Folios cxxxi - cxl: March 1380-1 -

Pages 161-179

Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: H, 1375-1399. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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Folio cxxxi - cxl.

Custodie Will'i et Alicie fil' Joh'is Lynne.

20 March, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1380-1], the guardianship of William, son of John Lynne, "stokfisshmongere," aged ten years, and of Alice, daughter of the same, aged twelve years, together with a tenement in the parish of St. Michael de la Crokedlane, committed by William Waleworth, the Mayor, and Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, to John Mockynge, vintner. Sureties, viz., Benedict Cornwaille, "draper," and John Wakele, vintner.

Furure forisfacte ad op' co' itatis.

13 March, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1380-1], William Horscroft, skinner, attached to answer the Mayor and Commonalty, as well as John Barry and other Wardens of the mistery of Skinners, for mixing new work with old in four furs, viz., one of clean fur (puratam) and three of "menyver," contrary to the ordinance recorded in Letter-Book G, fo. clxii [b]. The accused made no defence. Six men of the mistery summoned to appear on the 15th March, viz., Walter Pykenham, Stephen Daubeny, Andrew Coggeshale, Peter Mildenhale, John Tyderle, and Thomas Lakford, who condemned the furs, which were therefore declared forfeited. The accused condemned to prison and fined.

Folio cxxxi b.

Co'e solum concessum Thome Reynham pro quodam annuo redditu inde reddend'.

The Feast of St. Gregory [12 March], 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1380-1], at a full meeting of the Common Council of the City in the Upper Chamber of the Guildhall, on the petition of Thomas Reynham, Alderman of the Ward of Aldrichesgate, a plot of the common soil of the City now built upon and situate between the corner of Colmanstret and the Church of All Hallows in the Wall, concerning which presentment had often been made by the Wardmotes of the Ward of Colmanstret, to the effect that it would have become an encroachment (quod facta fuerit purprestura), was granted to the said Thomas and his heirs by William Walworth, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, with the assent of the Commonalty, subject to certain annual payments to the City, and a deed under the seal of the Commonalty was to be made to that effect.

Ordinacio de hominib' admittend' in lib'tatem civitat'.

Whereas divers losses had occurred to the Chamber of the Guildhall and the whole Commonalty by reason of no one being admitted to the freedom of the City for less than £3, (fn. 1) which prevented poor persons from obtaining it, and they had withdrawn to Southwerk and Westminster and without the liberty of the City, and many houses in the City on that account stood empty, and the number of the citizens had diminished—it was the same day ordained that thenceforth it should be lawful for the Chamberlain for the time being, associated with two Aldermen, to admit any fit and proper person into the freedom by redemption for a sum suitable to his estate, the procedure recorded in the great charter of liberties of the City being followed as of old accustomed.

Quod mag'ri supervisores seu custodes mister' nichil recipiant pro presentando aliquem in lib tatem dicte civitatis sub pena etc.

The same day it was ordained that thenceforth no masters, surveyors, or wardens of misteries nor others should receive any money fine for their own use, or the use of any one of their mistery, for presenting any one to the freedom of the City, under penalty of paying double the sum received to the Cham berlain for the time being, as well as restoring the sum received to the person from whom they received it, and the person so to be admitted shall be questioned on oath on the matter before he be admitted.

Concessio cs per annum Joh'i Marchaunt.

The same day, in the presence of the said Common Council, John Marchaunt was sworn and admitted Clerk of the Chamber, receiving yearly 100s. for his services from Michaelmas [29 Sept.], 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1380].

Bille misse Aldr'is quod nomina omnium contribuencium subs' d'ni R' ponantur in Rot' coll' et ad inquirend' sup' victualibus etc.

Precept to the Aldermen that they take with them the late Aldermen of their respective Wards, and two of the assessors of the last subsidy and the rolls, and make a house-to-house visitation in order to see that the names of all those who ought to have contributed to the subsidy are entered on the rolls; (fn. 2) and, further, that they inquire whether the bakers, brewers, and other victuallers in their Wards have observed the ordinances affecting their business. Dated 13 March, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1380-1].

Proclamacio vinor'.

Proclamation made 26 April, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], of regulations touching the sale of divers wines.

Folio cxxxii.

Election of Aldermen.

Tower: Hugh Fastolf.
Byllyngesgate: John Horne.
Bridge: Walter Sibyle.
Langebourne: John Southam.
Lymstret: William Knyghtcote.
Algate: William Tonge.
Bysshopesgate: John Chircheman.
Cornhulle: Thomas Irlond.
Bradstret: Adam Karlille.
Walbrok: William Baret.
Candelwykstret: John Hende.
Douegate: Edmund Olyver.
Vintry: Thomas Cornwaleys.
Cordewanerestret: John Heylesdone.
Chepe: John Boseham.
Colmanstret: William Kyng.
Bassyeshawe: John Fresshe.
Crepulgate: Robert Lucas.
Aldrichesgate: Roger Elys.
Farndone: Robert Boxford.
Bredstret: Thomas Welford.
Queenhithe: John Ragenelle.
Castle Baynard: John Redynge.

Compotus collector' de trib' gross' de qualibet persona laica Regi concessa prout patet per commissionem antea fo. cxxviii.

Account rendered by John Hende, Adam Bamme, John Fresshe, Geoffrey Crymelford, Henry Herbury, and Henry Mortone, collectors of the poll-tax in the City and suburbs, under the supervision of John Brian and Richard de Aylesbury, comptrollers of the subsidy.

They acknowledge the receipt of £1,019 17s. from 20,397 persons in the 24 Wards of the City and in the suburbs. They received nothing from Gautron Barde, Master of the King's Mints, and John de Leycestre, the King's Changer and Assayer in the Tower, nor from 27 moneyers and officers of the King's Exchange, nor from 28 merchants of Almaine, nor from John Clerk, Thomas Derby, and Richard Assheby, unmarried, clerks of the church of St. Mary de Aldermaricherche, by the King's orders. They are quit.

Folio cxxxii b.

Sigillum Maior at' de novo actum.

17 April, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], in a full assembly held in the Upper Chamber of the Guildhall, by summons of William Walworth, the Mayor, as well of those who were then Aldermen as of those who had been, together with the more powerful Commoners from the several Wards, (fn. 3) it was agreed that the old Seal of the office of Mayoralty should be broken up and a new Seal made, in which the City arms should appear at the feet of the figures of SS. Peter and Paul, with a lion guardant on either side, two serjeants-at-arms being placed above, one on either side of the figures, and two pavilions with two angels standing on either side, above, whilst between them should be a figure of the Blessed Virgin seated. (fn. 4)

Presentacio ad Hospitale de Bethlem extra Bisshopesgate per Maiorem.

Appointment by William Walworth, the Mayor, and the citizens of London, under the Mayoralty Seal, of John Gardyner, chaplain, to be Warden or Master of the Hospital of St. Mary de Bethlem without Bisshopesgate for life. Dated in the Chamber of the Guildhall, 21 April, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381].

Bille misse Aldr'is pro vigiliis faciend'.

Precept to the Aldermen that they see that a proper watch and ward be kept by night, and that a tub of water be placed outside every house in case of fire. Dated 28 May.

Folio cxxxiii.

Custodia Johanne filie Joh'is Ussher.

25 May, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], the guardianship of Johanna, daughter of John Ussher, aged five and a half years, together with the sum of £106 13s. 4d., committed by William Walworthe, the Mayor, and Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, to John Walcote, merchant. Sureties, viz., Thomas Gurdelere and John Leycestre.

Exon'acio custod' predicti.

Afterwards, viz., on the 14th May, 16 Richard II. [A.D. 1393], came Walter Kyng, "grosser," who had married the above Johanna, before William Staundone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and received from the above John Walcote his wife's patrimony with mesne profits, and the said John Walcote and his sureties are quit.

Judicium collistrigii pro columbellis putrid' exposit vendicioni.

31 May, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], William Fot, of county Oxford, "pulter," condemned to the pillory for offering putrid pigeons for sale. (fn. 5)

Folio cxxxiii b.

Custodia Rob'ti filn Rob'ti Hatfeld.

12 July, 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], the guardianship of Robert, son of Robert Hatteld, late grocer (grossar'), aged fifteen years, committed by William Waleworth, Knt., the Mayor, and Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain, to John Chynkeford, grocer, and Johanna his wife, together with a sum of money and divers goods and chattels. Sureties, viz., John Baas, called "Prentis," draper, and William Wottone, "wolmongere."

Exon'acio inde patet in tercio folio ex ambat' partib'.

Afterwards, viz., on the 12th April, 9 Richard II. [A.D. 1386], came the above sureties and were discharged, and John Cosyn, grocer, came and undertook to bring into the Chamber the orphan's property before Whitsuntide next.

Md de insurreccione Cancianor' et Essexcensium.

Account of the insurrection by men of Kent and Essex under Walter Tyler, and of his death at the hands of William Walworth, on Saturday, the 15th June, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381]. (fn. 6)

Letters patent appointing William Walleworth, the Mayor, Robert Bealknap, Robert Knolles, John Philippot, Nicholas Brembre, Robert Launde, and William Cheyne to be commissioners for safeguarding the City and suburbs and preventing insurrections. Witness the King at London, 15 June, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381].

Folio cxxxiv.

Commissio pro insurrectoribus Essex' Kanc' Surr' et Sussex'.

Letters patent appointing the above or any six, five, four, three, or two (the Mayor or Robert Bealknap being one) to be Commissioners to investigate the recent outbreak and punish offenders during the absence of the King, who was about to visit the disaffected counties. Witness the King at London, 15 June, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381]. (fn. 7)

Folio cxxxiv b.

Diverse bille et ordinac' pro custodia civitatis post insurrexionem hominum Kanc' et Essex'.

Precept to the Aldermen that they summon before them all who keep hostels in their several Wards, and hold them responsible for themselves and their hosts and take their names in writing Written. Sunday, 16 June, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381].

Another precept for the Aldermen to cause the inhabitants of their respective Wards to take an oath of fealty, the names of those taking the oath being recorded in writing, and to arrest those who refuse. Written 20 June, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381]. (fn. 8)

Custod' portar civitatis.

Precept to the Aldermen for guarding the several gates of the City by day and night with armed men in manner prescribed. (fn. 9)

Folio cxxxv.

Test'm Joh'is Hothom quoad pueros suos.

23 Sept., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], came Richard Aylesbury, Ralph Kestevene, and John Bradefeld, executors of John Hothom, grocer, and brought his will, wherein he bequeathed to John his son and Margaret and Johanna his daughters, respectively, the sum of £80, and appointed Margaret his wife their guardian.

Custodia eorund' puerorum.

Afterwards, viz., on the 25th Sept., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], the guardianship of the said children was committed by Sir William Walworth, the Mayor, and Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain, to Walter Sibile, who had married the above Margaret, their mother. Surety, viz., John Chircheman.

Afterwards, the above Johanna having died in August, 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], her property was equally divided between her mother and John her brother and Margaret her sister.

Afterwards, the above sister Margaret having died in December, 11 Richard II. [A.D. 1387], her property was divided between her aforesaid mother and brother.

Afterwards, viz., on the 15th Nov., 2 Henry IV. [A.D. 1400], came Thomas, the Vicar of "Saham," (fn. 10) co. Cambr, executor of the above John, son of John Hothom, and by virtue of his will and of certain letters patent of Thomas Trivet, the Mayor of Cambridge, to the Mayor and Aldermen of London, received a sum of money from the above John Chircheman on behalf of John Grace and the aforesaid Margaret his wife, formerly wife of John Hothom, and on later occasions divers other sums of money due.

Eleccio vicecom'.

Saturday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], in the presence of Sir William Walworth, the Mayor, William Cheyne, the Recorder, Nicholas Brembre, John Philippot, Robert Launde, Nicholas Twyford, John Heylesdone, John Boseham, John Redynge, Thomas Cornwaleis, Adam Karlille, Robert Lucas, Thomas Irlond, Roger Elys, John Chircheman, Robert Boxford, Thomas Welford, Edmund Olyver, John Fresshe, Walter Sibille, John Horn, Walter Doget, and William Knyghtcote, and very many Commoners summoned for the election of Sheriffs—John Hende was elected Sheriff for the year ensuing, and John Rote was elected by the Commonalty.

Audit' compoti Cam'ar' et custod' pont' London'.

The same day John Boseham, Thomas Welford, Walter Sibille, Adam Karlille, Aldermen, Robert Warbultone, William Eynsham, Henry Vannere, and John Shadworth, Commoners, were elected auditors of the accounts of the Chamberlain and the Wardens of London Bridge.

Folio cxxxv b.

Br'e pro parliamento.

Writ to the Sheriffs for the election of four citizens to attend a Parliament at Westminster which had been prorogued from Monday after the Feast of Exaltation of H. Cross [14 Sept.] to the morrow of All Souls [2 Nov.]. (fn. 11) Witness the King at Eltham, 22 Aug., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381].

Pursuant to the above writ Sir John Philipot, John Hadle, Hugh Fastolf, and William Baret were elected.

Indentura int' Joh'em Markeby aur' et Joh'am ux'em ejus ex parte una et Thomam Polle aur'.

Indenture of lease by John Markeby, goldsmith, and Johanna his wife to Thomas Polle, goldsmith, of a shop, &c., in the parish of St. Peter near the High Cross in Chepe for a term of thirteen years, from Easter [14 April], 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], at an annual rent of 4 marks.

The above indenture acknowledged 4 Oct., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381].

Acquietancia Ricardi Odiham Cam'arii.

Acquittance under the Common Seal by Sir William Waleworth, Mayor, the Aldermen, and the rest of the citizens to Richard Odyham, Chamberlain, on his account for one year from Michaelmas, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1380]. Dated in the Chamber of the Guildhall the morrow of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381].

Eleccio Maioris.

Sunday the Feast of Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], in the presence of Sir William Walworth, the Mayor, William Cheyne, the Recorder, John Boseham, John Heylesdone, Thomas Cornwaleys, William Baret, Hugh Fastolf, John Horne, Walter Sibile, John Southam, William Knyghtcote, William Tonge, John Chircheman, Thomas Irland, Adam Karlille, John Hende, Edmund Olyver, William Kyng, John Fresshe, Robert Lucas, Roger Elys, Robert Boxford, Thomas Welford, John Ragenel, and John Redynge, Aldermen, John Hende and John Rote, the Sheriffs, and an immense Commonalty summoned for the election of a Mayor for the year ensuing—John Norhamptone (fn. 12) was elected Mayor, and afterwards, viz., on the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], was sworn in the Chamber of the Guildhall, and on the morrow was presented, admitted, and sworn before the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer.

Folio cxxxvi.

Compot' de exitib' ten' pertinent' Johanne filie Ade Cope.

Account rendered in the Chamber of the Guildhall, 5 Oct., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], by Richard Tiderle, skinner, and Johanna his wife, late wife of Thomas Serjaunt, before auditors appointed by Sir William Walworth, the Mayor, viz., Robert Boxford and Roger Elys, Aldermen, Richard Odiham the Chamberlain, and Ralph Strode, Common Pleader, at the suit of Johanna, daughter of Adam Cope, skinner, an orphan, aged seventeen years, apprenticed to William Horston.

Compot' ten'tor' Pauli Salesbury.

Account rendered 29 May, 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], by Agnes, widow of Adam Fraunceys, of her guardianship of Paul, son of Thomas Salesbury, Knt., before John Boseham, John Chircheman, and Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain, as auditors.

Recepcio £lxx xs. iiijd pro Rob'to filio Rob'ti Hatfeld cujus cust'ia patet ante fol. cxxxiii[b].

21 Sept., 10 Richard II. [A.D. 1386], came John Cosyn, grocer, into the Chamber of the Guildhall and paid the sum of £70 10s. 4d. to Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, for the use of Robert, son of Robert Hatfeld.

Afterwards, viz., on the 5th June, 10 Richard II. [A.D. 1387], the sum of 20 marks was allowed by Nicholas Extone, the Mayor, and the said Chamberlain for apprenticing the above orphan.

Masters of Misteries sworn.

Folio cxxxvi b.

"Cotelers": Edmund Wodhille, William Stanes, Richard Dyne, and Thomas Northward, Masters, sworn 3 Oct., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], to rule their mistery, present defects, &c.

Fullers: Thomas Lavender and John Swift, sworn 5 Sept., the same year.

Weavers of Flanders: John Cobout of Flanders, sworn 20 Nov., the same year.

Weavers of Brabant: Peter Egelyn of Brabant, sworn the same day.

Weavers of England: John Gile and John atte Hacche, sworn the same day.

Skinners: William Lamblee, John Tiderlee, and Stephen Daubeney, sworn 28 Nov., the same year.

Shethers: Richard Warde and John Kent, sworn 9 Dec., the same year.

Pouchemakers: John Pount and Stephen Pettele, sworn 18 Dec., the same year.

Tapicers: William atte Lathe and John Kelshulle, sworn 19 Feb., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381-2].

"Verriers": (fn. 13) Richard Sauvage and William Pathe, sworn 25 Feb., the same year.

Pynners: Hugh Bromhille and William Coventre, sworn 28 Oct., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381].

Glovers: Laurence Tilbury, John Gofaire, and John Goldesburgh, sworn 5 May, 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].

Fullers: William Wermystre, Peter Peresholte, John Swyft, Richard Sket, Thomas Lavender, and William Stoket. [No date].

Cutlers: Adam Fermer, John Twyford, Richard Jarkevile, and Richard Sandwelle, sworn 18 June, 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].

Exon'acio custodis Rob'ti filii Rob'ti Hatfeld.

Friday after the Feast of All Saints [1 Nov.], 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], came Robert, son of Robert Hatfeld, being of full age, before Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and demanded the rest of his property, and it was delivered to him.

Folio cxxxvii.

Billa missa Aldr'o de Vinetria pro custodia porte de Ludgate.

Precept [to the Alderman of Vintry] that from Sunday next he daily guard the Ludgate with 18 armed men of his Ward from six o'clock in the morning until six o'clock (eight o'clock ?) in the evening, when he is to close the gate and place the keys in safe keeping, as he shall answer for them to William Wircestre and "Phelipot" Walworthe, and at eight o'clock the customary night-watch is to be set. He is further enjoined to summon the good men of his Ward on Saturday morning to consider how this precept can be best carried out until the Parliament is ended. Dated the eve of All Saints [1 Nov.], 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381].

Billa missa Aldr'o de Castelbayn' pro custodia ejusdem porte.

Precept [to the Alderman of Castle Baynard] that he assist in guarding the Ludgate with 14 armed men, &c. Same date.

Et Aldr'o de Cordewanerstret pro eodem.

Similar precept to the Alderman of Cordewanerestret to guard the Ludgate with 18 armed men.

Custodia porte de Neugate.

Precept to the Alderman of Farndone that he guard the Neugate with 20 armed men.

Precept to the Alderman of Chepe that he assist in guarding the Neugate with 20 armed men.

Precept to the Alderman of Queenhethe that he assist in guarding the Neugate with 10 armed men.

Custodia porte Aldrichesgate.

Precept to the Alderman of Aldrichesgate that he guard the said gate with 10 armed men.

Precept to the Alderman of Walbrok that he assist in guarding Aldrichesgate with 20 men.

Precept to the Alderman of Bredstret Ward that he assist in guarding Aldrichesgate with 20 men.

Custodia porte Crepulgate.

Precept to the Alderman of Crepulgate that he guard the said gate with 24 armed men, keep the keys, &c.

Precept to the Alderman of Colmanstret that he assist in guarding Crepulgate with 16 armed men.

Precept to the Alderman of Bassyeshawe that he assist in guarding Crepulgate with 10 armed men.

Custodia porte Byshopesgate.

Precept to the Alderman of Bysshopesgate that he guard the said gate with 14 armed men.

Precept to the Alderman of Cornhille that he assist in guarding Bysshopesgate with 18 armed men.

Precept to the Alderman of Bradestret that he assist in guarding Bysshopesgate with 18 armed men.

Custodia porte de Algate.

Precept to the Alderman of Algate that he guard the gate with 10 armed men.

Precept to the Alderman of Langebourne that he assist in guarding Algate with 18 armed men.

Precept to the Alderman of Tower Ward that he assist in guarding Algate with 22 armed men.

Custodia Pontis.

Precept to the Alderman of Bridge Ward that he guard the Bridge with 22 armed men.

Precept to the Alderman of Billyngesgate that he assist in guarding London Bridge with 14 armed men.

Precept to the Alderman of Douegate that he assist in guarding London Bridge with 14 armed men.

Folio cxxxvii b.

Custodia posterne.

Also the postern at the Tower was committed to the keeping of the Alderman of Lymstret with 2 armed men.

Lagayte du Maii et des Viscontz.

And be it remembered that the Alderman of the Ward of Candelwykstret shall keep watch with men of his Ward, armed and arrayed, when the Mayor and Sheriffs pass through the City. (fn. 14)

Br'e pro con servacione paris.

Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs that they take steps for the preservation of peace in the City during the session of Parliament. Witness the King at Westminster, 2 Nov., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381].

Proclamacio de pace ne quis portat arma.

Precept for closing the gates of the City at six o'clock in the evening and keeping them closed until six o'clock in the morning, and for all persons except those appointed to keep watch, to be in their hostels at that hour of the evening.

Judicium pro carbonibus.

15 Nov., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], certain sacks of coal brought to the City by William Benge, servant of John Bernard, of Bishop Hatfeld [co. Herts], measured at the Guildhall and found to contain less than eight bushels a quarter. The said servant disclaiming all knowledge of the faultiness of the sacks, the same were seized until the master should come and submit to judgment, and the said William was sworn not to bring faulty sacks to the City.

The same day, John Mason of Croidone sworn to like effect.

Proclamacio ne quis portat arma.

16 Nov., proclamation against any one bearing arms in the City except peers of the realm and knights or esquires of the King's household and retinue; against vagrants by night; (fn. 15) against selling divers wines above the price prescribed, &c.

The Feast of St. Clement [23 Nov.], proclamation made prescribing the price to be paid for ale, hay, oats, &c., and forbidding beggars and lepers to walk the City.

Folio cxxxviii.

Carta d ni Rob'ti Knolles et ux'is ejus per W. Walworth Maiorem et co'itatem de uno hautpas.

Licence granted by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty to Robert Knolles, Knt., and Custance his wife, to build a halpace (fn. 16) (hautpas) over (outre (fn. 17) ) Syvendenlane in the parish of All Hallows de Berkyngchirche near the Tower, connecting two of their houses, one on each side of the said lane, the grantees rendering therefor one red rose at Midsummer. Dated 23 July, 5 Richard II. [1381].

Commissio pro gaola de Neugate deliberanda.

Letters patent appointing Robert Tresilian, Robert Bealknape, John Norhamptone, the Mayor, William Walworth, John de Middeltone, and William Cheyne, or any five, four, three, or two (the Mayor being one), to be commissioners for gaol-delivery of Neugate. Witness the King at Westminster, 18 Nov., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381].

Judicium pilorii pro mendaciis.

23 Nov., 5 Richard II. [A.D.. 1381], Simon Figge of Sarre, near Sandwich, condemned to stand in the pillory with a whetstone attached to his neck for having falsely declared he had witnessed the murder of a man belonging to the household of the Earl of Northumberland, and the rescue of the murderer by six men of a certain other lord. (fn. 18)

Judicium collistrigii falsis saccis [sic].

8 March, 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381-2], John Botiller, servant of John Mortymer, "colier," of "Bromle," brought before the Mayor for selling coal in sacks that did not hold 8 bushels to the quarter. The coal confiscated and the sacks burned.

Folio cxxxviii b.

Pleas held in the Chamber of the Guildhall, London, before the Mayor and Aldermen, according to the custom of the City, 8 Jan., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381-2].

Judicium pilor' pro fals' queel.

William Soys, "brouderer," attached to answer charges of having cheated divers persons at play by means of a falsely made chequer-board called "queek." The said William puts himself on the country. A jury of the venue, viz., Henry Hamond, Ralph Lubenham, Robert Pottone, "cordewaner," Robert Jolyf, "cordewaner," Stephen Verdyr, skinner, John Suttone, "sadelere," Robert Sampson, "sadeler," William Lidbery, William Aldewerk, "sadeler," William Dennyng, "sadeler," William Campioun, "cappere," and Henry Baret, being summoned, elected and tried with the assent of the parties, found the said William guilty, and he was thereupon adjudged to stand on the pillory. (fn. 19)

Judicium pilor' pro falsis talis.

The same day Richard Scot, "hosyere," attached to answer a charge of having cheated John Thomson and William de Glendale of "Dounfriz," in Scotland, by false dice and "jonkerie." (fn. 20) The said Richard put himself on the country. A jury of the venue summoned, viz., John Boner, Thomas Frensshe, Peter atte Pole, John Suttone, Eustace Chaundeler, Richard Albon, Herman Coydale, Richard Garnowe, Richard de Cray, John Gerard, John Langhorn, and William Waltham, who found the said Richard guilty, and he was thereupon adjudged to stand on the pillory. (fn. 21)

Folio cxxxix.

Judicium pilor' pro falsis talib' [sic].

The same day John Edward, otherwise called "longe Jacke," cordwainer, attached to answer a charge of having cheated William Wermestre, fuller, in Christmas week in the parish of St. Laurence Pounteneye, with false dice and "jonkerie." The said John put himself on the country. A jury of the venue summoned, viz., John Wyke, Bartholomew Neve, Peter Belde, Reginald atte Pole, William Romeseye, William Horewode, Thomas Westmore, John Campioun, John Higham, Henry Austyn, Henry Swyft, and Peter Speresholte, who found the said John to be a common "hasardour" and "jonkere," and he was thereupon adjudged to stand on the pillory.

Proclamacio de vendic' allec'.

Proclamation regulating the sale of herring from Scone (fn. 22) and Jernemouthe, "Holyland" (fn. 23) and the Sound. (fn. 24)

Proclamacio de vendic' ollei.

Proclamation regulating the sale of oil of "Lusshebone" (fn. 25) and "Cyvylle." (fn. 26)

Qe nul vende par subtil pois.

Also that no one buy confections, powders, nor any other "aver du pois," (fn. 27) by any weight used for fine goods (par nul subtile pois (fn. 28) ), but only by the weight of our lord the King, on pain of forfeiture of all confections, powders, and other "aver de poys" so sold. (fn. 29)

Qe assises tenuz devaunt Vu' soient retournez en la chambre.

13 Feb., 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381-2], ordinance by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, to the effect that all the records of assizes held before the Sheriffs shall be returned to the Chamber of the Guildhall, as well of those who have been Sheriffs as of those who in future shall be Sheriffs, so that all may know their right (droit).

Qe co'es fe'mes cient chaperons de Raye et ne usent pellure perreie ne revers.

Also it was ordained that common harlots and all women of bad character shall wear rayed hoods and use no manner of fur, either "perreie" or "revers," on pain of imprisonment and the forfeiture of the fur to the Sheriffs. (fn. 30)

Folio cxxxix b.

Be it remembered that a certain judgment entered on fo. lxi [b] is withdrawn and annulled temp. John Norhamptone, Mayor, the 13th February, 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381-2], with the assent and consent of the said Mayor, William Cheyne, the Recorder, John Heylesdone, John Boseham, Adam Karlille, John Horn, John Chircheman, Walter Sibile, Robert Boxford, John Vyne, John Fresshe, Thomas Irlond, Thomas Cornwaleys, Thomas Welford, Roger Elys, John Ragenel, John Redynge, William Tonge, William Knyghtcote, and William Kyng, Aldermen, and the whole Common Council of the City, after good and diligent deliberation this day had, inasmuch as it was testified that the said William Essex, draper, John More and Richard Norbury, mercers, Robert Fraunceys, goldsmith, and John Willardby, "taillour," in that writing named are loyal and of good behaviour in all things towards the City, and not suspects as the writing on the aforesaid folio declares. And it was thereupon agreed that the aforesaid persons should exercise all their duties touching the City whensoever they should be elected and ordained thereto, the aforesaid judgment notwithstanding. (fn. 31)

Md de £cxl et uno cipho argent' que reni' in manib' Cam'arii de bonis pueror' Rob'ti Richard.

3 March, 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381-2], Walter Sibile and Robert Boxford, Aldermen, appointed by John Norhamptone and the Court to examine the will of Robert Richard, brewer, and learn what property he had left to his children. On the morrow, after consultation with Agnes, widow and executrix of the said Robert, and with John Longe, senior, cordwainer, and John Doversete, butcher, her co-executors, they reported that the sum of £140, a silver cup, and various debts had been left to his three children. Thereupon the said executors delivered up the money and the cup, and received orders to recover the debts.

Afterwards, viz., on the 16th June, 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], the guardianship of Robert and John, sons of the above Robert Richard, and the above property (Alice, the third child of the said Robert, being dead) was committed by the Mayor and Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain, to John Longe, senior, cordwainer, one moiety of the money to be delivered to the orphans on their coming of age and the other on their arriving at the age of twenty-four, according to the terms of their father's will. Sureties, viz., John Kestevene, mercer, Elias de Westone and John Dorsete, "bochers," William Thomer, tanner, and Nicholas Snypstone, cordwainer.


Afterwards, viz., on the 19th June, 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], came the above Nicholas Snypstone before Adam Bamme, the Mayor, and Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, and paid the sum of £70 to the orphan Robert, who had arrived at the age of twenty-four.

Afterwards, viz., on the 13th March, 17 Richard II. [A.D. 1393- 1394], came John Clerk, vintner, late servant of the above Nicholas, and delivered to Stephen Speleman, the Chamberlain, the sum of £20 in part payment of the above sum (of £70), which sum of £20 was delivered on the 16th March to John Kestevene, mercer, to keep for the use of the said orphan until he arrive at the age of twenty-four. (fn. 32) Sureties, viz., Robert Chircheman, "stokfisshmongere," and Bartholomew Neve, "draper."

Election of Aldermen.

Folio cxl.

Douegate: John Norhamptone, the Mayor, elected Alderman of the said Ward by good men of the same Ward.
Bridge: Sir William Walworth.
Bredestret: Sir Nicholas Brembre.
Cornhulle: Sir John Philipot.
Tower: John Hadle.
Bradestret: William Wodehous.
Queenhithe: William Neuport.
Faindone: John Rote.
Colemanstret: John Organ.
Bassyngeshawe: John Estone.
Castle Baynard: John Brian.
Alegate: John Kirtone.
Langebourne: Adam "Seint Ive."
Lymstret: Hervey Begge.
Ciepilgate: Thomas Karletone.
Cordewanerstret: John More.
Chepe: Simon Wynchecombe.
Vintry: William More.
Byllyngesgate: Nicholas Extone.
Bysshopesgate: William Bys.
Candelwykstret: John Walcote.
Aldrichesgate: Adam Bamme.
Walbroke: John Sely.

Certeine ordinaunce et serement fait pur la pees garder.

4 March, 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381-2], ordinance made by the Mayor, Aldermen, and certain good Commoners for the preservation of the peace in the City, to the effect that all the good men of four or five of the best misteries should appear on the morrow and take an oath in manner prescribed, (fn. 33) and so on from day to day until all the good men of the City have taken the oath.

Folio cxl b.

Concessio unius ten' et gardin' Capelle Guyhaldefact'.

Indenture of lease by John Norhamptone, the Mayor, and the whole Commonalty, to the Warden and College of chaplains founded in the chapel of the Blessed Virgin near the Guildhall by Adam Fraunceys, Henry Frowyk, and other late citizens (ceteri nuper concives), (fn. 34) of a certain house built upon the common soil of the City and given to the said College of chaplains by the executors of Simon Fraunceys (and hitherto held by the College at the will of the City) for a term of one hundred years, at an annual rent of a red rose at Midsummer. Dated 11 March, 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381-2].


  • 1. In 1364, during the Mayoralty of Adam de Bury, this sum had been fixed for admission to the City franchise by redemption, but two years later it had been already ordained that a smaller sum, at the discretion of the Aldermen and Chamberlain, might be accepted as sufficient, notwithstanding the former ordinance. 'Cal. Letter-Book G,' pp. 180, 211-12. Cf. infra, fo. clxxvi.
  • 2. The amount of the poll-tax that had been already received had proved so disappointing that on the 16th March the King commissioned a staff of inspectors to scrutinize carefully the lists of inhabitants in various counties Powell, 'The Rising in Suffolk, 1381' (Transact. Royal Hist. Soc., N. S., vol. viii. p. 207); Trevelyan, 'England in the Age of Wycliff,' p. 205.
  • 3. This assembly appears to have been something more than an ordinary Common Council, which at this period was usually elected from the Misteries and not from the Wards. Cf. supra, p. 155n.
  • 4. Set out in 'Memorials,' pp. 447-8.
  • 5. 'Memorials,' pp. 448-9.
  • 6. Set out in 'Memorials,' pp. 449-451 The editor acknowledges a difficulty in reading a word in the record which he conjectures to be pracipitanter (p. 451n). The word in the MS is permittere, and the passage runs as follows: "And not one of them would have escaped, if our lord the King had not given orders to allow them to depart." It is to be noted that in this account of the action of the rebels between Thursday, the 13th June, 1381, and the following Saturday, the credit of having killed Wat Tyler is wholly given to Walworth, the Mayor, who, with John Philpot and Robert Launde, was knighted forthwith by the King at Smithfield.
  • 7. About this time we find recorded elsewhere a return made by the several Aldermen of the names of nearly two hundred persons in their Wards who were suspected of favouring the insurrection of the men of Kent and Essex, and who had withdrawn themselves from the City and suburbs.—' Pleas and Memoranda,' Roll A 24, membr. 9. A list is also recorded of sureties found for those who had been arrested and brought before the Commissioners. It is to be noted that John Horn and Walter Sibyle, Aldermen of Billingsgate and Bridge Wards respectively, who are generally supposed to have favoured the rebels, made returns of suspects in their Wards like the rest of the Aldermen, but are not otherwise named in either of these lists. Id., Roll A 24, membr. 13-14.
  • 8. 'Memorials,' pp. 451-2.
  • 9. Id., p. 452.
  • 10. Probably meaning Soham.
  • 11. The Parliament met on the 3rd Nov., and continued to sit, except for a prorogation at Christmas, until the 25th Feb., 1382 (Stubbs, 'Const. Hist.,' ii. 460). It passed an Act of pardon to all rebels, with certain notable exceptions, including one hundred and fifty-one Londoners ('Rot. Parl.,' iii. 103, 111-13).
  • 12. Draper. A strong opponent to Brembre and to the victualling party (especially the Fishmongers) in the City which Brembre championed.
  • 13. Glaziers.
  • 14. Inserted by a different hand.
  • 15. 'Memorials,' p. 453.
  • 16. A raised floor or bridge. The editor of the 'Memorials' (p. 453), however, describes it here as a room or floor raised on pillars underneath and extending beyond Syvendenlane (now Seething Lane).
  • 17. Cf. pontis vocati Ebrugge ultra Derewent, meaning the bridge over the Derwent, referred to in the will of William le Peyntour, proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting in 1354. 'Cal. of Wills,' i. 681. Again, we find a bridge over the Fleet ditch described as pons ultra fossatum de Flete. Letter-Book G, fo. xlviii b.
  • 18. 'Memorials,' p. 454.
  • 19. Id., pp. 455-7.
  • 20. "Joukerie" (Riley), i.e., jugglery or cheating. See Roquefort, 'Glossaire de la Langue Romaine,' s.v. Jongléor and Jonglerie.
  • 21. 'Memorials,' p. 457.
  • 22. Probably Sconie, in Fifeshire, a coast noted for its herring fisheries (Riley).
  • 23. Heligoland.
  • 24. 'Memorials,' p. 458.
  • 25. Lisbon.
  • 26. Seville.
  • 27. Lat. averia ponderis, i.e., bulky goods sold by weight and weighed at the King's or Great Beam.
  • 28. The Small Beam or Balance used for weighing silk, "spiceries," and other sotils choses, Lat. res subtiles. See 'Cal. Letter-Book D,' p. 212.
  • 29. 'Memorials,' p. 458.
  • 30. 'Memorials,' p. 458.
  • 31. The record cancelled, the resolution having been annulled in 1387. Infra, fo. ccxiv b.
  • 32. It appears that this sum of £20 was paid on account of John, the other orphan, although not expressly so stated.
  • 33. The oath is one of fealty to the King and for the preservation of the franchises and free customs of the City.
  • 34. Cf. 'Cal. Letter-Book G,' p. 67. 'Memorials,' pp. 289-90.