Pages 122-125
Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 8, 1645-1647. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.
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DIE Saturni, 24 die Januarii.
PRAYERS, by Dr. Wincupp.
Ds. Grey de Warke, Speaker.
Brundish to be instituted to Felsham.
Ordered, That Sir Nath. Brent shall give Institution and Induction to Thomas Brundish Clerk, to the Rectory of Felsham, in the County of Suffolke; he being presented to the said Living by John Risby Esquire.
Capt. Plunkett versus Todd, M'. Alexander, & al.
Ordered, That the Committee do meet on Friday next, in the Afternoon, to hear Captain Plunkett's Business; at which Time both Parties are to be present and heard, and no Proceedings to be had in the mean Time; and that Mr. Justice Rolls and Baron Atkins shall have Notice to attend that Committee.
Ryley versus Browne.
Upon reading the Petition of Wm. Ryley Esquire, Lancaster Herald, and Articles exhibited by him against Robert Browne: It is Ordered, That the Gentleman Usher shall seal up the Doors of the Herald's Office, in the Presence of the Petitioner, and the said Robert Browne; and that Browne shall have a Copy of the Petition and Articles, and appear before this House on Thursday next, to answer the same.
Message from the H.C. for a Conference about Letters from the Committee with the Army; and that they will give One about Martial Law.
A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir Henry Mildmay Knight:
1. To desire a Conference, touching some Letters received from the Committee at Newarke.
2. To excuse that they could not Yesterday give their Lordships a Conference, as was appointed, concerning the Ordinance of Martial Law; but they will be ready to give a Conference whensoever their Lordships please to appoint.
The Answer returned was:
That this House will give a present Conference, in the Painted Chamber, concerning the Letters received from the Committee at Newarke; and at the same Time will hear what they shall offer concerning the Ordinance for Martial Law.
The Earl of Northumb. reported a Paper from the Committee of both Kingdoms; which was read, as follows:
Report that the King declared He would come to London.
"Die Veneris, 23 Januarii, 1645.
At the Committee of both Kingdoms, at Derby House.
"Ordered, That it be reported to both Houses, That One who came from Oxford on the 20th Instant faith, That he heard there, that the King should tell the Junto on Saturday last, That He would come to London, though He were shot to Death as soon as He came there.
"Gualter Frost,
"Secretary to the same Committee."
The Earl of Manchester reported a Paper from the Committee of Accommodations; which was read, videlicet,
Paper from the Committee for accommodating Differences in Church Government, for chusing fit Officers, and excluding improper People from the Sacrament.
"Jan. 23, 1645.
"At the Committee of Lords and Commons, Commissioners of the Church of Scotland, and Divines of the Assembly.
"Resolved, upon the Question, nemine contradicente, That it be reported to the Honourable Houses, That there being an Inclination to bear with our Brethren in the Matter of Subordination both for People and Ministers; a very great Impediment, likely to hinder the Work committed to this Committee, is the Want of a full Rule for purging the Congregations in Point of receiving the Sacrament, and chusing fit Officers; and therefore it is desired, That the Members of the Honourable Houses who are Members of this Committee do communicate so much to the several Houses respectively, and do desire that so effectual and speedy Course may be taken herein, as may seem best to the Wisdom of the Honourable Houses.
"Herbert Palmer."
Church Government.
Ordered, That the Matters concerning Government shall be taken into Consideration on Tuesday Morning next; and such Papers concerning that Business as were never read in this House shall then be read.
Letter from the Scots Commissioners.
Next, a Letter from the Scotch Commissioners, with a Paper inclosed, were read. (Here enter them.)
Grey to be instituted to Wickham Brooke.
Ordered, That Sir Nath. Brent shall give Institution and Induction to Thomas Grey Clerk, and Batchelor of Arts, to the Vicarage of Wickam Brooke, in the County of Suff. and Diocese of Norwich.
The House was adjourned during Pleasure, and the Lords went to the Conference; which being ended, the House was resumed.
The Letter to the Earl of Rutland was read, and approved of by the House; videlicet,
Letter of Thanks to the Committee with the Army before Newark.
"My Lord,
"I have received Letters from your Lordship, which (fn. 1) have been communicated to the Lords in Parliament, who have commanded me, in their Name, to return your Lordship Thanks for your Respects towards them, and the Care and Pains you take in the transacting of the Public Affairs; and as touching those Particulars wherein your Lordship desires further Directions, their Lordships have put them into a Way of Consideration, the Results whereof shall be sent your Lordship with all possible Expedition.
"Your Lordship's humble Servant,
Westm. this 24th January, 1645.
"Grey De Werke,
"Speaker of the House of Peers pro Tempore.
To the Right Honourable the Earl of Rutland."
Letter from the Scots Commissioners, with the following Paper.
"For the Right Honnorable the Speaker of the House of Peeres pro Tempore.
My Lord,
"Wee have desired Sattisfaction from the Committee of both Houses in some Things which doe highly concerne the Kingdome of Scotland; and this Answere being retourned unto us, That they have noe Power to treate with us therein, wee have resolved, and accordingly desire your Lordship, to comunicate the inclosed to both Houses; and remaine
"Your Lordship's humble Servants,
"Lauderdaill. Balmerino.
"Charles Erskine.
Worcester House, 24 January, 1645/6;.
"Hew Kennedy."
Paper from them, complaining of various Calumnies against them and their Army; and of pretended Informations that the Scots are negotiating a Peace with the King.
"Although, in this Tyme of Disorder and Confusion, untill it shall please God to give a Blessing to the good Indeavors of the Parliament, for the effectinge of that long-wisht-for Reformation according to our Covenant, and setling a good and happy Peace both in Church and State, all Things are imagined to bee lawfull, and every one taketh Liberty to himselfe to speake, and write, and preach, and doe, against God, Religion, the Publiqùe, and every Sort of Persons bee they never soe unblameable, what they in their byaseed Spiritts or private Designes thinke conduceable to their owne Ends; yet there is a Necessity layd upon us, who are sent hither as Commissioners from annother Kingdome to which wee must bee answerable, to have Recourse to the Honnorable Houses of Parliament, and to vindicate ourselves, and that our native Country, from such Aspersions, Obloquies, and Calumnyes, as have beene to ordinary since our comeing to this Place, and are of late more then ordinary cast upon us; that our Enemyes, whether open or secrett, may, if (fn. 2) it bee possible, bee ashamed of their Malice and Malignity against the common Cause; and as for it, our Freinds may bee sattisfyed with and rejoyce in our knowne Integrity, and the Kingdome from whence wee came; and ourselves, who are soe much entrusted and engaged, may bee able, in the Testimony of a good Conscience before God, to hould upp our Faces before all the World, by all our Consultations, Designes, and Motions.
"Wee have not forgotten that solemne League and Covenant, for the Defence and Reformation of Religion, and the Preservation of the just Libertyes of both Kingdomes, which is knowne to all Christendome, as presumptuously to run into the horrible Violation thereof. Wee cannott bee insensible of the many and greivouse Sufferings of the Kingdome of Scotland those Yeares past, and at this Tyme, in the Preservation of that Cause and Covenant, which Promise they may Reward from God in His owne Tyme (fn. 3), although Men should prove soe unthankfull as to recompence Evill for Good; nor can it bee unknowne to the Honnorable Houses of Parliament, that wee have, dureing our Residence here with all our Power endeavored the Advancement of the common Cause, by a good Correspondence betweene the Kingdomes, and with much Patience endured much Interpretation and many unjust Surmises in secrett, and Reproaches in publique, which wee did not expect, and which, by the Successe and Reality of our Actions, have evanished and turned to nothinge, whereby wee were made the more confident that at last the Mouth of Malice itselfe should have beene stopped. Yet at this Tyme, and in this Conjuncture of Affaires, soe unseasonably, and that not in Secrett or in a Corner, but openly and before the Committee of both Kingdomes, diverse Informations are produced against us, against the Scottish Army in this Kingdome, and against the Kingdome of Scotland itselfe, which challenge and charge them and us with such Things as are contrary to our sacred Covenant, to our former Actions and manifold Sufferings, (and as wee conceive) to the Sense and Experience of all that knowe us, especially of the Honnorable Houses, which are best acquainted with our Proceedings. What may bee the Designe or Intentions of the Authors and Contrivers, wee knowe not; but the Result and Effect, unlesse wisely prevented, can bee noe other then, what is most to bee feared, the Division of the Kingdomes, which God hath by soe many Bonds conjoyned, and all the tragicall Consequents following thereupon, as much to bee avoyded and abhorred as the Benefitt of their Conjunction and Union was of late desired; when it was on both Sides professed, That both Kingdomes must stand and fall together: And wee must all acknowledge the Ballance is in the Hand of God, the Righteous Judge, who exalteth and bringeth low at His owne good Pleasure.
"Haveing desired Sattisfaction from the Committee of both Houses against some of those Injuryes; and Answere being retourned unto us, That they have not Power to treate with us therein till the Houses bee first acquainted; it will not (wee suppose) bee tedious to the Honnorable Houses, to heare what is necessary for us to say concerning our late particular Greivances; and it wil bee their Justice to judge of us as they would have others to judge of themselves, or their owne Commissioners in the like Case and Capacity.
"Upon the 17th of this Instant January, Two Letters as sent from Paris, both under the Name of one Robert Wright, yet of different Hand-writings in the Letters and Subscriptions, were delivered into the Committee of both Kingdomes by Mr. Solicitor, who professeth that he knoweth not the Person, nor whether the Name by which he is designed bee true or fained.
"These Letters soe expressly say, That a Treaty for Peace betweene the King and Scotts is with all Industry prosecuted by Mr. William Murray with the Queene, which Shee entertaines with greate Hopes of a faire Conclusion; and the only Obstaccle that hinders it for the present is the Difficulty of reconcileing the Party of Montrosse with that of Hamilton and Argile; that the Scotts Commissioners in England have given Assurance, that those Partyes shall reconcile and declare with One Consent for the Kinge, in a Case supposed by Himselfe; that the Scotts will doe noe Service before Newarke; and that therefore the Parliament may have Two Armyes.
"These Two Letters of this unknowne Robert Wright were seconded with an Information given to Mr. Pierrepoint (before his goeing downe to the Scotts Army aboute Six Weekes agoe), and to Mr. Solicitor, and Mr. Crew, from a Knight whose Name is concealed from us, though wee have earnestly desired it; bearing, that there was One came to this unknowne Knight, from France, to give him Notice, That Mr. William Murray was imployed in France by the Scotts, as their Agent, to make over unto the King of France the Debts due by the Kingdome of England to Scotland; and that the King of France was to pay the Debt to Scotland. After this Information, an intercepted Letter of Mr. Jermin's to the Lord Digby, of the 24th of June, was remembred, and a Coppy thereof appointed to bee delivered unto us, wherein wee finde is mentioned, That the Scotts Commissioners were treating with the Queene; and that those Persons had first made their Application to the Lord Digby.
"These Accusations, soe many in Number, and of soe high a Nature, as they are in themselves most untrue, soe they cannott but move a just Indignation and high Resentment from the Kingdome of Scotland concerning this which was proposed. In the last Place, if any apply these Words to the Commissioners of the Kingdome of Scotland at London, wee neede say noe more, but that it is a most false Calumny, and hath noe other Ground then his owne Ignorance or Malice. If the Lord Digbye's Letters of July and August bee compared with that Letter of Mr. Jermin's of the 24th of June, the Busines may seeme to relate to the Carriage of some Persons in the Scottish Army; which noe sooner came to our Eares, but wee did speedily acquaint the Estates of the Kingdome of Scotland therewith, before these Letters were intercepted in the North; and although the Motion made in Way of Treaty was not entertained by these Persons, as may appeare by the intercepted Letters scene by the Houses; yet were they sent for to Scotland, to bee examined; which wee did represent to both Houses of Parliament, and desired from them such Letters and Papers as might give Light to the Busines, that the Tryall might bee the more exact: And the Houses may remember, when that Offer for a Treaty was made by Sir William Fleming, it was detested and rejected by the Army; all which was made knowne to both Houses of Parliament, for which they were pleased, in a Letter to the Generall the Earle of Loven, to retourne their hearty Thanks; and although wee would bee silent, some Letters which were alsoe by a good Providence intercepted doe sufficiently wittnesse the Integrity of that Army, perticularly that of the 4th of Septemb'r, communicated unto us upon Tuesday last, wherein the Lord Digby, speaking in his malignant Sense, calls our Army, "A Generation, whom, as noe Duty nor Conscience can restraine, soe noe Applications (of which he sayes, all Sorts were tryed) could gaine." Wee shall never desire the least Circumstance of this Matter to bee concealed; and doe desire the Devill who hath beene a Lyer and a Calumniator from the Begining, and all his Instruments bee they never soe crafty and malicious, to finde out any Ground of the smalest Suspicion against us; God, our owne Consciences and Actions, bearing us Witnesse of our Integrity: And whosoever they bee that shall endeavor to cast Aspersions upon us, wee are confident the Righteousnes of God and our owne Innocency shall beare us out; and lett them take Heed, that their malicious Plotts and Contrivances doe not retourne upon their owne Heads.
"Concerning that unknowne Robert Wright, wee desire that all Meanes bee used for his Discovery, as in a Matter which very neerly concernes both Kingdomes; that he may bee brought to answere for his Accusations, which wee hope the Houses in Justice will never deny to the Kingdome of Scotland; or if, all possible Meanes being used, he cannott bee discovered, that his Libells bee noe more hearkened unto, or produced against us, our Army, or Kingdome; but that he may bee accompted a Cycophant and Incendiary betweene the Kingdomes.
"And for that Knight whose Name is hitherto concealed, wee desire he may bee knowne by Name, that he may bee prosecuted as a publique Incendiary, according to the Articles of the large Treaty betweene the Kingdomes; and this wee certainly expect from the Justice of the Honnorable Houses towards their Brethren, according to our mutuall Covenant, that he may receive his condigne Censure, to the Terror of others; wee may bee freed from all Matters of Suspicion or Jealousy; and a good Correspondence, against all such Suggestions and Misinformations, may bee still kept betwixt the Kingdomes, till the greate Worke in Hand bee brought to the wished Conclusion.
"And soe farre are wee for the present necessitated to ascert the Truth from our owne Hearts and Actions, and to vindicate the Honnor and Reputation of those that have intrusted us, then which on Earth nothing can bee dearer unto us.
"By Commaund of the Commissioners for the Parliament of Scotland.
"Jo. Cheisley."
24 Janu. 1646/5.
House adjourned till 10a Monday Morning next.