Pages 8-21
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: E, 1314-1337. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.
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In this section
- Folio i - ix
- Cedula attached to folios. ii.
- Folio. i b.
- Folio. ii.
- Folio. ii b.
- [Folios. iii, iii b blank.]
- Folio. iv.
- Folio. iv b.
- Folio. v.
- Pleas before Ralph de Hengham and his fellow-Justices of the Bench, Easter Term, anno 33 Edward I. Roll cxlviii.
- Folio. vi.
- Folio. vi b.
- [Folios. vii blank.]
- Folio. vii b.
- Folio. viii.
- Folio. viii b.
- Folio. ix.
- Folio. ix b.
Folio i - ix
Afterwards, viz., on Wednesday the Feast of St. Botolph [17 June], 13 Edward II. [A.D. 1320], a certain John le Chaundeler was summoned at the Guildhall to answer for that he, being the tenant of a certain small house outside Alegate, adjoining the churchyard of St. Botolph, for which tenancy he ought to clean the gate of Alegate within and without and under the same, had not cleaned the gate. And the said John says that he holds the house by demise of the Prior of Cristechirch, who is Alderman of the Ward of Alegate, (fn. 1) but he says that he well knows that the tenant of the said house is bound to clean the said gate within and without and beneath it, and this he was willing to do.
De pueris Joh'is de Halgeford.
Monday before the Feast of Ascension [24 May], 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], came Nicholas de Halweford (or Halghford) before Nicholas de Farendone, William de Leire, and Richard de Gloucestre, Aldermen, and found pledges, viz., John de Wynchester, John de Lutegaresale, and William Edmund, to bring to the next Husting the money received in respect of a tenement formerly belonging to John de Halghford and left by him to be divided among his children, (fn. 2) viz., Walter, Simon, and Richard. The said Nicholas came and satisfied the said sons with their several portions.
Afterwards, viz., on Monday the Feast of St. Edmund, K. [20 Nov.], 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318], the above Nicholas came to the Husting, and in the presence of John de Wengrave, the Mayor, Nicholas de Farndone, Robert de Keleseye, Simon Corp, Anketin de Gysors, John de la Chaumbre, and others, paid to Walter de Halgheford and Matilda his wife the sum of 10 marks to the use of Margery and Matilda, daughters of the above John de Halgheford, for which sum the said Walter and Matilda undertook to receive the said daughters as apprentices, &c.
Cedula attached to folios. ii.
Afterwards, viz., on Tuesday after the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], came Nicholas de Halgheford before Hamo de Chigewell, the Mayor [A.D. 1319?], Robert de Swalclive, Hamo Godchep, and other Aldermen [not named], and paid to Walter de Halgheford and Matilda his wife 5 marks to the use of Matilda, the elder daughter of John de Halgheford.
De co'i l'ra concessa J. Marcy cujus lib'tas primo fuit examinata.
19 July, 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], came John Marcy, son of Nicholas le Barbier de Cornehill, before John de Gysorz, the Mayor, and the rest of the Aldermen [not named], and complained that although he was a freeman of the City by birth, he had had three sacks of his wool seized by the Mayor and Bailiffs of Hereford. He demands a remedy, and that a letter may be written on his behalf. Being asked if his father had been a freeman, he answered in the affirmative, and was willing to bring proof. A day is therefore given, &c. A jury find that his father had been free. Therefore his freedom is allowed and a letter ordered to be made out for him.
Folio. i b.
Preceptum factum J. le Mazelyner Cam'ar' ad vendend' vad'.
Tuesday after the Feast of St. Margaret [20 July], 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], precept to John le Mazelyner, the Chamberlain, by John de Gisors, the Mayor, Nicholas de Farendone, John de Wengrave, Richard de Gloucestre, John de Wyndlesore, William de Coumbemartyn, Anketin de Gisors, Nigel Druery, William de Leire, John Lambyn, Simon Corp, Roger de Paris, and Simon Bolet, Aldermen, for the sale of pledges taken for arrears of the sum of £1,000 lent to the King, and still unredeemed, notwithstanding repeated warnings.
Br'e d'm R' directum Taxatoribus d'ni de Com' Oxon' ne assiderent cives London' int' eos ad tallagium.
Writ to William Merre, Adam de Shobenhauge, and Geoffrey de Padenham, tallagers for the county of Oxford, forbidding them to levy tallage on the goods of citizens of London in the vill of Henleye. Dated at Wyndesore, 13 Feb., 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1312-13]. (fn. 3)
Pro pueris Nich'i de Aka.
Saturday the eve of St. Katherine [25 Nov.], 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], came William le Cirgier de Yvylane before Nicholas de Farendone, the Mayor, Stephen de Abyndone and Henry de Durham, Aldermen, and delivered to John Dode, the Chamberlain, the sum of 10 marks 7s. and 8d., which he owed to Nicholas de Aka, called "othe Roke," deceased, for distribution among Richard, Nicholas, and Isabella, children of the said Nicholas. And be it remembered that the said Richard has no mother living; but the said Nicholas and Isabella have a mother named Helewysa de Attelburgh, to whom their share is committed as next friend on her finding sureties, viz., Andrew de Gloucestre, goldsmith, and Adam de Depedene, "corder" de Bredestret.
On the following Monday came Master Nicholas de Gore and paid into the Chamber 12s. for a silver cup which belonged to the said Nicholas de Aka.
Afterwards, viz., on Friday after the Feast of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314], at the instance of John de Lincoln, surgeon, a sum of money was delivered to Andrew de Gloucestre, goldsmith, to the use of the above Richard, until he came of age, the said Andrew finding sureties, viz., Robert de Gloucestre and John de Chibenherst, goldsmiths.
Folio. ii.
Br'e R' missum vic' London' pro Will'o Molendinar' et aliis inprisonatis apud Neugate ducend' usq' Roffam cor' Justic' Itinerant'.
Writ to the Sheriffs of London to bring up the bodies of William Miller de Lambeherst, Thomas, son of John le Parker de Otteford, and Roger de Stoke, son of John ate Nore, prisoners in Neugate, before Hervey de Stantone and his fellow Justices Itinerant in the county of Kent, to answer for divers felonies, &c., committed in the said county. Witness, W[illiam] de Ormesby, (fn. 4) at Rochester, 25 [Nov.? (fn. 5) ], anno 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1313].
Return made with the assent of Nicholas de Farendone, the Mayor, John de Wengrave, Henry de Durem, Simon Corp, Simon de Paris, and Henry de Gloucestre, Aldermen, to the above writ to the effect that William Miller de Lambherst had been arrested by the Sheriff of London on suspicion of larceny, and that he forthwith turned approver (devenit probator) before the Coroner, and appealed the above Thomas as well as John de Wynchester and John Hokeday, who were thereupon arrested and committed to Neugate, there to remain until the gaol delivery by the King's Justices, according to the custom. (fn. 6)
Br'e R' ad capiend' Rob'm Tourk et ducend' cor' Justic' Itiner' apud Roffam.
Similar writ to bring up the body of Robert Tourk. Witness, W[illiam] de Ormesby, at Rochester, the 20th Nov., 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1313].
Be it remembered that on Wednesday next after the Feast of St. Hillary [13 Jan.], 13 Edward II. [A.D. 1319-20], Simon de Abyndone, Geoffrey de Hertpol, and Simon de Parys were elected Aldermen by the men of the Wards whereof they are now Aldermen, viz., Simon de Abyndone, who formerly was Alderman of Tower Ward, was elected Alderman of the Ward of Billyngesgate, because in that Ward he resides; Geoffrey de Hertpol was elected Alderman of Candelwikstrate, and Simon de Paris, Alderman of the Ward of Chepe. These were sworn, the day and year aforesaid, to keep the customs of the City according to their power, &c.
Afterwards, viz., on the following Friday, came good men of the Ward of Tower aforesaid, and prayed the Mayor and Aldermen that they might have again the aforesaid Simon de Abyndone to remain Alderman of Tower Ward as before, and it was granted to them, &c. The same Friday, Roger le Palmere was elected and sworn Alderman of the Ward of Castle Baynard, &c. Afterwards, on Monday before the Feast of St. Vincent [22 Jan.], the same year, Geoffrey de Hertpol, Alderman, was elected Recorder and sworn, receiving from the Chamber yearly what is customary, &c.
Admissio Rob'i de Swalclyve in Recordatorem, etc.
Be it remembered that on Wednesday before the Feast of St. Nicholas [6 Dec.], 14 Edward II. [A.D. 1320], Geoffrey de Hertpol was removed from the office of Recorder; and afterwards, on Wednesday before the Feast of St. Lucia [13 Dec.], the same year, Robert de Swalclyve was elected and admitted Recorder in his place and sworn, &c.
Folio. ii b.
Tuesday after the Feast of Translation of St. Edward the King [13 Oct.], 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], it was agreed by John de Gysors, the Mayor, William de Leire, John de Lincoln, William de Coumbemartyn, Roger de Frowik, Simon Corp, Henry de Gloucestre, and Simon Bolet, Aldermen, that there should be allowed to Luke de Haveryng, late Chamberlain, in his account, the sum of £10 which he paid to Hugh de Waltham, by order of Richer de Refham, the Mayor, for a suit which the said Hugh prosecuted in the Exchequer anno 4 Edward II. for getting the citizens relieved from certain exactions. It was further agreed that the said Hugh should have £10 for a similar suit prosecuted in the Exchequer anno 6 Edward II., touching the rent of a tenement in Milkstrete tenanted by Leo the Jew, which formerly belonged to Martin de Virly, the Norman. (fn. 7) It was further agreed to give the executors of Nicholas Picot, late Chamberlain, an acquittance in full for his term of office, on the testimony of Stephen de Abyndone, William Bidik, and other auditors of his accounts. Afterwards, on Monday the morrow of St. Martin [11 Nov.], the same year, the aforesaid agreements were approved by John de Wengrave, Simon de Paris, John Lambyn, Stephen de Abyndone, and Roger de Paris, Aldermen, who had been absent on the previous occasion. Quere plus de hac materia in xiiij° folio sequenti [fo. xvi b].
[Folios. iii, iii b blank.]
Folio. iv.
Peticro exhibita Maiori et Ald' per communitatem.
Friday before the Feast of St. Nicholas [6 Dec.], 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1312], there came to the Guildhall John de Gysors, the Mayor, many of the Aldermen [not named] and good men of the Commonalty of every mistery (officio), to treat of certain articles for the Commonalty, who submitted to the Mayor and Aldermen the following grievances, and thereupon proposed certain articles for the common weal, and desired that they might thenceforth be straitly observed, viz.:-
First, that peace and concord be nourished and preserved throughout the City by neighbourly unity (sub vicinali unitate).
Item, that forasmuch as many citizens, owing to their youth, are not sufficiently instructed in the ancient laws, franchises, and customs of the City, it is agreed that matters connected with the duties of divers bailiffs, as well within the City as in the ports of the same, and the statutes and ordinances regulating the various trades and handicrafts, be duly enrolled in a register, and that once or twice a year they be read in public assembly, and copies be delivered to such as desire them. Also that every Alderman attend more diligently to his duties, under penalty of loss of office.
Item, forasmuch as Sheriffs, Clerks, and Serjeants, by virtue of their bailiwick, continue to commit extortions upon those bringing victuals to the City, and are very remiss in doing justice to those who make complaint before them, giving rise to murmurings and great scandal in the City, it is agreed that the Mayor and Aldermen shall diligently inquire into the matter and provide a remedy.
Item, forasmuch as the City ought always to be governed by the aid of men engaged in trade and handicrafts, and whereas it was anciently accustomed that no stranger (persona extranea), native or foreign (alienigena), whose position and character were unknown, should be admitted to the freedom of the City until the merchants and craftsmen whose business he wished to enter had previously certified the Mayor and Aldermen of his condition and trustworthiness, the whole Commonalty pray that such observance may be strictly kept for the future as regards the wholesale trades (grossiora officia) and handicrafts (operabilia). (fn. 8)
Item, complaint was made to the Mayor and Aldermen that John Simeon, a draper and merchant stranger, had been admitted to the freedom by favour of certain great men and contrary to the will of the good men of the mistery. The whole Commonalty pray that he may be ousted from the freedom. And the said John came and willingly disclaimed and surrendered to the Mayor the freedom so acquired.
The same was done touching Hugh Trippe, valet to the said John Simeon.
Folio. iv b.
De amissione libertatis Gerardi Dorgoil.
Proceedings against Gerard Dorgoil, vintner, for receiving into his hostel (he being a public hosteler by virtue of his enjoying the freedom of the City (fn. 9) ) the wines of merchant strangers, to wit of Reymond de Busson and Andrew de Durem and others, for the purpose of selling the same at a higher price than that charged by the said merchants; also for selling the said wines to strangers and others without the intervention of a broker, and concealing the wine in a wharf, enclosed with a paling, which formerly belonged to Alice la Molere; also for selling wine after it had become unwholesome, and for removing it to the hostel of the Bishop of Winchester in Suthwerk and elsewhere to avoid discovery by the scrutineers in their annual search, and bringing it back after the search was over, &c. The said Gerard pleads not guilty and is ready to defend by his law, &c., but Robert de Keleseye and David de Cotesbrok, who prosecute for the City, say that this cannot be allowed, and demand judgment. A day given. Gerard puts himself on the favour of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, and surrenders his freedom. Judgment given that he lose his freedom, &c.
Cogn' Regin' de Thunderle.
Saturday after the Feast of St. John ante portam Latinam [6 May], 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], came Reginald de Thunderle before John de Gysors, Mayor, and the rest of the Aldermen, and agreed that the sum of 70s. due from him for arrears of tallages should be raised out of the rent of a tenement held of him by Geoffrey ate Welle in the parish of St. Laurence de Candelwikstrete. Afterwards it happened that the said Reginald died before the money was paid, and the Sheriffs were ordered to levy. Thereupon came the said Geoffrey and declared that no distress could be made, inasmuch as Margery, the late wife of the said Reginald, had entered on the tenement. The said Margery came and claimed to be joint-feoffee with her husband, but for the good of her husband's soul she consented to pay the amount due.
Folio. v.
Pleas before Ralph de Hengham and his fellow-Justices of the Bench, Easter Term, anno 33 Edward I. Roll cxlviii.
Processus int' Thom' de Newenham et Will'm le Brun.
Precept formerly sent to the Sheriffs of London to levy certain sums on the lands and chattels of Thomas le Orfevre de Newenham, for delivery of the same in the King's Court at York to William Brun in the octave of St. Michael last for damages in respect of a certain waste committed in a tenement in Eye and Westbourne, (fn. 10) co. Middlesex, &c. The defendant pleads a general release in writing, which the plaintiff declares not to be his, and puts himself upon the witnesses named in the writing, viz., John Whityng, Alexander de Reygate, Walter de Bakhous, Nicholas Lovel, William Sterre, Henry Gates, Robert de Aldenham, William le Brewere, and John Virli, and also upon a jury. A day given for the said witnesses and a jury of twelve to appear. Five of the witnesses (two of whom had married daughters of the said Thomas) declare the writing to be that of the said William, whilst the rest of the witnesses and the jury deny it. Thereupon the five witnesses are examined separately, and because their evidence seemed tainted, owing to their family relationship with the said Thomas and for other reasons, judgment was given in favour of the said William, and the said Thomas is committed to Flete prison.
Afterwards, in the octave of the Purification B. M. [2 Feb.], 34 Edward I. [A.D. 1305-6], the said Thomas acknowledged 55 marks to the said William Brun "de la Hyde," (fn. 11) and the said William gave a release.
Folio. vi.
Admissio Joh'is Vanne in libertatem civitatis.
Carta Joh'is Vanne.
Friday before the Feast of Annunciation [25 March], 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1312-13], John Vanne de Luka, merchant, admitted to the freedom of the City by the assent of John de Gysors, Mayor, John de Wengrave, Roger de Frowyk, William de Coumbemartyn, Stephen de Abyndone, Henry de Gloucestre, Richard de Willehale, Simon Bolet, Roger de Paris, and Nigel Druri, Aldermen, and John Lambyn and Adam Ludekyn, Sheriffs, in the presence of good men of each mistery (de quolibet officio) assembled in the Guildhall. Thereupon the said John Vanne was sworn to contribute to all the City's charges, &c., notwithstanding the charter of exemption granted to him and to John and "Colluchius" Bellard (fn. 12) by the King at the request of John of Brittany, Earl of Richmond, Hugh le Despenser, and Robert Fitz Pain, the steward of his household; the said charter being dated at Westminster, 3 March, anno 2 Edward II. [A.D. 1308-9].
Concessio facta per Joh'em de Triple.
The same day John de Triple was admitted to the freedom on the same conditions, notwithstanding the King's charter of exemption, dated at Westminster, 15 July, 4 Edward II. [A.D. 1310].
Folio. vi b.
Breve R' ad habend' corp' Joh'is le Despens' cor' Justic' apud Westm'.
Writ pluries to the Sheriffs of London to produce John le Despenser before the Justices at Westminster in the octave of St. John the Baptist [24 June], that he may render an account of money received on behalf of John de Whatefeld. Witness, W[illiam] de Bereford at Westminster, 22 May, 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1313].
Return made to the effect that they could not obey the writ, inasmuch as the said John le Despenser was in their custody on another charge at the suit of James de Cassebaunk, merchant, and they were bound to produce him before the Mayor at the next Husting. Indemnity granted to the said Sheriffs, viz., John Lambyn and Adam Ludekyn.
Breve R' pro arresto faci do sup' Flandr'.
Writ of Privy Seal to the Mayor and Sheriffs for the seizure of all ships and goods of Flemings found in their bailiwick, and for their detention until further orders. Dated at Pountoyse, 19 June, 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1313]. (fn. 13)
Adiornacio P'liamenti per breve.
Writ to the Sheriffs of London notifying the adjournment of the Parliament at Westminster from the quinzaine of the Nativity of St. John Bapt. [24 June] to Sunday after the Feast of St. Matthew, Ap., next [21 Sept.], and enjoining them to see that the City sends two representatives. Dated at Westminster, 26 July, 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1313].
Afterwards a certain commission was made, in which Nicholas de Farendone, William de Leire, William Servat, and Stephen de Abyndone, Aldermen, were assigned to the Parliament aforesaid.
[Folios. vii blank.]
Folio. vii b.
Custodia Roesie filie Will'i de Hanyngtone.
Tuesday after Clausum Pasche, 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], came Johanna, late wife of William de Hanyngtone, before John de Gisors, Mayor, and the rest of the Aldermen, and found security for the guardianship of Roesia, daughter of the said William, according to the terms of his will. (fn. 14) Sureties, viz., Robert Persone, skinner, Robert de Dodeford and Hervey de Beri, skinners.
Custod' Joh'is fil' Will'i de Hanyngtone.
Wednesday after the Translation of St. Edward, K. [13 Oct.], 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], came Laurence de Hanyngtone, skinner, and found security for the goods left by the above William de Hanyngtone to John his son, whose guardian he had been appointed. And forasmuch as complaint had been made to the Mayor and Aldermen that the said John had not been decently maintained, the said Laurence was ordered to provide him yearly whilst at school with a furred gown, a coat of "Alemayne" with tunic (colobio) to match, four pairs of linen cloths, sufficient shoes (calciaturam), and a decent bed, and every week give him tenpence for his commons and hostage (pro communibus suis et hostilag'). Sureties for the said Laurence, viz., John de Cotom and William de Camerewelle, skinners.
Custod' Ric'i fil' Will'i de Hanyngt'.
Friday before the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], Peter de New Castle found security for the guardianship of Richard, son of William de Hanyngtone, in the presence of Henry de Gloucestre and Nigel Druri, Aldermen, who had been deputed by the Mayor and Aldermen to go to him, as he was too unwell to come to them. Sureties, viz., Robert [de] Knapwelle and Robert Ilger, skinners.
Afterwards, viz., on Monday after the Feast of St. Andrew [30 Nov.], the same year, the said Peter found other sureties, viz., Robert de Knapwelle and William Tovy, skinners, &c.
Folio. viii.
Breve d' ni Regis de Stapla lanariorum.
Letters patent directing that the sale of wool and woolfels, instead of taking place as heretofore in divers places in Brabant, Flanders, and Artois, shall take place in some town fixed upon by the Mayor and Commonalty of the wool merchants. Dated at Canterbury, 20 May, 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1313]. (fn. 15)
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs of London to similar effect (imperfect).
Folio. viii b.
Saturday before the Feast of St. Ambrose [4 April], 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], came John, son of William de Hanyngtone, before Stephen de Abyndone, the Mayor, John de Gisors, Nicholas de Farendone, John de Wengrave, William de Leire, Robert de Keleseye, Richard de Gloucestre, Elyas de Suffolk, and Hamo Godchep, Aldermen, and demanded his property from Laurence de Hanyngtone, as he was of full age to receive it according to the custom of the City. The said Laurence came and rendered his account, paying over what was due to the said John, who gave an acquittance witnessed by Stephen de Abyndone, Mayor, Hamo Godchep and William de Bodele, Sheriffs, Robert de Dodeford, Hervy de Buri, Hugh de Wircestre, Edmund Cosyn, William de Camerwell, Richard de Hodesdone, baker, William Tovy, Robert de Knapwell, John de Cotoun, Gilbert atte Hurst, and others [not named], and dated 1 April, 9 Edward II.
Folio. ix.
Afterwards, viz., on Friday the eve of Christmas, 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], the said John came before John de Wengrave, Mayor, Robert de Kelesey and Roger de Paris, Aldermen, and John Dode, the Chamberlain, and demanded a distress on the said Laurence for the sum of £8. Thereupon the said Laurence came and paid the money and was acquitted. And inasmuch as the said John appeared to the Mayor and Aldermen to be of tender age, he was asked if he had any friend to whom his money might be entrusted. Thereupon came Hervey de Beri, who had married Johanna, the mother of the said John, and acknowledged that he had received the property of the said John in trust for him, &c.
Custodia Joh'is fil' Will'i ate Vigne.
Thursday after the Feast of H. Trinity [10 June], 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], the guardianship of John, the younger son of William atte Vigne, was entrusted by the Mayor and Aldermen to John atte Vigne the elder, his brother, together with the sum of £9 sterling, a cup of silver with stand weighing 36s. 3d., and four silver spoons weighing 4s. 7d., which were given up by Cecilia ate More and Richard de Wroteham, executors of William ate Vigne. Sureties, viz., John le Fraunceis, "joignour," and Richard de Wroteham, "bureller." Paid for enrolment 2s. 6d. for the clerk's fee.
Afterwards, viz., on Monday before the Feast of St. Edmund the King [20 Nov.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314], the above John ate Vigne, junior, came to the Husting and claimed his property, as being of full age, and it was given to him, and his brother John, senior, is quit.
Folio. ix b.
De trona civitat' emendata.
Thursday the eve of the Purification [2 Feb.], 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1312-13], came John de Bureford, spicer, Simon de Abyndone, draper, John de Codigntone [sic], Walter de Chesewyk, John de Hamme, Richard de Hakeneye, and other woolmen, to the Guildhall, before J[ohn] de Gysorz, Mayor, John de Wengrave, William de Leire, Henry de Durham, John de Wyndesore, William Servad, William de Combemartyn, Anketin de Gisors, Stephen de Abyndone, and Roger de Paris, Aldermen; and forasmuch as they had been given to understand that the City Tron for weighing wool bought and sold was defective, and that John Powell who had charge of it was incapacitated for the office by reason of his eyesight, the said John de Bureford and others aforenamed were sworn to prove the said Tron and, if necessary, to amend it, and to choose some trusty person to take charge of it. Thereupon a certain Thomas le Aunseremakere (fn. 16) made assay of the Tron with the weights at the Guildhall and found it true; and the woolmen aforesaid elected William Diry weigher at the Tron in the place of John Powel, the said William making oath to weigh justly, and to take no more than the charges prescribed.
De Joh'e de Waldesshef commum Narratori[sic] civitatis.
Wednesday before the Feast of St. Gregory [12 March], 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318-19], the freedom of the City and an annuity of 100s. granted to John de Waldesshef by John de Wengrave, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and good men from each Ward, for his pains in the late Parliament at York and in divers of the King's courts. And the said John came and pledged himself to serve the City faithfully in the future.
De Gregorio de Northone communi Narratori [sic] civitatis.
Monday the morrow of St. Gregory [12 March], 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318-19], Gregory de Nortone elected Common Serjeant and Pleader of the City by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty at 100s. a year.
De Joh'e de Burchon' [sic] co' i clerico.
In a Husting for Pleas of Land held on Monday after the Feast of St. Edward, K. [5 Jan.], 13 Edward II. [A.D. 1319-20], John de Burtone, clerk, elected and sworn clerk of the Chamber of the Guildhall in the presence of John de Wengrave, Mayor, R[obert] de Keles[eye], Richard de Gloucestre, John de la Chaumbre, John Poyntel, and other Aldermen [not named], Richard But, Matthew de Essex, William de Hakford, Walter Gorst, and other commoners [not named].