Folios c - cx: Nov 1378 -

Pages 111-127

Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: H, 1375-1399. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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Folio c-ci.

Writ to the Sheriffs to proclaim the statutes and ordinances made in the Parliament held at Gloucester on Wednesday after the Feast of St. Luke [18 Oct.] last past, and here set out. (fn. 1) Dated at Westminster, 28 Nov., 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378].

Folio ci b.

Bille misse provigiliis faciendis contra Natale.

16 Dec., 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378], precept sent to each Alderman to see that proper watch be kept in his Ward at Christmas; that the streets and lanes be cleansed, &c.

Me d de c marc' solut' com' Buk' per Nich'm Brembre.

Record of proceedings at a Common Council held in the Upper Chamber of the Guildhall on the 25th Nov., 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378], when the City members who had attended the Parliament recently held at Gloucester related what had taken place with reference to matters affecting the franchise of the City, and William Walworthe testified to their praiseworthy conduct in the said Parliament The said City members and William Walworthe further testified to the excellent defence made by Nicholas Brembre, the late Mayor, to the charge brought against him in the said Parliament of having permitted an assault to be made on Thomas of Wodestoke, Earl of Buk[enham], whereby he wholly exculpated himself, as all his friends thought, although to settle matters definitely he paid the Earl the sum of 100 marks. (fn. 2)

Thereupon the Council thanked the said Nicholas for the trouble and expense he had incurred, and promised to indemnify him. At the same time orders were given to the Common Clerk to place the matter on record. (fn. 3)

The above was recited and unanimously agreed to at another meeting of the Common Council held on the 15th Jan. following.

Proclamacion si ascun se voille pleyndre des viscountes ou autres ministres.

Order for proclamation to be made inviting all those who have any grievance against the Sheriffs, clerks, serjeants, constables, or other officials of Neugate, to lay the same before the Mayor and Aldermen, and justice should be done. [No date.]

Folio cii.

Inquis' capt' de manutentorib'.

Inquisition taken before John Philipot, the Mayor, John Boseham and Thomas Cornewaleys, the Sheriffs, on the 20th Nov., 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378], touching abettors and maintainers of plaints, conspiracies, champerties, (fn. 4) &c., on the oath of William Strokelady, William Assheford, Adam Farnham, John Stoke, mercer, David Berteville, Benedict Walkelyn, Henry Gillyngham, John Lawe, "cook," John Bradele, John Kirkeby, "foundour," William Asshebourne, and Peter Ellesnam :—

The jurors say that John Squier, Henry Boselee, and Stephen Maynard procured an inquisition at the Guildhall on behalf of John "Gobolt" against Alan [Shopwick], Rector of the church of St. Anne within Aldrichesgate, and that they are and have been common maintainers of plaints, &c., since the decease of King Edward III. up to the present time. They further say that Eustace Berdene, "taillour," procured an inquisition against John Grantham, chaplain, and that he is and has been a common maintainer, &c., for two years past. Also that Robert Kesteven, "taillour," procured an inquisition between William Shrouesburi, Canon of St. Paul's, and Alianora Ponterell in a plea of trespass and was a champertor (cambipercenarius) therein. They further say that William Nortone, John Haytfeld, "squier," John Montham, "joynour," Bernard Shethere, Stephen Josep, John Cloptone, "sherman," John Benerache, "cotiller," Henry Dymnel, Richard Herm', John Buntyng, Richard Rose, Thomas Appelby, and John Hydyngham are maintainers of plaints, and are accustomed to frequent the Courts of the Mayors and Sheriffs for the time being without cause, to the obstruction of the law.

A similar inquisition, taken the same day before the same Mayor and Sheriffs, on the oath of Gilbert Meldebourne, Richard Forster, John Mersshe, John Chapel, Nicholas Symcok, Robert Watlyngtone, Henry Shelford, John Sergeant, William Palmere, Henry Traynel, Richard Waldene, John Baldok, and John Kyrkeby, who say that William Nortone, "sadelere," was maintainer in a plaint by Nicholas Thame, "bocher," and Agnes his wife against John Thurkyld, "bocher," and is a common maintainer of plaints in the hall of the Guildhall as well as in the country. Also they say that John Tykhill, "bochier," otherwise called John "Skyft," Hugh Masoun, "bocher," and the above William Nortone have been maintainers of other plaints as well in the said hall as in the country; that John Wrytele, "coursour," was maintainer in a plaint of trespass between Thomas Wynter, "pulter," and William Gillowe de Hadham, and also between William Chyvele, "taillour," and John Brayles.

Folio cii b.

Also they say that Stephen Maynard, Henry Godchepe, Henry Cok, "drovere," Henry Bosele, and Thomas Bromptone, "corsour," were maintainers in a plaint of trespass between John "Goband" (Gobaud ?) and Alan Shopwyk, Rector of the church of St. Anne within Aldrichesgate, &c.; that Bernard Reyner, "shethere," was maintainer in many plaints between weavers of Flanders and weavers in the City, and is a common maintainer, &c.; that Simon Machyngge, John Squier, Stephen Maynard, Henry Godchepe, William Dybelyn, "sporier," Henry Cok, Henry Dymnel, John Cursum, and William Knotte were maintainers in a plaint between William Colyn and William Gambone, and are common maintainers, &c.; that John Muntham, "joynour," was a maintainer in a plaint of trespass between John Thurkyld, "bochier," and Johanna his wife and William Chiseldene; that Bernard Reyner, "shethere," was a maintainer in a plaint of fresh-force between William Leyke, "taillour," and Clement Lanender, fishmonger; that Geoffrey Rokel, "cappemakere," was maintainer in a plaint of account and debt between Thomas Hardynge, "fullere," and Edward Porter, "taillour," and also between Robert Baas, "fullere," and William Gysbourne; that Andrew Neutone, "taillour," was a maintainer in a plaint of trespass between John Wiltone and Thomas Same and William Estby, "bakere," and also between Johanna Burstalle and the aforesaid Thomas Same and William Estby.

Also they say that Richard Rose, "taillour," and John Buntyng, "goldsmythe," were maintainers in a plaint between John Somertone, taverner, and Matthew Mynot, chaplain; that Robert Lynne, and John Wilughbi, "taillour," and John Hedyngham, "hattere," were maintainers in a plaint of assize between William Leyk, "taillour," and Clement Lanender, fishmonger, and Johanna his wife; that John Haytfeld, "squier," living in Abbechirchelane, and Stephen Josep, "taillour," were maintainers of a plaint of debt between Roger Mordone and John Bowere of York, plaintiffs, and Peter Fraunceys, merchant of Florence, defendant, that Robert Baas, "fullere," was maintainer in a plaint of account between Robert Burlestone, "dyere," and Roger Bowe, "taillour," and also between John Raulyn and John Mauncel de Wandesworth; that Robert Lytle, "haberdasshere," and John Trentemars, "goldsmythe," were maintainers in a plaint between John [Wardroper], Parson of the church of St. Audoen, (fn. 5) and the Parson of the church of St Nicholas at the Shambles.

Also they say that John Benerache, "coteler," was maintainer of a plaint by the King's writ between Hugh Wynkele, "cotelere," and Robert Launde, goldsmith; that John Bloklee was maintainer in a plaint of trespass between the Parson of the church of St. Andrew Huberd and a certain clerk of the said church, and also between Cristina Webbere and John Game and others in a plea of land; that John Aldewyne, "sadelere," was maintainer in a plaint of trespass between John Bakere, late servant of Adam Fraunceys, and a certain brewer of Graschirchestrete; that John Ruggele, "skynnere," was maintainer of a plaint of trespass in the hall (Guildhall) between Thomas, servant of Henry Boselee, and a certain pauper making plaint as well in the hall aforesaid as in the country; that Robert Kestevene, "taillour," is a maintainer in the hall aforesaid in a plaint of debt and trespass between the Renter of the church of St. Paul and John Shrouesbury, clerk, that Thomas Wygge, taverner, was maintainer in a plaint between the Parson of the church of St. Andrew Huberd and a clerk, that Walter Tauntone, "sadelere," and John Grenefeld, "squier," were maintainers in a plaint of contract between John Stepiltone, "squier," and John Myte, "pulter."

Also they say that Nicholas, the Renter of the Hospital of St Bartholomew, was maintainer in a plaint of assize of novel disseisin between John Smythe, "curreyour," and Margaret Wymondham, tenants, and Roger Essex, cordwainer, the claimant; that Richard Walshale, "brigurdelere," was maintainer of a plaint of trespass between Walter Payn, "brigurdelere," and John Norhamptone, "strengere"; (fn. 6) that Thomas Appelby, "draper," was maintainer in a plaint between Thomas atte Milne and Reginald Walpolle; that John Prichet, tanner, was maintainer of a plaint, in the hall aforesaid and in the country, between Cristina Flexwyf and Alice her servant, and is a common maintainer of plaints in the country.

Also they say that John Keresle, "drovere," John Romeseye, "skynnere," Gilbert Waldene, "taillour," Richard Hervy, "milkman," John Shipman, "corsour," are common maintainers in many plaints both in the hall and country; that Simon Macchyngge, John Squier, and Henry Bosele were maintainers in a plaint of assize of novel disseisin between Robert Malteby and Roger Bladsmyth, as plaintiffs, and William Debelyn, "sporier," and A...... his wife; that Richard Lytle, "haberdasshere," was maintainer of a plaint between Master John Katryngtone, plaintiff, and John Disshford and John de York, "cobeleres," defendants, and that John Dyne, late a Sheriff's Serjeant, was maintainer in a plaint of trespass between William Shrouesburi, clerk, and Elianora, late concubine of the said William, both in the hall and country.

All the above plaints were maintained by the above persons after the last general pardon granted by King Edward III.

[Folios ciii-ciii b blank].

Folio civ.

Be it remembered that on the 3rd Dec., 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378], it was resolved by John Phelippot, the Mayor, and twenty-six[five ?] others, viz., thirteen Aldermen [not named] and thirteen Commoners elected by the Common Council, and other good men specially summoned by the Mayor on the 24th Nov., the same year:— (fn. 7)

First, that for the repair of the City's walls, ditches, and gates, 12 pence in the pound should be levied within the next year, provided that other charges which follow be carried into effect, and not otherwise.

Also that for the repair of the Conduit and other necessary business of the City, the Mayor and twelve others selected by the Common Council should summon good men of each Ward to appear before them in the Chamber of the Guildhall and endeavour to persuade them to make a free gift according to their wealth and zeal for the City's welfare, and to cause an assessment to be made of the wealth of such as should maliciously refuse.

Also it was agreed that an inquiry should be made as to some better method of raising money to defray the City's expenses than a tax on victuals sold in the City. If this could not be carried into effect the previous ordinances were to be void.

L'ra missa summo pontifici pro Ep'o London'.

Letter under the Common Seal of the City to Pope Urban deprecating the raising of William [Courtenay], Bishop of London, to the dignity of Cardinal, (fn. 8) and thereby depriving the citizens of his personal influence. Dated 4 Dec., A. D. 1378.

Folio civ b.

A note of two other letters to the same effect having been sent under date 25 April and 16 May, A. D. 1379.

Folio cv.

Judicium Pilor' pro uno cultello cisso.

Monday before the Feast of Purification B M. [2 Feb.], 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378-9], John Fromond brought before John Phelipot, the Mayor, William Cheyne, the Recorder, Adam Stable, Robert Launde, Andrew Pykeman, John Organ, Richard de Prestone, John Estone, John Rote, Geoffrey Newentone, and John Vyne, Aldermen, Thomas Cornwaleys and John Boseham, the Sheriffs, at the suit of Robert Sprig, on a charge of having stolen a knife called "bazelard" and another smaller knife. The said John acknowledged the offence, and was ordered to abjure the City, &c. (fn. 9)

Custodia filiar' Joh'is de Flete.

26 Jan., 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378-9], the guardianship of Agnes, Margaret, and Isabella, daughters of John de Flete, late "goldbetere," together with their property, viz., the sum of 40 marks, being the proceeds of the sale of a tenement near the hithe (ripam) called "le Flete" in the parish of St. Bride— (fn. 10) which had been delivered to John Ussher, the Chamberlain— was committed by John Phelipot, the Mayor, and the aforesaid Chamberlain, to Henry Abbot, goldsmith, who had married Johanna, widow of the said John de Flete Sureties, viz., William Louthe and John Hoke, goldsmiths.

Afterwards, viz., on the 9th Dec., 15 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], Stephen Grace, who married the above Isabella, acknowledged satisfaction for 20 marks due to his wife.

Folio cv b.

Br'e pro parliamento.

Writ to the Sheriffs for the election of four citizens to attend a Parliament to be held at Westminster in the quinzaine of Easter [10 April] next. (fn. 11) Witness the King at Westminster, 16 Feb., 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378-9].

Pursuant to the above writ there were elected by the Aldermen, Adam Karlille and Walter Sibyle, Aldermen, and by the Commonalty, John Haddele and William More, "vynter," Commoners. (fn. 12)

Commissio pro deliber acione de Neugate.

Letters patent appointing Friar Robert Hales, Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, Robert Bealknape, Robert Rous, John Philipot, the Mayor, William Haldene, and William Cheyne, or any four, three, or two of them (the Mayor being one), to be Justices for gaol-delivery of Neugate. Witness the King at Westminster, 28 March, 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1379].

Election of Aldermen.

Folio cvi.

Tower: John Southam.

Billinggesgate: John Horne.

Bridge: Walter Sibyle.

Algate: John Warde.

Lymstret: William Baret.

Langebourne: Robert Hatfeld.

Candelwykstret: John Hende.

Bisshop': William Eynesham.

Cornhulle: Thomas Irlond.

Walbroke: "Hervy" Begge.

Douuegate: Edmund Olyver.

Vintry: Thomas Cornwaleys.

Cordewanerstret: John Heylesdone.

Chepe: John Boseham.

Bredstret: John Sely.

Bradestret: Adam Karlylle.

Colmanstret: John Shelford.

Bassieshawe: William Kyng.

Crepulgate: John Maryns.

Aldrichesgate: Roger Elys.

Farndone: Robert Boxford.

Queenhithe: Thomas Welford.

Castle Baynard: John Redyng.

All the above were sworn into office on the Feast of St. Gregory [12 March], 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378-9].

Mdde xx marc' pertinentib' Kat'ine et Alicie filiab' Agn' fil' Rob'ti Payn lib' at' Joh'i Ussher Cam'ar' per execut' dicti Rob'ti Payn.

2 April, 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1379], Sir John Lyndesey, Prior of the Hospital of St. Mary without Bisshopesgate, and William Eynesham, executors of the will of Robert Payn, delivered to John Ussher, the Chamberlain of the Guildhall, certain sums of money in trust for Katherine and Alice, daughters of Agnes, who was daughter of the aforesaid Robert. (fn. 13)

Custodia pue ror' Joh is Bunne sadeler.

26 April, 3 Richard II. [A.D. 1380], the guardianship of the above Katherine and Alice committed by John Hadlee, the Mayor, and John Ussher, the Chamberlain, to John Bunne, "sadeler," their father. Sureties, viz., John Seman, tanner, and Thomas Hauteyn.

[Folio cvi b blank].

Folio cvii.

Maior et Aldr'i miss' erant etc.

Be it remembered that on the 12th February, 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378-9], John Phelippot, the Mayor, and the rest of the Aldermen were sent for by the Great Council at Westminster, and when they arrived, the reason for their having been thus summoned was explained to them in the following words:—


"It is not unknown to us that our lord the King, having been made aware that his enemies on all sides are preparing to do all the hurt they can to him and his whole realm of England according to their knowledge and power, lately summoned the prelates, nobles, and whole Commons of his said realm, to his Parliament at Gloucester. In which Parliament, after discussing the difficulties and dangers that threatened the very kingdom, they agreed, for the purpose of meeting so great a necessity, that for the year ensuing 1 mark for every sack of wool paying custom after Easter next should be paid the King in addition to the subsidy previously granted. It was further granted then and there that for the year next ensuing there should be paid 6 pence on every pound of merchandise imported and exported for safeguarding the sea, besides the customs and subsidies previously owing or granted. (fn. 14) But inasmuch as it is now manifest that the money required cannot be raised by these means so expeditiously as the times require, especially as it has been certified to the lord the King and his Council that his enemies, both French and Spanish, are using all possible haste to be at sea with a powerful fleet before the month of May next ensuing, and if they anticipate our fleet, as they propose, we should suffer too heavily (nimis graviter ferreremus): Wherefore our lord the King has now summoned hither all prelates, nobles, and lords of his realm to consult with him as to what should be done at this crisis, and they have unanimously agreed that it is the duty of our lord the King to borrow sufficient money from all prelates, nobles, lords, cities, boroughs, and powerful men of his kingdom, and repay the same to his creditors in such a way as may be ordained by the Parliament which our lord the King has thought fit to specially summon for the purpose in the quinzaine of Easter next. (fn. 15) And in order to inspire others with a greater willingness to render assistance in so urgent a necessity, the lord Duke of Lancaster first of all, and after him all the prelates, nobles, and lords summoned to this Council by the lord the King, and, further, all of the King's officers and ministers, each according to his estate and amount of possessions, gratefully agreed to assist the lord the King with money in manner aforesaid. We have now, therefore, sent for you to learn your benevolence and how much each of you is able to aid the lord the King at this crisis, as is already set forth."

Thereupon the Mayor and Aldermen asked permission to consult among themselves awhile, and they were allowed They therefore drew themselves aside, and when they had unanimously agreed to the answer they should give on the matter, they returned and made the following reply to the Council by the mouth of the Mayor:—


"Most reverend lords, touching the many dangers that have been contrived by our enemies against the whole realm of England, and likely to shortly happen unless Divine grace and your most prudent Council provide speedily a fitting remedy, we have been sufficiently well informed. It also appears to us that the easiest way of getting the money necessary to meet the want would be the one you have described to us as having been ordained. But as to your question how much each of us is able to place at the King's disposal, may it not displease your lordships if we refer you to the method we and our predecessors have hitherto followed in making loans to the lord the King; for we have been accustomed to summon to our Guildhall the Common Council of the City and all the more powerful of our fellow-citizens, and to lay before them the necessity of a loan, and after obtaining a reasonable response, to return to the Council of our lord the King and relate the result. This if you will allow us to do, we will come again to you on Tuesday next."

Folio cvii b.

Judicium pillor' promendac' factis.

4 April, 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1379], William Pykemyle brought to the Guildhall before John Phelippot, the Mayor, Adam Karlille, John Horn, William Baret, Robert Hatfeld, Hervey Begge, John Hende, Walter Sibyle, John Shelford, Thomas Welford, and John Sely, Aldermen, and John Boseham and Thomas Cornwaleys, the Sheriffs, on a charge of obtaining money under false pretences and of lying to the Countess of Norfolk and the Countess of Bedeford. Condemned to stand on the pillory with a whetstone round his neck as a token of his being a liar (in signum mentitoris). (fn. 16)

Proclamacio de piscibus.

A proclamation to the effect that hucksters of fish must sell it as they pass along the street, and that fresh fish must be sold by those who caught the same, and at prices as set out, and not by retailers. [No date].

Concessio facta communi venatori London'.

The Feast of St. Gregory [12 March], 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378-9], John Charney appointed Common Hunt (communis venator) of the City, by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commoners, to do all things touching hunting and fishing that appertain to that office, (fn. 19) and to receive yearly a livery like a Serjeant of the Chamber.

Pena braciator'.

The same day an ordinance touching fines to be paid by defaulting brewers was varied.

Ordinacio quod executoresre spondeant sine specialitate.

The same day it was certified by the whole Common Council that beyond the memory of man there had always existed in the City a custom to the effect that executors ought to answer for the debts of their testators in the courts of the lord the King both before the Mayor and before the Sheriffs, as well without as with specialty; (fn. 20) but because the said custom seemed too hard, it was finally agreed the same day that the remedy lately ordained by the Common Council (fn. 21) should remain in force, and henceforth put in execution by the aforesaid justices of the City and their successors. (fn. 22)

Folio cviii.

L'ra d'ni Regis patens pro se curitate quina' milium librar' d'no Regi per civitatem mutuatar'.

Letters patent touching the repayment of the City's loan of £5,000 to the King, to the effect that (1) a rebate shall be allowed to the extent of such sum as the City may grant the King at the next Parliament; (2) the King's Collectors of the subsidy in the Port of London shall pay to the City all subsidy on wool, woolfells, and leather passing out of the said Port after the Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist [24 June], and shall deliver to the civic authorities one part of the cocket (lun foile de coket); (fn. 23) and (3) that the plate and jewels pledged with the City by way of further security for the repayment of the loan shall remain in the hands of the civic authorities, for them to dispose of as they please, in case the loan be not repaid by the Feast of All Saints [1 Nov.] next ensuing. Dated at Westminster, 16 March, 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378-9].

Folios cviii b.

Indentui a int' co'itatem et Joh'em Bacoun clericum.

Indenture setting forth particulars of the plate, jewels, &c., pledged with the City by John Bacoun on the King's behalf. Dated at Westminster, 16 March, 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378-9]. (fn. 24)

Folio cix.

Br'e Regis direct' collectorib' custum' in portu London'.

Writ to the Collectors of subsidy in the Port of London to deliver to the Mayor and Commonalty the subsidy on wool, woolfells, and leather exported after the Feast of Nativity of St. John the Baptist [24 June] next ensuing, together with the counterfoil (alterum folium) of the King's seal of cocket, until the loan of £5,000 made by the City to the King be repaid. Witness the King at Westminster, 18 March, 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378-9].

Acquietanc' de ij m et v c l' enpartie de payement de v mill' livres.

Acquittance by John Haddele, the Mayor, and the Commonalty of the City for the sum of £2,500 received from John Philipot and Nicholas Brembre, the "Customers" of the Port of London, in part payment of the above loan. Dated 2 Dec., 3 Richard II. [A.D. 1379].

A similar acquittance for the sum of £2,500 in full payment of the above loan. Dated 4 Feb., 3 Richard II. [A.D. 1379-80].

Folio cix b.

Ordinacio solucionis magne summe Regi dale.

Be it known that on the Feast of All Saints [1 Nov.], 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378] a great noise (rumour) was raised in the Parliament at Gloucester against the City by royal persons and others, charging the City with many crimes against the great lords of the realm, and causing them to withdraw themselves from the City, to the great damage of the City, and especially to victuallers and hostelers. Whereupon divers assemblies were held before John Philippot, the Mayor, and the Aldermen for the time being, as well as those who had been Aldermen formerly, to consult how best to arrange matters and recover the favour of the said lords. And forasmuch as there was nothing in the Chamber wherewith to defray the expense of bringing about such an agreement, it was decided that the good folk underwritten should each lend the Chamber a reasonable sum for the purpose. Thereupon, on the 24th Jan., 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378-9], the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty borrowed from certain good folk of the City the sums underwritten, promising that the same should be repaid out of the profits of the Chamber and other "deodandes" (fn. 25) that might accrue within the next two years The money was expended, as appears in the account of John Ussher, then Chamberlain of the Guildhall, rendered on the Feast of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 3 Richard II. [A.D. 1379] (fn. 26) By which expenditure, and by the diligence and work of certain good folk of the City, a good accord was effected between the lords of the realm and the City, thanks be to God.

The names of the good folk and the sums they lent, viz.:—

John Philippot, the Mayor, £10; John Warde, £5; Nicholas Brembre, £5; William Walworth, £5; John Pyel, £5; Adam Stable, £5; John Redyng, £5; Nicholas Twyford, £4; Robert Launde, £4; John Kyrketone, £4; John Estone, £4; John Clyvelee, £4; Thomas Reynham, £4; John Hoo, £4; John Vyne, £4; John Rote, £4; William Knyghtcote, £4; William Badby, £4; Robert Warbultone, £4; John Boseham, £4;, Richard Prestone, £4; William Neuport, £4; Adam St. "Ives," £4; John Heylesdone, £4; Geoffrey Neutone, £4; John Hadele, £4; John Aubrey, £4; Thomas atte Noket, £4; Elyas de Thorpe, £4; William Betle, £4; William Tonge, £4; Robert Hatfeld, £4; William Baret, £4; Adam Karlille, £4; John Southam, £4; John Orgon, £4; Walter Sibyle, £4; Thomas Cornwaleys, £4; Roger Elys, £4; John Norhamptone, £4; William Wodehous, £4; Ralph Double, 5 marks; Simon Wynchecoumbe, 5 marks; John Fyfhyde, 5 marks; John Donat, 5 marks; John Bures, 5 marks; Robert Gurdeler, 5 marks; Geoffrey Grigge, 5 marks;.

Folio cx.

John Loveye, 5 marks; John Lyghtfot, 5 marks; William Culham, 5 marks; Henry Yevele, 5 marks; William Hawe, 5 marks; John Sely, 5 marks; Robert Harengey, 5 marks; Robert Parys, 5 marks; Edmund Olyver, 5 marks; William Kyng, "draper," 5 marks; John Blakeneye, 5 marks; William Eynesham, 5 marks; Hugh Curteys, 5 marks; William Turneye, 5 marks; Thomas Evesham, 5 marks; Richard Morell, 5 marks; Henry Petypas, 5 marks; Hugh Fastolf, 5 marks; Nicholas Snypstone, 5 marks; William Permay, 5 marks; Hugh Boys, 5 marks; Richard atte Dyche, 5 marks; Hugh Sprot, 5 marks; Richard Aylesbury, 5 marks; John Wyltshire, 5 marks; William Koc, 5 marks; John Brounesbury, 5 marks; John Coggeshale, 5 marks; William Bys, 5 marks; John Rous, 5 marks; John Hende, 5 marks; Walter Doget, 5 marks; John Chircheman, 5 marks; Thomas Mordone, "chandeler," 5 marks; William atte Lee, 5 marks; Geoffrey Cremylford, 5 marks; Laurence Wyght, 5 marks; Richard Grace, 5 marks; Robert Ivyngho, 5 marks; John Maymond, 5 marks; William Stokesby, 5 marks; John Shadworth, 5 marks; John Waldegrave, 5 marks; William More, "vynter," 5 marks; Adam Bamme, goldsmith, 5 marks; William Whetele, cordwainer, 5 marks; John Bathe, 5 marks; William Shelyngham, 5 marks; John Gille, 5 marks; John Langhorne, received by the same, 5 marks; William Willesdone, "chandeler," by the same, 5 marks; John Shelford, "draper," by the same, 5 marks; John Olneye, the younger, by the same, 5 marks; John Mortone, by the same, 5 marks; John Lytelcote, by the same, 5 marks; Adam atte Watre, by the same, 5 marks; John Bryan, by the same, 5 marks; John Sussex, by the same, 5 marks; Henry Markeby, by the same, 5 marks; William Venour, by the same, 5 marks; John Fraunceys, by the same, 5 marks; Matthew Passelewe, by the same, 5 marks; Thomas Pope, by the same, 5 marks; Richard Glemesford, 5 marks; John Horn, 5 marks; Reginald Coleman, 5 marks; Robert Webbe, mercer, 5 marks; Philip Doune, 5 marks; William Kelshylle, 5 marks William Fitz Hugh, 5 marks; William Radwell and Richard his brother, 5 marks; Gilbert Manfeld, 5 marks; William Bramptone, 5 marks; John Burwell, 5 marks; William Ivory, 5 marks; John Grantham, 5 marks; John Walcote, 5 marks; John Pope, 5 marks; Thomas Brech (?), 5 marks; Roger Canoun, 5 marks; John Pigeon, 5 marks; Robert Somersete, 5 marks; Richard Odyham, 5 marks; William Staundone, 5 marks; Thomas Irlond, 5 marks; Geoffrey Walderne, 5 marks; "Beneit" Cornewaille, 5 marks; William Waddesworth, 5 marks; John Scorfeyn, 5 marks; Gilbert Prince, 5 marks; John Fresshe, 5 marks; Nicholas Pays, 5 marks; "Reynaud" Aleyn, by "Warbultone," 5 marks; Robert de Lynne, 5 marks; William Gerveys de Milkstret, 5 marks; John Welbourne, goldsmith, 5 marks; John Palyng, goldsmith, 5 marks; Walter Pykenham, received by "Warbiltone," 5 marks; John Pynchoun, received by "Warbiltone," 5 marks; John Kook atte Harpe, by "Warbiltone," 5 marks; Robert Havelok, by "Warbiltone," 5 marks; John Bisshope, with a furred hood, (fn. 27) by the same, 5 marks; John Hothom, 5 marks; William Lyncoln, 5 marks; John Bagenelle, 5 marks; Thomas Rolf, 5 marks; Richard Whytyngdone, (fn. 28) 5 marks; John Frankeleyn, 5 marks; Richard Chiryngtone, 5 marks; Richard Manhale, 5 marks; Richard Gerland, "peautrer," 5 marks; Nicholas Rote, 5 marks; Andrew Smythe, "pyebakere," 5 marks; Richard Norbury, 5 marks; Robert Lucas, 5 marks; Robert Boxford, 5 marks; John Furneux, 5 marks; Thomas Pauntone, 5 marks.

Folio cx b.

Custodia Petri Whappelode or pham.

25 May, 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1379], in the presence of John Philipot, the Mayor, the guardianship of Peter, an orphan, aged five years, whose father was Peter Whappelode, "draper," committed to John Homercolt and Juliana his wife, mother of the said orphan, together with the sum of £10 delivered to them by John Ussher, the Chamberlain, by order of the Mayor and Aldermen.

The same day came John Homercolt, Robert Hebbe, "tapicer," and William Wodhull, "malemakere," and entered into a bond for the payment of the above sum to Peter Whappelode, the orphan, by the Feast of St. Michael [29 Sept.] next ensuing, in the event of the above John and Juliana failing to instruct and maintain the said orphan for a period of seven years, and afterwards to put him out as an apprentice, &c.


  • 1. Printed in 'Statutes at Large' (ed. 1758), i. 352-7.
  • 2. Vide supra, p. 104.
  • 3. 'Memorials,' pp. 427-8.
  • 4. Vide supra, p. 93, note 3.
  • 5. This church was otherwise known as St. "Ewine," "Iweyne," &c. It was situate near St. Nicholas Shambles.
  • 6. Stringer, i. e., roper or corder.
  • 7. The names are set out supra, p. 108. It will be seen that the thirteen Aldermen included the Mayor.
  • 8. This letter serves to dissipate any doubt as to the Cardinalate having been actually offered to Courtenay. Walsingham, who was a contem porary, distinctly declares that the Bishop of London was one of the twenty nine new cardinals created, or proposed to be created, by Pope Urban in the course of this year. 'Hist. Angl.,' i. 382.
  • 9. 'Memorials,' p. 430.
  • 10. The sale having taken place according to the terms of the will of John Flete, dated 13 Feb., 1377[8], and proved and enrolled in the Hus ting in July, 1378. 'Cal. of Wills,' ii. 202.
  • 11. Sat from 25 April to 27 May, 1379. The clause against Sheriffs being returned does not appear in this writ.
  • 12. That in City elections to Parlia ment the Aldermen so elected were elected by the Aldermen, and the Commoners by the Commonalty of the City, appears to be recorded for the first time in the election to the Parliament of October, 1378. Vide supra, p. 98 Cf. 'London and the Kingdom,' iii. 469.
  • 13. See the will of Robert Payn, "fuster," dated the 13th March, A. D. 1378[-9], and proved and enrolled on the 21st March following. 'Cal. of Wills,' ii. 204.
  • 14. 'Rot. Parl.,' iii. 38. Cf 'Chron. Angl.' (Rolls Series, No. 64), p. 211.
  • 15. Vide supra, 117.
  • 16. 'Memorials,' pp. 430-2. As to a whetstone being used as an emblem of a liar, see 'Cal. Letter-Book G,' p. 177 n.
  • 17. Cf. 'Letter-Book G,' p. 123 n.
  • 18. Referring to, probably, fresh-water fish Cf. infra, fo cxx.
  • 19. 'Memorials,' p. 428. This ap pears to be the first appointment of its kind recorded in the City's records The office was abolished by resolu tion of the Common Council in 1807 (Journal 84, fo. 135 b), although the "young men" of "Mr. Common Hunt" appear as members of the Lord Mayor's household as late as 1813 in the minutes of the Court of Aldermen (Repertory 217, fo. 515).
  • 20. That is to say, whether the aebt be secured by deed or not.
  • 21. No such ordinance appears to be recorded.
  • 22. Set out by Miss Bateson in 'Borough Customs' (Selden Soc.), i. 210-11.
  • 23. Lat. unum folium (or una pars) sigilli de coketto. One part of the seal known as "cocket" was to be held by the City, and the counterpart (or counterfoil) was to remain with the King's Customers, so that no wool, &c., could leave the Port of London without the consent of the civic authorities. Bread sealed with the baker's seal, after inspection by the Aldermen, was known as "cocketbread."
  • 24. Printed in 'Memorials,' pp. 429-30.
  • 25. See 'Cal. Letter-Book B,' Introd., pp xv, xvi In 1837 the City appears to have ceased to claim deodands, all such being estreated into the Ex chequer by virtue of Stat. 3 & 4 Will. IV. cap. 99. See Repertory 241, fos. 146, 174-5.
  • 26. Not recorded.
  • 27. It is not clear whether this is meant as a distinguishing mark of the individual or a gift in kind in addition to the money contribution.
  • 28. Probably the famous Mayor and City benefactor, mentioned here for the first time.