General history: Property division at the time of the Domesday Survey

Pages l-lxiv

Magna Britannia: Volume 3, Cornwall. Originally published by T Cadell and W Davies, London, 1814.

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Division of Property at the Time of the Domesday Survey.

At the time of the Domesday survey, the landed property of Cornwall was chiefly divided between the King, Robert Earl of Mortaine, in Normandy, (by English writers called Moreton,) and of Cornwall, the King's half brother, and those who held under him; the Bishop of Exeter, the Prior and convent of Bodmin; the Abbot and convent of Tavistock; and a few other monasteries and colleges.

Twenty manors were held by various persons under the Earl, who held them under the King's great manor of Wineton (Wynianton). This, and fourteen other manors, then in the crown, had belonged to Earl Harold (fn. n1). The Queen, Matilda, had four manors in her own hand, and a fifth was held under her, as described in the Exeter MS.: after her death, in 1083, these fell to the crown. The Bishop of Exeter held seven manors in his own hand; four others were held under him. The Prior and convent of Bodmin held six in their own hands; nine manors were held under them by the Earl of Cornwall, and three by other persons; seven manors, which had been taken away from that church, were then held under the Earl. The Abbot and convent of Tavistock held six manors; four others are stated to have been unjustly taken away from them by the Earl of Cornwall. The Prior and convent of St. Michael had one manor; another had been taken away from them by the Earl. The collegiate churches of St. Carantoc, St. Achebran (St. Keverne), St. Burian, St. Constantine, St. Neot, St. Piran, and Probus, had one manor each; that of St. Stephen at Launceston, four. The remainder, except one manor, which belonged to Goscelmus, and another which belonged to Judhil de Totenais, were vested in Robert Earl of Moreton and Cornwall, or those who held under him. The number of manors held by this great Earl has been incorrectly represented. Dugdale states them at 248; Hals, and other writers of later date, at 288. Ample as his possessions were, these numbers give a very exaggerated view of them. According to the Exeter copy of the Domesday survey, including all his usurpations from the church, he possessed the fee of 285 manors in Cornwall; but of these, he held only thirty-six in his own hands, and of the thirty-six, ten are stated to have been held, not by Comes ipse, as the others, but by Comes et villani, that is, his tenants in villenage. This, therefore, must be considered as the actual amount of his landed property; from the other manors, which appear to have been 249 in number, he received certain high or chief rents, as lord-paramount. As he had numerous manors in eighteen other counties, it is probable that he was the greatest landholder then in the kingdom. (fn. n2)

The greatest landholder under the Earl was Rainaldus or Reginald, who held thirty-nine manors, including the manor and castle of Trematon. There can be no doubt that this was Reginald de Valletort, who is known to have possessed the honor of Trematon at a period not much later. Dugdale mentions Reginald de Valletort as witnessing a deed in the reign of William Rufus, which he speaks of as the first mention he had found of the family: he does not seem to have been aware, that his property is described in the Domesday survey.

Ricardus held twenty-nine manors. Reginald, who was created Earl of Cornwall in 1140, married the daughter of William Fitz-Richard, of Cornwall, who is described as having Comitatus Cornubiensis amplissimum principatum (fn. n3); no doubt this was a son, and the Fitzwilliams immediate descendants of the Ricardus of Domesday. They were all possessors of the manor of Tywardreth, and benefactors to the monastery at that place.

Hamelin, supposed to have been the ancestor of the Trelawny family, and to have resided at Treloen, one of the manors described in the survey, as his property, held twenty-two manors under the Earl; Turstin, the sheriff, twenty-seven; Nigell, eleven; Offers or Osferd, ten; Bernerus, twelve, and Joinus, thirteen. We know nothing of the posterity of these persons. Alured and Bristicius held seven manors each; Algar, Brient, Ermenald, and Odo, six each; Alnod, Blohin (fn. n4), and Roger, five each; Alward, four; Andrew, Erchenbald, Levenot, and Ulsi, three each; Alwin, Alric, Dodo, Godwin, Griffin, Osfil, and Rabel, two each; twenty-nine others, one manor each. Among these are several Saxon names, as Almar, Brixi, Ulric, Ulward, &c. It appears by the survey, that some of the Saxons, who still continued to possess landed property in Cornwall, had much more extensive property in the reign of Edward the Confessor, particularly Algar and Dodo. The above statement is made from the Exeter copy of the Domesday survey, which, in some particulars, varies from the copy printed from the Exchequer record (fn. n5). The following table of the Domesday manors is taken from the Exeter manuscript; for an analysis of which (by permission of the Dean and Chapter) we were indebted to Mr. Ralph Barnes. It contains the owners of each manor in the reign of Edward the Confessor, and at the time of taking the survey, with the ancient names appropriated to existing manors, as far as we have been able to do so, either with certainty or by probable conjecture.

[Editorial note: When the Exeter Survey column is blank, the holder is that given in the reign of Edward the Confessor.]

Names of Manors in the Domesday Survey. Modern Names. Owners in the Reign of Edward the Confessor. Owners when the Exeter Survey was taken (before 1083).
Aissetone Saltash Aluuric Reginald (under the Earl).
Alvevacote Alvacot in Tamerton Alviet Berner (under the Earl).
Alwaretone Alwarton in Madron Alwardus The Earl and his villeins.
Amal Qu. Amel in St. Kew Gri Torstin (under the Earl).
Antone Anthony in the hundred of East The Abbot of Tavistock Ermenaldus.
Arganlis Argallas in St. Enoder Brismer Torstin (under the Earl).
Argentel Brismer Reginald (under the Earl).
Avalde Dodo Erchenbald (under the Earl).
Bellesdone Balsdon in Whitstone Chitellus Joinus (under the Earl).
Bennartone Bristitius The Queen and her villeins.
Bentewoin Osulf Algar (under the Earl).
Bernel Brismar The Earl and his villeins.
Bernerh Brenere or Burnere in Egloshayle The Bishop of Exeter
Betnecote Qu. Bennacot in Boyton Ailmer Hamelin (under the Earl).
Beveshoc Besock in Ladock Leuric Uluric (under the Earl).
Bewintone (E. D. Dewintona) Qu. Tewinton in St. Austell Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Bichetone Bichetone in St. Ive Chinestan Reginald (under the Earl).
Bochenote (E. D. Botchonod) Qu. Boconoc Osferd Osferd (under the Earl).
Bodbrane Bodrane in St. Pinnock Ailno Ercenbold (under the Earl).
Bodewitghi Bodwithgy in Luxulion Aluric Richard (under the Earl).
Bodeworwei Earl Harold Bristitius (under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Bodeworgoin Alwin Richard (under the Earl).
Bodmine Bodmin The Priory of St. Petrock
Boietone Boyton The Abbot of Tavistock The Earl by unjust usurpation.
Boietone Alnoth Hamelin (under the Earl).
Borge Qu. Borthy in St. Enoder Algar Alured (under the Earl).
Botchatwno Earl Harold The Canons of St. Stephen.
Botcinnii The Priory of St. Petrock The Earl.
Botconoan Earl Harold The Canons of St. Stephen.
Boten Qu. Botes-Fleming Earl Harold Andrew under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Botharder Botardel in Luxulion Grim Torstin (under the Earl).
Botiled Botelet in Lanreath Osulf Oda (under the Earl).
Botival Hueca Hueca (under the Earl).
Bowidoc Osfers Osfers (under the Earl).
Brecelesbeorge (E. D. Bretelesbeorge) Alwi Alured (under the Earl)
Bret Dodo Ercenbald (under the Earl).
Brethei Ailbristius Richard (under the Earl).
Brodehoc Broadoak Aluric Reginald (under the Earl).
Buchent (E. D. Bocent) Qu. Bochym in Cury Brihstualdus Richard (under the Earl).
Cabulian Cabilla in Cardinham Almar Almar (under the Earl).
Caer Brismer Reginald (under the Earl).
Calestoch Calstock The Priory of St. Petrock The Earl.
Calestoc Esgar Esgar (under the Earl).
Calwetone Callington Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Carbihan Merhen Andrew (under the Earl).
Carewrge Bristitius Aiulsus (under the Earl).
Cargau Cargol in Newlyn The Priory of St. Petrock The Earl.
Cariahoil Qu. Carhayes Earl Harold Hamelin (under the Earl).
Cariorgel Edwi Hamelin (under the Earl).
Carneton Probably Carnadon in Linkinhorne, and Carnanton in Mawgan, in Pyder Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Carnetone Birihtfert Turstin (under the Earl).
Chelenoch Qu. Killenick in St. Just, Penwith Godric Richard (under the Earl).
Chenmerch (E. D. Chienmerc) Alward Alward (under the Earl).
Chenowen Chynoweth in Cubert Ulnod Torstin (under the Earl).
Chilchetone (E. D. Kilchetona) Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Chilcoit Kilquite in St. Mabyn Colo Richard (under the Earl).
Chilorgoret Killigorick in Duloe Ustret Reginald (under the Earl.)
Chori Qu. Cury Godwin Joinus (under the Earl).
Clismetone Qu. Climsland Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Clunewic Qu. Clowance in Crowan Wine Turstin (under the Earl).
Conarditone Conarton in Gwythian Bristitius The Queen and her villeins.
Scs. Constantinus St. Constantine The Church of St. Constantine
Crachenwe (E. D. Crachernua Edivi Berner (under the Earl).
Croftededor (E. D. Croutededor) Colo Richard (under the Earl).
Cudawoid (E. D. Cudewoit) Alwin Alwin (under the Earl).
Cudiford Codiford Farleigh in St. Wenn Bristitius under the Church of St. Petrock Bristitius (under the Earl).
Deliau Jaulus Blohin (under the Earl).
Deliou Levinus Roger (under the Earl).
Dimelihoc Dimiliock in St. Dennis Ailmer Gunhar (under the Earl).
Disart Aluric Ailnod (under the Earl).
Donecheniv (E. D. Donnechenif) Qu. Downneckney in Treneglos Merlesvan Richard (under the Earl).
Dovenot Bristitius Hamelin (under the Earl).
Drainos Draynes or Drawns, in St. Neot's Ulsi Ulsi (under the Earl).
Drainos Alric Alric (under the Earl).
Dunhevet Launceston The Earl in demesne
Duvenant Alward Blohin (under the Earl).
Eglosberrie St. Burian The Church of St. Burian
Edelet Allet Osulf Algar (under the Earl).
Egleshos (E. D. Eglossos) Eglos-ros, now Filleigh Earl Harold Torstin (under the Earl).
Eglostudie (not in the printed Domesday) St. Tudy Priory of St. Petrock The Earl of Moreton, under the Prior.
Ehei (fn. n6) Ethy in St. Winnow
Elent The Abbot of Tavistock The Earl, by unjust usurpation.
Elerchi Elerky in Ruan-Lanihorn, and Veryan Merlesvan Levenot (under the Earl).
Elhil The Priory of St. Petrock (Bodmin) The Earl under the Prior.
Elil The Priory of St. Petrock (Bodmin)
Ermenheu (E. D. Hirmineu) Levenot Levenot (under the Earl).
Fawintone (E. D. Fawitona) Faweton in St. Neot; and Fowey Merlasutte The Earl in demesne.
Fertinū in Rentin (not in the printed Domesday) Alwin Wivardus (under the Earl).
Forchetestane Froxton in Whitstone Alward Turstin (under Tuhelli).
Fosnewit The Priory of Bodmin Macos (under the Prior).
Gargalle Brismar Reginald (under the Earl).
Garverot Earl Harold Godwin under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Scs. Germanus St. Germans The Bishop of Exeter.
Ghivaile Qu. Govilly in Cuby Godric Richard (under the Earl).
Glin Glynn in Cardinham Osferd Osferd (under the Earl).
Gloeret Saiulfus Nigel (under the Earl).
Gluinawit (not in the printed Domesday) Vuine Turstin (under the Earl).
Glustone Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Gudiford Bristicius Reginald (under the Earl).
Guerdavalan Brismer Nigel (under the Earl).
Haltone Halton in St. Dominick Earl Harold Reginald (under the Earl of Moreton).
Hamet Hammet in Quethiock Alnod Roger (under the Earl).
Hamotedi Hamotethy in St. Breward Aluric Richard (under the Earl).
Heglosenuder St. Enoder The Priory of St. Petrock (Bodmin) The Earl under the Prior.
Hela There are several Heals Ailmer The Earl in demesne.
Hela Colo Colo (under the Earl.)
Heli Gistricius the Abbot The Earl in demesne.
Heligin Heligan in St. Ewe Earl Harold Turstin under the Earl and the Earl under the King.
Henland Helland Ailmer Seibert (under the Earl).
Henlistone Helston in Trigg and Helston in Kirrier Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Henlistone Algar The Earl and his villeins.
Hesland Alestan The Earl in demesne.
Hiltone Hilton in Marhamchurch Osbern Alured (under the Earl).
Horniecote Hornacote in Tamerton Edzi Berner (under the Earl).
Karsalan (E. D. Rarsalan) Qu. Carsella in St. Dennis Dodo Dodo (under the Earl).
Lanbrebois (E. D. Lanbrabois) Lan-Probus or St. Probus The Canons of St. Probus
Lancharet Qu. Lancarfe in Bodmin Alwold Nigel (under the Earl).
Lanchehoc (E. D. Lancuhuc) The Priory of St. Petrock (Bodmin) Berner (under the Prior).
Landeleck Qu. Landulph Alnod Richard (under the Earl).
Landicle Qu. Landithy in Madron The Bishop of Exeter Roland, the Archdeacon, under the Bishop.
Landighe Landegy in St. Kea Ailsi Godwin (under the Earl).
Landiner Queen Editha The Earl in demesne.
Lander (E. D. Landrei) Qu. Landreyne Saulfus Reginald (under the Earl).
Landmanuel (E. D. Lant-Manuel) Edwi Berner (under the Earl).
Landseu (E. D. Landsau) Qu. Landew in Lezant Aluric Alured (under the Earl).
Lanehoc (E. D. Lannohoc) Launcells Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Langoroch Now Crantock The Canons of St. Carantoc
Languer, two manors Qu. Langurthow in Fowey Grim Reginald (under the Earl).
Langenewit (E. D. Langunuit) Langunnett in St. Veep Brihtricius Reginald (under the Earl).
Langvitetone Lawhitton The Bishop of Exeter
Lanher (E. D. Lanner) Laner in St. Allen Edmer Reginald (under the Earl).
Lanherweu The Bishop of Exeter Falcard (under the Bishop).
Lanlaron Lansladron or Nansladron in St. Ewe Osbern Reginald (under the Earl).
Lanlawernee (E. D. Lanlawernet) Qu. Lanlawrn in Lanteglos near Fowey Alric Alric (under the Earl).
Lannachebran St. Keverne The Canons of St. Achebran or St. Keverne
Lanpiran Perran-Zabuloe The Canons of St. Piran
Lansalhus (E. D. Lansalvus) Lansallos Almar Richard (under the Earl).
Lanscavetone St. Stephen's near Launceston Earl Harold The Canons of St. Stephen.
Lanthien (E. D. Lantien) One of these is Lantyan in St. Sampson's Alric Reginald (under the Earl).
Lantien Osfers or Offers Osfers (under the Earl).
Lantmatin One of the St. Martin's Alsers Joinus (under the Earl).
Lavredock Qu. Lanhydrock Albric Richard (under the Earl).
Lanwenehoc (E. D. Languihenoc) Landewednack The Priory of St. Petrock (Bodmin) for the repairs of their convent
Lege There are several Lees and Leighs Alwin Hamelin (under the Earl).
Legea Qu. Leah in St. Burian Alnod Roger (under the Earl).
Lisart Lizard in Landewednack Brisuis Joinus (under the Earl).
Liscarret Liskeard Merlesvan The Earl in demesne.
Lisnestock Qu. Lanestock in St. Austell, &c. Ailbristius Richard (under the Earl).
Lisniwen Lesnewth Bristicius Bristicius (under the Earl).
Luduham (E. D. Widuam) Alwin Richard (under the Earl).
Lusart Earl Harold Richard under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Macretone Maker Edward Reginald (under the Earl).
Maronecirche Marham Church Broidra Hamelin (under the Earl).
Matele Qu. Methleigh in Breage The Bishop of Exeter
Sanct Mawan St. Mewan Earl Harold Bristicius under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Melledham Qu. Milham in St. Winnow Bristicius Reginald (under the Earl).
Mideltone Probably Milton in Morwinstow Alwin Hamelin (under the Earl).
Mingeli Alric Osferd (under the Earl).
Moireis Moresk in St. Clements Ordulf The Earl and his villeins.
Mortune Michel-Morton in Launcells Brismer Joinus (under the Earl).
Nantchert (fn. n7) The Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin Nigel (under the Earl).
Nantuat Most probably Nanskuke, in Illogan Brismer Torstin (under the Earl).
Neotestou St. Neot The Canons of St. Neot. Odo (under the Earl).
Neotestou, or Niotestou Godric
Niweton There are several Newtons, and two manors of that name, one in Helland, the other in St. Mellion Ailric Reginald (under the Earl).
Niweton Aluric Reginald (under the Earl).
Nortone Most probably Norton-Rolle, in Launcells Almer Joinus (under the Earl).
Odenol Haemar Bristicius (under the Earl).
Orcert East Orchard, in Week St. Mary Savinus Hamelin (under the Earl).
Orcet Orcet in Kilkhampton Aluric Alured (under the Earl).
Ottrham Otterham Edwi Richard (under the Earl).
Pænpau, or Penpau One of the Penpols Aluuritius Reginald (under the Earl).
Paindran Pendrim, in St. Martin's, near Looe Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Panguol Qu. Penkevil Ailsiloholt Rabel (under the Earl).
Pauton Pawton in St. Breock The Bishop of Exeter.
Pedeleford Chinestan Reginald (under the Earl).
Pendavid Pendavy in Egloshayle Earl Harold Boia the Priest.
Penfontenio Penfontenen Alsi Hamelin (under the Earl).
Penfou Penfowne in Poundstock Edeva Brient (under the Earl).
Pengelle There are several Pengellys Ednoth Ednoth (under the Earl).
Penguare (E. D. Penquaro) Probably Pengersick in Breage Brismar Turstin (under the Earl).
Pennadelwan Probably Pendevall in Roche Earl Harold The Canons of St. Stephen under the King.
Pennalt Penhalt in Poundstock Osfers Osfers (under the Earl).
Pennalun There is Penaluna in Veryan; but perhaps Panhallam in Jacobstow, which is still a manor Erneysus Richard (under the Earl).
Pennehalgar Penauger in Menheniot; Penhargard in Helland; or Penharget in St. Ive The Abbot of Tavistock Ermenald (under the Abbot).
Pennehel There are several Penhales Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Pennhalgar (See Pennehalgor) Helmer Reginald (under the Earl).
Penpel (E. D. Tenpel) One of the Penpols Brictric Hamelin (under the Earl).
Penpont Penpont in Alternon or St. Kew Osfers Osfers (under the Earl).
Peret (E. D. Pedret) Wadelus The Earl in demesne.
Pigesdone Pigsdon in Week St. Mary Wadellus Goscelmus.
Piletone Pillaton Merlaton Reginald (under the Earl).
Plunent Pelynt Osulf Algar (under the Earl).
Pochetelle (E. D. Poccahetilla) Poughill Alward Willielmus Capu (under the Earl).
Podestot Earl Harold Jovinus (under the Earl, and the Earl under the King).
Polduh Poldew or Polsew, in St. Erme Alwin Richard (under the Earl).
Polefand (E. D. Polofant) Pollyfant, in Lewannick Uluric Nigel (under the Earl).
Polescat Perhaps Polchoath in Lanlivery Alnod Richard (under the Earl).
Polhal Winus Ulsius (under the Earl).
Polrode Polrode in St. Tudy The Abbey of St. Petrock, Bodmin The Earl of Moreton under the Prior.
Polscat Perhaps Polscatha in Milor, or Polskatho in Gerrans Alfric Andrew (under the Earl).
Pondestoch Poundstock Guida Joinus (under the Earl).
Portallant Talland or Port Looe Leverona Odo (under the Earl).
Rame Rame The Abbot of Tavistock Ermenald (under the Earl).
Raswale Alveva Reginald (under the Earl).
Recharedoc (E. D. Rekaradoo) Godwin Reginald (under the Earl).
Renti Earl Harold The Earl under the King.
Rentin (E. D. Rentis) Qu. Retin in St. Enoder Earl Harold Alward under the Earl of Moreton.
Richan (E. D. Ricann) Gallo Reginald (under the Earl).
Rieltone Rialton in St. Columb Minor The Priory of Bodmin for the repairs of their church.
Riguen Brismer Heldricus under the Earl.
Risleston (E. D. Ristlestona) Rillaton in Linkinhorne Brismer The Earl in demesne.
Ritwore Qu. Retire in Withiel Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Roscaret Roscarrock in Endellion Alwin Alured (under the Earl).
Roscaret Alwin Nigel (under the Earl).
Roscarnan Earl Harold Griffin under the Earl of Moreton, and the Earl under the King.
Roscarnan Griffin Griffin (under the Earl).
Roschel Edwi Berner (under the Earl).
Roslech (E. D. Roslet) Qu. Roseeth in Stithians Edwi Berner (under the Earl).
Rosminvet Ednot Nigel (under the Earl).
Rospervet (E. D. Rospuet) Brisius Joinus (under the Earl).
Savioch Sheviock The Abbot of Tavistock Ermenald (under the Abbot).
Sanguiland Edwi Torstin (under the Earl).
Sanwinas (E. D. Sanguinas) Qu. St. Gennis Farl Harold Joinus under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Sanguinas Gutda Joinus (under the Earl).
Sanwinvec (E. D. Sanwinnuc) St. Winnow The Bishop of Exeter Godfrey (under the Bishop).
Schewit (E. D. Eschewit) Skewis in Cury Earl Harold Cheneret under the Earl of Moreton, and the Earl under the King.
Stratone Stratton Alured the Marshall, and Osbert (fn. n8) the Bishop The Earl of Moreton and his villeins.
Tacabere Tacabre or Tackbear, in Bridgrule Aluric Bernard (under the Earl).
Talcar Edwin Turstin (under the Earl).
Talcarn There are several Tolcarns, and two manors of that name, one in Lanteglos near Fowey, the other in Northill Alward under the Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin Alscinus (under the Earl of Moreton).
Talgar The Abbot of Tavistock Ermenald (under the Abbot).
Talgolle Alnod Alnod (under the Earl).
Tedintone Ordulf The Earl and his villeins.
Teglaston (E. D. Treglasten) Treglastan in Davidstow Earl Harold The Earl and his villeins.
Telbrig Telbridge in Landulph Alfriau Reginald (under the Earl).
Tewardevi (E. D. Tewiardevi) Brichnod Richard (under the Earl).
Thersent Alwin Richard (under the Earl).
Thinten (E. D. Tinten) Tinten in St. Tudy The Bishop of Exeter Richard (under the Bishop).
Tibesteu Tibesta in St. Clement's Radulph, the Master of the Horse The Earl and his villeins.
Ticoith Godric Richard (under the Earl).
Tirlebere Thurlibeer in Launcells Savinus Alured (under the Earl).
Tiwardrai Tywardreth Colo Richard (under the Earl).
Tiwarthal Tiwarnaile in Perranzabuloe The Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin The Earl (under the Prior).
Torne One of the Thorns Uluric Hamelin (under the Earl).
Tragol Tregolls in St. Clement's Earl Harold Turstin under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Travider Trevider in St. Burian Earl Harold Ulward under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Trawiscoit Trevisquite in St. Mabyn Merleswan Richard (under the Earl).
Trawint One of the Trewints Borgered Roger (under the Earl).
Trebichen Trebiche or Trebeigh, in St. Ive The Abbot of Tavistock The Earl of Moreton, by unjust usurpation.
Trebihan Probably Trebean in Landrake Osulf The Earl in demesne.
Trebleri Brisius Joinus (under the Earl).
Tredaval Tredawl Alwold Nigel (under the Earl).
Tredhae (E. D. Trethae) Trethake in St. Cleer Alwin Hamelin (under the Earl).
Trefilies Probably Trefula in Redruth Alfstan Humfrey (under the Earl).
Trefitent Osulf Algar (under the Earl).
Trefornoc Probably Trefrannick in St. Allen Edwit under the Priory of St. Petrock Brient (under the Earl).
Trefrioc Probably Trefreke in Endellion Jaulus Blohinus (under the Earl).
Tregal Burgheret Bristicius (under the Earl).
Treganmedan Probably Tregamena in Veryan Bristicius Hamelin (under the Earl).
Tregaraduc Tregardock in St. Teath Alward Alward (under the Earl).
Tregauran Perhaps Tregarne in St. Keverne Curicius Hamelin (under the Earl).
Tregel (E. D. Trigel) Qu. Tregelly in Menheniot The Bishop of Exeter.
Tregemelin Tregamellin in Lansallos Edwi Hamelin (under the Earl).
Tregingale Bristicius Bristicius (under the Earl).
Tregoin One of these probably was Tregony Brisman Hamelin (under the Earl).
Tregon (E.D. Tregona) The Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin Turstin (under the Earl).
Tregrebri Probably Tregembér in St. Hilary Edwi Berner (under the Earl).
Tregrenon Qu. Tregrehan in St. Blazey The Abbot of Tavistock Ermenald (under the Abbot).
Tregril Alric Osfel (under the Earl).
Trehavoc Qu. Trehawke in Menheniot Brismar Reginald (under the Earl).
Trehinock Qu. Trehanick in St. Teath Algar Reginald (under the Earl).
Treiswantel (E. D. Treiswiantel) Gistricius the Abbot The Earl in demesne.
Treiwal The Church of St. Michael
Trelamar Ailsi Ailsi (under the Earl).
Treland Treland in St. Keverne Torswald Torstin (under the Earl).
Trelingan Qu. Treliggon in Lanivet Aluric Frawinus (under the Earl).
Trelivi (E. D. Trelivel) Treliver The B. of Exeter
Trellewaret Trelowarren in Mawgan, in Kirrier Earl Harold Turstin under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Trelloi Treloy in St. Columb-Minor The Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin The Earl (under the Prior).
Treloen Qu. Trelawny in Alternon Edwi Hamelin (under the Earl).
Trelosch (E. D. Trelosia) Qu. Trelask in Lewannick Osfel Osfel or Offel (under the Earl).
Treluge Qu. Trelugan in St. Erney Brihtmar Odo (under the Earl).
Trelwi Ailward Turstin (under the Earl).
Tremail Qu. Tremeal in South Petherwin The Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin The Earl (under the Prior).
Tremarustel Trenans-Austell Edmar Wihomar (under the Earl).
Tremeteret Tremoderet in Duloe or Roche Edwi Osferd (under the Earl).
Tremetone Trematon in St. Stephen's near Saltash Brismer Reginald (under the Earl).
Tremhor or Tremor The Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin Turchel (under the Earl).
Tremodret Tremoderet in Duloe or Roche Godwin Hamelin (under the Earl).
Tremor Tremoore in Lanivet Brismar Reginald (under the Earl).
Trenant There are many Trenants, which it would be impossible to appropriate. Ailmer Brient (under the Earl).
Trenant Brismer Hamelin (under the Earl).
Trenant Earl Harold Blecu under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Trenant or Trenaud Osferd Osferd (under the Earl).
Trenant Osulf Algar (under the Earl).
Trenbras Earl Harold Brixi under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Trenhal (not in the printed Domesday) Trenhale in St. Erth Edwit under the Priory of Petrock Brien (under the Earl).
Trenthel (not in the printed Domesday) Earl Harold Turstin (under the Earl).
Trenwit (E. D. Trenewit) Trenwith in St. Ives Sitricius the Abbot The Earl and his villeins.
Trerihoc Waso Berner (under the Earl.)
Trescau Trescow in Breage or St. Mabyn Alnod Alnod (under the Earl).
Tretdeno Qu. Tredavo in St. Paul's The Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin.
Tretdewort Earl Harold Levenod under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Trethac Trethake in Lanteglos, near Fowey Ailric Torstin (under the Earl).
Tretland Earl Harold Dodo under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Tretweret Leuric Bristicius (under the Earl).
Treurgen Eiulfus Joinus (under the Earl).
Treurnivet Earl Harold Alwmus under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Treuthal Truthall in Sithney Brismar the Priest Blohinus (under the Earl).
Trevagau Qu. Trevage in Alternon Alwin Nigel (under the Earl).
Treveheret (E. D. Treweheret) Alfic Blohinus (under the Earl).
Trevelien Trevelyan in St. Veep Bretellus Osfers (under the Earl).
Treverbet Edwin Turstin (under the Earl).
Treverbin Treverbin in St. Austell Alwin Richard (under the Earl).
Treverim Cuerona Reginald (under the Earl).
Treviluid Ulsin Ulsin (under the Earl).
Treviniel Treveniel in Northill Brismar Odo (under the Earl).
Trevocarwinoc Alfeho Rabell (under the Earl).
Trevoet Alric Nigel (under the Earl).
Trevret Twinus Twinus (under the Earl).
Trewale Qu. One of these Trewall in St. Germans Osulf Odo (under the Earl).
Trewallen Bristicius Hamelin (under the Earl).
Trewant The Abbot of Tavistock The Earl of Moreton by unjust usurpation.
Trewderet (E. D. Trevidered) Merlaswen Alnoth (under the Earl).
Trewelle Brismar Reginald (under the Earl).
Trewellogen Alwin Reginald (under the Earl).
Trewent Trewen Osulf Algar (under the Earl).
Trewille (E. D. Trevilla) Qu. Trewhela in St. Enoder Alestan The Earl in demesne.
Trewillen (E. D. Trevelloin), and Qu. Trewillen in Warbstow Alwin and Reginald (under the Earl).
Trevill in Alric
Trewin (E. D. Treguin) Qu. Trewint Edwi Berner (under the Earl).
Trewinedoi (E. D. Trewinardoi) Trewinard in St. Erth Merlesven Reginald (under the Earl).
Trewitghi Trewithgy in Probus Merlesven The Earl and his villeins.
Trewode (E. D. Trewda) Earl Harold Alward under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Treworoc (E. D. Travoroc) Treworek in St. Cleer Ailric Torstin (under the Earl).
Triberthan (E. D.) Tribtan) Trebartha in Northill Ulnod Turstin (under the Earl).
Tricoi Earl Harold Guihumar under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Trinnonec (E. D. Trincnonet) Treninick in Gorran The Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin Roger (under the Earl).
Trouthel Earl Harold Turstin under the Earl, and the Earl under the King.
Tucowit (E.D. Tucut) Qu. Tucoyse in Constantine Edmer Wihumar (under the Earl).
Turgoil The Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin Richard (under the Prior).
Ullavestone Woolston in Poundstock Saiulfus Alnod (under the Earl).
Ulnodestone (E. D. Ulnotestona) Elric Nigel (under the Earl).
Wadfesti Wadfast in Whitestone Siward Hamelin (under the Earl).
Walesbrau Whalesborowe in Marham Church Sawinus Brient (under the Earl).
Westcote There are several Westcotes Ulnod Berner (under the Earl).
Wich or Wike Week-St. Mary Colo Richard (under the Earl).
Widewot Sirewold Sirewold (under the Earl).
Widie Qu. Withiel The Priory of St. Petrock, Bodmin
Wilewrde (E.D. Wileurda) Ahivisi Torstin (under the Earl).
Winetone Wynyanton in Cury Earl Harold The King and his villeins.
Witemot West-Widemoth in Poundstock Ulviet Brient (under the Earl).
Whitestan Whitestone Alwald Radulfus (under the Earl).
Woderon Qu. Wendron Alwin Richard (under the Earl).
Woreslin Dodo Turstin (under the Earl.)


  • n1. Three of the Earl of Cornwall's manors also had belonged to Earl Harold.
  • n2. Kelham says, that he held 793 manors, in various counties, including, of course, those which were held under him.
  • n3. Gesta Stephani inter Hist. Normannorum Scriptores, p. 950.
  • n4. In this name we recognize the ancestor of the ancient family of Bloyhon or Bloyowe, which became extinct (at least in its elder branch) in the fourteenth century, when the heiress married Tinten.
  • n5. According to the Exchequer Domesday, Nigel had twenty-three manors, twelve of which were in other hands, at the taking of the former survey; Turstin, on the contrary, had only twenty manors, according to the Exchequer Domesday, according to the other, twenty-seven; Ermenald, whose name does not appear in the Exchequer Domesday, is stated, in the other record, to have held six manors. These are some of the chief variations of property; some of the smaller landholders vary in the number of manors also, from three to five, two to four, &c. It is evident that the Exeter MS. is of prior date, and that the survey was taken before 1083, as it appears that the Queen was then living. The printed survey states the King to be possessed of those manors which had been settled on Queen Matilda.
  • n6. Mentioned in the Exeter Domesday as an honor.
  • n7. The places most similar in name are Nancarrow in St. Allen and St. Michael-Penkevil; Nancor in Creed and Nankerry in Milor; but we are not aware that either of them belonged to the Priory of Bodmin.
  • n8. This must have been Osbert, the second Bishop of Exeter, but he was not appointed to the see till 1074, in William the Conqueror's reign.