Appendix: Anderson Letters from the second letterbook

Pages 157-158

Joshua Johnson's Letterbook, 1771-1774: Letters from a Merchant in London to his Partners in Maryland. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1979.

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(A) Anderson Letters From The Second Letterbook

159. (II, p. 65) to Mrs Rebecca [Lloyd] Anderson 9 January 1775

I now forward you enclosed two letters to Mrs [Anne Tasker] Ogle [widow of Governor Ogle and mother of Mrs J. Anderson], one letter to Mrs [James] Anderson and one to yourself which came addressed to my care [from Maryland] and which I would have done myself the pleasure of delivering in person was I not so deeply engaged with two ships that I have, just arrived.

I have received two letters by Capt Love, one from Col Richard Lloyd, the other from J[ames] Hollyday Esq [her brother and half-brother], both of whom have consigned us tobacco per Love and they have requested me, in case Mr Anderson was out of London, to sell the tobacco and deliver you the proceeds. Col Lloyd has likewise remitted me Capt Love's bill of exchange for £80 on Mr Anderson, which Mr Francis [acting for trustees of creditors?] refuses to accept. On Capt Love's getting up [the river], I will take care the bill shall be paid and then deliver it to you. In the meantime, I will advance you any sum you shall want, either on the tobacco or bill, till one is due or the other sold. I shall think myself happy if I can render you, Mrs Ogle or Mrs [James] Anderson's family any service. . . .

P.S. I am this moment informed that Mrs Ogle lives at Chelsea and have sent her letters to Col [Horatio] Sharpe.

160a. (II, pp. 135-6) to Col Richard Lloyd per the Nancy, Capt [James] Buchanan 5 February 1775

We have now before us your kind favour of the 4 October handing us Capt Love's draught on James Anderson for £80 and advising your having addressed to us 4 hhds. tobacco on condition that Mr Anderson was not in business at the time of the ship's arrival. The bill is accepted and shall go to the credit of your account when in cash. Mr Anderson's business being in confusion made it necessary for him to leave England [for Maryland] and put his affairs into the hands of trustees [for his creditors] before the Richmond [Capt Love] arrived. Matters being thus circumstanced made us determine to keep the tobacco and to sell it and apply the proceeds as you requested and immediately informed Mrs [Rebecca] Anderson [James's mother and R. Lloyd's sister] of our intentions. At the same time we offered her any advance she should stand in need of, till the bill was in cash or the tobacco sold which she assented to by letter from Mrs [Leliora] Anderson, the wife of James. But, Sir, a few days brought us an account of her [Rebecca's] death which put an end to all her wants and troubles.

We then thought you would have no objection to extend your bounty to relieve the distress of the unhappy family and immediately we waited on Miss Anderson [James's sister] with a tender of our services and an offer to supply her with money, when she told us one hundred pounds would enable her to inter the old lady as she could wish. This we immediately advanced on your account and we hope will meet your approbation. The balance which remains, when your tobacco is sold, shall be paid to her and we hope that it will be eight or ten pounds more, but, should that and the advance from your good friend J[ames] Hollyday [half-brother of R. Lloyd and the late Mrs Anderson] be insufficient, we will readily assist them till we have the pleasure of hearing from you again. We understand that Miss Anderson is left by her mother's will joint executrix and that her estate is to be equally divided amongst the children.

160b. We received under your cover sundry bills loading for tobacco on board the Richmond, which we have not sold yet. But, this you may rest assured of, the account sales will be such as not to disparage your kind recommendation of us. We propose to send out Capt Love to load in Wye River [Eastern Shore] for us, if those unhappy differences does not prevent it. By him those [accounts of] sales shall go and we hope they will encourage you to a continuance of your friendly assistance to us in forwarding his dispatch and promoting our interest on your shore.

The French came to market last month at 2¾d. W. Molleson has contracted with them for 300 hhds. at that price and T. Eden & Co., 300 more. We don't know how they are to make up their quantity unless it be out of [Captains] Woolf and Coward and, if so, we have sold from an eighth to a farthing higher than they have and expect for that in Love to get more, as we are sure the price must be up still higher than it is. We must therefore recommend to you to ship unless those Acts of Parliament should be repealed. In that case, don't refuse a good price in the country [Maryland], for we are of an opinion it will be down here immediately on that happening. We have only to add our most sincere thanks for your friendship, confidence and favours and to tender you our best services in assurance that we will ever exert ourselves for your interest.