General Index: A

Pages 465-468

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 1, 1612-14. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1935.

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Notes.—Alternative spellings of surnames are given except in obvious cases. "Alias" names are indexed under both alternatives. Place and Christian names are in modern spelling.


Abbington (Abington)

-, Mary, 85, 246

-, Thomas, 85, 246, 451

Abbis, Thomas, 25

Abbot (Abbott)

-, Stephen, 197

-, Thomas, 290

-, William, 216, 252

Abchurch Lane, 140

Abercromye, Abraham, 338

Abery (Abrey)

-, Jane, 246

-, Richard, 246, 455

Abese, Thomas, 306

Abjuration, Oath of, xx, 291

Abraham, Thomas, 347

Abrooke, Robert, 62

Acton, xviii, 67, 104, 115, 212, 256, 304, 332, 387, 449

-, Constables of, 249, 444

-, Highway at, 452

Acton, Michael, 439

Adams (Addams)

-, Bennett, 124

-, John, 179, 188, 232

-, Mary, 306 (2)

-, Richard, 78, 108

-, Sybil, 124

-, Thomas, 84

Adby, Richard, 274

Adcock, Richard, 10, 250

Addys, Giles, 78

-, Mary, 78

-, Walter, 181

Adkins, see Atkins.

Adlam, Richard, 71

Adlyn, Peter, 269

Admans, John, 67

Administration, Letters of, Fraud concerning, xix, 398

Adston, Mary, 401

Adultery, see Immorality under Offences.

Affrays, see under Offences.

Agalan, John, 360

Agar, Walter, 84

Agard (blank), 86

Agnes, Edmund, 427

See also Smith.

Ailston, co. Hertford, 27

Ailwarde, John, 255

Albie, Samuel, 351

Alcocke, Helen, 372

-, John, 372

Aldenham, co. Hertford, 184

Alderidge, Michael, 286

Aldermanbury, 338

Aldermary, 186

Aldersey, Edward, 12

-, William, 259

Aldersgate, 462

-, St. Anne's in, see St. Anne's, Aldersgate.

-, St. Botolph's-without, see St. Botolph's-without-Aldersgate.

-, St. Martin's near, see St. Martins le-Grand.

Aldersgate Street, 69, 167, 191, 226, 242, 263, 349, 399, 429, 457

-, -, "le Barres" in, 239

-, -, Stocks in, x, 177

Aldgate, 46, 131, 170, 182, 218, 312

-, St. Botolph's-without, see St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate.

Aldred, Robert, 334

-, Thomas, 70

Aldrenshawe, William, 460

Aldwell, William, 127

Ale, Unlawful sale of, see Beer under Offences.

Alea (Alee, Aleigh)

-, John, 134, 218, 338

Ale-conners, see Philips, Abraham; Theoderick, Henry; and under Offences.

Alehouses, see under Offences and Signs.

Alperton, 452

Ale-tasters, 284

See also Ale-conners.

Alexander, Robert, 348

-, William, 412

Alien jurors, see Jurors of the Middle Tongue.

Allaley (Allalye, Halleley, Hallyley)

-, Christopher, 413

-, Walter, xviii, 396, 413, 440

Allam (Allom), Nicholas, 216, 252

Allegiance, Oath of, 42

Allen (Alleyn, Allin, Allyn)

-, Amy, 116

-, Ann, 294

-, Barnard, 217

-, David, 320

-, Edward, 96

-, Elizabeth, 327, 429

-, George, 185

-, John, 114, 443

-, Lucy, 288

-, Margery, 77

-, Ralph, 302

-, Richard, 13, 91, 280

-, Robert, 195

-, Roger, 37, 294, 331

-, Thomas, 12, 41, 243, 288, 387, 393, 408

-, William, 52

-, —, 42

See also Gardiner.

Allerd (Allard), Francis, 294, 304

Allerye, John, 276

Alleyn, William, xiv.

See also Allen.

All Hallows, 8, 21, 404

-, -, Barking, 244, 272, 279, 280, 344, 375

-, -, Bread Street, 49

-, -, London Wall, 19, 72, 375, 412

-, -, Staining, 267

All Hallows-the-Great, xiv, 133, 155, 156, 287

All Hallows-the-Less, 100, 427

Allin, see Allen.

Allington, Isabel, 319

-, Randall, 319, 399

Allis, Richard, 91

Allmon, see Alman.

Allom, see Allam.

Allombrige, Henry, 50

Allport, William, 367

All Saints, Dowgate, 168

All Souls, see All Hallows.

Allwin, William, 321

Allyger, Alice, 462

See also Lyniger.

Allyson, William, 451

Alman (Almon, Allmon, Almond)

-, Francis, 283, 341, 373

-, Henry, 456

-, Robert, 118

Almer, John, 143

Almond, see Alman.

Alsop (Alsopp)

-, Edward, 51

-, John, 306

Altham, James, Sir, 463

Alveley, see Aveley.

Aman, William, 350

Ambassador, Theft of dog from the, xviii, 457

-, Spanish, Robbery of the, 448

America, xx

Amersham, co. Buckingham, 83

Amerye, Robert, 29

Amphlett, Joyce, 107

Ampthill, Philip, 253

Amye (Amys), John, 79, 151, 303

Ancktile, Peter, 139

Anderson, Alice, 153

-, Edmund, xiii, 138

-, -, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, xiv

-, Lady, xiv, 138

-, Thomas, 114, 153

Anderton, John, 124

Andesworth, Ralph, 187

Andrew (Andrewes, Androes, Andros, Androwes)

-, Christopher, 256

-, Gillian, 181

-, John, 427, 445

-, Richard, 36, 113

-, Thomas, 65, 154, 384

-, William, 321

Angell, Edward, 249, 444

-, William, 308

Annerley (Anilye), Jane, 395

Annoyances, Commissioners for, 50, 69, 77, 192, 214, 245, 271, 305, 346

-, -, -, Abusing the, see under Offences.

-, -, -, Establishment of the, xxiii

-, Causing, see under Offences.

-, Jury of, 66, 67, 77, 214, 307, 308, 332, 354, 382, 398

-, -, -, Abusing the, see under Offences.

-, -, -, Foreman of the, 439

See also Pursett, Christopher.

-, in the highways, see Highways, under Offences.

Anoven, Richard, 302

Ansley, John, 154

Anslow, Philip, 311

Ansone, Thomas, 297

See also Hansome.

Anstance, Goodwife, 121

Ansterether (Ansterwth), William, Sir, 63

Anthony, Ellen, 62

-, Henry, 62, 454

-, Joan, 454

-, John, 78, 178

-, Robert, 114

Antropus, Thomas, 6

Anwick, John, 380, 461

Apers, see Apus.

Apleyarde, Cuthbert, 379

Ap Pew, John, 131

Apple, Mary, xi, 176, 192

Appleby, Sampson, 74

Apprentices, Offences relating to, see under Offences.

Apprenticeship, Indentures of, 81, 201, 455

-, Order for discharge from xxii, 23

-, Trading without due, see under Offences.

Ap Richard, Evan, 85

Ap Thomas, Thomas, 118

Apus (Apers)

-, Mary, 167

-, —, 167

Archer, Christopher, 162

-, George, 190

-, John, 217

-, Luke, 258

-, William, 279

Arden, Joan, 321

Ardingly, co. Sussex, 125

Ardroset, Henry, 43

Ardys, Francis, 14, 27

Arias, Hugh, 144

Arkwright, Richard, 297

Armada, The Spanish, xvi.

Arment, Joseph, 321, 372

Armesbye, Lawrence, 121

Armesteede (Armstead), Robert, 107

Armett, John, 397

Armon, Robert, 429

Armstrong (Armestronge)

-, Alexander, 19, 116

-, Isabel, 102

See also Harrison.

Arnett, William. 450

Arnold, Alice, 6

-, John, 270

-, Ralph, 56

-, Richard, 270

-, Thomas, 270

-, William, 260, 332

Arras (Arris), Jasper, 146, 303

Arrest, Wrongful, see under Offences.

Arson, see under Offences.

Arthur, Nathaniel, 293

Artillery Lane, xv, 287, 316, 347, 379

-, -, Headboroughs of, see under Mile End.

-, -, Stocks in, ix, x, 190, 218

Arandell, Lawrence, 129

Asbyn, Ann, 218

-, John, 218

Ashbie (Ashebye), Robert, Sir, 9, 463

Ashborne (Ashburne, Ashburner)

-, Edward, 103, 203, 323

Ashbrooke, Grace, 11

Ashe, Anthony, 257, 304, 449

-, Thomas, 274, 384

Ashem, Abraham, 458

Ashen, see Ashton.

Asher, Richard, 9

Ashford, 67, 94, 113, 405

-, Constable of, 252, 446

Ashley, Anthony, Sir, xvii, 405

-, Joan, 350

Ashpoole, Walter, 365

Ashton (Ashen, Asten, Aston)

-, Brian, 17

-, Henry, 93, 235

-, John, 86, 91, 97, 204

-, Rener, 235

-, Walter, Sir, 301

-, William, 331

Ashwell, co. Hertford, 208

Ashwell, John, 446

Askew, John, 7, 163, 299

-, Margaret, 176

-, Richard, 176

Askwith, Thomas, 393

Asplin, Elizabeth, 385

Assault, see under Offences.

Assembly, Unlawful, see under Offences.

Assiter, see Awsitor.

Assyn (Assin)

-, Mary, 59

-, William, 58

Asten (Aston), see Ashton.

Atfeld, see Attfeilde.

Atkins (Adkins, Attkins)

-, Ann, 219, 220

-, Edward, 16

-, Hall, 186, 259

-, Tobias, 31

-, William, 219, 325

Atkinson (Attkinson)

-, Alice, 42

-, Cuthbert, 62

-, Francis, 429

-, Grace, 187

-, Henry, 43

-, John, 140, 213, 324

-, Matthew, 79

-, Miles, 460

-, Mr., 274

-, Richard, 10

-, Thomas, 41

-, William, xiii, 136, 455

Atlee, see Attley.

Attawell (Atwell)

-, Hugh, 92

-, Thomas, xi, 83, 176, 192

Atterbury (Attersburye), William, xx, 85, 451

Attfeilde (Atfeild, Atfeld), Henry, 82, 115, 449

Attlesey, John, 208

Attley (Atlea, Atlee, Atley)

-, Edward, 436

-, James, 80, 220

Attorney, An, 187, 352, 353

-, Mr., 245

Attorney-General, see Bacon, Sir Francis.

Attree, see Tree.

Attwood (Atwood), John, 102, 104, 249

Atwell, see Attawell.

Atwicke, Edward, 270

Atye, John, 201

-, Lady, Judith, 205

Aumbry, Constable of the 248

Austen (Awstin)

-, Edward, 255

-, John, 375

-, Richard, 67, 444

-, Thomas, 404

Aveley (Alveley), Nicholas, xix, 438

Awberrye, Edward, 1, 4

-, Richard, 451

Awburne, George, 288

Awdeley (Awdlie)

-, Geoffrey, 266, 276

-, William, 106

Awnsham, Gideon, Sir, 76, 447, 463

-, Robert, 446

Awsitor (Assiter, Awsyter)

-, Agnes, 432

-, Edward, 16, 432

-, John, 16, 232, 251, 432

Awson, John, 460

Awstin, see Austen.

Ayers, Thomas, 114

Aylesbury, co. Buckingham, 204

-, Gaol of, 369

Ayleworth, Edward, xiii, 101 (2)

-, Thomas, 101

Aylworth, co. Gloucester, xiii, 101

Aymes, John, 131

Azores, The Fleet at the, xviii

A—ard, Peter, 211