Hackney Petty Sessions Book: 1732 (nos 437-603)

Pages 83-103

Justice in Eighteenth-Century Hackney: The Justicing Notebook of Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1991.

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The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 3 January 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

437. Ordered That a Pass be forthwith made out to remove William Rutley & his wife & children to the Parish of St. Michael Royal in the City of London. [See 400, 435, 441, 505].

438. Ordered That a Pass be forthwith made out to remove Mary Carpenter to the Parish of St. Mary Islington in the County of Middlesex. [See 362, 382, 441].

439. Ordered That Mr. Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do pay to Elizabeth the wid°. of Charles Stamper 5s for the present and continue to pay her 2s pr week for three weeks from the 13 Instant she having lately laid in & having two Children to provide for. [See 424, 460, 548].

440. Adjourned to Monday the 17th Instant to this place ten in the forenoon.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 24 January 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

441. Signed Orders to remove the following Persons to the Places of their last legal Settlement vizt, Samuel Bodycoate & his Son, Wm. Rutley & his family, and Mary [Plant deleted] Carpenter. (fn. 1) Signed by Henry Norris & Samuel Tyssen Esqs. [See 362, 382, 400, 413, 418, 435, 437, 438, 505].

442. Ordered That Mr. Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do pay to Mr. Thomas Saunders apothecary three shillings & Six Pence for Physick for [the deleted] a Poor woman.

443. Ordered That D°. do Pay to Thomas Hilliard 2s:6d for the Present and continue to pay him the same Sume for two weeks to come he being out of Business and having a Wife and two Children to provide for.

444. Ordered That D°. do pay to Samuel Sadleir his Bill for Business done for the Parish amounting to the Sume of three pounds nineteen shillings & ten pence in full to this day.

445. Elizabeth Fletcher appealed against 4s not relieved.

446. Ordered That Sarah Emmersome aged 15 years be bound to John Turner of St John Wapping Waterman and that Mr Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do pay him forty shillings with her. [See 458].

447. Ordered That Sarah Hardy 14 years old a poor Child of this Parish be bound apprentice to Joseph Hall of the Parish of St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surry pack thread Spinner and that Mr Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do pay forty shillings to him with her. [See 458].

448. Ordered that Mr. Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do Pay to Elizabeth the wife of Timothy Peters nine shillings and Seven Pence which she laid out for Clothing for Sarah Chandler and four shillings for nursing of her for two weeks.

449. Ordered That D°. do pay to Samuel Sadleir the sume of three Pounds thirteen shillings & nine Pence which he Paid for a Coate & Hatt for Henry Harrill the new Beadle.

450. Ordered That D°. do pay to Ann the wife of Edward Jarsey 1s:6d pr week from this day until further Orders her husband being Sick & she being Poor & having one Child to provide for. [See 541].

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 7 February 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

451. George Fox attended upon his Summons and acquainted the Justices that he hath endeavoured to procure a Certificate and that in about a fortnights time he shall be able to have it and prayed time for that purpose. Ordered That the sd George Fox have leave 'till the next meeting to deliver it. [See 400, 464, 480].

452. George Gillman attended Pursuant to his Summons and gave an Account of the Place of his last legal Settlement upon Oath allowed two weeks to bring a Certificate. [See 471].

453. Complaint having been made against John Collins Headborough and Watchman for refusing to assist Mr. Brian Oram in the securing of two thieves on the thirty first of January last past. Ordered That they be Summoned to attend at the next meeting to answer the said Complaint. [See 35, 469].

454. Complaint having been made against the Constables & Headboroughs for neglecting their Duties in not attending at the several Watch-houses as they are severally by Law Obliged. Ordered That they be Summoned to attend at the next meeting to answer the said Complaint.

455. Ordered That Mr. Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do pay to John Kirby ten shillings for nursing & maintaining Thomas Dodds afflicted with the foul Desease for two weeks.

456. Margaret Pouter widow of Joseph Pouter gave an account upon Oath that she hath [deletion] often heard her said late husband declare that he was borne in the Parish off [sic] Thackstead in the County of Essex and that he did not afterwards gain any legal Settlement elsewhere and she hath son by the sd. Joseph Pouter about three years old named John and she hath not since his Decease gained any legal Settlemt in his own right. That [deletion] there is a woman lives near the Naggs head ale house that knows it to be true she living at Thackstead at the time of his Birth - and she can direct [deletion] another woman in Shoreditch who knew the Settlement to be in [Shoredi deleted] Thackstead aforesd. Ordered That the said Margaret Pouter and her Son John Pouter be forthwith removed to the said Parish of Thackstead in the [deletion] County of Essex It appearing to be the Place of their last legal Settlement. (fn. 2) [See 378, 475].

457. Ordered That Mr. Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do Pay to Mary White One shilling and Six pence for the present and continue to pay her the same sume weekly for four weeks to come from this day she being in want and having one Child to provide for. [See 392, 506].

458. Allowed an Indenture whereby Sarah Emmersome aged fifteen years a Poor Child of this Parish was bound to John Turner of the Parish of St. John Wapping in the County of Middlesex Waterman and also an other Indenture whereby Sarah Hardy aged fourteen years a poor Child of this parish was bound to Joseph Hall of the Parish of St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surry pack thread Spinner. [See 446, 447].

459. Ordered That Mr Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do pay to Susannah Durrant Widow four shillings for the Present and continue to Pay her two shillings pr week for Six Weeks to come from this day she having lately laid in and having two Children to Provide for. [See 527].

460. Ordered That Mr Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do Pay to Elizabeth the Widow of Charles Stamper ten shillings to put her into a way of business she having two Children to provide for. [See 424, 439, 548].

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 14 February 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

461. The said Justices began to audit the accounts of Mr. James Grier late Churchwarden & Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of St John at Hackney for the year 1730 but not having time to go through the same they adjourned to Saturday next at four in the afternoon to perfect the same.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 28 February 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

462. The Persons whose names are underwritten were Sumoned to give an Account of the Places of their last legal Settlement: William Pescod; Thomas Wadsworth, Mr Wm Weston engaged for his bringing a Certificate; Christop: Turk; Mary Heath Wid°. of John Heath Cert delivered anno 1711; William Griffith; Edward Preston. [See 478, 490, 491, 492, 499, 516, 517].

463. Ordered That Mary Rosamond aged thirteen years a poor Child of this Parish do go upon liking to Ann Mills a Band box maker living in little Grays Inn Lane in the parish of St. Andrew Holborn in the County of Middx. [See 487, 497].

464. It appearing that George Fox hath endeavoured to get a Certificate and that he will be able in a very little time to procure it, Agreed That the consideration of what is necessary to be done relating thereto be [further deleted] referred to the next meeting. [See 400, 451, 480].

465. Rowland Child of Lambeth attended upon his Sumons for keeping a Puppett show at the Mermaid ale house contrary to Law and Confessed before the Justices that he began to Shew on Fryday last was sennight and desired leave to show for three or four dayes. The [deletion] Justices taking the said affair into their considerations adjudged him to be a Vagrant and charged him immediately to disist from Acting and told him if he acted again they would [deletion] commit him to the House of Correction as they [sic] Law directs. [See 466, 467].

466. Joseph Ratcliffe who keeps the said house attended upon his Summons for suffering the said Rowland Child to act a Puppett Show there contrary to Law. Upon his making a proper submission and begging Pardon for what he hath done and promising never to be Guilty for the future. The said Justices forgave him. [See 465, 467].

467. Palmer the Fidler attended upon his Summons for playing at the said Puppet Show and also going round the Towne with the said Rowland Child playing upon his Houghboy contrary to Law. The Justices upon his submitting himselfe and begging Pardon and Promising not to be Guilty for the future Excused him. [See 465, 466].

468. The Constables and Headboroughs attended to answer a Complaint Exhibited against them for not [attended deleted] attending at the several Watch-houses. They Promising to attend constantly and carefully do their duties for the future the Justices Excused them for what is past.

469. John Collins one of the Headboroughs of the Parish of St. John at Hackney attended upon his Summons to answer a Complaint Exhibited against him by Mr Brian Oram for refuseing to get up in the night on the thirty first of January last to secure two footpads [that deleted]. Upon his making it appear to the Justices that he was Sick otherwise he would willingly have attended The Justices were pleased to Excuse him. [See 35, 453].

470. John Collins appealed against twenty shillings which he is rated to the poor. Reduced to Seven shillings and Six pence he being in low Circumstances.

471. George Gillman who was Ordered to bring a Certificate at a meeting held on the 7th of this Instant attended and acquainted the Justices that he Occupies two tenements in Homerton in the Parish of Hackney for which he is to pay twelve Pounds pr ann and therefore desired to be Excused from bringing a Certificate. (fn. 3) [See 452].

472. Ordered That Thomas Kemp aged fourteen years a Poor Child of this Parish be forthwith bound Apprentice to William Hewitt of the Parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch narrow Weaver and that Mr. Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do Pay forty shillings with him. [See 479].

473. William Tolley attended and desired leave to keep an Ale house at the Bird in hand at Newington in this parish. Agreed that he have a License granted for that purpose at the next General meeting to be held [for that p deleted] at the Court house in White Chapple.

474. Ordered That an Order be forthwith made out to remove Rebecca Newgent wife of Patrick Newgent and her three Children from this Parish to the parish of Conton in the County of Nottingham her said husband being an Irishman and the said Parish of Conton being the Place where her late husband John Machum was last legally Settled. (fn. 4)

475. Ordered That Mr Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do pay to Abigail Ronsum three shillings for Lodging Margaret Pouter for three weeks. [See 378, 456].

476. Ordered That D°. do pay to Elizabeth Stanley wid°. one shilling for the present and continue to pay her the same sume weekly till further orders.

477. Signed a warrant to apprehend John [recte Pelatia] Salmon and Elizabeth Best for refuseing to attend to give an account of the places of their last legal Settlement when duely Summoned for that purpose they having Intruded themselves into this parish contrary to Law and are likely to become chargeable thereunto if not timely prevented Oath having been made thereof. [See 481, 482].

478. Ordered That a Warrant be made out to apprehend William Pescod Christop: Turk William Griffith and Edward Preston to give an account of the Places of their last legal Settlements they having intruded themselves into this [said deleted] parish to Inhabit as parishionrs contrary Law and having refused or neglected to attend to give an Account thereof although duely Summoned for that purpose Oath having been made thereof they being likely to become burthensome and chargeable to the Parish. [See 462, 490, 491, 499, 516, 517].

The Mermaid Tavern, Saturday, 4 March 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Alexander Garrett

479. Allowed an Indenture whereby Thomas Kemp aged fourteen years a Poor Child of this parish was bound apprentice to Wm. Hewitt of the parish of St Leonard Shoreditch in the County of Middx Narrow Weaver. [See 472].

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 13 March 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

480. George Fox brought a Certificate from the Parish of Woodford in the County of Essex owning him and his wife to be Inhabitants of the said parish. (fn. 5) [See 400, 451, 464].

481. Pelatia Salmon brot. by Wm. Davis Headborough by Warrant for refuseing to attend to give an Account of his Settlement allowed 2 weeks to bring a Certificate. (fn. 6) [See 477].

482. Elizabeth Best brought by D°. and gave an account of the place of her last legal Settlement and allowed two weeks to bring a Certificate. [See 477].

483. Margaret Willson made Oath that John Willson lately Deceased was buryed in Sheeps wool only.

[484. Ordered That Amy Fisher aged fourteen years a Poor Child of this Parish be forthwith bound to Mr. entry incomplete and deleted.]

485. Ordered Ann Wood aged 13 years do go upon likeing to Lucas Mans living in King Street the corner of Monmouth Street Shoemaker in the parish of Christ Church. [See 503, 514].

486. Luke Townsend rated 4s not releived.

487. Ordered That Mary Rosamond aged thirteen years a poor Child of this Parish be forthwith bound apprentice to Ann Mills of the Parish of St. Andrew Holborn in the County of Middlesex Band box maker and that Mr Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do pay forty shillings with her. [See 463, 497].

488. John [deletion] Price applyed to keep an ale house at the Dolphin in Kingsland - Agreed upon his bringing a Certificate that a License be granted him at the next General Meeting for Licensing. (fn. 7)

489. Stephen Carr applyed to keep an ale house at the Kings head at Kingsland Agreed upon his bringing a Certificate that a License be granted him at the next General Meeting for Licensing. [See 498].

490. Christopher Turk Examd touching his Settlemt. & allowed two weeks to bring a Certificate. [See 462, 478, 499, 517].

491. Wm. Pescod Examd & allowed one week to bring a Cert and in case he doth not Comply with this Order that he be removed. [See 462, 478, 499, 516].

492. Wm. Griffith Examd Settlemt in this Parish. [See 462].

493. Ordered That Mr. Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do Pay to Thomas Matterson one shilling for the present and continue to pay the same weekly for four Weeks to come he being very Infirm. [See 523].

494. Ordered That Mr Thomas Wood Churchwarden do pay to [Thomas deleted] John Bartmakers wife five shillings her husband being Sick & two Children to provide for.

495. The said Justices Examd the accounts of Mr. James Grier late Churchwarden and Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of Hackney for the year [deletion] 1730 and their [sic] appears to be due from the parish to him to ballance the poors account one pound ten shillings and four pence farthing and that there is also due to him on the Church account fifty six pounds twelve shillings and ten pence halfe penny and that there is due from him to the parish to ballance the Turnpike account thirty five pounds thirteen shillings and two pence farthing So that upon the whole there remains due to him from the Parish the sume of twenty two pounds ten shillings and a halfe penny. Ordered That Mr Thomas Wood the present Churchwarden & Overseer of the Poor do forthwith pay to the said Mr James Grier the said Ballance.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 3 April 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen

496. *Thomas Saunders Examd & 1 month allowed to bring a Certificate [Marginal note: Excused from bringing a Cert not being likely to be chargeable being a pentioner at Chelsea Colledge. Elizabeth Townesend. *Christopher [deletion] Coates allowed 'till the next meeting to informe himselfe of his Settlemt. *Thomas Howell not to be found. *Thomas Davis Examd & allowed one Month to bring a Cert. *George Tarrant Examd & allowed one Month to bring a Cert. The several Persons above named were Summoned to attend this day to give an account of the places of their last legal Settlements.

[See 535, 545, 547, 563].

497. Allowed an Indenture of Apprenticeshipp whereby Mary Rosamond aged fourteen years a poor Child of this parish was bound apprentice to Ann Mills of the parish of St. Andrew Holborn in the County of Middlesex. [See 463, 487].

498. Upon reconsidering the application of Stephen Carr to be Licensed and he having misbehaved himselfe since his application and not being a proper person to keep an ale house, Ordered That he be not Licensed.

[See 37, 38, 39, 489].

499. Ordered That orders be forthwith made out to remove Christop. Turk & William Pescod to [deletion] the places of their last legal Settlements. [See 462, 478, 490, 491, 516, 517].

500. Solomon West rated 4s Excused this year being Sick & Poor.

501. Signed a warrant to apprehend George Nelson upon the Oath of Joseph Wright for assaulting and beating him & tearing his Shirt.

502. Sibella Hunt made Oath that John Norris lately deceased was buryed in Sheeps Wool only.

503. Ordered That Ann Wood aged thirteen years a Poor Child of this Parish be forthwith bound apprentice to Lucas Mans of the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Middlesex Shoemaker and that Mr. Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do pay him forty shillings with her. [See 485, 514].

504. Ordered That Mr Thomas Wood the Churchwarden do pay to Rebeckah Johnson Widow an additional allowance of one shilling pr week for four weeks to come she being very Sick & weak. [See 528, 559].

505. Ordered That D°. do Pay the Expences in Passing William Rutley & family to St. Michael Royal London amounting to Six shillings & Six Pence. [See 400, 435, 437, 441].

506. Ordered that D°. do Pay to Mary White one shilling and Six Pence for the present and continue to pay her the same sume weekly until further Orders she being Infirm and having one Child to provide for.

[See 392, 457].

507. Ordered that D°. do Pay to Samuel Sadleir his Bill for Business done for the Parish amounting to the Sume of Seven Pounds [deletion] eleven shillings and [Eight pence deleted] five pence.

508. Ordered That D°. do Pay to Joseph Wright his Bill for the use of his room for the Justices to sit in to do the parish business from May the 11th 1729 to August the 10th 1730 and for Coffee and bread & butter amounting to the Sume of four pounds nineteen shillings and nine pence.

509. Ordered that D°. do Pay to Mr. Thomas [Port] Goldsmith his Bill for a new Silver Head for the Beadles Staff, a new Staff, Doing up the Old head & new Sitting it and Engraveing two Inscriptions &c amounting to the Sume of Five pounds Six shillings.

510. Allowed and Confirmed six months additional assessment for the Poors Rate of the Hamlet of Bethnal Green amounting to the Sume of three hundred & thirty Six Pounds twelve shillings and five pence.

511. Signed a Warrant to Levy the Poors Rate upon the several persons whose names are hereunder written upon the Oath of Mr. Thomas Wood Churchwarden and Overseer of the Poor for the year 1731. Francis Eaglesoe 8s.; William Thornton 4s. [Marginal entry: Excused poor]; Henry Richard 2s. 6d.; Mary Tayler 3s. [Marginal entry: Gone]; Thomas Masling Senr 14s.; John Singleton 8s.; Thomas Shepperson 4s.; Solomon West 4s. [Marginal entry: Excused]; Miles Nuttbrowne 6s. [Marginal entry: Gone]; William Kingsland 10s. [Marginal entry: Excused]; Giles Lomas 5s. [Marginal entry: Excused]; Robert Bell 6s.; William Crotchrode 15s.; Luke Townsend 4s.; John Herbert £2 7s.; James Greenhouse 8s.; Jeremiah Kemp 8s.; John Bolton 8s. [Marginal entry: Excused]; Henry Hedger 6s.; William Udall 5s. [Marginal entry: to take 2s. 6d.]; Henry Godwin £1 16s. 9d. [Marginal entry: to take 18s. 4½d.]; Thomas Marsh 4s. [Marginal entry: gone]; [blank] Bergaine 10s.; Matthias Jackson 6s.; Job Everton £1 [Marginal entry: gone]; Thomas Archer 4s. [Marginal entry: Excused]; William Gatley 6s.; Ann Bartholomew 4s.; Thomas Barnard 5s.; Mary Mare 10s. [Marginal entry: gone]; Ambrose Burchell 8s.; Lambert Lance 4s.; William Carter 8s.

512. Signed a warrant to Levey the Poors Rate upon the goods of the several Persons whose names are hereunder written upon the Oaths of Mr George Harrison & Mr David Taylor Overseers of the Poor for the year 1731. Francis Eaglesoe 8s.; Daniel Card 6s. [Marginal entry: paid]; Thomas Masling 14s.; Eliza. Fletcher 4s. [Marginal entry: paid]; Roger Rotherford 4s. [Marginal entry: paid]; Solomon West 4s. [Marginal entry: Excused]; William Kingsland 10s. [Marginal entry: Excused]; Giles Lomas 5s. [Marginal entry: Excused]; Robert Bell 6s.; Luke Townsend 4s.; John Harbert £2 7s.; Jeremiah Kemp 8s.; Matthias Jackson 6s.; Thomas Archer 4s. [Marginal entry: Excused]; William Gatley 6s.; Jeremiah Woodley £3 5s.; Ann Bartholomew 4s.; Thomas Barnard 5s.; James Mortimer £2 10s. [Marginal entry: paid].

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 1 May 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, John Oakey

513. A List of the names of the Persons returned by the Vestry to his Majesties Justices of the Peace for them to appoint Overseers of the Poor for the year 1732: **John Townsend [marginal entry: appointed]; *Joseph Sureties; *John Oswald; *James Huggett Junr; *John Cox; *John Whittle; **Hezekiah Walker [marginal entry: appointed]; Benjamin Mendez Decosta [marginal entry: Fined]; Jacob Mendez Decosta [marginal entry: Fined].

514. Allowed an Indenture of apprenticeship whereby Ann Wood aged [fourteen deleted] thirteen years a Poor Child of this parish was bound to Lucas Mens of the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Middlesex Cordwainer. [See 485, 503].

515. Signed warrants to appoint and Confirme Richard Sturley Churchwarden and Samuel Shephard Richard Long and John Went Overseers of the Poor of the Hamlet of Bethnal Green in the County of Middlesex for the year 1732.

516. Signed an Order to remove William Pescod and Ann his wife to the Hamlet of Mile end old Town in the County of Middlesex. (fn. 8) [See 462, 478, 491, 499].

517. Signed an Order to remove Christopher Turk to Chatham in the County of Kent. [See 462, 478, 490, 499].

518. Signed a warrant to nominate and appoint Mr. John Davis Churchwarden of the Parish of St. John at Hackney to be one of the Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish for the year 1732.

519. Signed a warrant to nominate and appoint Mr. Hezekiah Walker a Substantial Inhabitant of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex to be one of the Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish for the year 1732.

520. Signed a Warrant to nominate and appoint Mr. John Townsend a Substantial Inhabitant of the Parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex, to be one of the Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish for the year 1732.

521. Signed warrants to nominate and appoint Francis Davis and Henry Harrill Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St. John at Hackney for the year 1732.

522. The following Persons were Sworne. Constables: Morgan Bynon, Thomas Howson, John Brewer. Headboroughs: William Davis, Henry Harrill, William Platt, John Southern Junr, Henry Donmer, Robert Loyd. Ale Conners: Daniel Card, Richard Hedge, Peter Clyne.

523. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Thomas Mattison two shillings for the present and continue to Pay him two shillings pr week for Eight weeks to come from this day he being in a very very [sic] weak Condition. [See 493].

524. Ordered That Elizabeth Harris aged 14 years a poor Child of this parish do go upon liking to Joseph French [Joseph French deleted] of the parish of St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey pin maker.

525. Ordered That Mr John Davis Churchwarden do pay to Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Bartmaker three shillings for two weeks to come from this day she having two children to provide for. [See 430, 432, 537, 557].

526. Ordered That D°. do pay to Margaret Bolton wife of John Bolton 1s for the present and to continue to pay her the same sume for two weeks to come her husband being in Goal and she in want.

527. Ordered That D°. do Pay to Susannah Durant Wid°. 2s for the Present and continue to pay her the same sume for two weeks to come from this day she having two Children to provide for. [See 459].

528. Ordered That D°. do Pay to Rebeckah Johnson Wid°. two shillings for the Present and continue to pay her the same sume weekly for two weeks to come towards the maintenance and the maintenance of Ann Jones. [See 504, 559].

529. Ordered That D°. do Pay to Dianah the wife of Thomas Jennison four shillings for the present and continue to pay her two shillings pr week for Six weeks to come from this day her said husband having left her and two Children in Want. [See 390, 550, 580, 610].

530. Ordered That D°. do pay to Ann Grosier 7s:6d. for nursing Thomas Usher a poor man at Kingsland very much bruised and in a very weak Condition for three weeks. [See 37, 38, 39].

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 22 May 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Alexander Garrett, John Oakey

531. Mr. Edmund Matthews Sworne to Execute the Office of Headborough for the year ensueing.

532. Mr. James Martin Sworne to Execute the Office of Headborough for the year ensueing in the Room of Mr David Lawrence.

533. Mr. Wm. Griffith Sworne to Execute the Office of Headborough for the year ensueing in the room of Mr Henry Yeldall.

534. Mr George Fowler Sworne to Execute the Office of Headborough for the year ensueing in the room of Mr. Nehemiah Lyde a Lodger.

535. Ordered That a warrant be made out to apprehend Elizabeth Townsend she refusing to attend to give an account of the place of her last legal settlement she being likely to become chargeable to the parish. [See 496, 545, 547].

536. Upon the affadts. of Benja. Carter & Joseph Rose Roger Beeston & Lettice his wife that Thomas Baxter of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middx useth commonly the selling of Distilled Liquors by retaile to be drunk in his Shop [and did deleted] without being thereunto Lawfully Licensed he was convicted. Ordered That a warrant of Distress be made out against the next meeting to be then signed to Levy the sume of twenty shillings on his goods & Chattells for his said Offence for the use of the poor of the said Parish of St John at Hackney it being the first Conviction. [See 44].

537. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Eliza. the wife of Thomas Bartmaker one shilling for one week past and continue to pay her the same sume weekly for Eight weeks to come [deletion] she having two Children to provide for. [See 430, 432, 525, 557].

538. Ordered That D°. do pay Martha Baxter Wid°. one shilling pr week from the 28th day of May last until further Orders towards the maintainance of Elinor Kingsland Wid°. incapable of working for her living. [See 412].

539. Ordered That D°. do pay Mary Kirby eight shillings for nursing & maintaining Thomas Cawne for two weeks he being Lunatick.

540. Ordered That D°. do pay to Robert Piggott One Pound two shillings & Six Pence for the nursing & maintainance of a Poor Traveller for four weeks that fell in Labour at his Door at Newington.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 5 June 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen

541. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Ann the wife of Edward Jarsey she being Sick & weak two shillings pr week for five weeks to come from this day. [See 450].

542. Thomas Howson one of the Constables of Hackney gave an Informacon upon Oath against Ludlow Browne victualler at the sign of the Kings head at Kingsland in the parish of St. John at Hackney for exerciseing his Trade or Ordinary calling on Sunday the fourth of June Instant in the time of Divine Service and upon hearing what the sd Ludlow Browne could alledge in his Defence Ordered that he be convicted of the sd. Offence and that a Warrant be made out to Levy the sume of five shillings for the use of the Poor of the said Parish.

543. Signed a warrant to Commit Stephen Carr to new Prison for assaulting James Martin one of the Headboroughs of the parish of St. John at Hackney and Stabbing him in his right hand with a pitching fork in the Execution of his said Office and also for Assaulting and beating [him deleted] Ludlow Browne on the Oaths of the sd. [Stephen Carr deleted] James Martin and Ludlow Browne to be detained there for want of Sureties until he shall be thence discharged by due course of Law. [See 46, 552].

544. Thomas Howson one of the Constables of Hackney gave an Informacon against Edward Fox, Stephen Patmore, & Edward Cooper of the Parish of St. John at Hackney victrs for Exerciseing their Worldly Trade & business on Sunday the 4th of this Instant June in the time of Divine Service. Ordered That they be Sumoned to attend at the next meeting to shew cause why [she deleted] they should not be Convicted of the above Offences & the Penalty Levy'd upon them. [See 551].

545. Took the examinacon of Elizabeth Townsend Singlewoman upon Oath touching a Male Bastard child named William Born of the Body of Elizabeth Townsend in the parish of St. John Hackney [who deleted] now living and likely to become Chargeable to the sd. Parish. Ordered That an adjudication be forthwith made out against Wm. Ward the putative father thereof. [See 496, 535, 547].

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 19 June 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen

546. Edward Kingsclow made Oath that the Place of his last legal Settlement is in the parish of St John at Hackney and desired he might have a Certificate to the Parish of Walthamstow. Agreed that he be allowed a Certificate.

547. Upon the Examinacon of Elizabeth Townsend Spr touching her base Child Ordered That the further consideracon of making out an adjudication against the Putative father be referred 'till the next meeting. [See 496, 535, 545].

548. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do Pay to Elizabeth Stamper Wid°. Eight shillings towards the burying her two Children. [See 424, 439, 460].

549. Ordered That Mr John Davis Churchwarden do pay to Elizabeth George two shillings towards her present Subsistance she being big with Child & one Child to provide for. (fn. 9) [See 576, 577].

550. Ordered That D°. do pay to Dianah Jennison 2s for the Present & continue to pay her the same sume Weekly for eight weeks to come from this day she having two Children to provide for. [See 390, 529, 580, 610].

551. Persons sumoned for Exercising their Trades on the Sunday the fourth Instant in the time of Divine Service: Edward Fox paid, Stephen Pattmore did not attend [Marginal entry: Summoned], Edward Cooper paid, [all] Convicted upon the Oath of Mr Thomas Howson Constable. Ordered That a Warrant be made out to Levy the Penalty of 5s upon Stephen Pattmore for the said Offence. [See 544].

552. Mr James Martin one of the Headboroughs of the Parish of St. John at Hackney acquainted the Gentlemen that he hath received a great deal of Damage by the wound which he reced. from Stephen Carr and desired the favour of them to let the prosecution of the said Carr be at the Expence of the Parish he being at the time when he recd. the sd. Wound keeping the peace in the house of Ludlow Browne. [See 46, 543].

553. Upon the Complaint of Wm. Griffith one of the Headboroughs of the Parish of St John at Hackney that John Bright and Joseph Windsor refused to assist him to carry John Wheeler to new Prison whom he had in his custody by virtue of a Warrant from Henry Norris & Samuel Tyssen Esqrs. for that purpose. Ordered That the said John Bright and Joseph Windsor be Sumoned to attend at the next meeting to answer the said Complaint exhibited against them. (fn. 10) [See 48, 560].

554. Ann Fisher made Oath that Robert Turner was buryed in Sheeps wool only.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 24 July 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Alexander Garrett

555. The following victrs were sumoned to appear this day to answer a Complaint Exhibited against them by Mr. John Davis Churchwarden on the Eighth day of this Instant July for having severaly Exercised their trades or ordinary Callings in the parish of St John at Hackney in the County of Middx on Sunday the Second day of this Instant and to shew cause why they should not be convicted and the penalty Levy'd on each of them as the Law directs, vizt: John Baxter Chandler at Cambridge Heath grinding of Coffee Ordered that a warrt be made out to Levy the penalty of 5s [Marginal entry: Philip Betty Jur], John Oswald Victualler at the Shoulder of Mutton in Mare Street [Marginal entry: 5s. paid], Ralph Lightwood vict at the Swan at Cambridge Heath convicted ordered that a Warrt be made out to Levy 5s. being penalty [Marginal entries: Philip Betty Jur and paid], *Charles Gosdin vict at the Green Dragon in Well Street [Marginal entry: 5s. paid], *James Matchin vict at the two black boys in Well Street confessed the fact [Marginal entry: 5s. paid], *Richard Brattle vict at the Red Cow at Dorleston confessed he had two boys drinking [Marginal entry: 5s. paid], *John Price vict at the Dolphin at Kingsland confessed the fact [Marginal entry: 5s. paid], *Robt. Piggott vict at the Coach & Horses at Newington confessed the fact [Marginal entry: 5s. paid], Thomas Ward vict at the Bird Cage on Stanford Hill convicted ordered that a warrant be made out to Levy 5s. penalty [Marginal entries: Philip Betty Jur and 5s paid with paid deleted]; Jacob Crew vict at the Naggs head at the Wick confessed the fact [Marginal entry: 5s. paid].

556. Ordered that Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Samuel Sadleir his Bill for business done for the Parish amounting to the sume of Eight pounds Eighteen shillings from Aprill the 11th 1732 to this day.

557. Ordered That D°. do pay to Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Bartmaker 1s. pr week from this day until further Orders her said husband being Lame and she having two Children to provide for. [See 430, 432, 525, 537].

558. Signed an Order to remove Robert Worberton Sarah his wife and Ruth and Adam their two Children from the Parish of St. John at Hackney to the parish of Stoake Newington in the County of Middlesex. (fn. 11) [See 410].

559. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Rebecca Johnson Wid°. Sixpence pr week from this day until further Orders she being very Infirm. [See 504, 528].

560. Richard Willshire, John Bright, and Joseph Windsor attended pursuant to their Sumons for refuseing to assist Wm. Griffith one of the Headboroughs of the Parish of St. John at Hackney in carrying one John Wheeler whom he had in his Custody [deletion] to New Prison by virtue of a Warrant from Henry Norris and Samuel Tyssen Esqrs. They having satified [sic] the sd. Headborough and beged [sic] pardon for the sd. Offence They were discharged. [See 48, 553].

561. Henry Harrill made Oath that he Sumoned Joseph Lucas to attend this day to answer the Complaint of the Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poor of this Parish for intruding himselfe and his family into this Parish and are likely to bring a burthen and charge upon the parish and also to give an account of the Place of his last legal Settlement. Ordered That a warrant be made out against him and that he be brought before the sd Justices at their next meeting to answer the said Complaint.

562. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do Pay to Mary Wingood twelve shillings for nursing maintaining and Lodging two Poor Travellers that were taken dangerously Ill.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 7 August 1732
Justices present: Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

563. The following Persons were Sumoned to attend this day to give an account of the places of their last legal Settlements, viz: *John Fulsher Examd & allowed two weeks; *Henry Gregory Examd & allowed two weeks; Thomas Howell not to be found; [Robert Rice deleted]; Usley Care not to be found; *Thomas Fletcher Brought a Certificate; Joseph Cooper warrant to be made out against him; *Benjamin Burrough Settlement here, rents £18 pr ann to be rated in the next book. (fn. 12) [See 362, 496].

564. Allowed and Confirmed a Rate for the relief of the Casual Poor of the Parish of St. John at Hackney for the year 1732 amounting to the sume of two hundred twenty Six Pounds twelve shillings and ten pence halfe Penny.

565. John Baxter attended to answer a Complaint exhibited against him by Philip Betty Gentleman High Constable of the Tower Division for exerciseing his Trade or ordinary Calling in the Parish of St John at Hackney on Sunday the 2d of July last. It appearing to the Justices that he was only grinding of some Coffee for the use of his family agreed that he be discharged from the said Complaint.

566. Dorothy Bayley wife of Samuel Bayley applyed to obtain the discharge of her said Husband out of new Prison committed for begetting Mary White Singlewoman with Child of a female Bastard Child chargeable to this Parish and it appearing upon the Oath of Saml Longbottom one of the Keepers of the said Prison that the said Samuel Bayley hath been Ill of a Fever for a considerable time past and is now in such a Condition that his life is in Danger. Agreed that he be discharged [that deletion] there being no likelyhood of getting the charges the Parish hath been at.

567. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Jane Jackson ten shillings towards her subsistance and putting her into a way to get her living she having been Sick for a considerable time past and being now in a very weak Condition.

568. Ordered That Amy Butling afflicted with the Rhumatysm be put into St Thomas's Hospital for Cure. [See 569, 588].

569. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to the said Amy Butling two shillings & Six pence towards her Subsistance. [See 568, 588].

570. Ordered That D°. do pay to John Raby 1s for the Present and continue to Pay him the same Sume weekly for four weeks to come from this day he being Lame & poor. [See 571, 681].

571. Ordered that D°. do pay to David White nine shillings and three pence for nursing & Lodging of John Raby a poor man for Seven Weeks to this day. [See 570, 681].

572. Richard Morris brought by George Fowler one of the Headboroughs of the Parish of St. John Hackney for assaulting Edwd. Richardson [by deleted]. Discharged both Parties being agreed.

573. David Wight made oath of his Settlement & allowed two weeks to bring a Certificate.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 21 August 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen

574. Ordered That Wm. Silvester and Sarah Silvester two Poor Children of this Parish [do deleted] be put out apprentice and that by the next meeting the Beadle do endeavour to Procure a Master for each of them. [See 578, 587, 590, 596, 601].

575. Ordered That Mr. George Harrison & Mr. David Taylor the late Overseers of the Poor of this Parish do forthwith make up their accounts in Writing and lay them before us at the next meeting. [See 586].

576. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Mary Kirby thirty shillings for nursing and maintaining Elizabeth George for four weeks in her laying Inn and Eight shillings for nursing & maintaining her daughter Sarah for four weeks to this day. [See 549, 577].

577. Ordered That D°. do pay to Elizabeth George two shillings pr week for four weeks to come from this day she having two Children to provide for. [See 549, 576].

578. Ordered That William Silvester do forthwith go out upon likeing to Thomas Price a Weaver living in new Court in Agel [sic] Alley in Bishopsgate Street. [See 574, 587, 590].

579. Ordered That for the future the full & whole charge of binding out Parish Children shall from time to time be paid by the Churchwarden.

580. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Dianah Jennison two shillings for one week past and continue to pay her the same sume weekly for Eight weeks to come from this day her husband having ran away and left her two young Children to provide for. [See 390, 529, 550, 610].

581. Ordered That D°. do pay to Tomassin the wife of John Wheeler two shillings for the present and continue to pay her the same sume weekly for four weeks to come her said husband having ran away and left her two Children to provide for. [See 582].

582. Granted a warrant to apprehend John Wheeler for assaulting beating & bruising [her deleted] Tomassin his wife and also to answer the Complaint of the Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poor of this Parish for running away from his said wife and Family without making any provision for her whereby they are become burthensome and chargeable to the said Parish on the Oath of the sd. Tomassin Wheeler. (fn. 13) [See 9, 48, 89, 119, 129, 553, 560, 581, 680].

583. Ordered That Mr. John Harcourt and Mr. Markham Spearing the present Surveyrs. of the Highwayes of this Parish have notice to attend the next [General deleted] meeting to shew cause why they have not caused the several Occupiers of Land to Scower the Ditches.

584. Ordered That Francis Rosamond, George Stretton & Richard Alderman be Summoned to attend at the next meeting to answer Thomas Pampling for assaulting him.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 18 September 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

585. Mr. James Grier late Churchwarden applyed to have the ballance of his accounts paid him. Ordered That it be under consideration at the next meeting in what manner he shall be reimbursed.

586. Pursuant to the Order of the last Meeting Mr. George Harrison & Mr David Taylor the late Overseers of the Poor of this Parish laid their accounts before the above named Justices by which it appears that they received four hundred thirty nine pounds eight [deletion] shillings & one halfe penny and that they have paid four hundred twenty four pounds and nineteen shillings & that there remains due from them to ballance the said accounts fourteen pounds nine shillings and a halfe penny. The above accounts were Confirmed and allowed by the above named Justices. Ordered that the said late Overseers do forthwith pay the sd Ballance to Mr. John Davis the present Churchwarden and Overseer of the Poor. [See 575].

587. Ordered That Wm. Silvester a Poor Child of this Parish aged 15 Years & a halfe be bound to Thomas Price a weaver living in the Parish of Bishopsgate London and that Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay the usual allowance of Forty shillings with him. [See 574, 578, 590].

588. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Amy Buttling one shilling for the present & continue to pay her the same sume weekly for four weeks to come from this day. [See 568, 569].

589. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the present Churchwarden & Overseer of the Poor of the parish of St. John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex do forthwith pay to Mr. James Grier Churchwarden & Overseer of the Poor of the sd. parish in the year 1730 the sume of twenty two pounds ten shillings and a halfe penny being the Ballance due to him from the Parish in the discharge of his said Office.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 6 November 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett

590. Allowed an Indenture of apprenticeshipp whereby William Silvester aged fifteen years a poor Child of this parish was bound to Thomas Price of the parish of St Botolph without Bishopsgate London Weaver. [See 574, 578, 587].

591. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Richard Tyler two pounds twelve shillings for nursing and maintaining Ann Hyde a changling (fn. 14) for twenty Six Weeks from Lady day last to Michaelmass day then next following. [See 593].

592. Ann Fisher made Oath that Martha Potts & Wm. [Stretton] lately deceased were buryed in Sheeps Wool only.

593. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Richd. Tyler twelve shillings for nursing Ann Hyde for Six Weeks from Michaelmass last to the tenth of this Instant November. [See 591].

594. Ordered That D°. do pay to William George ten shillings towards Putting him in a way of Business for to maintain him his wife & two Children.

595. Ordered That D°. do pay to Samuel Sadleir his Bill for Business done for the Parish amounting to Six Pounds thirteen shillings & two pence from August the fourth last to this day.

596. Ordered That Sarah Silvester aged 14 years a poor Child belonging to this parish be bound apprentice to Wm. Bradley of the parish of St George in Bloomsbury in the County of Middlesex Labourer and that Mr John Davis the Churchwarden do pay him the usual allowance of Forty shillings. [See 574, 601].

597. Adjourned to Saturday sennight nine in the morning to this place to hear the defaulters that have neglected to perform their Statute worke on the Highwayes.

The Mermaid Tavern, Saturday, 18 November 1732
Justices present: Samuel Tyssen, Alexander Garrett, Anthony Chamberlaine

598. The several Defaulters resideing within Church Street, Mare Street Well Street Grove Street & Homerton within the parish of St John at Hackney who have not performed their Statute worke on the Highwayes belonging to the sd Parish for this present year 1732 were sumoned to attend this day [summoned to attend deleted] to shew cause why they have refused or neglected to pay the penalty they have each of them incurred for their default whose names are particularly menconed in a Summons under the hands and Seals of Henry Norris and Samuel Tyssen Esqrs two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Middx resideing within the sd parish bearing date the 14th day of November Instant. Ordered That a Warrant of Distress be made out to Levy the several Penaltys on those Persons who did attend but could not make any reasonable Excuse for not having Paid the sd. Penalties and also on those who did not attend pursuant to the sd. Summons Henry Harrill one of the Headboroughs of the sd. Parish having made Oath that they were duly Sumoned as is particularly menconed in the Summons above menconed.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 11 December 1732
Justices present: Henry Norris, Samuel Tyssen

599. Ordered That Mr. John Davis the Churchwarden do pay to Mr. Thomas Cotton apothecary his Bill for physick for a Poor Person taking ill wth. the Spotted Fever (fn. 15) amounting to One pound three shillings.

600. Allowed an Indenture of apprenticeship whereby William Pegram aged thirteen years a poor Child of the Parish of St John at Hackney was bound apprentice to Thomas Wood of the said Parish Farmer.

601. Allowed an Indenture of Apprenticeship whereby Sarah Silvester aged fourteen years a poor Child of the Parish of St John at Hackney was bound apprentice to William Bradley of the Parish of St George near Hanover Square in the County of Middx: Labourer. [See 574, 596].

602. Signed a Warrant to apprehend Soloman Price for leaving his family a charge to the Parish on the Oath of Mr. John Davis Churchwarden.

603. Ordered That Mr John Davis the Churchwarden be allowed 2s which he paid by our Order to Katherine Browne in Want on the 21st of November last.

The Mermaid Tavern, Monday, 8 January 1733
Justices present: Henry Norris, Alexander Garrett


  • 1. The orders against Bodycoate (of Homerton) and Carpenter (of Clapton) do not seem to have been enforced. Bodycoate, who is listed as rated to the highways at 366 above, obtained a certificate in 1736. Carpenter, who was also rated to the highways, obtained a certificate in 1731 and was still listed in the rate book at her death in 1733. Rutley obtained a certificate in 1731 but was removed (505) and must therefore have been indigent. P79/JN1/398; H.A.D., P/J/H/14.
  • 2. The order was not signed until 22 February. Thaxted appealed unsuccessfully. MJ/ SBB/900, p. 92.
  • 3. By renting to the value of £10 or more (even though two properties were involved) Gillman acquired a settlement in Hackney.
  • 4. Rebecca Newgent was chargeable to the parish. Conton appealed that part of the order relating to her and the child of her second marriage, probably arguing that remarriage had extinguished her rights of settlement in Conton. Under normal circumstances this would have been correct, since a wife took her husband's place of settlement as her own, as did any children of the marriage. However Patrick Newgent, as an Irishman, could not confer a settlement on his wife and her status therefore remained unchanged. No result of the appeal has been traced and it was probably withdrawn. MJ/SBB/900, p. 86.
  • 5. George Fox, farrier of Homerton, was rated to the highways. H.A.D., P/J/H/14.
  • 6. Salmon, who was rated to the highways (366), had been examined two years earlier. He delivered a certificate (issued in 1731) and had left Hackney by 1733. P79/JN1/398; H.A.D., P/J/H/14, P/J/P/68.
  • 7. Price obtained a certificate. P79/JN1/398.
  • 8. Pescod was first examined in 1726. The removal order does not appear to have been enforced. Pescod continued to live in Hackney (195) and was rated to the highways. He obtained a certificate during 1732, and was examined yet again in 1744. P79/JN1/ 398; H.A.D., P/J/H/14, P/J/P/68.
  • 9. Elizabeth George was not settled in Hackney but in Buckinghamshire. P79/JN1/218.
  • 10. Wheeler had been committed on a charge of wife-beating (48).
  • 11. It is not clear whether this order was enforced. Worberton produced a certificate dated 1732 and was rated to the highways (366 above as Walberton). P79/JN1/398.
  • 12. Fulsher (of Homerton) and Gregory (of Clapton) were both rated to the highways. Gregory had left Hackney by 1733. H.A.D., P/J/H/14.
  • 13. Wheeler entered into recognizances on both charges before Justice Anthony Chamberlain on 19 October 1732. He was discharged at the December sessions. MJ/ SR/2584, recogs. 127, 128.
  • 14. Changeling: half wit, imbecile, idiot, O.E.D.
  • 15. Probably typhus, but the term was also used of epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis and petechial fever, O.E.D.