1582 London Subsidy Roll: Aldersgate Ward

Pages 117-131

Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London, 1541 and 1582. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1993.

This free content was digitised by double rekeying and sponsored by London Record Society. All rights reserved.




This Indenture made the fyrst daye of August in the foure and twenteth yeare of the Reigne of our soveraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god, Queene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande, defendor of the fayth, etc. Betwene the right honourable Sir James Harvy, knight, Lorde Maior of the Cytye of London, Sir Rowlande Haywarde, Sir Lyonell Duckett, Sir John Ryvers, Sir Thomas Ramsey and Sir Nicholas Woodroffe, knightes and Aldermen of the Cytye afforesaide, And William Fleetwood, Serjaunt at the lawe, Recorder of the same Cytye, the Queenes Majesties Commissioners with others, aucthorized by her highnes letters patentes under the great seale of Englande, for the taxacion and levyenge of the seconde payment of the subsydye latelye graunted to her Majestye by her highnes high Court of parlyament holden at Westminster by divers prorogacions the syxtenth day of Januarye, in the three and twenteth yeare of the Reigne of our saide soveraigne ladye, with in the saide Cytye of London on thone partye, And Marmaduke Franck, Cordwayner, and John Stevens, Brewer, Cytizens of London, whom the saide Commissioners have named, deputed and chosen, and by theise presentes do name, depute and chose to be Pettycollectors of the same seconde payment of the saide subsidye within the warde of Aldrichgate, within the saide Cytye on thother partye. Wytnesseth that the same Marmaduke Franck and John Stevens so named, deputed and chosen by the saide Commyssioners to be Petycollectors within the saide warde, and auchthorised by theise presentes therunto, shall receyve, Collect, leavye and gather, of all and everye the severall persones herunder named to the Queenes Majesties use, all suche severall sommes of monye as in this present extract bene taxed and assessed uppon them, and everye of them, for their severall values and substances, rated specyfyed and conteyned as hereafter followeth. That is to say. Of

£ s. d.
Thomas Atkynson in landes (£50) [x - Surrey 40s.] 3 6 8
John Weaver (£80) 4
John Hylles (£80) 4
Wydowe Phippes (£60) [x - Westminster 20s. by name of David deLaye] 3
John Nelson (£50) 50
Thomas Pope (£80) 4
James Challecome goldsmyth (£3) 3
Henrye Rylye taylor (£6) 6
William Benedick scryvener (£4) 4
John Goodridge goldsmyth (£3) 3
William Stackforde scryvener (£6) 6
Symon Hudson (£4) 4
Thomas Fowler (£3) 3
Jervace Wordesworth (£4) 4
Henrye Spylman (£3) 3
Andrewe Quyney (£3) 3
William Hobson (£3) 3
Jeromy Monck (£3) 3
Garret Heath (£6) 6
Christofer Dirrick gent in wydowe Browkers house (£25) [a] 25
Constantyne Pillicock (£3) 3
William Aldersey (£3) 3
Lodovick Tyce (£15) 30
Anthonye Emerick (£20) 40
John Pookes (£30) 3
Christofer Bohere alias Bowyer (£40) 4
Nicholas de Homy (£ 10) 20
Haymon Tyon (£30) 3
Frauncys Bartye (£40) 4
John Brand (£30) 3
Dyonys Restingham (£ 10) 20
Martyn Druet (£10) 20
Michaell Art (£10) 20
John James (£10) 20
Derick Harmanson (£ 10) 20
Caret Vanbedberete (£15) 30
Robert Yonge (£10) 20
Dyonise Restingham sonne to Dyonys Restingham per pol 4
Vyncent Kynge goldsmyth (£6) 12
Christian Depuse wydowe (£3) 6
Henrye Angence her servant pol 4
John Derub her servant pol 4
Quyntence Coplow her servant pol 4
William Cooke her servant pol 4
Nicholas Shamar her servant pol 4
170. Englishmen within St Martyns and St Leonardes parish
Peter Peterson (£8) 8
William Wilforde (£3) 3
Robert Risley (£6) 6
Wydowe Wicklyff (£3) 3
John Stonehouse (£3) 3
Edwarde Woode (£6) 6
Anthonye Kempe (£3) 3
Frauncys Gyll (£6) 6
Symon Floyde (£3) 3
Harman Johnson (£5) 5
Morgan Price (£4) 4
Gryffen Floyde (£3) 3
John Martyn (£3) 3
John Vailes (£3) [a] 3
Thomas Fardell (£3) 3
Edwarde Tedder (£3) 3
James Vaughan (£3) 3
Walter Snellinge (£5) 5
William Kendall (£5) 5
Nicholas Murryn (£3) 3
Wydowe Anton (£3) 3
Nicholas Kytchen (£3) 3
Robert Lewes (£3) 3
John Lever(£3) 3
Edwarde Smyth (£6) 6
John Wyllforde (£8) 8
John Sutton (£12) 12
John Bowrye (£8) 8
Peter Bowrye (£8) 8
Raph Busby (£5) 5
Robert Coller (£3) 3
James Anton (£12) 12
Thomas Staples (£12) 12
Robert Damport (£5) 5
Thomas Postelet (£5) 5
Thomas Walker (£6) 6
William Bray (£3) 3
Thomas Townsende (£3) 3
Thomas Gyttens (£16) 16
Robert Woodborne (£3) 3
Cutbert Wallet (£3) [a] 3
John Cane (£3) 3
Richerd Turner (£3) 3
Edwarde Jones (£3) 3
William Faune (£10) 10
171. Straungers
Harman Edyn servant to Christian Bowen 4
Jocas Johnson servant to Christian Bowen 4
Henrye Johnson servant to Christian Bowen 4
Roger Swarston taylor (20s.) 2
Elizabeth wyfe of John James sylkman 4
Jane James his daughter 4
The wyfe of Michaell Art shomaker 4
Johan Morysyn wydowe 4
Andrew Vansutefinde her servant 4
John Cornelish 4
John Manningam (20s.) 2
his wyfe per pol 4
Mary More his servant 4
Peter Focall silkweaver (£3) 6
The wyfe of Edwarde Tedder 4
Gregory Princell (£3) 6
George Peterson servant to James Vaughan 4
The wyfe of Gregorye Princell per pol 4
Garret Vandenbusse (40s.) 4
Annys his wyfe 4
John Seelye taylor (£3) 6
Julye his wyfe 4
John Deron hosyer 4
Gabryell Harrys buglemaker (£3) 6
Peter Cortoyd his servant 4
John de Sharfe goldsmyth (20s.) 2
Abraham Blandsy bugleseller (£5) 10
his wyfe 4
Wydowe Durant 4
Jasper Frederick goldsmyth (£4) 8
The wyfe of John Tewer 4
Nicholas Bomersey bottonmaker (£3) 6
Bonaventure Lebee goldsmyth 4
Alexander Williamson cobler 4
his wyfe 4
172. John Garsney his servant 4
Gyles Vangale clockmaker (£3) 6
his wyfe 4
James Lyst goldsmyth (£3) 6
his wyfe 4
Leonarde Goinge his servant 4
Guillome Pullyn goldsmyth 4
James Billet schoolmaster 4
John Mercer servant to Mr Smyth 4
John Houghman goldsmyth (20s.) 2
Wydowe Sadler in the same house (40s.) 4
Adryan Princell sylkman (£6) 12
his wyfe 4
Sara Tuvye wydowe [a] 4
Poll Richerd 4
Garret Rosey lynnen draper (£10) 20
his wyfe 4
Adryn de Watch his servant 4
James Detewe bugler (£3) 6
his wyfe 4
Roberte Fountayne schoolmaster (£3) 6
Frauncis Derickson pursmaker 4
his wyfe 4
Robert Lyngham servant to John Brand 4
Davy Smyth servant to John Brand 4
Humfrey Crewood servant to John Brand 4
The wyfe of John Pookes taylor 4
Paules Vanelsbower his servant 4
Therick Barnes his servant 4
Lodowick Futerer his servant 4
Mark de Campener his servant 4
Stephen Rauthmaker 4
Ellyn Pookes his servant 4
Adryan Vandermere pincker (20s.) [ass. 2s. 8d. in Surrey] 2
Mathias Guilbert taylor (£10) 20
his wyfe 4
Leonarde Gosinges his servant 4
Marthelington Gilbert his servant 4
The wyfe of Garret Vanbedburye 4
Sara Rook his servant 4
John Cultrye mouldmaker and his wyfe 8
Nicholas Bloome bookbynder (£3) 6
his wyfe 4
173. Janykyn Swanston 4
Martyn Devysser pynner (£3) 6
his wyfe 4
John Derickson his servant 4
Arthure Johnson his servant 4
Cornelis Williamson his servant 4
The wyfe of Lodowyke Tuse 4
Katheryne Tuse his daughter 4
Lowicke Tuse his sonne 4
[Blank] Tuse their graundfather [a] 4
Anthonye Rasse servant to Lodowick Tuse 4
Martyn Sewthance his servant allso 4
Ellyn Gossence his servant allso 4
The wyfe of Anthonye Emerick lynnendraper 4
Hale a Colyn wydowe 4
Jacob Poyster lynnen draper (£10) 20
Guillam Tyon silkweaver (£3) 6
John Cremer pursmaker 4
Alexander Wilson taylor 4
George Wylson his servant 4
John Wylson his servant 4
Peter Arnall servant to Mr Vaughan 4
James Cornelius servant to Mr Fan 4
Joakyn servant to Mr Connam 4
James Michell shomaker (£3) 6
John Nickelson servant to Mistress Peacock 4
The wyfe of Martyn Drewet shomaker 4
Laurence Demote his servant 4
John Tirsetega his servant 4
Hugh Cornelis his servant 4
JohnMyllerjerkynmaker (£3) 6
Michael Fuller shoemaker and his wyfe 8
Garrat Nobleman sexton 4
Richerd Jacob jerkynmaker 4
Arnold Murren taylor (£3) 6
his wyfe 4
Grassinge Henrick his servant 4
Wynkyn Puster pursemaker (20s.) 2
his wyfe 4
Albert Lowse servant to Thomas Brewer 4
Nicholas Harryson servant to John Butt shoemaker 4
Summa [Blank]
£ s. d.
Wydowe Harryson and her sonne
Thomas Harrison (£200) 10
Humfrey Blount gen in landes and fees
(£10) [x - Farringdon ward Without 10s.] 13 4
Evans Thomas (£3) 3
John Kelbeck (£3) 3
John Beamer (£3) 3
John Symons (£6) 6
William Leech (£3) 3
Thomas Keelinge (£10) 10
Richerd Reade (£3) 3
Rice Clarke (£4) 4
Robert Newton (£3) 3
Roger Flynt (£4) 4
William Beale (£3) 3
George Gybson (£3) 3
John Collyns (£4) 4
Raph Whyttle (£9) 9
Richerde Whytehed (£3) 3
Robert Greenwood (£15) 15
Reynolde Strange (£8) 8
John Byrde (£3) 3
Michaell Collet (£4) 4
Henrye Court (£6) 6
Howell Podmore (£3) 3
John Milles (£6) 6
Robert Bee (£5) 5
William Blackwell (£3) 3
Thomas Binckes (£3) 3
Edwarde Thomas (£4) 4
Richerde Symes (£4) 4
Richerde Harrys (£3) 3
Thomas Ratcliffe (£4) 4
Richerd Hollande (£3) 3
Raph Martyn (£3) 3
Edmonde Stanley (£3) 3
Richerd Gybson (£4) 4
Anthonye Tyffen (£4) 4
Richerde Trewchilde (£3) 3
Edmonde Saxton (£5) 5
John Clarke (£3) 3
Richerde Maynarde (£3) [a] 3
Arnolde Tant botcher (£3) 6
Nicholas Crenne his servant 4
John Aske botcher 4
Jane Leach Frenchwoman wyfe to [Blank] Leache stonecutter 4
Summa [Blank]
£ s. d.
John Daye (£50) 50
William Squyre in landes and fees (£15) 20
Edmunde Knight alias Chester Harrold in fees (£10) (fn. 1) 13 4
John Warner gen in landes and fees (£10) 13 4
The right honorable therle of Northumberlande [Blank]
John Nelson [Blank]
Enego Johnes (£5) 5
John Greene (£4) 4
Edmonde Hull (£4) 4
John Johnson (£4) 4
Mathewe Bolton (£3) 3
John Nicholles (£3) 3
Andrewe Morgan (£3) 3
John Colley (£4) 4
Marmaduke Francklande (£8) 8
Henrye Gybson (£3) 3
John Stephen (£10) 10
John Hart (£4) 4
Morgan Fludde (£3) 3
Richerd Hill (£4) 4
Edwarde Poole (£3) 3
Robert Greene (£10) 10
Myles Okeley (£4) 4
John Hytchenson (£3) 3
Thomas Coney (£4) 4
Maryan Smyth wydowe (£3) 3
Richerde Chambers (£4) 4
Stephen Wright (£3) 3
Richerde Gee (£3) 3
John Blackman (£3) 3
Barnarde Chazley (£4) 4
Thomas Redforde (£8) 8
Christofer Bell (£3) 3
William Harvy (£8) 8
Phillippe Woodhouse (£10) 10
John Smyth (£3) 3
Oliver Sherland resydent in the same house (£3) 3
Andrewe Goodyeare (£10) 10
Hugh Whittingham (£3) 3
Thomas Woodhouse (£5) 5
Nicholas Cadye (£3) 3
John Tree (£4) 4
Thomas Ashley (£3) 3
Bartholomew Isburde (£15) 15
William Gale (£8) 8
Edwarde Jarvys (£8) 8
Abraham Elston (£3) 3
Thomas Reddock (£3) 3
176. Straungers
Peter de Drossat chaundeler (£3) 6
Katheryne his wyfe 4
Katheryne his servant 4
John Curie botcher in wydowe Garrettes house 4
James Boweman botcher ibidem [a] 4
Wydowe Hood [a] 4
William Peterson Vitteller (£12) 24
Alexander Denison Hosyer 4
Arnolde Lawe shoemaker 4
John Peat taylor 4
Margaret Evdinge wydowe [a] 4
Johan Sebrance [a] 4
James Blenkester shomaker 4
James Smyth botcher 4
Gyles Seras bookebynder 4
Nicholas Deport letherdresser 4
John Bowman cobler 4
Harman Dewman taylor 4
Elizabeth Viat wydowe 4
Katheryne Stone wyfe to Thomas Stone 4
John Abraham servant to John Rutt 4
Frauncys Derickson hosyer (£3) 6
his wyfe 4
Derick Womst his servant 4
John Lambert botcher and his wyfe 8
John Dewman taylor (40s.) 4
his wyfe 4
Nicholas Armesford his servant 4
Clause Valore his servant 4
Anthonye Dewman his servant [a] 4
Christofer Mongey his servant [a] 4
[Blank] Mongey his wyfe [a] 4
Esia Glassor taylor (20s.) [a] 2
Glothin de Pere his servant [a] 4
Summa [Blank]
£ s. d.
Mr William Fleetwood, Serjant at lawe, Commissioner (£40) 40
Richerd Lyttler in landes and fees (£10) 13 4
Christofer Barker (£50) 50
Davyd Gyttyns (£3) 3
William Eyre (£6) 6
Ellis Murryn (£3) 3
Thomas Whitlock (£6) 6
George Barker (£3) 3
James Whyte (£40) 4
Gilbert Hynde his servaunt 4
Summa [Blank]
£ s. d.
Sir Christofer Wray knight Lorde Chiefe Justice of Englande Commyssioner [Blank] [Blank]
Sir Edmond Anderson knight Lorde Chyefe
Justice of the Commen plees, in landes (£40) 53 4
Sir John Peter knight in landes (£200)
[x - Essex £9 6s. 8d.] 13 6 8
Mr William Doddington gen in landes and fees (£60) (fn. 2) 4
Mr Thomas Morryson in landes and fees (£40) [x - Lines. 53s. 4d.] 53 4
Doctor Fryer in Fees (£10) [x - Surrey 8s.] 13 4
Robert Wythe (£50) [x - Worcs.?] 50
MrEdwardeCareweinlandes(£100)[a] 6 13 4
Robert Hayes in fees (£10) [x - Mddx. 20s.] 13 4
Christofer Paighton in fees (£10) [x - Suff. 6s. 8d.] 13 4
John Conyers gen in landes & fees (£60) [x - Notts. 26s. 8d.] 4
Richerd Gadburye in fees (£20) [x - Herts.?] 26 8
Robert Kentysh (£50) 50
William Tuck gen in landes (£80) [x-Herts. £2] 5 6 8
Henrye Perpoynt gen in landes (£100) [a] 6 13 4
Thomas Fowler (£50) 50
Thomas Taylor (£50) [x - Mddx. 21s. 4d.] 50
Elizabeth Wilcockes in landes (£20) [a] 26 8
Margerye Lambert wydowe (£50) [x - Somerset 15s.] 50
Cycely Fetiplace in landes (£30) [x - Gloucs. 26s. 8d.] 40
Humfry Smyth gen in landes and fees (£80) [x - Mddx. £1 12s.] 5 6 8
William Necton in landes and fees (£10) 13 4
Mr Baron Sotherton in landes and fees (£20) 26 8
John Trye in landes and fees (£50) [a] 3 6 8
John Morley in fees (£20) 26 8
William Udall in landes (£10) [x - Essex 13s. 4d.] 13 4
Richerd Stoneley gen in landes (£100) [x-Essex?] 6 13 4
179. Sir Drewe Druery knight in landes (£40) [x - Norf. 40s.] 53 4
William Fuller audytor in landes and fees (£60) 4
John Thompson audytor (£150) [x - Beds. £2] 7 10
William Butler in fees (£10) [x - Sussex?] 13 4
Richerde Drake gen in landes (£20) [a] 26 8
Nowell Sotherton in fees (£10) 13 4
Edwarde Woode esquyre in landes (£100) [x-Cambs.£613s.4d.] 6 13 4
Anthonye Roper gen in landes and fees (£40) [ass. 80s. in Kent] 53 4
Pierce Pennon gen in landes and fees (£50) [x - Q £1 6s. 8d.] 3 6 8
Henrye Jaslyn in landes (£20) [x - Essex?] 26 8
James Skevington gen (£50) [x - Mddx. 16s.] 50
William Spencer auditor in landes and fees (£30) [x - Oxon. 16s.] 40
John Morley marchanttaylor (£3) 3
Davyd Thomas (£3) 3
John Bond thelder (£4) 4
Edwarde Dorret (£3) 3
John Boulstred (£3) 3
Thomas Woodwarde (£3) 3
James Appowell (£3) 3
Laurence Byllington (£4) 4
Thomas Denby (£3) 3
Henrye Sharpe (£3) 3
Richerd Robertes (£3) 3
John Ally son (£3) 3
Roger Jarman (£5) 5
Richerde Dumbleton (£3) 3
Roger Cope glasyer (£3) 3
Edmonde Essex (£6) 6
William Browne (£3) 3
Thomas Daye (£6) 6
180. John Fysher (£4) 4
Davyd Faldoe (£3) 3
James Cole (£4) 4
Edwarde Cordall (£4) 4
John Walker (£3) 3
Raph Gryffen (£3) 3
John Clarke (£3) 3
Richerd Storye (£4) 4
Andrewe Huntington (£5) 5
Elias Jarman (£3) 3
William Fysher (£3) 3
Robert Hawkyns (£4) 4
Arnolde Apprice (£3) 3
Raph Treswell (£5) 5
[Blank] Gryffen (£3) [a] 3
Thomas Lambert (£8) 8
William Edmondes (£3) 3
Lewis Fuellen yoman (£3) 3
William Stephens (£3) 3
Edward Terry (£3) 3
Thomas Golde (£5) 5
Anthonye Cave (£10) 10
William Ducket (£3) [a] 3
William Goble auditors clerke (£4) 4
Robert Right (£5) 5
John Kettle (£6) [x - Herts. 10s. 8d.] 6
Richerde Scarlet (£6) 6
John Spurlinge (£3) 3
Thomas Garret (£5) 5
John Booth (£6) 6
Thomas Bostock (£3) 3
181. Charles Hytchcock (£4) 4
William Goodrich (£5) 5
William Hopton (£3) 3
John Springe (£3) 3
John Butterick lyenge at John Springes house(£4) 4
Robert Johnson (£ 10) [a] 10
Thomas Woddall (£3) 3
Humfrye Woodall (£3) 3
Richerde Barker (£3) 3
Morrice Apprice (£6) 6
Randall Tilston (£4) 4
John Hytchen (£8) 8
John Taverner (£10) [a] 10
William Hall (£3) 3
Henrye Bornforde (£12) 12
Richerd Barefelde (£4) 4
William Freeman (£12) 12
John Johnson (£4) [x - Q 26s. 8d.] 4
Henrye Mathewe gen (£8) 8
Walter Ryvers (£3) 3
Thomas Kettle (£4) 4
John Love (£3) 3
John Williamson (£5) 5
Henry Bracy (£3) 3
Thomas Dalton (£3) 3
John Samont (£3) 3
John Roccadyne (£3) 3
Edwarde Graves (£3) 3
James Platt gen (£12) [x - Essex 8s.] 12
Hugh Cuffe gen (£10) 10
John Lees (£5) 5
182. Peter Toppinge lyenge within John Lees (£3) [a] 3
William Gilson dwellinge in Mr Taylors rentes (£6) [a] 6
Robert Pryor (£3) 3
Richerde Gryffyn gen within Robert Priors house (£3) [a] 3
William Hagon clerk (£3) 3
William Votyer budgetmaker (£3) 3
Edmonde Frost gen (£4) 4
Maurice Wade (£4) 4
Richerde Lambe (£3) 3
Robert Johnes (£3) 3
John Byrd (£5) 5
William Maior (£3) 3
Frauncys Myll (£4) 4
Richerd Selby (£8) 8
Robert Bell (£3) 3
Edwarde Scott (£4) 4
Margarett Edwardes (£3) 3
Thomas Man (£3) 3
John Knolles (£3) 3
Roger Tanner (£5) [a] 5
Peter Dyaper (£3) 3
Richard Bettes (£3) 3
John Curtesse (£3) 3
Robert Gurnarde (£3) 3
Henrye Peakyns (£3) 3
Thomas Copcot (£3) 3
Richerde Rayment (£3) 3
John Morrys (£3) 3
Thomas Jugges (£3) 3
Henrye Fysher (£3) 3
John Whaplot (£3) 3
183. John Smyth (£3) 3
Anthonye Wilmot gen (£6) [a] 6
John Marrowe gen (£6) 6
John Smyth within Mr Edwarde Woodes house (£5) [a] 5
William Maior pewterer (£5) 5
Richerde Algood (£5) 5
Henrye Estcroft (£3) 3
Robert Cryppes (£5) 5
Henrye Beech (£8) 8
Robert Stephens (£12) 12
Richerd Baker (£3) 3
William Taylor (£8) 8
Johan Lawe wydowe (£3) 3
Robert Hudson (£3) 3
Nicholas Smythson (£3) 3
Thomas Wylkes (£3) 3
Mr Thomas Eve gen (£4) [ass. 11s. in Essex] 4
Wynne Johnson botcher 4
Cecilye Johnson his wyfe 4
Gyles Wall [a] 4
Gosen Hall 4
Bennet Richerd bookbynder (£3) 6
James Nepper [a] 4
Nicholas Nokes (£6) 12
Marye his wyfe 4
James Deneple marchant (£6) 12
Isabell Deneple wyfe of James Deneple 4
Suzan Deneple his daughter 4
Johan Deneple his daughter 4
William Baylye silkeweaver (£3) 6
Tennet Bartram wydowe 4
Suzan her servant 4
Robert Alien Scott (£3) 6
Christian his wyfe 4
Powrish Pencon (£3) 6
Magdalen his wyfe 4
Frauncys Delbocall his servant 4
Peter Bowen his servant 4
Marye Browne wydowe 4
Elizabeth Payne wydowe 4
Derick Vannasson servant to Allynson 4
The Company of Goldsmythes in landes (£150) 10
The Cookes in landes (£4) 5 4
[Endorsed] Summa 285 2

184. All which sommes of monye before expressed, so by the saide Marmaduke Franck and John Stevens, Petycollectors, to be collected and receyved, they the same Petycollectors shall trulye content and pay unto Raphe Ayloffe grocer and Henrye Allyngeton skynner, high Collectors of the sayde seconde payment of the saide subsydye wythin the saide warde of Aldrichgate, at such dayes, tymes, and places, as the saide high Collectors shall herafter to them the saide Petycollectors name and appoynt, they the saide Petycollectors retayninge in their owne handes to and for their owne proper use, of everye pounde of the saide sommes of monye so by them to be receyved for their owne laboures ii d. And makinge suche other Deductions and allowaunces as in the saide act of subsidye ys conteyned in that behalfe, accordinge to the tenor of the same act. In Wytnes whereof to thone part of theis Indentures remayninge with the saide Petycollectors, the saide Commyssioners have put their handes and scales. And to thother part of the same Indentures remayninge with the saide Comissioners, the saide Petycollectors have put their handes and scales. Yeouen the daye and yeare abovewrytten.


  • 1. Knight was exonerated by virtue of letters patent to the heralds of 4 June 1549 and the queen's writ to the treasurer and barons dated 1 July 1581.
  • 2. Designated 'official turr' London' in margin, and, as such, he received exoneration by writ of privy seal dated 23 June 23 Eliz. directed to the Lord Treasurer and barons (E.359/52, r. 14).