London Pollbooks, 1713: Voters, U - Z

Pages 123-129

London Politics 1713-1717 Minutes of A Whig Club 1714-1717, London Pollbooks 1713. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1981.

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Underwood, Edward, apo B
Underwood, Francis, uph A
Underwood, John, fra A
Underwood, Richard, coa B
Unit, William, hab B
Upfolde, Thomas, tai A
Upington, Robert, tal A3B567
Upp, Robert, gls A
Upton, Jonathan, inn B
Usborn, John, sta A
Usburn, William, hab A
Usher, John, hab A
Uvebale, Thomas, dra A
Uxley, Benjamin, cut B
Uzzell, John, dye A
Vale, George, dis B
Vandatseller, John, bro A
Vanderspreat, John, pai A
Vandewald, John, dra A
Vandike, George, glo A
Vannam, John, fis A4B578
Vare, William, bow A
Vaston, Benj, bro A
Vaston, William, bro A
Vaughan, John, glo A
Vaughen, Richard, tur B68
Vaune, Philip, cor B
Veal, Henry, iro B
Veinon, Edward, tai B
Vellett see Voilet
Venables, Stephen, gol A124B6
Venimore, Roger, but B
Vere, Job, vin B
Vere, Samuel, gol A
Vere, William, tai B
Vere, William, tai A
Vernam, Thomas, sta A
Verneon, Thomas esq., hab B
Vialls, Edmond, coa B
Vibert, Lawrence, tal A
Vicars, Richard, tai A
Vicars, Thomas, tai A
Vice, Nathaniel, cur A
Vickery, William, hab A134B5
Vickridge, Thomas, cut B
Villers, Joseph, gir B
Vince, John, fis B
Vincent, Emanuel, but A14B8
Vincent, Robert, sta B
Violett, Francis, cor A
Virgoe, George, fis B
Voilet (Vellett), David, glz A124B6
Vokins, Avery, tal B
Vorley, Edward, bak A134
Vowkins, Thomas, plu B
Voyce, John, gir A
Voyce, William, bro A
Waddell, William, plu B
Waddis, William, cor A
Wade, Edward, cp A
Wade, Ferdinando, bar A24B78
Wade, John, but A
Wade, John, fou B
Wade, John, mus A134B5
Wade, Joseph, joi B
Wade, Joseph, joi A
Wade, Nicholas, lea A
Wade, William, bak B
Wadnell, John, far A2B568
Wafer, Lionell, bar B
Waggitt, Christopher, dye B
Waggot, John, far A
Wagstall, John, mer B
Waine, Daniel, tal A
Wainhouse, John, pai A
Waite, Daniel, lea A
Waite, James, tai A24B57
Wakefield, James, fle A1B678
Waker, Thomas, vin B
Waklin, Thomas, apo A
Walden see Walkden, Samuel
Waldoe, Isaac, gro B
Waldron, Boys, glz B
Waldron, William, vin B
Wale, George, gro B
Wale, Thomas, gol B
Walkden, Charles, sta B
Walkden (Walden), Samuel, joi A134B5
Walker, Edw, bro A
Walker, Edward, inn B
Walker, Francis, but B
Walker, Heikin, plu B
Walker, Hezekiah, plu A4
Walker, James, bla B
Walker, John, inn B
Walker, John, mas A
Walker, John, sal B
Walker, Jos, car A
Walker, Jos, mer A
Walker, Joseph, glz B
Walker, Richard, arm B
Walker, Richard, tal A
Walker, Robert, inn B
Walker, Thomas, ck A
Walker, Thomas, coa A
Walker, Thomas, cp A
Walker, Thomas, lor B
Walker, Thomas, pla A
Walker, Thomas, wea B678
Walker, Thurston, inn B
Walker, William, cur B678
Walkwood, Richard, hab A
Wall, John, gol B
Wall, Samuel, clo A
Wall, Thomas, bla B
Wallden, Richard, pou B
Wallen, John, pla B
Waller, David, bro A
Waller, Henry, clo A
Waller, John, glz B
Waller, John, bre A
Wallis, Jacob, sad A
Wallis, John, clo A
Wallis, John, cp A
Wallis, John, mer B568
Wallis, John, mer A124B8
Wallis, Richard, dye B
Wallis, Richard, pai B
Wallis, Thomas, bla B
Wallis, Thomas, fis A134
Wallis, William, bak B
Wallis, William, gol A
Wallis, William, mer A
Wallmsley, William, fou B
Walsh, Thomas, hab B
Walsham, Robert, fra B
Walter, John, iro A
Walter, Richard, fis A
Walter, Richard, gol B
Walter, Samuel, fis A
Walter, William, sta B
Walters, Robert, mas B
Walthall, Hambury, hab B
Waltho, John, sta B
Walton, John, gol A134B6
Wandell, Henry, gro B
Wandell, Jos, tai B
Wandell, Thomas, lea A1B578
Wanley, George, gol B6
Wansel, Daniel, joi B
Ward, Downes, fle B
Ward, James, cp A
Ward, James, gol A
Ward, John, cor A
Ward, John, tai A1B568
Ward, John, tur B
Ward, Joseph, bak A
Ward, Joseph, gol B
Ward, Joseph, gol A
Ward, Nathaniel, car A
Ward, Richard, wea A
Ward, Thomas, dis B
Ward, Thomas, mer A
Ward, Thomas, uph A
Ward, William, bro B
Ward, William, wea A
Ward, Zachariah, gol A
Ware, Nicholas, tai A24B67
Wareham, William, bar A
Wareing, Michael, vin B
Wargan, Zouch, tai A
Warham, Thomas, ck B
Warham, William, gol B
Warkman, Mark, cp A
Warkman, Richard, pew A
Warkup, Henry, bak A4B578
Warlepoole, Richard, joi A
Warman, Edward, tai A
Warman, John, tal B
Warman, Richard, lea B
Warne, Thomas, ski B
Warner, Edward, dis A
Warner, John, cp A
Warner, John, gol A
Warner, Samuel, bla A
Warner, Thomas, ck A
Warner, William, cur B
Warren, Edward, uph A
Warren, John, bar B
Warren, John, car A
Warren, Joseph, gol A123B6
Warren, Martin, bar B
Warren, Peter, car B
Warren, Thomas, pai A3
Warren, William, car B
Warren, William, dra A
Warren, William, fou B
Warren, William, glo A
Warren, William, joi B
Warrin, James, joi B
Washbourne, Richard, bow B
Wastfield, Arundel, clo A
Waterman, Christo, pla B
Waterman, William, tur B
Waters, Jasper, mer A
Waters, Samuel, joi A
Waters, Samuel, ski A
Waters, William, car B
Waterson, Edmond, iro A
Waterworth, John, hab A
Watkins, Richard, wea A
Watkins, Thomas, fis A
Watkins, William, bar A
Watkinson, Edmond, tai A
Watkinson, Godfrey, cp A
Watmore, John, tai A
Wats, Stephen, fou B6
Watson, David, clo B
Watson, Edward, fis A
Watson, John, dra A
Watson, Joseph, hab A
Watson, Josiah, dis B
Watson, Marten, bro B
Watson, Robert, glz A123B6
Watson, William, dra B
Watson, William, fis A2B568
Watterson, William, cor B
Watts, Benjamin, gol B
Watts, Edmund, hab A
Watts, Henry, inn A2B578
Watts, James, mas A
Watts, John, bar B
Watts, John, gol B
Watts, John, lor B
Watts, John, tal B
Watts, Jonas, tal A
Watts, Joshua, sta A
Watts, Reder, bro A
Watts, Richard, hab A
Watts, Robert, wea A234B7
Watts, Thomas, bak B
Watts, Thomas, bla B
Watts, Thomas, mas B
Watts, Thomas, mas B
Watts, Thomas, tal A124B8
Waylet, George, hab B
Wayman, Robert, bri B
Wayt, Robert, pou A
Waytt, John, cor A
Weakes, James, ski A
Weakly, Thomas, mer B
Weale, John, ski A
Wearg, Charles, tur B
Weathen, Charles, dra A
Weatherly, William, fis A34
Weaver, Grave, bak A134
Weaver, Simon, cut A
Web, Thomas, bro B
Webb, Ebenezer, tai A
Webb, George, bow B
Webb, George, bre B
Webb, John, bar A
Webb, John, fra A234B8
Webb, John, tai A
Webb, Joseph, gro B
Webb, Joseph, lea A123B8
Webb, Joseph, pew A
Webb, Leader, scr B
Webb, Richard, iro B
Webb, Samuel, dra A12B68
Webb, Thomas, fou A
Webb, Thomas, scr A
Webb, Uriah, clo B
Webb, William, inn B
Webb, William, inn A123
Webb, William, vin B
Webster, Anthony, fou B
Webster, Godfrey kt, clo A
Webster, James, fou A
Webster, Joseph, wea A
Webster, Richard, bow B
Webster, Thomas, but A3
Webster, Thomas bt, clo A
Weedon, Thomas, vin B
Weeks, Israel, dis A
Weeks, John, hab A
Weeler, Francis, but B
Weight, William, bla B
Welch, John, clo A
Welch, Joseph, bri A
Welch, Joseph, bri A
Welch, Joseph, cur A
Welch, Samuel, joi B
Weldale, John, but B
Weldon, Charles, tai B
Welham, Robert, lor A
Wellbelloved, Philip, fru A
Wellington, Richard, sta B
Wellins, John, bre A
Wells, Benjamin, iro B
Wells, Dabby, lea A
Wells, James, uph B
Wells, John, dra B
Wells, John, fis A
Wells, John, lea A
Wells, Samuel, gls A
Wells, Samuel, iro A4B678
Wells, Thomas, bro A
Wells, Thomas, sad B
Wells, Thomas, vin B
Wells, William, sad B
Welter, William, sta B
Wenlock, Ralph, but B
Wentworth, Thomas, joi B
West, Aholiab, clo A
West, Edward, hab A
West, Edward, mer A
West, Francis, hab B
West, James, ski A
West, John, clo B
West, John, cor A
West, John, cp A
West, John, tai A
West, Joseph, ck A
West, Joseph, fis B
West, Matthew, gol A
West, Moses, pew A
West, Richard, fis A
West, Richard, gro A
West, Richard, pla B
West, Stephen, arm B
West, William, hab B
West, William, joi A
West, William, ski A
Westall, Daniel, mer A
Westbrook, John, pla B
Westbrooke, William, gro B
Westcott, Robert, vin B
Weste, George, bro B
Westfield, Edward, gro B
Westfield, John, dye A
Westfield, John, gro B
Westfield, William, gol A
Westfield, William, gro B
Westhall, Samuel, wax A
Westhorp, Samuel, hab A
Westley, Robert, tai B
Weston, Charles, gls A
Weston, Thomas, lea B
Westrag, George, tai B
Westwood, Jos, pew B
Weyfield see Wingfield
Whadcock, Charles, bar B
Whadcott, Simon, mer B
Whale, William, uph A23B68
Whalley, Jacob, dis A
Wharley, Daniel, glo A
Wharton, Edward, gol A124B6
Whatsmore, John, iro B
Wheatley, John, pai B
Wheatley, Thomas, pai B
Wheatly, John, dye A
Wheatly, John, glz A
Wheats, Thomas, ski A
Wheeler, John, bar B
Wheeler, John, lea A
Wheeler, Robert, fru B
Wheeler, Thomas, pla B
Wheeler, William, wea A
Wheler, George, bak B
Whelpdale, Andrew, tai B
Whichelow, Potter, glo B
Whiddon, Jacob, ski A
Whily, James, fru B
Whip, Richard, gol B
Whisker, Daniel, inn B
Whistler, Ralph, bar B
Whiston, Jos, dye A
Whitaker, Benjamin, pew B
Whitby, Jonas, inn B
Whitchand, Henry, fra B
Whitchcoat, Henry, iro A
Whitchurch, James, pai A
White, Alyffe, hab A
White, Amos, cut A123B6
White, Christopher, hab A
White, Edward, bla B
White, Edward, bla B
White, Edward, dye A
White, George, glo A
White, Henry, bri A
White, Henry, joi A124B6
White, James, gro A
White, John, bla B
White, John, bri A3B578
White, John, dis B
White, John, dra B
White, John, fou B
White, John, hab A
White, John, lea A
White, John, tai B
White, John, wea B
White, John, wea B
White, Jos, sal A
White, Peter, gol B
White, Richard, bak B
White, Richard, bla A
White, Richard sen, bla A
White, Richard, pew B
White, Samuel, bre B
White, Samuel, ski A
White, Thomas, bla A
White, Thomas, dra B
White, Thomas, dye A23B56
White, Thomas, gol A
White, Thomas, mer A
White, William, tur B
Whitebread, Benj, dra A13B78
Whitehall, Joseph, uph A
Whitehand, James, dis B
Whitehead, John, bla A
Whitehead, John, tai B
Whitehead, Samuel, ski B
Whitehead, William, clo B
Whitehorn, John, gro A
Whitehouse, Edward, wea B
Whiteing, John, gol A134B6
Whiteing, William, cp B
Whiteledge, Robert, sta B
Whitell, Joseph, fis A
Whiteman, George, tal A
Whitemore, Samuel, dis A
Whitfeild, Rob, bro A
Whitfeild, Samuel, gir A
Whitmay, William, fou B
Whitsey, Joseph, far A
Whittaker, Edward, pai A
Whittfield, Samuel, mer B
Whittingham, George, bla B
Whittington, Isaac, hab B
Whittle, George, dye B
Whittle, John, clo A
Whitworth, James, wea A
Whitworth, Miles, iro B
Wicker, Tobias, clo B
Wickes, Obediah, lea A
Wickham, Nathaniel, bar A
Wickham, Thomas, dis B
Wicks, Charles, uph B
Wicks, John, sal A
Wicks, William, gro B
Wiffen, John, pou A
Wiggins, Robert, cut A
Wiggins, Thomas, inn B
Wight, Daniel, dis A
Wigley, John, tal B
Wignell, John, uph B
Wigzell, John, wax A
Wilbraham, James, fru A
Wilch, Joshua, pla A
Wilcox, Daniel, sad B
Wilcox, John, glo A
Wilcox, Thomas, uph A
Wilcox, William, sad B
Wild, Benjamin, sta B
Wild, Edward, bow A
Wild, John, sta B
Wild, William, hab B
Wildboare, Nicholas, dra A
Wildbore, Joseph, mer A
Wilde, Ebenezer, bre A
Wilder, James, bak A
Wilder, John, vin B
Wildman, John, bla A
Wileman, Henry, clo B
Wilford, David, bla A134B6
Wilford, John, fis A
Wilkenson, John, tai B
Wilkes, John, dis A
Wilkes, John, plu A134
Wilkins, Abraham, car B
Wilkins, Chr, pla B
Wilkins, John, bro B
Wilkins, John, car B
Wilkins, Micha, bak A
Wilkins, Richard, sta B
Wilkinson, Christopher, sta A
Wilkinson, Edward, ck A
Wilkinson, John, dra A
Wilkinson, John, dye A
Wilkinson, John, tai B
Wilkinson, Richard, gol B
Wilkinson, Richard, ski A
Wilkinson, Samuel, dra A
Wilkinson, Samuel, iro A
Wilkinson, Thomas, bla B
Wilkinson, William, cor A
Wilks, Job, hab B
Wilks, John, arm A
Wilks, John, plu B
Willard, Joseph, arm A
Willcocks, William, pla A
Willcox, William, dra A
Willes, William, tai B
Willett, Charles, bak B
Willey, Noy, apo B
Willford, John, tal B
William, Charles, uph B
William, Daniel, far B
William, Joh kt, mer B568
William, Samuel, pai B
Williams, Christopher, inn A
Williams, David, gol A
Williams, Edward, cut A
Williams, James, dra A
Williams, Job, gir A
Williams, John, bro A
Williams, John, car A
Williams, John, glz B
Williams, John, inn B
Williams, Joseph, mer A
Williams, Joseph, uph B
Williams, Samuel, clo B
Williams, Thomas, ck B
Williamson, Daniel, hab A
Williamson, James, mer A
Williamson, Thomas, bar A234B7
Willice, John, vin B
Willing, Christopher, dis A
Willis, Benjamin, clo B
Willis, Henry, wax B
Willis, John, bla A
Willis, Samuel, wax A
Willmott, Benjamin, dye A
Willmott, Daniel, lor A
Willoby, George, dye A
Willoughby, Giles, hab B
Willoughby, Henry, cut A
Wills, Anthony, tur B
Wills, Edward kt, tai A
Wills, Henry, hab B
Willson, Bigley, vin A
Willson, Henry, gol A
Willson, Samuel, apo A
Wilmer, Thomas, clo A
Wilmer, Thomas, sta A
Wilmore, John, tai A
Wilmore, Thomas, car B
Wilmott, John, joi A
Wilmott, Nehemiah, gro A
Wilmott, Richard, clo A123B5
Wilshaw, Patrick, clo A
Wilson, Archibald, dye A
Wilson, Benjamin, cor A12B67
Wilson, Benjamin, far A
Wilson, Benjamin, lea A34B56
Wilson, Edward, vin B
Wilson, Francis, fou B58
Wilson, James, bri B
Wilson, Jeremy, wea A
Wilson, John, fle A
Wilson, John, lea B
Wilson, John, wea A2B678
Wilson, Joseph, cp A
Wilson, Richard, clo A
Wilson, Samuel, bak A
Wilson, Thomas, clo A
Wilson, Thomas, gir A
Wilton, Harward, bow A
Wimberly, Bartholomew, tal A
Wimpresse, Samuel, glz A
Winch, George, far B
Winch, Richard, cp A
Winch, Richard, lea B
Winchester, Daniel, ski B
Wincoat, Edward, bar B
Wind, John, sta A
Winde, James, uph A
Windfeild, George, dis A
Windlow, Rich, bro A
Windsor, Edward, joi A
Windsor, Isaac, ck A23B68
Windsor, Shadrach, mer B
Wingfield (Weyfield), Henry, hab A4B578
Winkfeild, George, bar A
Winkley, James, sal B
Winn, John, pla B
Winn, Thomas, wea A
Winnock, Edward, mer A
Winspear, Thomas, bla B
Winstanley, William, fou B
Winston, William, bla B
Winter, Rich, bro A
Winterburn, John, pla A124B6
Wintle, John, ski A4B678
Winton, Henry, uph B
Wintworth, Hugh, hab A
Wise, Daniel, cp A
Wise, John, plu B
Wise, Joseph, cp A
Wise, Theo, pla B
Wise, Thomas, mas B
Wise, William, clo B
Wise, William, clo B
Wise, William, coa B
Wise, William, mas B
Wiseman, Cave, wea B
Wiseman, Charles, bak B
Witchell, Nathaniel, glo A
Witchell, Nichol, glo A2B678
Witchelow, John, bla A
Witehell, John, glo A
Witherley, Nevil, tai B
Withers, Francis, bri A2B568
Withers, John, pla A
Withers, John, pou A34B56
Withers, Samuel, tal A
Withers, William, apo B
Withers, William kt, fis B
Witler, Thomas, sal B
Wittom, Robert, vin B
Wolfreys, Nathaniel, gol B
Wood, Charles, hab B
Wood, Edward, uph B
Wood, George, gro A12B78
Wood, Jeffry, hab A
Wood, John, bak A
Wood, John, cur A
Wood, John, dra A
Wood, John, far A34B58
Wood, Joseph, bar B
Wood, Nicholas, bri B
Wood, Richard, dis A
Wood, Robert, far B
Wood, Robert, far B568
Wood, Samuel, dra A
Wood, Seamour, hab A
Wood, Tho, tai B
Wood, William, bak B
Wood, William, cut B
Wood, William, gir B
Wood, William, joi B
Wood, William, joi A
Woodburn, George, bro A
Woodcock, Edward, dra B
Woodcock, Henry, vin A12B78
Wooddal, Randal, bla B
Woodfield, John, but A
Woodger, William, cp A
Wooding, Robert, joi A
Woodland, Jos, gls A
Woodland, William, lea A
Woodley, Henry, ski A14B56
Woodman, Matthew, iro A
Woodman, William, iro B
Woodman, William, mas B
Woodroff, John, bre B
Woodroff, Thomas, ski B
Woodrolf, Christopher, inn B
Woodroof, Daniel, uph B
Woodward, George, glz B
Woodward, John, joi A
Woodward, John, tur B
Woodward, Joseph, tal A
Woodward, Matthew, tal A
Woodward, Philip, clo A
Woodward, Samuel, inn A
Woodward, Thomas, tur B
Woolball, Henry, gro A
Wooldridge, Richard, lor A
Wooley, Edward, bro B
Woolf, Bartholomew, mas A12
Woolfe, John, dra A
Woolhead, Thomas, hab B
Woolhead, Thomas, tal A
Woolleston, William, tai A
Woolley, Arthur, gol A
Woolley, Francis, glo A
Woolley, Wight, mer A
Woolley, William, dye A
Woolley, William, gol A
Woolmer, Benjamin, fis A
Woolmer, Henry, dis B
Woolston, Benjamin, fle B
Wootton, Matthew, sta B
Worgin, Edward, tal B
Workman, James, but A
Worlidge, Richard, bla B
Wormell, Joseph, joi A
Wormlayton, John, bla A
Wormlayton, John, ski A
Worrel, Job, cut B
Worrell, Robert, lor A
Wrathall, Robert, inn A
Wray, Daniel, sal B78
Wray, Daniel, sal A
Wright, Benjamin, fou A
Wright, Broughton, ski B
Wright, George, apo A
Wright, George, tur A
Wright, John, arm A124B6
Wright, John, bar B
Wright, John, dye B
Wright, John, lor B
Wright, John, tai B
Wright, John, vin B
Wright, Leonard, bla B
Wright, Matthew, gro A
Wright, Michael, bro B
Wright, Thomas, gol B
Wright, Will, bro A
Wright, William, ck B
Wright, William, pai A
Wright, William, wea A
Wrightson, William, vin B
Wroughton, James, hab B
Wyat, Thomas, cut B
Wyat, Thomas, mus B
Wyatt, Rowland, fra A
Wyatt, Zedekiah, dra A
Wybarn, Anthony, pou A4B567
Wybird, John, tal B
Wyerdale, Benjamin, cut A
Wyeth, Joseph, glo A124B7
Wyman, Samuel, tur A
Wynde, John, sad A
Wynet, John, bro B
Wynne, John, wea B
Wyrill, Robert, tal B
Yalding, John, hab B
Yard, Warwick, mer A123B5
Yardly, Robert, lea A2B567
Yates, Andrew, glo B
Yates, James, tal A
Yates, Robert, hab B
Yates, William, hab B
Yeonard, George, cur B
Yerbury, Walter, clo A
Yerwood, Frances, joi B
Yexbury, William, sal B
Yoick, Thomas, bak B
York, Walter, lea A
Young, Daniel, but B
Young, Edward, dra B
Young, John, gro A
Young, John, lor A
Young, John, mas B
Young, John, mer A1B568
Young, John, vin B
Young, Joseph, iro A
Young, Joshua, bar A
Young, Lewis, ski A
Young, Peter, cp A
Young, Richard, cur A
Young, Robert, far A
Young, Roger, joi B
Young, Thomas, fis B
Young, Thomas, glz B
Young, Thomas, joi B
Young, William, dra B
Younge, George, bro B
Zachary, Thomas, ski A
Zouch, Francis, tai B
Zouch, George, tai A