Pages 84-93
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: E, 1314-1337. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.
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Folios. lxx b-lxxii.
Allowance of the franchise of the town of Ipswich and transcript of the charter of its franchises.
Be it remembered that on Wednesday after the Feast of St. John ante portam Latinam [6 May], 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1318], there came one John de Whatefelde, a burgess of Ipswich, and the rest of the burgesses of the said town, before John de Wengrave, Mayor of London, and the rest of the Aldermen, and complained that John Priour and William de Fourneys, Sheriffs of London, frequently distrained the burgesses of the said town, contrary to the franchises granted to them by the lord the King and his progenitors and contrary to its charter. Thereupon, the charter having been read in the terms as set out, the said Mayor and Aldermen allowed all the franchises here underwritten, and agreed to allow them in future. Precept was accordingly sent to the Sheriffs to deliver up the distresses so taken to the petitioners and not to distrain upon them in future.
[Here follows a transcript of the Inspeximus charter of the town of Ipswich, dated at Westminster, 30 May, 10 Edward II. (A.D. 1317). It inspects and confirms the following charters, viz.: (I) charter dated apud Rupem Aurivall', (fn. 1) 25 May, 1 John (A.D. 1200); (fn. 2) (2) charter dated at Westminster, 15 April, 40 Henry III. (A.D. 1256); (3) charter of restitution of liberties, dated at Berwick, 23 June, 19 Edward I. (A.D. 1291). (fn. 3) ]
Folios. lxxii b.
Deed of release by William de Lothebyri, tailor, to Walter Bullok, vintner, of a chamber, a garner (gerner), and dispensary (despense) within the house of the said Walter, situate in the parish of All Hallows the Great in la Corderie, for the term of his life, the said Walter paying an annual rent of 20s. charged on a tenement in the same parish formerly belonging to Roger de Rokesleye. Dated 13 May, 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1318]. Witnesses, Stephen de Prestone, John de Prestone, John Vivian, Thomas de Spaigne, John Dode, the Chamberlain, John de Stayntone, clerk, and others [not named].
Folios. lxxiii.
Lease by John Sturmy de Dromundby, co. York, to Hamo Godchep, mercer, of a piece of ground in the great seld of Rohesia de Coventre (fn. 4) in Westchepe, which ground lately belonged to John de Middelburgh, (fn. 5) mercer, to hold the same for a term of eight years from Christmas, anno 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1317], at an annual rent of 20s. Witnesses, Richard Butt, William de Caustone, Hugh de Gartone, Walter de Cavendisshe, Richard Pymme, and others [not named]. Dated 29 May [A.D. 1318].
Acquittance by John "Spurny" de Dromundeby to the above Hamo Godchep for the whole of the rent payable for the above plot in the seld. Dated Friday after the Feast of St. Vincent [22 Jan.], 13 Edward II. [A.D. 1319-20]. (fn. 6)
Folios. lxxiii b
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to make inquiry as to the seizure of a ship called "la Plente de Lenne," (fn. 7) belonging to Adam le Clerk de Lenne, and laden with salt of "Peytou," (fn. 8) lampreys of Nauntes, and bales of budge (fn. 9) (bugei), &c., on its way from parts of "Peytou" to the town of "St. John Perth," in Scotland, by Henry de Riklinghous and other evil-doers of the towns of Grippeswold, Lubyk, and Strellessund, (fn. 10) and to report whether compensation had been made. Dated at Westminster, 17 May, 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1318].
Folios. lxxiv.
Inquisition accordingly held by order of John de Wengrave, the Mayor, on the oath of William de Leyton, William de Durem, Adam Honteman, John Cosyn, Henry atte Huthe, William Jetour, Walter de Donewych, John de Bradefelde, Roger Accatour, John called "le litle," William de Pykeworth, Thomas de Kemle, Thomas de Notfeld, John de Berlingham, Walter le Hurer, and Stephen atte Gate, who found that the above ship had been forcibly seized off the coast between Yarmouth and Blakeneye and carried to Strellessund, and that the King's letters addressed to the echevins and good men of the towns of Grippeswold, Lubyk, and Strellessund, demanding restitution, had been treated with contempt and left unopened. Given under the seals of the jurors at the Guildhall of London, 27 May, 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1318]. (fn. 11)
Folios. lxxiv b.
Acquietanc' Rob' i de Pipeherst per executor' mag' ri Will' i de Riv'es.
Acquittance by Richard Dyer, executor of the will of Master William de Riveres, clerk, and his co-executors to Robert de Piphurst, goldsmith, for all property belonging to the said Master William. Given under the seal of the Dean of the church of St. Mary "de Arcubus" III. Id. June [11 June], 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1318].
Breve de proclamacione facrenda de falsis capell'.
Edward, by the grace of God, &c., to the Mayor and Sheriffs of London, both present and future. We have understood that certain cappers of the City fraudulently make from day to day, and expose for sale in the City, divers caps of flocks, and wool and flocks mixed, and of other wool not suitable for caps, and that they redye old and used caps and sell them as new; and whereas many merchant strangers bring caps deceitfully made elsewhere into the City, to the deceit of the people and their manifest loss, and whereas merchants, freemen as well as strangers, are becoming more bold in making such caps and bringing them into the City for sale, for the reason that hitherto no adequate punishment has been imposed :-We, being desirous of putting an end to such deceits by every possible means, command you to cause proclamation to be made in the City that no cappers or others presume to make false caps of flocks, and of flocks and wool mixed, and of wool not suitable for caps, under penalty of their being burnt, and that if any such be found in your bailiwick ye proceed to burn them, and that ye make search and examination for such caps as often as it may be expedient, or cause others who are experts to do so on your behalf. Witness ourself at Westminster, 15 March, 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1317-18]. (fn. 12)
Folios. lxxv.
De escaetor'.
Writ to Richard de Clare, the King's escheator. William de Waltham, a citizen of London, had petitioned the King and his Council in the Parliament then sitting at York, to the effect that whereas John de Export, late citizen of London, had devised certain tenements for the purpose of a chantry in the church of St. Mary de Aldemariecherche, the executors of the said John, viz., John Paas and Silvester le. Cordewaner, had failed to prove the will in the Guildhall, according to the custom of the City, and had appropriated the property. The escheator is bidden to make inquiry as to all particulars of the property by oath of good men of his bailiwick, in order that in whosesoever's hands it may be found it may be devoted to the foundation of the chantry prescribed by the testator. Witness the King at York, 12 June, 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1319].
The above writ forwarded by the escheator to the Sheriffs of London with a request that they would summon eighteen good men of the Ward of Cordwanerstrete to appear before him in the church of St. Mary de Aldemariecherche on Sunday after the Feast of St. James [25 July], to make an inquiry on oath as to the premises. Dated at London, 23 July, 13 Edward II. [A.D. 1319].
Return: The liberty of the City of London, according to the ancient custom of the said City, does not permit of the escheator exercising his office within the liberty of the said City in the matter of the writ. (fn. 13) We are therefore unable to do anything in execution thereof.
The above return was made with the consent of the Mayor and Aldermen, who agreed in their name and that of the Commonalty to save harmless John Poyntel and John de Dallynge, the Sheriffs, in respect of the return aforesaid.
Folios. lxxv b.
Whereas Robert Osekyn, carpenter, devised his mansion house, &c., in the parish of Little St. Bartholomew to Robert his son, by will enrolled in the Husting for Pleas of Land held on Monday before the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], 5 Edward II. [A.D. 1311], (fn. 14) to hold the same in tail, with remainder to John, Roger, and Simon his other sons in equal portions; and whereas the said testator appointed Johanna his wife guardian of his children, and the said Johanna had since died, whereby the guardianship of the said children had devolved upon the Mayor and Aldermen by the custom of the City; thereupon came John "Deveri," the King's clerk, and said that the aforesaid Robert, son of Robert, had in his lifetime leased to him his father's mansion house for a term of seven years from Michaelmas, 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1317], and prayed the Court that he might be reimbursed the money he had expended on repairs. The Mayor and Aldermen consult the will and find that the tenement was to be divided among the surviving children. They also view the tenement, which they find would lose in value if divided, as it was a mansion for a man to occupy with his family. (fn. 15) And forasmuch as the children were still under age and unable to give their consent to a partition, it was agreed by the Mayor and Aldermen that the said John should continue as tenant, paying to the said children the true value of the premises according to an extent to be made of the same.
Folios. lxxvi.
Particulars of an extent of the premises made before the Mayor, Aldermen, and John Dode, the Chamberlain, by oath of John Poyntel, Richard le Barber, Thomas le Northerne, Roger Horold, William de Wynchelse, Walter atte Holte, Anketin de Kateloyne, John le Hore, William de Manhale, John de Wymondeswolde, John de Bery.
Be it known that the above Robert, son of Robert [Osekyn], died about the Feast of the Annunciation B. M. [25 March], the year aforesaid [A.D. 1317-18], and the aforesaid John "Devery" began to be tenant by demise of the Mayor and Aldermen at Easter, anno 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1318].
Afterwards, viz., on 12 July, 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318], came Thomas Wastel, "buscher," and Walter Overee, "fener," and mainprised the said John touching the payment of rent, &c.
Inquisition taken before John Dode, the Chamberlain, on Wednesday before the Feast of St. Barnabas [11 June], 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1318], by the oath of the aforesaid jurors, as to the value of the mansion house of the aforesaid Robert Osekyn.
Folios. lxxvi b.
De custodia Thom' fil' Joh'is clerici zeynturer.
Wednesday after the Feast of the Nativity of St. John Bapt. [24 June], 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1318], came John de Den, "chaundeler," and Margery "la Joven" his wife, relict and executrix of John the Clerk, "ceynturer," before J[ohn] de Wengrave, the Mayor, and found surety for dealing beneficially (ad appruandum) with the money left to Thomas, son of the said John the Clerk, during minority, viz., Henry Nasard, draper.
The same day came Adam de Eystone, another executor of the above John the Clerk, and found similar surety, viz., Richard le Mitere, Richard de Creplegate, and William de Wroteham.
Afterwards, viz., on Wednesday before the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul [25 Jan.], 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318-19], came Richard de Kent, "cordewaner," uncle and guardian of the above Thomas, and asked the Mayor and Aldermen to consider the amount to be expended on the maintenance of his ward. Thereupon it was ordered that the said John de Den and Adam de Eystone should pay the said Richard 6d. a week for maintenance and half a mark yearly.
Afterwards, viz., on Wednesday before the Feast of Nativity of St. John Bapt. [24 June], 16 Edward II. [A.D. 1323], came the above Richard de Kent and received the wardship of the above Thomas from N[icholas] de Farndone, the Mayor, and Andrew Horn, the Chamberlain. Sureties, viz., Nicholas de Roodynge, "cordewaner," of Candelwikstrete, and Robert le Yonge, "bureller."
Custodia Is' fil' Alani le Bakere.
12 July, 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318], came Simon le Foundour and Walter le Marchal, executors of Alan de Bedeford, baker, before John Dode, the Chamberlain, and paid to Simon de Acon' and Cristiana his wife the sum of 100s. in trust for Isabella, daughter of the said Alan.
Folios. lxxvii.
Pleas before the lord the King at Westminster, Trinity Term, anno 11 Edward II., Roll xxix.:-Richard, son of Walter Gubbe, attached to answer a charge of having forcibly seized Ralph Gubbe in Bridge Ward on Sunday before Carniprivium, 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1317], and kept him in prison for six weeks. The said Richard appears in person and defends. Thereupon came William de Burgh, the attorney of the Mayor and Commonalty, and demanded the franchise thereon. Being asked when and where the franchise had been allowed in such a case, he referred to the cases of Thomas le Long v. John de Lincoln, in Hillary Term, 9 Edward II., and Edmund Darel v. William de Toppfeld, in Michaelmas Term, 10 Edward II. The franchise allowed. Thereupon the said attorney named a day at the Guildhall.
In the Husting for Pleas of Land held on Monday after the Feast of St. Katherine [25 Nov.], 13 Edward II. [A.D. 1319], in the presence of Hamo de Chigwelle, the Mayor, Richard de Gloucestre, Elias de Suffolk, Anketin Gisorz, Hugh de Gartone, Richard Costantyn, John Cotun, and Robert Sely, Aldermen, and Simon de Abyndone and John de Prestone, Sheriffs, the guardianship of John, son of Walter le Freynshe, together with a certain tenement in "la Riole" in the parish of St. Michael de Paternostercherche, was given to William Pigeon, "pessoner," by mainprise of Hamo le Barbier and Henry Prodhome.
Monday before the Feast of Nativity B. M. [8 Sept.], 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318], Richard de Walyngford committed to prison for hindering the King's business touching the providing foot-soldiers for Scotland, &c.
Friday after the Feast of St. Luke [18 Oct.], 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318], came William de Dorkyngge and Agnes his wife, widow of Henry de Merlawe, before John de Wenegrave, the Mayor, and received the guardianship of Walter and William, sons of Henry de Merlawe, and of Alice, daughter of the same. Sureties, viz., Richard de Dorkyngge and John de Stansted, "pessoner."
Afterwards, viz., on 17 March, 15 Edward II. [A.D. 1321-2], the above Walter came before Hamo de Chigewell and the Aldermen and claimed his property, being of full age, and it was given to him. Thereupon he appeared before Andrew Horn, the Chamberlain, R[obert] de Swalclyve, Reginald de Conduit, and Roger le Paumer, Aldermen, and acknowledged that he had received from William de Dorkyng the sum of 100s.
Afterwards, viz., on Monday the Feast of St. Barnabas [11 June], 4 Edward III. [A.D. 1330], came the above Alice before Simon de Swanlond, the Mayor, Gregory de Nortone, Benedict de Folsham, Anketin de Gisors, and Henry de Secheford, Aldermen, and the Chamberlain, and being proved to be of full age received her property.
Folios. lxxvii b.
L'ra d'ni Reg' sub privato sigillo ad inquirend' de ten' que fuerunt Will'i ae Somerfelde Cissoris Regine.
Writ of Privy Seal to the Mayor and Sheriffs for an inquiry to be made as to the property formerly held by William de Somerfeld, late tailor to the Queen Mother, in Colmanstrete, of the gift of the late King. Dated at Westminster, 9 June, 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1318].
Responsio Prebredicte.
Pursuant to the above writ, inquiry made by John de Wengrave, the Mayor, and John Priour and William de Fourneys, the Sheriffs. The jurors-viz., Adam atte Chirche, Richard Trugge, Robert de Hadham, Walter Sprot, Adam de Mondene, Walter Gratefige, John Gentil, Simon Fraunk, Cristian le Girdelere, Robert le Naylere, John le Kyng, and Thomas de Wykham-make return to the effect that the above William had no tenement in Colmanstret of the gift of the King's father, but that two messuages and eight shops which became escheated to the King's father on the expulsion of the Jews (fn. 16) were given by him to Queen Eleanor, who in turn bestowed them on the said William de Somerfeld, her tailor; that, further, the said William gave the said tenements to Geoffrey Morri and Agnes his wife, and that the said Agnes, after the death of her husband, gave them to Thomas, William, Adam, and Roger, her sons by the said Geoffrey.
Folios lxxviii.
A general acquittance by John de Wengrave, the Mayor, and the whole Commonalty of the City, to Luke de Haverynge, the late Chamberlain, on his account rendered. Dated 12 Sept., 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318].
For the above acquittance the said Luke gave to the Commonalty 100s., for which John Dode, the Chamberlain, will answer.
Folios. lxxviii b.
Writ to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City that they provide 500 foot-soldiers armed with "aketons," "habergets," "bacinets," and gauntlets (cirotecis ferreis), to serve the King in Scotland for forty days. Witness the King at Notyngham, 12 Aug., 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318].
Another writ to the same, enforcing obedience to the former writ. Dated at Notyngham, 16 Aug., 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318].