Pages 354-366
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: H, 1375-1399. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.
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Folio ccliii.
Bras' forisfact'.
5 Aug., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], Roger Colneye del Barnet attached to answer a charge brought by John Loveye and John Walcote, the Sheriffs, of having concealed corn and malt in the mansion house of Richard Mildenhale, cordwainer, in the parish of All Hallows de Graschirche, instead of bringing the same to the public market. The said Roger confessed his guilt, and the corn, &c., was declared forfeited to the Sheriffs.
Foche admissus et juratus in supervis' vicor' et venell'.
16 Sept., the same year, Nicholas Foche admitted and sworn Surveyor of streets and lanes within the liberty of the City, to see that they are kept clean, taking the following fines, viz., 2s. from those placing filth in the streets or throwing water out of window, and 4s. from those placing filth outside their neighbours' houses. He is also to kill all pigs, geese, &c., he may find at large, and sell them at the best price he can get, paying one half of the proceeds to the Chamberlain and keeping the other half for his trouble.
Eleccio Vicecomitum.
Wednesday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], the same year, in the presence of William Venour, the Mayor, John Tremayn, the Recorder, John Loveye and John Walcote, Sheriffs, John Hadlee, Adam Bamme, William More, Thomas Austyn, William Baret, Adam Karlille, Adam St. Ive, John Fraunceys, Henry Bamme, John Pynchoun, and William Bramptone, Aldermen, and an immense Commonalty summoned for the election of Sheriffs, the aforesaid Mayor elected Thomas Vyvent, mercer, and the Commonalty John Fraunceys to be Sheriff for the year ensuing.
Auditores compot' Cam' ar' et custodum pontis London'.
The same day William More and William Bramptone, Aldermen, and Geoffrey Walderne, John Wade, John Wodecok, and John Sutton, Commoners, were elected auditors of the accounts of the Chamberlain and Wardens of London Bridge.
Concessio xls. per ann' facta Will' o Sewale ad terminum vite suc.
The same day the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty granted an annuity of 40s. to William Sewale, late Serjeant of the Chamber.
Br' e de venire faciend' quatuor cives ad parliamentum.
Writ to the Sheriffs for the election of four citizens to attend a Parliament to be held at Westminster on the morrow of St. Martin [11 Nov.]. (fn. 1) No Sheriff to be returned. Witness the King at Westminster, 12 Sept., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390].
Pursuant to the above there were elected John Hadle and John Loveye, Aldermen, Thomas "Neuton" and John Botesham, Commoners. (fn. 2)
Folio ccliii b.
Masters of Misteries sworn.
Barbers: John Pacoun, John Bestchirche, sworn the last day of August, 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], to rule their mistery and to present defects to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Chamberlain, &c.
Shearmen: Richard Whalesby, John Elman, Richard Bernard, William Hunte, similarly sworn 3 Oct., the same year.
Girdlers: William Reymond, William Gele, Thomas Pernell, similarly sworn 3 Nov., the same year.
Foreign Weavers: Peter Egelyn of Brabant, Paul de Wettere of Flanders, similarly sworn 21 Nov., the same year.
English Weavers: William Nasshenden, John Umfrey, similarly sworn the same day.
Fullers: William Stoket, Geoffrey Sutton, Peter Spersolte, Richard Clement, similarly sworn the same day.
Pynners: John Rede, Laurence Gorlefyn, John Chapman, similarly sworn 26 Nov., the same year.
Cordwainers: John Longe, Simon Cok, Roger Rabbas, Thomas Mortymer, similarly sworn 22nd Sept., the same year.
Founders (Fusores): Hugh Baroun, John Redehode, similarly sworn 16 Nov., the same year.
Sporiers: Thomas Frensshe, Thomas Lovecok, similarly sworn. [No date.]
Horners: Robert Baroun, Henry Payne, similarly sworn. [No date.]
Glovers: John Goldesburgh, Laurence Tilbury, Reginald Deyneman, Richard Parys, similarly sworn. [No date.]
Hurers: John Longe, Thomas Walsyngham, Ralph Bristowe, John Bat, similarly sworn. [No date.]
Cutlers: Richard Waltham, Martin Godard, Robert Austyn, John Byle, similarly sworn. [No date.]
Indentura int' Will' m Venour Maiorem Aldr' os et co' itatem ex parte una et Abb' em et conventum monasterii b' te Marie de Graciis juxta Turrim Lond'.
Indenture of lease by William Venour, the Mayor, and Commonalty to William, the Abbot of St. Mary of Graces, near the Tower, of two parcels of waste land adjoining the convent for a term of 100 years at an annual rent of 40d. Dated 1 March, 13 Richard II. [A.D. 1389-90]
Folio ccliv.
Inquisicio pro quodam ten' Rog' i Elys.
Saturday after the Feast of St. Luke [18 Oct.], an inquisition made by jurors of the venue of the parish of All Hallows de Bredestrete as to whether a new building erected by Roger Elys, "wexchaundeler," at the corner of Bredestrete encroached upon the high way of Watlyngstrete. The jurors summoned by Robert Glaunvile, Serjeant of the Chamber, viz., John Waltham, Thomas Sibsay, William Bowiere, Thomas Lakford, Alexander Godynge, John Smythe, Thomas Lincoln, John Wydemere, John Andreu, Richard Litiltone, Gilbert atte Mersshe, and Ralph atte Castel, find that no encroachment had been made. Therefore the said Roger to go without a day
Recognicio Thome Hoo Will' i Waddesworth et alior' pro pueris Henr' Godyn orphanis.
Monday, 12 Dec., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], came Thomas Hoo, William Waddesworth, Edmund Fraunceys, Geoffrey Broke, Roger Austyn, and Robert Chichely, grocers, before Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and acknowledged themselves bound to Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, in the sum of £240 for the use of John, son of Henry Godyn, aged five and a half years, and Margaret, daughter of the same, aged two years.
Afterwards, viz., on the 15th Dec., 15 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], the money was paid, and the above were discharged of their bond.
Custodia bonor' legat' pueris Will' i Tonge orphan'.
Friday, 9 Dec., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], came Avice, widow and executrix of William Tonge, and delivered the sum of 400 marks to Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, in trust for John and John, Agnes and Isabella, children of the said William, according to the terms of his will. (fn. 3)
Folio ccliv b.
Afterwards, viz., on the 8th Oct., 16 Richard II. [A.D. 1392], by order of Baldewyn Radyngton, Knt., the Warden, (fn. 4) and the Aldermen, the sum of 100 marks was given to the elder son John, he being of full age.
Afterwards, viz., on the 21st Jan., 18 Richard II. [A.D. 1394-5], with the assent of John Fresshe, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and the above Avice, the daughter Agnes was apprenticed to John Clonne and Matilda his wife, "brauderer," for a term of seven years.
Folio cclv.
Afterwards, viz., on Monday before the Feast of St. Edmund the King [20 Nov.], 21 Richard II. [A.D. 1397], the said younger son John, and Agnes daughter of the said William Tonge, having died under age, the sum of 200 marks bequeathed to them was delivered by order of Richard Whityngton, the Mayor, and Aldermen, to the above Avice in execution of her late husband's will, with the exception of the sum of £5 paid for apprenticing the said Agnes.
Folio ccliv b.
Saturday before the Feast of Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], came William Erntone, mercer, executor of John Mangulle, mercer, before William Venour, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and delivered to Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, the sum of 20 marks bequeathed by the said John to John, son of John Seymor. (fn. 5)
Lib'acio monete pertinent' Joh' i filio Joh' is "Karmardy" bocher.
12 April, 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], John Wyles, parson of the church of St. Mary de Wolchirchehawe, Robert Dane, Benedict Cornewaille, John Barry, and William Chipstede delivered to Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, the sum of £10 in trust for John, son of John Karmerdy, "bocher."
Afterwards, viz., on the 1st March, 2 Henry IV. [A.D. 1400-1], came the above orphan and acknowledged satisfaction.
Delib' acio £xx in auxilium nove [sic] conductus apud eccl' iam S' ci Mich' is atte Corne London' faciend' per exec' Rob' ti Warbultone.
Monday before the Feast of St. Martin [11 Nov.], 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], came William Parker and William Curlynge, executors of Robert Warbultone, mercer, before Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and the Aldermen in the Chamber of the City, and paid to John Fraunceys, one of the Sheriffs, Thomas Pantone, William William [sic] atte Gate, Leonard de Nortone, "bruer," Thomas Boner, and John Dancastre, the sum of £20, which the said Robert left by will in aid of the making of the Conduit at the church of St. Michael atte Corne in Chepe. (fn. 6)
Folio cclv.
Eleccio Maioris.
Thursday the Feast of Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], in the presence of William Venour, the Mayor, Nicholas Twyford, Knt., John Hadlee, John Fresshe, William Baret, William Sheryngham, John Hende, Thomas Austyn, Adam Karlille, John Fraunceys, John Loveye, John Shadworth, John Walcote, Thomas Wilford, Henry Bamme, John Pynchoun, William Wottone, Adam St. Ive, and William Bramptone, Aldermen, and an immense Commonalty of all the Wards summoned for the election of a Mayor, Adam Bamme was elected Mayor for the year ensuing, and afterwards on the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.] was sworn in the Guildhall, and on the morrow was presented, admitted, and sworn before the Barons of the Exchequer.
On the aforesaid Thursday John Hadle and William More, (fn. 7) Aldermen, and Thomas "Newentone" and John Botesham were elected to attend the Parliament on behalf of the City.
Carta Joh' is "Northamptone."
Letters patent notifying that, at the prayer of the Commons of the realm in Parliament, (fn. 8) the King had revoked and annulled all judgments passed on John Norhamptone, draper, at Redynge and at the Tower of London for treason, &c. Witness the King at Westminster, 2 Dec., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390]. (fn. 9)
The restoration of John Norhamptone to the freedom of the City appears infra, fo. ccc.
20 Dec., 4 Henry IV. [A.D. 1402], the Chamberlain paid to Roger Lughtburghe, grocer, the husband of Margaret, daughter of Henry Godyn, the sum of £80, part of a sum of £120 bequeathed to the said Margaret by her father. (fn. 10) On the following Easter eve a further sum of £10 was paid. On the 3rd April, 7 Henry IV. [A.D. 1406], the said Roger asked that the balance of £30 might be delivered to him; but inasmuch as he had married without obtaining permission from John Walcote, the Mayor for the time being, it was adjudged that he should forfeit the sum of £120, the value of the marriage, to the Chamber. This sum was afterwards reduced to 20s., and the balance, viz., £29, allowed to him.
Folio cclv b.
Afterwards, viz., on the 8th Oct., 8 Henry IV. [A.D. 1406], came John, son of Henry Godyn, then of full age, and acknowledged satisfaction for the sum of £120 paid to him by John Profyt, the Chamberlain.
Folio cclvi.
Custodia Joh' is filii Joh' is Seymor.
15 Dec., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], the guardianship of John, son of John Seymor, together with the sum of 20 marks bequeathed to him by John Mangulle, mercer, committed by Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, to John his father. (fn. 11)
Afterwards, viz., on the 21st Oct., 9 Henry IV. [A.D. 1407], came John Stapulford and Thomas Provendre, executors of the said father, and delivered the above money to John Proffyt, the Chamberlain, who delivered it to the orphan, being then of age.
Judicium Walt' i Cliftone.
7 Nov., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], Walter Cliftone, "taillour," committed to Neugate and fined for having assaulted John Hayne, "taillour," one of the constables of the Ward of Bredestrete, whilst collecting the quarterage for the rakery (rakerii) of the said Ward. (fn. 12) Afterwards mainprised by Robert Ascowe and John Stokke. (fn. 13)
Ordinacio cervisie et bille misse cuil' t Aldr' o super eadem.
7 Nov., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], with the assent of Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and Aldermen, a certain proclamation or ordinance touching ale made during the Mayoralty of Nicholas Brembre, anno 1 Richard II., and enrolled supra, fo. lxxi [b], was renewed word for word (de verbo ad verbum renovata) and proclaimed.
Precept to the Aldermen that they cause two or four good men to be elected as "aleconners" (fn. 14) in their several Wards, and see that the above ordinance is duly observed. Dated under the seal of the Mayoralty, 10 Nov., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390].
Folio cclvi b.
Judicium Will' i Overtone.
Friday before the Feast of St. Nicholas [6 Dec.], 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], William Overtone charged with having insulted John Tremayn, the Recorder, in an action of debt brought by Benedict Lomelyn, and condemned to stand on the pillory unless, &c. (fn. 15)
Consil' es bille misse fuerunt cuil' t Aldr' o pro vigilaco' ib' faciend' et wardemotis tenend'.
Precept to the Aldermen to see that an armed watch be kept in their several Wards at the coming Christmas, and that they bring the presentments of their Wardmotes which they could not themselves carry into execution to the Mayor's General Court (nostre courte generale) at the Guildhall on Monday after the Feast of Epiphany [6 Jan.], (fn. 16) and cause the constables, "scawageours," (fn. 17) aleconners, and beadles of their several Wards to appear at the same time. Dated 22 Dec., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390].
Commissio progaola de Neugate deliberanda.
Letters patent appointing Walter Cloptone, Robert Charletone, Adam Bamme, the Mayor, John Cassy, William Thirnynge, William Rykhille, and John Tremayne, or any six, five, four, three, or two (the Mayor being one), to be Justices for gaoldelivery of Neugate. Witness the King at Westminster, 18 Nov., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390].
Folios cclvii-cclvii b.
Proclamacio Maioris.
A general proclamation by the Mayor touching the government of the City; regulating divers trades and crafts; forbidding fishing in the Thames within certain limits, &c. (fn. 18)
Folio cclviii.
Exon' acio Thome "Mordone" ab assisis et juratis etc.
16 Feb., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390-1], Thomas "Mortone," mercer, discharged by Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and the Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing age.
Recognicio Ade Bamme.
Saturday the 18th Feb., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390-1], Adam Bamme, citizen and goldsmith, gives bond in the sum of £400 to Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, to pay the same at Michaelmas next, the said money being the property of certain orphans, viz., John Ratford, glover, John Devenysshe, John Biernes, skinner, William Wircestre, Nicholas atte Walle, "taillour," Peter Whaplode, and William Tonge, and delivered to the said Adam, with the assent of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, to buy corn withal for the use of the Commonalty, (fn. 19) &c.
Election of Aldermen.
Chepe: Adam Bamme.
Lymstrete: John Hadle.
Billinggesgate: Nicholas Extone.
Castle Baynard: William Venour.
Farndone: John Fraunceys.
Bredestrete: William Sheryngham.
Queen Hithe: Thomas Welford.
Bradestrete: Adam St. Ive.
Cordewanerstrete: John Fresshe.
Aldrichesgate: Henry Vanner.
Crepulgate: John Loveye.
Bassieshawe: John Shadworth.
Langbourne: Thomas Austyn.
Colmanstrete: Henry Bamme.
Cornhulle: John Pynchoun.
Walbroke: William Olyver.
Candelwykstrete: John Heende.
Douegate: William Wottone.
Vintry: William More.
Bridge: William Bramptone.
Tower: William Baret.
Bisshopesgate: Thomas Vynent (Vyvent ?).
Algate: Adam Karlille.
Portsokne: [Blank.]
Judicium pillorie Joh'is Sewale.
Wednesday the 25th Jan., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390-1], John Sewale charged with having obtained goods on false pretences from Bartholomew Bosane. (fn. 20) He denies his guilt and claims a jury. The jurors, viz., William Chaumbre, Richard Bartone, Robert atte Hille, William Someresham, Richard Beneyt, John Sandone, Richard Depedene, Robert Portesmouthe, William Swotehous, William Pountfreyt, William Banastre, and John Seye, find him guilty, and he is condemned to the pillory. (fn. 21)
Folio cclviii b.
Judicium pillor' Joh' i Heyester et Joh' is Norwich.
14 Dec., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], John Heyesterre and John Norwiche charged with a similar offence. They deny their guilt and claim a jury. The jurors, one half of whom were of the parishes of St. Bartholomew the Little and St. Martin without (extra) Ludgate, and the other half Lombards, viz., William Banastre, William Middeltone, and William Chambre of the parish of St. Bartholomew, John Knyghtlee, Thomas Botolf, and Robert Bernewell of the parish of St. Martin, and John Priour, James Pistoye, John Pountadour, Angelo Cristofre, Peter Penyng, and Philip de Sene, Lombards, find them guilty, and they are condemned to the pillory.
Judicium pillor' Isabelle Lynchelade.
1 March, 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390-1], Isabella Lynchelade charged with falsely accusing William Squier, chaplain, and Thomas Vaghan of having stolen a Bible which the said William had purchased of the executors of Master William Blankpayn. She denies her guilt and claims a jury. The jurors, viz., John Carbonelle, Geoffrey Minot, Hugh Corby, John Hulle, John Fynche, John Gay, Roger Gate, Richard Stratton, Geoffrey Colman, Robert Belle, Geoffrey Taverner, and William Goldynge, find her guilty, and she is condemned to stand on "le Thewe," ordained for women, for one hour. (fn. 22)
Ric' us atte Gate piscenar' exon' atus de assisis etc.
Wednesday, 4 Oct., 15 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], Richard atte Gate, fishmonger, discharged by the Mayor and Aldermen from serving on juries, &c., owing to increasing age.
Folio cclix.
Articuli Cornuarior'.
8 April, 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], came good men of the mistery of Horners and prayed that certain ordinances for governing the mistery and abating the nuisance arising from the noise made by those using the mistery might be approved, viz., that on the Feast of St. Michael every year they may elect two Wardens to serve like Wardens of other misteries, on pain of paying 6s. 8d. to the Chamber of the Guildhall; that the Wardens so elected may have the right of search for bad work in the mistery and present the same to the Chamberlain; that no one of the mistery work by night nor on Saturday afternoon, nor on the afternoons of Vigils on pain of paying 3s. 4d. to the Chamber and 20d. to the mistery; and that no foreigner of the mistery keep a shop in the City nor become enfranchised until he has been proved capable by the Wardens and four other good men of the mistery.
The above ordinances approved.
Proclamacio q' d nullus loquatur nec moveat aliquam opinionem Nich' i Brembre nec Joh' is Norhamptone.
Ordinance by Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and the Aldermen forbidding any one whatsoever to speak or express opinions about Nicholas Brembre and John Norhamptone, former Mayors of the City, nor show any sign as to which of the two parties they favoured, but the men of the City are to be of one accord and to be silent on the late controversy, under penalty of imprisonment in Neugate for a year and a day. (fn. 23) [No date.]
Custodia Joh' is filii Henrici Clerc.
Wednesday, 19 April, 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], the guardianship of John, son of Henry Clerc, late tapicer, together with certain lands and tenements in the parish of St. Dionis, committed by Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain, to Alexander Clerc. Surety, viz., John Fraunkeleyn, draper.
Afterwards, viz., on the 18th Dec., 16 Richard II. [A.D. 1392], William Tanner, tapicer, a former guardian of the above property, delivered to Stephen Speleman, then Chamberlain, arrears of money due on his account to the above orphan.
Folio cclix b.
Custodia Hugonis Michel.
Friday, 5 May, 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], a sum of money bequeathed to Hugh Michel by Johanna, wife of Thomas Trig, late mercer, was delivered by Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, to John Enterdrene, skinner, to whom the said Hugh had been bound apprentice, in trust for the said Hugh. Sureties, viz., Edward Camber, skinner, and William Wiltshire, skinner.
Judicium Will' i Bowyer pelliparii pro factura unius false carte.
22 April, 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], William Bowyer, skinner, and Thomas Panter, scrivener, convicted of falsifying a deed enrolled in the Husting. Condemned to the pillory. (fn. 24)
Folio cclx.
Declamacio usure.
12 May, 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], ordinance specifying more particularly those acts and contracts which are forbidden under the titles of usury and "chevisaunce," the former ordinance made anno 38 Edward III. and recorded in Letter-Book G, fo. cxviii [b], being somewhat obscure and indefinite.
Proclamacio vinor' et Beer.
A further ordinance regulating the price of divers wines, viz., "Ryvere," "Romeneye," "Bastard," "Malvezyn," "Province," "Greke," "Oseye," and "Riptage," and also of "Estrichbeer" (fn. 25) and "Hoppyngbeer."
Another ordinance forbidding the casting of stable refuse, &c., into the Thames.
Custodia Will' i filii Will' i Horwode bruer.
9 Dec., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], an extent made of a certain brewhouse in the parish of St. Michael atte Corne, formerly belonging to William Horwode, "bruer," and descending to William his son, an orphan. The jurors, viz., Thomas Dunstone, William Fychet, John Pakwode, Robert Baron, Robert Gildeford, John Cretyng, John Westone, John Bardeney, William Taverner, John Wysbeche, John Longe, Richard Chapman, and Robert Arnold, value the tenement at £3 yearly, and it is committed to the custody of Reginald Baker, "bruer," in trust for the said orphan by Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain. Sureties, viz., Thomas Sibsay, "taillour," and John Halle, grocer.
Afterwards, viz., on the 15th June, 19 Richard II. [A.D. 1396], Stephen Speleman, the Chamberlain, paid the sum of 100s. to Thomas Lamport, goldsmith, to whom the above orphan had been bound apprentice.
Folio cclx b.
Inquisuio capta super op' acione pue or' Joh' is Gode fray pynnere.
Wednesday, 28 June, 15 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], John Godefray, "pynnere," charged with making false caps by Ralph Bristowe, John Longe, Thomas Walsyngham, and John Bat, Masters and Surveyors of the mistery of Hurers. The caps examined by six "cappers" and six "hatters," viz., Richard Harlowe, William Langelee, Henry Offyngtone, John Godechepe, Stephen Roo, and John Herlowe, "cappemakers," John Wenlok, Walter Caustone, John Donne, John Godeburgh, John Bokel, and John Reynold, "haberdasshers," (fn. 26) who found (inter alia) that they had been fulled by the feet (fn. 27) instead of by hand. They were therefore condemned to be burnt in Chepe pursuant to an ordinance of the mistery of Hurers enrolled in the Husting for Pleas of Land held on Monday before the Feast of St. Margaret [20 July], 36 Edward III. [A.D. 1362]. (fn. 28)
Judicium pillor' Ric' i Whyte.
24 July, 15 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], Richard Whyte of Ireland convicted of having stolen a leg of mutton from Walter Beawe, a "bocher" of St. Nicholas Shambles, and condemned to stand on the pillory with the leg of mutton suspended from his neck. (fn. 29)
Indentur' int' Will' m Venour Maiorem et co' itatem civitatis London' ex una parte et Joh' em Henae ex altera.
Indenture of lease by William Venour, the Mayor, and the Commonalty to John Hende, draper, of a tenement in "Seintswythyneslane" formerly belonging to Roger Depham, late Recorder, together with certain rents of a tenement formerly belonging to Henry Brode; to hold the same for a term of 90 years at an annual rent of £7. Dated the eve of Easter [3 April], 13 Richard II. [A.D. 1390].