General Index: M, N

Pages 530-539

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 1, 1612-14. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1935.

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MACCLESFIELD, co. Chester, 426 McEwen, D. M., Miss, xxvi

Machyn (Macham)

-, John, 408

-, Peter, 456

-, Tobias, 441, 457, 458

Mackbeth, David, 216, 253, 422

Maddox (Maddocke, Maddoxe, Mardoxe)

-, John, 80, 132, 355

-, Thomas, 67, 113, 130, 152, 212, 397

Madett, Ann, 357

Madwell, William, 176

Magic, see Witchcraft under Offences.

Magick (Madgicke), Dorothy, xxi, 376

Magnes, Henry, 191

Maimed Soldiers, Accounts for the, 447

-, -, Treasurers for the, 76, 399, 446

Maiming, see Wounding under Offences.

Mainard, see Maynard.

Maior (Mayeor)

-, John, 78, 223, 245

-, William, 189

Maisters, Christopher, 327

-, Sybil, 327

Male (Mayle)

-, Henry, 317

-, John, 410

-, Katherine, 317

-, Mary, 410

Mallard, Elizabeth, 143

-, William, 401

Mallett, Thomas, 169

Malmesbury, co. Wilts, 129

Maltas, Elizabeth, 453

Maltby, Christopher, 390

Mann, Edward, 193

-, Francis, 184, 245 (2)

-, George, 120, 265

-, Henry, 43, 120, 175, 265

-, James, 33, 361

-, Jane, 231

-, Joan, 245

-, John, 7, 131, 175, 265

-, Mary, 7, 64, 77, 120

-, Richard, 32, 84

-, Robert, 99

-, Thomas, 77

Manisty (Manestie, Manestye)

-, Christiana, 213, 305

-, Robert, 232

-, Thomas, 459

See also Mosse.

Mannering, Robert, 197

Manning (Mannynge)

-, Helen, 188

-, John, 8, 217

-, Joseph, 309

-, Walter, 379

-, William, 217

Mansell, Thomas, 83

Mansfield (Mansfill)

-, George, 339, 370

-, Richard, 178

-, Thomas, 71

Manslaughter, see under Offences.

Mansly, Thomas, 374

Mantle, John, 320

Manteow, Duncan, 272

Manyfolde, George, 4

Mapis, John, 1

Mapleton, Christopher, 42

Mapperley, see Mopperlye.

Marbury, William, 299

Marcarus, Jenkin, 191

Marchant, Samuel, 193

Marche, Richard, 231

Marchman, Edmond, 133

Marcroft (Marcrosse)

-, Ann, 186, 261, 428

-, Thomas, 186, 261

See also Morecrofte.

Marden, Thomas, 20

Mardoxe, see Maddox.

Margaret Roothing, co. Essex, 437

Margerison, Robert, 424

Margetts, Matthew, 151

Markeaton, co. Derby, 261

Market, Clerk of the, 378

Markham (Markehame)

-, John, 99, 333, 417

-, Moses, 99

-, Nicholas, 11

-, Robert, 154

Mark Lane, 342

Marley, Baron of, see Wotton, Lord.

Marlow, Great, co. Buckingham, xxi, 267

-, Little, co. Buckingham, 271

Marlowe, Christopher, patron of, xvi

-, Robert, 12

Marnad, John, 438

Marrable, Richard, 184

Marrett, John, 260

-, Thomas, 195

-, William, 223

Marrowe, John, 337

Marsey, Richard, 88

Marsh, Griffill, 111

-, Henry, 368, 460, 462

-, John, 43

-, Robert, 152, 248, 354, 442, 449

-, Thomas, 273

-, William, 40, 212, 304, 354

Marshall, Edward, 261, 322

-, Margaret, 6

-, Peter, 281

-, Richard, 5, 63

-, Robert, 105, 260, 462

-, Stephen, 11, 180, 229, 305, 367

-, William, 11

Marshall's man, Commital of a, 447

Marshalsea, Money for the, 115

-, Treasurer for the, 76, 446, 447

Marson, Francis, 255

Marston (Maston), Robert, 362

Marter, David, 182

Martin (Marten, Martyn)

-, Edward, 56, 195, 411

-, Edwyn, 56

-, Elizabeth, 41, 69

-, Henry, 40, 152, 436

-, Humphrey, 327

-, Ingram, 246

-, Joan, 327

-, John, 8, 290, 436

-, Malachi, 57

-, Mary, 9

-, Richard, 51, 65, 249, 444

-, Stephen, 31

-, Thomas, 13, 108, 192, 199, 288, 403, 450

-, William, 6, 80, 116, 174, 262, 298, 306, 403, 451

Martindale, Bartholomew, 215

Martinott (Martynett), Barnaby, 27

Marvell (Marvill)

-, Peter, 19

-, Robert, 181

Marvine, Henry, 143

-, Robert, 411

-, William, 47

Marylebone, i, 3, 103, 130, 160, 194, 233, 319, 392

-, Constable of, 249, 444, 448

Marylebone Park, xviii, 7, 24

Mascall, Richard, 384

Mascroppe, see Moscrop.

Mason (Massen)

-, Agnes (Ann), 296, 395

-, Anthony, 140

-, Francis, 26, 256, 366

-, George, 133

-, Henry, 127, 129, 318

-, John, 46, 68, 85, 112, 117, 165, 177, 302, 375

-, Philip, 21

-, Richard, 260, 283

-, Robert, 119, 370, 399

-, Roger, 43, 316, 332, 443

-, Samuel, 133, 445

-, Thomas, xvi, 294, 296, 401

-, William, 45, 133, 232, 266

-, Zacharias, 216, 253

See also Bacon, Baker, Butcher and Fisher.

Massachusetts, Governor of, xx

Massame, Timothy, 141

Massen, see Mason.

Massey, Joan, 420

-, Thomas, 22

Massyn, William, 197

Maste, Christiana, 14

-, John, 6

-, Timothy, 13, 14

Masterman, Robert, 104

Maston, see Marston.

Mastrell, Ann, 259

-, Francis, 5

Mathew (Mather, Mathewes)

-, Charles, 386

-, Edward, 147, 246

-, Elizabeth, 279

-, John, xiii, 72, 116, 130, 131, 149, 310, 315, 319, 374, 443

-, Leonard, 99

-, Margaret, 143

-, Michael, 172

-, Nicholas, 225

-, Peter, 147, 250, 352

-, Richard, 190, 230

-, Roland, 143

-, Thomas, 67, 430

-, William, 104, 105, 451, 456

-, —, 359

Matrons, Jury of, 187, 397

Mattisse, Margaret, 27

Mattfield, Robert, 339

Mattoone, Robert, 304

Matts, John, 443

Maulton, Edmund, 387

Mawe, Matthew, 84, 241

Mawhowe, Matthew, 418

Maxfeild, Robert, 114

May (Mayes, Maze)

-, Alexander, 135

-, Edward, xxi, 7, 91, 267, 340

-, Henry, 270

-, Israel, 66

-, John, 260

-, Katherine, 284

-, Margaret, 135

-, Richard, 353, 354, 436, 460

-, Robert, 255, 310

-, Samuel, 434

Maybanck, Henry, 252

May Day, 92

Mayeor, see Maior.

Mayle, see Male.

Maynard (Mainard)

-, Henry, xiii, 131

-, Margaret, 2

-, Richard, 405

Mayne, Francis, 122

-, Richard, 122

-, Walter, 84

Maysley, Mary, 348

Maze, see May.

Meade, Ann, 422

-, Edward, 222

-, John, 422

-, Peter, 47

-, Richard, 280

-, Thomas, 222

Meaker, John, 151

Meakins (Meekyns)

-, Bridget, 351

-, Henry, 351

-, Nicholas, 361

Meane, Thomas, 454

Meare (Meere, Meires, Meres)

-, Ann, 51

-, John, 27

-, Richard, 153, 259, 445

Measures, False, see Weights and Measures under Offences.

Meat, Unlawful sale of, see under Offences.

Medbourne, John, 153

Medcalfe (Metcalf)

-, Abel, 44, 48

-, Abraham, 410

-, Henry, 462

-, Mark, 6

-, Robert, 6, 453

Medley, Thomas, 39

Mee, Christopher, 316

-, Mary, 316

Meeder, John, 14

Meekyns, see Meakins.

Meere, see Mcare.

Megge, Hugh, 260

-, William, 201

Meires, see Mcare.

Melbourne, James, 282

Mellinge, Richard, 350

Mellson, Mistress, 238

Mellyn, Cornelius, 27

Melton, see Milton.

Melton Mowbray, co. Leicester, 404

Mendum (Mendam), John, 273

Mennell, William, 113

Meredith (Meredaye)

-, John, 219

-, Richard, 224

-, Timothy, 323

Merell, Michael, 250

Meres, see Meare.

Merick (Merike), see Merrickc.

Mermeere, Peter, 304

Merrey, Richard, 426

Merricke (Merike)

-, Christopher, 77, 104, 183 (2), 196, 448 (2), 464

-, Thomas, 308, 337

Merriman, John, 228, 452

-, William, 284

Mersam, Richard, 236

Merston, Gilbert, 140

Merydale, Giles, 432

Meryott, Humphrey, 22

Meryton, Robert, 2

Metcalf, see Medcalfe.

Mettkyn, John, 304

Michell, see Mitchell.

Middlesex, County of, Bill of the, 102

-, -, -, Clerk of the Peace for the, ii, vi, xxvi

-, -, -, Coroner of the, see Bright, Robert; Harriott, Henry; Sheppard, Richard.

-, -, -, Coroners' Inquests in the, see Coroners' Inquests.

-, -, -, Extent of the, i

-, -, -, Inhabitants of the, xx, xxiii

-, -, -, Guildhall of Westminster in the, ii, iii, iv, v, vi

-, -, -, -, Pesthouse in the xxiv, 254

-, -, -, -, Record Society of the, ii, iii, v

-, -, -, -, Records of the, i–vi, xxvi

-, -, -, -, Sheriff of the, 58, 190, 216, 416

See also Bennett, Thomas; Jaye, Henry; Prescott, Alexander; Rotheram, Edward.

-, -, -, -, -, -, Assault on the, ix, 60

-, -, -, Standing Joint Committee of the, iii, xxvi

Middle Temple, 1, 4, 94, 123, 138, 421

Middleton, co. Essex, 404

Middleton, Arthur, 170

-, Charles, 383, 452

-, Christopher, 311

-, John, 296

-, Thomas, Sir, 464

-, William, 341

Middle Tongue, Jury of the, see under Jurors.

Mierne (Myerne), Thomas, 390

Milberye (Mylberrye)

-, John, 4

-, William, 59

Milborne, Peter, 71, 439

Mile End, xv, 11, 22, 30, 69, 74, 83, 95, 147, 170, 196, 236, 260, 268, 275, 287, 317, 323, 340, 344, 347, 394, 412, 426, 453

-, -, -, Artillery Lane in, see Artillery Lane.

-, -, -, Headboroughs of, 287 See also Downes, Richard; Winder, Oliver.

Mile End Green, 275, 388

Miles (Myles)

-, Alexander, xii, 62

-, -, Ann, 172, 267

-, Daniel, 11

-, Edward, 261, 280, 326

-, Nicholas, 362

-, Robert, 25, 232, 267, 316

Milford Lane, 4, 105, 275, 278, 365, 399

Milk Street, 32

Mille, John, 114

Millen, John, 212, 397

Miller (Myller)

-, Geoffrey, 298

-, George, 204

-, Lewis, 65

-, Mr., 399

-, Nicholas, 351

-, Richard, 81

-, Robert, 114

-, Thomas, 168, 246

-, William, 45, 156

See also Morgan.

Millerd, Richard, 371

Millet (Millett, Mullett)

-, James, 280

-, John, 76, 196, 231

-, Joyce, 315

-, Margaret, 196

-, Richard, 196

-, Robert, 44, 183, 196, 231

Millington, Anthony, 147

-, John, 131

-, Richard, 114

-, Robert, 454

Million, John, 419

Mills (Mylles)

-, Alice, 229

-, John, 108, 311, 381

-, Tobias, 200

Milton (Melton)

-, Anthony, 197

-, Mary, 104

-, Ralph (Randall), 101, 192

-, Richard, 461

Millward, Henry, 16

-, William, 216, 252

Mimms, South, see South Mimms.

Mingay (Mingayne), Francis, 464

Minister, Abuse of a, see under Offences.

Minories, The, 68, 195, 430

Minstrels, see under Trades, Uncommon.

Mire, Thomas, 432

Miscarriages, Causing, 145, 170, 247

Miste, Ralph, 3

Mitchell (Michell, Mytchell)

-, Ann, 271

-, David, 271

-, Elizabeth, 178

-, Francis, 76, 216, 240, 447, 459, 464

-, George, 447

-, Humphrey, 165

-, Joan, 428

-, John, 113, 135, 226, 227, 304(2), 325, 417

-, Margery, 228

-, Robert, 84, 190, 224, 225, 261 422, 428

-, Susan, 360

-, William, 204

See also Throgmorton.

Mitchelson, James, 260

Mocksage, John, 425

Mocksuche, John, 223

Mogridge, Mr., 342

Molde, see Moulde.

Moncaster, John, 55

Moncke, see Monke.

Mondaie, see Munday.

Money (Monnye)

-, Alice, 145, 149

-, Thomas, 149

Mongomerie, Thomas, 403

Montgomeryshire, Newtown in, see Newtown.

Monke (Muncke)

-, Richard, 269

-, Robert, 230

Monnye, see Money.

Montague, see Mountague.

Montum (Mounton)

-, Isabel, 339

-, Peter, 339

Moodye, George, 451

-, Isabel, 451

-, Richard, 322

Moone, John, 356

Moore, see More.

Moorecocke, Nicholas, 315

Mooreton, see Morton.

Moorfield, 309

Moorgate, 308

Moor Lane, 157, 238

Mopperlye (Mapperley), Roger, 76

More (Moore, Moores)

-, Alice, 37, 455

-, George, 289, 373

-, Helen, 451

-, Horace, 281

-, James, 312, 454

-, John, 200, 448, 450

-, Miles, 339

-, Rebecca, 139

-, Richard, 295

-, Robert, 221, 327, 366

-, Roger, 366

-, Thomas, 55, 92, 255, 301, 382, 399

-, -, Sir, xxv.

-, William, 41, 315, 455

See also Morris.

Morecrofte, Elizabeth, 340

-, Thomas, 30, 340

See also Marcroft.

Moreland, John, 239

Moreton, see Morton.

Morfy, Patrick, 169

Morgaine, John, 87

Morgan, Christopher, 345

-, Edmund, 353

-, Gawen, 326

-, George, 66

-, John, 90, 114, 262, 369

-, Lewis, 33, 65

-, Richard, 17, 152, 206, 333, 397, 417

-, Roger, 246, 416

-, Roland, 275

-, Thomas, 277, 302

-, William, 180, 197

-, (blank), 340

-, —, 354

See also Miller and Rice.

Morley, Christopher, 439

-, John, 222

-, Richard, 302

-, Thomas, 11, 41

Morrett, see Murrant.

Morrey, James, 389

Morris (Morres, Morrice, Morrys)

-, Daniel, 10

-, Edward, 150

-, Elizeus, 233

-, Henry, 242, 281, 303

-, Horace, 281

-, Jenkin, 10

-, John, 121, 220

-, Richard, 433

-, Robert, viii, 210, 355

-, Thomas, 123, 284, 285, 295, 335, 349

-, William, 74, 88, 126

Morrison, John, 260

Morsse, William, 140

Morte, Thomas, 257

Mortimer, John, 31

-, Katherine, 33

-, Nathaniel, 226

Morton (Mooreton, Moreton)

-, Edward, 11

-, Elizabeth, 4, 90, 122, 208

-, Henry, 282

-, Jane, 234

-, Richard, 419

-, William, 210 (2)

See also Smith.

Moscroppe (Mascroppe), Thomas, 166

Mose, Edward, 242

Moseley (Mozeley)

-, Henry, 464

-, Isabel, 206, 241

-, Mary, 376

Mosse (Mousse)

-, Christiana, 189, 213

-, Elizabeth, 121, 229

-, Henry, 232

-, John, 150

-, Mary, 187

-, Thomas, 196, 320, 437

-, William, 229

See also Manisty.

Mosson, George, viii, 210

Mostyn, Robert, 354

Motheley, de la, see Delamote.

Mott, Cornelius, 416

-, Stephen, 415

Motteram (Moteram), William, 40, 129, 304, 333

Motterdaye, Edward, 40, 113, 333

Moulde (Molde, Mowlde)

-, Magdalen, 440

-, Thomas, 95, 255

Mouldsworth, co. Chester, 14

Moule, Thomas, 164

Mountague (Montague, Mountaigue)

-, Anthony, 332

-, Henry, Sir, 42, 118, 295, 298, 320, 361, 377, 450, 461, 464

See also London, City of, Recorder of the.

-, Humphrey, ix, 60, 418

-, William, 285

Mountaigne, George, 464

Mountaine, Thomas, 179, 228

Mountjoy, Christopher, 280

Mounton, see Montum.

Mousse, see Mosse.

Moutheherst, Thomas, 244

Mowe, Robert, 24, 338

Mowlde, see Moulde.

Mowlum, Peter, 202 (2)

Mowse, Robert, 402

Moxan, Elizabeth, 28

Moxey (Moxie)

-, Edward, 337

-, John, 274

Mozeley, see Moseley.

Muckle, John, 424

-, Richard, 225

Muddle, William, 84

Mugoagine, Hugh, 117

Muldowney, John, 349

Mullett, see Millet.

Mulliclifte, Henry, 24

Mumford, Richard, 435

-, Robert, 388

Muncke, see Monke.

Muncksfield, Ann, 397

Munday (Mondaie)

-, Thomas, xvi, 296

-, Timothy, 323

-, Zacheus, 261

Mungham, Elizabeth, 109

Munix, Adam, 438

Munns, Thomas, 73

Munsfeild, William, 115, 271

Munt, John, 223

-, Robert, 64

Munter, Henry, 304 (2)

Murder, see under Offences.

Murdocke, Richard, 306

Murkye, Robert, xii, 2

Murrant (Morrett), Edward, 190, 218

Murrey, Alexander, 282

-, William, 336

Muscett (Muscott, Muskett)

-, John, xiv, 14, 152, 201, 417

-, Mr., 21

-, Thomas, 7

Muscrofte, Thomas, 7 (2)

Musgrave (Musgreve, Musgrove)

-, Abraham, 261, 375

-, Alexander, 462

-, Daniel, 170

Musicians, xxi, 264

See also under Trades, Uncommon.

Muskett, see Muscett.

Mustian (Mustyan), William, 67, 211, 397

Mute, Standing, see Peine forte et dure.

Myerne, see Mierne.

Mylberrye, see Milberye.

Myles, see Miles.

Myller, see Miller.

Mylles, see Mills.

Myms, Henry, Sir, 74

Mynce, Mary, 447

Mynde, Roger, 148, 249

Mynes, Robert, 350

-, Roger, 444

Mynne, William, 239

Mynors, Robert, 258, 262

Mynter, William, 136

Mytchell, see Mitchell.

M—, Benedict, 95

-, John, 364


NADDALL, John, 283

Naples, Helen, 423

Napton, Mary, 322

Narborowe, William, 422

Nash, Ann, 237

-, Edward, 148

-, George, 366

-, John, 122, 237, 361

-, Thomas, 456

Neale (Neele)

-, Edward, 274

-, James, 42

-, John, 67

-, Julia, 187

-, Richard, 98

-, Simon, 4, 214, 241, 264, 322

-, William, x, 235

Neasden, 207

Neave (Neve)

-, Charles, 209

-, William, 46

Needes, John, 80

-, Thomas, 94

Needham, Thomas, 117

Neepe, George, 74

Neeson, Tyce, 279

Neglect of official duties, see under Offences.

Negoose, Agnes, 261

-, Ann, 247

-, Richard, 261

Nellam, William, 159

Nelson, Edward, 258, 285

-, John, 116

-, Ralph, 217

-, Thomas, 142

-, William, 204

Nemogh (Nemoughe)

-, James, 277

-, John, 277

Nesfield, Christopher, 156

-, Susan, 156

Netherclyffe, John, 154

Nether Stowey, co. Somerset, 426

Netherwood, William, 380

Neve, see Neave.

Nevell (Nevill, Nevyll)

-, Edward, 427

-, Francis, xiii, 138

-, John, 54

-, Margaret, 54

-, Thomas, 324, 462

Newarke, Mary, 61

New Brentford, see Brentford, New.

Newbye (Nubye), Henry, 178, 324

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, co. Northumberland, 144

Newcham, William, 285

Newell, Ralph, 113

New Fish Street, see Fish Street, New.

Newgate, Christ Church in, see Christ Church in Farringdon.

-, Gaol of, Committal to the, see under Punishments.

-, -, -, Inquests at the, x, 112, 113, 302, 366, 367

-, -, -, Officers of the, 391

-, -, -, Prisoners in the, 51, 63, 109, 161, 184, 230, 348, 378, 389, 459

-, Gaol Delivery of, 45, 67, 107, 114, 152, 212, 304, 333, 367

-, St. Sepulchre's without, see St. Sepulchre's.

Newgate Market, 341

Newington, co. Surrey, 101, 114, 170, 195, 295, 296, 414

-, Constable of, 250, 444

-, St. Mary's in, see St. Mary's, Newington.

Newington Butts, co. Surrey, 180

New Inn, 301

Newins (Newyns), Elizabeth, 296, 364

Newland, Richard, 340, 461

Newman, Amos, 52

-, Barnaby, 138

-, Christopher, 412

-, Henry, 347

-, John, 31 (2), 80, 88, 255, 385, 426

-, Richard, 82, 198, 201

-, Roger, 255, 460

-, Thomas, 198 (2), 365, 417, 449

-, Timothy, 173, 276

-, William, 198, 201, 422, 428

New Palace, see Palace, New.

New River, The, xviii

Newse, John, 77

Newsell, Thomas, 303

Newson, Robert, 379

Newton, Bridget, 236

-, Edward, 23, 256

-, John, 156

-, Michael, 282

-, Thomas, 336

Newtown, co. Montgomery, 356

Nibbet, Lawrence, 137

Nicholas, Francis, 345

-, James, 10

-, John, 232, 237

-, William, 319

Nicholls (Niccoll, Nickolls, Nicols)

-, Alice, 34, 71, 225, 427

-, Ann, 376

-, David, 446

-, Dionise, 13

-, Edward, 251, 316, 446

-, Frances, 188, 207

-, George, 376

-, Henry, 91, 165, 173, 177, 280, 281, 320, 328, 379

-, John, 13, 40, 90, 113, 120, 256

-, Mary, 120, 190, 309

-, Philip, 309

-, Richard, 71, 225, 241, 251, 427, 442

-, Robert, 63, 114, 180, 427

-, Roger, 7

-, Stephen, 207

-, Thomas, 104, 354, 382, 433, 454

-, William, 151, 221, 233, 251, 445

-, —, 417

See also Ballard, Hoddard, Hogg, Rayner and Strowde.

Nicholson, Ann, 187

-, David, 114, 252

-, George, 126, 187

-, John, 399

-, Mary, 170

-, Richard, 170

-, Roland, 69

Nightingale, Hugh, 14

-, Rebecca, 14, 187, 189, 213, 305, 367

Nightingale Lane, 99, 136

Night-walking, see under Offences.

Nixson, Stephen, 426

Noble, Roger, 371

-, William, 436

Noble Street, 68

Noddle, Anne, 290

Noke, John, 57

Noone, George, 294

-, Humphrey, 23

-, John, 294

See also Nunne.

Noothe, see Nouthe.

Norcott, 16, 82, 95, 183, 231, 235, 261, 315, 432, 458, 459

-, Constable of, 448

-, Inhabitants of, 81

Nordee, Geoffrey, 17

-, William, 17

Norden, John, 279

-, Josias, 279

-, Robert, 351

Norfolk, County of, Norwich in, see Norwich.

-, -, -, Yarmouth in, see Yarmouth.

-, -, -, Yaxham in, see Yaxham.

Norket, Elizabeth, 351

Norman, Edward, 290

-, Frederick, 71

-, Thomas, 279

Normanton, Francis, 159

Norris (Norrice, Norrys)

-, Edmund, 309

-, Richard, 43

-, Thomas, 227, 267

-, William, 188, 398

Normanvile, William, 208, 248, 443

North, Henry, Sir, 85

-, John, 6

-, Lord, Dudley, Liberty of Bailiff of the, 248, 442

-, Richard, 60, 176, 193, 262

-, William, 290

Northali, Constable of, 251, 445

Northall, Elizabeth, 438

Northampton, co. Northampton, All Hallows in, 81

Northamptonshire, xx

-, Kettering in, see Kettering.

-, Northampton in, see Northampton.

-, Peterborough in, see Peterborough.

-, "Potters Perry" in, see Potterspury.

-, "Stonyeground" in, 264

-, Winwick in, see Winwick.

Northaw, co. Hertford, 64

Northen, Samuel, 48

Northumberland, County of, Newcastle-upon-Tyne in, see Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

North-West Passage, Search for the, ix

Northwood, 16, 36, 183, 196, 232, 315 432, 449

-, Constables of, 251, 445

Norton, Constance, 203

-, Gregory, 198

-, Isaac, 202

-, John, 20, 89, 223

-, Rose, 124

-, Thomas, xxii, 54, 333

Norton Folgate, 32, 67, 69, 78, 88, 117, 153, 169, 213, 239, 289, 318, 328, 336, 341, 370, 372, 379, 399, 417, 448, 454, 457

-, -, Constable of, 250, 444

-, -, Liberty of, 81

-, -, Officers of, 185

Norwich, co. Norfolk, 37, 69, 177, 264

-, City of, 6, 38

Norwood, see Northwood.

Norwood, Henry, 11, 397, 399

Notlye, Thomas, 120

Nott (Knott)

-, Hugh, 41

-, John, 139

-, Richard, 221, 244, 283, 345, 461

-, Roger, 302

-, Thomas, 345

-, William, 99

Nottingham, Earl of, Charles, xvi, 362

Nottinghamshire, Dunham in, see Dunham.

Nouthe (Noothe)

-, Christian, 30

-, Thurstan, 30, 108

Novey, Richard, 423

Nowbery, William, 40

Nowell, John, 248, 441

-, Thomas, 244

Nubar, Thomas, 257

Nuboulte, Samuel, 52

Nubye, see Newbye.

Nunne, George, 170, 347

-, John, 294

See also Noone.

Nussell, —, 398

Nutter, Henry, 381

Nutting, John, 309, 341, 392, 454

-, Mary, 365

-, Susan, 365

-, Thomas, 448

Nyblett, John, 113

-, Lawrence, 89, 462