Pages 195-206
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: I, 1400-1422. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.
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In this section
Folio ccxi.
Indenture of lease by Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Commonalty to Robert Warner and Elianora his wife of a vacant piece of land in the parish of St. Martin within Ludgate, whereon to build a house, with a large gateway at the east end of the plot which the Mayor and Commonalty may use; to hold the same for a term of sixty years at an annual rent of 3s. 4d. Dated 1 March, 5 Henry V. [A.D. 1417-18]. (fn. 1)
Folio ccxi b.
Exon'acto Will'i Peper Civis et Pouchemaker dc'e civitat'.
5 April, 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], William Peper, "pouchemaker," discharged by Richard "Merlowe," the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Proclamacon' fait le ix me jourdapril pur les souldiours de eux hastier a Southhampton.
9 April [A.D. 1418], proclamation made for all soldiers of the retinue of the Duke of Exeter, or other lord, knight, esquire, gentleman, and valet whosoever bound for the present expedition, to hasten to Southampton, and there embark under penalty of imprisonment, (fn. 2) &c.
Exon'acio Nich'i Clerk civis et Allutari London'.
28 April, 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], Nicholas "Clerc," cordwainer, discharged by Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Exon'acio Cur' de viginti li' p'tin' Mar garete altere [sic] filiar' Othonis Brys.
11 June, 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], came Hugh Davy, tailor, who had married Margaret, daughter of Otho Brys, late one of the Mayor's Serjeants, with permission of Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and acknowledged satisfaction for his wife's patrimony received from John Hille, the Chamberlain.
Exon'acio Will'i Wodeward civis et Foundour London'.
1 June, 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], William Wodeward, 'foundour," discharged by Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Folio ccxii.
Custod' c marc' p'tin' Elizabet Rikill etc.
17 June, 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], came Nicholas Rikill and Henry Boydone and delivered to John Hille, the Chamberlain, the sum of 100 marks which Rose Rikill bequeathed to Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Gille, draper; to hold the same in trust for the said Elizabeth, and if she die before marriage, one moiety of the said money is to go to the said Richard Gille and Matilda his wife, absolutely, and the other to the aforesaid Nicholas and Henry for the souls of William Rikill and of the aforesaid Rose his consort (consortis sue). (fn. 3)
Consimilis l'ra missa fuit cuil't Aldr'o.
Precept to the several Aldermen to set an armed watch during the two nights and eves of St. John Bapt [24 June] and SS. Peter and Paul [29 June], and to take the usual precautions against fire, &c. Dated 17 June, 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418].
Proclamacio pur mendinauntz vagarantz en la Cite.
Proclamation for vagrant beggars to leave the City and go to parts of "uplande," (fn. 4) where at the present time of August labourers were in great request. Those found wandering about the City after Sunday next were to be arrested. (fn. 5)
Proclamacio sup' judicio billor'.
For as moche as Thomas of Forde of Caunterbury Sawyer other wyse called Thomas of Forde Sothseyer that here stant be a solempne enquest afore the Mair and Aldermen take was endited and aftur be another enquest atteint and convict of hidous trespasses and disseites that is to seye þat he now late cam to oon Jonet þat was þe wyfe of Janyn Cook of Estchepe seing that he was a sothseyer and trewely wolde telle here where cc. li. and more was be come with a litel cofir closed be her housbond in his life was beried in þe ground if it so were þat she wold paye as well for the sotell instrumentes þat longen to his craft as for his mete and drinke that he spended al þe mene while þat he were in this toune and with that also þat she wolde ensure him to be wedded to him which Jonet nat knowyng his falsnesse and disceit paied at his biddyng for his instrumentes and mete and drinke 40s. and more onward and Innocently trustyng to hes wordes and behest behot hym for to do all þat he desired with that con dicioun that he wolde perfourme and do as he hadde hight and promised the whiche Thomas contynuyng his falsnesse and disceit aboveseyd wityng wel þat he might ne cowde nat perfourme þat he hadde behight delaied her forth fro day to day tilat the laste he knouliched his Falsnesse and profered hem amendes and in the same wyse he begiled and disceyued an other woman þat hight Naverine Mauncell behetyng here for to gete a geyne half a gowne of cloth of gold which was stolen out of here kepyng and made here to spende upon hym up trust therof xviiis. vid. and more For the which falsnesse and disceytes þe Maii and Aldermen willyng þat suche shul be war be hym in tyme comyng hav awarded after þe Custume of this Cite þat he as a fals lyere and disceyver of þe comune peple shal stonde here upon þe pillorye thre market dayes eche day an hour wiþ a Westone (fn. 6) aboute his necke in tokene of a lyere.
Carpenter. (fn. 7)
Folio ccxii b.
Proclamation to be made for all soldiers, seamen, and others bound for the coming expedition to forthwith embark on their ships lying in the Thames, and thence set out for the Port of Southampton by the next tide. (fn. 8) [No date.] French.
Proclamation for all those who were willing to go to the city of "Roen" or other ports of Normandy to be on ship board by Sunday next at the latest, and in the meanwhile to attend the Mayor, who would provide them with shipping and free victual towards the said ports Also for any who would venture to send any manner of victual, wine, beer, &c., for the King's army in those ports to hasten before Sunday next to William Sevenok, and certain other Aldermen and Commoners especially appointed for the purpose, at the church of St. Dunstan in the Est, in Tourstrete, and notify them of the quantity of their victual, and shipping would be provided for the passage. (fn. 9) [No date.]
Exon'acio £vi pertin' pu'is Ric'i Fitz "Andreu" nup' civis et Pisc' etc.
2 Dec., 7 Henry V. [A.D. 1419], came Robert, Roger, and Johanna, children of Richard Fitz "Andrew," late fishmonger, and asked for the portion of Idonea their sister, who had died under age, and it was granted.
Folio ccxiii.
Judicium q'd mercatores infrascripti sint quieti de omni custuma vic' London' solvend'.
9 Feb., 5 Henry V. [A.D. 1417-18], came certain merchants of the Hanse of Almaine, occupying the house commonly known as the Guildhall of the Teutonics, and complained of the Sheriffs having wrongfully exacted various tolls and customs on their merchandise. The Sheriffs in defence declare that they have always been accustomed to demand the tolls prescribed as an aid to the discharge of their ferm. The records in the Treasury and Chamber of the Guildhall were thereupon examined, when it was found that the aforesaid merchants were quit of all payments. Order accordingly.
Folio ccxiiib.
Exoneracio Will'mi Kynaston civis et allutar' London'.
15 Oct., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], William Kynastone, cordwainer, discharged by Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to infirmity.
Exon'acio Joh'is Guy ab assisis etc.
The same day, John Guy, "irmonger," similarly discharged for like cause.
Folio ccxiv.
Exon'acio Roberti Scrace civis et Brewer London'.
14 July, 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], Robert Scrace, "brewer," discharged by Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing old age.
Exoneracio Johannis Skynner civis et Cappere London'.
28 July, 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], John Skynner, "cappere," similarly discharged for like cause.
Admissio Ric'i Frepors in artem et misteram de Taillours.
1 Aug., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], came Richard Frepors, "upholdere," (fn. 10) formerly apprentice to Thomas Baldok, "upholdere," before Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and prayed to be translated from the mistery of Upholders to that of Tailors, he having long used the art of Tailors, and not that of Upholders His prayer granted.
Exoneracio Hugonis Gamme civis et Peautrer London'.
20 Aug., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], Hugh Gamme, "peautrer," discharged by Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, owing to defective eyesight and increasing old age.
Exoneracio Ric'i "Loxelee" civis et Spicere London'.
The same day, Richard Loxlee, "spicer," similarly discharged owing to increasing old age.
Folio ccxiv b.
Custodia puerorum Rogeri Cringelford nuper civis et Aurifabri London'.
7 May, 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], the patrimony of Agnes and Johanna, daughters of Roger Cringelford, late goldsmith, committed to the custody of Robert Stanford, goldsmith, executor of the said Roger, in trust for the said orphans. Sureties, viz., Richard Stacy, "jeweller," and John Grantham, goldsmith.
Afterwards, viz., on the 27th April, 8 Henry V. [A.D. 1420], came John Braumstone, goldsmith, who had married the above Johanna, and acknowledged satisfaction for the money due to his wife from her father, as well as on account of the death of the above Agnes her sister, and of John her brother.
Folio ccxv.
L'ra d'm Regis missa Maiori et Alderman' Civitat' London.
Letter from the King to the Mayor, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and "Comuners" of the City, informing them of his doings since his last departure from Caen: how he had taken the town of "Loviers," (fn. 11) and the castle and town of Pont de Larche; and how he had sent a "poursuant" to the Duke of Burgundy with the view of keeping the peace, but without avail. It concludes with a passing reference to the death of the "Erle" of Armagnac and the slaughter that had taken place at Paris, (fn. 12) with which no doubt the citizens of London had already been made acquainted. Dated at Pont de Larche, 21 July [A.D. 1418]. (fn. 13) English.
Responcio ejusd' l're.
Reply to the above, thanking the King, and assuring him of the peaceable state of the City. Dated 12 Aug. [A.D. 1418].
Folio ccxv b.
L'ra huc missa Maiori.
Letter from the Duke of Clarence to Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, informing him that the King had recently taken the town of Loviers, and was at that time before the town of Le Pont de Larche on the river "Sayne," which had been crossed by the King's forces, who were then before the castle of the town, so that its speedy surrender was looked for. The letter concludes by asking if he could do anything for the Mayor in those parts, and by commending him to God's keeping. Dated before the town of Pont de Larche, 5 July [A.D. 1418]. French. (fn. 14)
Responsio l're precedentis.
Reply to the above, graciously acknowledging the receipt of the joyful news it contained, and assuring the Duke of the peaceful condition of the City. [No date.]
Folio ccxvi.
L'ra missa Maiori Aldr'is et Comunib' Civitat' London' pro victualib' mittendis domino Regi in obsidione ante Rothomag' jac'.
Letter from the King to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commoners of the City, informing them that he was laying siege to Rouen—"the most notable place in Fraunce save Paris"—and praying them to send victuals by ship to Harfleur, and thence by the river "Seyne" to Rouen, for the refreshment of his forces. Dated at "Roan," 10 August [A.D. 1418]. (fn. 15) English.
Responcio l're precedent'.
Reply to the above under the seal of the Mayoralty informing the King that the City was dispatching by John Credy and John Combe, poor officers of the City and bearers of this letter, 30 butts of sweet wine, 1,000 pipes of ale and beer, and 2,500 cups for his army. (fn. 16) Dated at Gravesend, the Feast of the Nativity B. V. M. [8 Sept.]. (fn. 17)
Folio ccxvi b.
Exoneracio Johannis Husk civis et Merceri London'.
16 Oct., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], John Husk, mercer, discharged by Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to infirmity.
Folio ccxvii.
Custodia pueror' Roberti Odyham nuper civis et Groceri London'.
12 Aug., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], the guardianship of Robert and Thomas, children of Robert Odyham, late grocer, and of their property arising from the sale of lands and tenements in Kent, (fn. 18) committed by Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and John Hille, the Chamberlain, with the consent of John Sudbury and Richard Osbarn, executors of the deceased father, and that of Johanna his wife, to John Poley, grocer, for a term of eight years Sureties, viz., William Sevenok, grocer, John Dys, "wodemonger," Hugh Harlewyn, "sporier," and Robert Cristemasse, text-writer.
Afterwards, viz., on 13 May, 7 Henry VI. [A.D. 1429], came William Sevenok, surety of John Poley, who had fled the City, and brought into court £30 of his own money, and prayed that the fact might be recorded, so that he might recover against the said Poley. Thereupon the said sum was delivered by John Bederenden, the Chamberlain, to Thomas Odyham, being of full age, who acknowledged satisfaction.
Proclamation for all those who were willing to go to the city of "Roan" or any other place on the coast of Normandy for the King's service, to be on board ship by Sunday next at the latest, and in the meanwhile to attend the Mayor, who would provide them with shipping and free victuals for the voyage. (fn. 19) [No date.] English.
Proclamation for all those who were willing to sail to Normandy to go to St. Dunstan's in the East on Monday next at 8 o'clock to attend William Sevenok, Alderman, and those associated with him for the purpose of providing shipping, and each should receive a noble for victuals. [No date.] (fn. 20) English.
Folio ccxvii b.
Exoneracio Hugonis Crispe civis et Allutarii London.
14 Oct., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], Hugh Crisp, cordwainer, discharged by Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to his suffering from deafness, &c.
L'ra presen tacionis Nich'i Page capell'i per Recordatorem Civitat' London' ad Cantariam in eccl'ia Sc'i Mich'is super Cornhill London' pro a'ta Walt'i de Billingham civis London' fundat'.
Letter of John Barton, senior, Recorder, to the Prioress and Convent of St. Helen, London, presenting Nicholas Page, chaplain of the diocese of Salisbury, to the chantry founded by Walter de Billyngham in the church of St. Michael, Cornhill, (fn. 21) vacant by the death of John Wodeford, and charging the said Prioress to pay the said Nicholas the annual sum of 7 marks prescribed by the founder's will. Dated 22 Oct., A.D. 1418.
Folio ccxviii.
Licencia Martini Poke lyngtone civis et Groceri London' prosequendi ad co'em legem.
20 Oct., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], licence granted by Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, and the Aldermen to Martin Pokeling tone, grocer, to prosecute at common law outside the City William Chichele, grocer, Richard Bourtone, and all others administering any goods and chattels formerly belonging to Thomas Bourtone, late grocer, who died intestate, the oath which the said Martin took when first admitted to the freedom of the City notwithstanding. (fn. 22)
Dimissio cujusdam vacue placee l're inf a lud gate facta Rob'to Warner.
1 March, 5 Henry V. [A.D. 1417-18], lease by Richard Merlawe, Mayor, and the Commonalty, in Common Council assembled in the Chamber of the Guildhall, to Robert Warner and Elianora his wife, of a parcel of land in the parish of St. Martin within Ludgate for a term of 60 years, at an annual rent of 3s. 4d. (fn. 23)
Folio ccxviii b.
Endentoure per entre n're seign' le Roy et divers.
citeins de Loundi es des grauntz sommes dargent al Roy apprestes
Indenture between the King and the following citizens, who had advanced money for the King's expedition abroad, viz., Henry Bartone (100 marks), Thomas Knolles (£200), Robert Chicheley (£100), William Crowmer (£100), Nicholas Wottone (£200), Richard Merlawe (100 marks), William Sevenok (£100), William Cambrigge (£100), Ralph Bartone (£46 13s. 4d.), John Perneys (£50), Janyn Michol (£40), Robert Arnold (£40), Geoffrey Dallyng, vintner (£20), William Louth (£20), William Walderne (£66 13s. 4d.), John Coventre (£20), William Nortone (£20), Aleyn Everard (£40), Thomas Fauconer (40 marks), William Olyver (£20), Thomas Duffhous (£20), John Welles (£20), Richard Barry (£10), Robert Fitz Robert (40 marks), Richard Merevall (£10), John Megre (£50), William Bury (£20), Richard Eltone (£20), William Mideltone, grocer (£20), Simon Bartelot (£20), John Michel (£20), John Reynewelle (£20), John Gedney (£20), Robert Wydyngtone (40 marks), John Lane (£20), Nicholas James (£20), John Boteler, mercer (£20), Simon Sewale (£20), Henry Sadelere (£20), Thomas Pyke (£50), Thomas Aleyn (£20), John Middelton (£10), and Walter Cottone (500 marks)—whereby the King pledges with them a Spanish sword mounted in gold and enriched with "baleys," sapphires, and pearls, of the value of £2,000, and weighing 84¼ ounces troy weight. The sword not to be parted with before Michaelmas twelvemonth, unless redeemed by the King. (fn. 24) Dated at Westminster, 16 (21 ?) (fn. 25) June, 5 Henry V. [A.D. 1417].
Folio ccxix.
20 Feb., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418-19], the guardianship of Elizabeth, Thomas, Blanche, Margaret, Robert, and Richard, children of Henry Haltone, late grocer, together with their patrimony, committed by William Sevenok, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and John Hille, the Chamberlain, to John Welles, grocer, who married Margery, widow of the said Henry Haltone. (fn. 26) Sureties, viz., William Broun, Thomas Burtone, John Tynkeldene, William Grantham, grocers, and Robert Fitz Robert, junior.
Afterwards, viz., on the 22nd Nov., 13 Henry VI. [A.D. 1434], came Thomas Knolles, junior, and William Cliff, clerk, executors of the above Robert Haltone, who had died after arriving at full age, before Robert Oteley, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and acknowledged satisfaction for his patrimony.
[Fo ccxix b blank].
Folio ccxx.
Eleccio Johannis Bryan et Rad'i Barton Vice comitum civitat' London'.
Wednesday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], in the presence of Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, John Bartone, the Recorder, Thomas Knolles, William Croumere, Thomas Fauconer, Nicholas Wottone, Henry Bartone, William Sevenok, John Penne, Thomas Pyke, William Cauntbrigge, John Reynwelle, John Perneys, Robert Wityngham, and Robert Widyngtone, Aldermen, John Gedney and Henry Rede, Sheriffs, and very many Commoners, summoned for the election of Sheriffs at the Guildhall, John Bryan, fishmonger and Commoner, was elected one of the Sheriffs by the Mayor, and Ralph Bartone, skinner and Alderman, was elected the other Sheriff by the Commonalty.
The same day, John Hille, fishmonger, was elected Chamberlain of the City; John Westone and Nicholas James were elected Wardens of London Bridge; and Robert Wydyngtone, Robert Witingham, Aldermen, William Bourtone, grocer, John Boteler, mercer, John Chartesey, draper, and Richard Meryvale, "vinter," Commoners, were elected Auditors of the accounts of the Chamberlain and Wardens of London Bridge.
Afterwards, viz., on the eve of St. Michael [29 Sept.], the above Sheriffs were sworn at the Guildhall, and on the morrow of the said Feast were presented and admitted before the Barons of the Exchequer.
Concessio feodi et vesture Joh'i Uptone nup' uni servientum Maioris durante vita sua.
The above Wednesday, the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], a grant made by the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty to John Uptone, one of the Mayor's Serjeants, whose health compelled him to resign office, of the same yearly fee and clothing as enjoyed by Serjeants of the Mayor and Chamber.
Decessus dc'i Joh'is Bryan Vic' et in loco ejus Joh'es Perneys civis et piscenar' London' in Vic' ejusdem civitat' extitit per cives electus.
The above John Bryan having died (fn. 27) within 12 days of his election as Sheriff, viz., on Monday the 10th Oct., 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], the lords of the Council (the King himself being in Normandy) summoned the Mayor, Aldermen, and the more powerful Commoners to appear before them on the 11th Oct. to show that the said Mayor, &c., had the power to elect another Sheriff in place of the deceased. The said Mayor, &c., thereupon appeared before Thomas [Langley], Bishop of Durham, the Chancellor, William Hankeford, the Chief Justice, William Kywelmersshe, Deputy Clerk of the Treasury, Richard Nortone, Chief Justice of Common Bench, John Cokayn, Justice of the same, and other members of the King's Council, assembled in the Council Chamber commonly called "le sterred chaumbre," and on being questioned by John Bartone, senior, the City's Recorder, replied that by virtue of charters, confirmed by Parliament, the citizens of London elected and removed their Sheriffs, and that on the occasion of a Sheriff dying in office they elected another, as they did anno 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1312], when Richard Welleford, one of the Sheriffs, died within the first quarter of his bailiwick, and Adam Ludekyn was elected in his stead, (fn. 28) and afterwards was admitted in the Exchequer. The said Mayor, &c., therefore prayed to be allowed to continue to enjoy the same liberty. Their prayer being granted, the Mayor and Aldermen immediately returned to the Guildhall, and having summoned the Commonalty, they elected John Perneys, fishmonger, to be Sheriff in place of John Bryan; and on Wednesday, the 12th Oct., the same was sworn, and immediately afterwards proceeded by water to Westminster with a large company, where he was presented, admitted, and sworn (fn. 29) before the Deputy Treasurer, the Justices, and Barons.
Folio ccxx b.
Eleccio Will'mi Sevenok Maioris Civitatis London'.
Thursday the Feast of the Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 6 Henry V. [A.D. 1418], in the presence of Richard Merlawe, the Mayor, John Bartone, the Recorder, William [Harewdone] the Prior of Christchurch, Richard Whityngtone, Thomas Knolles, Robert Chichele, William Walderne, William Crowmere, Thomas Fauconer, Nicholas Wottone, Henry Bartone, William Sevenok, John Penne, Thomas Pyke, William Chichele, William Cauntbrigge, John Reynewelle, William Nortone, John Gedney, Robert Whitingham, Robert Wydingtone [Aldermen], Ralph Bartone and John Perneys, the Sheriffs, and an immense Commonalty summoned to the Guildhall for the election of a Mayor — William Sevenok was elected Mayor for the year ensuing.
Afterwards, viz., on the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], he was sworn at the Guildhall, and on the morrow was presented, admitted, and accepted, &c. (fn. 30)