House of Lords Journal Volume 4: 5 February 1641

Pages 152-153

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 4, 1629-42. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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Die Veneris, videlicet, 5 die Februarii.


Marquis of Winchester's Bill.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, An Act to enable the Lord Marquis of Winchester to make [ (fn. 1) Leases of] Estates for One and Twenty Years, or Three Lives of Lands, in South'ton, etc. reserving the old Rent.

Committed to these Lords following:

L. Chamberlain.
E. Hartford.
E. Bristoll.
E. Berks.
E. of St. Albanes.
L. Viscount Campden.
L. Bp. of Durham.

Lord Chief Justice Bramston,
Lord Chief Baron,
L. Bp. of Lincolne.
L. Bp. of Gloucester.
Ds. Kymbolton.
Ds. Howard de Charlt.
Ds. Pierpointe.
Ds. Howard de Estcricke.
Ds. Goringe.
Ds. Powis.

Their Lordships, or any Seven of them, to meet on Saturday Morning next, at Eight of the Clock, in the Little Committee Chamber.


Ordered, That the Lords Committees for the Bill of Hospitals are to meet on Monday Morning, at Eight a Clock.

E. Marshal's Absence excused.

Earl Marshal excused for his being absent.

Mr. Longuevile's Petition read.

Mr. Longvile's Petition, being mended, was read, touching his Title to the Lord Grey; and, after some Debate, it was Resolved, upon the Question, by the major Part, That Charles Longevile, Esquire, shall be admitted to the Title and Dignity of Lord de Grey.

Lords appointed to inform His Majesty of the House's Resolution in Longuevile's Cause.

The Lord Chamberlain, E. Bath, E. Hartford, and E. Bristoll, were appointed by the House, to acquaint His Majesty with what Resolution the House hath made, concerning Mr. Longevile.

Co. Dowager of Exeter's Bill.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Settling and Estating upon Eliz. Countess Dowager of Exeter, her Heirs and Assigns, for ever, the Hospital of St. Leonard's, without the Town of Newarke upon Trent, in the County of Nottingham, etc.

Bill to prevent the too long Intermission of Parliaments.

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the preventing the Inconveniences which happen by the long Intermission of Parliaments, with the Additions, Amendments, and Proviso; and, being put to the Question, it was consented to, nemine contradicente.

Subsidy Bill.

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for Relief of His Majesty's Army, and the Northern Parts of this Kingdom; and, it being put to the Question, whether it should pass with the Amendments, it was consented unto, nemine contradicente, and immediately sent down to the House of Commons, with the Bill for Parliaments, by the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Mr. Serjeant Whitfielde.

Lord Morley's Cause.

Ordered, That the Lord Morley shall examine such Witnesses as are necessary in his Cause.

Reeves to bring his Bail.

Ordered, That Reeves do appear here Tomorrow Morning, with Bail; and then the House to consider further whether he is bailable or not.

Hawes's Petition referred.

Upon reading the Petition of Joseph Hawes, it was Ordered, That the further Consideration thereof be referred to the Committee for Petitions.

Macro, Liberty to prosecute his Cause.

It was reported to the House, by the Lords Committees for Imprisonments, etc. That Ralph Macro, for new building some ruinous Houses, being his Freehold, was sentenced in the Star-chamber, at the Suit of Mr. Attorney General, Two Hundred Pounds Fine, and Thirty Pounds Costs, assessed against him for the Relator; the Petitioner Macro desires that he may deposit the said Thirty Pounds Costs in the Hands of the Warden of The Fleet, and have Liberty for his Person, to follow his Cause. All which accordingly was Ordered by this House.

Powell to have Damages, and to be enabled to pursue his Claim to the Vicarage of Bucknell.

It was reported to the House, That one Jeremy Powell, Gentleman, is seized, in the Right of his Wife, of the Advowson of the Vicarage of Bucknill, in the County of Salop, who, upon the Death of the late Incumbent, presented their Clerk to the now Lord Bishop of Hereford, who protested he durst not admit him to the said Vicarage, for that the Lord Archbishop of Cant. had taken special Notice of the King's Title thereunto; whereupon Powell brought a Quare impedit, and upon that served the Bishop with a Ne admittas before the Vicarage was full; yet, notwithstanding, the Bishop, without any Supersedeas, admitted and instituted one Richard Edwards, Clerk, to the said Vicarage. For the Causes aforesaid, the Lords Committees have thought it fit, That some Damages be given to the said Powell, being kept a Year out of the Vicarage worth Seventy Pounds per Annum as was reported; but the Measure and Manner of the Damages is left to the House, to consider further of it. Hereupon the House did Order, That the Lord Bishop of Hereford shall pay to the said Jeremy Powell Thirty Pounds for his Damages sustained herein; and he to be put into the same Condition for Trial of his Right by Law, as he was in before he received this Stop in his Proceedings.

Sir William Barckley's and Clerks of the Common Pleas Petition.

Ordered, That the Petition of Sir William Barckley, and some of the Clerks in the Court of Common Pleas, be heard at the same Time when the Business concerning some other Clerks of the same Court be appointed to be heard in this House.

Sir Geo. Ratcliffe to be sworn in Sir Pierce Crosbie's Cause.

Ordered, That Sir George Radcliffe be brought hither To-morrow Morning, to be sworn as a Witness in the Cause of Sir Peirce Croseby, against the Earl of Strafford.

Clerk of the Parliament to swear the Witnesses that are to be examined.

Ordered, That the Commission for swearing of Witnesses to be examined before the Lords Committees shall be made and directed to the Clerk of the Parliament only, and not to the Masters of the Chancery.

Higdon's Petition referred to the Judges.

Upon the reading of a Petition of John Higdon, about a Writ of Error, it was Ordered to be referred to the Judges at Serjeants Inn in Fleet-Street, to certify to this House the ancient Course and Manner of Proceedings in Writs of Error at the Common Law.


Dominus Custos Magni Sigilli declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque in diem Sabbati, videlicet, 6m diem instantis Februarii, hora nona, Dominis sic decernentibus.

Huc usque examinatur per Dominos,

C. Howard.
Rob. Brooke.


  • 1. Deest in Originali.