Pages 228-238
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: G, 1352-1374. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.
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Folio ccxi - ccxx.
Custod Roes' fil' "Currady" Ospringe.
8 July, 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], the guardianship of Roesia, daughter of Currad Ospreng, aged sixteen years, committed by James Andreu, Mayor, and John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, to Henry Baker, "brouderer," together with her property, including a gold ring of the value of 40d., a silver-gilt fermail of the value of 8d., and four pearls, each worth 2s. Sureties, viz., John de Blockeley, Thomas Barnet, and Robert Honyford.
Custodia Joh'ne fil' Walt'i de Harwedone.
13 July, 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], the guardianship of Johanna, daughter of Walter de Harwedone, aged eight years, committed by the same to William de Harwedone, her uncle. Sureties, viz., Henry Godchepe, "brewer," Edward Sende, "smythe," and Thomas Wylby.
Folio ccxi b.
Custod' tir' Joh'is Castyloun Orpham.
Pleas held in the Chamber of the Guildhall before James Andreu, Mayor, and the Aldermen, on Wednesday before the Feast of St. Valentine [14 Feb.], 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1367-8], when John, son of John Castyloun, an orphan, came and prayed that John Maykyn, "shypman," might be summoned to show cause why certain tenements and a wharf in the parish of St. Dunstan in Tower Ward should not be delivered to John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, in trust for him. His petition granted, and John Maykyn summoned by William de Greyngham, Serjeant of the Chamber. On a day named he duly appeared, as also the petitioner by his guardians, John de Wentbrigge and Edmund "fitz John," when it was agreed that the said John Maykyn should continue to hold the property at a rent of 50s., payable to Henry Dympnel and John Broun de Horwode, "serjaunt," in trust for the orphan.
Folio ccxii.
Custod' pueror' Will'i de Tyngewyk aur'.
19 June, 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], the guardianship of Alice, daughter of William de Tyngewyk, goldsmith, Nicholas and Robert, sons of the same, committed by James Andreu, Mayor, and John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, to the custody of their father during their minority. Sureties, viz., John Mapelesdene, Bartholomew Castre, Robert Lucas, and Henry de Markeby, goldsmith.
Custod' pueror' Henr' de Markeby aur'.
The same day the guardianship of John, son of Henry de Markeby, goldsmith, Johanna and Margery, daughters of the same, committed by the said Mayor and Chamberlain to their father. Sureties as above.
Eleccio Walt'i de Berney Aldr'.
The same day Walter de Berneye was elected, admitted, and sworn Alderman of the Ward of Castle Baynard.
Folio ccxii b.
Custod Cristine fil Will'i atte Hale wyrdrawere.
10 July, 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], the guardianship of Cristina, daughter of William atte Hale, "wyrdrawere," committed by James Andreu, Mayor, and John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, to Robert Kyng, "gurdeler," and Matilda his wife. Sureties, viz., Adam Wymondham, mercer, and Adam Sprot, "batour de latoun." (fn. 1)
Custodia Alicie fil' Nich'i de Pecham.
16 July, 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], the guardianship of Alice, daughter of Nicholas de Pecham, committed by the same to Adam Ode, her uncle. Sureties, viz., Andrew Turk, Robert Beauchampe, and Richard Baker, "brewer."
Afterwards, viz., on the 6th August, 49 Edward III. [A.D. 1375], came the above Robert Beauchampe, and delivered the money of the above orphan to William Eynesham, the Chamberlain, for safe keeping, until the Court should decide to whom it should be given; and afterwards, viz., on the 8th August, the same year, the said Chamberlain gave the money to John Halfmark, executor of the aforesaid Alice.
Folio ccxiii.
Custodia Johanne fil' Thom' de Welford.
Pleas held in the Chamber of the Guildhall before James Andreu, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and Chamberlain, on Wednesday after the Feast of Purification [2 Feb.], 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1367-8], when John de Wentbrigge, the Common Serjeant, who prosecutes for orphans in the City, came and asked that Michael Ede de Cornewaille, draper, the guardian of Johanna, daughter of Thomas de Welford, senior, draper, might be summoned to show cause why he should not surrender his guardianship together with the orphan's property. The property—comprising (inter alia) a great mazer, six silver spoons, a silver cup enamelled, a long chest, a circlet of stone with scallops (unum certum [sic] de perr' cum scallopes), (fn. 2) and a gold fermail—was bequeathed by the said Thomas to John his son and Elizabeth and the aforesaid Johanna his daughters, of whom John and Elizabeth had died, and their property had accrued to the said Johanna.
Afterwards, viz., on the 3rd July, 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], came the aforesaid Michael before James Andreu, the Mayor, and William Haldene, the Recorder, in the Chamber of the Guildhall, and delivered the above Johanna and certain goods and chattels to John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, in trust for her, and if she should die under age, in trust to deliver the chattels to Johanna, relict of the said Thomas.
Folio ccxiii b.
Afterwards, viz., on the 26th July, 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], the guardianship of the said Johanna was committed by the Mayor and Chamberlain to Richard de Kyllyngworth, draper, together with her property. Sureties, viz., Robert de Eyngham, mercer, and Robert de Warrewyk, draper.
Afterwards, viz., on the 30th Sept., 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], the said Johanna having died, the said Richard was warned to come and render an account of her property, which he did, and the above sureties were discharged.
Folio ccxiv.
Writ to the Sheriffs to make proclamation for the due observance of the Statute made at Westminster anno 25 Edward III. [A.D. 1351] permitting all merchants, denizen and foreign, to sell cloth, skins, avoirs de pois (averia ponderis), &c., by retail as well as in gross, without hindrance in the City of London or other cities, boroughs, &c. Witness the King at Guldeford, 30 July, 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368].
The writ remains in the possession of William Dykeman, one of the Sheriffs, and no proclamation was made thereon. (fn. 3)
Custodia pueror' Barth'i Castiloun.
18 Sept., 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1369], the guardianship of John, son of Bartholomew Chastiloun, and of Alice, daughter of the same, (fn. 4) committed to Thomas de Same by James Andreu, the Mayor, and John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, together with the mansion house of the said Bartholomew near the churchyard of St. Nicholas near Lombardstret.
Folio ccxiv b.
Acquietancia Simonis atte Nax cotelar' et Johanne ux'is ejus per Rob'tum Lincoln, bowyere et Johannam ux'em suan.
sol' ijs. vjd.
Acquittance by Robert Lincoln, "bowyere," and Johanna his wife, daughter of William Knyvet, cutler, to Simon atte Nax, cutler, and Johanna his wife, widow and executrix of the said William Knyvet, for the sum of £20 and divers household goods bequeathed to the said Johanna by her former husband. Dated Friday after the Feast of St. Laurence [10 Aug.], 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368].
Proteccio Petri de Bardis et socior' suor' mercator' de Bardis.
Sol' ijs. vjd.
Letters patent notifying that the King had taken under his protection Peter de Bardi and his fellow-merchants of the Society of the Bardi, (fn. 5) who owed the King a large sum, which the King claimed to have paid before debts due to other creditors, the said protection to hold good for the space of one year. Witness the King at Guldeford, 28 July, 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368].
Folio ccxv.
Writ to James Andreu, the Mayor, authorizing him to administer the oath of office to Adam Fraunceys, appointed one of the collectors of custom and subsidy on wool, leather, and woolfells in the Port of London. Witness the King at Wyndesore, 8 Aug., 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368].
14 Aug., the oath, as set out, administered pursuant to the above writ.
Acquiet' Will'i de Kyrketone et Joh'is fr' ejus.
A general release by Roger Bokyngham and Adam Warmer, pepperers, to William de Kyrketone and John his brother. Dated 12 Aug., 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368].
Return to writ supra to the effect that the Mayor had received the oath of Adam Fraunceys as collector of custom on the 14th August, and that the bearer of the writ had delivered to the said Adam the King's letters patent of appointment.
Eleccio Henr' Padingtone in co'em clericum.
Thursday the eve of the Nativity B. M. [8 Sept.], 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], Henry de Padyngtone, clerk, elected Common Clerk of the City by James Andreu, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and Commonalty, and sworn, &c.
Folio ccxv b.
Eleccio Ade Wymundham et Rob'ti Guideler vic'.
Thursday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], in a congregation of the Mayor and Aldermen at the Guildhall, there being present James Andreu, the Mayor, William Haldene, the Recorder, Adam Fraunceys, Simon de Mordone, William Welde, John de Mitford, Bartholomew Frestlynge, John Stodeye, John Lytle, John Tornegold, Aldermen, and very many Commoners, Adam Wymundham and Robert Gurdeler were elected Sheriffs for the year ensuing, viz., the said Adam at the nomination of the Mayor, and the said Robert at the nomination of the Commoners.
Afterwards, viz., on Thursday the eve of St. Michael [29 Sept.], the said Adam and Robert came before the aforesaid Mayor and Aldermen and very many Commoners and were admitted and sworn.
Br'ed'ni Regis ad presentand predictos vic' apud Westm' in' Oct.' Sancti Mich'is.
Thereupon the King sent his writ to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, bidding them present the new Sheriffs before the Exchequer on the Octave of St. Michael instead of on the morrow of St. Michael, when they ought to be presented according to the City's charters. Witness the King at Westminster, 27 Sept., 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368].
Pursuant to which writ the above Sheriffs were ordered to present themselves before the Barons of the Exchequer on the Octave of St. Michael in the same manner as they ought to be presented on the morrow of St. Michael.
Folio ccxvi.
Lra attorn' fact' Will'o Harbomers per Joh'n Grisle.
Letters of the Mayor and Echevins of Amiens, under the seal for causes (seal as causes) of the City of Amiens, notifying that John Grisle, an inhabitant of Amiens, had given a general power of attorney to William de Harboniers, called "the Hunchback" (le boisteux). Dated 17 Nov., A.D. 1367.
Received by John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, for writings and enrolments in this book for one year from Michaelmas, 41 Edward III. [A.D. 1367]—25s.
Folio ccxvi b.
Exoneracio Henr' de Boseworth exec' test'i Nich'i Punge de £xx etc.
Tuesday after the Feast of St. Dionisius [9 Oct.], 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], came Henry de Boseworth, one of the executors of Nicholas Punge, late vintner, before James Andreu, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, in the Chamber, and paid the sum of £20 which had been left by will of the said Nicholas, proved, &c., in the Husting for Pleas of Land held on [Monday] after the Feast of St. Hillary [13 Jan.], 36 Edward III. [A.D. 1362-3], for the purpose of repairing the road (calcetum) without Bisshopesgate, between that gate and the Hospital of St. Mary, as the Mayor and Aldermen shall think fit. (fn. 6)
Eleccio Maioris.
Friday the Feast of the Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], Walter de Berneye elected Mayor, and because he did not come on the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.] following to take upon him the office according to the custom of the City, Simon de Mordone was that day elected Mayor for the year ensuing, and was afterwards admitted and sworn, and on the morrow was presented before the Barons of the Exchequer at Westminster and there admitted, &c.
Folio ccxvii.
Br'e de diliberacione prisonum gaole de Neugate.
Letters patent appointing John Knyvet, Robert de Thorpe, Thomas de Lodelowe, Simon de Mordone, the Mayor, and William Haldene, or any four, three, or two of them, the said Mayor being one, to be commissioners for gaol-delivery of Neugate. Witness the King at Westminster, 12 Nov., 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368].
11 Dec., 1 Henry IV [A.D. 1399], came Richard Cranesle, goldsmith, husband of Johanna, daughter of Henry de Markeby, whose brother John and sister Margery had died, (fn. 7) and demanded her property, she being now of full age. Auditors thereupon appointed, viz., John Walcote and John Wade, Aldermen, Robert Guppey and John Lane, Commoners, and an account taken, with the assistance of Henry Grene, goldsmith, and John Cappe, goldbeater (aurimalliator), executors of Petronilla, widow and executrix of Henry Markeby. By order of the Mayor and Aldermen, the sum of £25 is paid to the aforesaid Richard Cranesle by Stephen Speleman, the Chamberlain.
Eleccio Will'i Walworth Alder'.
Monday after the Feast of St. Martin [11 Nov.], 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], William Walworth elected Alderman of the Ward of Bridge and presented to the Mayor and admitted and sworn, &c.
Folio ccxvii b.
Custodia pueror' Will'i atte Hale.
Monday before the Feast of St. Clement [23 Nov.], 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], the guardianship of Richard, son of William atte Hale, and Alice, daughter of the same, committed to Agnes, late wife of the said William, by Simon de Mordone, the Mayor, and John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain. Sureties, viz., Richard Cotyngham, William Kyng, draper, and Thomas Clayman, "cook."
Ball'i Telar' de Brabanc'.
21 Nov., 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], William Vyolete and Reginald Rales, weavers of Brabant, came into Court and were sworn bailiffs of the mistery, &c.
Folio ccxviii.
Ball'i Telar' de Flemyng'.
24 Nov., John Van Everyngham and Henry Naverger, Flemish weavers, similarly sworn.
Afterwards, viz., on the 20th Aug., 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1369], the above Henry having died, Lambekyn Rute was admitted and sworn.
Ball'i Telar' Anglic'.
24 Nov., 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], John de Bathe and Richard atte Crouche, senior, bailiffs of English weavers, sworn to govern the mistery, &c.
Custodia de v mar' ad opus Henr' fil' Rob'ti de Guldeford etc.
24 Nov., 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, delivered to Thomas de Kendale, Rector of the church of St. Augustine at St. Paul's Gate, the sum of 5 marks bequeathed to Henry, son of Robert Guldeford, draper, by Henry Yerdele; (fn. 8) to hold the same in trust for the said Henry. Sureties, viz., Hugh Walsshe and Richard Morehous, "taillours."
Abrocatores Grocerie.
14 Dec., 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368], came good men of the mistery of Grocery and presented John Annay, John Touewelle, Andrew Mich', and Gerard Beek to be brokers of their mistery, and they were sworn before the Mayor and Aldermen, &c.
Folio ccxviii b.
sol' ijs. vjd.
Acquittance by Robert Kebbel, "diere," and Margaret his wife, mother and executrix of William Bitterlee, to the said William for the sum of £40, in discharge of all debts from Hugh Sutherne and Matilda his wife, late wife and executrix of William de Holbeche, (fn. 9) draper, and Thomas de Holbeche her co-executor. Dated 5 Dec., 42 Edward III. [A.D. 1368].
sol' ijs. vjd.
A general release granted by the above Hugh Southerne, Matilda his wife, and Thomas de Holbeche to the above Robert Kebbel and Margaret his wife. Dated 19 Dec., 42 Edward III [A.D. 1368].
Folio ccxix.
Be it remembered that on the 21st January, 42 Edward III [A.D. 1368-9], John de Cauntebrigge, the Chamberlain, delivered to Henry Cokham de Southwokyndon (fn. 10) and Johanna de Waddesworth the sum of £10, which the said John had in trust for the said Johanna, for the reason that the said Henry intended to marry her.
1 Feb., 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1368-9], the above Chamberlain delivered to Simon Posse, "dighere," by order of Simon de Mordone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, a cup with covercle of copper gilt, the said Simon finding sureties, viz., Walter Flynt and Victor de Male, "dighere," to re-deliver the said cup if claimed. (fn. 11)
Admissio Magistior' Surigic'.
Monday after the Feast of Purification B. M. [2 Feb.], 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1368-9], Master John Dunheved, Master John Hyndstoke, and Nicholas Kyldesby admitted Master Surgeons of the City and allowed to practise. (fn. 12)
Tuesday after the above Feast, John William of Wantynge, who had before been committed to prison for selling false rings, (fn. 13) &c., and released on his promising not to do so again, was brought before Simon de Mordone, the Mayor, William de Haldene, the Recorder, Stephen Cavendisshe, William Welde, Walter Forster, John Lytle, Bartholomew Frestlynge, John Chichestre, and John "Seint Albon," by Adam de Wymondham, one of the Sheriffs, with many false rings, &c., whereby to deceive the people, and was condemned to the pillory. (fn. 14)
Folio ccxix b.
Writ of certiorari to the Mayor, Sheriffs, Recorder, and Aldermen touching proceedings against Nicholas "Sarduche," merchant of Lombardy. Witness the King at Westminster, 27 Jan., 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1368-9].
Return made to the effect that, according to the custom of the City, no indictments, presentations, records, or process before the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen, not relating to felony, ought to be returned outside the City, but the same ought to be determined before the said Mayor, &c., within the City, and therefore the above writ cannot be executed without infringing the liberty of the City.
Warde Aldr'us.
Friday after the Feast of St. Agatha [5 Feb.], 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1368-9], John Warde elected Alderman of the Ward of Alegate and sworn, &c.
Another writ to the Mayor, Sheriffs, Recorder, and Aldermen, insisting upon the production of the record of proceedings against Nicholas Sardouche, merchant of Lombardy. Witness the King at Westminster, 9 Feb., 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1368-9].
Folio ccxx.
Return made to the effect that the said Mayor, &c., herewith send all indictments, records, &c., affecting the King in the case against Nicholas Sardouche not officially taken (non ex officio capta), but the record as to other matters they do not send, inasmuch as the cognizance and execution of them and the profits arising therefrom, if any, appertain to them by reason of the City's franchise. The Sheriffs further notify that the said Nicholas was detained in prison in default of finding surety at the suits of Andrew de Porche, Walter de Bardes, Dynus Rapound, and Blasius Carouch, merchants of Luca, for debts in the Sheriffs' Court, where the suits ought to be determined according to the custom of the City, and therefore the said Sheriffs could not send the record of proceedings. The aforesaid Mayor, &c., further declared that they were ready to appear touching a charge brought against the said Nicholas of having detained customs due to the King and Sheriffs for divers merchandise sent beyond the sea, a matter falling within the jurisdiction of the Sheriffs.
Be it remembered that the aforesaid indictments and presentations which were sent appear on the Rolls of Simon de Mordone, the Mayor.
Folio ccxx b.
Writ of certiorari to the Mayor and Sheriffs touching proceedings between Thomas "de" Estone and John Kesteven in a matter of account. Witness the King at Westminster, 7 Feb., 43 Edward III. [A.D. 1368-9].
Return made to the effect that a judgment given by the Sheriffs against John Kesteven at the suit of Thomas Estone had been annulled, and a fresh account ordered between the parties, but particulars in error could not be sent outside the City according to custom.