Sessions, 1613: 1 and 2 December

Pages 261-307

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 1, 1612-14. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1935.

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Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery, 1 and 2 December, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].


Recognizances of:—

4 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Abraham Musgrove of St. Sepulchre's-without-Newgate, innholder, and Anthony Cage of St. Swithin's, gentleman, for Zacheus Mondaie [Munday] of Marton otherwise Markeaton, co. Derby, gentleman, concerning the death of Joan, wife of Thomas Flynders [Flenders] of St. Peter's Lane, ostler, lately dead.
Taken before Robert Bright, coroner.
Witnesses:—The said Thomas, Lawrence Fendrye of St. Peter's Lane, victualler, and Margaret his wife, Dorothy, wife of Richard Leggatt of Clerkenwell, gardener, Anne, wife of Thomas Marcrosse of Cow Cross, butcher, and Agnes, wife of Richard Negoose of the same, carpenter.
Sess. Roll. 526/1.
Sess. Reg. 2/20.
G.D.R. 2/7.

17 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Michill [Michell] and Edward Marshall of Smithfield Bar, butchers, and James Cale of Clerkenwell, cooper, for the said Robert, suspected to have stolen a grey gelding which he sold to one Goffe in Holborn; and of George Goffe of Fetter Lane, hackneyman, Michael Chapman of St. Sepulchre's, blacksmith, and Lawrence Edwards of the same, gentleman, to prosecute and give evidence against the said Robert Michell.
Sess. Roll 526/2, 227.
G.D.R. 2/5.

14 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Kinge of Clerkenwell, glover, John Battye of St. Sepulchre's, farrier, John Smith of Tower Street, baker, and Thomas Slater of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, carman, for Henry Stapleton of Turnmill Street, farrier, suspected to have stolen certain linen that he brought to the house of Thomas Brasier in Turnmill Street, as may appear in his examination; and of Edward Taylor of Turnmill Street, constable, to give evidence against the said Henry.
Sess. Roll 526/8, 13.
G.D.R. 2/5d.

8 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Peter Sympson of St. Sepulchre's, gentleman, and Thomas Stocton of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, chandler, for Charles Stocton of the same, haberdasher, for stealing a ruff-band from Robert Mynors.
Sess. Roll 526/9.
G.D.R. 2/5d.

12 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Henry Cleere and John Slye of Turnmill Street, shoemakers, and John Morgan of Cow Cross, clothworker, for the said Henry, suspected to be privy to the picking of the pocket of Anne Coates.
Sess. Roll 526/10.
G.D.R. 2/5d.

14 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Northe of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, baker, to give evidence against Richard Jones of St. Martin's for stealing a cloak from him; and of John Hill of Barnstaple, co. Devon, miller, Richard Hollyman of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, pound-keeper, and George Rayman of Stepney, girdler, for William Martyn of the same, glover, for selling the said stolen cloak.
Sess. Roll 526/14, 201.
G.D.R. 2/5d.

20 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Joseph Scavington of Whitecross Street, labourer [turner], and George Tompson of Old Street, carpenter, for Mary Pilkinton and Avis Butler of Whitecross Street, spinsters, for burying a bastard child in a yard in the same, in the company of Helen Clare of the same, spinster; and of the said Mary for having the bastard child; and of William Clare of the same, labourer, and the said Joseph, for the said Helen for burying the said child and for keeping the woman in her house and being a harbourer of lewd persons; and of John Shivers of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, tailor, and Robert Harris of East Smithfield, tailor, for Margaret Leviston of Old Street, widow, concerning the burying of the bastard child in Whitecross Street.
Sess. Roll 526/16, 17, 18.
Sess. Reg. 2/21.

13 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Christopher Thwaytes [Thaites] of High Holborn, gentleman, and Elias Duke of Whitechapel, silkweaver, for Susan Browne of High Holborn, spinster, taken in bed with a Scotsman in a common bawdy house, and for Mary, wife of the said Christopher, for keeping a common bawdy house, where the said Susan was taken in bed, she being within and privy thereunto; and of John Sturton and Gregory Wattson of Gainsborough, co. Lincoln, gentlemen, for Thomas Johnson of the same, vintner, for taking away a ruff-band from the said Mary; and of James Johnson of Sudbury, co. Suffolk, mercer, and Henry Terrill of Charterhouse Lane, tailor, for John Starre of the same, shoemaker, for taking a ruff-band and a purse with 10s. in it belonging to the said Susan, out of the house of the said Christopher; and of the said Christopher and Susan to give evidence against the said John Starre and Thomas Johnson.
Sess. Roll 526/19, 20, 202, 203, 223, 224.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.
G.D.R. 2/5d.

1 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Smith of Aldersgate Street, baker, and John Palmer of Old Street, chandler, for Haunce Fiers [Hance Fyers] of the same, miller, for cozening the King's subjects by putting in musty corn instead of sweet, and wet for dry, and returning heavy sacks for light, 2 lb. in every sack, as may appear in the information of Thomas Hall.
Handed over further in bail to John Lewes of Goswell Street, baker.
Sess. Roll 526/21.
Sess. Reg. 2/22, 29.

3 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Elmes of St. Sepulchre's, tailor, William Gushe of Fleet Lane, cutler, Thomas Whittaker of Aldersgate Street, tailor, and Henry Boorne of Clerkenwell, glassman, for Elizabeth Roche [Roache] of Cow Cross, spinster, to keep the peace towards Elizabeth Chandler, and also for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 526/22.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

13 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Henry Houson of Turnmill Street, porter, and Lawrence Ingam of St. Clement Danes, ostler, for Katherine Shepard of Cow Cross, spinster, for picking the purse of Robert Douthaite forth of his pocket.
Sess. Roll 526/23.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

16 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Smith of "Stonyeground," co. Northampton, yeoman, William Wraye of Whitechapel, upholsterer, and Edward Homes of Golding Lane, silkweaver, for the said Robert suspected to have killed a calf of John Coas in a common field near Old Street, with intent to have stolen the same away.
Sess. Roll 526/24.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

22 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Chapman of Norwich, co. Norfolk, tailor, and Francis Beoman of Finsbury, cordwainer, for Mary Wood of the same, spinster, for cozening Elizabeth Barnes of certain money for a little powder in a paper, which powder she undertook the said Elizabeth "should have her purpose of musicon by carryenge the powder about her."
Sess. Roll 526/25.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

17 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Anthony Horne of Bow Lane, tailor, William Baker, embroiderer, and John Scott, tailor, both of the same, for the said Anthony. He was locked up in a shed in Chiswell Street, with Margery Blague [Blange] in the night, and apprehended by the constable by reason of a tumult made thereabout.
Sess. Roll 526/26.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

14 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Nicholas Burte, Richard Bellie and Thomas Farmor of Field Lane, butchers, for the said Nicholas for keeping open his shop on the Sunday morning, and abusing Simon Neale ("in tellinge of him of his defaulte") who was appointed by the Justices' warrant in those businesses.
Sess. Roll 526/27.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

28 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
George Manne of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, innkeeper, and John Manne of the same, gentleman, for Henry Manne of the same, gentleman, for abusing and calling the headborough of Turnmill Street rogue and knave in his presence, and complained to be a very disordered fellow, and keeping company with Alice Sherwood, a common whore.
Sess. Roll 526/28.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

25 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Jones of Cow Cross, silkweaver, and Thomas Cale of the same, cooper, for Richard Powell of the same, yeoman, referred to the view of his examination.
Sess. Roll 526/29.
G.D.R. 2/5.

25 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Henry Feildust [Feildhust] of Westminster, chandler, Nathaniel Stoner and John Barton of the same, cordwainers, for the said Henry to keep the peace towards William Phillips, gentleman.
Sess. Roll 526/31.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

20 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Spencer of St. Botolph's-without-Bishopsgate, yeoman, John Chapman of Cow Cross, tailor, and John Ellis of Grub Street, tailor, for the said Robert for cozening William Flesher of 29s. at decoy.
Sess. Roll 526/32.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

6 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Bush of Islington, yeoman, Edward Coffin of St. Martin'sin-the-Fields, poulterer, and John Gibbs of Westminster, paviour, for the said Richard for cozening Giles Hall at decoy.
Sess. Roll 526/33.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

27 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
George Edwards and John Leveredge of Westminster, carpenters, and Richard Wisdom of the same, vintner, for the said George for begetting Judith Skynner with child.
Sess. Roll 526/34.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

4 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Wright of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, tombmaker, for annoying the street near Charing Cross with loading carts, turning the Judges and all other passengers into the channel.
Sess. Roll 526/35.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

6 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Wheatelie [Wheatley] of St. Clement Danes, tailor, Gregory Browne and Edward Preston of Turnmill Street, yeomen, for the said Richard for cozening Stephen Jackson of a pottle pot.
Sess. Roll 526/36.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

24 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Henry Thornton of St. Mary-le-Strand, gentleman, and Brian Hamond of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, cook, for Ferdinand Kellie [Kelly] of the same, gentleman, to keep the peace towards Roland Colman.
Sess. Roll 526/37.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

24 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Mason of St. Clement Danes, victualler, for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 526/39.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

9 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Todd of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, bricklayer, for keeping a common victualling house in the same without licence.
Sess. Roll 526/40.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

24 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Stephen Partridge of Paddington, yeoman, and Geoffrey Awdlie of the same, innholder, for the said Stephen for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 526/41.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

19 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Edmund Hurste of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, victualler, for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 526/42.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

4 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Fisher of St. Peter's Lane in St. Sepulchre's, yeoman, George Heade of St. John Street, cordwainer, and John Battie of Chick Lane, farrier, for the said William, suspected to be one of them that robbed Robert Flinte of his cloak in the fields.
Sess. Roll 526/43.
G.D.R. 2/6.

1 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Pixlie of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, yeoman, to give evidence against Thomas Price for stealing the goods of a person unknown.
The said Thomas detained in gaol. Delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 526/44, 322.
G.D.R. 2/2d.

14 September, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Priest of Rosemary Lane, yeoman, and John Charles of Whitechapel, silkweaver, for Richard Tayler of the same, victualler, and Elizabeth his wife, to keep the peace towards Anne, wife of Robert Myles of East Smithfield.
Sess. Roll 526/45.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

27 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
George Bullock of Whitechapel, cordwainer, and Edward Wayman of the same, baker, for Thomas Goddard of Stepney, sailor, and Elizabeth his wife, to keep the peace towards Helen Hickmot of the same, widow.
Sess. Roll 526/46.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

26 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Norrice and Richard Irons of Whitechapel, glovers, for Alice, wife of Stephen Weekes of the same, glover, to keep the peace towards Anne, wife of Robert Freen of the same, glover.
Sess. Roll 526/47.

6 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Elias de Buke, a Frenchman, of Whitechapel, to prosecute Francis Barroult, a Frenchman, charged by him with felony.
Sess. Roll 526/51.

26 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Hollasse of Great Marlow, co. Buckingham, wheelwright, and John Hunt of Allhallows, Staining, haberdasher, to prosecute Edward Maze and Robert Hodnoll for cheating and cozening at cards.
The said Edward and Robert detained in gaol for lack of sureties. Indicted in London.
Sess. Roll 526/52, 322.

22 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Henry Jefferys of St. Katherine's, yeoman, John Pulman of St. James', Clerkenwell, yeoman, and William Eldred of St. Sepulchre's, chandler, for the said Henry for cheating a Derbyshire gentleman with counters instead of silver.
Sess. Roll 526/54.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

7 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Emerson and Christopher Crowche of Mile End, porters, and William Everidge of the same, victualler, for the said John not to victual without licence, and not to keep any play or disorder in his house.
Sess. Roll 526/55.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.
P.R.B. 1/26d.

5 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Harrison of East Smithfield, smith, Joseph Boreman, barber-surgeon, and Thomas Shawe, smith, both of the same, for the said Thomas Harrison to keep the peace towards Isaac Franck of Whitechapel, gunmaker.
Sess. Roll 526/56.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

17 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Bywoorth [Byworth] of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, smith, Thomas Stephens, blacksmith, and William Rilye, smith, both of the same, for the said William Byworth to appear.
Sess. Roll 526/57.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

1 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Daniel Kerby of Pudding Lane, wireworker, to give evidence against Roger Fisher and George Gaskin for cozening Paul Samey, servant to the said Daniel, of wire.
Sess. Roll 526/58.

6 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Robson of Whitechapel, tailor, for Henry Block of Hoddesdon, co. Hertford, yeoman, (charged by John Robinson of Edmonton, picturemaker, with robbing him) to bring further security within four days next coming to appear at the next sessions; and of the said Robinson to prosecute the said Block.
The said Henry discharged of his recognizance.
Sess. Roll 526/59, 60.
Sess. Reg. 2/37.
G.D.R. 2/6.

28 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
George Puryer of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, smith, and Edward Barrowes of the same, chandler, for Michael Frenche, turner, Solomon Chapman, farrier, and Francis Flecher, smith, all of the same, to answer Thomas Watson.
Sess. Roll 526/63.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

6 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Lawrence Burges of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, silkweaver, and Peter Adlyn of the same, clothworker, for Edward Yonge of the same, clothworker, for stealing divers goods from John Lowe.
Sess. Roll 526/64.
G.D.R. 2/6d.

23 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Ralph Jones of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, tailor, John Kater, shoemaker, and Simon Lawe, cobbler, both of the same, for the said Ralph and John to answer Margaret Whittingham, widow; and of the said Simon Lawe for keeping inmates, and lodging divers suspected persons in his house.
Sess. Roll 526/65, 66.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

3 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Blyncoe [Blincoe] of Bishopsgate Street vintner, for being drunk and then misbehaving and misdemeaning himself towards divers people.
Sess. Roll 526/68.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

13 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Margaret Fells of St. Clement Danes, spinster, and William Benson of the same, gentleman, for the said Margaret to answer George Lawson, gentleman.
Sess. Roll 526/69.

26 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Cole of Warwick Lane, merchant, and Edward Gurdin of St. Sepulchre's, woollen-draper, for John Blakeman [Blackman], servant to the said Thomas, for felony; and of Richard Ive of St. James', Garlickhithe, clothworker, to prosecute the said John; and of the said Ive and Richard Mouke of the same, clothworker, for Richard Lewis, servant to the said Ive, to keep the peace towards the said Thomas.
The said Lewis respited until the next because the party is in danger of death, and then came and discharged.
Sess. Roll 526/70, 97, 104.
G.D.R. 2/6, 21.

21 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Evans and Humphrey Edwards of Islington, labourers, for Thomas Hughes and John Roberts of the same, labourers, to keep the peace towards William Harris of St. Bride's, gold-beater.
Sess. Roll 526/71.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

16 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Battie of Cow Cross, smith, and George Hoode of the same, cordwainer, for John Hunson of Blandford, co. Dorset, embroiderer, who, being a masterless man, was taken by the watch in Field Lane about eleven of the clock in the night without any cloak, neither could he give any account how he liveth.
Sess. Roll 526/72.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

19 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Arnold of Old Brentford, fisherman, for himself and Thomas Arnold and John Arnold, his sons, to answer Edward Atwicke, Thomas Browne and Clement Combes of Shepperton, fishermen.
Sess. Roll 526/73.
Sess. Reg. 2/26.

8 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Henry May of Westminster, butcher, and Richard Bushe of Charterhouse Lane, yeoman, for Richard Honywell of Westminster, chapman, to keep the peace towards Richard Kente of Davis Inn, gentleman; and of the said Richard Kente to give evidence against the said Richard Honywell.
Sess. Roll 526/74, 91.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

16 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Whittham of London, brewer, for Margery Hodges of Ratcliffe, widow, for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 526/75.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

28 June, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Nicholas Slater of St. Paul's Churchyard, scrivener, and Andrew Turnor of St. Magnus', notary, for the said Nicholas to keep the peace towards Richard Parsons, constable in St. John Street, and for threatening him.
Respited until] the next because the party is in Ludgate prison. Did not pay.
Sess. Roll 526/76.
Sess. Reg. 2/6, 21.

13 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Holland of London, yeoman; and of Thomas Richardson of St. Faith's, yeoman; and of John Beard of Cree Church, merchanttailor, for John Huson of London, grocer: all for committing divers misdemeanours in each other's company.
Taken before John Sotherton, esquire, Baron of the Exchequer.
Sess. Roll 526/77, 88, 89.
Sess. Reg. 2/26.

29 May, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Quidington of Heston, yeoman, and Thomas Blundell of the same, wheelwright, for Thomas Urleyne of the same, husbandman, to keep the peace towards Hugh Blye.
Respited to the next sessions by the court because ill.
Sess. Roll 526/78.
Sess. Reg. 2/12, 19.

28 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Bourne of St. Mary-le-Savoy, yeoman, John Roe of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, yeoman, and Thomas Fleminge of the same, barber-surgeon, for the said John to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 526/79.
Sess. Reg. 2/21.

24 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Lewis Harris of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, and Thomas Emerson and Evan Jones of the same, tailors, for the said Lewis to keep the peace; and of the said Lewis and Evan for the said Lewis to keep the peace towards Anne, wife of David Mitchell of the same, yeoman.
Sess. Roll 526/80, 82.
Sess. Reg. 2/21.

25 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Munsfeild of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, James White of the same, stone-cutter [tomb-maker], and John Draper of Little Marlow, co. Buckingham, carpenter, for the said William to keep the peace.
The said William, confessing the several buildings in the information and George Coppyn's commandment to that purpose, handed over further in bail to Thomas Watson of St. Martin's aforesaid, yeoman, until he shall pull them down or be delivered by law and to appear at the next sitting of the Commissioners of Annoyances and then to perform their order.
Sess. Roll 526/81.
Sess. Reg. 2/21.

17 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
James Kelley of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, shoemaker, and Duncan Manteow of the same, shoemaker, for the said James to answer about cozenage of a cloak.
Sess. Roll 526/83.
Sess. Reg. 2/21.

21 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Isaac Wilson of St. Clement Danes, carpenter, and Francis Dodd of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, for the said Isaac for practising the trade of a carpenter unlawfully.
Handed over further in bail to Randolph Greene of St. Katherine Coleman, yeoman.
Sess. Roll 526/84.
Sess. Reg. 2/21, 38.

25 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert James of St. Clement Danes, merchant-tailor, and William Greenhall of the same, clothworker, for Dudley Goodridge of the same, surgeon, to answer touching a "sumpter clothe" supposed to be stolen out of the King's wardrobe.
Sess. Roll 526/85.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

8 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Crathorne of Allhallows, Barking, gentleman, and George Hill of Low Leyton, co. Essex, yeoman, for John Harrys of the same, husbandman, for hurting Mary Powell with his cart.
Sess. Roll 526/86.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

16 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Francis Browe of London, tailor, Sir John Wentworth of Gosfield, co. Essex, Knight and Baronet, and Huntington Colby of London, esquire, for the said Francis for stealing a cloak.
Sess. Roll 526/90.
G.D.R. 2/6d.

28 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Henry Leake of Southwark, co. Surrey, gentleman, to give evidence against Richard Hatche for stealing a purse and £8 from the said Henry.
The said Richard delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 526/93, 322.
G.D.R. 2/2d.

17 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Rodes of Stoke, co. Buckingham, yeoman, and Thomas Skidmore of Chiswick, bricklayer, for John Lane of Chelsea, carpenter, for beating Mary, wife of Richard Daye of the same, labourer.
Sess. Roll 526/93.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

23 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Philip Page of Harrow Hill, gentleman, and Thomas Honor of Saffron Hill, cordwainer, for George Helme of the same, for enticing away another man's apprentice.
Sess. Roll 526/98.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

26 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Nicholas Shepheard of Chick Lane, tallow-chandler, and Edward Ladbrooke of the same, haberdasher, for William Jones of the same, butcher, to appear upon the complaint of John Doble.
Sess. Roll 526/99.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

21 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Wye of St. Katherine's-near-the-Tower of London, barber-surgeon, to prosecute John Mendum [Mendam] for felony.
The said John detained in gaol. Sent to Bridewell.
Sess. Roll 526/101, 322.
G.D.R. 2/2d.

7 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Marshe of Friern Barnet, yeoman, and John Birkett of the same, labourer, to prosecute Roger White for felony.
The said Roger detained in gaol. Delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 526/103, 322.
G.D.R. 2/2d.

19 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Humphrey Baget [Paget] of St. James', Clerkenwell, coachman, and William Gregory of the same, victualler, for Elizabeth, wife of the said Humphrey, suspected to keep a common brothel house; and of the said Humphrey for Joan Wilson of the same, spinster, charged with incontinency and keeping company with Richard Ganny in uncivil manner, upon the complaint of Wilmote, the said Ganny's wife.
Sess. Roll 526/106, 107.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

29 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Edward Neale of St. Sepulchre's, butcher, for Richard Bradberry [Bradbury] of the same, butcher, for rescuing John Bateman, being under arrest.
Sess. Roll 526/108.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

29 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Griffyn [Griffen] of St. Sepulchre's, glover, to keep the peace towards Thomas Chatfield.
Sess. Roll 526/109.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

11 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Ashe of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, gentleman, and Richard White of London, clothworker, for Robert Davis [Davyes] of St. James', Clerkenwell, victualler, to answer Gilbert Kendall.
Sess. Roll 526/110.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

4 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Edward Kins of St. Sepulchre's, shoemaker, Anthony Loveday of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, shoemaker, and Augustine Hide of the same, porter, for Miles Hughes of St. Botolph's-without-Alders gate, tailor, to answer Mr. Atkinson, for having bought a jerkin which was stolen from the said Mr. Atkinson.
Sess. Roll 526/111.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

5 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Francis Seely [Seley] of St. Sepulchre's, brewer, and Richard Adby of the same, girdler, for Elizabeth, wife of the said Francis, for a breach of His Majesty's peace committed upon William Larret.
Sess. Roll 526/112.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

10 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Shelly of Hackney, yeoman, to give evidence against Elizabeth Catlyn for felony.
The said Elizabeth detained in gaol. Delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 526/113, 322.
G.D.R. 2/2d.

10 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Gilbert Kendall of St. Michael-le-Querne, mercer, to give evidence against John Moxey and Mary Hill for felony.
Came in London.
Sess. Roll 526/115.

31 August, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Crooke of Mile End Green, labourer, and Godfrey Leonard of Whitechapel, carman, for Arthur Bettanie [Bittanye] of the same paviour, to answer his misdemeanours towards the Justice.
Respited to the next sessions by the Court and then came and discharged.
Sess. Roll 526/117.
Sess. Reg. 2/19.

13 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Godfrey Burton of Whitechapel, tailor, and Thomas Sandford of the same, silkweaver, for Thomas Reynoldes of Petticoat Lane, victualler, for his misdemeanours; and of Oliver Wynder and Richard Downes, headboroughs, Walter Esterling and Arthur Swan, yeomen, all of Mile End, to give evidence against the said Thomas Reynoldes.
Sess. Roll 526/118, 120.
Sess. Reg. 2/11, 23.

7 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Randolph Brenton of Shadwell, gentleman, and Thomas Bucket of the same, yeoman, for William Evans of the same, victualler, for his misdemeanours.
Sess. Roll 526/119.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

2 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Cole of St. Sepulchre's, cook, Augustine Jennings of the same, cooper, and Thomas Starkey of St. Andrew's, Holborn, whitebaker, for the said William to appear.
Came and committed because indicted in London.
Sess. Roll 526/121.
G.D.R. 2/6d.

29 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Roland Morgan of Harroldston, co. Pembroke, yeoman, and Sir James Parrett of the same, Knight, for the said Roland for suspicion of a cloak; and of Richard Seaman of Milford Lane, St. Clement Danes, gentleman, to give evidence against the said Roland.
The said Richard handed over in bail to Robert Straker of St. John Street, glover, for offering to take composition from the said Roland, to get some benefit of him, after he had charged him with felony, as appears by his own letter now read in court, done only upon malice.
Sess. Roll 526/122, 124.
Sess. Reg. 2/28, 30.
G.D.R. 2/6d.

6 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Smythe of St. Andrew's, Holborn, tapster, Richard Edwards of the same, skinner, and Solomon Evans of St. Dunstan'sin-the-West, carpenter, for the said Richard Smythe, supposed to be accessory to a cozenage.
Sess. Roll 526/125.
G.D.R. 2/6d.

19 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Timothy Newman of Whitecross Street, St. Giles'-withoutCripplegate, butcher, William Elder of St. Sepulchre's, yeoman, and William Hart of Clerkenwell, armourer, for the said Timothy for felony; and of Robert Clerke, servant to Sir Francis Bacon, Knight, Attorney-General to the King, to give evidence against the said Timothy.
Sess. Roll 526/126, 258.
G.D.R. 2/6d.

22 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Hudson of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, tailor, for keeping Walter Rotherforth, apprentice to Thomas Rotherforth, from his said master, and to produce the said Walter at the Sessions.
Sess. Roll 526/129.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

27 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Isaac James of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, tomb-maker, and Geoffrey Awdlie of Paddington, yeoman, for James Cowlie of St. Martin's-inthe-Fields, locksmith, for abusing William Goodall, constable of St. Martin's, in the execution of his office.
Sess. Roll 526/130.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

15 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Goshick [Goshack] and John Allerye of St. Giles'-in-theFields, carpenters, and Richard Benson of St. Clement Danes, bricklayer, for the said Thomas to keep the peace towards Allan Goshick, his brother.
Sess. Roll 526/131.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

15 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Beare of Calne [Croome], co. Wilts, clothier, bound in 200 marks, and Robert Kinge of Bramhill in the same parish, clothier, bound in 100 marks, both for assaulting Hugh Harris upon the highway.
Sess. Roll 526/133, 134.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

11 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
James Frauncis of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, victualler, Hugh Prichard, barber, and William Sympson, yeoman, both of the same, for the said James for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 526/136.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

20 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Margery Davis of Holborn, widow, and John Wiggs of the same, tailor, for the said Margery for keeping a disordered victualling house without licence.
Sess. Roll 526/137.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.

8 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Cansfeild of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, victualler, and John Johnson of the same, coachmaker, for the said Thomas for keeping a disordered tippling house, as is informed, in "Britaynes burse," and not licensed.
Sess. Roll 526/138.
Sess. Reg. 2/25, 29.

17 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Emerson of Whitecross Street, silk-twister, and James Nemogh of Smarts Key at Billingsgate, tailor, for John Nemogh [Nemoughe] of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, suspected to rob Richard Jones [Joanes] of Westminster, yeoman, of 35s.; and of the said Richard Jones to give evidence against the said John Nemogh.
Sess. Roll 526/140, 152.
G.D.R. 2/6.

17 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Flinte of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, leather-dresser, to give evidence against Thomas Morgan for felony.
Came, because the party died in prison.
Sess. Roll 526/144.

25 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Pixlie of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, beadle, and John Hughes of the same, glover, to give evidence against John Hoskins for felony.
The said Hoskins detained in gaol. Delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 526/145, 155, 322.
G.D.R. 2/2d.

2 December, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Chatterton of St. Thomas-the-Apostle, victualler, and Ann Lawes of the same, spinster, to give evidence against Brian Dymsie [Dinzey] for felony.
Came in London. Delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 526/153.
G.D.R. 2/2d.

27 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Francklin and John Pawlett of Willesden, yeomen, to give evidence against Thomas Pearce and Richard Richards for felony.
The said Thomas and Richard detained in gaol. The said Thomas sent to Bridewell, the said Richard delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 526/154, 156, 322.
G.D.R. 2/2d.

9 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Webb, Nicholas Dennys and Richard Wood of St. Katherine's, feltmakers, for the said John, accused by Elizabeth Peeke upon oath for getting her with child, who says she thinks her time is about a month or six weeks after Christmas.
Sess. Roll 526/157.
Sess. Reg. 2/25, 38.

2 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
David Price of Clerkenwell, clothworker, Michael Boughton, girdler, and Tedder Griffyn, tailor, both of the same, for the said David to answer Vincent Gaigwart, a Frenchman, for cozening him of a suit of apparel.
Sess. Roll 526/160.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

29 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Gould and William Whiteare of St. Clement Danes, yeomen, and Christopher Tisdale of the same, innholder, for the said Thomas to answer John Taylor of Milford Lane, brewer.
Sess. Roll 526/161.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

12 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Bandfeild [Banfeilde] of High Holborn, chandler, bound in 100 marks, to answer Gabriel Wheldall and Nicholas Brocke.
Sess. Roll 526/162.
Sess. Reg. 2/27.

8 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Norman of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, brickmaker, James Batt and John Davyes of the same, yeomen, for the said Thomas for assaulting and robbing John Norden and Josias Norden of Hendon, gentlemen, upon the highway; and of Robert Stephens [Stevens] of Penkridge, brickmaker, Richard Gamon of St. Clement Danes, butcher, and the said John Batt, for the said Robert for the like; and of the said John and Josias Norden to give evidence against the said Thomas and Robert.
Sess. Roll 526/163, 164, 171.
G.D.R. 2/6d.

5 December, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Griffin Hughes of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, and James Williams of the same, innholder, for the said Griffin for receiving certain hides of leather from William Davyes [Davis] which he is suspected to have stolen.
The said William respited without sureties.
Sess. Roll 526/165.
G.D.R. 2/2d, 7, 9d.

11 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Humphrey Thomas of Westminster, esquire, to give evidence against John Davys of London, yeoman, "for takinge the saide Mr. Thomas his horse from a doore where he was tyed, and rideinge him abroade the streetes."
The said John detained in gaol. Delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 526/166, 322.
G.D.R. 2/2d.

5 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Archer and John Pert of Allhallows, Barking, merchanttailors, for Tyce [Tice] Neeson of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate, brewer, charged by Elizabeth Mathewes to have begotten her with child.
The said Tyce discharged on oath that the child is dead.
Sess. Roll 526/172.
Sess. Reg. 2/25, 29.

19 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Walter Easterling of Stepney, embroiderer, and John Holland of the same, silkweaver, for Edward Booth and Humphrey Evans of London, yeomen, to answer James Belshire of Stepney, chandler, for felony; and of the said James to give evidence against the said Edward and Humphrey.
Oliver Windor, headborough of Mile End, deposed in Court that the said James Belshire did charge the said Booth and Evans with felony whereas he did confess unto the said Windor that he had not anything taken from him, and that he would have compounded with them if they would have given him £10 for recompense.
Sess. Roll 526/173, 178.
Sess. Reg. 2/26, 28.

9 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Day of Wapping, cooper, and Edward Miles of the same, tailor, for Richard Allen of the same, cooper, to keep the peace towards Robert Hougham of Allhallows, Barking, cooper.
Sess. Roll 526/174.
Sess. Reg. 2/26.

20 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Christopher Mountjoy of St. Olave's, Silver Street, merchanttailor [merchant-stranger, tire-maker] and Richard Meade of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, gardener, for James Mullett [Millett], Abraham Trippie [Trippey, Tippey] and James Depre [Deepree] of the same, gold-workers, three Frenchmen, for incontinency with Frances Williams of Whitechapel, spinster [wife of James Williams of the same, yeoman], in the house of the said Christopher at Whitecross Street; and of Richard West of Golding Lane, scrivener, and Robert Bowker of Whitecross Street, carpenter, for the said Frances for incontinency with the said three Frenchmen; and of Adam Bowyn of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, "tufftafata-maker," to give evidence against the said James, Abraham and James, for fornication. "They were all four seene in bed together at one time," "all att one tyme att several tymes for a fortnight together in the house of one Christopher Mountjoye a tiremaker in St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate in most beastlyke manner."
The said Christopher handed over further in bail to Benjamin Flinte of Whitecross Street, vintner, and Lawrence Strobridge of Cheapside, goldsmith.
Sess. Roll 526/179, 180.
Sess. Roll 527/126.
Sess. Reg. 2/21, 26, 27, 29, 30.

24 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Francis Stone of Clerkenwell, haberdasher, and Henry Nicholls of the same, cordwainer, for John Collyson of the same, locksmith, committed by the Justices from Hicks Hall till he find sureties for his good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 526/181.
Sess. Reg. 2/21.

16 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Bartley and Henry Nicholls of Clerkenwell, cordwainers, for Joan Carter of the same, spinster, for incontinent living with Thomas Lane of Turnball [Turnmill] Street, water-bearer, she having a husband living; and of Thomas Graves of St. Sepulchre's, cordwainer, and the said John Bartley for the said Thomas Lane for incontinent living with the said Joan three years, he knowing that her husband lived.
Sess. Roll 526/182, 183.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

12 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Small of Whitecross Street, victualler, Richard Dewell, tailor, and Robert Fellowes, victualler, both of the same, for the said John for victualling without licence in the same.
Sess. Roll 526/184.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

19 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Roose of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, gentleman, Peter Marshall of Clerkenwell, victualler, and John Willson of Christ Church, yeoman, for the said Thomas for making an affray and tumult in Turnmill Street in the night, and hurting Gilbert Quaile [Quale] and Horace Moore [Morris]; and of Edward Becke of Clerkenwell, tobacco-seller, and John Giggs of the same, silkweaver, for the said Peter to keep the peace towards the said Gilbert.
Sess. Roll 526/185, 187.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

20 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Greene of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, yeoman, and Edmund Vaughan of Gray's Inn Lane, yeoman, for Henry Greene, son of the said Thomas, for practising against his master, Henry Morris, sundry ways, especially about a piece of gold of 22s., whereof he cozened one of his guests.
Sess. Roll 526/186.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

14 October, 11 James [A.D. 1613].
Edward Springe, Thomas Bethell and John Harrington of Gray's Inn, gentlemen, for Elizabeth Bowles of Gray's Inn Lane, widow, for keeping a disordered house.
Sess. Roll 526/188.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

14 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
George Hankinson of Golding Lane, dyer, and William Cooke of the same, porter, for Silla Burges of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards Anne Burfeild of the same, spinster; and of John Clarke of St. Botolph's-without-Bishopsgate, draper, and Richard Glascocke of Golding Lane, tailor, for the said Anne to keep the peace towards the said Silla.
Sess. Roll 526/189, 193.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

8 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Nicholas Olive of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, victualler, William Pecher of St. Andrew's, Holborn, bricklayer, and John Bromley of Beaconsfield ["Beckinsfeild"], co. Buckingham, feltmaker, for Frances Story of High Holborn, widow, for keeping a bawdy house.
Sess. Roll 526/190.

3 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613.].
Edward Taylor of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, silkweaver, Richard Pritchitt, turner, and Ralph Parsons, silkweaver, both of the same, for the said Edward to keep the peace towards Henry Moorton of the same, silkweaver; and of William Barnes and John Rowland of the same, silkweavers, for the said Henry to keep the peace towards the said Edward.
Sess. Roll 526/191, 192.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

7 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Tuttye and William Hallet of St. Sepulchre's, butchers, and Hugh Wigmarpoole of Kentish Town, gentleman, for the said Richard for hurting Robert Smyth.
Sess. Roll 526/194.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

9 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Alexander Murrey of Westminster, gentleman, Thomas Walter of St. Gregory's-within-Ludgate, haberdasher, and Michael Newton of St. Botolph's, Aldersgate, tailor, for the said Alexander; and of John Wymmes of St. Olave's, Southwark, co. Surrey, gentleman, Thomas Taylor of the same, innkeeper, and James Melburne of St. Andrew's Undershaft, for the said John, both for making an affray in the street in the night.
Sess. Roll 526/195, 196.
Sess. Reg. 2/22.

7 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Bewley of St. Andrew's, Holborn, blacksmith, and John Hutchines of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, tailor, for Richard Bacon of Gray's Inn Lane, gardener, charged by Buckingham, a boy, to be privy to the breaking open of the chambers in Gray's Inn.
Sess. Roll 526/206.
G.D.R. 1/226d, 230, 2/1b, 5d.

7 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Knott of Cow Cross, victualler, John Randall of Westminster, esquire, Anthony Hawkes of St. Katherine's, tailor, Lawrence Downes of the same, silkweaver, and Jonas Sturdivall of St. Sepulchre's, tailor, for Magdalen Sammes of Cow Cross, spinster, for picking the purse of Thomas Clappam of Leighton Buzzard, co. Bedford, yeoman; and of the said Thomas to give evidence.
Sess. Roll 526/12, 208.
G.D.R. 2/6.

15 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Massen [Mason] of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, vintner, to give evidence against John Pierson [Peirson] for picking his pocket of 3s.
The said John detained in gaol.
Sess. Roll 526/210, 322.

1 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Dudley of Cow Lane, clothworker, to give evidence against Denice Bagnoll for stealing an apron.
Sess. Roll 526/218.

1 December, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Bradford of Long Lane, victualler, to give evidence against Bennett Jaye for stealing divers parcels of linen forth of his house in the same.
Sess. Roll 526/230.

26 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Rowland Fletcher of Clerkenwell, cook, and Francis Almon of St. Andrew's, Holborn, tailor, for Margaret Davyes of St. Giles'in-the-Fields, widow, not to keep an alehouse or victualling house in the county for three years; and of Stephen Tyllison of St. Giles'without-Cripplegate, silkweaver, and John Naddall of the same, blacksmith, for Thomas Whelpley of Golding Lane, yeoman, for the like; and of Adam Sherburne of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, turner, and John Holland of the same, shoemaker, for William Merryman of Golding Lane, yeoman, for the like.
Without compensation.
[These recognizances are written on paper].
Sess. Roll 526/231, 232, 233.
Sess. Reg. 2/26.

15 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Jasper Collins of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, yeoman, and John Thornton of the same, gentleman, for the said Jasper for abusing the officers of the same, calling them "Puritane knaves" and threatening to beat them; and of the said John and Peter Esome of the same, barber-surgeon, for the said John for abusing the ale-tasters of the same, and threatening to beat them.
Sess. Roll 526/235, 236.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.

21 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Buckett of Ratcliffe, cutler, and Richard Barrendine of the same, silk-weaver, for Katherine May of the same, a woman suspected to be of a very lewd life, and for Susan, wife of Humphrey Ellington of Ratcliffe, for keeping very evil rule and light huswifery in her house.
Sess. Roll 526/237, 238.
Sess. Reg. 2/23, 24.

22 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Goldin [Goldinge] of Stepney, yeoman, Richard Dennis of the same, silkweaver, and Walter Herber of Bishopsgate, draper, for the said John to appear.
Sess. Roll 526/239.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

5 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Cussens [Cossens] of St. Katherine's, tailor, Richard Johnes and John Harrison of the same, feltmakers, for the said Thomas and Jane his wife to appear.
Thomas Morris brought in by warrant for arresting the said Thomas Cossens, being bound to appear. He is to pay 6s. 8d. for his charges.
Sess. Roll 526/240.
Sess. Reg. 2/27.

23 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Edward Gray of Islington, locksmith, and Martin Fawcett of the same, yeoman, for Giles Peirson of Whitechapel, hackneyman, and Hannibal Casselton [Castleton] of Islington, hackneyman, for stealing the goods of Ellis Hatch of Bobbing, co. Kent, husbandman; and of the said Ellis to give evidence against the said Giles and Hannibal for stealing a horse.
The said Giles and Hannibal handed over further in bail to William Swinnarton of Islington, innholder.
Sess. Roll 526/241, 242, 247.
Sess. Reg. 2/27, 29.
G.D.R. 2/6.

24 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Seagood of Sheer Lane, St. Clement Danes, carpenter, and Robert Greene of Fleet Street, ironmonger, to give evidence against Thomas Bayles, charged for cozenage with counterfeit letters.
Sess. Roll 526/248.
Sess. Reg. 2/27.

19 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Isaac Payne of Gray's Inn, gentleman, to give evidence against Daniel Clarke.
The said Daniel detained in gaol.
Sess. Roll 526/250, 322.

15 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Edward Nelson of Westminster, gentleman, William Mountagu of the same, citizen and grocer of London, and Nicholas Butler of Westminster, citizen and salter of London, for the said Edward to appear.
Sess. Roll 526/253.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

2 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
James Wall of Westminster, citizen and pewterer [fruiterer] of London, and John Jones of Westminster, carpenter, for the said James to keep the peace towards William Newcham of the same, turner.
Sess. Roll 526/254.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.

26 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Wymond Briggs and Leonard Brooke of Westminster, gentlemen, for Thomas Lacocke [Laycocke] of Westminster, gentleman, bound in 100 marks, for hurting and wounding Stephen Boreman [Boareman], servant to Thomas Morris.
Sess. Roll 526/255.
Sess. Reg. 2/26.

14 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Francis Sealy [Seeley] of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, cook, and Roger Halle of the same, yeoman, each bound in £200, for the said Francis to appear at the next Gaol Delivery for the City of London.
Sess. Roll. 526/256.
G.D.R. 2/6.

3 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Kellett of St. Mary Overies, co. Surrey, waterman, and Anthony Sympson of the same, white-baker, for Elizabeth, wife of the said Thomas, to appear at the next Gaol Delivery for the City of London.
The said Elizabeth handed over further in bail to John Stucke of St. Mary Overies aforesaid, waterman, and John Cooke of St. Saviour's, Southwark, tailor, to give evidence against Elizabeth Lassells for treason, who was led to gaol for clipping gold coin, and respited by order of the King.
Sess. Roll 526/257, 322.
G.D.R. 2/6, 9d.

Indictments of:—

1 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
George Turner of St. Clement Danes, butcher, for an assault and battery on Richard Byars [Briers] at Chiswick in the highway there.
Surety:—Michael Alderidge of St. Clement Danes, butcher.
Sess. Roll 526/135, 259.
Sess. Reg. 2/24.
P.R.B. 1/28.

10 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Henry Bower of St. John Street, yeoman, for an assault and battery on John Stiles [Styles] at the same.
Acknowledged at the Sessions of Gaol Delivery held on 12 January, 11 James I [A.D. 1613–14], and fined 3s. 4d. Respited for good sureties.
Sess. Roll 526/260.
G.D.R. 2/2d, 9.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

8 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Peareman [Pereman] of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, baker, Richard Syre [Sier], baker, and Matthew Quire, baker, both of the same, for selling bread under weight.
The said John and Matthew acknowledged, and fined 10s., and paid 8s. in court.
The said Richard puts himself.
Prosecutors:—Abraham Phillipps, Henry Theodoricke.
Sess. Roll 526/127, 128, 261, 262, 263.
Sess. Reg. 2/25, 29, 35.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

10 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Christopher Pickford of Artillery Lane, Stepney, tailor, and Alice his wife, Dorothy Lewes of the same, spinster, servant to the said Christopher Pickford, Christopher Lluellyn [Llewellyn] of the same, tailor, Thomas Vinard [Vynarde] of the same [St. Martin's-in-theFields], upholsterer, and Mary his wife, all for an unlawful and riotous assembly at Petticoat Lane in Stepney aforesaid, and for an assault and battery on Oliver Winder and Richard Downes, being headboroughs of Artillery Lane in the hamlet of Mile End, in the execution of their office in serving a warrant.
All put themselves on the mercy of the King and are fined 12d. each.
Prosecutors:—Walter Easterlinge [Esterling] of Mile End, embroiderer, and Thomas Hamonde.
For the said Christopher and Alice Pickford and Dorothy Lewes:— Reginald Vaughan of St. Botolph's-without-Bishopsgate, merchanttailor, and Mark Kelley of the same, blacksmith.
For the said Christopher Llewellyn:—Francis Tampond of Mile End, armourer.
For the said Thomas and Mary Vinard:—John Bunnell of St. Andrew's-by-the-Wardrobe, haberdasher, and Arthur Pinwell of Allhallows-the-Great, barber and surgeon.
The said Oliver Winder of Petticoat Lane, silk-weaver, brought a writ of supersedeas out of the King's Bench, for good behaviour, being accused of many foul outrages committed against his wife, proved by the oath of divers persons.
The said Richard Downes of the same, silk-weaver, bound over for good behaviour, being accused by the said Dorothy Lewes that he did offer to ravish her, she being alone in her mistress's house.
The said Oliver handed over in bail to Michael Gusbye of Stepney, goldsmith, and Ellis Elliott of the same, bricklayer, for being drunk and misbehaving himself, to pay 5s. to the poor of the said parish and to be discharged of his office; and all the differences between all the inhabitants of Petticoat Lane and the said Downes, Winder, and Easterlinge and his wife, are by order of the Court referred to the hearing and ending of Mr. Justice Saunderson.
Sess. Roll 526/48, 49, 50, 53, 176, 264.
Sess. Reg. 2/26, 27, 31, 32, 34.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

14 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Alleyn [Allen] of East Smithfield [St. Katherine's], smith, and Thomas Martyn of the same, yeoman, for stealing three axes worth 12d., three adzes worth 12d., an iron cresset worth 12d., a handsaw worth 3s., a cock worth 6d., and nine hens worth 3s. from John Clarke of East Smithfield, smith, at the same; and for stealing an axe worth 8d., an adze worth 10d., six iron hoopings worth 18d., an iron square worth 6d., and a chest worth 6d. from Richard Tomlinson of Whitechapel, carpenter, at East Smithfield aforesaid.
Both at large.
Lucy, wife of the said Thomas Allen, handed over in bail to John Wainsworth of Whitechapel, cooper, and George Awburne of the same, weaver, for being accessory to the said felonies.
Sess. Roll 526/243, 244, 265, 266.
G.D.R. 2/4d, 6d.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

26 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Henry Blackman of High Holborn, yeoman, for breaking into the house of Samuel Bradley of the same, vintner, at the same, and stealing a silver tavern cup worth 40s. belonging to the said Samuel.
At large.
Prosecutors:—John Bradley, Sybil Wilmott.
Sureties for the said Henry:—Thomas Parlor of Christ Church, merchant-tailor, John Wood of Stowe Maries, co. Essex, yeoman, and William Godward of East Smithfield, wheelwright.
Sess. Roll 526/4, 217, 267.
G.D.R. 2/4d, 5d.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

18 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Christopher Gauntlett of Whitechapel, yeoman, and Grace his wife, and Margaret Potts [Potter, Porter] of the same [Stepney], spinster, for stealing a silk kirtle lined with baize worth 39s. and a purple say apron worth 8s. from Thomas Plottes [Platt] at Whitechapel.
The said Christopher and Grace not guilty.
The said Margaret at large.
Prosecutor:—Anthony Lewknor.
Sureties:—George Moore and John Browne of Stepney, yeomen, and Richard Barradyne of Ratcliffe, yeoman.
Sess. Roll 526/61, 158, 269.
Sess. Reg. 2/25.
G.D.R. 2/4d, 6d.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

13 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Sarah Woolridge [Wooldridge] of Turnmill Street, spinster, for stealing £6 10s. in money from the pocket of Peter Wraxall of St. Clement Danes, baker.
Guilty, no goods, respited to prison without judgment because claims the benefit of the stomach.
Sess. Roll 526/209, 270, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4d.

10 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Howett of Norton Folgate, yeoman, and Penelope his wife, for stealing "one pympilion purse" worth 4d., two gold rings worth 20s., a pair of knives worth 12d., a gold ring worth 22s., a duncoloured cloak worth 20s., and 17s. 6d. in money out of the house of Elizabeth Duckett.
The said Richard guilty, no goods, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged.
The said Penelope at large.
Prosecutor:—Sarah Smith of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, widow, handed over in bail to John Parson of the same, cooper.
Sess. Roll 526/222, 271, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4d.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

8 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Smith [Smyth] of St. Clement Danes, yeoman, for stealing a carpet of striped stuff worth 12d. from Peter Wraxall of the same, baker, at the same; and for stealing three yards of lawn worth 3s. and one ell of holland worth 12d. from Katherine Charles of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, widow, at the same.
Guilty to the values of 6d. and 10d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 526/141, 142, 272, 284, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4.

24 September, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Godfrey Rawlinson [Roolinson] of High Holborn, yeoman, for stealing two rugs worth 40s. and three curtains worth 10s. from Francis Feltnesse [Felton] of the same, joiner, at the same.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, does not have it because had it before, to be hanged.
Prosecutors:—John Bright, Thomas Rea, Richard Batty, John Martin of St. Sepulchre's, tailor, Silvester Bray of Holborn, gentleman, John Harrison of the same, yeoman.
The said John Martin handed in bail to Thomas Abbott of St. Sepulchre's, ironmonger, and Thomas Reade of the same, tailor, for suspicion of stealing the said rugs and curtains.
Sess. Roll 526/143, 146, 147, 197, 273, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4d, 5.

10 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William North of Limehouse, yeoman, for stealing a pair of silk garters worth 12d., a pair of stockings worth 2s., a falling-band worth 12d. and a dozen "points" worth 6d. from Thomas Till of the same, yeoman, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 6d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 526/274, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4d.

13 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Edward Norman and Thomas Wood of Hornsey, yeomen, for stealing a woman's gown worth 20s., a petticoat worth 10s., and a waistcoat worth 4s. from Anne Noddle [Nodle] at the same; and a woman's gown worth 20s., a petticoat worth 20s., a kirtle worth 6s., and a waistcoat worth 4s. from Helen Whitechurche at the same.
Both not guilty. Detained in gaol for felony in the county of Hertford.
Prosecutors:—Richard Wright of Colney, co. Hertford, yeoman, John Dennys of Hornsey, constable.
Sess. Roll 526/211, 212, 275, 276, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4d.

18 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Cayne [Cane] of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, for assaulting Robert Wallys [Wallace], one of the constables of Westminster, at the same, and stabbing him on the right side of the stomach with a knife worth 1d., so that the said Robert languished of a mortal wound until 28 November, when he died.
Not guilty.
Prosecutors:—Theophilus Loves, John Black, Cuthbert Dykes, William Davies of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, Thomas Richards of the same, draper, John Symons of the same, yeoman, Joan Wallis [Wallase] of Westminster, widow.
The said Thomas Richards bound over for suffering the said John Cane to escape, being delivered to him by the constable; and Patrick Derrick of St. Martin's [St. Giles']-in-the-Fields, saddler, bound over in bail to Peter Derrick of the same, saddler, for rescuing the said John Cane from the said Thomas Richards; and the said Joan bound over to give evidence against the said Patrick.
The said John Cane is charged also to have set on and procured one Dennis [Dounce] to stab the said Robert Wallace.
Sess. Roll 526/38, 139, 151, 277,
Sess. Reg. 2/25, 26.
G.D.R. 2/4, 6.

20 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Rowson [Rawson] alias Rosse of Islington [Holloway], yeoman, for breaking into the house of William Swynnerton of the same, innholder, at the same, about twelve o'clock at night, and stealing two cloaks worth 25s., "one blewcoate" worth 5s., a shirt worth 3s., and a sack worth 2s. belonging to Peter Ferne [Ferneley] of the same, yeoman.
Acknowledged, to be hanged in London.
Sess. Roll 526/168, 278, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4d.

20 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Parrishe of Stepney, yeoman, for not coming to church for the space of three years, and for persuading divers of the King's subjects to deny, withstand and impugn the power and authority of the King in causes ecclesiastical.
Acknowledged. An examination. The said John was required by the Court to accept the oath of abjuration at this Sessions, but refused. It is ordered by the Chief Justice of England that one Justice of the County of Middlesex shall offer the said oath again.
Sess. Roll 526/279.
G.D.R. 2/4d.

5 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Smythe of Finsbury in St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, yeoman, for stealing a piece of new fustian, coloured "sadd greene," containing seventeen yards, worth 35s. from Mark Crowe and Edward Hill at the same.
Guilty, no goods, and convicted and to be hanged for felony in London at this Sessions.
Sess. Roll 526/280.
G.D.R. 2/4.

13 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Peirce [Peers] of Drury Lane, St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, yeoman, for stealing a cloak lined with velvet worth 40s., a pair of breeches worth 20s., a hat worth 5s., a pair of boots worth 2s., three shirts worth 10s., and a sword worth 5s. belonging to Edward Lambe of Drury Lane, gentleman, out of the house of Anthony Barmeshe, esquire, in the same.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutor:—William Darbye of Southwark, co. Surrey, waterman.
Sess. Roll 526/167, 281, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4.

28 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Thomas of St. Katherine's, yeoman, for stealing a pewter platter worth 2s. 6d. from John Hake at the same.
Guilty to the value of 9d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutor:—Susan Billingsley of the same, spinster.
Sess. Roll 526/282.

22 September, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Ann [Agnes] Wake of Charterhouse Lane, spinster, for stealing a gold ring worth 10s. 6d. from John Burrowes of St. Sepulchre's, barber-surgeon, at the same.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged, respited to prison after judgment. To be sent to Bridewell.
Prosecutor:—Ann Burrowes.
Sess. Roll 526/114, 283, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4, 11d, 15, 20.

6 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Alice Feilder of High Holborn, St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, spinster, for stealing three pewter dishes worth 6s., two pewter chamber-pots worth 3s. 4d., and a pewter candlestick worth 18d. from John Eccles [Eckells, Ecckles] of the same, yeoman, at the same.
Not guilty. Detained in gaol.
Sess. Roll 526/169, 285, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4.

28 September, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Stanley of Willesden [Clerkenwell], yeoman, for stealing three sacks worth 2s. 6d., a plough-cock worth 6d., a pair of short links worth 6d., and an iron pin worth 4d. from John Paulett of the same, yeoman; and for stealing four short links worth 12d., a ploughcollar with four links worth 2s. 6d., an iron hook worth 6d., a ploughpad worth 3d., an iron weight worth 6d., and an iron hasp worth 3d. from John Francklyn of the same, yeoman, at the same.
At large.
Prosecutor:—William Pixley.
Sureties:—Thomas Sparrowe of Cow Cross, tailor, and Nathaniel Arthur of Clerkenwell, clothworker.
Sess. Roll 526/67, 170, 286, 287.
G.D.R. 2/6d.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

9 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Tenant [Tennant, Tennaunte] of St. Clement Danes, yeoman, for breaking into the house of George Parker, gentleman, situated within Clement's Inn in the said parish, and stealing a pair of silk stockings worth 10s., three pairs of gloves worth 10s., a cipres hat-band worth 3s., and a pair of gilt sword-hilts worth 5s. belonging to the said George.
Guilty, no goods, respited to prison without judgment.
Sess. Roll 526/249, 288, 322.
Sess. Reg. 2/23.
G.D.R. 2/4.

30 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Edward Flood [Flud] of St. James', Clerkenwell, yeoman, and Helen his wife, and Mary Robinson of the same, spinster, for stealing two gilt beakers worth £4, and a silver beaker worth 34s. from Hugh Clapham [Clappam] of the same, yeoman, at the same.
All not guilty. The said Mary detained in gaol.
Prosecutors:—Gillian Clapham, Henry Clapham of Westminster, cordwainer, Elizabeth Parker.
An information by Roger Bassett of Clerkenwell, gentleman.
The said Hugh, charged to have suborned and hired the said Roger to swear falsely against the said Edward, Helen and Mary, handed over in bail to the said Henry Clapham and Thomas Reynoldes of St. Sepulchre's, tailor.
Sureties for the said Edward and Helen Flood:—Francis Grivell of Clerkenwell, victualler, Simon Reade, tailor, John Fisher, cordwainer, and James Burnet, brewer, all of the same.
The said Roger Bassett sent to Bridewell.
Sess. Roll 526/15, 204, 205, 220, 221, 289, 322.
Sess. Reg. 2/21.
G.D.R. 2/2d, 4, 5d.

8 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Charles Payne of Hadley [South Mimms], butcher, for stealing six black oxen each worth £5 from Richard Toppyn [Tapping] of St. Bartholomew's-the-Great, baker, at Hadley.
Not guilty. Postponed to be tried at the next because the evidence not complete at this, and then found not guilty. Detained in gaol.
Sess. Roll 526/290, 322.
G.D.R. 2/9d.

12 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Cornelius Vanderberge [Vanderbergh] of Whitechapel, yeoman, for stealing two women's gowns worth £6, two cloaks worth 40s., and a waistcoat worth 5s. from John Clenche at the same.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged because there appears by evidence to have been a burglary at Colchester in the county of Essex.
Prosecutors:—Edward Pilgrim of Colchester, co. Essex, tallowchandler, and William Case of Cree Church, tailor.
To be verified by a jury of the middle tongue.
Sess. Roll 526/159, 292, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4.

30 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Cornelius Johnson of Stepney, alien, a Dutchman, for assaulting John Noone [Nunne], a cooper, at Shadwell in Stepney, and stabbing him with a knife worth 1d. upon the left side near the short ribs, so that he died of a mortal wound on 1 December following.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged. To be verified by a jury of the middle tongue.
Francis Allerd [Allard] of St. Katherine's, cordwainer, interpreter.
Prosecutors:—Roger Allen of Stepney, victualler, George Noone, Ann Allen, Joan Dunnynge.
Sess. Roll 526/251, 252, 293, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4.

11 August, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Smith of Kensington, yeoman, Paul Berry [Berrye] and Thomas Bacon alias Baker alias Mason alias "Humming Tom" alias "Bacon Tom" of the same, yeomen, for breaking into the house of Sir Walter Cope, Knight, at Kensington, in the night, and stealing two silver flagons with covers worth £22, a silver ewer in the form of a cock worth £16, a silver salt worth £5, seven silver spoons worth £3 15s., a three-square silver salt worth 30s., two silver bowls worth £3, and a silver tankard worth £8, belonging to the said Sir Walter Cope; and of William Cole of Chelsea, yeoman, John Daniell of Goswell Street, victualler, Katherine, wife of David Wager of the same [Old Street], cordwainer, and Robert Reynoldes of Clerkenwell [St. Sepulchre's], tailor, all servants to the said William Smith, for receiving and helping the said William Smith, Paul Berry and Thomas Bacon after the said burglary at the places aforesaid.
The said William Smith guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
The said Thomas Bacon and the rest not guilty.
At the Sessions of Gaol Delivery held on 9 June, 12 James I [A.D. 1614], the said Robert Reynoldes found not guilty and the said Paul Berry respited for further enquiry. Both led to gaol.
The said Katherine committed by Sir Henry Mountague, Knight, Recorder of London, for being accessory. Respited without bail.
Prosecutor:—Thomas Morris.
Sureties for the said Reynoldes:—Richard Moore of St. Sepulchre's, currier, and Thomas Parler of Christ Church, tailor.
Sureties for the said Katherine:—Peter Doughton of Old Street, joiner, and Thomas Hall of St. Alban's, Wood Street, tailor.
Alice Jones of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, spinster, handed over in bail to William Jones of the same, surgeon, and [blank] Wallis of Tower Street, grocer, touching the said Sir Walter's plate.
Mary Scarlett of St. George's, Southwark, co. Surrey, spinster, handed over in bail to Richard Snoden of the same, shoemaker, and John Crane of Newington, co. Surrey, clothworker, for receiving a silver salt stolen from the said Sir Walter Cope.
John Trivillian of St. Katherine Cree Church, goldsmith, bound over for Sarah his wife, for buying a little salt that was stolen from the said Sir Walter Cope.
Sess. Roll 524/78, 155, 181.
Sess. Roll 526/11, 62, 207, 294, 322.
G.D.R. 1/230, 231, 2/1b, 2, 3, 5, 5d, 6, 6d, 21.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

18 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Anthony Loder of St. Katherine's, yeoman, John Stuarte of the same, yeoman, and Isaac Bacon of the same, yeoman, for stealing three round silver basins worth £40, two silver ewers worth £30, ten silver salts worth £60 14s., sixteen silver spoons worth £8, two silver trencher plates worth £4, three silver candlesticks worth £45 10s., three silver dishes worth £28, a gilt cup of "assay" worth £9 10s., and a silver bowl worth £4 16s. belonging to Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, the Lord Chamberlain, at St. Katherine's; and of Mary Scarlett of St. Katherine's, spinster, for helping and receiving the said Anthony and Isaac at the same after the said felony.
The said John Stuarte at large.
The said Isaac Bacon guilty, no goods, to be hanged, because there appears by evidence to have been a burglary in the county of Essex.
The said Mary not guilty.
The said Anthony acknowledged, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged. Respited for Essex, and afterwards, to wit at the Gaol Delivery held at the Justice Hall in the Old Bailey on 30 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614], says he is not able to deny that he is guilty of the said felony as he is indicted for, and thereof he seeks the benefit of clergy allowed to him in that behalf, and the book having been given to him, he does not read, therefore he is to be hanged by the neck until etc.
Prosecutor:—John Middleton.
Sess. Roll 526/295, 322.
G.D.R. 2/3, 8, 16.

27 August, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Mundaye of St. Margaret's, Westminster, yeoman, Thomas Williamson of the same [Newington, co. Surrey], yeoman, and Thomas Mason alias Baker alias "Humming Tom" alias "Bacon Tom" of the same, yeoman, for breaking into the mansion house of the Lord the now King James, called Whitehall, between the hours of eleven and twelve at night, and stealing four curtains of crimson velvet lined with damask and laced with gold lace worth £40, forty yards of gold lace worth £10, six yards of gold fringe worth £6, five curtains of checked velvet lined with taffeta worth £20, "the whole toppe and vallance of a bedd of clothe and silver" worth £20, another top and vallance of a bed of cloth of silver worth £20, five curtains of carnation and white damask silk with silver and silk buttons worth £15, seven pairs of holland sheets and one sheet worth £15 10s., three covers for cushions of crimson velvet worth £9, and two covers for cushions of purple velvet worth £11, belonging to the said King James.
The said Mundaye and Williamson at large.
The said Mason guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Prosecutors:—Jeremiah Rose, Sarah Tripland, Agnes Mason, Elizabeth Ditche, Elizabeth Newins.
Sureties for the said Williamson, suspected for being privy to robbing the Wardrobe of the Lord Chamberlain:—William Ryley of St. George's, Southwark, mapmaker, and Roland Fletcher of Clerkenwell, cooper.
Sess. Roll 526/5, 296.
G.D.R. 2/4, 5d.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

15 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Joan Carver of Gray's Inn Lane, spinster, Thomas Wormelayton [Wormelaighton] of the same, labourer [deleted], and Richard Trundle of the same, bricklayer [deleted], for stealing a "mourning gowne" worth 50s., a black cloak worth 20s., one side of a satin pair of breeches worth 20s., a serge apron worth 5s., three crosscloths worth 12d., and three coifs worth 12d. from Thomas Poole [Pole] of the same, tailor, at the same.
The said Joan not guilty.
Sureties for the said Richard:—Richard Arkwright, bricklayer, and Edmund Blague, carpenter, both of the same.
Sureties for the said Thomas Wormelayton:—Ralph Wormelayton of St. Botolph's-without-Aldersgate, esquire, and Francis Fuller of the same, gentleman.
Sess. Roll 526/6, 7, 213, 297.
G.D.R. 2/4, 5d.

2 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Henry Sole of Hadley, yeoman, for stealing seven black bullocks worth £28, two brown bullocks with white faces worth £8, and a brown bullock worth £4, belonging to William, Lord Petre, at Hadley.
Puts himself. Postponed to be tried and respited to the gaol of Essex because the felony was done there, and because he broke out of the King's gaol there.
Prosecutor:—William Smythe.
Sess. Roll 526/298.
G.D.R. 2/4, 8.

8 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Hanson alias Thomas Ansone of Hackney, yeoman, for stealing five ells of linen cloth worth 5s., a table-napkin worth 12d., five pewter chargers worth 20s., twelve pewter platters worth 20s., one pewter candlestick worth 12d., three pewter basins worth 6s., two felt hats worth 5s., two pairs of stockings worth 5s., and 20s. in money from Samuel [William] Searle, clerk, at the same.
Postponed to be tried, and respited to the gaol of Essex because it appears by evidence to have been a burglary at Epping, co. Essex.
Prosecutor:—John Wells.
Sess. Roll 526/299
G.D.R. 2/4.

1 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Ritche [Riche] of Shoreditch, yeoman, for stealing a "pyed blacke" cow worth 40s. and a pied brown cow worth 40s. from William Collard [Collet] of Walthamstow, co. Essex, yeoman; and for stealing a brown heifer worth 33s. 4d. from William Barton of the same, yeoman; and for stealing two black heifers worth £4 from Richard Deanes of the same, yeoman, all at Shoreditch.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged.
Sess. Roll 526/214, 215, 216, 300, 301, 302, 322.
G.D.R. 2/4.

1 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Geoffrey Bourne of Chancery Lane, yeoman, for stealing two cloaks worth £3 10s. from Geoffrey Miller of the same, barber, at the same.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged.
Prosecutors:—Richard Pillson appeared, and the said Geoffrey Miller made default.
Sureties:—William Marten of Shoreditch, tailor, and Roland Fletcher of Clerkenwell, yeoman.
Sess. Roll 526/100, 102, 303.
G.D.R. 2/4, 6.

4 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Broome [Brome, Browne] of High Holborn, porter, for stealing two shirts worth 20s., two falling-bands worth 25s., two pairs of cuffs worth 5s., one pair of linen boot-hose worth 4s., one looking-glass worth 2s. 6d., and one cloak worth 30s. from Francis Thraile of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate, gentleman, at High Holborn.
Postponed to be tried and respited to the gaol of Surrey for the theft of horses, made at the presentment of Mr. Wollascott, and surety was taken by Sir H. Mountague, Knight, Recorder; postponed to be tried because it appears by evidence that the goods aforesaid were delivered to the aforesaid John Broome to be conveyed as a porter, and therefore by the opinion of Tanfeld, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, it is not felony.
Sess. Roll 526/105, 304.
G.D.R. 2/4.

15 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Fynwood and Michael Harryson of Paddington, yeomen, for stealing a wether sheep worth 10s. from Robert Pyland at the same.
Both guilty, no goods, seek the book, read, to be branded.
Prosecutors:—Nathaniel Collyer [Collier] of Paddington, yeoman, and Alexander Sweper of St. Clement Danes, butcher.
Sess. Roll 526/149, 150, 305, 322.
G.D.R. 2/3d.

20 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Fisher, George Downes and Daniel Clarke of Chelsea, yeomen, for assaulting William Marbury [Marburie] at the same, in the highway there, and robbing him of a hat worth 12d., a cloak worth 40s., a sword worth 10s., and 12s. in money; and of Katherine Roson [Rawson] of the same [Charterhouse Lane, Holborn], spinster, for receiving and helping the said William Fisher, George and Daniel at Charterhouse Lane, after the said felony.
The said William Fisher and Katherine at large.
The said George and Daniel not guilty, both detained in gaol.
Prosecutors:—Edward Price of Clerkenwell, silkweaver, John Askew of Fogwell Court in Chancery Lane, tailor.
Sureties for the said Katherine:—Thomas Glaves of St. Sepulchre's, tailor, and John Hoddes of High Holborn, goldsmith.
Sess. Roll 526/3, 225, 226, 306, 322.
G.D.R. 2/3, 5d.
P.R.B. 1/27d.

4 August, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Higgens [Higgins] of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, servant to Mr. Edmond Clarke, for stealing £60 in money from Sir Thomas Clarke, Knight, at the same, and for robbing his master; and of Daniel Kenney of Westminster, yeoman, for receiving and helping the said John at the same.
The said John guilty, no goods, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged.
The said Daniel not guilty. Both detained in gaol; the said Daniel delivered by proclamation.
Prosecutor:—Henry Rolfe of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, gentleman [servant to Thomas Clarke of the same, miller].
Sess. Roll 523/10.
Sess. Roll 526/148, 219, 307, 322.
G.D.R. 1/230, 2/3d.

22 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Robert Chapman, Richard Edwards and Christopher Preston of St. James', Clerkenwell, yeomen; and of Thomas Pooley alias Trunckes of the same, yeoman, all for breaking into the house of Sir Thomas Chaloner [Challoner], Knight, at the same, between the hours of eleven and twelve at night, and stealing ten diaper tablecloths worth £5, ten dozen diaper napkins worth 20s., ten holland shirts worth 20s., seven smocks of holland worth 20s., three handkerchiefs worth 6s., and nine diaper towels worth 20s. belonging to the said Sir Thomas Chaloner; and of Elizabeth Jones of St. Sepulchre's, widow, Thomas Bramham of Clerkenwell, yeoman, and Thomas Watson of the same, yeoman, for receiving and helping the said Robert, Richard and Christopher at the same; and of Dorothy Godsall of East Smithfield, widow, and Mary Tittle [Little] of the same, spinster [woodmonger], for receiving and helping them at the same, after the said felony.
The said Richard and Christopher guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
The said Robert guilty, no goods, to be hanged, respited to prison after judgment.
The said Thomas Pooley, Thomas Bramham, Elizabeth, Dorothy and Mary not guilty.
The said Watson guilty, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutors:—Robert Peeters, Richard Wood, servant to the said Sir Thomas Chaloner.
Isabel, wife of John Flamston of St. Bartholomew's-the-Great, yeoman, bound over in bail to Abraham Reynoldes of St. Sepulchre'swithout-Newgate, yeoman, for receiving certain of the aforesaid stolen linen.
Sureties for the said Mary Tittle and Dorothy Godsall:—Thomas Banbury of East Smithfield, woodmonger, Nicholas Shoveler husbandman, and Richard Dorrell, sailor, both of the same.
Sureties for the said Elizabeth Jones:—Henry Frenche of St. Sepulchre's, brewer, Evan Pierse of Clerkenwell, baker, and Evan Fludd of the same, yeoman.
Sess. Roll 526/30, 198, 199, 200, 228, 308, 322.
Sess. Roll 527/165,
Sess. Reg. 2/26.
G.D.R. 2/3d, 5, 8d.

4 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Mary, wife of Geoffrey Boorne [Bourne] of Whitechapel, yeoman for stealing a white rug worth 26s. 8d., and a blue and white rug worth 13s. 4d. out of the house of Christopher Burte of London, upholsterer, in Leadenhall.
Not guilty.
Prosecutor:—Roland Hinton.
Sureties:—Lewis Fludd of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, pinmaker, and Henry Johnson of St. Botolph's-without-Bishopsgate, pewterer.
Sess. Roll 526/175, 177, 309.
G.D.R. 2/3d, 6.

20 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Richard Warrall [Worrall] of St. John Street, yeoman, for stealing a bay mare worth £3 10s. from William Crowe [Croe] of Great Warley, co. Essex, husbandman, at St. John Street.
Puts himself on the jury, discharged from that, and respited to the gaol of Essex, because the felony was done in the county of Essex.
The said William to appear at the next Assizes in Essex for felony.
Sess. Roll 526/116, 310, 322.
G.D.R. 2/3, 3d.

15 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
John Stanley of Chelsea, yeoman, for breaking into the house of Sir Walter Ashton, Knight and Baronet, at the same, between the hours of twelve and one at night, with intent to rob.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Prosecutors:—Walter Blurton and Robert Warden [Werden] of Chelsea, gentlemen.
Sess. Roll 526/94, 95, 311, 322.
G.D.R. 2/3d.

8 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Hutchins of St. Clement Danes, yeoman, for breaking into the house of George Knight within Clement's Inn, at twelve o'clock at night, and stealing twenty-four pewter dishes worth 30s. belonging to the said George; and for breaking into the house of John Sanckey within New Inn, and stealing a black felt hat worth 6s., four tablecloths worth 10s., and a pewter dish worth 2s. 6d. belonging to the said John.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
The second felony was done in the kitchen of the inn called New Inn.
Prosecutor:—Thomas Clement.
Sess. Roll 526/312, 313.
G.D.R. 2/3d.

21 October, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
William Wrighte, William Shattleworth and Thomas Williams of St. Pancras, yeomen, for assaulting Paul Gervis [Jervis] in the highway at the same, and robbing him of a silk russet cloak worth 10s., and a black felt hat worth 12d.
All guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Prosecutor:—Thomas Moore.
Sess. Roll 526/314, 322.
G.D.R. 2/3d.

24 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
George Sclbie [Selbye], Lancelot Harcoppe and Anthony Parratt [Parrotte] of the Savoy, yeomen, for stealing four silver dishes worth £36 belonging to "the Most Serene Lord the now King James," at the same.
All guilty, no goods; the said George and Anthony seek the book, do not read, to be hanged; the said Lancelot seeks and reads, to be branded.
Prosecutor:—David Younge.
Sess. Roll 526/315.
G.D.R. 2/3d.

29 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Thomas Ingram of Islington, yeoman, servant to Mr. Hare, for breaking into his master's house at the same, and stealing two green carpets worth 20s. belonging to Margery Hare, widow; and for stealing a marble-coloured cloak worth 13s. 4d. belonging to John Stannard, at the same.
Guilty, no goods, there appears by evidence to have been a burglary in the county of Hertford, therefore he does not have the book but is to be hanged.
Prosecutor:—John Tavernor of Totteridge, co. Hertford, yeoman.
Sess. Roll 526/229, 316, 317, 322.
G.D.R. 2/3.

Coroner's Inquests.

10 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Inquisition taken at the gaol of Newgate in the parish of Christ Church in the Ward of Farringdon within London before Robert Lawe, coroner, on view of the body of Richard Anoven of London, yeoman, late prisoner within the gaol aforesaid, by the oaths of John Grindle, Edward Jarratt, Richard Morley, Thomas Fysher, Thomas Spurryer, John Chappelle, Roger Woods, Richard Warren, William Davyes, John Mason, Robert Reynolds and Ralph Allen, lawful men of the said ward and of three other wards adjoining; who say that the said Richard Anoven was ill of the pining sickness for twenty days and died on 8 November last past in the gaol aforesaid by divine visitation and not otherwise.
Sess. Roll 526/318.

11 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Inquisition taken as above on view of the body of Thomas Morgan of London, yeoman, by the oaths of Stephen Thomas, —, William Lone, John Dunford, Anthony Hankinson, Roger Nott, Gregory Spooner, Richard Thorneton, Anthony Downes, Lawrence Fortune, Thomas Newsell and William Walker, who say that the said Thomas Morgan was ill of the pining sickness for seven days and died on 11 November in the gaol aforesaid by divine visitation, and not otherwise.
Sess. Roll 526/319.

16 November, 11 James I [A.D. 1613.]
Jury writ, witnessed by Sir Thomas Lake, Knight, for the Sessions to be held at Hicks Hall on 1 December next coming [A.D. 1613].
Endorsed:—The execution of this writ appears in a certain panel annexed to the same. Thomas Benet and Henry Jaye, sheriffs.
Sess. Roll 526/320.

1 December, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].

Roger Foster of St. John Street, gentleman.
Thomas Cutts of the same.
Richard Tuffnell of the same. Sworn.
George Page of the same. Ill.
Henry Morris of the same. Sworn.
Robert Levericke of the same. Sworn.
Jasper Arras of the same.
William Yorke of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Stangar of the same.
Thomas Freeberry of the same.
John Amye of the same.
Richard Barnes of the same. Sworn.
William Shawe of the same.
Thomas Foster of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Bates of the same.
Thomas Chatfeild of the same. Sworn.
David Ranocke of the same. Sworn.
William Webbe of the same. Sworn.
Edward Reve of the same.
John Buxstone of the same. Sworn.
John Burt of the same.
Jeremiah Gaye of the same. Sworn.
Robert Straker of the same. Sworn.
Richard Whitbey of the same. Sworn.
Richard Bowden of the same.
Nicholas Daye of the same.
John Smythe of the same. Sworn.
Leonard Richardson of the same
Edward Jarvis of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Steward of the same. Sworn.
Sess. Roll 526/321.

[For Cornelius Vanderberge and Cornelius Johnson].
Henry Graye.
William Barbor. Sworn.
Thomas Burton. Sworn.
Thomas Thornyworke. Sworn.
Robert Twyforde.
Thomas Childe.
John Pitt. Sworn.
John Gates.
William Sherecrofte.
Nicholas Startupp. Sworn.
John Mitchell. Sworn.
Henry Munter.
Roger Shoven of the Strand, alien. Sworn.
Browne Baltaser of the same, alien.
Martin Peeterson of the same, alien. Sworn.
Peter Mermeere of the same, alien. Sworn.
Haunce Vanlowe of East Smithfield, alien.
Peter Godscall of the same, alien. Sworn.
Robert Mattoone of Hallowell Street, alien. Sworn.
John Mettkyn of the same, alien. Sworn.
Peter Ganye of East Smithfield, alien.
Closse Spaldman of the same, alien.
Francis Allerd of St. Katherine's, alien.
Peter Vanhurst of Whitechapel, alien.
Sess. Roll 526/291.

Robert Russell of Shoreditch, gentleman.
Henry Grey of Bromley, gentleman.
Anthony Ashe of Islington, gentleman. Sworn.
John Braint of Braint Street.
John Greenhill of Roxey.
William Barbor of St. Giles'in-the-Fields. Sworn.
Thomas Burton of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Thornyworke of Holborn. Sworn.
Thomas Lered of the same.
John Pollett of Willesden.
William Vincent of the same.
Edward Twiford of the same.
Robert Twiford [Twyford] of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Child of Acton. Sworn.
John Gates of the same. Sworn.
William Billing of Enfield.
William Sherecrofte of Fulham. Sworn.
Nicholas Startuppe of Whitechapel. Sworn.
William Motteram of the Strand.
John Michell of St. John Street. Sworn.
John Pitt of the same.
Meredith Thomas of the Strand.
Henry Munter of East Smithfield. Sworn.
William Marshe the younger of Willesden.
John Francklyn of Oxgate.
John Edlyn of Acton.
Henry Pierson of St. John Street.
John Lowe of the same.
Sess. Roll 526/268.

2 December, 11 James I [A.D. 1613].
Gaol Delivery Roll.
William Clarke and Thomas Peirson for felony acknowledged. Delivered by proclamation.
Walter Stiles for the goods of a man unknown. Sent to Bridewell.
John Browne for the goods of John Whales.
Roger Holland for good sureties. Respited.
Thomas Hatche for a gelding from — Shelley.
Stephen Curd for —.
John Palmes. Respited without sureties.
John — for — for the county of Somerset.

Respited for further enquiry.
William Larkyn. Sent to Bridewell.
John Haynes and William Surby. Respited further.
Thomas Chapman to be sent to Hitchin in Hertfordshire, where he was born.
Thomas Berridge and Peter Pleasington. Delivered by proclamation. Born in Leicester town they had no pass, to be whipped.

Respited before judgment.
Elizabeth Fettiplace, John Williamson, George Bankes.

Respited after judgment.
John Slyfeilde.
Edward Pingrell.
Stephen Marshall.
John Greene.
William Denham.
Philip Beast [Best].
Helen Sparkes.
Richard Williams alias Vaughan.
William Fortescue.
Rebecca Nightingale.
Elizabeth Turner.
Jane Grove.
James Battie
Mary Roberts.
Christiana Manestie [Mannestye].
John Somerfield.
William Savile committed for making false money.
Sess. Roll 526/322.
Sess. Reg. 2/36.
G.D.R. 2/2d, 3, 7d, 8, 11d, 15.


p.20. Thomas Perkins of Pie Corner, bricklayer, for begetting a bastard child on the body of Katherine [Elizabeth] Sugar, not yet born. Respited to the next Sessions after Candlemas. The said Katherine committed for being begotten with child by the said Perkins. The said Thomas to discharge the parish of St. Andrew's, Holborn, of the said child, and with the said Katherine to be whipped at a cart's tail from the Sessions Gate to her house at Gray's Inn Lane. (and pp. 29, 38, 45).

Came and discharged:—

Hellibrand Spruson of Tower Wharf, sailmaker, for making public justification in open court before the Commissioners that if any fault were committed by William Squire of Wapping, baker, his tenant, in shutting the gates and making resistance against the constables having warrant to restrain his buildings at Wapping, it was his fault and not Squire's.

The said William Squire for abusing the constables executing a warrant, and for craving the good behaviour against Mr. [Paul] Smith, high constable, for that cause.

p.21. William Martyn of St. Sepulchre's, haberdasher, for abusing his child who is in peril of death.

Robert Chiltherne of Hendon, husbandman, for begetting a bastard child on the body of Elizabeth Crurye.

p.22. Frances Sparkes of High Holborn, widow, to be of good behaviour.

p.23. James Rogers of St. Andrew's, Holborn, victualler, about a bastard child.

p.26. Rowland Browne of Uxbridge, yeoman, to keep the peace.

John Johnson of London, grocer, to answer.

Edward Tipper of Fulham, yeoman, to keep the peace.

p.27. Robert Rutter of Littleton, yeoman, and John Collyer of the same, shoemaker, handed over in bail to William Gander of the same, yeoman, and Richard Murdocke of Old Brentford, waterman, to appear, being overseers of the poor of Littleton, for contempt of divers warrants sent to them from the Justices for collection of money for the poor (and p. 29).

For tippling:—

Charles Barner of Hollowell Street, cook. Sureties:—Thomas Abese of Stepney, musician, and John Alsopp of St. George's, Southwark, co. Surrey, cooper.

Henry Warde of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, victualler. Sureties:— Richard Barker, innholder, and Thomas Turpin, gardener, both of the same.

John Greene of East Smithfield, victualler. Sureties:—Thomas Stanger of the same, innkeeper, and John Watton of St. James', Clerkenwell, victualler.

Order for [blank] Russell of Golding Lane, victualler, to have a licence to victual.

p.28. Order for Mary Addams, a blind woman, and her child, Mary Addams, to be sent to Paddington, and there relieved and kept according to the law, where she was born, being taken as a vagrant, and a warrant to be made to the Churchwardens of Paddington to receive them.

Forasmuch as William Goodall, constable of St. Martin's-in-theFields, has made complaint in Court that divers knights and gentlemen, being inhabitants there, do refuse to watch and ward according to the law, it is therefore ordered that the constables and officers of the same shall upon sight hereof repair to the houses of those knights and other gentlemen, requiring them by virtue hereof to watch and ward as they ought to do, or to return their answer to the justices.

Henry Pettinglane of Gray's Inn Lane, yeoman, and Margaret his wife handed in bail to Thomas Carter of the same, yeoman, for the matters in controversy between them to be ended by Mr. Lawes and Mr. Pursett, two of the Jury of Annoyances, by that day sennight, or else to be certified to the Justices where the fault is at the next Sessions.


f.2d. Delivered by proclamation:—

Prudence Bagnall, Alexander Wood, Elizabeth Downes.

Sent to Bridewell:—

Stephen Sadd.

Respited for sureties:—

Abraham Bennett, Peter Oldes.

Respited without sureties:—

Andrew Forde, Thomas Lambert.

f.5. Daniel Ryder of Bishopsgate Street, tailor, committed for the goods of Richard Jones.


f.28. Certified in the King's Bench by writ of certiorari before the Lord the King in 11 James I [A.D. 1613]:—

William Reynoldes and Michael Brookes of St. Katherine's, brewers, for using the trade of the brewers, not having been apprenticed thereto.