The Common Paper: Order regarding quarteridge, Mar 1589/90

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Scriveners' Company Common Paper 1357-1628 With A Continuation To 1678. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1968.

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Order regarding quarteridge, Mar 1589/90

[p. 284 transcript] Tempore Georgii Kevall Mag'ri, Simonis Wrenche, et Will'mi Serche, Gardianor':

Jovis duodecimo die Marcii, Anno xxxij° d'ne n're Elizabeth Regine &c 1589:

Harte maior, Haywarde, Ramsey, Dixie, Barne, Bonde, Martyn, Allott, Webbe, Roe, Billingesley, Elkyn, Howse, Catcher, Offeley, Saltonstall, Mowseley, &c

This daye the Maister and Wardens of the Company of the writers of the Courte l're of this Cittie, present in this Co'te, made reporte unto the same, That where heretofore, they have att sondrie tymes, receaved precept, and Comanndemtes, from this Courte, for provision to be made by their company, for Armor, Weapon, gunepowder, wheate, and other thinges, aswell for her Mates s'vice, as of this Cittie, And that towardes the p'formaunce' thereof, they have att sondrie tymes, called before them, divers of their bretheren, free of their company, and required them to contribute, rateablie towardes the saide p'vision, Whereof some have moste wilfully and contemptuously, refused to p'forme, And that some others refuse upon Lawfull som'ons, to appeare before them, And others also, denys (fn. 1) to paie their quarteridge, and other chardges and dueties, as of right they ought to paie/ yt is therfore, ordered, and decreed, this daye, by this Courte, that if at any tyme hereafter, any member of the same company, shall refuse to yelde, to reasonable contribuc'on for the causes aforsaide, or any other the like, or to appeare upon lawfull warninge, having no reasonable excuses, to the Contrary, or to paie their quarteridge, or other dueties, That then it shalbe lawfull to and for the Mr and Wardens of the saide Company for the tyme being, to comytt ev'y suche p'son to warde, into one of the Compters of this Citie, there to remayne, untill he shall p'forme the same accordingly



  • 1. This word could be 'devys', i.e. devise, but it is probably a scribal error for 'denye'.