Henry, 14, 129

-, James, 217

-, John, 129, 235

-, Mary, 305

Manestie [Manister, Manyster]

-, Thomas, 31

-, William, 337

Manfield, see Mansfield.

Manlie, John, 180

-, Thomas, 9

Mannings [Maning, Manynge]

-, Helen, 34

-, Henry, 249

Mannington, William, 151

Mansell [Mansyll]

-, John, 24, 84

-, Robert, Sir, ix, 245

Mansfield [Manfield]

-, George, 6

-, John, 24

-, Robert, Sir, ix, 245

Manslowe, Richard, 342

Manye [Mynye], Edmund, 68

Manynge, see Mannings.

Manyster, see Manestie.

Mapasse [Mawpas]

-, Margery, 280

-, Thomas, 280

Mapes, Richard, 195

Maple, William, 225

Marcam, Moses, 129

-, Tobias, 129

March, co. Cambridge, 169

Marchant [Merchaunt]

-, Anthony, 180

-, John, 315

-, William, 136

Marche, see Marsh.

Marcrofte [Morecrofte]

-, Ann, 101, 170

-, Arthur, 337

-, Thomas, 116, 170

Marcy, see Mercy.

Margetts, Matthew, 244

Marker, Tristram, 78

Markham, John, 62, 126 (2), 284

Mark Lane, 46, 76, 189

Markyn, William, 182

Marle, Thomas, 105

Marmeere, Peter, 154

Marnard, John, 225, 228

Marrett [Marriott], William, 36, 169

Marriages, xix, 72, 112, 152, 212, 299

Martom, Robert, 269

Marrowe, Edmund, 36

Marsfeild, Richard, 70

Marsh [Marche]

-, Francis, 68, 205

-, John, 291

-, Ralph, 187

-, Richard, 13, 94, 97, 207, 209, 286, 289

-, Robert, 251, 284, 293

-, Samuel, 145

-, Solomon, 146

-, Stephen, 198

-, Thomas, 27, 109, 201

-, William, 165, 174, 284 (2)

Marshal, see Knight Marshal.

Marshall, Christopher, 203

-, Edward, 75

-, Isaac, 241

-, James, 38

-, John, 77, 276, 347

-, Margaret, 193

-, Peter, 32, 240

-, Thomas, 203, 314

-, William, 60, 198, 203

Marshalsea, Treasurers for the, 290–1

Marshem, James, 29

Marshman, Thomasine, 322

Marson, Francis, 120

-, John, 348

Martin [Marten, Martyn]

-, Christopher, 182

-, Edwin, 269

-, John, 243

-, Matthew, 346

-, Mary, 66

-, Philip, 302

-, Richard, 321

-, Thomas, 133, 198, 247

-, William, 19, 66

Martinson, William, 126, 297

Marvin, William, 203

Marwicke, William, 304

Marylebone, 52, 70, 108, 131

-, Constables of, 208, 288, 315

Mascall [Maschall]

-, Evan, 138

-, William, 349

Maslin, Richard, 83

Mason, Charles, 44, 172

-, Christopher, 135

-, Francis, 103

-, Gilbert, 127

-, John, 303, 308, 327

-, Margaret, 348

-, Richard, 83, 98, 112, 122, 273, 310

-, Robert, 129, 318

-, Roger, 94, 208

-, Samuel, 96, 209

-, Theodore, 347

-, Thomas, 123, 162

-, Zachary, 50

Masque, The, xvi, 263

Massey, Theodore, 3

Massinger [Messenger], Richard, 331

Mass—, Barbara, 205

-, Peter, 205

Maston, Robert, 5, 129, 317

Mastye, Thomas, 312

Mather, Griffin, 102, 341

Mathewes [Mathew]

-, Edward, 4, 276

-, Guttrey, 213

-, Helen, 239, 265, 296, 324

-, John, 82, 96, 108, 159, 207, 219

-, Michael, 77

-, Richard, 74, 177

-, Thomas, 349

-, William, 124, 239, 296, 324

Mathon, William, 303

Matrons, Jury of, 61, 167, 252

-, Oath of, 282

See also Midwives.

Matson, Thomas, 13

-, William, 298

Mattes, Thomas, 63

Maudley, Christopher, 347

Maultbye, Christopher, 65

Maunder, Nicholas, 145, 207, 286

Mawe [Mayhoe], Matthew, 244

Mawpas, see Mapasse.

Maxey [Maxall, Maxom, Mexey, Moxey]

-, John, 172, 227

-, Manus, 5

-, Thomas, 335

Maxwell, Alexander, 259

May [Mayes]

-, Edward, 23

-, Joan, 292

-, John, 268

-, Richard, 205

-, Robert, 245

-, Thomas, 271

-, William, 267

Maydewell, William, 28

Mayhoe, see Mawe.

Mayle, John, 206, 285

Mayne, Richard, 73

Mayor, Lord, see under London, City of.

Meade, John, 243

Meale, Thomas, 112

Meane, Richard, 12

Meason [Meesom], Thomas, 60

Mabancke, Arnold, 287, 339

Mabbes, William, 277

Meat, Order as to, 213

See also under Offences.

Medcalfe, see Metcalfe.

Medley, George, 24

-, James, 341

-, Richard, 335

Meeres, Richard, 96, 209

Meesom, see Meason.

Megges, Mr., 291

Melbourn, co. Cambridge, 103

Melbourne, William, 122

Melinax, see Mollyneux.

Melton, Thomas, 122, 252, 287, 339

Mennell, William, 167, 251

Merchaunt, see Marchant.

Mercy [Marcy]

-, Charles, 188

-, Roger, 188, 320

Meredithe, Peter, 122, 253

Merike, see Merricke.

Merionethshire, Dolgelly in, 260

Merrell, Roger, 25

Merricke [Merike]

-, Christopher, 84, 112, 140, 352

-, Roland, xx, 244

-, Thomas, 14

Merritt, Humphrey, 29

-, Robert, 29

Merryman, John, 149

Messenger, see Massinger.

Metcalfe [Medcalfe]

-, Abel, 115

-, Christopher, 81, 188, 267, 339

-, Henry, 88, 284, 314, 336, 347

-, John, 89, 256

-, Thomas, 105

-, Walter, 89

Mexey, see Maxey.

Michell, see Mitchell.

Middlesex, Clerk of the Peace for, see Longe, George.

-, Custos Rotulorum of, see Lake, Sir Thomas.

-, Guildhall of, vii, xxii

-, House of Correction for, see House of Correction.

For places in, see under place names.

Middle Temple, 88, 181, 189

Middleton [Myddleton]

-, Arthur, 49

-, Charles, 19

-, David, 332

-, George, 259

-, Hugh, 123

-, Richard, 11, 72, 79

-, Thomas, 171

-, -, Sir, 352

-, William, 333

Midwives, xiv, 142, 173, 211

See also Matrons.

Milburne, Richard, 34

-, Thomas, 34

Mile End, 81, 122, 131, 200, 218, 221, 252, 314, 347

-, Constables of, 287, 389

Miles, Edmund, 70

-, George, 275

-, Ralph, 64

Milford Lane, 144, 170

Millarde, William, 269

Millen, John, 62

Miller, Agnes, 33

-, Elizabeth, 337

-, Geoffrey, 284

-, Humphrey, 145

-, Jemima, 114

-, John, 218

-, Richard, 260

-, Robert, 33

Millett [Myllet]

-, Henry, 82

-, Richard, 82

-, Thomas, 258

Mills [Mylles]

-, Alice, xi, 61

-, Francis, 269

-, Humphrey, 123

-, John, 87, 180, 300, 310

Milton, Anthony, 107

-, Philip, 340

Milward, Richard, 335

Mimms, see South Mimms.

Mingaye, Francis, 352

Minories, The, 22, 349

-, -, St. Mary's in, 258

Minshawe, —, 105

Minsterly [Mynsterley], John, 147

Missenden, co. Buckingham, 276

Mitchell [Michell]

-, David, 321

-, Francis, 16, 100, 147, 214, 344, 352

-, Henry, 173

-, Joan, 75

-, John, 62, 284, 349

-, Mr., 184

-, Robert, 75, 225

-, Susan, 142

-, Thomas, 193

-, William, 65

Moggeridge, Mr., 137

Moise [Moyses]

-, John, 227

-, Martha, 144

Mollyneux [Melinax] Capcoates, xvi, 326

Monday, Humphrey, 53

-, Lucy, 138, 223

-, Methuselah, 223

-, Robert, 171

-, Thomas, 34, 45

Money, see under Offences, also Coins.

Monforde, Mr., 212

Monke, John, 174

Monkwell Street, 75, 189, 195

Monmouthshire, Llanwern in, 102

Montagu, see Mountague.

Montgomeryshire, Llangurrig in, 314

Monye, Thomas, 236

Moodye, George, 124, 211, 239, 296, 324, 338

-, Isabel, 124, 239, 296, 324

Mooney, John, 181

Moore [Moores, More]

-, Dorothy, 259

-, Edward, 254

-, George, 129, 138

-, Helen, 19

-, John, 65, 97, 166, 196, 201 287, 319, 341

-, Mary, 300

-, Richard, 153, 201, 289

-, Robert, 5, 46, 81, 316

-, Thomas, 50

-, Thomasine, 156

-, —, 275

Moorfields, 279

Moor Lane, 46, 74, 76, 128, 133, 222

Moorton, see Moreton.

Mordocke, Richard, 143

More, see Moore.

Morecroft, see Marcrofte.

Moreton [Moorton, Morton], Richard, 95, 188, 208, 240

Morgan, Christopher, xiv, 23, 145, 218, 234, 261, 305

-, Elizabeth, 35

-, George, 95, 208, 287

-, Henry, 83

-, John, 51, 214, 222, 303

-, Richard, 38, 62

-, Roger, 172, 213

-, Roland, 310

-, Thomas, 47, 63, 67, 87, 134, 339

-, William, 156, 196, 302

-, —, 51

Morley, Christopher, 204

-, John, 177, 231

-, Margaret, 240, 324

Morrante, John, 121

Morris [Morrice]

-, Daniel, 318

-, Erasmus, 116

-, George, 348

-, Henry, 45

-, Jenkin, 269

-, John, 267

-, Katherine, 136

-, Lewis, 13, 241

-, Nicholas, 119

-, Price, 27

-, Richard, 144, 286

-, Robert, 126, 274, 278

-, Rosamye, 6

-, Thomas, 267, 285, 314

-, Wallis, 83

Morton see Morcton.

Moseley [Mosly]

-, Ann, 183

-, Humphrey, 247

-, Julius, 9

-, Mary, 195, 348

-, Richard, 263

Mosse, Alice, 230

-, John, 28, 53, 148

-, Katherine, 53

-, Richard, 32

Mostcott, see Westcott.

Mostyn [Mustian], Robert, 243, 284

Mote, Cornelius, 309

Mott, Mary, 243

Motteram, William, 113, 167, 251

Moult, Stephen, 341

Moulton, John, 178

Mounford, William, 148

Mounslowe, Richard, 309

Mountague [Montagu], Henry, Sir, 31, 139, 214, 220, 253, 303, 337, 348, 352

See also London, City of, Recorder of the.

Mountgomerye, Hugh, 171

Mountioye [blank], 126

Mountnessing, co. Essex, 112

Mouse, William, 52

Mowle, Thomas, 121

Moxey, see Maxey.

Moyses, see Moise.

Mudd, John, 83

Muddle, John, 114

Mugg, Robert, 37

"Muggle" Street, see Monkwell Street.

Mumbye, Christopher, 295

Munings, John, 185

Munne, Robert, 316

Munster, Ireland, 98

Munter, Henry, 113

Murden, Hugh, 104

Murrey, John, 279

Muscott [Muskett]

-, Andrew, 8

-, John, 167, 251, 336

See also Westcott.

Musgrave, Abraham, 340

-, Thomas, 339

Mussedge, Richard, 96, 209, 288

Musters, The, xv, 344

Mustian, see Mostyn.

Muswell Hill, 297

Mute, Standing, see Peine forte et dure under Punishments.

Myddleton, see Middleton.

Mylles, see Mills.

Myllet, see Millett.

Mynas, Robert, 168

Myndge, Bridget, 64

Mynne, George, 335

Mynors, Ann, 234

-, William, 234

Mynsterley, see Minsterly.

Mynye, see Manye.


Nailor [Naylor]

-, Adam, 71

-, William, 91

Nanfan, Thomas, 230

Nashe, Alice, 240, 325

Navestock, co. Essex, 104

Neale [Neile]

-, Agnes, 211

-, Amos, 169

-, Daniel, 154

-, Richard, 114

-, Simon, 248

-, William, 148, 206

Neblett, Philippa, 247

Needes, John, 160

Neegose, Agnes, 173

Nelham, Richard, 185

Nepar, Matthew, 343

Ness, Mary, 135

Nethercliffe, John, 81

Nethercott, Francis, 19

Netlam, John, 240

Nettingham, John, 160

Nettleton, Thomas, 283

Nevill [Nevell]

-, Edward, 84

-, Francis, 233

Newall, Robert, 128

See also Nowell.

New Barton, see Barton, New.

Newberrey, Joan, 223

New Brentford, see Brentford, New.

Newbury, co. Berks., 318

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, co. Northumberland, 137, 149, 198

Newe, Richard, x, 158

-, William, 158

Newewaye, Nicholas, 23

Newell, see Nowell.

Newens, Richard, 347

New Fish Street, see Fish Street, New.

Newgate, Gaol Delivery of, 1, 35, 67, 128, 176, 217, 220, 257, 297, 307, 344

-, Gaol of, Committals to the, see under Punishments.

-, -, Deaths in the, 158, 320

-, -, Keepers of the, 221

-, -, Prisoners in the xiii, 27, 39, 115, 152, 155, 200, 202, 221, 227, 238, 239, 245, 266

-, -, Whipping from the, xiii, 163, 295

-, Sessions of the Peace held at, 103

See also St. Sepulchre, Newgate.

Newgate Market, 86, 321

Newington, co. Surrey, 165, 200

Newington, Stoke, see Stoke Newington.

Newington Butts, co. Surrey, 301

Newington Green, 31

Newitt, John, 53, 291

Newland, Richard, 236

Newman [Numan]

-, Francis, 56

-, Helen, 120

-, John, 345

-, Matthew, 294

-, Richard, 236

-, Robert, 226

-, Roger, 120, 318

-, Thomas, 81, 110

-, William, 98, 282, 301, 310

New Palace, Constable of the, 96, 207

Newport, Ann, 250

-, James, 132

Newsam, Margaret, 276

Newton, Ann, 217

-, George, 106

-, Henry, 83

-, John, 10

-, Nathaniel, 254

-, Richard, 293

-, Thomas, 81, 329

Niccolls, see Nicholls.

Niccolson, see Nicholson.

Nicholas, Dorothy, 301, 338

-, John, 272

-, Matthew, 291

-, Thomas, 301, 305

Nicholls [Niccolls, Nycolls]

-, Alice, 100, 183, 224, 278, 346

-, Daniel, 315

-, David, 98, 210

-, Denise, 327

-, George, 24, 96, 207

-, Henry, 75, 100, 224, 278

-, John, 4, 113, 121, 221 (2), 307, 327 (2)

-, Richard, 97, 100, 209, 288, 346

-, Robert, 84

-, Roland, 42

-, Thomas, 75, 125, 278, 343

-, William, 303

Nicholson [Niccolson]

-, Amos, 286

-, Bartholomew, 212

-, George, 340

-, John, 33

-, Mary, 50

-, Richard, 50

-, Robert, 32

-, William, 13, 122, 321

Nightingale Lane, 29, 346

Nixon, Nicholas, 92

Noble, Elizabeth, 217

-, Margery, 16, 102

-, Mark, 232, 339

-, Roger, 16

Nokes [Noakes]

-, Alice, 107

-, John, 127

Nole, George, 341

Norbrancke, Geoffrey, 75

Norcoppe, see Northopp.

Norcott, 84, 143, 169, 175

-, Surveyor of highways in, 175

Norfolk, 330

-, Downham Market in, 40, 169

-, King's Lynn in, 239

-, Rollesby in, 101

-, Wells in, 40

-, Yarmouth, Great, in, 189

Norman, Edward, 161

-, Geoffrey, 221

Normansey, John, 300

Norris [Norrys]

-, Brian, 205

-, Edward, 68

-, John, 134, 136, 223, 308

-, Margaret, 61

-, Roger, 258

North, Lord, Dudley, 126, 249

-, -, -, Bailiff of, 93, 206, 285

-, Thomas, 129, 346

Northall, 118

-, Constables of, 97, 211, 289, 292

Northamptonshire, 101

-, Little Bowden in, 306

Northopp [Norcoppe], John, 171

Northumberland, Earl of, xi

-, Ford in, 149, 332

-, Newcastle-upon-Tyne in, 137, 149, 198

North Wheatley, co. Nottingham, 272

Northwood, 69, 84, 143, 294

-, Constables of, 97, 211, 290

Norton, Arthur, 126

-, Francis, 300

-, George, 80

-, Gregory, 44, 344

-, John, 50, 96, 170, 207, 255, 286

-, Richard, 287

-, Thomas, 198, 323

Norton Folgate, 1, 14, 42, 46, 81, 89, 109, 111, 135, 136, 170, 173, 174, 177, 188, 219, 233, 249, 255, 267, 298, 299, 308, 320, 339, 342, 344

-, Constables of, 94, 208, 287

-, Headborough of, 320

"Norwood," see Northwood.

Norwood, Henry, xvii, 214

Noswell, Thomas, 282

Nott [Knott]

-, Emma, 336

-, Robert, 235, 252

-, Thomas, 331

-, Walter, 331

Nottinghamshire, Askham in, 146

-, North Wheatley in, 272

-, Nottingham in, 272

-, Walkeringham in, 346

Nowell [Newell]

-, John, 93

-, Thomas, 96, 209, 288

See also Newall.

Noye, John, xviii, 18

Numan, see Newman.

Nun [Nunne], Walter, 202, 267, 339

Nuse, Thomas, 136

Nutter, Helen, 106, 204

Nutting, Abraham, 175

-, Elizabeth, 255

-, John, 255, 279 (2)

-, Susan, 280

Nycolls, see Nicholls.

Nym, Robert, 293