Sessions, 1615: 1 and 2 August

Pages 344-350

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 2, 1614-15. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1936.

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Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery, 1 and 2 August, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].


p. 215. Nicholas Awsiter of Ealing, yeoman, for his negligence in not collecting the sums of money imposed upon the inhabitants there towards the House of Correction.

Nicholas Hodgkins of Ratcliffe, sailor, charged to have begotten Elizabeth Selbie with child.

p. 216. Came and discharged:—

Edward Wharton of Edgware, draper, taken at Uxbridge for abusing the constable of Little Stanmore and telling him that "he would not come to the Musters, and diswadinge others askinge them if they woulde goe see a footeball playe."

John Clarke of Bromsgrove, co. Worcester, gentleman, respited by the Court at the last.

Grace, wife of Robert Sureties of Wapping, vintner, for the peace.

Henry Drewrie of the Liberty of the Tower of London, cordwainer, upon complaint of the Company of Cordwainers.

Joan, wife of Richard Steevenson of Stratford Bow, labourer, handed in bail to Andrew Bates and John Reynolds of the same, yeomen, for the space of one whole year, to appear when she shall be required, being charged to have poisoned Joan Gowers.

Came and discharged:—

William Pawle of Wapping, blacksmith, being charged by Gregory Norton to have confessed that he got a woman with child.

John Berrye of St. Botolph's, Aldgate, tailor, charged to be a common cheater and cozener at play.

Henry Steevens and Clement Pawlyn of the same, draymen, for assaulting Robert Lovett, grocer, in the highway.

John Gybkyn of Shoreditch, picture-drawer, handed in bail to Daniel Crewes of the same, yeoman, and Ann Canden of Norton Folgate, widow, to appear at the next Sessions after Elizabeth Youngley shall be delivered of the child which she now goes with, and to stand to the order of Sir James Bacon and Mr. Mitchell touching the securing of the parish wherein the child shall happen to be born, and to answer for his incontinency.

Came and discharged:—

Thomas Allen of Cheapside, haberdasher. It was his own desire to be bound to answer his refusal to pay such sums as he has been and is taxed at to pay to the relief of the poor of the parish of Shoreditch. Committed until he pay 15s. 8d. to the poor of Shoreditch.

p. 217. Edmund Wickliffe and Thomas Atkins of Grub Street, gentlemen, for assaulting John Castle.

Andrew Snowe of Holborn, yeoman, for rescuing Henry Tudder from Edward Tipper, a Marshal's man.

Peter Baggett of the same, yeoman.

William Thomas of Cow Cross, victualler, for hurting and frighting Katherine Roper, being great with child.

Lewis Holland of Stepney, victualler, for tippling without licence at St. James' Fair, and abusing the constable (and p. 218).

John Wrighte of Cow Cross, butcher, for hurting the wife of John Shepparde.

William Ellett and John Newman of Saffron Hill, carpenters, for the peace.

Francis Wharpoole of St. Thomas-the-Apostle, tailor, for the peace. Elizabeth Sargant of Ratcliffe, spinster, for the peace.

John Cotton of All Hallows, dyer, came upon indictment and pleaded not guilty and was handed over further in bail to Richard Gresman of All Hallows-the-Less, dyer, and Edward Ryder of St. Lawrence "Poultneys" [Pountney], dyer.

Thomas Worrall of All Hallows, dyer, came likewise and was handed in bail to the said Gresman and John Boones of All Hallowsthe-Less, dyer (and p. 218).

Came and discharged:—

Elizabeth, wife of William Barnarde of Whitechapel, yeoman, for good behaviour.

James Quinton of the same, gardener, for tippling without licence.

Oliver Eeles of Ratcliffe, silkweaver.

Joan Spycer of the same, spinster, for the peace.

Phyllida, wife of Thomas Hodges of Rosemary Lane, yeoman, "charged to have [given] Margaret Chapman a drincke to have killed hir childe within hir."

Nicholas Bodley, servant to John Halsey, citizen and fishmonger of London, for abusing Joseph Arment, constable of Grub Street.

William Atkinson of Hammersmith, fisherman, for the peace.

Edwarde Fielde of Holborn, glover, for defeating [blank].

William Saunders of St. Clement Danes, shoemaker, for detaining wages from Walter Taylor.

Thomas Brasier of Gray's Inn Lane, yeoman, for tippling without licence at St. James' Fair, and "keepinge a whore in his tente wch laye wth ij men in one nighte as is affirmed."

p. 218. John Garye of Stratford Bow, barber-surgeon, for the peace.

Alice, wife of Richard Niccholls of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, aquavite-stiller, for good behaviour.

Thomas Collyer of the liberty of the Tower of London, gentleman, for the peace.

Thomas Allyson of St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, tailor, upon complaint of Roger Holman, being charged to be his apprentice.

Robert Hunte of St. Clement Danes, barber, for rescuing a quean from the constables, at St. James' Fair, and taking upon him the name of a constable there.

Thomas Northe of Walkeringham, co. Nottingham, gentleman, for wounding Arthur Parker.

Nicholas Braye of St. Bride's, shoemaker, for tippling without licence at St. James' Fair, and abusing the constable.

John Stearte of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, cordwainer, for not executing Mr. Forsett's warrant upon Patrick Derricke, whom he confessed to have spoken withall since he received the said warrant.

Edward Weaver of Westminster, cooper, for beating Agnes, wife of Thomas Greenewoode.

John Clarke of Knightsbridge, yeoman, for not aiding the headboroughs to part an affray, being commanded in the King's name, but held one of them whilst his head was broken. He is likewise to bring forth Abraham Roxall who abused the headborough. James Brancken, one of the headboroughs of Knightsbridge, swore in court that the said Clarke would not aid him but did abuse and offer to strike him, therefore the said Clarke is handed over further in bail to Leonard Hickman of the same, yeoman, and John Longe of Kensington, yeoman.

Came and discharged:—

Matthew Martin of East Smithfield for the peace.

Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Pope of Wapping, sailor, for the like.

Ann, wife of John Holbrooke of the same, scrivener, for the like.

p. 219. William Shelton of Islington, innkeeper.

Robert Evans of the same, yeoman, for the peace.

John Smythe of Saffron Hill, butcher, for the like.

Jerome Ramsey and Anthony Howe, servants to Robert Maior of Nightingale Lane, glover, for the like.

George Bartlett of Smithfield, victualler, for the like.

Edward Easter of Westminster, yeoman.

Thomas Corbett of St. Bride's, gentleman, for the peace.

Thomas Butteridge of Cow Cross for abusing the constable" callinge him shitepott"; to be set in the stocks till he pay 5s. to the poor for his drunkenness.

Harman Rowland of East Smithfield, cooper, handed over in bail to John Weekes, baker, and Lawrence Smythe, hatmaker, both of the same, to prosecute the traverse of his indictment with effect.

Henry Barame for threatening the whole Jury of Enquiry and abusing both the Court and the constable of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields.

Thomas Ratcliffe of Whitechapel, porter [of Mile End, labourer], handed over in bail to Edward Jones, victualler, and William Smythe, yeoman, both of the same, to answer an indictment for an assault on William Harris (and P.R.B. 1/53).

Licensed tipplers:—

Thomas Seadon of Grub Street, victualler. Sureties:—John Marshall and Robert Steevens of the same, yeomen.

Simon Wynn of Shoreditch, victualler. Sureties:—Robert Pyckett and Richard Harryson of the same, yeomen.

John Robinson of Whitechapel, victualler. Sureties:—Robert Tysome and Thomas Barrett of the same, yeoman.

Ralph Burley of Islington, victualler. Sureties:—John Sherley of Clerkenwell, gentleman, and Richard Harryson of Shoreditch, gentleman.

Henry Medcalfe of Old Street, victualler. Sureties:—Richard Parkes and Thomas Barrett of the same, yeomen.

p. 220. Thomas Dame of High Holborn, victualler. Sureties:— John Keaser and John Dame of the same, yeomen.

Richard Newens of Clerkenwell, victualler. Sureties:—Theodore Mason and Matthew Vauter of St. Sepulchre's, yeomen.

Abraham Gorner of Ratcliffe, victualler. Sureties:—Edward Fossard and John Tooley of the same, yeomen.

John Knowles of Clerkenwell, victualler. Sureties:—Thomas Feilde of St. Sepulchre's, cooper, and John Basforde of Shoreditch, yeoman.

Christopher Witham of Ratcliffe, victualler. Sureties:—Joseph Bromley of St. Giles', yeoman, and Richard Langeforde of the same, gentleman.

Thomas Portice of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, victualler. Sureties:— Edmund Kendall of the Old Bailey, gentleman, and Thomas Rilye of St. John Street, vintner.

John Crofton of East Smithfield, victualler. Sureties:—Thomas Leeche, yeoman, and John Jackett, shoemaker, both of the same.


f. 57. Thomas Waller, John Hanson, Christopher Maudley and Robert Watts delivered by proclamation.

Thomas Roberts to be sent to Bridewell.

John Gibson and James Feilde respited to prison without bail until the next for lack of evidence.

John Hatton respited for lack of evidence.

John Parratt respited until notice thereof shall be made by Sir Henry Mountague, Knight.

John Fisher respited to prison to find bail, to discharge the parish of his two children.

George Morris respited to prison without bail until the next.

John Peeter and Mary Peeter respited to prison at the order of the Chief Justice of England.

Achilles Dante, Richard Elsey and John Marson respited to prison without bail.

f. 57d. Guilty to the value of 11½d., no goods, to be whipped:

David Cowlie for two pewter dishes of Sir John Ashley, Knight.

Not guilty:—

Peter Isam of Clerkenwell, barber, John Isam and Richard Roberts of Golding Lane, printers, for stealing a cloak of Isaac Vangurley, charged by John Ollyver. Came and were discharged because acquitted on oath (and f. 58).

Respited to prison without bail until the next Gaol Delivery:—

Mary Moseley of St. John Street, spinster, for one piece of cambric. Handed over in bail to John Pulman and John Sandever of the same, yeomen (and f. 58d).

At large:—

Thomas Cole of Charterhouse Lane, yeoman, for a pair of sheets of Thomas Freshwater, esquire, and for a silk kirtle of Thomas Bates (and P.R.B. 1/53).

Guilty, no goods, seek the book, read, to be branded:—

William Pierce and John Biggs for divers goods of Thomas Franey. The said Thomas delivered by proclamation (and f.57).

Not guilty:—

John Pryce the elder and John Pryce the younger for a gelding of Sir John Hunte, Knight.

Guilty to the value of 11½d., no goods, to be whipped:—

Jane Baylie for divers goods of Ann Reynor.

Not guilty:—

Margaret Hunter for a skellett from a man unknown.

Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded:—

Thomas Specke for killing Margaret Mason.

Not guilty:—

Robert Hodson for stealing the flesh of three half sheep.

At large:—

Prudence, wife of Henry Cottrell [Cotterell] of "Dalbies lane" [of Field Lane], shoemaker, for stealing a cassock of Katherine Amys [Ames] (and f. 58d. and P.R.B. 1/53).

William Mascall and Robert Hall [Hale] of Uxbridge, labourers, for stealing three geese from a man unknown (and f.58d).

Not guilty, but respited to the next:—

Thomas Jones of Whitechapel, drayman, suspected to be accessory to the burglary in the house of the Countess of Dorset. Handed over in bail until the next to Thomas Heydon of St. John Street, barber-surgeon, and Alexander Fulsis of Beards Alley in Fleet Street, victualler (and f. 58).

Guilty to the value of 11½d., no goods, to be whipped:—

Mark Greene and Arthur Cletheroe for the goods of Humphrey Greene.

f.58. Acknowledges the indictment:—

Robert Smythe of "Orumbegge" in the Kingdom of Ireland, gentleman, for running his horse over the child of John Paley. Fined 10s., respited to prison for sureties for good behaviour, and to make satisfaction to the plaintiff before he is delivered. Handed over in bail to Anthony Lynche of Galway in Ireland aforesaid, gentleman, and John Reade of Christ Church, London, silkweaver (and f. 58d).

Guilty, committed for good sureties:—

John Olliver and Elizabeth Ollyver for keeping a bawdy-house.

Came and committed because indicted in London:—

Ann Leeche of Knockfergus, spinster, for a cutpurse.

Helen Thompson of the same, spinster.

Came and discharged:—

Thomas Mathewe of Chelsea, blacksmith.

William Wilson of Kensington, blacksmith.

Adam Clunne of the Minories, yeoman.

f.58 d. Elizabeth Parkes of Westminster, spinster, charged with the receipt of divers parcels of linen stolen from the house of the Countess of Dorset.

John Powell of Fulham, gentleman, for hurting and wounding Edward Vennacles.

John Mitchell of St. Clement Danes, gentleman, for having a nag in his custody, suspected to be stolen.

Anthony Porter of Holborn, victualler, charged to have stolen 48s. from Henry Bearham [Barham] of "Easton", co. Kent, gentleman, a lodger in his house, handed over to the next in bail to Thomas Hurlston, tailor, and Richard Leared, smith, both of Holborn.


Samuel Cranmore of Whitechapel, alebrewer, to prosecute Isaac Thomas for burglary, at the next. The said Isaac respited to prison without bail (and f.57).

James Dicke of Westminster, yeoman, to prosecute William Walker for felony, at the next. The said William respited to prison without bail by Edmund Dobledaye.

Robert Hawkes of Hatfield, co. Hertford, tailor, to give evidence against John Seirse for felony, at the next.

Came and committed:—

Mary Foarde of Cow Cross, spinster, indicted for felony.


f.53. Matthew Walker of Golding Lane, yeoman, for an assault on Thomas Dowle.