Middlesex Sessions Rolls: 1636

Pages 60-64

Middlesex County Records: Volume 3, 1625-67. Originally published by Middlesex County Record Society, London, 1888.

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23 January, 11 Charles I.—True Bill that, at St. Giles's-in-theFields co. Midd. on the said day, Peter Welsh alias Walsh, John Butler, Owen Malyn, John Blanchwell, all four gentlemen, and John Bryan and Edward Burke, both yomen (all six late of the said parish) assaulted James Swynnerton gentleman, and that Peter Welsh alias Walsh then and there killed and slew the said James Swynnerton by giving him with a sword in the right part of his body a mortal wound of which he died instantly, and That the aforesaid John Butler, Owen Malyn, John Blanchwell, John Bryan and Edward Burke aided and abetted the said Peter Welsh in thus slaying James Swynnerton. Found 'Guilty of manslaughter at common law but Not Guilty against the form of the statute,' all six culprits pleaded their clergy effectually, but in the case of each of them the branding was delayed by order of the Court.—Also, the Coroner's Inquisition for the cause of the death of the said James Swynnerton, taken on 25 Jan., 11 Charles I., at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields within the verge of the King's Court, before Henry Harriett gentleman one of His Majesty's coroners for Middlesex and Henry Dennington gentleman coroner of the said Lord King's household, His Royal Majesty being then at his house of Whitehall; With verdict, in accordance with the above-given facts, stating that the homicide was perpetrated at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields aforesaid within the verge of the Court. G. D. R., 17 Feb., 11 Charles I.

28 April, 12 Charles I.—Order, made at G. S. P. at Westminster, "That noe person or persons inhabiting within Middlesex during this time of infection shall receive into their house any children to nurse or other boorders, unles the parentes of the said children and boarders shall firste bring good testimony unto the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of every such parish, where such nurse-children or boorders shalbe placed, that the houses and places from whence such nursechildren or boorders soe brought as aforesaide are cleere and free from the infeccion"; the said Order being made on information "that divers cittizens of London and other persons inhabiting in or about the suburbes of the said cittie doe many times and especially in this time of infeccion putt theire children to nurse and boord in divers partes of this countie." S. P. Reg.

10 May, 12 Charles I.—True Bill that, at St. Martin's-in-theFields co. Midd. on the said day, Mary Wolcott late of the said parish spinster gave birth to a living female bastard infant, and afterwards on the same day with a knife cut the throat of the same infant, so that it then and there died instantly, and that in so doing Mary Wolcott murdered the infant. Mary Wolcott put herself 'Not Guilty.' G. D. R., 27 June, 12 Charles I.

20 May, 12 Charles I.—True Bills for not going to church &c. during a month beginning on the said day, against William Abington and Robert Stapleton, both late of St. Giles's-in-the-Fields gentlemen, and Edward Evans late of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields gentleman. G. D. R., 27 June, 12 Charles I.

31 May, 12 Charles I.—Order, made S. P. held at Hickes Hall, for the suppression and prevention during the next Whitsun week of the fair called Greengoose Fair, usually held in the said week of each year at Stratfordbowe near the parish of Stepney co. Midd., "where the plague doth more increase then in any other parish within or without" London; the said Order being made in due compliance with the directions recently set forth by the Lords and others of the Privy Council, "for the better prevencion of the dispersing of the sicknes now begun and daily increasing within the Cittie of London and suburbs thereof." S. P. Reg.

8 July, 12 Charles I.—Coroner's Inquisition for cause of death, taken at Eastsmithfeild co. Midd. on the said day, on view of the body of Thomas Turner then and there lying dead; With Verdict that, at Eastsmithfeild aforesaid on the 7th inst., William Balme alias Hickabusie of the said place yoman assaulted the said Thomas Turner, and with a dagger gave him on the left side of his breast a mortal wound, of which he then and there died instantly, and that in so doing William Balme alias Hickabusie killed and slew Thomas Turner against the form of the statute in this case provided. Found 'Guilty,' William Balme was sentenced to be hung. G. D. R., 12 Jan., 12 Charles I.

3 October, 12 Charles I.—Record of the committal of eleven persons to Newgate, "untill his Majesties pleasure bee knowne, for goeing with one Samuell Underhill a trumpeter who died of the plague, to his grave with trumpettes sounded and swords drawne in the night time in Shorditch"; the eleven persons so committed being—Thomas Creswell of Barbican, Thomas Woodford of Hosierlane, Edward Bosseley of Criplegate, John Pett of Whitecrosstreete, Edward Hodgson of Cowcrosse, Abraham Rogers of Whitecrostreete, John Carre of St. Johnstreet, George Rickner of Whitecrostreete, George Bosgrave of Golding Lane, Adam Rose of Grubstreete, and William Johnson of Whitecrostreete. S. P. Reg.

3 October, 12 Charles I.—Weekly Assessment, made at G. S. P. held at Turnham Greene co. Midd., for the necessary relief of such persons as are and shalbe infected with plague in the severall parishes of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, St. Giles Criplegate and St. Sepulcher's co. Midd., Clarkenwell, Islington, St. Katherin's, Eastsmithfeild, Whitechappell, Stepney, Shorditch and Isleworth; for that the inhabitants of the said parishes, having beene allready assessed towards the relief of the poor people infected with the plague within the said parishes, are not now thought able to relieve themselves any longer; The same assessment to contynue till the next General Sessions of the Peace for this countie,—


St. Clements Danes 40s.
St. Mary Savoy
Cheswicke 10s.
Fulham 20s.
Hammersmith 20s.
Kensington 10s.
Chelsey 10s.
Wilsdon 30s.
Acton 20s.
Eling and Oldbrainford 30s.
Holborne and Chauncery lane 20s.
The Dutchie 20s.
Marybone and Paddington 10s.
Kentistowne 30s.
Hampstead 20s.
Stokenewington 10s.
Hornsey 10s.
Finchley 20s.
Frianbarnett 20s.
Hackney 20s.
Stratfordbowe 10s.
Bromley 10s.
Endfeild 3£.
Edmonton 3£.
Tottenham 20s.
Hadley 30s.
Southmyms 3£.
Harrowe and Pynnor 3£.
Hendon 20s.
Stanmore Magna 10s.
Stanmore Parva 10s.
Kingsberry 10s.
Edgwar 10s.
Northall 30s.
Norwood and Southall 10s.
Greeneford and Perryvail 30s.
Harlington 20s.
Cranford 20s.
Hanwell 20s.
Haies 20s.
Newbrainford 10s.
Uxbridge 30s.
Hillingdon 40s.
Ruislipp 40s.
Ickenham 20s.
Westdrayton 20s.
Harefeild 30s.
Cowley 10s.
Harmondsworth 40s.
Littleton 10s.
Ashford 10s.
Laleham 20s.
Shepperton 20s.
Staines 20s.
Stanwell 20s.
Sunbury 10s.
Hampton 30s.
Tuddington 30s.
Hanworth 10s.
Eastbedfont 20s.
Feltham 10s.
Heston 3£.
Twickenham 30s.
S. P. Reg.

1 December, 12 Charles I.—True Bill that, at twelve o'clock in the night of the said day at St. Leonard's-in-Shorditch co. Midd., Thomas Cresswell, Thomas Wadd (? Woodford), Edward Bosseley, John Pett, Edward Hodgson, Abraham Rogers, John Carre, George Rickner, George Bosgrave, Adam Rose, William Johnson, Philip Knight, Lancelot Giles, Edward Jupe, Henry Griffin, Francis Langley and John Wilkinson, all seventeen late of the said parish yomen, riotously and unlawfully as rioters and disturbers of the King's peace, assembled and came together, with swordes, linckes and torches lighted and with trumpettes sounded, to the great terror and dread of the King's lieges and subjects there living. Ten of the rioters confessed the indictment and were fined three shillings and four pence each. The other seven were at large. G. D. R., 12 Jan., 12 Charles I.

28 December, 12 Charles I.—Coroner's Inquisition for cause of death, taken at St. Andrew's-in-Holborn co. Midd. on view of the body of Robert Bassett then and there lying dead; With verdict that, on the 27 th inst. at St. Andrews aforesaid, Tobias Powell of the said parish gentleman assaulted the said Robert Bassett, and killed him by giving him with a sword in the right part of his breast a mortal wound, of which he then and there died instantly. Found 'Guilty' of manslaughter, Tobias Powell pleaded his clergy effectually and was branded. G. D. R., 12 Jan., 12 Charles I.