Pages 13-19
The Cartulary of Holy Trinity, Aldgate. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1971.
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68. [1268] Grant by Gilbert prior and convent to Hawise daughter of William the Mason of land; abutments, the land of the brethren of Mountjoy on the east and land of Peter Huniteil on the west; rent 3s. p.a.; gersuma 10s.; witnesses, Walter Hervi, William de Dunelm, sheriffs, John de Norhampton, alderman of this ward.
C.A.D., iv, A 7350.
69. [List of those paying rent]: Hawise; the brethren of Mountjoy; Walter the Whittawer (Allutario); Richard Winter; Andrew Winter.
70. [1197–1221] Grant by Peter prior and convent to Peter Honyteil, clerk, [f. 16] of land; abutment, the land of the brethren of Mountjoy; in breadth along the road 10½ ells and in length 39½ ells; rent 32d. p.a.; the canons to have the preference by 1 gold bezant if the grantee wishes to sell the land; swore fealty; gersuma 10s.; witnesses, Ralph the Porter, Moses the clerk, John de Lesn[es].
C.A.D., ii, A 1989.
71. [List of those paying rent]: Peter Honiteil; Richard Honiteil; and then the tenement was divided for Richard Wint, sawyer, paid 2s. and Henry le Galeys 8d.: after Richard Wint; Andrew Wint and Amabilla his wife who was once the wife of Richard Wint' who granted the aforesaid lands of Hawise to William de Ste(b)eneth, chaplain of Peter the clerk, paying 5s. as appears by their charter (fn. 1) enrolled 7 Ed. I: after William de Stebeneth; John Sendal: after Henry Galeys; John Sendal; with additions which appear in the following charter.
72. Confirmation of a lease by Stephen prior and convent to Henry le Galeys of two pieces of land in the parish of All Hallows of Colmancherch of which one piece contains in length 9 perches and in breadth on the north and in the middle 4 perches ½ ell and on the south 4 perches ¼ ell and it adjoins the north side of the king's highway leading towards Algate and, on the east, it adjoins the holding of Richard le Sawier and, on the west, the holding of William de Kent and, on the south, [f. 16v] the other piece of the aforesaid two pieces; which other piece contains in length, on the east side, 7 perches 2 ells and, on the west, 8 perches less a quarter ell and in breadth on the north 8 perches 1 ell and, on the south, 6 perches 3¾ ells and it lies between the garden of Holy Trinity on the east and the holding formerly of John de Vallibus on the west and the holding of Geoffrey atte Well on the south and that of Richard le Sawier and the other piece of land on the north; rent 20s. p.a.; dated 15 May 1298.
C.A.D., ii, A 1994.
73. Inspeximus by Stephen prior and convent of the charter to Henry le Galeys and the confirmation of the charter of Henry le Galeys to John de Sendale, clerk, [f. 17 repeats 72: f. 17v]; John de Sandle to pay 20s. p.a. to prior and convent; gersuma for the lease £100; sealed; witnesses Elya Russel, mayor, Henry de Fyngre and John Armenters, sheriffs, John le Blunt, Walter de Fynchyngfeld and the tenor of this charter we have examined in full chapter and agreed to John de Sandale holding at 20s. p.a.; chirograph; witnesses, John le Blount, mayor, Hugh Pourte and Simon Parys, [f. 18] sheriffs, William de Betonia, Walter de Fynchyngfeld, Nicholas de Farndon, Richard de Gloucester, in full chapter; dated 1 Nov. 1302.
74. [1197–1221] Grant by Peter prior and convent to Robert de London son of Gervase of land in the parish of All Hallows Colemanchurch; abutments, the land formerly of Gunilde Lagele and land formerly of Hamon Sprakeling; in breadth in front along the road 10 ells and on the south 17¼ ells and in the middle 11 ells and in length 46 ells; rent 2s. p.a.; if he should wish to pledge or lease, the prior and convent to have an advantage of 1 bezant over other buyers; swore fealty that he will keep the agreements about paying the rent without deceit, contrivance and miskenning (et quod statutos servabit de censu bene reddende sine fraude ingenio et meskenningia); for the lease 10s.; witnesses, Master Henry la Fai(c)ie, Nicholas Duket, Mathew Blund, alderman.
C.A.D., ii, A 2000.
75. [List of those paying rent]: Robert de London, canon of Suthwerk; Claricia Carteys; John Sendale.
76. [1170–97] Lease by Stephen prior and convent to John Sperling (Sprakeling) of land formerly held by Gunilde in the parish of All Hallows; rent 12d. p.a.; [f. 18v] for the lease he gave to the convent a London sextary of wine and to the prior a bezant; swore fealty; tenement 130 ft. in length and in breadth at the front, 28 ft., in the middle the same and at the end next his orchard 28 ft.; witnesses, John Bucuinte, Henry son of Ailwin, Master Richard son of Reyner, Roger son of Alan.
C.A.D., i, A 1679.
77. [List of those paying rent]: John Sprakelyng; Hamon Sperling; Awyn Rufus; Nicholas his son; John le Frutrer; John Sendale, 5 Ed. II.
78. [1157–61] Lease by Ralph prior and convent to Maurice Tilteye (de Tilteye), sheriff, of land which Tewald the Goldsmith held by Colemanchirch.
C.A.D., ii, A 1900.
79. [1170–97] Lease by Stephen prior and convent to Geoffrey son of Maurice de Tilteye of land which his father held; rent 5s.; swore fealty; witnesses, William the chaplain, Ralph de Mandaville.
80. [List of those paying rent]: Maurice de Tilteye; the monks of Tilteye; Hamon Sperlyng; Awynus Rufus; John Sendale, 5 Ed. II who had all the tenements and paid 53s. 8d. p.a.; for the garden called Colmanhawe in the parish of Holy Trinity 20s. p.a. and for the tenements in the parish of All Hallows 43s. 8d. [sic]; earl of Arundell, 19 Ed. II and 1 Ed. III; Hugh de Spenser, 6 Ed. III; Giles de Batlismere, 8 Ed. III; his widow, 12 Ed. III; Bartholomew Batlismere, 20 Ed. III and then the land was divided for Lord Guy Brian paid 47s. 4d. p.a. 30 Ed. III [f. 19] and Lord Tiptot 6s. 4d.: after Guy de Brian; Lord Roger Mortimer, earl de la March, 32 Ed. III [See also after 81] as appears by the following inquisition.
81. Inquisition (fn. 2) taken before Simon Dolcell (Dolsell), mayor of London and escheator of the same city, 10 June 1360, John Leuesham, Thomas Cok, William Daniel etc. say that Roger Mortimer, earl of March died 26 Feb. 1360 and that he was seised of a tenement, shop and garden in the parish of St. Katherine Colman worth £10 p.a. less 47s. 4d. of quit rent paid to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, dated 10 June 1360.
80 contd. after Lord Tiptot; Stephen Scrope and all the aforesaid tenements are situated between the holding of the College of the Blessed Mary of Oxford [New College], once the holding of the brethren of Mountjoy on the east and the church of St. Katherine Colman on the west.
82. [1250–8] Grant by John prior and convent to John Bekham (Bekeham) of land etc. formerly of John de Waltham; abutments, the courtyard (curtillagium) of the canons of Holy Trinity, a house formerly of William Joye; [f. 19v] to assign, lease and pledge as he pleases except to Jews and religious; rent 4s. p.a.; lessee to maintain houses; swore fealty; the prior and convent to have the preference by a bezant of 2s. if the grantee wishes to alienate; for the lease 30s.; witness, Gervase Bran, alderman.
C.A.D., ii, A 2082.
83. [List of those paying rent]: John Bekeham; John de Waltham; William de Watteford; John the Preacher; Simon the Weaver; Robert Dewmars; Julian Houndesdych; Richard Pottar; John Boylon; Adam Cobhamb(e)ry, Ed. I, 1 Ed. II and 1 and 5 Ed. III; Giles Westmell, 31 Ed. III; William Coventree, 35 and 41 Ed. III; Nicholas Rote, 49 Ed. III; Richard Blomvyle, 8 Ric. II; Agnes at Hale, throughout Ric. II and Hy. IV [sic]; William Norton, 8 Hy. IV and the tenement is situated between the tenement of Holy Trinity on the east and that of a certain Henry at Hook on the west.
84. [1222–48] Grant by Richard prior and convent to Alice daughter of Henry of land and houses; abutments, the land of Stephen Carpenter and land of John de Waltham which Richerus de Brumfeld once held; to give or assign it to whomsoever she pleases; rent 3s. 6d. p.a.; swore fealty; for the grant 2s.; witnesses, Richard son of Walter, Anselm the Baker.
C.A.D., ii, A 1916.
85. [List of those paying rent]: Alice daughter of Henry; William Joye; Robert Joye, tiler; William Gyll, Ed. I, 1 and 19 Ed. II and 1 Ed. III; Thomas at Hook, 48 Ed. III; his widow, throughout Ric. II and Hy. IV and the tenement is situated between the tenement of William Norton on the east and that of Thomas Tykyl on the west.
86. [f. 20] [1222–48] Grant by Richard prior and convent to Stephen le Paumer of land with houses which Michael son of Sto(n)phardus and Ralph the Carpenter held of Holy Trinity; abutments, Richer de Bromfeld on the east and land formerly of Saie(v)e daughter [? son] of Albinus on the west; in breadth along the king's highway 12½ ells and in length from the said highway to the land of the canons 31 ells; rent 4s. p.a.; swore fealty; if the grantee wishes to sell, the prior and convent to have the preference by 2s.; not to sell, pledge or lease to Jews; gersuma 1 silver mark; witness, Gilbert son of Fulc, alderman.
C.A.D.,ii, A 2058.
87. [List of those paying rent]: Stephen le Paumer, carpenter; Simon the Weaver (Whitlok); Robert Dewmars, 5 Ed. II; Ralph Bowstryng, 19 Ed. II and 1 Ed. III; Simon Bowstryng, 3 and 5 Ed. III; Philip Chambelyn, 48 Ed. III; Thomas at Hook, 31 Ed. III; Thomas Ottle. 8 Ric. II; Thomas Tykyl and the tenement is situated between the tenement formerly of Henry at Hook on the east and the tenement of Holy Trinity on the west.
88. [1250–1] Grant by John prior and convent to Nicholas de Ware of land; abutments, the land formerly of Stanhardus on the east and land of Ralph May; in length 34¾ ells 5 ins. and in breadth, at the south end along the king's highway, 11 ells 1 in. and in width at the north end, 10 ells 6 ins.; rent 2s. p.a.; the prior and convent to have the preference by 1 bezant of 2s. if the grantee wishes to sell the land; swore fealty; [f. 20v] for the grant ½ mark of silver; witness, John Norman, mayor.
C.A.D., ii, A 2042.
89. [List of those paying rent]: Nicholas de Ware; Ralph May; who granted this tenement to Thomas de Sartare [See also after 90] paying ½ lb. of pepper or 4d. as appears by the following charter.
90. [c. 1252–60] Grant by Ralph May son of the late Hugh May of an annual quit rent of ½ lb. of pepper or 4d. to be paid by Thomas de Sartare from his lands which the grantor sold to the said Thomas; abutments, the land formerly of Peter son of Eustace on the west and land formerly of Albinus Ruffus on the north; to be paid to the prior and convent and their successors by Thomas his heirs and assigns at Christmas at which time the prior and convent shall give to the grantor and his heirs at the door of their buttery (celarii) a canon's loaf if it is asked for; for the charter and the warranty prior and convent gave 3s.; witness, Gervase Cordwaner, alderman.
89 contd. Thomas de Sartar paid 2s. 4d.; Richard Froysh; David Dullying; Henry Proudhom, 1 Ed. II and 1 and 5 Ed. III; Thomas at Hook, 21 Ed. III; Philip Chaumberlayn, 48 Ed. III; Thomas Ottle, 8 Ric. II; John Ottle, 20 Ric. II; Thomas Tykyl throughout Hy. IV and the tenement is situated between the tenement of Holy Trinity on the east and that of Thomas Tykyl on the west.
91. [1228–38] Grant by Peter son of Eustace to Richard prior and convent of a rent of 4s. from land in the parish of All Hallows with houses which pays 20d. to the nuns of St. Helen and which Simon Hoveldere held of the grantor; abutments, the land of Robert Adhelwold on the west and land of Walter the Carter on the east; the prior and convent to hold in free alms on condition that they pay therefrom 20d. p.a. to the nuns of St. Helen; witness, Richard Renger.
92. [f. 21] [List of those paying rent]: Simon Hovelder; Henry the Mason (Sementarius); William the Mason; Henry Proudhom, 9 Ed. II; David de Dullyng, 1, 3 and 4 Ed. III; Robert Mounteux; Thomas at Hook, 30 Ed. III; Philip Chaumberleyn, 48 Ed. III; Thomas Ottle, 8 Ric. II; John Ottle, 20 Ric. II; Thomas Tykyl throughout Hy. IV; from which tenement the nuns of St. Helen received 20d. and not from Holy Trinity; and the tenement is situated between the tenement of the said Thomas on the east and that of the Countess Herford [sic] on the west.
93. [1270–1] Grant by William de Lunar, citizen, of an annual quit rent of 4s. to Eustace prior and convent from all the tenements and houses that he had in the parish between the land and houses of Henry the Mason on the east and lands formerly of Nicholas de Turri on the west; for the grant the prior and convent gave 40s.; if he or his heirs and assigns wish to sell, the canons have the preference by a bezant of 2s.; witness, John Adryan, mayor.
C.A.D., i, A 1616.
94. [List of those paying quit rent]: William de Lunar who sold the tenement to Ralph Blunt who paid therefrom 4s. p.a. as appears in a charter (fn. 3) enrolled 26 Ed. I; Gervase Bran; William Chalfont; John Can(t); Maurice Turg, 1 Ed. II and 1 Ed. III; John Cokyrmouth who granted the tenement to Walter Dieubeye who paid therefrom 4s. p.a. as appears by their charters (fn. 4) enrolled 5 Ed. II; Ha(u)kynus Pepyr, 30 Ed. III; John Bortewold; Richard Herford, 49 Ed. III; and the tenement is situated between the tenement of Thomas Tykyl on the east and that of the Countess Herthford on the west.
95. [1310–11] Lease by Ralph prior and convent to John Cokyrmouth, clerk, of land; abutments, the tenements of said John on the east [f. 21 v] and the garden of Holy Trinity on the north; in length on the east 46½ ells 3 ins. and on the west 533/8 ells 3 ins. and in breadth, at the north end, 24 ells and in width at the south end along the king's highway 26½ ells 2 ins.; rent 26s. 8d. p.a.; the grantee authorises the prior and convent to distrain for the rent upon all the lands he holds in the said parish; John agrees for himself and his heirs to build a fence (clausura) and to maintain it at his and their own expense for ever; witnesses, Richer Refham, mayor, Simon Corp, Peter de Blakeney, sheriffs.
C.A.D., ii, A 2064.
96. [List of those paying rent]: Dominus John Cokyrmouth, 4 Ed. II; Simon Symsan, 19 Ed. II and 2 Ed. III; Haukynus Pepyr, 30 Ed. III; John Dortewold; Richard Herford, 49 Ed. III; now [c. 1425] Countess Herford.
97. Release by Eustace prior and convent of the arrears of an annual rent of 4s. payable by John de Can(t), citizen, from a piece of land formerly of Gervase Bran; abutments, the land formerly of Nigel the chaplain on the east and land of the hospital of the infirm of St. Giles (fn. 5) on the west; released from payment of rent until Easter 1269 on condition that he builds or causes to be built property sufficient to secure payment of 4s. p.a.; [f. 22] John swore fealty concerning the payment; chirograph sealed; dated 17 Mar. 1269.
98. [List of those paying rent]: John de Kent; Roger Corbet who granted the tenement to Peter le Lane who paid 4s. p.a. as appears by charter enrolled 30 Ed. I; William de Chalfont, 5 Ed. II; Adam in Venella, 10 Ed. II who granted the tenement to Maurice Turgis who paid 4s. p.a. as appears by his charter (fn. 6) enrolled 10 Ed. II and Maurice Turgis, 1 Ed. III; Ralph Halsted, 30 Ed. III; John Halsted, 8 Ric. II; and the tenement is situated on the north side of the road which leads from Algate towards Fanchurch.
99. Lease by Ralph prior and convent to John Page, citizen, and Agnes his wife of land; abutments, the land of Adam de la Lane on the east and the tenement of John de Hoddysdon on the west and extending from the king's highway which leads from Algate to Fenchurch to the garden of Holy Trinity; in breadth at the south end along the road 14½ ells 3 ins. and at the north end 9¾ ells and in length on the west side 43¼ ells and on the east side 40 ells without measuring the inches (sine pollicibus mensuratis); rent 26s. 8d. p.a.; witnesses, John de Gisors, mayor, Richard de Welford, Simon de Mere worth, sheriffs; dated 4 Jan. 1312.
100. [List of those paying rent]: John Page, 1 and 19 Ed. [II]; John Page, 1 Ed. III; Roger de Elyngham, 3 Ed. III; Roger Athelby, 6 Ed. III; William Dykeman, 30 Ed. III; Thomas Cleyman, 39 Ed. III; Thomas at Naps, 48 Ed. III and 8 Ric. II; John at Lee, 10 Ric. II as appears by indenture made between him and Holy Trinity.
101. Indenture made between William Rysing prior and convent of Holy Trinity of the one part and John at Lee and Agnes his wife of the other part witnesseth that, since Ralph, late prior, leased a certain piece of land to John Page etc. and since the land has been built upon and John at Lee and Agnes his wife occupy it by the will of Thomas at Naps and a rent of 26s. 8d. p.a. arises therefrom [f. 22v], the receipt of 26s. 8d. is full payment for all arrears; John and Agnes promise for themselves, their heirs and assigns that they will pay rent in perpetuity; sealed; dated 22 July 1386 and the tenement is situated on the north side of the great street leading from Fenchurch to Algate.
102. Total of this parish £6 11s. 2d., and it is tithed at this in the king's exemplification [f. 23 blank].