Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1639

Pages 71-72

Middlesex County Records: Volume 3, 1625-67. Originally published by Middlesex County Record Society, London, 1888.

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12 March, 14 Charles I.—Recognizances, taken before Thomas Gardiner esq. Recorder of the city of London, of William Neele of Wollerton co. Northampton esq. in the sum of two hundred pounds, and Thomas Bates of Grayes Inne esq. and Randall Wallinger of St. Andrew's Holborne gentleman, in the sum of one hundred pounds each; For the said William Neele's appearance at the next Gaol Delivery for Midd., to answer &c. "for a dangerous wounding of John Payton esq." G. D. R., . . . ., 14 Charles I.

28 March, 15 Charles I.—Order by the Court for stay of proceedings for recusancy against "Anthony Metcalfe servant to the Queen's Majestie," the said order being made in obedience to a command which it "hath this Sessions received from his Majestie under his signe-manuall." G. D. Reg.

29 May, 15 Charles I.—According to a letter under the hands of Mr. Secretary Windebancke signifieing his Majesties pleasure therein, It is ordered by this Courte that the estreating of the conviccions upon the indictmentes of recusancy against these persons hereunder named shall be staid untill his Majesties pleasure bee further knowen to the contrary, vizt. Sir John Symonds knt., Elizabeth Good widowe, William Cape and Mrs. Forman widowe. G. D. Reg.

28 August, 15 Charles I.—Order for stay of proceeding upon an indictment for recusancy, preferred at the last Session against Sir Charles Smith of Wotton Waven co. Warwick; the said order being made in accordance with letters, dated under the King's sign-manual on 29 June, 10 Charles I, signifying "that it was his Highnes pleasure that noe indictment of recusancy should be received against" the said Sir Charles Smith. G. D. Reg.

1 October, 15 Charles I.—Order, made at G. S. P. held at Westminster, that the constables and churchwardens of Clarkenwell do immediately cause Daniell Thomas carpenter, his family and servants to be shut up in his house upon Clarkenwell Greene co. Midd., and "a bill and redd crosse to be sett up as in such cases are usual, and to cause a garde to bee sett there to look to the same, to prevent as much as may be the further dispersion of the infeccion"; the said order being made on information given to the Court, that a child of the said Daniell Thomas and an old gentlewoman, who was his lodger, have within this week died of the plague in the said house, and further that the same Daniell Thomas's maidservant was carried by him to the pesthouse, and there died immediately of the plague. S. P. Book.

24 October, 15 Charles I.—Recognizances, taken before Sir Henry Spyller knt. J.P., of John Brompton clothworker and Robert Chamborowe white-baker, both of Old Streete in St. Giles's Cripplegate co. Midd. in the sum of fifty pounds each, and of Askue Pillistone of the same street "beadle," in the sum of one hundred pounds; For the appearance of the said Askue Pillistone at the next Gaol Delivery for Middlesex, to answer for uttering "scandalous speeches against the Spanish nation and inveighing against the charity of those who releeved such as lately came out of the Spanish Fleete." G. D. R., . . . ., 15 Charles I.

25 October, 15 Charles I.—Recognizances, taken before Peter Heywood esq. J.P., of Bryan Barneby of Westminster grosser, in the sum of forty pounds, and of Robert Mavor and Jeffrey. . . ., both of Westminster grossers, in the sum of twenty pounds each; For the appearance of the said Bryan Barneby at the next Session of the Peace for the said city, then and there to answer "for scornfully behaving himself before the Duches of Richmond her exequitores conserninge 100 li given to the poore of Westminster parishe, hee being one of the overseers of the poore." S. P. West. R., . . . ., Jan., 15 Charles I.

16 December, 15 Charles I.—True Bill that, at St. Martin's-inthe-Fields co. Midd. on the said day, Edward Streete late of the said parish yoman stole and carried away "septem tormenta anglice pistolls" worth seven pounds, four books worth twenty-seven shillings, two pairs of Spanish leatherne bootes worth thirty shillings, a brasse potte worth twenty shillings, a kettle worth eight shillings, a brasse panne worth ten shillings, two bitts for horses worth six shillings and eight pence, and two pairs of guilt stirropp irons worth ten shillings, of the goods and chattels of Edward Dunch esq. Found 'Guilty,' Edward Streete asked for the book, read it, and was branded. G. D. R., 20 Feb., 15 Charles I.