Pages 80-82
The London Eyre of 1244. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1970.
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In this section
(nos 194–197)
De pluribus articulis.
194. De illis qui sunt in misericordia domini regis et non sunt amerciati. Dicunt maior et cives quod non possunt ad capitulum istud respondere sine inspeccione rotulorum ultimi itineris, quod eis fuit denegatum sicut patet superius in capitulo de veteribus placitis. Et ideo inde loquendum. Et sciendum quod maior et omnes aldermanni respondent de omnibus capitulis preterquam de novis placitis corone, de quibus camerarius et vicecomites respondent, ut superius patet.
Of various articles
Of those who are in the king's mercy, and have not been amerced. The mayor and citizens say that they can give no answer to this article unless they are allowed to see the rolls of the last eyre, which was denied them above in the article concerning the Old Pleas. Therefore let the matter be discussed. And be it known that the mayor and all the aldermen are to answer all the articles save those relating to the New Pleas of the crown, for which the chamberlain and sheriffs answer, as appears above.
195. De debitis domino regi patri domini regis debitis in gwerra et ante gwerram, que fuerunt debita illa, et qui fuerunt debitores et si sint defuncti qui sunt eorum heredes vel eorum bona possidentes. Dicunt maior et cives super sacramentum suum et in fide qua tenentur domino regi, quod Lodewicus rex Francie debuit in Civitate Londoniarum m marcas quas post gwerram misit Londonias Serloni le Mercer, Willelmo Hardel laico, Willelmo filio [Benedicti] (fn. 1), Salamoni de Basingges et Henrico de Sancto Albano ut denarios illos pro eo redderent debitoribus suis. (fn. 2) Set quid de denariis illis fecerunt, ignorant. Ideo loquendum est cum domino rege. Postea datus est dies maiori et civibus Londoniarum a die Sancti Michaelis in unum mensem ad respondendum de predictis m marcis.
Of debts owing to the king, father of the present king, during and before the war, what they were and who were the debtors, and if they have died who are their heirs or the possessors of their goods. The mayor and citizens say upon their oath and in the faith in which they are bound to the king, that Louis, King of France, owed 1000 marks in the City of London, which he sent after the war to London to Serlo le Mercer, William Hardel, layman, William fitz Benet, Solomon of Basing and Henry of St. Albans that they might repay the money for him to his creditors; but what they did with the money they do not know. Therefore, let the matter be discussed with the king. Afterwards the mayor and citizens were given a day, a month after Michaelmas, to answer for the aforesaid 1000 marks.
196. De illis qui infra libertatem Civitatis maliciose domos aliquorum prostraverunt vel combusserunt contra pacem etc., qui illi sunt et quorum domus ille fuerunt et si sine licentia domini regis adinvicem pacem fecerunt, dicunt maior et cives super sacramentum etc. quod nichil inde sciunt.
Of those who, within the liberty of the City, maliciously overthrew or burned houses against the peace etc., who they are and whose houses they were, and whether the parties have made peace between themselves without the king's licence. The mayor and citizens say upon oath, etc. that they know of none.
197. De vadlettis et puellis, qui sunt et esse debent in custodia domini regis sive maritati sint sive maritandi. Et si sint, quibus et per quos, et quantum terre illorum valeant. Dicunt maior et cives super sacramentum suum etc. quod nichil sciunt. Ad quod dicunt justiciarii (fn. 3) quod ipsi bene sciunt quia dicunt quod heredes Roberti de Levelonde qui tenent seriantiam de Fletebregge (fn. 4) esse [debent] (fn. 5) in custodia domini regis et per ipsum maritari. Et quia maior et cives istud celaverunt, ideo ad iudicium de eis.
Of youths and damsels who are and ought to be in the king's wardship, whether they are married or still marriageable; and if they are married, to whom and by whom, and how much their lands are worth. The mayor and citizens say upon their oath etc. that they know of none; to which the justices reply that they know very well that the heirs of Robert de Levelonde, who hold the serjeanty of Fleet Bridge ought to be in the king's wardship, and that he should have the marrying of them. And because the mayor and citizens concealed this, to judgment with them.