Index: L - R

Pages 459-526

Middlesex County Records: Volume 3, 1625-67. Originally published by Middlesex County Record Society, London, 1888.

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Laborne alias Bradlye, George, cleric, 116 (3)

Lace, 36

", Bone, 17, 33, 360

", Embroidered, 33, 79

", Embroidered millard, 79

", Flanders, 306, 320

", Galloon, 225

", Gold, 23, 33, 35, 41, 44, 79, 95, 251, 267, 275, 320, 380

", Gold plate, 30

", Satin, &c., 17, 18

", Satin embroidered, 33

", Silk, 280

", Silver, 33, 35, 79, 251, 267, 320, 380

Lacey, Sara, 297

Lacy, Charles, 257

", Prias, 178

Ladd, John, 281

Ladles, see Plate, prices of

Ladore, Peter, 243

Lady fair in Southwark, Cheating at, 165

Laiton or Layton, co. Durham, 45 134

Lake, Richard, 99

Laleham, co. Midd., 154, 158

", Weekly assessment made in, for relief of persons infected, 63

Lambert, Edward, 367

", Francis, gent., 24

", lord, Treasonable words saying, deserved the crown, &c., 304

", Ralph, 364

", Thomas, 306

Lambeth, co. Surrey, 64

Lambhurst [Lamberhurst], co. Kent, 148

Lambs distrained upon for breach of humiliation day, Rescuing, 196

Lampton, parish of Heston, 135

Lanam, Elizabeth, 202

", James, 202

", see Lanum

Lancaster, co., 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 132, 133, 134, 135. 140

", duchy of, Weekly assessment made in the, for relief of persons infected, 63

", Launcelot, esq., 47, 132

Lanckton, Alice Laughton alias, 39

Lander, Thomas, 370

Lane, Anne, 170, 291

", Francis, 387

", Jane, 50, 110

", John, 256

", Mary, the elder, 334

", Mary, the younger, 334

", Richard, 170

", Robert, esq., 50

Langford, Francis, 225

Langham, Thomas, esq., 230

Langley, Francis, 63

", Henry, gent., 89

", Laurence, 118

", Oliver, 101, 102

Langston, John, gent, (or esq.), 80, 117, 118, 119

Lannoy, Benjamin, esq., 267

Lanrothall [Llanrouthall] co. Hereford, 147

[Lantilio Pertholey], Llandils Pertholie, co. Monmouth, 146

Lanum, Elizabeth, 285

", see Lanam

Lanvaire-Usk-Koide, co. Monmouth, 146

Larceny, 298, 300

", Grand, 296 (3), 297 (12), 298 (10), 299 (13), 300 (12), 301 (9)

", Petty, 8, 54, 294, 297 (3), [298?], 299 (2), 300 (4), 351

", " Whippings for, 9, 54 294 297 (2) [298 (?)], 299 (2), 304 (2), 351

Larke, Robert, 222

Larret, Thomas, 288

Lathwell, Thomas, 324

Laughton alias Lanckton, Alice, 39

Laurence Poultney, London, 242

" ", Hill, 254

" ", Lane, 341

Lavender, Owen, 330

Lawn, Cobweb, 30

", cradle-cloths, 29

", face-cloth, A, 29

", network, 17

", Stealing, 27, 307

Lawrence, Elizabeth, 183, 304

", He. clerk of the council, Letter from the council signed by, 238

Lawrence, Henry, president of the council of state, Counterfeiting the name of, 261, 262

", John, 376

Lawson, George, 388

Lawton, Anne. 257 (2)

Laystall in the parish of St. Martin's-inthe-Fields, A, 49

Laystalls, Soil of the city of London not to be scattered in highways when carted to, 227, 228

Layton, Captain Titus, 118

", or Laiton, co. Durham, 45, 134

Le Chesne, Massy, 57

Lea, John, 295

", Phillipp, 285

", Prudence, 285

", see Lee, Leigh, Leighe

Lead, tin and other false metals used in coining, 67

Leaden cistern, A, 57

Leadenhall Street, London, 174

Leake, Daniel, 95, 122

Leaman, John, 339

Leath, William, 24

Leather chairs, Gilt, 258

" doublet, perfumed, A, 33

" gloves, Stags, 33

" jerkin, perfumed, A, 33

" side of, A, 68

" wallett, A, 315

" wine bottles, xiv

Leathley, William, 46

Leathly, William, 131

Leaver, John, 355

Lebberston, co. York, 46, 131

Ledger, Mary, 295, 336

Ledgingham, Thomas, 208, 209

Lee, Gabriel, 216

", Mrs., 165

", Thomas, 14, 15

", see Lea, Leigh, Leighe

Leech, Jasper, 241

", Mr. John, 117

", William, 287

Leefeild, William, 184

Legg, William, gent., 382

Legge, Robert, 235

Leicester, co., 76, 142

Leichfeild, Thomas, 202

Leigh, George, 36

", see Lea, Lee, Leighe

Leighe (?), John, 246

Leighe, see Lea, Lee, Leigh

[Leinthall], Lentall, co. Hereford, 147

Leivsey, Robert, gent., 235, 236

Lely, Peter, Pictures by, 275

Lemington, co. . . . ., 146

Lempter [Leominster], co. Hereford, 147

Lent, Counterfeit licence to kill, dress, sell, &c., flesh, during, 37, 38

Lentall [Leinthall], co. Hereford, 147

", [Lenton], co Nottingham, 133

Lenthall, John (sic), esq., 307

", William, esq., speaker of parliament and master of the rolls, 189, 207

[Lenton], Lentall, co. Notts, 133

", co. Notts, 65, 141

[Leominster], Lempter, co. Hereford, 147

Lethringsell [Letheringsett], co. Norfolk, 145

Letter, counterfeit, to kill, dress, and sell flesh during Lent, A, 37, 38

", under the king's signet relating to a recusant, A, 67

Letters, Counterfeit, 37, 39, 69, 70, 81, 232, 265

", taken in the king's cabinet [at Naseby], 99, 184

", Counterfeit, under sign manual to raise volunteers, 65, 66

", Embezzling a parcel of, 320

", Forged, 232 (2), 388

", patent enrolled in the court of exchequer, 68

Leverett, John, 161

Leveston, Alexander, gent., 151

Levingston, John, 246

Levingstone, Alexander, 5

Leviston, Anne, 205

", Thomas, gent., 205

Lewd love, Writing and sending messages tending to a, 224

" woman, A headborough calling at the house of a, 270

" women, 13, 97, 165, 252, 256, 259, 270, 276, 279 (2), 281, 336 (3)

" ", standing at door to entice in Flemings, &c., Keeping, 252

" ", to take up gentlemen, Employing, 217

Lewes, Elizabeth, 102, 125, 178

Lewes (or Lewis), Hugh, 81, 122, 123

" Magdalen, 36

" see Lewis

Lewin, John, 387

Lewis (or Lewes), Hugh, [81], 122, 123

" Nicholas, 175

" Richard, 369

" Thomas, 1, 2

" see Lewes

Lewsham, co. . . . ., 66

", co. Suffolk, 142

Ley, John, 98, 277

Libert, Charles, clerk, 39

Licence to travel, spurious, A 48

Lieutenant, Mr., 196

Lifeguards of the duke of York, A cornet in the, 326

Lighter, Carrying off stolen oil in a, 60

Lightfoot, Thomas, 244

Lilleston, Thomas, 282

", see Lillistone

Lillingstone, Robert, gent., 2

", William, gent., 2

", William, 2

Lillistone, Thomas, gent., 322

", see Lilleston

Limehouse, co. Midd., 18, 20, 36 (2), 119, 174, 176, 207, 214, 253, 350, 370 (2)

", Parish of, 18, 20

", Assessment made at, for furnishing, &c., the new workhouse at Clerkenwell, 337

", constable of, Refusing to aid the, in conveying conventiclers to Newgate, 370 (2)

", hamlet of, The churchwarden of the, 387

", headborough of, A, 267

", in Stepney, 335

", conventicle held at, A, 343, 345, 370 (3)

Lincoln, co., 2, 48, 64, 65, 133, 141, 202, 204

", countess of, The 215 (2)

Lincolne, William, 276

Lincoln's Inn, 320

" ", Inciting gentlemen of, to "pumpe" a constable, 167

" ", Fields, 178

" ", " The gunpowder house, late in, 59

Lindsey, Alexander, gent., 40

", Henry, gent., 40

", see Linsey

Line, Valentine, 97

", see Lyne

Linen, Suspicion of stealing, 103

", cloth, called damask, 79

", sheets, 91

Links, 63

Linley, Edward, 376

Linsey, Katherine Whitehead alias, 266

", Peter, Lieut., Affronting, 97

", see Lindsey

Lippiatt, William, 202

Lisle, Tobias, esq. (justice of the peace), Certificate of marriage signed by, 223

Litany, The catholic (book), 240 (2)

Lite, John, 294

Litle, Robert, 301

Little Britain, 173

Littleton, Weekly assessment made in, for relief of persons infected, 63

", in French (book), 13

Liturgy used by the church of England, Refusing to read the, [83, 84], 85

Living incontinently, 272

" ", Suspicion of, 235, 237, 258

Llandiles [Llanddulas], co. Denbigh, 146

Llandils Pertholie [Lantilio-Pertholey], co. Monmouth, 146

Llangarran, co. Hereford, 147

[Llanrouthall], Llanrothall, co. Hereford, 147

Llantarne [Llanwarne (?)], co. Hereford, 146

Lloyd, Edmond, 267, 268

", Edmund, 260

", Jeoffry, 301

", Thomas, 330

Loadstones, 95

Loake, John, 335

Lock, John, 228

", silver, A, 35

Locke, Elizabeth, 122

Locker, John, 302

Lockington, Alice, 102, 125

Lockram (a kind of cheap linen), 69

Loddon, co. Norfolk, 145

Lodging-house, A suspected, 259

Lombard Street, London, 311, 386

London Bridge, 60

" Citizens of, dwelling, &c., in the suburbs of, during the time of the plague, 61

" city of, Alderman of the, 93

" " ", Counterfeit letter addressed to the farmers for collecting the excise of beer, &c., in the, 26

" " ", Price of sea coals within the, 212

" " ", Conspiracy to seize the, 376

" " ", Drinking a health to the confusion of the lord protector and the, 224, 225

" " ", A dutch prisoner released from Chelsea college not to depart out of the, 380

" " ", were burnt with fire," To answer for saying "it were no matter if the, 260

" " ", Seditious speech wishing to see the, on fire, 176

" " ", Carrying goods from infected houses into the, 64 (2)

" " ", Secretary and solicitor for the affairs of the, touching the plantation in Ireland, 52

" " ", Justices of the peace within the, 100

" " ", Lord mayors of the, 82, 87, 212, 294, 372

" " ", Returns to be made weekly of the mortality of the, with nature of the diseases, &c., causing death, &c., 277

" " ", Directions from the lords of the privy council for preventing the dispersing of the plague in the, and suburbs thereof, 62

London, city of, Recognizances not to collect rags, &c., during the time the plague is within three miles of the, 167, 168

", " " Seditious speech concerning the proclamation for those of the Cromwell party to depart out of the, 317

", " " Mr. Recorder of the, 93

", " " Recusants not to dwell within ten miles of the, 172

", " " Sessions of the peace for the, held at the justice hall, Old Bailey, 210

", " " Speech concerning the shooting down of the, 117

", " " Soil of the, not to be scattered in the highways when carted to laystalls, 228

", Elizabeth, 264

", Felon tried on an indictment in 6

", The great fire of, 384 (2), 385, 386, 387

", fire of, Defrauding of goods delivered at the time of the, 387

", " Embezzling goods at the time of the, 384, 386, 387

", " Order that divers persons remove out of St. James's, Clerkenwell, to their several parishes where they were settled before the late, 387, 388

", " Persons and goods of such whose habitations were destroyed in the late, to be received into neighbouring parishes for relief and shelter in obedience, to proclamation, &c., 388

", " Suspected of being in the plot and privy to the, 385 (3), 386 387

London Gaol Deliveries see Gaol Deliveries, &c.

" John, 375

" and Middlesex, Quarter sessions of the peace for, held at the justice hall, Old Bailey, 272 (2)

" ", sheriffs of, Letter addressed to the. 238

" ", sheriffs of, Prisoners transported by the, 327

" port of, Warrant for conventiclers to be conveyed to the, to be embarked for Jamaica, 362, 364, [367, 370]

" Rags sent from, disseminating the plague, 167

" &c., Act for removing recusants from, 195 (2)

" Thomas, gent., 211

Long Acre, in the parish of St. Martin'sin-the-Fields. 200, 311

" Alley, Shoreditch, 313

" Itchington, co. Warwick, 54, 137

" Sutton, co. Somerset, 75

Longdon, co. Stafford, 66

", co. Worcester, 145

Longe, John, 15

", Mr., 34, 108

Longley, co. . . . ., 98

Longville, Thomas, clerk, 76, 78, 116

Lord chief baron Wilde, 213

" " justice of England, Committal by the, 367

" " " Glynn, Uttering scandalous words against. 252

" " " Rolte, 213

" Henry, 284

" see Lords

" keeper of the great seal, Certificates of losses at sea and by fire made to the, 16 (2)

" " of the great seal, Suit from the inhabitants of Hillingdon to the 28

" mayor. see London. &c.

" protector, &c., Drinking a health to the confusion of the. 224 225 252, 264

Lord Protector, Counterfeiting orders of the. 261, 265

" ", Scandalous and traitorous verses against the, 229

" ", Oliver Cromwell late, Speaking scandalous words against, 274, 276

" ", Seditious speeches against the, 240, 252 (2), 259, 260, 264, 266, 271, 272 (2)

" ", Seditious speech, calling the, a base rascal-like fellow, and hoped to see him hanged, 272

" ", Stealing goods of the, 233

" ", Warrant of the, for apprehension of jesuits and catholic priests, 245

" ", Words spoken against the, 236

" ", [Richard Cromwell], Seditious speeches against the, 275, 276, 277

" ", [Richard Cromwell], Stealing goods of the, 278

" treasurer of England, Richard, earl of Portland 52

Lords chief justices of the king's bench and common pleas. 374

" see Lord chief justice

" commissioners of the great seal, 188, 189

" Days &c., An order for the proper observance of 189

" house of, Disturbing the 100

" " acquainted with proceedings against Margaret Powell for receiving a catholic priest, 83

" of the privy council, 6, 43. 62, 82

Loson General, 232

Lothbury, London, 243 335

Louraine, Henri de, prince of Harecourte (French ambassador), 89, 90

Louth, co. Lincoln, 133

Love, Anne, 103

", William, 237

Lovejoy, Roger, 283

", William, 239

Lowden, Thomas, 99

Lowe, Dorothy, 174

", Humphrey, gent., 232

", John, 191

Lowen, Nicholas, 34

Lowman, John, 126

Lowther, Anthony, esq., 264

", Richard, esq. (justice of the peace), 4

", Robert, 264

Lucas, Edward, gent., 174

", John. 330

Lucie, Sir Thomas, knt. (justice of the peace), 39

Luddington, co. Lincoln, 65, 141

Ludgate, London, 224, 272

Ludlow, Charged with concealing of, 387

["], Lutlou, co. Hereford, 145

Luke, Robert de, 184, 198

Lunatic in the queen-mother's house at Chiswick, A, 170

Lunatics, 291 (2)

Lunsford, Elizabeth, 220

", Mary, 220

", Philippa, 220

", Sir Thomas, knt., 220

Lutener's Lane, St. Giles's-in-theFields, 175

Lutlou [Ludlow], co. Hereford, 145

Lyle, George, gent., 68, 69

Lyndhurst, co. Southampton, 68

Lyne, Edward, 278

", Thomas, 329

", see Line

Lynge, Sarah, 85

Lyon, William, 257

Lyons Inn, 211

Lyte, Sebastian, gent., 219


Mabbott, Gilbert, 202

Mac-Gill, Bryan, 386

Mackie, Elizabeth, 297

Mackmaney, Teague, 350

Maddock, Richard, 378

", Thomas, 334

Maddox, Thomas, 109

Madison, Anne, 220

Madley, co. Hereford, 146

Madlocke, Anne, 281, 299

Magin, Elizabeth, 54

Maid for sale, Proffering a, 266

Maidenhead, co. Berks, 29

", and gun (sign), at Ratcliffe, The, 51

Maikin, William, 181

Maimed soldiers, Pensions, &c., to, 2, 25

Maiming, 65 (2)

", Fine for, and remanded to to prison, 33

Maine, Colleberie, 24

Malbon, Robert, 331

"Malignant party," Calling a constable one of the, 174

Mallard's Green, parish of Hornchurch, co. Essex, 261

Mallary, Francis, 245

Malvern Parva co. Worcester, 45, 54, 134, 136, [145]

Malyn, Owen, gent., 60, 61

Man leading the calf (sign), St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, The, 52

Manchester, Henry, earl of, 15

Maning, Thomas, 164

", see Maninge, Manninge

Maninge, Randolph, 290

", see Maning, Manninge

Mann, John, 319

Manners, Lady, 56

Manninge, Ranulph, gent., 222, 223

", see Maning, Maninge

Manslaughter, 4, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 30, 32, 34, 55, 61, 64, 68, 96, 109, 116, 191, 214 (2), 221 (3), 233, 298 (2), 299 (3), 300, 302 (2), 320, 325, 371, 383, 389

", Acquittals for, 22, 24, 68

", at common law, 61, 69

Manwood, Anthony, 96

Maplemore, Richard Midlemore alias, 293

Maplesden, Richard, 256

March Wood, co. Southampton, 160

[Marcle], Merkeley Parva, co. Hereford, 146

Margate, co. Kent, 48

"Margett in the island of Tennitt," co. Kent, 48

Margrave, Richard, 162

Mariner impressed to serve in the wars at the island of Rhé, 25

Mark Lane, London, 148

Markets, 13

Markington, co. York, 46, 131

Marmion, Shakerley, gent., 27, 28

Marmyon, George, 244, 245

Marriage with a blackamore, Women confederating to make a pretended, 274

" Inveigling an apprentice into a, 233, 234

" Judgment and decree of justices of the peace declaring null and void a certain, 237

" before a justice of the peace, A certificate of, 223

" Order made by justices of the peace for annulment of a, on account of age, 264

" Presenting a false certificate of parties having been cried for, to a justice of the peace, 234

" Record of a decree of nullification of, 233

" An unlawful, procured by a false certificate, 234

Marriages, Contravention of the act of parliament for the regulation of, 233, 234, 237

Married man writing, and sending messages to a female tending to a lewd love, A, 224

Marriott, Simon (or Symon), gent., 249, 317

", Thomas, gent., 335

Marsh, Henry, gent., 218

", Jane, 230

", see Marshe

Marshall, Edward, 298

", Henry, 337

", Nicholas, 381

", Richard, 312

", Robert, 362

", Simon, 126

Marshe, Frances, 321

", John, 114

", see Marsh

Marten, Richard, 125 (2), 126

Marten, see Martin, Martine, Martyn

Martin, John, 240, 386

", Mary, 274

", Richard, 204

", Samuel, 366

", see Marten, Martine, Martyn

Martindall, Edward, 171

Martine, John, 54

", see Marten, Martin, Martyn

Martyn, Elizabeth, 106

", George, 259

", see Marten, Martin, Martine

Marworth [Marwood (?)], co. Kent, 76

Mary [Henrietta Maria], queen, Burglary at the dwelling-house of, 35

", picture of our lady, garnished with silver, A, 35

Marylebone, co. Midd., 5

", Parish of, 208, 254

", &c., Weekly assessment made in, for relief of persons infected, 63

", The highway in, 208

", park, Unlawfully breaking into, and killing a buck, 190

", " enclosed for keeping deer, 190

Mascall, Avis, 223

Mason, James, 294

", John, 330, 383

", Richard, 19, 24, 177

", Robert, 378, 385

", Thomas, 15, 124

Mass, Celebrating, 17, 50, 199 (2), 200 (4), 201 (3), 273 (2), 285 (2)

", " at the lodgings of the French ambassador, 248, 249

", " at the house of the Portuguese ambassador, 172 (2), 180

", " Order of the house of commons against, 172

", " by catholic priests, 17, 50, 244 (4)

", " by a private priest, 202

", " at the lodgings of the Venetian ambassador, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245 (12), 247

Mass, Charged with being at, 180 (2)

", &c., Devotions for (book), 240 (2)

", Suspicion of hearing, at the Spanish ambassador's, 185, 186

", Voluntarily hearing, 107

", Recusants preparing to go to, 104, 105

", at Somerset house, To answer for going to, 172

", Warrant to arrest persons attending, 185

Massey, Major-General, 205

Masterman, George, 280 (2)

Matchett, George, 19

Mater, Anthony, 64

Mathew, Thomas, 387

Mathewe, Benjamin, 330

Mathewes, Edward, 261

", John, gent., 261

", Phillip, 254

", see Matthewes

Matrons, Jury of, 85, 107, 110, 111, 287 (2)

Matson, George, 254

Matthewes, William, 363

", see Mathewes

Mattram, William, 11

Maudlin cup, silver, A, 44

Maugre, Peter, 324

Maunder, Anthony, 319

Mavor, Robert, 72

Mavorne (sic) [Malvern] Parva, co. Worcester, 145

Maweis, Richard, 169

May-day riot in Grub Street, A 161

", (or Maye) William, 160

Maydley, Roger, 257

Maye alias Usherwood, Margaret, 17

", (or May) William, 160

Mayhoe, George, 118

", see Mayo, Mayow

Mayline, Katherine, 303

Mayo, George, 330

", Thomas, gent. (messenger), 179, 180 (2), 182, 184, 185 (2), 198

", see Mayhoe, Mayow

Mayow, Thomas, gent., 166

", see Mayhoe, Mayo

Maypole Alley, 211

Mayston, John, 368

Meaden, Henry, 298

Measures of beer, False, 51, 52

Medal of king Charles and queen Mary, A, 268

Medals of gold, silver, and copper, 267, 380

Medburne, Edward, 303

", Robert, gent., 322

Medici, James, gent., 221 (2), 290

Medoos, William, 23

Meggs, Mary, 293, 294

", Mr. William, 320

Meicescoe, co. Lancaster, [47], 133

Melburne, Rowland Meldrum alias, 267

Meldrum, alias Melburne, Rowland, 267

Mellin, Edward, gent., 178

[Mellings], Metlinges, co. Lancaster, 140

Menday, John, 280

Mendlove, William, 37

Menell, Edward, gent., 200

", Renaugh, gent., 323

Mercer, William, 178

Merchant Taylors' Company, 9

Merchants of England, Company of, for discovery of the new trade, 29

", ranting, with bottles of sack in their hands taken by the watch, Revelling, xv, 254 (2)

Mercury, 50

", with beer, Mixing (poison), 205

", with milk, Mixing, 281

Meredith, Edward, 163

Merifeild, Edward, 307

Merkeley [Marcle], Parva, co. Hereford, 146

Merricke, John, 201

Merry, Thomas, gent., 248

Mervill, William, 376

Messenger of the ho. of commons, A, 184

Messingham, co Lincoln, 65, 141

Metlinges [Mellings], co. Lancaster, 140

Mews, John, 230

Mice, Arnold, 174

Miche, Patrick, gent, 362

Michell Grove, in the parish of Clapham, co. Sussex, 76

" John, 339

" Marke, 333

" William, 375

" see Mitchell

Michener, John, 69

", Margaret, 69, 70

Middle Temple, see Temple

Middlefeild, Francis, 73

Middlemore, George, 184

", Richard, clerk, 255

Midlemore alias Maplemore, Richard, 293

Middlesex, Price of sea coals within the county of, 212

", Coroner of, fined for not attending the court when required, 188

", coroner of, Application for a writ to remove the, and elect another, 188

", Penal death-rate of, temp. Charles I. and Commonwealth, xvii

", Lionel, earl of, 210, 211, 257

", Capital executions for felonies, or for silence to indictments for felonies committed in, temp. Charles I., xvii

", Capital executions for felonies, or for silence to indictments for felonies committed in, temp. Commonwealth, xviii

", Gaol Deliveries, see Gaol Deliveries, &c.

", Deputy lieutenants of, 163

", Certificatory letter of the president and governors of the corporation for the poor of, 331

", &c., Proclamation for strict ward and watch to be kept within the county of, 270

", County records, temp. Charles I., v

", " " temp. Comwealth, xii

", " " temp. Charles II., xxiii

", Sessions of the peace, General sessions of the peace, Quarter sessions of the peace, General quarter sessions, &c., for, see Sessions

", Sheriff of, 188

", " Bailiff of the, 6

", Sheriff of, to be reimbursed from conventiclers' estates of the charges made for embarking, &c., the said conventiclers, &c., 362

", Warrant to the sheriff of, to convey conventiclers to the port of London for embarkation, 362, 364, 367, 370

Middlesex, sheriff of, Fines paid to the, 323, 370

", sheriff of, Order for a reward to be paid by the, 235

", sheriff of, writ of venire facias addressed to the, A, 51

", London and, sheriffs of, Letter addressed to the, 238

", London and, sheriffs of, Prisoners transported by the, 327

Middleton, Richard, 371

", Sir Thomas, 308

", Thomas, gent., 96

", Tyas, co. York, 41

Midwinter, Edward, 272

Milburne, Thomas, 229

Mildemay, Sir Henry, knt., 192 (2)

", Robert, gent., 260

Mile End, co. Midd., 5, 12, 27, 165, 236, 343. 344

" ", Parish of, Stepney, 236

" ", Assessment made at, for furnishing, &c., the new workhouse at Clerkenwell, 337

" ", Conventicle held at, 343, 344, 353

" ", green, Riotous assembly at a meeting of quakers upon, 353

" ", in the parish of Stepney, 276

Milk and mercury, Mixing (poison), 281

" Street, 341

Millard lace, Embroidered, 79

Miller, John, 247, 292, 299

", Marie, 280, 281

", " milites subter duce," 305

Milles, John, 376

", see Mills

Millett, Mary, 126

Mills, Isaak, 205

", John, 373

", Richard, 75

", see Milles

Milton, Christopher, esq., 144

", John, 214, 289

", co. Kent, 76

", Thomas, 124

Milton, Thomas (touching the death of),

", 182 (2)

", William, 57, 111

Mims, South, co. Midd., 5, 19, 94, 123, 177

", " Parish of, 19, 94

", " Weekly assessment made in, for relief of persons infected, 63

", " High and petty constables of, 67

", " Parishioners of, 6

", " Whipping post and cucking stool to be erected at Rickes End, 6

Mincing Lane, 386

Minehead, co. Somerset, 48

Minister preaching, &c, against the restoration in Twickenham parish church, A, 308

Ministers, Act for the confirmation and restoring of, 308 (2)

Minories, The, 166, 168, 258, 363

", in Aldgate parish, The, 197

", The liberty of the, assessment made in, for furnishing &c. the new workhouse at Clerkenwell, 337

", Lane, St. Dunstan's-in-theEast, 271

", Little, 167, 243

", Mint, The, 273

", Le Trinitie in the, 91, 97, 98, 242 (3), 312

", " Parish of, 97

Minorites, see Minories

Minshall, Peter, 312

Minsterley, John, 96

Mint Minories, The, 273

Minterne, John, 332

Minurs, Richard, 290

Mitchell, Ellen, 269

", James, 269

", Richard, 244

", see Michell

Mithridate, &c., Confection of, 50

Mogges, Edward, 203

", Mary, 203

Mogill, Brian, gent., 385

Mohair gown, &c., A, 30

Molleston, co. Pembroke, 146

Moncaster, John, 250

-, Angels, Elizabeth, 9
-, Crowns, half, Counterfeit king Charles, 91, 194, 263
-, " " Counterfeit Commonwealth, 194, 263
-, Ducats, Double double gold, 268
-, " Hungary gold, 6
-, Gold, Coined, 89
-, Noble," piece of gold called a "role, 89
-, Piece, Queen Elizabeth . . ., 86
-, Pistolets, Double, 268
-, " Spanish double double, 268
-, Portugueses, Gold, 268
-, Shilling pieces, ten, King Charles, counterfeit, 57
-, Shillings, Elizabeth, Counterfeit, 67
-, " King Charles, 56
-, " " Counterfeit, 57, 67, 72, 91, 194
-, " Commonwealth, Counterfeit, 194
-, Sixpences, King Charles, 56
-, " " Counterfeit, 57, 111
-, Thirty shilling piece of gold, A Queen Elizabeth, 268
-, " " pieces of gold, King James, 268
-, Twopences, King Charles, Counterfeit, 73
-, Turkey piece of gold, A, 268
-, Vespasian, A piece of gold called a, 268

Money boxes, Silver, 380

" Counterfeit, 57 (2), 67, 72, 91, 108, 111, 112, 118, 119, 194, 263, 285, 297

" ", Utterer of, to be imprisoned for life and forfeit all personal goods and profits of land, 91

Monk, General, Proposing the health of, 389

", " Treasonable words wishing the King and, were hanged, 303

Monke, John, 100

Monken Hadley, co. Midd., 178

" ", Parish of, 178

Monmouth, co., 143, 146

", co. Monmouth, 146

", Robert, earl of, 54

Montgomery, co., 146

", Earl of, see Pembroke, &c.

Moody, George, 23, 25

Moodye, George, 19

Moolde, William, 168

Moone, Charles, gent., 368

", Christopher, gent., 368

Moor Lane, St. Giles's-without-Cripplegate, 97, 161

Moore, Edward, 27

", Charles, lord, 42

", Richard, 97, 380

", Solomon, 249

", Thomas, esq., 268

", Thomas, 236

Moorfields, field at the end of the town of, A, 15

", Rioting in, and house pulled down at, 199 (2)

", to Charing Cross, Rioters proceeding from, on the sabbath-day, 102

", Tumult in, on the sabbathday, 102

", Houses for windmill-keepers in, converted into alehouses, to be suppressed, 15

", The wrestling ground 339

More, Henry, 164

", Martha, 164

Morecott, Mrs., 165

Moreton, Thomas, S.T.P., late bp. of Durham, 101

Morford, Richard, 247

Morgan, David, gent., 193

", John, 335

", Robert, 257

Morgan's Rents, Stepney, 258

Morganne, Christopher, 169

Moris, Henry Eliott alias, 9

", see Morris

[? Morland], Morton, co. Westmoreland, 45, 133

Morley, Jane, 219, 220

", John, 219

", Thomas, 252

Morrell, Michael, 287

Morris, Humphrie, 272

Morris, Robert, 262, 263

", Sir William, knt., one of the principal secretaries of state, 320

", William, 186

", see Moris

Morse, Henry, clerk, 94, 112, 121

", " (a Jesuit), 180

Mortality in the parishes of Midd., Bodies to be viewed and returns made weekly of numbers dead, with nature of disease, &c., to the parish clerks, as done in the city of London, 277

Morton [? Morland], co. Westmoreland, 45, 133

Mosse, John, 255

Mother-of-pearl box, A, 275

" " cabinet of, A, 201

Mott, co. Sussex, 104

", William, 137

Moulter, Philip, M.D., 194

Moulton, Edward, 297

Mounson, William, viscount, 235

Mountague, Henry, 75 (2)

Mountebank, A, 219

Mowbray, Godfrey, 276

Moyes, Elizabeth, 377

Muncaster, John, 182

Muckishove, Stephen, 263

Muff, see Apparel, prices of

Mugwell Street, London, 147

Mulgrave, The earl of, 30

Mullines, Thomas, 314

Mumpesson, Sir Giles, knt., 41

Munday, Richard, 236

Munkwicke, co. Essex, 33

Munne, Ann, 12

Munnings, John, 183

Murder and charges of, 2, 6, 11, 18 (2), 20, 21, 22, 26, 29, 40, 42, 43, 62, 107, 110 (2) 112, 124, 193, 202, 205, 209, 219, 221, 223, 233, 234, 248, 249, 254, 260, 285 (2), 288 (2), 289, 291 (2), 293, 297 (2), 298 (2), 299 (4), 300 (2), 301 (2), 314, 315, 319, 320, 321, 323, 325, 331, 334, 335, 350, 368, 369 (3), 371 (2), 372 (2), 379, 382, 383, 389

" of Charles I., To answer for the, 365

" by strangulation, 11

Murderer to be hanged in chains, A, 291

Murderer to be hanged on a gibbet in Covent Garden for three hours, A, 288

" to be hanged on a gibbet before his door for three hours, A, 288

" to hang from seven in the morning till seven in the afternoon, A, 110

" to be executed where the deed was done, A, 110

" Harbouring a supposed, 11

" drawn on a hurdle to the place of execution, A, 110

Murderers producing the king's pardon, 331

Murrey, Mungo, gent., 184

Muschamp, John, gent., 191

Mustard seed, Stealing, 37

Mute, Culprits standing, 111, 112, 120, 126, 202, 223, 270, 283, 284 (2), 285 (3), 286, 287, 288 (2). 289 (2), 290, 291 (2), 293 (2), 295 (3). 296, 350, 372

", Judgments on conventiclers standing, 322, 348, 352 (2), 353, 354, 355 (2), 356 (2), 357 (2), 358 (2), 359 (2), 360, 366, 367

", see Silence

Mutiny of seamen on Tower Hill, 225

" &c. among soldiers and sailors on Tower Hill, Raising a, 163

Mynors, Henry, clerk, 77, 115 (3)


Naburn, or Naborne, co. York, 46, 131

Nag's Head tavern, Clerkenwell, The, 272

Nails, Embezzling, 10

Napkins, 17

", Diaper, 251

Naples-biscuits, 319

Napp, Thomas, 296

Napper [an adulterer], A, 217

" Hugh, 330

Napping houses [brothels], Keeping, 217 (2)

" men, 217 (2)

" see Brothels, &c.

Nash, John, 201, 305

", Robert, 256

Nash, Thomas, 313

", William, 317

Naunton, Sir Robert, knt., master of the court of wards and liveries, xi, 54

Navy, The treasurer of the, 232

Nayler, William Young alias Wallis alias, 29

Naylor, Jerman, 371

", Thomas, gent., 7

Neale on the judgments on conventiclers, 349

" John, 330

" Richard, 328

" see Neele

Neave, Nicholas, 312

Neck cloths, see Apparel, prices of

Necklaces of glass beads, 225

" see Jewellery, prices of

Necton, co. Norfolk, 145

Needle, Thomas, 57

Needlemakers [Company], The, 170

Needler, John, gent., 309

", Thomas, 84

Needles of iron (poisonous), Making counterfeit, 170

Neele, William, esq., 71

", see Neale

Neighbours, Arresting, on frivolous actions, 164, 165

Nellson, George, 169

Nelson, Robert, esq., 176

", alias Valentyne, William Hammond alias, 77

Nesbett, co. Durham, 45, 134

Netlingham, Susan, 278

Nevill, George, esq., 368, 369

", Sir Henry, knt., 220

", Katherine, 220

New England, 348

" Exchange, The pillory in the Strand near the, 388

" Exchange, The rails of the, 69

" Market, Defrauder to stand upon a stool in the, and be whipt back to Newgate, 293

" prison, The, 3, 162

" ", Clerkenwell, Committal to the, 216

" ", Calendar of conventiclers committed to the, 329

" ", Clerkenwell, A professed jewess committed to the, 186

New prison, Adam Bolton, keeper of the, 3

" ", Keeper of the, 186

" ", A prisoner in the, 183

" trade, Company of the merchants of England for discovery of the, 29

Newark-upon-Trent, Seditious speech, that the queen left a bastard at, 101

Newbolt, co. Derby, 48, 133

Newburgh, Lord, 110

Newcastle, co. Northumberland, 47, 132

Newell, John, 340

", William, 330

Newgate, Committals to, 34, 40, 62, 93, 211, 341, 367, 376

", Conventiclers sent to, 323, 341

", Refusing to aid constables in conveying conventiclers committed under warrant to, 370 (3)

", Forgers fined and to remain in, until their fines be paid, 388

", Gaol deliveries of, see Gaol deliveries

", market, 203

", To answer for aiding in escape of a prisoner from, 186

", Prisoners in, 4, 87, 180 (2), 193, 195, 207, 247, 263 (2), 276, 292, 307, 335

", St. Sepulchre's-without-, 89

", Defrauder to stand upon a stool in the new market and to be whipt back to, 293

Newington, 319

", see Stoke Newington

Newman alias Newnam, Edward, 217, 218

" alias Newnam, Elizabeth, 217, 218, 289 (2)

" Walter, 247

Newnam Edward Newman alias, 217, 218

" Elizabeth Newman alias, 217, 218, 289 (2)

Newport, Mountjoy, earl of, Petition of, to annul his daughter's marriage, 237

", co. Monmouth, 146

", House, 248

Newton, John, gent., 3

", John, 175

", Thomas, gent., 37

Newton, see Nuton

Niccolls, John, 356, 359

", see Nicholls

Niccolson, Edward, esq., 3

", Michaiah, gent., 36

Nicholas, Caleb, 376

", Mathewe, 239

Nicholis, William, 257

Nicholls, Richard, 163

", Thomas, gent., 242

", Thomas, 242

", see Niccolls

Nickson, John, 304

", Thomas, 334

Night bag, A velvet, 79

" carts not to be overfilled to spill soil in the streets, under penalty, &c, 227, 228

" walker, A, 57

Nightingale frigate, The, 232

" Lane, co. Midd., 265. [313]

" ", near East Smithfield, 311

" ", St. Botolph's, Aidgate. 304, 335

Nightingall Lane, [265], 313

Nine pins (a game), 189

" " alias Cloiscailes (an unlawful game), 202

Noades, George, 169

Noble Street, London, 97, 360

Noland, James, 255

", Margery, 255

Noller, John, 164

Non cul nec se retr', Editorial remarks on, xiii, 286, 288

Norfolk, co., 144, 145, 146, 147, 186, 197, 305 341

Norfolke, John, 167

Norgrowe, Richard, 321, 322

Norman, John, 333

Norris, Gilbert, 93

North, Grace, 171

", John, gent., 85, 86

", John, 126

", Mary, 287

", Richard, 105, 295

", Riding, co. York, 166

Northall, co. Hertford, 272

", Weekly assessment made in, for relief of persons inrected, 63

Northampton, co., 71, 76, 160, 200, 204, 383

Northcott, Samuel, 225

Northen, Edward, 281

Northropp, co. Lincoln, 65, 141

Northumberland, co., 46, 47, 132, 134

", Henry, earl of, 17

Norton, Sir Edward, bart., 202, 203

", Folgate, 313, 340

", " liberty of, Conventicle held in the, 343, 345

", " Market kept at, 13

", " Revelling merchants at, 254 (2)

", " Affronting, &c, the officer of, 254 (2)

", John, 351

", Thomas, 305, 306

", Sir Walter, knt., 65, 141

Norwich, co. Norfolk, 144, 145, 147

", Thorpe-by-, co. Norfolk, 146

Norwood, co. Midd., 60

", Parish of, 60

", &c., Weekly assessment made in, for relief of persons infected, 63

Nottingham, co., 48, 65, 133, 141

", co. Notts, 133

Noxe, James, gent., 322

", Robert, gent., 322

Nuby, Frances, 237

", Richard, 237

Nuisances, 163, 164 (2), 226, 227, 228, 252

", by using unlicensed hackney coaches, Committing, 252

Nulty, Edmund, 172

Nun, Dorcas, 379

Nunne, Anne, 387

", Edmund, 387

Nurse, George, 163

Nuton, Christiana, 181

", Edward, 181

", see Newton

Nuttall, Richard Smith alias, 327

", Thomas, 327


O'Conner, William (an Irish priest), 171

Oar, murder committed with an, A, 371

Oates, John, 278

Oath of abjuration, &c, Form of certificate to be used in the case of recusants refusing to take the, 238, 239

" abjuration, Refusing to take the, 265

" allegiance, 376 (2)

" allegiance, Refusing to take the, 106, 115, 117, 183 [319], 323, 325 (2), 328 [330], 331, (2)

" allegiance, Conventiclers refusing to take the, 310 (2)

" allegiance, person refusing to take the, to forfeit all goods, chattels, lands, &c, A, 106

" allegiance, A woman imprisoned to take the, 123, 124 (5)

" supremacy, 376 (2)

" supremacy, Refusing to take the, 173 (2)

" supremacy, Heavy recognizance to answer. &c, for refusing to take the, 80

Oaths, Swearing, 179, 184

Oatley, John, 316, 318

Obedience (sic) [Allegiance], oath of, Committals to gaol for refusing to take the, 319, 330

Obstruction of highways by hackney coachmen plying for fares, 105 (2)

Ockford, Thomas, 164

Ockould, John, gent., 163

Ofeild, Nathaniel, 330.

Officer, Refusing to aid and assist an, 236

", in the execution of his duty, Affronting an, 254 (2)

", allowing a prisoner to escape, 305, 306

", Threatening and abusing an, 256

Officers, see Constables, Headboroughs

Ogle, Thomas, 3

Oil, Suspicion of stealing a bottle of, 171

", Stealing a hogshead of, 60

Okeley), John Okes (alias, 40

Okes (alias Okeley), John, 40

Old Bailey, The, 10, 66, 68 (2), 222, 241, 242

Old Bailey Court House, Gaol Deliveries at the, 106 (3), 107, 108 (2), 109 (4). 110, 111 (3), 112, 113(3), 116, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 126, 283 (2), 285, 286, 288, 289, 290, 292, 294, 295, 296, 304

" Court House, Special and other sessions of oyer and terminer held at the, 108 (2), 116, 119 (3)

" Justice Hall in the, 85

" Justice Hall, Sessions of the peace for the city of London held at the, 210

" Justice Hall, Quarter sessions of the peace for London and Middlesex held at the, 272 (2)

" Brentford, see Brentford

" Bridewell, London, 168

" Change, London, 341, 357, 359

" Fish Street, London, 11, 361

" Jewry, London, 178

" Street, co. Midd., 57, 100, 163, 170, 239

" ", St. Giles's, Cripplegate, The beadle of, 72

Oldham, William, 330

Oliver, Charles, 362

", John, 225, 319

", was as good a man as the king," &c, Treasonable words saying, 316 (2)

Olliver, John, 108

Oney [Olney], co. Bucks, 102

Oram, Rebecca, 279

", Richard, 312

Orchard, Thomas, 330

Order for admission and licensing victualler to keep an alehouse, 30

" for the better government of alehouses, &c, 189

" concerning the reforming of divers disorderly alehouses, &c, 56

" forbidding a needy man to keep an alehouse at Shoreditch, &c., Nullification of an, 30

" as to rate per barrel of strong and small ale and beer, 1

" to suppress alehouses near Hyde Park, 105

Order to suppress alehouses near the windmills in Moorfields, 15

" touching Nicholas Bacon, esq., accused of being the reputed father of a bastard, 212

" touching a gross and revolting blasphemer, 215

" for a blasphemer to be imprisoned and suppressed from keeping any alehouse, &c, 216

" to repair a certain bridge within the parish of St. Andrew's, Holborn, 218

" touching a bridge in Shoreditch, 230

" for a fence of enclosed lands to be broken for the use of passengers, &c, during the time of repairing a bridge in Shoreditch, 230, 231

" for a sick person, suspected of burglary, to be bound in recognizances of £l,000 to appear, &c, 207

" to prosecute for burglaries committed, 196

" suppressing butchers and poulterers trading on the sabbathday, xii, 13, 14

" for a cage and stocks to be provided for St. Giles's-in-theFields, 12

" to apprehend carters, carriers, and waggoners carrying above twenty hundred weight, 195

" for prisoner to remain in custody without bail for cheating, 4

" for inhabitants of Middlesex not to receive into their houses children to nurse, or boarders, &c, 61

" for an uncivil coachman to be kept in prison, &c, 110

" touching the price of sea coals, 212, 213

" that sea coals be not sold above the rate of 12d. the bushel, 213

" for the high constable of St. Giles's-in-the-Fields to wait upon the earl of Southampton, concerning a cage and stocks for the parish, 12

" made for committal for contemptuous speech, &c, in court, 40

Order concerning the embarkation of conventiclers from the port of London, 361

" of the council of state, Counterfeiting an, 261

" to restore £100, &c, deposited by a person on commitment, and afterwards discharged, 193 (2)

" for the minister of Edgware, deprived of his cure, to appear before the justices, &c, 308

" for prisoners reprieved after judgment, to be executed, unless maintained by their friends whilst in prison, till pardon, &c, be procured, 210

" for prosecutor to allow a suspected felon 6d. per diem whilst in prison, 78

" for constable or warder of Clerkenwell to be removed for compounding a felony, 55

" for suspected accessory to a felony of £40,000 to remain in the ho. of correction, 78

" for the detention of a prisoner without bail refusing to discover stolen plate, &c, 7

" that divers persons remove out of St. James, Clerkenwell, to their several parishes where they were settled before the late fire, 387, 388

" for a person to be bailed (in a large sum) for forgery, 211

" to suppress Greengoose fair at Stratford-Bow in whitsun week on account of the plague, 62

" for the gunpowder house in Clement's Inn to be removed if found dangerous, &c., 60

" touching William Hide, master of the free school at Harrow Hill, to be discharged from serving as headborough of Harrow, 208

" for the hemp-mills at ho. of correction to be repaired and another built, 44

" for the better relief of persons visited with the plague, or inhabiting houses so visited at Highgate, 40

Order for highway robbers to be hanged in Holborn, 319

" touching highways and common carriers, 195

" to surveyors to distrain for breaches of by-laws touching highways, 229

" for certificate to be made to the lord keeper to grant benevolences to repair Hillingdon church, &c, 28

" to annul an election of a constable of Hornsey, 52

" for petty hostelries in co. Midd. to be suppressed, 56

" for houses divided into dwellings and tenements to be restored to their former state, &c, 373, 374

" made for a husband to allow £20 per annum for the separate maintenance of his wife, &c, 275

" for the suppression of immoral houses, xii, 13, 14

" touching a professed jewess, 186

" for the proper observance of Lord's day and fast days, 189

" made for the maintenance of the grandchildren of lady Thorowgood, 220

" for prosecutor to pay for maintenance of a prisoner unlawfully detained, 3

" made by justices of the peace for annulment of a marriage on account of age, 264

" of the ho. of commons against celebrating mass, 172

" for a return to be made to the parish clerks, &c, of the mortality in the parishes of Midd., giving nature of diseases causing death, &c, 277

" referring a petition for payment of certain money to justices of the peace, 382

" for pickt hatch to be made to restrain soldiers from entering the women's wards in the ho. of correction, 7

" for house infected with the plague to be shut up, marked with a red cross, guarded, &c, 71, 72

Order for relief of persons, &c., visited with the plague at Highgate, 40

" for repayment of £100, &c., lent to the parish of St. Martin's-inthe-Fields for relief of the poor, 79, 80

" for discharge of a person from prison, 193

" for inhabitants of the liberty of Saffron-hill to levy a rate to repair a bridge, &c., 219

" for rate to be levied for repayment of money lent for relief of the poor of the parish of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, in 1659 a.d., 316

" for a rate or assessment to be raised in certain parishes (named) for the furnishing the new workhouse at Clerkenwell, &c., 337

" for a rate of £400 to be raised in the parish of St. Clement's Danes for finishing the workhouse within the said parish, &c., 318

" for recognizances to keep the peace &c. to be estreated, unless &c., 210, 211

" for stay of estreating of convictions on indictments against recusants, 71

" for stay of process against one of the queen's servants (a recusant), 71

" for stay of process on an indictment against a recusant under sign manual, 71

" for an ill-used covenanted servant to be discharged, her clothes delivered, and wages due to be paid to her, &c., 209, 210

" touching lady Elizabeth Slingsby and her maltreated maid-servant, 209

" for the inhabitants of St. Clement's Danes to deposit soil, &c., in parish of St. Martin's for a certain time, 49

" for an impressed soldier and mariner to receive 40s. annually in respect of hurts, &c., 2, 25

" against tippling, &c., on the Lord's day, &c., to be read in churches, &c., before sermon, 190

Order to transport a prisoner to Barbadoes or beyond the sea, 184

" for suspected catholic priest to be transported beyond the seas, 93

" for a whipping post and cucking stool to be erected at Rickes End, South Mims, 6

" for a public whipping at Harrow for entering enclosed grounds, &c., 282

" to move for a writ to remove one of the coroners for Middlesex, 188

Orders to discharge apprentices from the bonds of apprenticeship, 231, 239

" for assessments to be levied for relief of the parishes of St. Leonard's and Enfield, infected with the plague, 4 (2)

" for certificates to be made to the lord keeper of losses by sea and fire, 16 (2)

" made for contempts of court, 34, 40

" of the lord protector, Counterfeiting, 261, 265

" for rewards to be paid for apprehending felons, 231, 235

" and by-laws touching highways, 228, 229

" of the files and books, temp. Charles I., Curious indictments and, x

Organs and virginals, An itinerant player on, 258

Orpitt alias Allpitt, Thomas, 239

Orton, John, 302

Osbaldeston, Edward, 321

Osborne, John, 291

Osgodby, Osgorby alias, co. York, 41

Osgood, John, 278

Osgorby alias Osgodby, co. York, 41

Ossulston, hundred of, The head constable of the, 40

", hundred of, Order made as to the duties of a high constable of the, visiting Highgate concerning the plague, &c., 40

", hundred of, Order made as to maimed soldiers within the, 2

[Osterley] park, Heston, Assaulting and beating servants in, near the warren, 105

Ostliffe, Ralph, 164

Otes, Francis, 167

Our Saviour, picture of, garnished with gold, A, 35

Overing, Francis, 296

Overseers, &c, refusing to make an assessment in their hamlets towards satisfying the charges contracted in the late visitation in maintaining the visited poor, 387

Overton, John, 271

", Richard, 39

[Ovington], Hovington, co. York, 41

Owen, John, 183

", Peircy, 253

", alias Greene, Robert, 298

", William, gent., 249

", William, 330

Ox-flesh, Stealing, 8

Oxborough, co. Norfolk, 145, 146

Oxen, Stealing, 24, 297 (2)

Oxford, Master and scholars of Baliol, 43

", Seditious speech that the queen was delivered of a child at, 103

", Breach of articles for the surrender of, 124

Oxnerd, Anne, 70

", Christian, 69, 70

Oyer and terminer, Summary of sentences on 34 conventiclers arraigned and tried at a sessions of, 367

" and terminer, Warrant under the seals of the commissioners of, to embark, &c, conventiclers, 362, [364], 367

" and terminer, Justices of, 92

" and terminer, Sessions of, held at the Court House, Old Bailey, 116

" and terminer, Special sessions of, held at the Court House, Old Bailey, 119 (3)

" and terminer, Special sessions of, held by adjournment at the Court House, Old Bailey, 108 (2)

" and terminer, Sessions of, held at Hickes Hall, 51, 361 (3), 365, 367

Oyer and terminer, Sessions of, held at Hicks Hall (justices of the peace named), at, 361, 365

Oyles, Thomas, 332

Ozell, Thomas, 251


Pace [Parr], co. Lancaster, [47], 133

Paddington, co. Midd., 20, 42, 58, 66, 130, 135, 139, 143. 154, 197, 338

", Weekly assessment made in, for relief of persons infected, 63

", Anthony Dodd, a minister at, and pretended registrar of the parish of, 234

Padget, Letticia, lady, 27

", see Pagett

Padlock, Removing a, from the door, and illegally breaking into a house, &c., 378

Padlocks of gold enamelled, 53

Page, Damaris, 291

", John, 204

", John Ovenall, 231

", Martin, 109

", Richard, 334

Pagett, Sir Henry, knt., 116

", see Padget

Paine, Daniel, 258, 296

", Henry, 169

", Nicholas, 16

", William, 330

", see Pane, Payne

Paiton, John, 97

", see Payton

Palgrave, co. Suffolk, 145

Pall Mall, St. James' Fields, Quakers meeting at a house in the, 333

Palmer, Richard, 124

", Thomas, 315

", William, 285, 362

Pamphlet entitled "The complaint of journeymen Shoemakers," A, 246

Pamphlets, Hawker and seller of scandalous and seditious, 194

", Printing and publishing scandalous, libellous and unlicensed, 228 (2)

Pamphlets, Selling and uttering unlawful, 104

", and papers, Dispersing sundry scandalous, 246

Pan, brass, A, 72

Pancake, poisoned, A, 42

Pane, Daniell Pyne alias, 270

", John, 336

", see Paine, Payne

Panton, co. Lincoln, 48, 133

Paper-mill, Grinding rags in a, 167

Papers entitled "England's Remembrances, " Dispersing seditious, 253 (2)

Papist, A confessed, 100

", &c., Calling a person a, 251

Papists from London and Westminster, Act of parliament for removing all, 195 (2)

Parchmore, John, 122

Pardon under the great seal, A, 119

" Murderers producing the king's, 331

Pardons granted by the king and allowed by the court, 126

" to prisoners, Free and conditional, 247, 292, 293, 294 (2), 295, 296, 327, 334, 337, 339, 367

Parishes of Middlesex, Churchwardens of the, to appoint persons to view the bodies of persons dying within their parishes, &c., 277

Park (?), Christopher, lord, 272 (2)

Parker, Anne, 306

", Doctor, 377 (3), 379

", George, 330, 351

", John, 22, 107

", Mr. (justice of the peace, co. Kent), 193

", Philip, 160

", Thomas, 125, 126, 166

", William, 339

Parkes, John, 180

", William, governor of the ho. of correction, 108

Parkhurst, Sir William (justice of the peace), 56

Parliament, act of, Counterfeiting an, to collect contributions, &c., 217

", Act of, for removing all papists from London and Westminster, 195 (2)

Parliament, Committee appointed by, for atheistical blasphemy, &c., 197

", Disturbing and threatening, 100

", refer matters to the assembly of divines, 187

", Drinking healths to the confusion of, 194, 207, 208

", Depraving, 192

", Taking up horses under pretence of a warrant from, 176

", minister reading in church a proclamation of the Commonwealth, A, 308

", Order of, touching the price of sea coals, 213

", Order made by, to examine persons concerning a felony to the value of £40,000, 78

", Petitioning, 100

", Reviling, and seditious speeches against, 82 (3), 84, 87, 88, 90 (2), 92, 94, 95. 96 (2), 97, 98, 102, 103. 117 (3). 121, 122 (3), 123 (6), 126, 127, 173, 175, 176 (2), 178, 179 (3), 180, 182, 183, 184, 192, 194, 195 (2), 197 (2), 203, 205 (2), 208, 260, 284

", Reviling a lord of, 90

", houses of, Rioter to appear at command before the, 115, 116

", houses of, Rioters imprisoned at the order of the, 115 (2), 116

", Accusing the minister of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, of serving against the, 185

", Singing reproachful songs against 178

", &c., Speaker of the, William Lenthall, esq., 189

", Threatening to invent a new curse upon the, 184

", houses, Wishing the, to fall on certain persons, 87

Parliamentarian soldiers, Reporting false news of the, 177

Parliamentarian soldiers called traitors, 175

Parliamentary army, Wishing confusion to the, 205

" commissioners, 205 (2)

" committees, Reviling, 102

Parr, Ellen, 177

", [Pace], co. Lancaster, 47, [133]

", Thomas, 177

Parrant, Clement, 11

Parratt, Robert, 328

Parrey, Dorrethy, 252

", see Parry

Parriss, Robert, 296

Parry, Robert, 271

", Sarah, 233, 247, 292

", Simon (or Symon), gent., 221 (2), 290

", see Parrey

Parshar, Thomas, 232

Parsons, Anne, 126

", Hugh, 120

", Joan, 79, 247, 292

", John, esq., 260

", William, 79

Partheere, co. Monmouth, 146

Partridge, Edmund, 10

", Robert, 269

Passports, Counterfeit, 39, 48

Patient, Going to bed with a sick, 266

Patients, Cruelly beating and bruising, by an unlawful practitioner, 219, 220

Patrick, William, 336

Patten, Thomas, 370

Paul's Wharf, St. Peter's parish, London, 240, 353

Pavement of a new quarter generally paid for by a parochial rate, 228

" New, from the lower end of the pound towards the church of St. Giles's-inthe-Fields to be kept in repair by the inhabitants thereof, 227

Pavements, &c., Householders responsible for cleanliness, &c., of, before their doors, 228

", before habitations, &c., to be kept in repair by landlord, or occupier of the house, 226, 228

Pavements made at the parish charge, 227

Pavy, Francis, gent, 322

Pawlin, Mabell, 285

Pawlyn, Thomas, 169

Pawmer, Richard, 97

Pawning a cloak in part payment for press money, 163

Payne, Daniell, 257

", see Paine, Pane

Payton, John esq., The wounding of, 71

", see Paiton

Pazemore, John, 169

Peace, clerk of the, Warrant to the, to give out printed licences to keep alehouses, 190

", Clerk of the, to enter on session rolls the form of certificate to be used in the case of recusants refusing to take the oath of abjuration, &c., 238

", Samuel, 383

", William, 339

Peach, John, 252

Peacock, Thomas, 333

Peacocke, William, 298

Peake, Richard, 330

", Thomas, 334

Peaks [lace], Corle, 225

Pearce, Henry, 257

", Moses, 257

", Thomas, 257

", Thomas, the younger, 257

", William, 257

", see Pearse, Peirce

Pearl, mother-of-, A cabinet of, 201

Pearls, 39, 44, 60, 87, 95, 191, 198, 222, 235, 267, 315, 380

Pearse, Richard, 186

", see Pearce Peirce

Peast, Andrew, 276

Peaton, James, 362

Peck, Robert, 178

Pecke, Thomas, 196

", William, gent., 34

Peere, William, 230

Peerson, Leonard, gent., 204

", see Peirson

Peeters alias Benfield, Richard, 301

Pegg, Richard, 34

Peine forte et dure, Persons sentenced to the, 111, 112, 120, 126, 202, 223, 270, 283, 284 (2), 285 (3), 286, 287, 288 (2), 289 (2), 290, 291 (2), 293 (2), 295 (3), 296, 350, 372

Peine forte et dure, temp. Charles I. and the Commonwealth, Sentences to the, xxi

" " ", described, The punishment of, 350

Peirce, Thomas, 126, 377

", see Pearce, Pearse

Peirsall, William, 251

Peirson, Elizabeth, 208, 288

", Jacob, 280

", Phillipp, gent., 229

", Richard, 208

", alias George Grimes, Samuell, 273

", see Peerson

Pelican on Wapping Wall, The, 302

Pellatt, Francis, gent., 201

Pellinell, James Ba . . . . de, 324

Pemberton, William, 310

Pembroke, co., 146

", The earl of, 97

", and Montgomery, John, earl of, 41

Penal death-rate temp. Charles I. with the penal death-rate temp. James I., Comparison of the, xx

" " " of Middlesex temp. Charles I. and Commonwealth, xvii

Pencil, Silver, 381

Pendarves, Richard, 388

Pendents, Diamond, see Jewellery, prices of

Pendocke, Mary, 301

Peniston, Anne, lady, 98

Penn, Kathevine, 100

Pennell, Thomas, 365

Penny, Giles, esq., 143

Penrose, co. Monmouth, 146

Penruddock, Suspicion of holding correspondence with, and assisting in his escape to France, 246

Pens, Silver fountain, 380

Penteye [Penterry], co. Monmouth, 143

Pentreback, co. Monmouth, 146

Pepper, Stealing, 37

", box, see Plate, &c.

", William, 368

Perch, Stealing, 54

Percy, Robert, 24

Perdeney, Francis, 247

Perice, William, 57

Period and sources of the present volume, v

Periwigs, 257

Perjury, 51, 52

Perkins, Dorothy, 239 (2)

", Henry, 330

", John, 310

Perriman, John, 310

Perrivale, Weekly assessment made in, for relief of persons infected, 63

Perrot, Thomas, 240

Perrott, Edward, gent., 369

Perryn, John, 29

Person, A suspected, 3

Persons, Dangerous and suspicious, 257

", Enticing and inveigling, aboard ships to transport them beyond the seas, &c., 100 (2), 181, 182, 185, [224], 230, 233, 239 (2), 253 (2), 255, 256, 257 (2), 259 (2), 261, 262, 263, 266 (2), 269 (3), 271, 274, 278, 279, 302, 303, [306], 315, 326, 331, 335(2), 336 (2), 351, 367. 381

Pesthouse, person infected with the plague taken to the, A, 72

Peterborough, earl of, A warrant from the, 176

Peters, William, lord, 259

Peterson, Joan, 287 (2)

Petition of the inhabitants of Hillingdon for letters patent to collect a benevolence for repair of their parish church and steeple, 28

" for payment of money expended on the poor of High Holborn during the visitation of the plague, 382

" of poor prisoners in the gatehouse, Westm., 101

" for recognizances estreated, to be discharged, &c., 210

" of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of St. James's, Clerkenwell, 388

" of the inhabitants of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, concerning the plague, 3

Petition of scavengers and rakers, 100

" of a maimed soldier referred to justices of the peace, 1

" of a wife for maintenance, 275

Petitions to annul marriages, 233, 234, 237

Pett, John, 62, 63

", William, 201

Petticoat Lane, 313, 340

" ", Whitechapel, 326

" ", Inhabitants of, to be overseers of constables of, 14

" ", Notorious and other women at, 13

Pettiface, Thomas, 302

Pettiman, Mary, 293

", see Pettyman

Petty, Christopher, 264

", Isabella, 378

", hostelries within co. Midd. to be suppressed, Order for, 56

", " &c., see Alehouses

", larcency, 8, 54, 294, 297 (3), [? 298], 299 (2), 300 (4), 351

Pettygreene, Peter Greene alias, 221

Pettyman, Mary, 223, 224

", William, 223

", see Pettiman

Pew, Evan, 277

", Richard, 260

Pewter dishes, 91

" quart pot, Killed with a, 383

Phage, Robert, 326

Pheasant, Azarias, 183, 184, 195

", Timothy, gent., 183

", see Phesant

Phenixe, James, 67, 68

Phesant, Mr. Serjeant, 83

", see Pheasant

Phibby Jack, Richard Carpenter alias, 42

Phillip, Peter, 298

Phillipps, John, 330

", Peter, 280, 297

", Winifred, 78

Phillips, William, 303

Phillipson (Phillippson), Signor Francisco (or Franco), Barnardy (or Barnardo), resident for the commonwealth of Genoa, 270, 295

Phillpot Lane, London, 254

Philpott, Villers, gent., 75

Phinee, Abraham, 306, 307

Phippe alias Phipps, John, 247, 292

Phipps, Francis, 102

", John Phippe alias, 247, 292

", Walter, 243

Phyfe, Andrew, 196

Phyrmyne, Joseph, 148

", see Fermyn, Firmin

Physic, Unlawfully practising, and cruelly beating and bruising a patient, 219, 220

Picher, George, 97

Pickais, Agmondisham, esq., 253

Pick-axe, A, 258

Picke, George, 330

Picker, A horse foot, 383

Pickeworth, Launcelott, 264

Pickpocket, A reputed common, 339

Pickpockets, 1, 6, 9, 10

", Accusing collectors of being, 182

Pickt-hatch to restrain soldiers from entering the women's ward in the ho. of correction, A, 7

Pickton (or Picton), co. York, 46, 131

Picture of Charles I., A gold ring with, 380

" of Charles II. set in gold with a pearl hanging at it, A, 380

" . . . . of Henry VIII., A gold, 9

" in silver, Duke of Albemarle's, 381

" A, 280

" of a deboist [debauched] man and woman, by Peter Gnast, 275

" of eight figures dancing, and Bacchus sleeping, A, 275

" of flowers in a circular fashion with statue of a woman, &c., by Vander Ven of the Plague, A, 275

" of fruits, A, 275

" of a man in a three-quarter cloak, by Peter Lely, A, 275

" An oval piece of silver with a, 381

" "A prospective," 262

" of Venus sleeping, in an ebony frame, A, 275

" of a woman in a half-length cloak, by Peter Lely, A, 275

Pictures, Catholic, 193

", A commission to seize foreign, and conniving at same, 363

Pictures, see Jewellery, prices of

Piddock, John, 336

Pider, John, gent., 185 (2)

Pie corner, St. Sepulchre's, 96

Pigeon-holes (a game), 189

Pigg, Andry, 321

", Henry, 183

", Reginald, 321

Piggot, Thomas, 328

Pike staff, Accidentally killed with a, 49

Pile, Thomas, 317

Pilfer from their parents, Enticing children to, 319

Pilfering, Getting into houses by false pretences and, 279

Pilling, co. Lancaster, 47

Pillistone, Askue, 72

Pillory, The, Chancery Lane, 22, 107

", " Cheapside, 70 (2)

", at Temple Bar, A, 117

", at Uxbridge, The, 48

", &c., Forgers to stand upon the, 388

", Informer receiving a bribe, sentenced to stand upon the, in open market, 53

", Persons sentenced to stand upon the, 22, 38, 48, 70 (2), 107, 117, 388

", Persons sentenced to stand upon a, in open market, &c., 48, 53

Pillow, A, 36

Pillowbeers, 29

Pinchback, Robert, 163

Pink, A (small ship), 60

Pinner, &c., Weekly assessment made in, for relief of persons infected, 63

Pinnocke, Thomas, 168

Pins, Nine (a game), 189

", Papers of, 225

Pipe clay, Procuring a mould of the great seal in wax, to be taken in tobacco, 307

Pistol tipped with silver, A horseman's, 267

" " ", A pocket, 267

Pistolets, see Money

Pistols, Pocket, 251

", Shooting with, 219, 234, 248, 260, 314

", Stealing, 72, 89, 194, 270

Pitman, Mary, 222, 292, 293

", Richard, 222

Pittman, John, 31

Plague, Churchwardens, &c., refusing to make an assessment in their hamlets towards satisfying the charges contracted in the late visitation in maintaining the visited poor, 387

", Order for assessments to be made by justices for relief of places infected with the, 4 (2)

", Weekly assessment for relief of persons infected &c., with the, (parishes named), 62, 63

", Breaking into houses closed being infected with the, 64 (2)

", A woman shut up infected with the, and breaking open her doors, &c., 168

", Making a public burial of a person dead of the, &c., 383

", A supposed undue charge for relief of persons infected with the, to be considered, &c., 67

", &c., Order that children shall not be taken in to nurse or boarders, in Midd. during the time of the, 61

", Receiving children and goods from places infected with the, 375 (2), 376

", Constable neglecting his duty, &c., during the time of the, 33

", at Edgware, &c., The, 33

", Person questioned for bringing goods without a certificate from a house suspected to be visited with the, 375

", Embezzling the goods out of houses infected with the, 373, 375

", Embezzling the goods of persons late dead of the, 368, 377 (3)

", Embezzling the goods of a person sick of the, 379

", Greengoose fair, Stratford-Bow, suppressed during whitsun week on account of the, 62

", at Highgate, &c., An order made concerning the, 40

Plague, Persons infected with the, shut up at Highgate, 40

", Recognizances not to gather or store up "hooves" of beasts during the time of the, 167 (2)

", Illegally taking possession of a house, pillaging and carrying away the goods of a person sick of the, whereby she became chargeable to the parish, 377, 378 (2)

", Opening and entering a house infected with the, 379

", House infected with the, to be shut up, marked with a red cross, guarded, &c., 71, 72

", in London, A household removed into the country on account of the, 16

", Direction from the lords of the privy council for preventing the dispersing of the, within the city of London and suburbs thereof, 62

", Petition for payment of money expended by the constable on the poor of High Holborn during the visitation of the, 382

", Citizens of London dwelling in the suburbs during the time of the, 61

", Players at the Cockpit silenced on account of the, 6

", is within three miles of the city of London, Recognizances not to collect rags, &c., during the time the, 167, 168

", Rags sent from London disseminating the, 167

", Recognizances not to gather or store up rags taken in the streets at the time of, 167 (2)

", Bringing a person sick of the, into the parish of St. James, Clerkenwell, 382

", at St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, Inhabitants of, unable to maintain watchmen, buriers, &c., of people infected with the, 3

", at St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, and petition of the inhabitants concerning same, The 3

Plague in St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, £100 borrowed in A.D. 1636 for relief of the poor in time of the, 79

" Taking a person sick of the, out of St. Martin's Lane to Clerkenwell, 382

" greatest in the parish of Stepney than other parishes within or without London, The, 62

" Following trumpeter dead of the, to the grave, with trumpets sounded, &c., 62, [63, 64]

Planer, William, 306

Plant, William, 89

Plantations, Position of conventiclers during exile in the, xxvi

", Conventiclers transported to see Barbadoes, Jamaica, &c.

Planter, The (ship), 239 (2)

Plat, Susan, 179

", see Platt

Plate of a dial with silver circle, A brass, 95

" Indictm nts for stealing jewellery and, x

" Prices of:—
-, Bason and ewer, silver, A, 235
-, Basons, Silver, 15, 89, 90, 251
-, " Large silver, gilded, 89
-, " Silver oval, 10
-, Beaker, silver and gilt, A, 222
-, Beakers, Silver, 11, 240, 244, 255, 256
-, Boats, Silver, 222
-, Bottle, little silver, A, 10
-, " silver wine, A, 10
-, Bowls, Silver, 38, 85, 188, 218, 222
-, " " beer, 11, 28, 201, 236, 246
-, " " drinking, 232, 264
-, " " wine, 201
-, Boxes, Silver, 90, 236, 380
-, " " money, 380
-, " " sugar, 10, 15, 203, 380
-, Can, silver, A, 275
-, Candlesticks, Silver, 15, 60, 90, 203, 235
-, " " gilt, 90
-, Chalice with cover, Silver, 90
-, Cup, silver christening. A, 332
-, Cup, silver college, A, 267
-, " or goblet, A silver, 275
-, " silver maudlin, A, 44
-, " tipped with silver, A little white, 275
-, Cups, Silver, 31, 98, 210, 218 (2) 222, 252, 278
-, " " cawdle, 201, 203, 246, 262
-, " " cawdle, with covers, 222, 232, 251
-, " with covers, Silver, 222, 232
-, " Silver and gilt, 218, 222
-, " " wine, 213, 222, 223
-, Dish, silver fruit, A, 267
-, " " sugar, A, 222
-, Dishes, Silver, 10, 69, 90, 222
-, Ewer, A silver bason and, 235
-, Ewers, Silver, 10, 90, 251
-, " " gilt, 89
-, " " Small, 90
-, Flagons, Great silver, with silver chains, 90
-, Forks, Silver, 10, 90, 236
-, Goblet, A silver cup or, 275
-, Ladles, Silver, 251
-, Pepper box, silver, A, 192
-, Plate, Gilded, 90
-, " in fashion of a ship, large piece of, A, 89
-, Plates, Silver, 3, 203, 235
-, " " Engraved, 10
-, " " Gilded, 90
-, " " for glasses, 10
-, " " Plain, 90
-, " " trencher, 232, 246, 251, 278
-, Platters, silver, Great, 41
-, Porringer and cover, silver, A, 192
-, " silver-gilt, A, 236
-, Porringers, Silver, 11, 28, 44, 89, 203, 222 (2), 223, 236, 267 (2)
-, Pot, silver, A, 90
-, " " medicine, 203
-, Pots hooped with silver, 275
-, Salt, silver, A great, 222
-, Salts, Silver, 10, 11, 85, 90, 91, 201, 213, 218, 222, 235, 264, 267
-, " " gilt, 24, 90
-, " " trencher, 232, 246, 381
-, Saucers, Silver, 203
-, Skillets with covers, Silver, 251
-, Snuffers, Silver, 233
-, " with a silver chain, 90
-, Spoon, silver, A child's, 232
-, Spoons, Silver, 10, 85, 90, 91, 95, 188, 192, 194, 201, (2), 203, 210, 222, 232, 236, 246, 251, 262, 264, 267 (2), 271, 380
-, " " gilt, 11, 218, 222
-, " Gilt, 201
-, " " Little, 11
-, Standishes, Silver, 35, 222, 380
-, Tankards, Silver, 188, 192, 201 (2), 203, 210, 213 (2), 218, 222 (2), 232, 236 (2), 246, 255, 264, 267, 271
-, Trenchers, Silver, 73
-, Tun of silver, A drinking, 43
-, Tuns, Silver, 203
-, Voiders, Silver, 2, 203

", robberies, temp. Commonwealth, xv

", stolen, Prisoner to assist in the discovery of, 2, 7

Plates, Silver, see Plate, prices of

", Silver issue, 380

Platt, Calebb, 224

", John, 92 (2), 120, 121 (2)

", Susan, 92, 121

", William, gent., 182

", see Plat

Platters, see Plate, prices of

Play, Acting a public stage, at the Cockpit, Drury Lane, contrary to law, 282

", Person taken ready dressed, going to act a stage, 198

Players at the Cockpit silenced on account of the plague, 6

Playhouses, &c.:—
-, Cockpit, The, Drury Lane, 282
-, " " next the king's court, Whitehall, 6
-, Curtain, The, Shoreditch, 164
-, Fortune, The, Whitecross Street, ix, 161 (2), 162 (4), 165
-, Red-bull, The, St. John's Street, ix, 168 (2), 279, 280

Pleas, Common, Chief justice of the, 374

", Chief justice of the (Sir Nicholas Hide, knt.), 29

Pleas, Common, A justice of the, (Sir William Jones, lent.), 38

", justice of the, A, (Sir John Keeling, knt.), [361], 363

", justice of the, A, (Sir Robert Twisden, knt.), 361

Plummer, John, 22

", Thomas, gent., 387

Plums, Sugar, 319

Plumsteade, Clement, 341

Plush, 18, 33, 39, 54, 250

", breeches, 31

", coat, A, 31

", doublet, A, 31

Po' se non cul' nec se retr', Editorial remarks on, xiii, 286, 288

Pocket of Francis Quarles, gent., Indictment of Frances Richardson for picking the, x, 9, 10

Pocklington, co. York, 46, 132

Poe, Mr. Doctor, 165

Pofford, Thomas, 330

Points, see Apparel, prices of

Poison, Administering, 42, 50, 79, 110, 111, 114, 205, 281

Poisoners sentenced to be burnt, 42, 111

Poisoning (trespass), 299

Polehampton, . . . ., 224

", see Poulhampton

Polgreene, John, 252

Polhiet, William, 340

Pollard, Elizabeth, 235

Pollen, Robert, 349

Pollester, Ralph, 81

Pomeere, William, 175

Poole, Elizabeth, 6

", John, 176

", William, 6

Poor of Middlesex, Certificatory letter, &c., of the president and governors of the corporation for the, 331, 337

" prisoners in the gatehouse, Westm., Petition of, 101

" prisoners in the gatehouse, Westm., Victuals collected for the relief of, 101

Pope, Bartholomew, 312

", Oliver, 112

Popham, George, clerk, 50 (2), 51

Poplar, co. Midd., 5, 153, 262

", Blackwall, Assessment made at, for furnishing, &c., the new workhouse at Clerkenwell, 337

Poplar, hamlet of, The, 262

Porringers, Silver, see Plate, prices of

Porter, Endymion, esq., 151, 156

", Mrs. Olave, 210

", Phillip, gent., 210, 211

", Samuell, 274

", Thomas, gent., 233, 237

", Thomas, 383

Porter's ticket of silver, A, 86

Portland, Richard, earl of, lord treasurer, 52

Portmanteau, A, 222

"Portugals," Special commission to try the, 290

Portuguese ambassador's house, Celebrating mass at the, 172 (2), 180

Post on the king's special service, Riding, 166

Pot, brass, A, 72

", silver chamber, A, 79

", Killed with a pewter quart, 383

Pote, Peter, 254

Pothecary, George Inman, alias John Inman, alias, [35], 36

Pots, Flower, 275

", see Plate, prices of

Potten, Phillipp, 250, 251

Potter Brunton, co. York, 46, 131

" John, 267, 268, 296

Potters Handley, Castlehandley late, co. Worcester, 54, 137

Pottinger, Mary, 201

Poulhampton, John, 68

", see Polehampton

Poulterers, &c., for the suppression of their trading on the sabbath-day, Order touching, xii, 13, 14

Poulton, co. Lancaster, 46, 134

Pound, John, 368

", St. Giles's - in - the - Fields, Inhabitants on both sides of the new pavement from the lower end of the, towards the church, to keep the same in repair, &c., 227

", St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, The earl of Southampton to keep the paving good about the, 227

Powell, Sir Edward, knt., and bart., 205

", Henry, 8

", Margaret, Proceedings against, for harbouring a catholic priest, 83, 84

Powell, Dame Mary, 205, 287

", Philip, 383

", Robert, 287

", Thomas, 169

", Tobias, gent., 64

", Ursula, Trial and execution of, for adultery, xxii, 287

", William, gent., 210

", William, 317

Power, John, 264

Poynton, co. Chester, 47, 132

Practice of christianity, The, (book), 36

Pratt, Nathaniel, 296

", Robert, 271

", Thomas, gent., 388

", Thomas, 274

Preaching house, Committal for keeping a, 329

Pregion, Francis, M.D., 65, 141

Pregnancy, plea of, A, 208

", ", allowed, A, 287

", Pleas of, disallowed, 107, 110, 111, 214, 287

", Reprieves on account of, 32, 36, 85, 108

Presbyterian plot, Calling the restoration a, 308

Prescod, William, 375

Prescott, John, 100

Preshire, Thomas, 216

Press men with a counterfeit warrant, Aiding and assisting to, 169

" money, Pawning a cloak in part payment for, 163

Pressed man, Rescuing a, from a constable, 164

" for a soldier, Un'awful composition to be freed from being, 163

" for a soldier, Unlawfully exacting money to free a person, 164

Pressing gentlemen in the fields without licence, &c., in order to extort composition, 169

" of men to serve as soldiers, Unlawfully, 383

Prest money (arra), 15 (4), 17

" seamen, Rescuing, from prestmasters, 224

Prestmasters, Rescuing prest seamen from, 224

Preston, co. Durham, 47, 132

", co. Lancaster, 47, 132

[Preston - Gubbals], Beston - Gubballs, co. Salop, 145

" William, 335

Prestwich, Thomas, esq., 47

Prestwitch, Thomas, esq., 133

Price, Edward, clerk, 338

", Edward, 247

", George, 220

", Hellen (or Helen), 32, 108

", Joseph, gent., 322

", Mary, 278

", Richard, 364

", William, 277, 278

Prichard, Jeane, 372

", Mr., minister of West Drayton, Disturbing, whilst preaching a funeral sermon, 271

Pride, Thomas, colonel of the army, Depraving, 192, 284

Priest, Apprehending a, by a pretended thief-catcher and releasing him on receiving money, 273

", An Irish (William O'Conner), 171

", Rescuing a, 265

", catholic, Accusation for being a, 5

", catholic, Charged with being a, 282

", catholic, to be executed for returning to England, A, 121 (3)

", catholic, House of Lords informed of the proceedings for feloniously receiving a, 83

", catholic, A quashed indictment against a, 77

", catholic, Record of a special finding of a jury touching a, 81

", catholic, Petition, &c., of a suspected, to be transported beyond the seas, 93

", catholic, Converting a protestant to become a, 258

", cathoiic, Refusing to aid in search for a, 160 (2)

Priests, &c., catholic, Neglecting to assist in execution of warrant for apprehending, 245

", catholic, Harbouring, &c., 51, 78, 83, 84, 91, 98

", catholic, celebrating mass, 17, 50, 244 (4)

Priest, catholic, Ordination of, 50, 51, 73, 75, 76 (2), 77 (4), 78 (3), 80, 81, 83 (2), 84, 91 (2), 92 (2), 94, 198 (2), 199, 215, 216, 225, 255

", catholic, Prosecutions, of, 50, 51, 73, 75, 76 (2), 77 (4), 78 (2), 80, 81, 83 (3), 84, 91 (2), 92 (2), 94, 112, 114 (10), 115 (7), 116 (8), 117 (3), 120, 121, 166, 171, 198 (3), 202, 215, 216, 225, 237, 255, 285, 286 (2), 288, 289, 290, 292, 293 (2)

", catholic, Suspicion of being, 93, 180, 247, 273 (2)

Prince, William, 183

Prison, new, The, 3, 162, 183

", " Clerkenwell, A committal to the, 216

", " Calendar of conventiclers committed to the, 329

", " Clerkenwell, A professed Jewess committed to the, 186

", " Keeper of the, 186

", " Adam Bolton, keeper of the, 3

", " A prisoner in the, 183

Prisoner to escape from Newgate, Charge of aiding a, 186

" A headborough, &c., allowing a, to escape, 305, 306

" to beat hemp and to live upon what he gets, A, 109

" released from Chelsea college not to depart out of the city of London, &c, A dutch, 380

" respited on account of feebleness, A, 121

" Rescuing a, from a constable, 167

" unlawfully detained, Prosecutor to pay for maintenance of a, 3

Prisoners in the gatehouse, Westm., Petition of poor, 101

" in the gatehouse, Westm., Victuals collected for the relief of poor, 101

" convicted and pardoned, Memorandum touching, 247

" pardoned to be delivered, 247, 292, 296

Prisoners pardoned to be transported, 247, 292, 293, 294 (2), 295, 327, 334, 337, 339, 367

" respited on charges of sedition for the court to take counsel, 74, 113

" transported, Editorial remarks on, 292

Prissicke, Francis, 115

Pritchett, Frances, 42

", James, 236

Privy council, Lords of the, 6, 43, 62, 82

" seal, A forged sign manual and, 265

" ", A genuine, affixed to a spurious sign manual to raise volunteers, 66, 113

" search, Warrants of, 253, [259]

Process book of indictments from 6th October, 7 Charles I., to 4th December, 16 Charles I., vi

" book of indictments, Particulars taken from the, 128–159

Prockter, Thomas, 337

Proclaiming Charles Stuart king of England, 205, 206, 286, 287

Proclamation against conventicles, 311 (2), 312, 313 (3), 330, 334

" for persons and goods of such whose habitations were destroyed by the late fire in the city of London to be received into neighbouring parishes for relief and shelter, &c., 388

" to execute laws against jesuits and recusants, 238

" Imprisonment forspeaking against the king's, 115

" of the commonwealth parliament, A minister reading in church a, 308

" for strict ward and watch to be kept within the county of Middlesex, &c, 270

Prosecutor to allow 6d. per diem for maintenance of a suspected felon, &c, 78

Prosser, Peter, 379

Prostitutes, Common, taken at a house near the Fortune playhouse, 165

Protector, Lord, see Lord Protector

Protestant religion, Scandalous words against the, 74, 114

Proud, Richard, 260

Prowde (or Provet) [Prudhoe] Castle, co. Northumberland, 47, 132

Prymerose, James, 58

Pryor, Richard, 252

Psalm book, A, 203

Puckleton, John, esq., 51

Puddingmorton [Pudding-Norton], co. Norfolk, 144

Pudsey alias Burrowes, John, 125

Pullen, Charles, 267, 268

Pump a constable, Inciting gentlemen of Lincoln's Inn to, 167

Pumping, Assaulting and, upon false reports, ix, 181 (2)

Punnet, David, 349

Purnell, Richard, 313

Purpoole Lane, co. Midd., 139

" ", Charges made for relief of infected persons within tenements in, 67

" ", in St. Andrew's, Holborn, 324

Purse, A, 37

Purses wrought with gold and silver, 86 Puse = pu' se (puts self), Editorial remarks on, xiv, 222

Putt, William, 105

Pymme, William, 87

Pyne alias Pane, Daniell, gent., 270


Quakers' meetings, 333, 334, 353 (2), 365

" Justices breaking up an unlawful meeting of, 353 (2)

Quanboxhead [Quantoxhead], co. Somerset, 143

Quarles, Francis, gent., Indictment of Frances Richardson for picking the pocket of, x, 9, 10

Quarrel, A, 389

", street, A, [323], 324 (2)

Quarris, Cornelius, 32

Quassett, Francis, alias Robert Redpeith alias Greene alias Holmbie, clerk, 52, 80, 81, 116 (2). 117

Queen Henrietta Maria, see Henrietta Maria

" Street, St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, 17, 281

Queen's Head tavern, East Smithfield, 32

Quendon, co. Essex, 141

Quest viewing, the "common shore," 250

" for High Holborn, The, 250

Quiddenham, co. Norfolk, 147

Quinte, Robert, 112

Quoif, see Apparel, prices of


Raby, co. Durham, 45, 134

Rag gatherers or collectors, 167 (2)

" see Rags

Ragbey [Rugby], co. Lincoln, 141

", see Rugby

Rags, Recognizances not to gather or store, taken out of the streets at time of the plague, 167 (2)

", for paper, Grinding, 167

", see Rag

Rainbird, Richard, 180

Rainesborough, William, esq., 263

Rakers not to overfill their carts under penalty, &c, 227

" Petition of scavengers and, 100

" of seacoal ashes crying dust, &c, 226

Rakes, Newman, 4

Ralfe, Alexander, 303

Ralph, John, 325

Ramsden, William, gent., 98

Ramsey, Walter, 6

Randall, James, 169

", Jonathan, 11, 12

Randoll, George, 179

Ranfeild, co. York, 46, 132

Rankin, Thomas, 340

Rante, Richard, 312

Ranters, 214

Ranting, singing, &c, Disorderly, 254 (2), 256 (2)

Rape, 11, 109, 219

Rapier with massive silver hilt and handle, A, 267

" Stealing a, 51

Rapiers, 249, 254, 315, 318, 331, 334, 368 (2), 369, 379, 382

Raston, Thomas, 180

Ratcliffe, Allan, 190

", co. Midd., 29, 51, 93, 142, 143, 164, 169, 196, 215, 216, 305, 313, 335, 349

", in the parish of Stepney, 4, 51, 153, 271, 341, 353

", Parish of, 29

", Assessment made at, for furnishing, &c, the new workhouse, at Clerkenwell, 337

", hamlet of, Churchwardens of the, 387

", Highway, co. Midd., 154, 223, 252, 313

", " in Stepney, 318, 329

", " A headborough of, 252

", Inhabitants of, to be overseers of constables of, 14

", The "Maidenhead and Gun" in, 51

", Robert, 125

", Notorious and other women at, 13

Rates assessed for the visited poor of High Holborn, 382

Rathbon, John, gent., 376

Ratsbane alias arsenic, 42

Raunce, Henry, gent., 38

Raven, Andrew, 330

", Mary, 387

Ravenscroft, Thomas, esq. (justice of the peace), 16

Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, 46, 134

Rawley, Magdalen, 56

Rawling, Henry, 244

Rawlins, Edward, 258

", Giles, gent, 254

", Nicholas, 43

", Thomas, gent., 307

", William, 316

", see Rawlyns

Rawlinson, Richard, 258 (2)

Rawlyns, Robert, 101, 102

", see Rawlins

Rawson, Thomas 211, 330

Ray, Edward, 316, 318

Rayman, John, 263

Raynebeard, Richard, 64

Raynton. Sir Nicholas, knt., alderman of the city of London, 93

Read, Joseph, 191

", Thomas, 383

Reade, George, 169

Rebellion, Inciting to, 73

Recognizances of £1,000 and £500, 272 (2)

" of £1,000 for suspected burglar to appear, &c, 207

" Heavy, to keep the peace, &c, estreated, 210, 215 (2)

" stayed from being estreated, 211

" and indictments taken from session of peace rolls temp. Charles I., 160–187

" indictments, coroners' inquisitions, &c. temp. Commonwealth, 188– 282

" indictmen's, coroners' inquisitions, postmortem, &c, &c, 12– 18 Charles II., 302– 389

" Indictments and, of sessions of peace rolls, viii

" of the Commonwealth records, Curious indictments and, xiv

" Heavy, to answer for killing and slaying, 18, 19

Recorder of London, Mr., 93

Records, Commonwealth, Distinguishing characteristics of the, xii

", Commonwealth, Curious indictments and recognizances of the, xiv

", Middlesex county, temp. Charles I., v

", Middlesex county, temp. Commonwealth, xii

", Middlesex county, temp. Charles II., xxiii

Recusancy, Exemption from molestation for, 67

Recusancy, Presentment for, 6

", Traverse to an indictment for, 117, 118, 119

Recusant apprentices, 244, 245

" denying the church of England, &c, A, 165

" not indicted, A, 177

" pleading not guilty, indicted on wrong name, A, 154

" Order for stay of proceedings against a, enrolled in the court of exchequer, 68

" Stay of process on indictment against a, 28

" Order for stay of process on indictment against a, under sign manual, 71

" Order for stay of process against a (servant to the queen), under sign manual, 71

" Order for stay of process on indictment against a, for nine years, 68

" respited because of infirmity, A, 155

" respited on account of dangerous illness, A, 156, 157

" insolent, An, 6

" present at prayers, A, 166

" Scornfully telling a constable she had formerly been a, 98

" keeping a school, A, 200

Recusants, 1 (2), 4, 5 (3), 7, 12, 16, 17 (2), 19, 22, 25, 31 (2), 33, 34, 38, 41 (3), 42, 43, 44, 45 (3), 46, 49 (5), 50, 53 (2), 54 (4), 55 (2), 57 (2), 58, 61, 64 (2), 66 (4), 67, 68, 71 (3). 74, 76, 86, 98, 100, 104 (3), 108, 128, 129, 130 (2), 131, 133, 135 (4), 136 (3), 137, 139 (3), 141 (2), 142 (2), 143 (3), 144 (2), 147, 148, 149, 159, 165, 166, 168, 171, 172(4), 177, 180 (2), 181, 183, 184 (2), 185 (2), 195 (2), 197, 199 (2), 200 (3), 201 (3), 241 (6), 242 (11), 243 (9), 244 (10), 245 (11), 247, 249 (4), 285, 327, 332 (3), 333, 384 (2)

Recusants refusing to take the oath of abjuration, and neglecting to appear before justices to take the said oath, Form of a certificate to be used in the case of catholic, 238, 239

" refusing to take the oath of abjuration, Certificates and schedules of, to be sent sealed, &c., to the barons of the exchequer, 239

" appearing and pleading not guilty, 154, 155 (3), 156, 157 (2), 158 (3), 159 (2)

" convicted for non-appearance, 155, 157

" Confessed, 100, 172, 173, 177, 180, 184 (2), 195 (2), 200, 254, 265

" to deliver themselves to the nearest justice of the peace 172

" Entertaining, 173

" Order for stay of estreating of convictions on indictments against, 71

" producing the king's letters, 140 (2)

" not to dwell within ten miles of the city of London, 172

" appearing and convicted on standing mute, 156 (5)

Recusants, Names and country addresses of:—
-, Abbington, Anne, 8
-, " Bridget, 8
-, " Joan, 8
-, " John, gent., 8
-, " Richard, esq., 5
-, " Richard, gent., 8
-, " Robert, yeoman, 8
-, " see Abington
-, Abbot, Margaret, 8
-, " Mary, 138
-, Abdee, Edward, esq., 5
-, Abdey, Christopher, 108
-, Abington, Richard, gent., 19
-, " William, gent., 61
-, " see Abbington
-, Acton, Francis, late of Stoughton, co. Worcester, gent., 54, 136
-, Acton, Thomas, of Burton, co. Worcester, gent., 142
-, Adams, . . . ., 150
-, " William, surgeon, 150
-, Agneau, James, tapestry maker, 199, 200
-, Aldridge, Elizabeth, late of Ufton [Upton], co. Berks, 140
-, Alexander, Alice, 140
-, " Elizabeth, 140
-, " George, gent, 140
-, " Hester, 49
-, " Jane, 149
-, " Samuel, gent., 140, 149
-, " Samuel, yeoman, 49
-, Allanson, Jane, of and late of Sand Hutton, co. York, 46, 131
-, Allen, Eleanor, 19
-, " Elizabeth, 153
-, " Leonard, late of Forcett, co. York, gent., 41
-, " Margaret, 140
-, " Robert, gent., 31, 59
-, " Walter, gent., 153
-, Alleyne, Elionore, 8
-, Altham, James, gent., 149
-, Anderton, James, of and late of Clayton, co. Lancaster, esq., 47, 133
-, Anne, . . . ., 25, 26
-, Anno, . . . ., gent., 150
-, " . . . ., 150
-, Appleton. John, gent., 86, 150
-, Argyll, The earl of, 143
-, Aris, John, gent., 151
-, Armond, Viscount, 8
-, Arrundell, Blanch, lady, 152, 157
-, " Thomas, gent., 26
-, " and Surrey, Alathea, countess of, 152, 157
-, Ashby, . . . ., 149
-, " William, yeoman, 149
-, Ashton, Thomas, of and late of Croston, co. Lancaster, gent., 47, 132
-, Askewe, Anne, of and late of Greenhoe, Bolton (or Bottome), co. York, 46, 131
-, Atkinson, Anne, 8
-, " Jane, 86
-, " Mary, 8
-, " Peter, "balmaker," 86
-, Atkinson, Thomas, esq., 20
-, Audley, Sir Henry, late of Harrington in Chadgley Corbett [Chaddesley Corbett]co. Worcester, knt., 43
-, " Katherine, late of Westdoniland alias Berechurch, Colchester, co. Essex, 43
-, " see Awdley
-, Avery, Philip, gent., 128, 129
-, Awdley, Sir Henry, late of Wimbish, co. Essex, knt., 134
-, " Sir Henry, knt., 45
-, " see Audley
-, Ayris, William, yeoman, 31
-, Babthorpe, Ralph, late of Osgorby alias Osgodby, co. York, gent., 41
-, " Thomas, late of Osgorby alias Osgodby, co. York, gent., 41
-, Bagley, Anne, 177
-, Baildon, Joan, 243
-, " William, gent., 243
-, Bailey, Margaret, 148
-, " see Baillie, Baily, Bailye, Bayley, Baylie
-, Baillie, Anne, 66
-, " Mary, 141
-, " Thomas, bookseller, 66
-, " see Bailey, Baily, Bailye, Bayley, Baylie
-, Baily, George, gent, 153
-, " see Bailey, Baillie, Bailye, Bayley, Baylie
-, Bailye, Charles, gent, 151
-, " Mary, 151
-, " see Bailey, Baillie, Baily, Bayley, Baylie
-, Bale, George gent., 5
-, Ball, Jenet (or Jenetta), of and late of Windle, co. Lancaster, 47, 133
-, Ballinger, Francis, gent., 199
-, " see Bolanger
-, Baltimore, Lady, 140
-, " Thomas, lord, 140, 141
-, Banbury, . . . ., Countess, 32
-, Banes, John, goldsmith, 144, 147
-, " William, of and late of Wicesdale, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 47, 133
-, Banes, see Bany
-, Banister, Nathaniel, of and late of Altham, co. Lancaster, esq., 47, 132
-, Bannister, Anne, of Cureden, and late of Sneeden, co. Lancaster, 48, 133
-, " Edward, esq, 26
-, " Richard, gent., 5, 23
-, Banricke, . . . ., gent., 151
-, Bany, John, goldsmith, 152
-, " Mary, 152
-, " see Banes
-, Baptista, John Bouclier alias, 137
-, " John Bowcher alias, gent., 58
-, Baptisto, John, gent., 143
-, Barber, . . . ., 12
-, " Anne, 42, 129, 130 (2)
-, " John, yeoman, 12
-, " see Barbor, Barker
-, Barbonne, Bartram di, gent., 243
-, Barbor, Anne, 131
-, " see Barber, Barker
-, Bardon, Henry, surgeon, 150
-, " Mary, 150
-, Bardone, Henry, surgeon, 155
-, " Mary, 155
-, Barker, Anne, 128, 129
-, " Bestney, late of Westdoniland alias Bere-church, Colchester, co. Essex, esq., 43
-, " James, yeoman, 86, 128, 129, 135
-, " John, gent., 141
-, " see Barber, Barbor
-, Barloe, George, late of Slebech, co. Pembroke, esq., 146
-, Barnardo, Francis, merchant, 153
-, " Margaret, 153
-, " Philip, gent., 5
-, " Philip, merchant, 153
-, Barnes, . . . ., 137
-, " Joan, 153
-, " Thomas, late of Seaverne [Severn], co. Worcester, gent., 145
-, " William, musician, 153
-, " William, yeoman, 137
-, Barracke, George, yeoman, 86
-, Barre alias Beare, William, gent., 148
-, Barter, John, gent., 86, 172
-, " John, tailor, 59, 138
-, " Margaret, 129, 131, 138
-, " see Baxter
-, Barthollmew, Lawrence, gent., 153
-, Bartlet, John, M.D, 35
-, Bartlett, . . . ., 12
-, " Elizabeth, 139
-, " John, gent., 20, 25, 138
-, " John, M.D., 12, 139
-, " John, yeoman, 8
-, " Mary, 8, [12], 138
-, " Roland (Rowland) Bartley alias, late of CastleMorton, co. Worcester, gent., 54, 136
-, Bartley alias Bartlett, Roland (Rowland), late of Castle-Morton, co. Worcester, gent., 54, 136
-, Barton, . . . ., gent, 149
-, " . . . ., 149
-, Barwicke, George, yeoman, 154
-, Bassett, . . . ., 151
-, " Anthony, apothecary, 151, 156
-, Batber, Anne, 19
-, " John, yeoman, 19
-, Bawde, William, late of Walgrave, co Northampton, esq., 76
-, Bawmer, . . . ., 150
-, " James, gent, 150
-, Baxter, John, yeoman, 135
-, " Margaret, 128
-, " see Barter
-, Bayley, Valentine, 242
-, " see Bailey, Baillie, Baily, Bailye, Baylie
-, Baylie, George, gent., 148
-, " Margaret, 86
-, " see Bailey, Baillie, Baily, Bailye, Bayley
-, Beadle, Arthur, gent., 172
-, " see Bedle
-, Beakes, Richard, yeoman, 23
-, Beall, John, yeoman, 8
-, Beamont, John, late of Wells, co. Somerset, gent., 143
-, Beamonte, Jane, 8
-, Beare, William Barre alias, gent., 148
-, Beaumont, Robert, gent., 17
-, Beckett, Henry, esq., 153
-, Beckett, William, yeoman, 42, 130
-, Bedingfeild, Elizabeth, late of Holmehall [Holme Hale], co. Norfolk, 146
-, " Robert, late of Oxborough, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, Bedle, . . . ., gent., 150
-, " see Beadle
-, Beesby, Katherine, 154
-, Beesley, John, yeoman, 8
-, Belwood, Mark, M.D., 139, 142, 144, 148, 152
-, Benbowe, . . . ., 59, 138
-, Bennyon, Alice, late of Hartepoole [Hartlepool], co. Durham, 45, 134
-, Bent, Elizabeth, 5
-, " Richard, gent., 5
-, Beranger, Charles, merchant, 244
-, " Elizabeth, 243
-, Berifford, William, late of Scopiacke [Scopwick], co. Lincoln, gent., 133
-, Berisford, Fenton, gent., 8
-, " Mary, 8, 12, 20, 31, 139
-, Berrowe, . . . ., gent., 153
-, " Anne, 153
-, Berry, . . . ., 35
-, " Margaret, 140
-, " Rowland, gent., 35
-, Best, George, of Harlington, yeoman, 333
-, Bestwicke, Anne, 25, 135
-, " William, yeoman, 25, 135
-, " see Beswicke
-, Beswicke, Agnes, 136
-, " Anne, 19, 128, 129, 130, 131
-, " William, shoemaker, 136
-, " William, yeoman, 19, 128, 129, 130, 131
-, " see Bestwicke
-, Betts, Lucy, 98, 184
-, Bierley, Elizabeth, 86
-, " see Byerlye
-, Birch, . . . ., 144
-, " Prudence, 59, 137
-, Bird, Anne, 153
-, " John, late of Wootton Wawen, co. Warwick, gent., 136
-, Bird, Theophilus, gent, 153, 158
-, " William, late of Wotten Woeinge [Wootton Wawen], co. Warwick, gent., 41
-, Bishopp, Ursula, of and late of Pocklington, co. York, 46, 132
-, Blackborne, Anne, late of Scorton, co. Lancaster, 46, 134
-, " Richard, late of Scorton, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 46, 134
-, Blackleite, . . . ., gent, 150
-, Blague, Anne, 8
-, " John, yeoman, 25
-, " Margaret, 25
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 8, 128, 129
-, " see Blake
-, Blake, John, tailor, 19
-, " John, scrivener, 23
-, " Margaret, 19, 23, 86, 138
-, " see Blague
-, Blandy, Nicholas, gent., 139
-, Blomfeild, Thomas, gent, 154
-, Bloomefeild, Joan, 154
-, " Thomas, . . . ., 153
-, Blunt, Charles, gent, 172
-, " Elizabeth, lady, of Penrose, co. Monmouth, 146
-, " Walter, late of Sillington, co. Worcester, gent., 145
-, Boarherd, William, yeoman, 8
-, Bodenham, Roger, late of Rotherwas, co. Hereford, esq., 147
-, " Thomas, late of Rotherosse, co. Hereford, esq., 145
-, " William, late of Bringroyn, co. Hereford, esq., 147
-, Bolanger, Francis, hat-maker, 200
-, " see Ballinger
-, Bolt, John, late of Wolverd Magna [Woolford Great], co. Warwick, gent., 41
-, Bonny, Francis, tobacco-pipe-maker, 140
-, Borough, Phillip, yeoman, 58
-, Bouclier alias Baptista, John, 137
-, " see Bowcher
-, Boulton, Anne, 20, 26
-, Boulton, Edward, esq., 20, 26
-, " Edward, . . . ., 12
-, " Margaret, 12
-, Bourne, Thomas, stationer, 242
-, Boveile, Katherine, 180
-, Bowcher alias Baptista John, gent., 58
-, " see Bouclier
-, Bowells, John, tobacco-pipe-maker, 154
-, Bowen, George, late of Treloyne, co. Pembroke, esq., 146
-, Bowker, Elizabeth of Slipton, co. Northampton, 200
-, Bowles, Elizabeth, lady, late of Louth, co. Lincoln, 133
-, Boyett, . . . ., lady, 151
-, Bradbury, Thomas, late of Shipnam [Shipdham], co., 145
-, Bradshawe, John, late of BestonGubballs [Preston Gubbals], co. Salop, gent., 145
-, Braint, Woolsey, 153
-, Brand, Elizabeth, 138
-, " Jane, 138
-, " Nicholas, yeoman, 128, 129, 138 (2)
-, Brathwaite, Thomas, yeoman, 149
-, Bremingham, Morris, yeoman, 86
-, Brett, Peter, of Claxbie, co. Lincoln, gent., 65, 141
-, Brewen, . . . ., 59, 137
-, " William, yeoman, 59, 137
-, Brewer, Thomas, gent., 152, 157
-, Brian, Alice, 147
-, " see Bryan
-, Brickhill, Joan, 136
-, Brichin, Joan, 23
-, Bridges, . . . ., gent., 140
-, " John, late of Longdon, co. Worcester, esq., 145
-, " Mary, 150
-, " Thomas, gent., 148, 150
-, Bristol, George, earl of, 327
-, Brittaine, . . . ., gent., 150
-, " Dennis, gent., 19
-, " see Britten, Britton
-, Britten, Mary, 25
-, " see Brittaine, Britton
-, Britton, Dennis, yeoman, 23
-, " Mary, 23
-, " see Brittaine, Britten
-, Brocke, Katherine, 128, 129
-, Brodford, Bodnam, late of Weobly, co. Hereford, gent., 147
-, Broffe, . . . ., 59, 138
-, " Nicholas, yeoman, 59, 138
-, " see Brough, Bruffe
-, Brogley, Barteram, gent., 152
-, " Katherine, 152
-, Bromefield, . . . ., gent., 23
-, Bromvaile, Sharlott, 180
-, Brooke, Edward, yeoman, 86
-, " Elizabeth, 25, 136
-, " Mary, 58
-, " William, bookbinder, 58
-, Brookes, Henry, gent., 153
-, " Jane, 19, 22, 25, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135. 136
-, " Mary, 138, 153
-, " Sir Robert, knt., 19, 22, 25
-, " Thomas, gent., 153
-, " William, stationer, 128, 129
-, " William, yeoman, 138
-, Broome, Frances, late of Houlden [Howden ?], co. York, yeoman, 46, 131
-, Brough, Nicholas, yeoman, 86
-, " see Broffe, Bruffe
-, Browne, . . . ., gent, 151
-, " . . . ., 8
-, " Andrew, esq., 140, 143, 155
-, " Andrew, gent., 5, 19, 149
-, " George, gent., 142
-, " Elizabeth, lady, 20, 31, 38
-, " Mary, 135, 149
-, " Thomas, esq., (or gent.), 54. 137
-, " William, of and late of Killinghall, co. York, yeoman, 46, 132
-, Brudenell, Lord, 144, 147
-, Bruffe, Nicholas, coach-harnessmaker, 141
-, " see Broffe, Brough
-, Brunt, John, gent., 151
-, Bruse, Sir Henry, knt., 150
-, " Henry, esq., 150
-, " Robert, gent., 150
-, Bryan, Alice. 8
-, " Terence, late of Henley-inArden, parish of Wootten Wawen. co. Warwick, gent., 54, 137
-, Bryan, Thurels, gent., 152
-, " see Brian
-, Bucken, William, yeoman, 25
-, Buckle, William, of and late of Hepscott, co. Northbld., yeoman, 47, 132
-, Bucklie, John, gent., 151, 156
-, Bugges, Sir Arthur, knt., 138
-, " Sir Anthony, knt., 8
-, Bulmer, Cuthbert, of and late of Scruton, co. York, yeoman, 46, 131
-, Bumstead, John, tailor, 86
-, Burke, Anne, 143
-, " Edmund, gent., 152
-, " Prudence, 143
-, Butler, Bridget, 152
-, " Lawrence, gent., 152
-, Buttery, Anne, late of Nesbett, co. Durham, 45, 134
-, Byatt, Joan, 8
-, Byerlye, . . . ., 150
-, " see Bierley
-, Bythian, Fardinand, of Broadholme, co. Nottingham, yeoman, 48
-, " Margaret, of Broadholme, co. Nottingham, 48
-, Cæsar, William, yeoman, 138
-, " see Ceasar
-, Cage (sic), George, gent., 140
-, " [Gage?], Sir John, knt., 35, 129, 130
-, " see Gage
-, Camplen, John, yeoman, 149
-, Canninge, William, late of Foxcott, co. Warwick, esq., 41
-, Cape, Katherine, 136
-, " William, gent., 136, 144, 150
-, " William, 71
-, Capon, Thomas, late of Necton, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, Capton, Agnes, 128, 129
-, " William, gent., 128, 129, 135, 136
-, Carby-John, Antonio Ferdinando, merchant, 147
-, Carden, James, tailor, 172
-, Carey, Richard, yeoman, 23
-, " see Carye
-, Carne, Thomas, gent., 172
-, Carollbor, Phenix, gent;, 151
-, Carr, Thomas, gent., 150
-, Carwell, Jasper, gent., 152
-, Carye, . . . ., 151
-, " Clode, gent., 150
-, " see Carey
-, Case, Dorcas, 66, 141
-, " Margaret, 7
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 7
-, " see Cash, Cashe
-, Casewell, John, late of Lempter [Leominster], co. Hereford, gent., 147
-, Cash, Alice, 128, 129
-, " see Case, Cashe
-, Cashe, Margaret, 135
-, " see Case, Cash
-, Castell, Bartholomew, picturedrawer, 151
-, Cater, Anthony, of Bottesworth, co. Lincoln, gent., 65, 141
-, Catesby, Elionar, 149
-, " Elizabeth, 140
-, " Mary, 140
-, " Richard, gent., 149
-, " Richard, junior, gent., 140, 149
-, " Richard, senior, gent., 140
-, " Richard, yeoman, 128, 129
-, Catesbye, William, gent., 148
-, Cathorne, William, late of Fledborough, co. Nottingham gent., 133
-, Cattogree, Thomas, late of Shipley, co. Salop, gent., 145
-, Cave, Cecill, of Greenwich, co. Kent, gent., 148
-, Ceasar, William, yeoman, 59
-, " see Cæsar
-, Ceeley, Elizabeth, 31
-, Chamberlain, John, esq., 142
-, " John, yeoman, 8
-, " see Chamberlaine, Chamberlayne, Chamberlen, Chamberleyn, Chamberline, Chamberlyn
-, Chamberlaine, John, of Lyndhurst, co. Southampton, esq., 68
-, " Robert, gent.. 86, 172
-, " see Chamberlain, Chamberlayne, Chamberlen, Chamberleyn, Chamberline, Chamberlyn
-, Chamberlayne, John, gent., 199
-, " see Chamberlain, Chamberlaine, Chamberlen, Chamberlyn, Chamberline, Chamberlyn
-, Chamberlen, John, yeoman, 130
-, " see Chamberlain, Chamberlaine, Chamberlayne, Chamberleyn, Chamberline, Chamberlyn
-, Chamberleyn, William, gent., 138
-, " see Chamberlain, Chamberlaine, Chamberlayne, Chamberlyn, Chamberline, Chamberlyn
-, Chamberline, John, gent., 200
-, " see Chamberlaine, Chamberlain, Chamberlayne, Chamberlen, Chamberleyn, Chamberlyn
-, Chamberlyn, John, yeoman, 59
-, " William, gent., 59
-, " see Chamberlain, Chamberlaine, Chamberlayne, Chamberlen, Chamberleyn, Chamberline
-, Chambers, John, 168
-, Champion, Elizabeth, 152 (2)
-, " Thomas, apothecary, 152, 158
-, Chappell, Philip, gent., 140
-, Charbone, John de, tailor, 199, 200
-, Charlesworth alias Holmes, Thomas, of Woodwall, and late of Woodcoates, co. Nottingham, yeoman, 48, 133
-, Charleton, Thomas, gent., 151
-, Cheney, Charles, yeoman, 12
-, Chickley, Francis, glover, 332
-, Child, . . . ., 129
-, " Elionore, 26
-, " James, yeoman. 26, 128, 129
-, Cholmley, Anne, of Fulrice, co. York, 46
-, Cholmly, Anne, late of Fulrice, co. York, 131
-, Chorley, William, of and late of Writtingham [Wrightington ?], co. Lancaster, yeoman, 48, 133
-, Christley, Christopher, gent., 151
-, Church, Patrick, gent., 150
-, Clapton, . . . ., gent., 152
-, Clarke, . . . ., 137
-, " . . . ., gent., 137
-, " Elizabeth, 58
-, " Henry, yeoman, 44, 131
-, Clarke, Margaret, 138
-, " William, esq., 135
-, " William, gent., 58
-, " see Clerke
-, Claudens-novo.Mounseire, gent, 148
-, Claveringe, Lady Anne, late of Callaley, co. Northbld., 46, 134
-, Clay, Edward, bricklayer, 26
-, " Jane, 8
-, " John, gent., 26
-, " Robert, yeoman, 1
-, " William, shoemaker, 31, 138
-, " William, yeoman, 7, 140
-, Cleft, William, yeoman, 140
-, Clemence, . . . ., 23
-, Clerke, John, late of Stoakes[Stokes], co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, " see Clarke
-, Clethro, Dorothy, 26
-, Cliffe, . . . ., 12
-, " Richard, gent., 152
-, " William, tailor, 12, 138
-, " William, victualler, 136
-, " William, yeoman, 20, 26
-, " see Clyffe
-, Clowde, Ferdinand, limner, 153
-, " Lucretia, 153
-, Clyffe, Lucy, 8
-, " William, yeoman, 8
-, " see Cliffe
-, Cobb, William, 285
-, " see Cobbe
-, Cobbe, Mathew, scrivener, 150
-, " William, late of Sandringham, co. Norfolk, esq., 197
-, " William, late of Sandringham, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, " see Cobb
-, Cobie, . . . ., 19
-, " Robert, yeoman, 19
-, Cockes, Leonard, yeoman, 136
-, " see Cox, Coxe
-, Cockshutt, John, yeoman, 66
-, Cogan, Ellen, 137
-, " see Coggan, Coggen, Coggin, Coggins
-, Coggan, Ellen, 139
-, " Jane, 139
-, " see Cogan, Coggen, Coggin, Coggins
-, Coggen, Ellen 12
-, " see Cogan, Coggan, Coggin, Coggins
-, Coggin, Helen, 135
-, " John, chandler, 129, 130
-, " see Cogan, Coggan, Coggen, Coggins
-, Coggins, John, yeoman, 20
-, " see Cogan, Coggan, Cog gen, Coggin
-, Coldridge, . . . ., 129
-, " James, gent., 22, 25 38
-, " James, tailor. 59 136
-, " James, yeoman, 19, 129, 130, 131, 135
-, Mary, 19, 22, 25, 38, 59, 130, 131, 135, 136
-, " see Coleridge
-, Cole, Jane, 20, 26, 129, 130 (2), 131, 135, 136 (2), 139
-, " Joan, 86, 130, 136 (2), 139, 153
-, " see Coles
-, Coleby, John, gent., 153
-, Coleridge, . . . ., 128
-, " James, yeoman, 128
-, " see Coldridge
-, Coles, Jane, 149
-, " John, gent., 149
-, " William, gent., 142
-, " see Cole
-, Collier, Mary, 19
-, Collison, Robert, late of Nottingham, co. Nottingham, yeoman, 133
-, Compton, Ursula, lady, 148
-, Coniers, Curhbert, late of Laiton, co. Durham, gent., 134
-, " Jane, 152
-, " Lady, late of Laiton, co. Durham, 134
-, " Margaret, late of Laiton, co. Durham, 134
-, " Sir Ralph, late of Laiton, co. Durham, knt., 134
-, " see Conyers
-, Conn Francis, gent., 144, 147
-, " see Conne, Coume
-, Conne, Francis, gent., 149
-, " Roger, gent., 130
-, " Susan, 149
-, " see Conn, Coume
-, Connoway, Anne, lady, 139
-, " see Conowaye, Conway, Conwaye
-, Conoway, Anne, lady, 66
-, " see Connowaye, Conway, Conwaye
-, Conquest, Elizabeth, 149
-, " Richard, gent., 149
-, Constable, Anne, of and late of Bottesworth, co. Lincoln, 48, 133
-, " Marmaduke, of and late of Bottesworth, co. Lincoln, gent., 48, 133
-, " Philip, of and late of Everingham, co.York, gent., 46, 131
-, Conway, Anne, lady, 143, 154
-, " Sir John, of Rhythlan [Rhuddlan], co. Flint, knt., 146
-, " see Connoway, Conoway, Conwaye
-, Conwaye, Anne, lady, 135, 150
-, " see Connoway, Conoway, Conway
-, Conyers, Cuthbert, late of Layton, co. Durham, gent., 45
-, " Margaret, late of Layton, co. Durham, 45
-, " Lady Mary, late of Layton, co. Durham, 45
-, " Sir Ralph, late of Layton, co. Durham, knt., 45
-, " see Coniers
-, Cooke, Elizabeth, 22, 25
-, " John, surgeon, 150
-, " Margaret, 150
-, Cooper, Bridget, 20
-, Coole, John, labourer, 26
-, " Margaret, 26
-, Cope, . . . ., 150
-, " Mary, 149
-, " Thomas, tailor, 149
-, Copley, William, late of Gatton, co. Suney, esq., 76
-, Coppinge, Dorothy, late of NorthTuddenham, co. Norfolk, 145
-, Coram, Roger, yeoman, 128, 129
-, Corbet, Tege, 245
-, Corey, George, yeoman, 23
-, Corlier, Anne, 8
-, Cornes, Anne, of and late of Wiver, co. Chester, 47, 132
-, Cornewallis, Elizabeth, 149
-, " Thomas yeoman, 149
-, Corpen, Teague, chimney-sweeper, 153
-, Cotname, Elizabeth, 151
-, " John, gent., 151
-, Coume, Roger, gent., 42
-, " see Conn, Conne
-, Coventree, Katherine, of and late of Cawdey Grange, co. Chester, 47, 132
-, Covett, Mary, 150
-, " William, gent., 150
-, Cowett, Mary, 86
-, " William, gent., 86
-, Cox, Roger, of Harlington, yeoman, 333
-, " see Cockes, Coxe
-, Coxall, John, yeoman, 59, 138
-, Coxe, John, tailor, 86
-, " Mary, 136
-, " Thomas, late of Crowley [Crowle], co. Worcester, gent., 145
-, " see Cockes, Cox
-, Coxeworth, William, yeoman, 129
-, Coxworth, William, yeoman, 130
-, Cramlington, Robert (an apprentice), 244
-, Cranke, William, cook, 172
-, Crawford, Jane, of Northropp, co. Lincoln, 65, 141
-, " John, of Northropp, co. Lincoln, yeoman, 65, 141
-, " William, labourer, 104
-, Creeke, Giles, cutler, 66
-, Crefeild, Anthony, 154
-, Cressey, Gabriell, 243
-, Cretch, Giles, yeoman, 140
-, Crichlove, Ralph, late of Clayton, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 133
-, Cricklowe, John, of Clayton, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 48
-, Crompton, John, yeoman, 144
-, Crooke, Lawrence, 245
-, Crouly, Mr., 200 (2)
-, Crowch, Edward, stationer. 185 (2)
-, " Giles, cutler, 143
-, Crowch, Mary, 185, 186
-, Crowe, Alice, 140
-, Curwen, Margaret, lady, of Rottington, co. Cumberland, 31
-, Daldron (?), John, gent., 12
-, " Margaret, 12
-, Dale, Matthew, gent., 8
-, Dallin, Mary, 128
-, " William, yeoman, 128
-, Dalline, Mary, 129
-, " William, yeoman, 129
-, Dalton, Thomas, of Pilling, co. Lancaster, gent., 47
-, " Thomas, of and late of Thurnham, co. Lancaster, esq., 47, 133
-, Dam, John, cutler, 130, 131, 135, 136, 138
-, " John, yeoman, 129
-, Dame, John, yeoman, 128
-, Dangerfeild, Edward, yeoman, 149
-, Danyell, James, gent., 152
-, Darby, . . . ., 26
-, " Anne, 23, 25, 128, 129, 130, 131
-, " Thomas, tailor, 26, 128, 129
-, Dargibell, Bernard, merchant, 243
-, Dauntrey, John, tailor, 138
-, Davarley, . . . ., gent., 150
-, Davenport, Robert, gent., 153
-, Davies, Henry, yeoman, 140
-, " Jane, 25
-, " Raphael, late of Trer Abatt, co. Flint, gent., 148
-, " Roland, late of St. John's [Bedwardine], co. Worcester, gent., 145
-, " Thomas, gent., 128, 129
-, " Thomas, vintner, 58, 137
-, " William, cutler, 25
-, Davis, Elizabeth, 12
-, Davison, Anne, 19, 23, 25, 129 (2), 130, 131, 135
-, " Jane, 138
-, Davitie, Thomas, tailor, 138
-, Dawney, John, late of Potter Brunton, co. York, gent., 131
-, Dawny, John, of Potter Brunton, co. York, gent., 46
-, Day, Florence, 26
-, Deacon, Benjamin, gent., 23
-, Deakens, Batud, gent., 38
-, " see Deakings, Deakins, Dekins, Dekon
-, Deakes, John, late of Claymes (or Clannes) [Claines], co. Worcester, yeoman, 55, 136
-, Deakings, Katherine, 58
-, " see Deakens, Deakins, Dekins, Dekon
-, Deakins, Barnard, gent., 35
-, " Barnaby, gent., 31
-, " John, stationer, 332
-, " Margaret, 137
-, " see Deakens, Deakings, Dekins, Dekon
-, Deckars, Thomas, gent., 20
-, Deckers, Thomas, gent., 12
-, Deeper, Mary, 5
-, Deere, Thomas, yeoman, 1
-, Deglire (?), Charles, hat-maker, 200
-, " see Delire (? Desire)
-, Dekins, John, yeoman, 131
-, " Katherine, 131
-, " see Deakens, Deakings, Deakins, Dekon
-, Dekon, . . . ., 20
-, " Barnard, yeoman, 20
-, " see Deakens, Deakings, Deakins, Dekins
-, Delewe, Peter, esq., 152, 157
-, Delire (? Desire), Charles, gent., 199
-, " see Deglire (? Desire)
-, Dellaffe, Isaac, gent., 142
-, Demaline, . . . ., gent., 152
-, Dene, Dorothy, 8
-, " John, yeoman, 8
-, Denlenier, Peter, merchant, 242
-, Dent, William, late of Fledborough, co. Nottingham, yeoman, 133
-, (? Desire), Delire, Charles, gent., 199
-, " see Deglire, Delire
-, Devale, Margaret, 151, 157
-, " Nicholas, gent., 151, 157
-, Devall, Elizabeth, 199
-, " Marnie, tailor, 200
-, Devene, Mark Anthonye, picturedrawer, 151
-, Deverge, . . . ., 151
-, " James, gent., 151
-, Deynley, . . . ., gent., 150
-, Dich, George, of Lincoln, co. Lincoln, yeoman, 65, 141
-, " Thomas, of Lincoln, co. Lincoln, 65, 141
-, Digby, John, esq., 327
-, " Sir Kenelme, knt., 6
-, Dillon, Edward, gent., 152
-, Dingle, William Dingley alias, of Strengham, alias Strensam [Strensham], co. Worcester, gent., 142
-, Dingley alias Dingle, William, of Strengham alias Strensam [Strensham], co. Worcester, gent., 142
-, Dodson, Thomas, of and late of Sisar, co. Westmoreland, yeoman., 47, 132
-, Dolman, Anne, of Messingham, co. Lincoln, 65, 141
-, " Petronilla (or Petronella), of Messingham, co. Lincoln, 65, 141
-, " Thomas, of Messingham, co. Lincoln, gent., 65, 141
-, Dormer, Alice, lady, of Ethroppe, co. Bucks, 146
-, " Anthony, late of Budbrooke, co. Warwick, esq., 41, 45, 134, 136
-, " Lady Elizabeth, 28
-, Dorrell, Elizabeth, late of Lambhurst [Lamberhurst], co. Kent, 148
-, Dorrington, Mary, 140
-, " Robert, gent., 140
-, Doverly, John, gent., 172
-, Dowdall, Gerard, gent., 172
-, Dowell, Edward, esq., 152
-, Dowler Ralph, late of Henlip, co. Worcester, gent., 145
-, Downes, Clemence, 19, [23], 25, 129 (2), 130, 131, 135, 138
-, " John, late of Bodney, co. Norfolk, gent, 147
-, " Katherine, late of Bodney, co. Norfolk, 145
-, Downinge, William, yeoman, 137
-, Drywood, John, esq., 23
-, " John, gent., 139
-, Dubos, . . . ., gent., 150
-, Ducer, Francis, picture drawer, 151
-, " Judith, 151
-, Ducy, William, gent., 154, 159
-, Due, Anne, 151
-, Duncan, William, gent., 150
-, Dunnington, John, fan-maker, 151
-, " John, wire-drawer, 173
-, " Margery, 151
-, Dymocke, Edward, gent., 140
-, " Frances, 140
-, " Thomas, gent., 5
-, Dyneley, . . . ., 5
-, " William, gent., 5
-, Eares, William yeoman, 128, 129
-, Easly, Sir Francis, knt., 5
-, East, Cecilia, 12, 20, 26, 135, 138
-, " David, bodice-maker, 130, 135
-, " David, pewterer, 20, 26, 86
-, " David, weaver, 139
-, " David, yeoman, 12, 128, 129, 135, 138
-, Eaton, . . . ., 59
-, " Edward, gent., 152
-, " Joan, 138
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 59, 138
-, Eccles, William, yeoman, 8, 129
-, Eckles, William, yeoman, 128
-, Eckling, David, M.D., 8
-, " Mary, 8
-, " Phillibecke, 8
-, Eddowes, Francis, late of StokeFerry, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, Edgerton, Richard, of Parr, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 47
-, " see Egerton
-, Edwardes, Edward, yeoman, 135
-, Edwards, Florence, 31, 128, 129
-, Egerton, Richard, late of Pace [Parr], co. Lancaster, yeoman, 133
-, " see Edgerton
-, Eglethorpe, . . . ., 19
-, " Henry, gent., 19
-, Elderton, Ralph, yeoman, 141
-, " see Eldrington
-, Eldrington, Frances, 149
-, " Ralph, distiller, 149
-, " see Elderton
-, Ellarker, Sir Ralph, late of Risby, co. York, knt., 31
-, Elliott, . . . ., 152
-, Elliott, . . . ., lady, 151
-, " John, gent, 152
-, Ellis, John, 245
-, " Mary, 153
-, Elmer, Jane, 138
-, " John, yeoman, 138
-, " see Elmour, Elmy
-, Elmour, Gregory, yeoman, 131
-, " see Elmer, Elmy
-, Elmy, Jane, 128, 129
-, " John, yeoman, 128, 129
-, " see Elmer, Elmour
-, Else, . . . ., 59, 137
-, " Jarvase (or Gervase), yeoman, 59, 137
-, Elston, George late of Streatley, co. Berks, gent., 146
-, " Thomas, late of Chaddlesworth, co. Berks, gent., 146
-, " William, late of Catmose [Catmore], co. Berks, gent., 146
-, Eltonhead, Richard, of Charlton, co. Kent, gent. 76
-, Emerson, Ferdinando (or Fardinando), cutler, 23, 25, 130
-, " Fardinand (or Fardinando), yeoman, 19, 129 (2), 131
-, " Jane, 129 (2), 130, 131
-, Joan, 19, 23 25, 59, 138
-, Emery, Jane, 153
-, " Thomas, gent., 144, 146, 153
-, Englefeild, Thomas, late of Buttlebury [Bucklebury], co. Berks, gent., 146
-, Enins, Alexander, gent., 153
-, " Mary, 153
-, Errington, John, of and late of Yaram [Yapham ?] co. York, esq., 46, 131
-, Erswicke. Mary, 152
-, Esser, William, 242
-, Etheridge, Robert, labourer, 153
-, Eure, . . . ., of Washingborough, co. Lincoln, 64, 141
-, " Ralph, of Washingborough, co. Lincoln, esq., 64, 141
-, Furs, Thomas, gent., 148
-, Evans, Alice, 138
-, " Edward gent., 61 149
-, Evans, Katherine, 149
-, " Mary, of Wells, co. Somerset, 143
-, " Sara, of Wells, co. Somerset, 143
-, " Thomas, gent., 139
-, " " yeoman, 138
-, " William, of Wells, co. Somerset, gent., 143
-, Evers, William, gent., 159
-, Ewers, Katherine., 5
-, Eyre, Edward, of and late of Newbolt, co. Derby, gent., 48, 133
-, Farley, Coulston (or Coulson), of and late of Lebberston, co. York, yeoman, 46, 131
-, " Grace, of Lebberston, co. York, 46
-, Farmer, John, gent., 42, 130
-, Farno, Anne, 151
-, " Henry, gent., 151
-, Farrier, Alexander, yeoman, 135
-, Fartington, William, labourer, 152, 158
-, Fawcett, John, of and late of Roclyffe [Roecliffe ?], co. York, yeoman, 46, 132
-, Fawne, Edward, yeoman, 31
-, Featherberry, Anne, 59
-, " see Fortheberry
-, Feline, . . . ., 150
-, " John, gent., 150
-, Fellowes, Elizabeth, 150
-, Fenix, . . . ., 19
-, " John, yeoman, 19
-, " see Fennick, Fenwicke, Phenixe
-, Fennell, Francis, picture-drawer, 151
-, Fennick, Dorothy, 172
-, " see Fenix, Fenwicke, Phenixe
-, Fenwicke, Dorothy, 7
-, " Isabel, 8
-, " John, yeoman, 7, 140
-, " see Fenix, Fennick, Phenixe
-, Fermyn, Bridget, 55
-, " see Firmin Phyrmyne
-, Ferris, Anne, 148
-, " Elizabeth 8
-, Feryn, John, . . . ., 8
-, " Katherine 8
-, Finch, Clement, late of Milton, co. Kent, esq., 76
-, Firmin, Bridget, 86, [148], 150
-, " see Fermyn, Phyrmyne
-, Fish, Anne, 59
-, " John, gent., 59, 142, 144 (2), 146, 153
-, Fishe, Anne, 137
-, " John, gent, 137
-, Fisher, Abigail, 151
-, " Elizabeth, of Stamford, co. Lincoln, 141
-, " John, late of North-Tuddenham, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, " Simon, of Stamford, co. Lincoln, cordwainer, 141
-, Fitter, Henry, gent., 151
-, FitzJeffery, Mary, 66, 135, 139, 140, 141, 142, 149
-, Fitzwilliams, Robert, gent., 135
-, " William, late of Claxby, co. Lincoln, esq., 133
-, Fleaminge, . . . ., 150
-, " James, gent., 150
-, Fleminge, Geoffrey, gent., 150
-, Fletcher, Thomas, 249
-, " Thomas linen-draper, 244
-, Flood, Agnes, 135
-, " Isabella, 149
-, " Katherine, 23, 128. 129, 138
-, " Richard, yeornan, 129
-, " Robert, M.D., 149
-, " Thomas, scrivener, 138
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 23 128, 129
-, " see Floyd, Fludd
-, Florrey, . . . ., gent., 150
-, Floyd, Katherine, 136
-, " Thomas, writer, 136
-, " see Flood, Fludd
-, Floyre, William, late of Llandilo Pertholie[Lantilio-Pertholey], co.
-, Monmouth, gent., 146
-, Fludd, Isabella, 140
-, " Katherine, 25, 130, 131, 135
-, " Robert, M.D., 140, 141
-, " Thomas, gent., 25
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 130, 131, 135
-, Fludd, see Flood, Floyd
-, Force, John, late of Norwich, co. Norfolk, gent., 144
-, Ford, Ellen, 42
-, " Robert, yeoman, 42
-, Fordham, Katherine, 242, 244
-, Forman, Dorothy, 137
-, " Elizabeth, 12, 128, 129, 135, 148
-, " Mrs., 71
-, " see Formans
-, Formans, Elizabeth, 148
-, " see Forman
-, Forrest, Michael, tailor, 245
-, Fortescue, John, gent., 149, 154
-, " Katherine, 149
-, Fortheberry, Anne, 138
-, " see Featherberry
-, Foster, Nicholas, gent, 152
-, " Thomas, esq., 26, 35, 44, 131, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144 (2), 147, 152, 154
-, " Thomas, gent., 152
-, " Sir William, knt., 20
-, Fountaine, Juliett, gentlewoman, 151, 156
-, " Mary, 19
-, " Reinold, gent., 31
-, " Reinald, yeoman, 19
-, " see Fowntaine
-, Fowler, Dorothy, late of St. Thomas, co. Stafford, 46, 134
-, Fowntaine, Anne, 8
-, " Reignold, yeoman, 8
-, " see Fountaine
-, Foxe, John, of Eagle, co. Lincoln, yeoman, 65, 141
-, " William, tailor, 172
-, Francisco, . . . ., 140
-, " Alice, 149
-, " Signior, gent., 140, 149
-, Francke, Marmaduke, late of Middleton Tyas, co. York, esq, 41
-, Francklein, John, tailor, 138
-, " see Franckleine, Franckleyne, Franckline, Francklyn, Franklein, Frankline
-, Franckleine, Edward, 129
-, Jane, 25, 129
-, " John, yeoman, 25, 129
-, Franckleine, see Francklein, Franckleyne, Franckline, Francklyn, Franklein, Frankline
-, Franckleyne, Jane, 19
-, " John, yeoman, 19
-, " see Francklein, Franckleine, Franckline, Francklyn, Franklein, Frankline
-, Franckline, Ellen, 130
-, " Jane, 130, 131
-, " John, yeoman, 130, 131
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 130
-, " see Francklein, Franckleine, Franckleyne, Francklyn, Franklein, Frankline
-, Francklyn, Jane, 23
-, " John, yeoman, 23
-, " see Francklein, Franckleine, Franckleyne, Franckline, Franklein, Frankline
-, Franklein, Thomas, yeoman, 31
-, " see Francklein, Franckleine, Franckleyne, Franckline, Francklyn, Frankline
-, Frankline, Edward, yeoman, 128
-, " Jane, 128
-, " John, yeoman, 128
-, " see Francklein, Franckleine, Franckleyne, Franckline, Francklyn, Franklein
-, Freake, Katherine, 19, 23, 25, 86, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135, 138
-, " John, glasier, 86, 138
-, " John, yeoman, 19, 23, 25, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135
-, Frier, . . . ., 130
-, " see Fryer
-, Frith, John, tailor, 332
-, Fromandes, Elizabeth, 26
-, Frowman, Nicholas, gent., 152
-, Fry, William, goldsmith, 139
-, Fryer, . . . ., 44
-, " Andrew, gent., 152
-, " Bridget, 35
-, " Israel, gent., 44
-, Fryer, see Frier
-, Fuller, Ambrose, cook, 143
-, " Ambrose, yeoman, 140
-, Fumbregen, Mathias, gunstockmaker, 242
-, Fursden, . . . ., 59, 137
-, " Dorothy, 59, 137
-, " Katherine, 59, 137
-, " Philip, junior, gent., 59, 137
-, " Philip, senior, gent., 59. 137
-, Gage, Anne, 153, 158
-, " George, esq., 142
-, " George, of Framefeild, co. Sussex, esq., 31
-, " Sir John, knt, 31, 35, 38, 128
-, " John, gent., 153, 158
-, " Penelope, lady, 59, 137, 139 (2), 142, 143, 144 (2), 147, 153, 154, 158
-, " William, of Bentley, co. Suffolk, gent., 142
-, " see Cage
-, Gambus, John, gent., 150
-, Gardiner, Richard, late of Lemington, co. . . ., gent., 146
-, Gardner, Elizabeth, lady, [8], 19, 35, 59, 140
-, " lady, 138
-, " Richard, yeoman, 19, 23
-, " Roger, late of Aymestrey, co. Hereford, gent, 147
-, " see Vardner
-, Garnett, John, yeoman, 6
-, " Margaret, 6
-, Garrett, . . . ., 151
-, " Bastian, gent., 151
-, Garter, George, gent., 147
-, Gasse, William, . . . ., 86
-, Gates, Sir John Yates alias, of Chadgley Corbett [Chaddesley Corbett], co. Worcester, knt., 45, 134
-, " John, chandler, 137, 139
-, " John, labourer, 12
-, " John, yeoman, 20, 86, 135
-, " Susan, 86, 135, 139
-, Gentin, . . . ., 140
-, " Charles, gent, 140
-, Gering, James; hatband-maker, 200
-, " James, yeoman, 199
-, Gerrard, Sir William, of and late of Bryn (or Brym) [Bryning?], co. Lancaster, bart, 47, 133
-, Gesse, Tobias, yeoman, 1
-, Gewthry, Archibald, gent, 149
-, " Elizabeth, 149
-, Gibbes, Jane, 144, 146
-, " Katherine, 35
-, " William, gent, 19, 38
-, " William, M.D., 25, 35, 130, 131, 135, 136
-, " William, yeoman, 128, 129
-, Gibbons, Christofer, tailor, 42, 128, 129, 130, 135
-, " Christopher (or Cristofer), yeoman, 20, 26
-, " Jane, 141
-, Gifford, . . . ., gent, 20
-, " Henry, gent., 150
-, " John, gent, 104, 105
-, " Susan, 150
-, Giles, George, yeoman, 8
-, Gilford, Edward, gent., 140
-, Gill, . . . ., 12
-, " Anne, 25, 138
-, " Benjamin, . . . ., 12
-, " Benjamin, gent, 25, 38
-, " Benjamin, tailor, 138
-, " Benjamin, yeoman, 19, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135
-, " Mary, 19, 130, 131
-, Gilpin, Cristofer, of and late of Skelemargh (or Skelesmarth) [Skelsmergh], co. Westmld., yeoman, 47, 132
-, " Edward, of and late of Skelemargh (or Skelesmarth) [Skelsmergh], co. Westmld., yeoman, 47, 132
-, " Jason, late of Skelesmarth [Skelsmergh], co. Westmoreland, yeoman, 132
-, Gilrape, George, yeoman, 19
-, Gilthrope, George, picture-drawer, 147
-, Gippes, . . . ., 139
-, " Thomas, tailor, 139
-, Gipps, Thomas, yeoman, 55
-, Gizancourt, Charles de, gent, 200
-, Godbolt, Thomas, yeoman, 31
-, Godboult, Anne, 5
-, " William, gent., 5
-, Godfrey, Francis, gent., 5, 152
-, " John, esq., 135
-, " Robert, esq., 50
-, Goldropp, George, 195
-, Good, Elizabeth, 71
-, " see Goodin
-, Goodin, Elizabeth, 135
-, " see Good
-, Goodlacke, . . . ., 139
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 139
-, Gooth, John, gent, 172
-, Goodyeare, Thomas, late of Lentall [Leinthall], co. Hereford, gent., 147
-, Gordinge, Gilbert, gent., 152
-, " see Gourdinge, Gurdinge
-, Gore, Richard, late of Kemsey [Kempsey], co. Worcester, gent., 145
-, Gosling, Arthur, glover, 23
-, " Frances, of Harlington 333
-, Gote, . . . ., 150
-, " . . . ., gent., 150
-, Gouldinge, Edward, late of Colston Bassett, co. Nottingham, esq., 133
-, Gourdinge, Lewis, lord, 152
-, " see Gordinge, Gurdinge
-, Grant, Mounseir, gent., 148
-, Gray, Sir Arthur, of Spindleton [Spindleston], co. Northumberland, knt., 47
-, " see Grey
-, Greenberry, Richard, gent., 131
-, " see Greenbury, Greeneberry, Greenebury
-, Greenbury, Joan, 153
-, " Richard, gent., 44, 141, 144 (2), 147
-, " Richard, painter, 153, 158
-, " see Greenberry, Greeneberry, Greenebury
-, Greene, Elizabeth, late of Lambhurst [Lamberhurst], co. Kent, 148
-, " Joan, 153
-, " Margaret, 144
-, " Peter, gent, 142, 143
-, " Peter, merchant, 153
-, " Prudence, 8
-, Greene, Thomas, gent., 144
-, Greeneberry, Richard, gent., 142, 154
-, " see Greenberry, Greenbury, Greenebury
-, Greenebury, Richard, yeoman, 5
-, " see Greenberry, Greenbury, Greenebeny
-, Gregger, Anne, 242
-, Gregory, Alice, 149
-, " Reginald, tailor, 138
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 20, 25
-, Gresham, Joan, 12, 19, 25
-, Grevill. . . . ., lady, 58
-, Grey, Sir Arthur, late of Spindleton [Spindleston], co. Northbid., knt., 132
-, " Elizabeth, 151
-, " see Gray
-, Griffen, Ellen, 138
-, " see Griffin, Griffine
-, Griffeth, Anne, 137
-, " James, . . . ., 137
-, " see Griffith
-, Griffin, . . . ., 20
-, " see Griffen, Griffine
-, Griffine, Elinor, 201
-, " Francis, yeoman, 86
-, " see Griffen, Griffin
-, Griffith, Anne, 59
-, " James, gent., 59
-, Mabel, 8
-, " see Griffeth
-, Grimston, Walter, of and late of Gadmadam, co. York, gent., 46, 131
-, Grissell, Edward, tailor, 86
-, " see Grizell
-, Grizell, Edward, yeoman, 31
-, " see Grissell
-, Guilford, Sir Henry, knt., 147
-, Guilliams, John, late of Baily Pitt, co. Monmouth, gent, 146
-, Gunnill, Richard, gent, 17, 20
-, Gurdinge, Sir Alexander, knt., 452
-, " see Gordinge, Gourdinge
-, Gurname, Roger, late of Trelwel [Treville (?)], co. Hereford, gent., 147
-, Gurney, Robert, printer, 130
-, Gwatkin, Grace, late of Llangarren, co. Hereford, 147
-, Gyatt, James, merchant, 241
-, " John Baptist, merchant, 241
-, Hacon, . . . ., 32
-, " Dorothy, 130
-, " Hubert, esq., 20, 23, 26, 31, 38, 130, 136
-, " Hubert, gent., 5, 142, 143
-, " Katherine, 20, 23, 26
-, Haggerston, Alice, late of Haggerston, co. Durham, 45, 134
-, " Thomas, late of Haggerston, co. Durham, esq., 45, 134
-, Haines, Anne, 140
-, Hall, Arnold, gent., 172
-, " Henry, late of Penteye [Penterry], co. Monmouth, gent., 143
-, " John, late of . . ., co. Leicester, gent., 76
-, " . . . ., lady, 148
-, " William, late of Skenfreth, co. Monmouth, gent., 146
-, Hamerton, Mary, late of Hellifield, co. York, 132
-, " William, late of Lentall [Lenton], co. Nottingham, gent, 133
-, Hammerton, Mary, of Hellifield, co. York, 46
-, Hamond, James, esq., 31
-, " Robert, shoemaker, 181
-, Hancock, William, of Ethroppe, co. Bucks, gent., 146
-, Hancocke, Anthony, yeoman, 139
-, Hanford, Francis, late of Wolleshull, co. Worcester, gent, (or esq.), 45, 54, 134, 136
-, Hanslopp, John, late of Thorpe in Long Itchington, co. Warwick, gent., 54, 137
-, Harbert, Edward, gent., 142
-, Harberte, Edward, lord, 152, 157
-, Harbort, Sir Percy, late of Red Castle, co. Montgomery, knt. and bart., 146
-, Hardy, Joan, 8
-, Harper, Dorothy, 136
-, " Elizabeth, 135
-, " Margaret, 59, 139
-, " Martha, 5
-, Harrington, Anne, of and late of Huyton (or Hyton), co. Lancaster, 47, 132
-, " Frances, 136
-, " Henry, tailor, 136
-, " Robert, of and late of Huyton (or Hyton), co. Lancaster, gent., 47, 132
-, Harris, Elizabeth, 8
-, " John, gent., 50, 135, 172
-, " John, M.D., 151
-, " Mary, 149
-, " Richard, merchant, 149
-, " see Harrys
-, Harrodd, John, yeoman, 137
-, Harrys, John, M.D., 148
-, " see Harris
-, Hartehore, Jeremiah, yeoman, 154
-, Harwood, Anne, 153
-, " Elizabeth, lady, 153
-, " John, gent., 144, 153
-, " Robert, of Coulewen, coWarwick, gent., 66
-, Haslewood, Thomas, gent., 142
-, " Thomas, late of Belton, co. Rutland, yeoman, 143
-, Hastinges, . . . ., 26
-, Hastings, Ferdinando, late of Branston, co. Leicester, esq., 76
-, " Henry, late of Charley, co. Leicester, esq., 76
-, Hawkins, . . . ., 26
-, " . . . ., gent., 150
-, " Elizabeth, 152
-, " John, gent, 35, 44 (2), 131
-, " John, M.D., 26, 31, 138, 141
-, " Joseph, M.D., 5
-, " Richard, late of Boughton Blean, co. Kent, gent., 76
-, " Roland, gent, 172
-, " Sir Thomas, knt, 152
-, " William, gent., 152
-, Haynes, Henry, gent., 148
-, Haywood alias Horwood, Sit Francis, knt., 148
-, Hebden, John, of and late of Clint, co. York, yeoman, 46, 132
-, Hemsall, Agnes, 12
-, Hendricke, Adrian, 195
-, " see Henricke
-, Henneage, Lady Olive, 6
-, Henningham, Edward, gent, 152
-, Henricke, Adrian, merchant, 148
-, " see Hendricke
-, Hesketh, Bartholomew, gent., 199
-, " Bartholomew, hatbandmaker, 199
-, " Gabriel, of and late of Goosnar or Goosnac [Goosnargh], co. Lan caster, gent., 47, 133
-, " Isabella, of and late of Goosenarghe (or Goosenarth), co. Lancaster, 47, 132
-, " Nicholas, late of Beckensall [Becconsall], co. Lancaster, gent., 46, 134
-, " Roger, of and late of Goosenarghe (or Goosenarth), co. Lancaster, gent., 47, 132
-, " Susan, late of Rufforth [Rufford], co. Lancaster, 46, 134
-, Hewell, William, gent., 146
-, Hewett, . . . ., 149
-, " Bridget, 153
-, " Mary, 153
-, " Robert, esq., 153, 158
-, " Robert, gent., 140, 149, 154
-, " Thomas, gent., 153
-, " William, gent., 144
-, Hickes, Robert, late of Attlebridge. co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, Hider, Elizabeth, 151
-, " Joseph, . . . ., 151, 156
-, Hilderson, Frances, 8
-, " see Hildeston
-, Hildeston, . . . ., 19
-, " Francis, yeoman, 19
-, " see Hilderson
-, Hill, William, gent., 154
-, Hilton, Elizabeth, late of Morton [? Morland], co. Westmoreland, 45, 133
-, Hinckloe, Anne, 143
-, " Henry, M.D., 143
-, " Margaret, 143
-, Hinde, Lewis, gent., 153
-, " Mary, 153
-, Hindes, Anne, 26
-, Hinslowe, Henry, gent., 151
-, " Henry, M.D., 151, 156, 157
-, " Margaret, 151, 156
-, Hippon, Judith, 140
-, Hobbart, Antony, late of Loddon and Hales, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, " James, late of Loddon and Hales, co. Norfolk, gent, 145
-, Hobbes, Elizabeth, 151
-, Hobson, . . . ., yeoman, 86
-, Hodgshon, Margaret, late of Broomhall, co. Westmoreland, 45, 134
-, " Talbott, late of Broomhall, co. Westmoreland, gent., 45, 133
-, " see Hodgson, Hodskin, Hodskins, Hodson
-, Hodgson, John, yeoman, 200
-, " Robert, of Euxton, co. Lancaster, gent, 133
-, " William, cutler, 135
-, " William, of Euxton, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 47
-, " see Hodgshon, Hodskin, Hodskins, Hodson
-, Hodskin, Anne, 59
-, " William, cutler, 59
-, " see Hodgshon, Hodgson, Hodskins, Hodson
-, Hodskins, Anne, 138
-, " William, cutler, 138
-, " see Hodgshon, Hodgson, Hodskin, Hodson
-, Hodson, Lady, 150
-, " Sir Robert, knt, 150
-, " see Hodgshon, Hodgson, Hodskin, Hodskins
-, Holford, Anne, 8
-, Holland, Lady, late of Quiddenham, co. Norfolk, 147
-, " alias Guido Holte, George, gent, 17
-, Holler, Ventislaus, picture-drawer, 242
-, Holmes, Thomas Charlesworth alias of Wood wall, and late of Woodcoates, co. Notts, yeoman, 48, 133
-, Holte, George Holland alias Guido, gent., 17
-, Holwood, Meld, gent, 153
-, Hopkins, George, yeoman, 31
-, " Katherine, 31
-, Hornby, Richard, yeoman, 59, 139, 140
-, Hornifold, John, late of Castle Handley alias Potter's Handley, co. Worcester, gent., 137
-, " see Hornyfold
-, Hornihold, Nicholas, late of Blackmore Park, co. Worcester, esq., 145
-, Hornyfold, John, late of Castlehandley alias Potter's Handley, co. Worcester, gent., 54
-, " see Hornifold
-, Horpoole, George, gent., 152
-, Horseley, fortune, late of North Biddecke, co. Durham, 132
-, Horsley, Fortune, of North Biddick, co. Durham, 47
-, Horwood, Sir Francis Haywood alias, knt., 148
-, Houghton, William, of and late of Grymserge, co. Lancaster, gent., 47. 132
-, Houldhouse, Paul, shoemaker, 332
-, Houltesen, Baltezar, gent., 242
-, Howe, John, esq., 153, 158
-, " Mary, 86, 140
-, " Stephen, gent., 140
-, Howett, Enoch, yeoman, 86
-, Howland, Arthur, yeoman, 130, 135
-, Hubbard, Stephen, gent., 200
-, " see Hubberd, Hubbert, Hubert
-, Hubberd, Margery, 141
-, " see Hubbard, Hubbert, Hubert
-, Hubbersley, Margaret, 8
-, Hubbert, Margery, 66
-, " see Hubbard, Hubberd, Hubert
-, Hubert, Stephen, 199
-, " see Hubbard, Hubberd, Hubbert
-, Hudford . . . ., 130
-, " William, yeoman, 130
-, " see Hudsford, Hufford
-, Hudleston, Lady . . . ., 8
-, Hudsford . . . ., 130, 135
-, " Mary, 26
-, " William, gent., 26
-, " William, tailor, 136
-, " William, yeoman, 13, 135
-, " see Hudford, Hufford
-, Hudson, Thomas, gent., 59, 137
-, Hufford, . . . ., 128, 129
-, " William, yeoman, 128, 129
-, " see Hudford, Hudsford
-, Hughes, William, late of Gresmond [Grosmont], co. Monmouth, gent., 146
-, Hugginson, Michael, gent., 44
-, " Walter, gent., 131
-, Hundergan, James van, 241
-, Hunt, Anthony, late of Fervile, co. Salop, gent, 145
-, " Margaret, 149
-, " Robert, gent, 149, 155
-, Hutchin, Mary, 26
-, Hutchins, Mary, 20
-, Iremonger, . . . ., of Walton-inthe-Marsh, co. Lincoln, 141
-, " Dorothy, of Charculne, and late of Chateculme, co. Stafford, 48, 133
-, " Humfrey, of Walton-inthe-Marsh, co. Lincoln, gent., 65, 141
-, " James, of Walton-inthe-Marsh, co. Lincoln, gent., 65, 141
-, " James, yeoman, 55
-, Isaac, Edward, baker, 55
-, Isham, Margaret, 17
-, Jackson, . . . ., M.D., 151
-, " John, of and late of Harraton, co. Durham, gent., 46, 132
-, James, Andrew, yeoman, 140
-, " Frances, 172
-, " Joan, 140
-, " Walter, late of St. Moghans [Maughans], co. Monmouth, gent., 146
-, Jarrett, Margaret, 8
-, Jefferry, . . . ., 26
-, " see Jeffrye
-, Jefferson, George, of and late of Kirkby Stephen, co. Westmld., yeoman, 47, 132
-, Jeffman, . . . ., 150
-, " John, gent., 150
-, Jefford, Joan, 149
-, " William, gent., 149
-, Jeffrye, William, gent., 154
-, " see Jefferry
-, Jenison, William, gent., 19
-, " see Jennison
-, Jenkinson, Sara, lady, of St. Michael's-at-Thorne, Norwich, co. Norfolk, 147
-, Jennison, William, gent, 25
-, " William, yeoman, 4, 22
-, " see Jenison
-, Jerrard, Nathaniel, jeweller, 154
-, " Margaret, 154
-, Jerratt, Elizabeth, 148
-, " Sebastian, gent., 148
-, Jervis, . . . ., yeoman, 86
-, John, Antonio Ferdinando Carby-, merchant, 147
-, " . . . ., chandler, 86
-, " . . . ., gent., 172
-, " . . . ., victualler, 26
-, " . . . ., yeoman, 25
-, Johnson, Elizabeth, 8, 151
-, " Henry, gent., 151, 156
-, " Katharine, 151
-, " alias Thome, Peter, late of Thorpehall, co. York, gent., 41
-, " Richard, yeoman, 8
-, " Roger, gent, 141, 142, 143
-, " Roger, yeoman, 135 (2)
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 59, 138
-, " Tobias, gent., 151
-, Jones, Edward, yeoman, 23, 26, 130, 138
-, " Nicholas, yeoman, 86
-, " Richard, yeoman, 138
-, Kattison, Katherine, 58
-, " Mary, 58
-, Kemball, Charles, comfit-maker, 147
-, Kemble, Frank, late of Fownehope, co. Hereford, gent, 145
-, Kempe, Anne, 130
-, " Sir George, knt, 149
-, " George, yeoman, 17
-, " . . . ., lady, 149
-, " Mary, 129, 130, 131
-, " William, esq., 35, 38, 128, 129
-, Kent, Bartholomew, of Rugby, co. Lincoln, gent, 65, 141
-, Kerson, Joseph, gent., 142, 143
-, " Sara, 142, 144
-, Kidney, John, tailor, 128, 129
-, " John, yeoman, 135
-, Kipping, Margery, 139
-, Kippinge, Margaret, 32
-, Kirkby, Anne, late of Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, 46, 134
-, " Thomas, late of Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, gent., 46, 134
-, Kirke, Thomasine, 8
-, Kirle, Richard, late of Merkeley [Marcle] Parva, co. Hereford, gent., 146
-, Knaresborough, William, late of Twisle (or Twisel) [Twizel], co. Durham, yeoman, 45, 134
-, Knevett, Sir Philip, knt, 148, 152
-, Knight, Elizabeth, 138
-, " Ellen (or Helen), 19, 23, 25, 130, 138
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 19, 23, 25
-, Knowles, Frances, 150
-, " Katherine, lady, 150
-, " Katherine, 6, 150
-, " Phillis, 150
-, Laacon, John, yeoman, 8
-, " Katherine, 8
-, " see Lacon
-, Laborne, Agnes, 136
-, Lackier, Trusteram, gent, 151
-, Lacon, Sir Francis, late of Kinletthall, co. Hereford, knt., 148
-, " John, yeoman, 20
-, " Katherine, 20
-, " see Laacon
-, Laifeild, Robert, late of Backnaker, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 133
-, " see Layfield
-, Lake, Mary, lady, 150, 155
-, Lameere, . . . ., 139, 142, 143, 144
-, " Nicholas, esq., 142
-, " Nicholas, gent., 139 (2), 143, 144
-, " see Lander, Leemeere, Lemeere
-, Laminge, Thomas, yeoman, 140
-, Lampleagh, Sir Thomas, of and late of Duffenby, co. Cumberland, knt., 47, 132
-, Lancaster, Frances, of and late of Craketrees, co. Westmld., 47, 132
-, Lanceare, . . . ., gent, 139
-, Lander, Nicholas, gent., 144, 147
-, " see Lameeie, Leemeere, Lemeere
-, Landy, Thomas, esq., 138
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 59
-, Lane, Bryan, late of Cotton Hill, co. Stafford, gent., 46, 134
-, " Willgifford, late of Cotton Hill, co. Stafford, 46, 134
-, Langford, . . . ., 150
-, " John, gent., 150, 155
-, Langley, Frances, 59, 138
-, Langworth, Margaret, 59, 137, 153
-, Lanier, Elizabeth, 153
-, " Nicholas, gent., 153
-, Larenskoe, Askano, gent., 151
-, Lassell, Emanuel, gent, 149
-, " Margaret, 149
-, Latham, Thomas, yeoman, 17
-, Laver, . . . ., 137
-, " . . . ., gent, 137
-, Lawes, William, of and late of Ricpeth (or Rickpeth), co. Durham, yeoman, 46, 132
-, Lawrence, John, gent., 143, 144, 154
-, Layfeild, Helen, of. . . ., co.Lancaster, 47
-, " Robert, of [Backnaker], co. Lancaster, yeoman, 47
-, " see Laifeild
-, Lea, . . . ., 137, 142
-, " Edward, gent, 142
-, " Edward, yeoman, 137
-, " see Lee, Leigh, Leighe
-, Leachmore, Robert, late of Fownehope, co. Hereford, gent., 145
-, Leadbeater, Samuel, apothecary, 147
-, Leanteere, James, gent, 58
-, " see Leiventeere, Leiventure
-, Leathley, Anne, of Grewellhorpe, co. York, 46
-, Leathly, Anne, late of Grewelthorpe, co. York, 131
-, Lee, . . . ., 139 (2), 143, 144
-, " Dorothy, 42, 130
-, " Edward, gent., 139 (2), 143, 144
-, " Fountayne, gent, 148
-, " Isabella, late of the city of York, 46, 131
-, " Jane, 86
-, " Philip, gent, 152, 158
-, " Richard, gent., 147
-, " William, tailor, 86
-, " see Lea, Leigh, Leighe
-, Leeland, Margaret, 130
-, Leemeere, John, gent., 150
-, " see Lameere, Lander, Lemeere
-, Leflaile, . . . ., 149
-, " John, yeoman, 149
-, Le Folly, Thomas, yeoman, 153
-, Le Forrest, . . . ., gent., 151
-, " " Kennett, 151
-, Le Hunt, Sir John, late of Rowington, co. Warwick, 154
-, " " Penelope, lady, late of Rowington, co. Warwick, 154
-, Leigh, Edward, gent., 153
-, " Mary, 153
-, " see Lea, Lee, Leighe
-, Leighe, . . . ., 20
-, " Edward, yeoman, 20
-, " see Lea, Lee, Leigh
-, Leiventeere, James, gent., 59, 137
-, " see Leanteere, Leiventure
-, Leiventure, . . . ., 137
-, " see Leanteere, Leiventeere
-, Lemeere, . . . ., 150
-, " see Lameere, Lander, Leemeere
-, Lemor (? Leonore), Marie, 245
-, Lentall, Sir Edward, knt, 140, 149, 154
-, " . . . ., lady, 140
-, " Isabella, lady, 149
-, Lentax, Sir Edward, knt., 8
-, (? Leonore) Lemor, Marie, 245
-, Lerouse, . . . ., gent., 151
-, Leveston, Martha, 151
-, Levingstone, Jane, 5
-, Lewen, Robert, gent, 59, 138
-, Lewes, Nicholas, of Burkingham, co. Worcester, esq., 147
-, Lewis, Anne, 242, 244
-, Lewkner, Mary, lady, 154
-, Lewknor, Sir Lewis, knt., 5, 8
-, Lewlin, Thomas, late of Ranfeild, co. York, gent., 132
-, Lewlyn, Thomas, of Ranfeild, co. York, gent, 46
-, Lifcholy, Thomas, yeoman, 140
-, " see Lifeholly, Liveholly, Liveholt
-, Lifeholly, Dorothy, 149
-, " Thomas, chandler, 149
-, " see Lifcholy, Liveholly, Liveholt
-, Light, Gertrude, 149
-, Lightfoot, Anne, 244
-, Lincolne, Mary, 136
-, Lindsey, Jasper, glover, 332
-, Linsey, . . . ., gent., 138
-, " Anne, 26, 128, 129, 138
-, Littleboyes, John, late of Aspenham, co. Sussex, gent., 142 (2)
-, " Sara, late of Aspenham, co. Sussex, 142
-, Littleboys, Anne, late of Aspenham, co. Sussex, 142
-, " George (sic) alias John (sic), late of Aspenham, co. Sussex, gent, 142
-, Liveholly, Thomas, chandler, 143
-, " see Lifcholy, Lifeholly, Liveholt
-, Liveholt, Thomas, chandler, 66
-, " see Lifcholy, Lifeholly, Liveholly
-, Lloyd, Robert, late of Swevy [Sweeney ?], co. Salop, gent, 145
-, " William, late of Haulchton, co. Flint, esq., 146
-, Lone, George, late of Sevenoaks, co. Kent, gent., 76
-, " Ralph, late of Marworth [Marwood (?)], co. Kent, gent., 76
-, Looker, James, schoolmaster, 200
-, Love, Anne, 137
-, " John, haberdasher, 245
-, " see Lowe
-, Lovell, Robert, gent, 172
-, " Thomas, late of Norwich, co. Norfolk, esq., 145
-, Loveringe, Hanna, 58
-, Lovett, . . . ., 142
-, " Drugo (or Drew), goldsmith, 23, 23, 86, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135, 138, 142, 150
-, " Elizabeth, 25
-, " Frances, 59, 138
-, " Francis, gent., 139, 142
-, " Katherine, 86, 138, 150
-, Lowe, . . . ., 59, 138
-, " Anne, 59
-, " Robert, butcher, 128, 129
-, " see Love
-, Lowman, Mary, 20
-, Lownd, Elizabeth, late of Scopiacke [Scopwick], co. Lincoln, 133
-, Lucar, Andred, late of Munckwicke, co. Essex, 33
-, Lumley, . . . ., gent., 150
-, Lunn, Maurice, late of Wells, co. Somerset, gent., 143
-, Macart, Florence, lord, 151
-, Macdam, Alexander, yeoman, 172
-, Macklocke, John, gent., 150
-, Maior, Thomas, tailor, 245
-, Makdonell, Elizabeth, 153
-, " Maurice, gent., 153
-, Mallitien, Francis, labourer, 152, 158
-, Mallory, Elizabeth, 12, 20, 26, 128, 129
-, Malton, Joan, 59, 137
-, Maninge, . . . ., 149
-, " John, gent, 149
-, Manners, Margaret, lady, 151
-, " see Mannours
-, Mannocke, Sir Francis, of Lewsham, co. Suffolk, knt. and bart, 66, 142
-, Mannours, Sir Charles, knt., 152
-, " see Manners
-, Manwaring. Elizabeth, 42
-, Manwaringe, Elizabeth, 130
-, Markham, Griffin, gent, 152
-, " Mary, 5
-, Marquesse, Margaret, 31
-, Marsh, Peter, yeoman, 86
-, " William, gent, 152, 157
-, Marshall, Anne, 59, 138
-, " Katherine, 138
-, Marteman, Brian, gent., 151
-, Marvyn, Anne, 149
-, " Elizabeth, 149
-, Mascrey, Richard, yeoman, 23
-, Matchett, . . . ., 129 (2), 140, 142, 143, 144
-, " George, gent., 5, 31, 138, 140, 142, 143, 144, 150, 172
-, " George, yeoman, 129 (2)
-, " Mary, 19, 138, 150
-, Mathew, Susan, 128, 129
-, " William, yeoman, 128, 129
-, " see Mathewes, Mathews
-, Mathewes, Margery, 138
-, " Susan, 19, 23, 25, 130, 131, 135
-, " William, cutler, 138
-, " William, gent., 25
-, " William, yeoman, 19, 23, 130, 131, 135
-, " see Mathew, Mathews
-, Mathews, Sir Thomas, knt., 31
-, " see Mathew, Mathewes
-, Maulton, Joan, 26
-, Mauntrell, . . . ., lady, 151
-, May, . . . ., 19
-, " Edward, gent., 8, 19
-, " Grace, 8
-, " James, late of Windsor, co. Berks, M.D., 148
-, Maynard, . . . ., 8
-, " Joseph, gent., 152
-, " Katherine, 8
-, Medcalfe, Sir Francis, of Luddington, co. Lincoln, knt., 141
-, " see Metcalfe
-, Mellish, . . . ., gent, 150
-, Metcalfe, Anthony, 71
-, " Sir Francis, of Luddington, co. Lincoln, knt., 65
-, " see Medcalfe
-, Metrulfe, Peter, gent., 152
-, Micarte, Daniel, gent, 151
-, Middlemore, John, late of Dymder, co. Hereford, gent., 145
-, Middlemore, Richard, of and late of Edgbaston, co. Warwick, esq., 53, 134
-, Midlemore, Richard, late of Edgbaston, co. Warwick, esq., 41, 45
-, Milborne, Charles, late of Lanrothall [Llanrouthall], co. Hereford, gent., 147
-, Miles, . . . ., 59
-, " Margaret, 138
-, " Michael, mason, 138
-, Milles, Michael, yeoman, 129, 130
-, Minos, Katherine, 149
-, Minshall, Sir Richard, knt., 59, 138, 140, 149, 155
-, " Sara, 149
-, " see Minshaw
-, Minshaw, Sir Richard, knt., 144
-, " see Minshall
-, Misbrincke, Michael, yeoman, 140
-, Misforth, Anne, late of Hewlam [Hulam], co. Durham, 45, 134
-, Mitchell, Dorothy, 7
-, " Henry, yeoman, 7
-, Molines, Frances, 244
-, Molins, Frances, 241
-, Molton, Joan, 143
-, Monday, Alice, 32
-, " Mary, 140
-, " Ralph, yeoman, 140
-, Monington, Richard, late of Sarnesfield, co. Hereford, esq., 147
-, Monnson, Robert, of Northropp, co Lincoln, esq., 141
-, " see Mounson
-, Moody. Isabel, 23, 25
-, Moodye, Isabel, 19
-, Moone, Frances, 5
-, " George, yeoman, 5, 19
-, Moore, Edward, gent., 17
-, " see More
-, Mordant, James, gent., 152
-, Mordaunt, Margaret, lady, 152
-, More, Edward, late of Dunerill, co. Hereford, yeoman, 145
-, " see Moore
-, Morer, Andrew, gent, 151
-, Morgan, . . . ., 150
-, " Edward, barber, 59, 86, 139
-, " Edward, late of Hanmer, co. Flint, gent, 148
-, " Elizabeth, 66
-, Morgan, Jenkin, gent., 66, 150
-, " John, gent., 59, 138, 139
-, " John, late of Trostrey, co. Monmouth, gent., 146
-, " Mary, 59, 138, 139
-, " Thomas, of and late of Weston, co. Warwick, esq., 41, 45, 53, 134
-, " Turberville, late of Lanvaire-usk-Koide, co. Monmouth, gent., 146
-, " William, late of Newport, co. Monmouth, gent., 146
-, " William, late of Pentrebach, co. Monmouth, gent., 146
-, Morgen, James, gent., 151
-, " Julian, gent., 151
-, Morleyand Mounteagle (Monteagle), Henry Parker, lord, 199, 200
-, Morton, Darby, yeoman 137
-, " Robert, late of Rougham, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, Mosse, Symon, carpenter, 135
-, Mott, Joan, 137
-, " John, yeoman, 59
-, Moumford, Edward, late of Stoke Ferry, co. Norfolk, esq., 147
-, Mounson, Robert, of Northropp, co. Lincoln, esq., 65
-, " see Monnson
-, Mountague, Bartholomew, gent, 150
-, " Lord, 150, 155
-, " Walter, esq., 151
-, Mountgarrett, Lady, 153
-, Mullinax, Margaret, late of Metlinges [Mellings], co. Lancaster, 140
-, " Robert, junior, late of Metlinges [Mellings], co. Lancaster, gent., 140
-, Munckton, William, late of Burland, co. York, gent., 131
-, Munkton, William, of Burland, co. York, gent., 46
-, Munsdell, Richard, tailor, 26
-, " see Musdale, Musdall
-, Munsey, Joan, of and late of Graystocke (or Graistoke), co. Cumberland, 47, 132
-, Munteeth. Isabella, lady, 151
-, " Mary, 151
-, Munteeth, Sir William, knt., 151
-, Munts, Ambrose, 241
-, Musdale, . . . ., 144
-, " Richard, tailor, 128, 129
-, " Susan, 19
-, " Richard, yeoman, 19, 59, 144
-, " see Munsdell, Musdall
-, Musdall, Richard, yeoman, 137
-, " Susan, 138
-, " see Munsdell, Musdale
-, Musey, Erasmus, gent., 147
-, Musgrave, Mary, late of Joanby, co. Cumberland, 132
-, " Winifred, of and late of Joaneby (or Joanby), co. Cumberland, 47, 132
-, Mynate, Dorothy, 26
-, " Katherine, 26
-, " Sibil, 26
-, Nabbes, Isabella, 140
-, " Thomas, gent., 140
-, Nabbs, Bridget, 149
-, " Thomas, gent., 149
-, Nailor, Elizabeth, late of Lincoln, co. Lincoln, 133
-, Napper, Christopher, gent., 152
-, Neddleton, Margaret, late of Broadholme, co. Nottingham 133
-, " Robert, late of Broadholme, co. Nottinghom, yeoman, 133
-, " see Nettleton
-, Neighbour, Christofer, yeoman, 6
-, " Mary, 6
-, Nettleton, Robert, of Broadholme, co. Notts, yeoman, 48
-, " see Neddleton
-, Newe, Mary, 149
-, " William, schoolmaster, 149
-, Newgate, . . . ., gent., 150
-, " Peter, gent., 172
-, Newgent, Francis, gent., 152
-, " John, gent., 152
-, Newson, John, gent., 172
-, Niccolson, Anne, late of Poulton, co. Lancaster, 134
-, Nicholson, Anne, late of Poulton, co. Lancaster, 46
-, Northcott, Thomas, victualler, 66, 141
-, Norton, Anne, late of Norwich, co. Norfolk, 145
-, " Darby, yeoman, 59
-, " John, late of Norwich, co. Norfolk, gent., 144
-, " Mary, lady, of Claxbie, co. Lincoln, 65, 141
-, " Sir Walter, late of Brackenhall, co. Norfolk, knt, 147
-, " William, late of Norwich, co. Norfolk, gent., 144
-, Ocley, Bridget, 128
-, " see Orley
-, Offeild, . . . ., 128, 129, 130 (2), 135, 136, 139
-, " John, gent., 130, 135, 136, 139
-, " John, yeoman, 128, 129, 130
-, Offield, John, gent., 26
-, " Juliana, 26
-, Oglethorpe, Ralph, yeoman, 140
-, Olier, James, gent., 8
-, Oliver, Anne, 8
-, " Mary, 44, 128, 129
-, Olliver, Jane, 151
-, " Mary, 130
-, " Olliver, gent., 151
-, Orchard, Joan, 8
-, " William, yeoman, 8
-, Orde, Elianore (or Elinore), of and late of Prowde (or Poovet) [Prudhoe] Castle, co. Northbld., 47, 132
-, Orley, Bridget, 129
-, " see Ocley
-, Ostan, . . . ., lady, 151
-, Overingham, Francis, yeoman, 86
-, Owine, Robert, gent., 152, 157
-, Packington Abigail, late of Chadgley Corbett [Chaddesley Corbett], co. Worcester, 45, 134
-, Palmer, Francis, late of Coughton, co. Warwick, gent., 136
-, " Francis, yeoman, 128, 129
-, " Margaret, 58
-, " William, of Naburn, co. York, esq., 46
-, " see Palmes
-, Palmes, William, late of Naborne [Naburn], co. York, esq., 131
-, Palmes, see Palmer
-, Palyn, William, gent., 151
-, Parham, Sir Edward, knt., 38
-, Paris, Charles, of Puddingmorton [Pudding-Norton], co. Norfolk, esq., 144
-, " Frances, of Puddingmorton [Pudding-Norton], co. Norfolk, 144
-, " John, of Puddingmorton [Pudding-Norton], co. Norfolk, gent., 144
-, " see Parris
-, Parker, William, late of Brampton, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, Parkes, Jane, 19
-, Parkinson, Edward, of Claxbie, co. Lincoln, gent., 65, 141
-, Parr, . . . ., 26
-, " Richard, tailor, 26, 137, 138
-, Parre, Thomas, gent., 17
-, Parris, Joan, 8
-, " see Paris
-, Parry, John, late of Twison, co. Denbigh, gent., 146
-, Pascall, David, yeoman, 42, 130
-, " see Pestall
-, Paston, 'Dorothy, late of Barningham, co. Norfolk, 145
-, " John, late of Appleton, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, " William, late of Appleton, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, Paul, Thomas, yeoman, 136
-, Payne, John, late of Stoke-by-Nayland, co. Suffolk, gent, 145
-, Pearcey, Isabel, 7
-, Peasley, Walter, gent., 140, 141
-, " William, gent., 57
-, Peeres, Thomas, late of Alleston [Allesley (?)], co. Warwick, gent., 136
-, Pencavell, Anne, 153
-, " Peter, gent., 153
-, " see Penkevell
-, Penington, . . . ., 26
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 26
-, " see Pennington
-, Penkevell, Peter, gent., 55
-, " see Pencavell
-, Pennington, John, yeoman, 17
-, " see Penington
-, Penruddock, John, gent., 154
-, Penruddocke, John, esq., 151
-, " Lucy, 151
-, Penvois, Anne, 128, 129
-, Penvoise, . . . ., 26
-, Perdu, . . . ., 151
-, Perkins, Anne, 66
-, " Joseph, yeoman, 129 (2)
-, " . . . ., lady, 149
-, Pert, Anne, late of Norwich, co. Norfolk, 144
-, " Edward, late of Christ Church in Norwich, co. Norfolk, tailor, 147
-, " Vincent, late of Christ Church in Norwich, co. Norfolk, 147
-, Pestall, David, gent., 148
-, " see Pascall
-, Peters, Francis, gent, 140
-, Pettison, Mary, 137
-, " see Pettyson
-, Pettit, Joan, 6
-, " William, late of Boughton Blean, co. Kent, gent., 76
-, " William, yeoman, 6
-, Petto, . . . ., 151
-, Pettyson, Mary, 59
-, " see Pettison
-, Pewter, Mary, 31
-, Phenix, Richard, yeoman, 384
-, " see Fenix, Fennick, Fenwicke, Phenixe
-, Phenixe, Anne, 31
-, " John, yeoman, 31
-, " see Fenix, Fenaick, Fenwicke, Phenix
-, Phillippes, . . . ., 137
-, " Elizabeth, 26
-, Phillips, Richard, late of Molleston, co. Pembroke gent., 146
-, Phyrmyne, Bridget, 148
-, " see Fermyn, Firmin
-, Pickeringe, John, gent., 153
-, Pickett, . . . ., 151
-, " Nicholas, gent, 151
-, Pile, John, goldsmith, 151
-, Pincke, Henry, yeoman, 25
-, " Mary, 25
-, Platt, John, yeoman, 42, 130
-, Playden, Francis, esq., 59, 138
-, Plocker, Peter, 245
-, Plott, Mary, 149
-, Plott, Richard, gent., 149
-, Plumley, Elizabeth, lady, 151
-, Plumpton, John, of Knockton Abbey, co. York, esq., 46
-, " John, late of Norton, co. York, esq., 131
-, Plunckett, Nickolas, 4
-, Plunkett, Christopher, gent., 172
-, " Oswell, gent., 31
-, Poole, Charles, gent., 152
-, " Joan, 152
-, Pordage, John, late of Barningham, alias of Appleton, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, " Thomas, late of Boughton Blean, co. Kent., gent., 76
-, Porredge, . . . ., esq., 59, 137
-, Porter, . . . ., 151, 156
-, Portington, . . . ., 149
-, " Robert, gent., 144, 149
-, Portland, Frances, countess-dowager of, 153
-, Potter, Henry, chandler, 172
-, Pottinger, Elizabeth, 201
-, " Mary, 201
-, Poulton, Joseph Underhill, alias Thomas, gent., 17
-, Powell, David, yeoman, 58, 137
-, " Edward, gent., 150
-, " Joan, 42, 130
-, " John, late of Partheere, co. Monmouth, gent., 146
-, " Margery, 8
-, " Mary, 8
-, Power, Thomas, gent., 152
-, " William, late of Dalden [Dalton (?)], co. Durham, gent., 45, 134
-, Poynts, Rowland, late of Penrose, co. Monmouth, gent., 146
-, Pregion, Margaret, of Lincoln, co. Lincoln, 65, 141
-, Pressen, Thomas, gent., 152
-, Prestcott, Humphrey, yeoman, 86
-, Preston, John, junior, of Dalton, co. Lancaster, gent., 49, 135
-, Prestwich, Elizabeth, of [Holme], co. Lancaster, 47
-, Prestwith, Elizabeth, late of Holme, co. Lancaster, 133
-, Previsor, Anne, 149
-, " John, limner, 149
-, " see Provisor
-, Prickett, . . . ., 137
-, " Allan, tailor, 137
-, " Allen, yeoman, 135
-, Prince, Elizabeth, 138
-, " John, goldsmith, 66, 131, 138
-, " Mary, 66, 138
-, " Thomas, weaver, 130, 139
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 12, 128, 129, 135, 138
-, " see Prynce
-, Priswicke, Frances, 152
-, Probo, Samuel, gent., 148
-, Provisor, Anne, 140
-, " John, gent., 140
-, " John, yeoman, 128, 129
-, " see Previsor
-, Provo, John, gent., 140
-, " Sherlake, 140
-, Pryce, Anthony, yeoman, 31
-, " Francis, gent., 5
-, Prynce, Agnes, 26
-, " Joan, 20
-, " John, . . . ., 128, 129
-, " John, gent., 25
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 20, 26, 135
-, " see Prince
-, Prynne, Judith, 7
-, Pugh, Robert, late of Llandiles [Llanddulas], co. Denbigh, gent., 146
-, " William, late of Crythin, co. Denbigh, gent., 148
-, Pullingsbury, Cornelius, picturedrawer, 148
-, Pynner, Hugh, gent., 144, 147, 153
-, " Margaret, 153
-, Quaite, Francis, gent., 31
-, Quarlis, Elionore, 153
-, Quinten, Joseph, gent., 148
-, Quintin, Joseph, gent., 153
-, Quinton. . . . ., 137
-, " Joseph, gent, 12, 130, 137, 143, 144 (2), 147
-, " Joseph, yeoman, 20, 23, 26, 128, 129, 131
-, Rabins, Francis, yeoman, 131
-, " see Robins
-, Radcliffe, Sir Francis, of and late of Gateside, co. Northbld., knt., 47, 132
-, Ravencrofte, Elizabeth, 5
-, Rawley, Margaret, 19
-, Read, Thomas, yeoman, 86
-, Reade, Captain John, 67
-, Rearsby, Mary, lady, 149, 155
-, Redmore, Robert, gent., 152, 157
-, Reeve, Thomas, yeoman, 86, 128, 129
-, Revell, Rowland, of and late of Stannington, co. York, yeoman, 46, 131
-, Richardes, Lewis, gent., 140
-, " Mary, 140
-, Richards, Alice, 19
-, " Francis, yeoman, 19
-, " Lewis, gent., 19, 149, 154
-, " Lewis, yeoman, 8
-, " Mary, 19, 149, 154
-, Richardson, . . . ., 12, 130
-, " Elizabeth, 129, 130, 138
-, " Francis, of Northropp, co. Lincoln, esq., 65
-, " Francis, of Northropp, co. Lincoln, yeoman, 141
-, " Francis, chandler, 25
-, " Francis, victualler, 138
-, " Francis, yeoman, 12, 129, 130 (2)
-, " Jane, 25
-, " Martha, 241, 244
-, " Thomas, late of Meicescoe, co. Lancaster, gent., 47, 133
-, " William, apothecary, 152
-, Rickson, John, gent., 154
-, " see Rixon
-, Rider, George, of Hothivell, co. Leicester, gent., 142
-, " Simon, late of Picton [Pickton], co. York, yeoman, 131
-, " see Ryder
-, Ridley, Thomas, yeoman, 12
-, Ringsted, Alicia, 26
-, Rixon, George, of and late of Darneton, co. Durham, yeoman, 46, 132
-, Rixon, Mary, late of Dameton, co. Durham, 132
-, " see Rickson
-, Roaper, Sir Anthony, late of Farningham, co. Kent, knt., 54, 136, 137
-, " see Roper
-, Robbtham, Hannab, 149
-, " William, . . . ., 149
-, Roberts, Anne, 150
-, " Anthony, gent., 150, 156
-, " Nicholas, esq., 31
-, Robins, Francis, yeoman, 31, 128, 129, 130, 136
-, " see Rabins
-, Robinson, . . . ., 137
-, " Mary, of . . . ., Co. York, 46, 131
-, " Richard, gent., 150
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 137
-, Rogers, Anne, 7
-, " Henry, yeoman, 7
-, Rolfe, Edward, musician, 153
-, " Hanna, 153
-, Rookes, Richard, yeoman, 19
-, Rookesby, Robert, late of Newcastle, co. Northbld.. gent., 132
-, Rooksby, Robert, of Newcastle, co. Northbld., gent., 47
-, Rookwood, Elie alias Elias, late of Euston, co. Suffolk, gent., 145
-, Roper, Philip, gent., 149, 184
-, " Thomas, of Eltham, co. Kent, gent., 148
-, " William, late of Farningham, co. Kent, gent., 148
-, " see Roaper
-, Roscoe, William, of and late of Euxton, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 48, 133
-, Rosse, Robert, of Grandison, co. Suffolk, gent., 142
-, Rouke, John, gent., 152
-, Route, Richard, gent., 144
-, Rowbotham, William, tailor, 332
-, Rowse, Margaret, 180
-, " Reginald, late of Monmouth, co. Monmouth, vintner, 146
-, Ruckwood, Jane, 25
-, " Richard, yeoman, 25
-, Rufford, . . . ., 12
-, Rufford, Ambrose, gent., 12
-, " Ambrose, yeoman, 19
-, " Jane, 19
-, Rumball, Alice, 59, 137
-, Rumbull, . . . ., 136
-, Russell, John, late of Malvern Parva, co. Worcester, esq., 45. 54, 134, 136, 145
-, " Mary, 7, 19, 31
-, Rutter, Thomas, yeoman, 58, 137
-, Ryan, John, gent., 172
-, " see Ryon
-, Ryder, Mary, 151
-, " Simon, of Pickton, co. York, yeoman, 46
-, " Thomas, gent., 151
-, " see Rider
-, Ryon, . . . ., gent., 150
-, " see Ryan
-, Ryth, Clara, 152
-, " Elizabeth, 152
-, " George, gent., 152
-, " Mary, 152
-, Ryther, Robert (an apprentice), 245
-, Sadler, Henry, late of Sunbury, yeoman, 332
-, Sainctes, Francois Tout., gent, 199
-, Saincts, Francois Tout, tailor, 200
-, Saier, Robert, late of Burnley, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 134
-, " see Saire, Sayer, Sayre
-, St. George, . . . ., 150
-, Saire, Elizabeth, late of Worsall, co. York, 134
-, " Lawrence, late of Worsall, co. York, gent., 134
-, " see Saier, Sayer, Sayre
-, Salberry, Anne, 59
-, " see Salbury, Salisbury, Salusbury
-, Salbury, Anne, 138
-, " see Salberry, Salisbury, Salusbury
-, Salisbury, William, gent., 130, 135
-, " " yeoman, 131
-, " see Salberry, Salbury, Salusbury
-, Salusbury, William, gent., 42
-, " see Salberry, Salbury, Salisbury
-, Salvette, Signior Amerego, gent., 152, 158
-, " Signora, 152, 158
-, Salvin, Anne, late of Raby, co. Durham, 45, 134
-, " Mary, late of Coxton (or Couxton) [?Cockerton], co. Durham, 45, 134
-, " Herbert, late of Raby, co. Durham, gent., 134
-, " Robert, late of Raby, co. Durham, 45
-, Sam, John, yeoman, 23
-, Samuell, Christiana, 8
-, " Richard, yeoman, 8
-, Sandale, Anne, 59, 138
-, Sanders, Dowgwella, lady, of . . ., co. Berks, 64
-, " Francis, late of Stoakes [Stokes], co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, " see Saunders
-, Sandes, Anne, Lady Sandys alias, late of Bray, co. Berks, 142
-, Sandy, William, yeoman, 8
-, Sandys alias Sandes, Anne, lady, late of Bray, co. Berks, 142
-, Sanquer, Julian, late of Wierham [Weasenham (?)], co. Norfolk, 145
-, Sapcoates, Ellinor, late of Bracebridge, co. Lincoln, 133
-, Sarr, Bridgett, 138
-, Saul, Charles, late of Sallett, co. Westmoreland, gent., 132
-, " Susan, 25, 38, 128, 129, 130, 131
-, Saule, Charles, of Sallet, co. Westmoreland, gent., 47
-, " Jane, 23
-, " Susan, 35
-, Saunders . . . ., 20, 26, 35, 44, 130
-, " . . . ., esq., 143
-, " . . . ., gent., 26
-, " Bridget (or Bridgett), 66, 136, 137. 139 (3), 141, 142, 143. 144 (2), 147
-, " Mary, 136
-, " William, . . . ., 20
-, " William, esq., 35, 44, 66, 130, 139 (2), 141, 142
-, Saunders, William, gent., 35, 136, 137, 139
-, " see Sanders
-, Sayer, Robert, late of Burneley, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 46
-, " see Saier, Saire, Sayre
-, Sayre, Elizabeth, late of Worsall, co. York, 45
-, " Laurence, late of Worsall, co. York, gent., 45
-, " see Saier, Saire, Sayer
-, Scarbolt, Lewis, chandler, 44
-, " see Starbolt, Starboule
-, Scealen, Margaret, 135
-, " see Seelane
-, Scipp, William, yeoman, 25
-, " see Skipp, Skippe
-, Scory, Silvester lady, late of Quanboxhead [Quantoxhead], co. Somerset, 143
-, Scudamore, James, late of Sutton St. Nicholas, co. Hereford, gent, 146
-, " Ralph, late of Sutton St. Nicholas, co. Hereford, esq., 146
-, Seaborne, Richard, late of Madley, co. Hereford, gent., 146
-, Seaburne, William, late of Skenfreth, co. Monmouth, gent., 146
-, Seares, Edmund, of Hampton, gent., 333
-, Seddon, Hugh, yeoman, 66
-, Seelane, Margaret, 42
-, " see Scealen
-, Seeley, John, sawyer, 59, 137
-, Selby, Elizabeth, 173
-, " Elizabeth, lady, of and late of Winlington [Winlaton ?] co. Durham, 47, 132
-, " William, of and late of Winlington [or Winlaton ?], co. Durham, esq., 47, 132
-, Seret, Peter, gent., 144
-, Sesse, William, 245
-, Sharat, Lucy, 128
-, " see Sharratt, Sharrett
-, Sharratt, Lucy, 25, 129, 130, 135
-, " see Sharat, Sharrett
-, Sharrett, Elizabeth, 86
-, " Lucy, 131, 136
-, " Margaret, 136
-, Sharrett, Thomas, tailor 86
-, " see Sharat, Sharratt
-, Shea, Edward, gent., 150
-, " Richard, gent., 150
-, Sheldon, Anthony, late of Grafton, co. Warwick, gent., 45, 134
-, Shelley, Anne, 152
-, " Lady Jane, of Michell Grove in the parish of Clapham, co. Sussex, 76
-, Sherburne, Elizabeth of and late of Stanyng (or Stanhurst), co. Lancaster, 48 133
-, " Thomas, of and late of Heysham (or Heyston), co. Lancaster, gent., 47, 132
-, Sherley, Lady Dorothy, 148
-, " Elizabeth 7
-, " John, yeoman, 7, 140
-, Sherman, John, late of Brainfeild [Bramfield], co. Suffolk, gent., 145
-, Sherwood, Barbara, of Bath, co. Somerset, 143
-, Shewbread, Richard, cook, 153
-, Shrewsbury, Mary, countess of, 5
-, Shroudes, Edmund, gent., 199
-, Sibsey, John, of and late of Panton, co. Lincoln, yeoman, 48, 133
-, " Ursula, of Panton, co. Lincoln, 48
-, Sidenham, Lady Margaret, 8
-, " see Sydnam
-, Sidley, John, gent, 59, 138
-, " John, yeoman, 140
-, " Sara, 140
-, Silke, . . . ., 137
-, " Treague, yeoman, 59, 137
-, Silley, . . . ., gent., 150
-, Sime, Jane, 131
-, Simondes, Sir George, knt., 140, 141
-, " Sir John, knt., 139
-, " see Symondes, Symonds, Symons
-, Simpkin, George, yeoman, 140
-, Simpson, Jane, 26
-, " John, yeoman, 26
-, " Sara, 26.
-, Singleton, James, of Markington, co. York, gent., 46, 131
-, " William, late of Broughton, co. Lancaster, gent., 134
-, " see Syngleton
-, Skeele, John, labourer, 172
-, Skelton, Frances, 173
-, Skinner, Mary, lady, 151
-, " see Skynner
-, Skipp, William, yeoman, 129, 130, 135, 136
-, " see Scipp, Skippe
-, Skippare, William, yeoman, 31
-, Skippe, William, yeoman, 128, 131
-, " see Scipp, Skipp
-, Skynner, Lady Mary, 148
-, " see Skinner
-, Sleford, Edward, of Skelington [Skellingthorpe (?)], co. Lincoln, gent., 65
-, " Frances, of Skelington [Skellingthorpe (?)] co. Lincoln, 65, 141
-, " William, of Skelington [Skellingthorpe (?)], co. Lincoln, gent., 141
-, Slifeild, Anne, 20, 129, 131, 135 (2)
-, " Anne, 44, 128
-, Smarte, . . . ., 59, 137
-, Smith, Sir Charles, of and late of Wootton Wawen, co. Warwick, knt., 45, 71, 134, 136
-, " Edward, late of Sharisbicke [Scarisbrick], co. Lancaster, yeoman, 134
-, " Elizabeth, late of Sharisbicke [Scarisbrick], co, Lancaster, 134
-, " Richard, of and late of Finglehead, co. Westmld., yeoman, 47, 132
-, " Thomas, esq., 142
-, " Thomas, gent., 172
-, " see Smithe, Smyth
-, Smithe, Mary, 8
-, " see Smith, Smyth
-, Smithson, . . . ., 86
-, " Anne, 138
-, " Elizabeth, 130, 131
-, Smithson, Frank, gent, 152, 157
-, " George, vintner, 44
-, " George, yeoman, 138
-, " Thomas, vintner, 244, 249
-, " William, tailor, 332
-, Smyth, Anne, 180
-, " Sir Charles, knt., 153, 158
-, " Edward, late of Sharisbricke [Scarisbrick], co. Lancaster, yeoman, 46
-, " Elizabeth, lady, 153
-, " Elizabeth, late of Sharisbricke [Scarisbrick], co. Lancaster, 46
-, " Symon, weaver, 154
-, " see Smith, Smithe
-, Snellock, Elizabeth, 7
-, Snowe, Mary, 137
-, " Simon, gent., 142
-, Soane, Alexander, victualler, 142
-, Southwell, Anne, 8
-, Spencefeild, John, gent., 244
-, Spensefeild, John, gent., 247
-, Spiller, Anne, lady, 150, 154, 158
-, Spincke, Henry, tailor, 19
-, " Henry, yeoman, 31
-, " Isabel, 19
-, Spinke, Anne, 149
-, " Henry, tailor, 149
-, Spurvert, John, esq., 243
-, Squire, Robert, late of Harwood Magna, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 45, 134
-, Stafford, Elizabeth, 150
-, " Lady Mary, 152, 157
-, " William, viscount, 152, 157
-, Stale, John, . . . ., 199
-, Staley, John, 195
-, Standage, . . . ., 151
-, Standish, John, gent., 139
-, Standishe, John, gent, 5, 136
-, " Mary, 35
-, " Ralph, gent., 151, 156
-, " Rosa, 151
-, Stanford, Dorothy, 151
-, " Edward, gent., 151
-, Stanhope, Daniel, gent, 17
-, Stanley, Elizabeth, 139
-, Stansby, John, gent., 172
-, Stansbye, John, gent., 150
-, Stapleton, Robert, gent., 61
-, Stapylton, . . . ., lady, 140
-, Starbolt, Lewis, chandler, 130
-, " see Scarbolt, Starboule
-, Starboule, Anne, 5
-, " Lewis, yeoman, 5
-, " see Scarbolt, Starbolt
-, Stayler, John, goldsmith, 249
-, Stevenson Frances, of Thornton Wood, co. York, 46
-, Stewkley, Elizabeth, late of Bray, co. Berks, 74
-, Stiddolph, Daniel, gent, 56
-, Stoakes, . . . ., 137
-, " Dorothy, 31
-, " John, gent., 140
-, " Thomas, gent, 144, 147
-, " see Stoaks, Stokes, Stookes
-, Stoaks, Thomas, gent., 31
-, " see Stoakes, Stokes, Stookes
-, Stoarton, Lord, 152, 158
-, Stockwood, Richard, late of Rotheread, parish of Sevenoaks, co. Kent, gent., 55
-, Stokes, Anne, 149
-, " John, gent., 149
-, " Katherine, 23
-, " see Stoakes, Stoaks, Stookes
-, Stonehouse, Cuthbert, yeoman, 138
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 138
-, " see Stonehurst, Stonust
-, Stonehurst, . . . ., 26 (2)
-, " Cuthbert, jeweller, 141
-, " Cuthbert, yeoman, 26
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 26
-, " see Stonehouse, Stonust
-, Stonust, Thomas, yeoman, 131
-, " see Stonehouse, Stonehurst
-, Stookes, . . . ., yeoman, 8
-, " Mary, 8
-, " see Stoakes, Stoaks, Stokes
-, Strange, Susan, 131, 135, 138
-, " Elizabeth, 138
-, Strugge, Mary, 59, 138
-, Sturton, Thomas, late of Wandsworth, co. Surrey, gent., 148
-, " Sir William, knt., 31, 35, 38
-, Suffeild, Roger, late of Brampton, co. Suffolk, gent., 145
-, Surdon, John, 243
-, Surracole, John, apothecary, 147
-, Swinglehurst, Edith, 130, 131, 135, 136
-, " John, yeoman, 31, 130, 131, 135
-, " Judith, 31
-, Swingler, Edith, 138
-, Sydnam, Margaret, Lady, 19
-, " see Sidenham
-, Symondes, Anne, 6
-, " Francis, yeoman, 6
-, " Sir John, knt., 139, 142, 144
-, " see Simondes, Symonds, Symons
-, Symonds, Sir John, knt., 71, 137
-, " Lady, 137
-, " see Simondes, Symondes, Symons
-, Symons, Sir John, knt, 59, 153
-, " Lady, 59
-, " Lady Katherine, 153
-, " see Simondes, Symondes, Symonds
-, Syngleton, William, late of Broughton, co. Lancaster, gent, 45
-, " see Singleton
-, Tailer, Elizabeth, 129
-, " see Tailor, Taylor
-, Tailor, . . ., gent., 151
-, " Christofer, late of Haighton, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 133
-, " Elizabeth, 20, 128, 130, 131, 135, 138
-, " George, late of Corneshawe Rawe, co. Durham, gent., 134
-, " Thomas, yeoman, 25
-, " see Tailer, Taylor
-, Talbott, Mary, 19
-, Tallice, Anne, 7
-, " Mary, 7
-, " William, gent., 7
-, Tartogen, Lucretia, 153
-, Taylor, Christopher, of Haighton, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 47
-, " George, late of Corneshawe Rawe, co. Durham, yeoman, 45
-, " John, of Thorpe by Norwich, co. Norfolk, gent., 146
-, Taylor, John, late of Thorpe by Norwich, co. Norfolk, yeoman, 147
-, " see Tailer, Tailor
-, Tenham, . . . ., lady, 150
-, Thimble, Sir John, late of Irneham, co. Lincoln, knt., 133
-, " see Thimbleby
-, Thimbleby, Elizabeth, 151
-, " George, gent, 151, 157
-, " George (? junior), gent., 151, 156
-, " Sir John, of Irnham, co. Lincoln, knt., 48
-, " see Thimble
-, Thomas, . . . ., 19
-, " Anne, 7, 135
-, " John, yeoman, 7
-, " Philip, yeoman, 19, 31
-, " Thomas, tailor, 49, 135
-, Thompson, John, gent., 150
-, " Thomas, gent, 148
-, " see Tompson
-, Thorne, Peter Johnson alias, late of Thorpehall, co. York, gent, 41
-, Thorold, Edward, of Hough-super[montem?], co. Lincoln, esq., 65, 141
-, " Jane, of Hough-super[montem ?], co. Lincoln, 65, 141
-, " see Thurrolde
-, Thurrolde, Edward, late of Hoghe [Hough] -super - montem, co. Lincoln, esq., 133
-, " see Thorold
-, Thursdale, Margaret, 150
-, " Philip, gent., 150
-, Tiballs, Dorothy, 19
-, Tirwhitt, Robert, of Lenton, co. Notts, gent, 65
-, " Thomas, of Lenton, co. Nottingham, gent, 141
-, " see Turwhytt
-, Tockells, William, of Gisbrough, co. York, gent., 46
-, " see Tockettes
-, Tockettes, William, of Gisbrough, co. York, gent., 131
-, " see Tockells
-, Tompson, Elizabeth, 153
-, Tompson, James, gent., 153
-, " see Thompson
-, Toppan, Anne, of Agglethorp, co. York, 46, 131
-, Toprains, John Baptiste, merchant, 153
-, Tottell, Francis, 152
-, Towers, Thomas, . . . ., 142
-, Towneley, Charles, of Hapton [Hoghton], co. Lan caster, gent., 48
-, " Charles, of and late of Sledwith, co. Durham, gent., 47, 132
-, " Ellen, of and late of Hurstwood, co. Lancaster, 47, 133
-, " Mary, of and late of Sledwith, co. Durham, 47, 132
-, " see Townley
-, Townesend, Margaret, 149
-, Townsend, Warren, gent., 149
-, Townley, Charles, late of Hoopton [Hoghton], co. Lancaster, gent., 133
-, " see Towneley
-, Trafford, Sir Cecyll, of . . . ., co. Lancaster, knt., 53
-, Trayle, Thomas (a confessed papist), 100
-, Tresam, . . . ., lady, 149
-, Tresham, Sir Lewis, knt., 140, 141
-, Tresser, Dorothy, 151
-, " Jonas, gent, 151
-, Trotter, Isabel, 8
-, Tudnam, Mary, 8
-, Turner, Thomas, M.D., 147
-, Turvell, Henry, late of Aston Flamville, co. Leicester, esq., 76
-, Turwhytt, William, late of Kettlebye, co. Lincoln, esq., 133
-, " see Tirwhitt
-, Twhinge, Anne, of He worth, co. York, 46
-, " George, of Heworth, co. York, gent., 46
-, Tylder, James, labourer, 86
-, " Susan, 86
-, Ulloa, Alice, 183
-, Underhill alias Thomas Poulton, Joseph, gent., 17
-, Van Hundergan, James, 241
-, Vander Hoeven, John Baptista, 243
-, " Mander, Joseph, merchant, 243
-, Vanloe, Nicholas, tailor, 147
-, Vardner, Lady Elizabeth, 8
-, " see Gardner
-, Vaudry, Richard, of and late of Banke (?) co. Chester, gent., 47, 132
-, Vaughan, John, gent., 152, 157
-, " Lucy, late of Henllan, co. Denbigh, 148
-, " Robert, engraver, 147
-, " William, 245
-, Vavasar, Mary, 150
-, Veare, Mary, 148
-, Ventrisse, Charles, gent., 152
-, Verney, Edward, gent., 128, 129
-, Veteram, . . . ., 150
-, " . . . ., gent., 150
-, Vieunilley, . . . ., lady, 152
-, " Charles, lord, 152
-, Vivian, Christofer, silversmith, 148
-, Wacyn, Mary, 136
-, Waffer, Ellen, 140, 141
-, Wager, Henry, gent., 12
-, Wakeley, . . . ., 139
-, " John, gent., 139, 152
-, " John, ordinary-keeper, 139
-, Wakeman, Mary, 86
-, " Richard, tailor, 86
-, Waldegrave, . . . ., 150
-, " John, gent, 150
-, " see Walgrave
-, Waldron, John, gent, 8, 20, 25, 140, 154
-, " John, M.D., 5, 149
-, " Margaret, 8, 25, 149
-, Walgrave, Charles, late of Stanninghall, co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, " Edward, late of Stanninghall, co. Norfolk, gent, 145
-, " Nicholas, late of Stanninghall, co. Norfolk, gent, 145
-, " see Waldegrave
-, Walker, Joseph, gent., 59, 135, 137
-, Wall, William, late of Lethringsell [Letheringsett], co. Norfolk, gent., 145
-, Walters, James, late of Woolsley, co. Warwick, gent., 42
-, " Robert, labourer, 104
-, Walton, Dorothy, late of Howth (or Horwth), co. Lancaster, 45, 134
-, Walwyne, Anthony, late of Llantarne [Llanwarne (?)], co. Hereford, gent, 146
-, Wanze, Lady . . . ., 8
-, Wappe, Thomas, gent., 154
-, Ward, . . . ., 150
-, " . . . ., gent., 150
-, Warden, Anne, 332
-, " Elizabeth, 59, 66
-, " John, carpenter, 86
-, " John, cutler, 59, 66, 138
-, " Susan, 86
-, Waring, Dorothy, 8
-, Warmington, Simon, gent., 138, 141
-, " Simon (or Symon), yeoman, 44, 86, 131
-, Warneford, Edward, gent., 140
-, " Martha, 140
-, Warnford, . . . ., 149
-, " Edward, gent., 149
-, Warren, Anne, of and late of Poynton, co. Chester, 47, 132
-, " Dockea, 26
-, " James, gent., 151
-, Washington, Anne, late of Warton, co. Lancaster, 46, 134
-, Waters, Katherine, 138
-, " Mary, 7
-, " Richard, yeoman, 7
-, Waterton, Jane, late of North Stanley, co. York, 46
-, " John, late of North Stanley, York [gent.], 46, 134
-, Watson, Anne, of and late of Cliviger, co. Lancaster, 48, 133
-, " John, of and late of Cliviger, co. Lancaster, gent., 48, 133
-, Wayte, James, shoemaker, 181
-, Weake, Robert, 195
-, Weare, Robert, tailor, 136
-, Web, Anne, 8
-, " Jane, 8
-, " Katherine, 8
-, " . . . ., yeoman, 8
-, " see Webb, Webbe
-, Webb, . . . ., 19
-, " James, gent., 19
-, " Robert, cordwainer, 249
-, " Robert, yeoman, 140
-, " William, yeoman, 19, 130
-, " see Web, Webbe
-, Webbe, . . . ., 8
-, " Robert, cook, 143
-, " William, yeoman, 8
-, " see Web, Webb
-, Webster, Robert, carpenter, 135
-, Weedon, Elizabeth, of Upton, co. Worcester, 66
-, " Ignatius, of Longdon, co. Stafford, gent., 66
-, " John, late of Feckingham [Feckenham], co. Worcester, esq., 45, 134
-, " John, late of Worcester, gent, 54, 136
-, " Thomas, gent., 17
-, " Thomas, of Upton, co. Worcester, gent., 66
-, Weekes, Elizabeth, of St. Albans, co. Hertford, 66
-, " Joan, 59, 138
-, " Leonard, of St. Albans, co. Hertford, 66
-, Weiden, Thomas, of Croston, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 47
-, " see Werden
-, Welch, John, chimney-sweeper, 153
-, " Robert, yeoman, 384
-, " see Welsh
-, Wells, Frances, 137
-, " Richard, gent., 152
-, " Richard, of Ashford, yeoman, 333
-, Welsh, . . . ., 59, 137
-, " Walter, yeoman, 59, 137
-, " see Welch
-, Wender, Peter, yeoman, 140
-, " see Winder, Wynder
-, Werden, Thomas, late of Croston, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 132
-, " see Weiden
-, West, Edward, weaver, 154
-, " Elizabeth, 153
-, " Henry, gent., 148
-, " Henry, broker, 153
-, Westbye, Elizabeth, 165
-, Wharton, John, gent., 151
-, Wheeler, Edward, gent., 150
-, " Thomas, esq., 153
-, White, . . . ., gent., 140
-, " Andrew, chandler, 20, 26, 128, 129, 130
-, " Andrew, yeoman, 8, 12
-, " Christian, 26
-, " George, gent., 20
-, " George, yeoman, 26
-, " John, gent., 20
-, " Katherine, 8, 12
-, " Richard, gent., 140
-, " Robert, of and late of Magna Eccleston, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 47, 132
-, " Thomas, fruiterer, 245
-, Whitemore, Katherine, of and late of Cawdy Grange, co. Chester, 47, 132
-, Whitticke, Walter, 42
-, " see Whittocke
-, Whittingham, . . . ., gent., 150
-, Whittocke, Walter, vintner, 130
-, " William, vintner, 58
-, " see Whitticke
-, Wickliffe, Bely, of and late of Preston, co. Durham, 47, 142
-, Widmorepoole, Henry, of Oxborough, co. Norfolk, gent., 146
-, Wig, . . . ., 140
-, " Alexander, gent., 140
-, Wigmore, John, late of Llangarran, co. Hereford, gent., 147
-, " John, late of Lutlou [Ludlow], co. Hereford, gent., 145
-, " Robert, gent., 152
-, Wildbore, George, grocer, 332
-, Wilde, William, gent., 149
-, Wilford, Henry, of Quendon, co. Essex, gent., 141
-, Wilkinson, Elizabeth, 172
-, " Grace, of and late of Preston, co. Lancaster, 47, 132
-, Wilkinson, George, of and late of Broughton, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 47, 132
-, " Henry, yeoman, 25
-, " Judith, 25
-, " Peter, gent., 148
-, " Peter, tailor, 332
-, Willett, Dimond, gent., 152
-, Williams, Alice, 8
-, Willoughby, Francis, chirurgion, 242
-, Winch, Anne, lady, 147
-, Winder, Peter, tailor, 23
-, " see Wender, Wynder
-, Windsor, . . . ., 152
-, " . . . ., gent, 152
-, " Daniel, late of Norwich, co. Norfolk, gent., 144
-, " Elizabeth, 138
-, " Katherine, lady, 151, 156
-, Winsor, Elizabeth, 58
-, Winter, Sir John, knt., 144, 151, 157
-, Wintersall, . . . ., gent., 245
-, Wise, Frances. 59, 138
-, Wiseman, Barbara 7
-, " John, late of Wimbish, co. Essex, esq., 41, 134
-, Wodka, Alexis (or Alexander), of and late of the city of York, M.D., 46, 131
-, " Ellen, of and late of the city of York, 46, 131
-, Wood, Frances, 49
-, " Margaret, 23, 31
-, " Roger, gent., 23, 31, 38
-, " see Woods
-, Woodcocke, Bridget, 144
-, Woodfall, Jane, 19, 23, 25
-, Woods, . . . ., 20, 35
-, " James, gent., 35
-, " John, gent., 35
-, " Roger gent., 20
-, " see Wood
-, Woodward, Thomas, yeoman, 140
-, " Tristram, gent., 31
-, Woolridge, John, late of Albrighton, co. Salop, gent., 145
-, Worsley, Thomas, late of Hovington (or Hovingham), [Ovington], co. York, esq., 41, 166
-, Worthington, Mary 149
-, " Richard, gent, 149
-, Worthington, Robert, of and late of Euxton, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 48, 133
-, " Thomas yeoman, 149
-, " William, gent. 149
-, " William, of and late of Worthington, co. Lancaster, yeoman, 47, 132
-, Wotton, Mary, lady, late of Canterbury, co. Kent., 146
-, Wray, Elizabeth, lady, of St. Ives, co. Cornwall, 143, 149
-, Wright, Sicely, 8
-, Wyer, Katherine, 19
-, Wynder, Peter, tailor, 138
-, " Peter, yeoman, 26
-, " see Wender, Winder
-, Yarmouth, Edmund, gent., 200
-, " Humphrey, late of Palgrave, co. Suffolk, gent., 145
-, Yate, John, yeoman, 23
-, " Margaret, 23
-, " see Yateman
-, Yateman, John, yeoman, 19, 25
-, " Margaret, 19, 25
-, " Mary, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135
-, " see Yate
-, Yates alias Gates, Sir John, late of Chadgley Corbett [Chaddesley Corbett], co. Worcester, lent., 45, 134
-, Yaxley, Frances, late of Norwich, co. Norfolk, 144
-, Yelverton, Sir William, late of Rougham, co. Norfolk, knt., 145

Recusants, &c., Proclamation for executing the laws against, and speedy conviction of, 238

", taken in popish houses on the Lord's day preparing for mass, 104 (2), 105

", remaining in Westminster contrary to act of parliament, 195 (2)

", A witness leaving the court before giving evidence against, &c, 171

Recusants producing writs of certiorari, 155, 156

" producing writs of certiorari after conviction, 155, 157

" producing writs of certiorari to be returned into the king's bench, 154 (2), 155 (4), 156 (3), 157 (6), 158 (9), 159

Red Bull playhouse, St. John's Street, Great disorder and assaulting people at the, ix, 168 (2)

" " Highway between the, and Islington, 160, 161

" " hired of the parishioners of Clerkenwell at the rate of 20s. per diem, &c., xv, 279

" " Unlawfully maintaining stage plays and interludes at the, xv, 279, 280

" " Threatening to pull down the, 168

" Castle, co. Montgomery, 146

" Lion Alley, Mint, Minories, 273

Redburne [Redbourn], co. Hertford, 260

Reddall, Thomas, 173

Redknappe, Edward, 381

Redman, Arthur, 350

", William, 258

Redpeith alias Francis Quassett alias Greene alias Holmbie, Robert, clerk, 52, 80, [116 (2), 117]

Redworth, John, 48, 49

Reekeley, Robert, 255

Reeve, Alexander, gent., 85

Regrating, forestalling, &c, 16 (2)

Rein, leather braided, A, 11

Reins, bridle, Silk and gold, 21

Religion, Praising the catholic, 74

", protestant, Scandalous words against the, 74, 114

", Person, on being questioned, stating he was of the lord protector's, 241

Remington, Edward, 211

Reprieve without bail, A, 83

Reprieved after judgment, Prisoners, to be executed, unless maintained by friends whilst in prison till pardon, &c, be procured, 210

Reprieves after judgment, 18, 67, 112, 214, 218, 283 (3), 285, 297, 372

Reprieves before judgment, 113, 301, 381

" without judgment, 39, 66, 112, 121 (2), 285

" on account of pregnancy, 32, 36, 85, 208

" for Virginia, 283 (2), 292

Rescemer, James, gent., 98

Resehook, Phillip, 242 (3), 243

Revellers taken late at night by the watch and confessing themselves to be Roman catholics, 254 (2)

Rewards to be paid for apprehending felons, Orders for, 231, 235

Reynolds, Elizabeth, 213

", John, 362

", Thomas, the elder, 233, [234]

", Thomas, the younger, 233, 234

Rhé, island of, Mariner impressed to serve in the wars in the, 25

Rhubarb, &c, confection of, A, 50

Rhythlan [Rhuddlan], co. Flint, 146

Ribbon Ferret, 360

" Taffaty, 360

Ribboning, 225

Riccotts, Edward, 367

Rice, Thomas, junior, 351

Richard, . . . ., gent., 80

Richardson, Anthony, 56

", Cristofer, 371, 372

", Ellen, 176

", Frances, Indictment of, for picking the pocket of Francis Quarles, gent., x, 9, 10

", George, gent., 200

", Hercules, 51, 52, 53

", John, 69

", Mathew, 167

", Samuel, gent., 97

", Tobias, gent., 97

", William, gent., 178

Richmond, Andrew Fryer alias Herne (or Hearne) alias, clerk, 78, 115 (2)

", Charles, duke of, 319

", Duchess of, 3

", Duchess of, Scornful behaviour before the executors of the, 72

", co. Surrey, 170

", Thomas, 386

Rickes End, South Mims, Whippingpost and cucking-stool to be erected at, 6.

Rickner, George, 62, 63

Ricpeth (or Rickpeth), co. Durham, 46, 132

Riddall, John, 330

Riddle, Thomas, 315

Rider's Dictionary (book), 13

Ridgely, William, 260

Ridgley, Robert, gent., 379

Ridgway, Edward, 336

Riding post on the king's special service, 166

" full gallop through Whitechapel Street, 183

Ridley, Thomas, 169

Rigg, Robert, 176

Ring, Cheating with a counterfeit gold, 165

Rings, Gold, see Jewellery

Ringers at St. Leonard's Church, Shoreditch, Disturbing and abusing the, 333

Ringrose, Robert, gent., 57

Rins, Henry, 269

Riot, &c, in Ashford church, A, 321 (2)

", at the Fortune playhouse, Whitecross Street, A, ix, 161 (2), 162 (4)

", in Grub Street, May-day, 161

", midnight, A, 322 (2)

", upon the king's coronation day at Shoreditch, A, 333 (2)

", see Riots

Rioter to be sent to the ho. of correction and kept to hard labour, &c, 107

" to appear at command before the ho. of parliament, 116

" to be set upon the pillory, &c, 107

Rioters fined, 323

" imprisoned at the order of the ho. of parliament, 115 (2), 116

" holding a gentleman prisoner, 323

Riotous assembly at a cock-whipping on Shrove Tuesday, 258 (2)

" assembly at Whitechapel church, 183

" assemblies, &c, Conventicles called, 310, 321, 322, 323, 353

Riotously pulling down an old shed near the ducking-pond, 164 (2)

Riots and riotous assemblies, 22, 28, 62, 63, 64, 99 (2), 102 (2), 107, 115 (2), 116, 144, 258 (2), 323, 353 (2), 362

" &c., upon persons calling them spirits, Raising or causing, 182, 255, 278

", see Riot

Risby, co. York, 31

Ritch, William, 315

Rith, George, 338

Rivers, Alice, 224

", (or Ryvers) alias Savill (or Savyle), Augustine Abbott alias, clerk, 75 [76], 114 (3)

Roabes, John, clerk, 215

Roach, Stealing, 5, 54

Roades, Robert, 224

", Thomas, 164 (2)

Rob the States waggon laden with money for the army in Ireland, Attempt to, 204

Robber discharged because prosecutor failed to appear, 19

" A suspected, 253

Robberies, Plate, temp. Commonwealth, xv

", see Robbery

Robbers executed at Cambridge, 253

" Highway, to be hanged in Holborn, 319

" Rewards for apprehending, 231, 235

Robbery, 1, 3, 6, 9, 37, 80, 231, 319

", Acquittals for, 14, 19, 37, 38, 299, 383

", of the French ambassador's servants, 253

", Highway, 74, 194, 198, 208, 314, 316, 317, 319, 372, 383

", " Acquittals for, 194, 360, 383

", " in co. Kent, 209

", Suspicion of, 263

", see Robbers, &c.

Roberts, Anthony, 296

", Joan, 284 (2)

", John, 185, 379

", Margaret, 176

", Oliver, 194

", Robert, 375

", Thomas, 171, 367

", Sir William, 308

Robinson, Andrew, 299

", alias Conway, Elizabeth 178

", Francis, 80

", Henry, gent., 81, 82

", Henry, 181

", Ignatius, gent., 249, 265

", John, 33

", Katherine, 251

", Leonard, gent., 46, 131

", Margaret, 181, 182

", Percivall, 169

", Richard, 384

", Robert, clerk, 83 (2), 117

", Thomas, 231

", William, 251

Roby, Edmond, 176

Roche, Garrett, 300

Rochell, John, 105

"Rocket," see Apparel, prices of

Rockliffe (or Roclyffe) [Roecliffe ?], coYork, 46, 132

Roe, John, 270

Rogers, Abraham, 62, 63, 165

", Edward. 360

", Hugh, 326

", John, 43, 104 (2), 318, 324

", Peter (a coroner for Middlesex, fined), 188, 189

", Robert, 231, 232

Rogue, &c., Saying the late lord protector was a, 274

Rolle, Lord chief justice, 213

Rolls, Gaol delivery books and sessions of peace, v

", Liberty of the, Assessment made in the, for furnishing, &c., of Clerkenwell workhouse, 337

", Lord, 224

", &c., master of the, William Lenthall, esq., 189, 207

Roman catholics, Revellers confessing themselves to be, 254

Rome, Priests ordained by the see of, 50, 51, 73, 75, 76 (2), 77 (4), 78 (3), 80, 83 (2), 84, 91 (2), 92 (2), 94, 198 (2), 199, 215, 216, 225, 237, 255

Roodinge, Edmund, 257

Roome, Thomas, 181

Roper, Edward, 279(2)

Rose, Adam, 62, 63

", Ann (or Anne), 97, 215, 216

", John, 204

", Richard, xi, 53, 54

Rose, Robert, 284

", Sarah, 278

", Thomas, 224

", and Crown, St. Giles's-in-theFields, The, 264

", tavern at Temple Bar, 98

Rosemary Lane, co. Midd., 167, 169, 313, 335

" ", in the parish of Aidgate, 274

" ", St. Botolph's, Aidgate, 363, 371

" ", Stepney, 258

" ", Whitechapel, 245, 269, 336, 351

" ", Churchyard Alley, 371

Roses for shoes, 23

Rotheread, parish of Sevenoaks, co. Kent, 55

Rotherosse, co. Hereford, 145

Rotherwas, co. Hereford, 147

Rothwood, Andrew, 365

Rottington, co. Cumberland, 31

Rougham, co. Norfolk, 145

Roundhead kept prisoner, A, 328

Roundheaded rogue, Calling another a, 178

" ", Saying viscount Saye and Sele was a, 90

Roundheads, Speaking against the, 178

Rout, Elizabeth, 225

Routh, John, gent., alias Captain John Routh, 265

Rowe, Edward, 283

", Mary, 339

", Thomas, 283

Rowell, Richard, junior, 183

", William, senior, 183

Rowes, Nicholas, 105

Rowington, co. Warwick, 154

Rowland, John, gent., 211 (2)

Rowse, Andrew, gent., 180

Rubbish and dirt in the streets or lanes, Inhabitants not to cast, but cause it to be carried away, 226

Rubies, 36, 53, 87, 211, 218, 264, 273, 381

Rudgate, Thomas, 252

Rudkin, Thomas, 240

Rudston, Honor, 11

Rufforth [Rufford], co. Lancaster, 46, 134

Ruffs, &c., see Apparel, prices of

Rugby, co. Lincoln, 65

", see Ragbey

Ruislip, co. Midd., 23, 39, 129 130, 144

", Parish of, 39

", Weekly assessment made in, for relief of persons infected, 63

Rumford, Charles, 257

Running over a woman, 183

Rupert, prince, Seditious speech against, 88

Rusholt, John, gent., 60

Russell, Emanuel, 305

", John, 267

", Martin, 15, 108

", Richard, 331

", Street, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 338

", Thomas, 317

", William, 175

Ruston, William, 335

Rutland, co., 143

Ryde, Job, 334

Ryvers (or Rivers) alias Savyle (or Savill), Augustine Abbott alias, clerk, 75, [76]