Pages 66-75
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: E, 1314-1337. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.
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Folios li b - lx
Another writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs granting murage on the same merchandise for a further term of two years in aid of the building of the aforesaid turret near the Black Friars. Dated at Westminster, 26 May, 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1317].
Folio. ii.
Thereupon came Edmund de Wyndesore and brought letters patent of the King addressed to the Mayor and Sheriffs, bidding them allow the said Edmund to execute the above works, for which murage had been granted, by himself or deputy. Dated at Westminster, 30 May, 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1317].
Folio. lii b.
Writ to the Mayor and Aldermen on behalf of William de Burgh and Margery his wife to similar effect to that recorded supra [p. 58], and summoning them to appear before the King on a day named. Witness, R[oger] le Brabanzon, at Lincoln, 6 Feb., 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1315-16].
Return made sicut alias [supra, p. 55], and they would appear on the day named.
Folio. liii.
Monday after the Feast of St. Matthias [24 Feb.], 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1315-16], complaint made by good men of the trade of potters as to frauds committed in their trade. (fn. 1)
Folio. liii b.
Wednesday after the Feast of SS. Philip and James [1 May], 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1316]. Ordinances made by certain good men of Sopereslane of the mistery of Pepperers, with the assent of Sir Stephen de Abyndone, the Mayor, John de "Gisorce," Nicholas de Farendone, John de Wengrave, Robert de Keleseye, William de Leire, Richard de Gloucestre, Hamo de Chiggewelle, John de la Chaumbre, Simon de Corp, and Anketyn de "Gisorz," Aldermen. (fn. 2)
Folio. liv.
Custodia W. fil' Martini (le) Tawiere.
Saturday before the Feast of St. Dunstan [19 May], 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], came William Del Abbey, skinner, and found sureties for his maintaining and instructing William, son of Martin le Tawyer, deceased, for a term of twelve years, viz., Peter de Newcastle, skinner, and Simon de Bedeford, skinner.
Custodia Radifilii Roberti le Chaundel'.
3 June, 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], the guardianship of Ralph, son of Robert le Chaundeler, entrusted to Amicia (or Avicia) his mother, relict of the said Robert, by Stephen de Abyndone, the Mayor, John de Gisors, John de Wengrave, William de Leire, and the rest of the Aldermen [not named], together with a certain tenement formerly belonging to Adam le Chaundeler, which the said Ralph recovered from Roger de Evre by an assize of novel disseisin, the said tenement being charged with certain payments to the Prior of Merton, the Hospital of St. Katherine, and the Prioress of Kelebourne, &c. Sureties, viz., William le Fourbour, John de Pelham, cotiller, William de Wytton', "peleter," and John de Leycestre, tailor.
Afterwards, viz., on Tuesday before the Feast of Ascension [8 May], 13 Edward II. [A.D. 1320], came the aforesaid Amicia and complained that Reginald de Undle, to whom she had leased the above tenement, had failed to pay the charges due to the chief lords, which the said Reginald denied. The chief lords summoned to appear and state what is due to them, the property being in the meantime taken into the City's hand.
Folio. liv b.
Preceptum de vendicione vadiorum
5 June, 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], precept issued by Stephen de Abyndone, the Mayor, Nicholas de Farendone, John de Gisors, John de Wengrave, Robert de Keleseye, Henry de Gloucestre, William Servat, Hamo de Chigwelle, Hamo Godchep, William de Leire, and John de la Chaumbre, Aldermen, to John Dode, the Chamberlain, to sell all pledges in his custody that were taken on account of assessment for breaking down the wall near the Tower, for discharge of certain debts of the City, and for expediting certain affairs of the City, &c.
De custodia Henr' fil' Henr' Gubbe.
Monday the morrow of H. Trinity [6 June], 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], the guardianship of Henry, son of Henry Gubbe, late "stokfisshmongere," entrusted to Robert de Ely, fishmonger, and Alice his wife, relict of the said Henry, by Stephen de Abyndone, the Mayor, John de Wengrave, William de Leire, Robert de Keleseye, Henry de Gloucestre, William de Coumbemartyn, John de Lincoln, William Servat, and Hamo de Chiggewelle, Aldermen, together with the sum of £30 and certain household goods which were delivered to them by Peter de Hatfeld and other executors of the said Henry, and also certain rents of a tenement in the parish of St. Michael near Candelwikstrete, formerly held by William de Braye, "stokfisshemongere," &c. Sureties, viz., Hugh Matfrei, William Edmond, John de Denham, Robert de Stratford, and Thomas Edmond.
(Afterwards, viz., on Wednesday after the Feast of St. Gregory [12 March], 7 Edward III. [A.D. 1332-3], came the above Henry, son of Henry Gubbe, before John de Prestone, Gregory de Nortone, John de Caustone, and Henry de Secheford, Aldermen, and acknowledged satisfaction, &c.)
Also, the guardianship of John, another son of the above Henry Gubbe, was entrusted to the aforesaid Robert and Alice. Sureties as above. The executors of the said Henry, (fn. 3) viz., Peter de Hatfeld, William Launce, William de Bray, Gilbert de Mordone, and Richard Gubbe, are quit.
Afterwards, in the Husting for Common Pleas held on Monday before the Feast of St. Peter in Cathedra [22 Feb.], 8 Edward III. [A.D. 1333-4], in the presence of John de Pulteneie, the Mayor, Nicholas de Farndone, John de Grantham, Benedict de Fulsham, Gregory de Nortone, Andrew Aubry, Richard de Hakeneye, William de Caustone, and Henry de Secheford, Aldermen, the above John was adjudged to be of full age, and he acknowledged satisfaction for his property, and acquitted Hugh Madefrey and the other sureties of Robert de Ely.
Folio. lv.
Custodia Avicie filie Galfridi de Beckles.
Monday the morrow of Clausum Pasche, 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], the guardianship of Avice, daughter of Geoffrey de Beckles, entrusted to John atte Watre, burser, and Isabella his wife, relict of the said Geoffrey, whose executors, viz., Ralph de Storteford and John de Ewelle, senior, as well as John de Ewelle, junior, hand over to them the infant's property, for which a bond is given by the above John atte Watre, Hugh de Wircestre, skinner, and John de Pikenham, "paternostrer." (fn. 4)
Folio. lv b.
Breve d'ni R' pro armatis arestandis et istud breve h't Ham'd' ae Chykewelle Maior a" E. fil' E. xiij.
Writ to the Sheriffs for proclamation to be made against vagrants in the City and the carrying of offensive weapons by anybody except the King's and Queen's Serjeants-at-arms, and one servant to carry his master's sword before each earl or baron. Dated at Westminster, 12 June, 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1316].
Proclamation accordingly.
Folio. lvi.
Dimissio porte de Creplegate facta Willo de Waltham.
Monday after the Feast of St. Luke [18 Oct.], 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], the gate of Creplegate granted to William de Waltham by Stephen de Abyndone, the Mayor, John de Wengrave, Robert de Keleseye, Henry de Gloucestre, Richard de Gloucestre, William Servat, John Lambyn, Roger de Frowyk, Anketyn de Gisors, William de Coumbemartyn, Roger de Paris, Hamo de Chiggewelle, and Hamo Godchep, Aldermen, to hold the same for life as a dwelling-house for the sum of £8 paid to John Dode, the Chamberlain. And the said William covenants to keep the houses (domos) built over the said gate protected against wind and rain, except big timber, stone, or lead, &c., and he will demise the said gate or houses to no one without the assent of the Mayor and Aldermen for the time being.
Pleas before John de Wengrave, the Mayor, on Saturday after Carniprivium, 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316-17]:-Stephen de Newcastle "super Are," (fn. 5) parson of the church of St. Laurence de Candelwikstrete, attached to answer a charge of having removed certain enclosures near the churchyard of the said church, through which ran a common way from time immemorial for men and horses.
Thereupon prohibition issued.
Folio. lvi b.
Acquittance by Stephen de Abyndone, citizen of London, and Johanna his wife, late wife of Simon de Matham, to Simon de Abyndone, Edmund de Chiltren', and Jordan Lambel, executors of the said Simon de Matham, for the sum of £240 bequeathed to the aforesaid Johanna by her former husband. Dated at London, 19 June, 9 Edward II. [A.D. 1316].
Saturday after the Feast of St. Peter ad Vincula [1 Aug.], 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], came Hamo Godchep before John de Gisors, John de Wengrave, and Robert de Keleseye, Aldermen, acting in place of Stephen de Abyndone, the Mayor, and demanded execution of a certain statute [merchant] and the sum of £30 for mercery purchased of him, and, the letter of statute being inspected, execution was granted.
Be it remembered that whereas certain arrears of divers taxations had been demanded of Adam de Rokesle, late Alderman, viz., of the arrears of 2,000 marks, anno 30 [Edward I.]- £7 10s.; and of the taxation made for gifts and expenses at the coronation of the present King, anno 1 [Edward II.]-one mark; and also of Peter de Blakeneye of arrears of 1,000 marks given to the present King, anno 4 [Edward II.]-20s.; and of the said Peter of arrears of the fifteenth, anno 29 [Edward I.], viz., for a third part of 15s.-5s., there came John "de la Chaumbre," Alderman, before Stephen de Abyndone, the Mayor, and the rest of the Aldermen, and asked that some mitigation of the said debts might be allowed to him, and he would satisfy the aforesaid arrears, &c. Thereupon it was agreed that all the said arrears should be pardoned and released for 4 marks, which the Commonalty owed the said John "de Camera" for his expenses in going to the Parliament at Lincoln, and for 60s. due to the said John on a loan in the Chamber by a certain tally of taxation for £1,000 lent to the King, anno 6 [Edward II.], and that the said Adam and Peter and their executors should be quit of all demands, &c.
Folio. lvii.
Proclamacio cervisie.
Proclamation that no brewer nor brewster nor any one else sell a gallon of ale for more than 3 farthings and at a penny, (fn. 6) and the best at three halfpence. Any one convicted of doing the contrary shall at first lose his brew, at the second offence abjure the trade, and at the third abjure the City for ever.
The above proclamation was made by common assent of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty on Monday the eve of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], and two good men from each Ward were sworn to see it observed.
Afterwards the King issued his writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs for the observance of the proclamation as appears infra (fo. lviii).
Michaelmas Term, 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], Monday before the Feast of St. Andrew [30 Nov.], Agnes de Bosham, executrix of William de Bosham, deceased, attached to answer Thomas de Carduyl, (fn. 7) executor of Benedict atte More, touching a sum of money bequeathed by the said William to the said Benedict, as appeared by a tally under the seal of the said William, which the said Agnes could not deny. Judgment for the plaintiff, and thereon assignment of certain rents in Chepe, which Thomas de Balsham, cheesemonger (casearius), consents to pay to the aforesaid Thomas.
Thursday after the Feast of St. Luke [18 Oct.], 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], came Walter de Hadham, tanner, before the Chamberlain and acknowledged the receipt of 40s. from Richard Ussher and the other executors of Hawisia de Mymmes, which the said Hawisia bequeathed to Hawysia her goddaughter (filiole), daughter of the aforesaid Walter, which money he held in trust. Therefore the executors are quit.
Folio. lvii b.
Writ to the Mayor and Chamberlains (Camerariis) of the City for a search to be made in the Rolls of taxation for the last fifteenth to see whether or not Hamo Godchep had been assessed on all his goods movable within the realm in addition to the issues of his lands outside. Witness, J[ohn] Delisle, at Westminster, 25 Nov., 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316].
Return made to the effect that it had been found from the Rolls that the said Hamo Godchep had been lately taxed for the last fifteenth on all his goods movable within the realm, except goods issuing from his foreign lands.
Henry de St. Antonine, taverner, to answer a charge of having sold a gallon of wine at Christmas, 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316], for sixpence, contrary to the ordinance which declared that no taverner of the City should sell wine by retail for more than fivepence (fn. 8) a gallon, &c.
The said Henry came, confessed his guilt, and put himself on the mercy of the Mayor and Aldermen.
Judgment given that, inasmuch as the said Henry had sold a gallon of wine out of a cask at a penny more than was lawful, he should sell the remainder of the cask at fourpence a gallon and bring the money into court to be dealt with as the court should decide.
Afterwards, viz., on Tuesday before the Feast of St. Hillary [13 Jan.] following, the said Henry came and asked the favour of the Mayor touching the said money. Thereupon the money was delivered to him on condition that if he should be again convicted of selling wine at sixpence a gallon, when that was not the price current throughout the City, he should forfeit 100s. to the Commonalty.
Writ of Privy Seal to the Mayor and Sheriffs that they warn cloth merchants not to untruss their bales of goods before John de Engaygne, Keeper of the King's ell (aun), (fn. 9) has viewed the same and done that which appertains to his office, the cloth of such as act to the contrary to be seized. Dated at Claryndon, 22 Feb., 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316-17].
Folio. lviii.
Breve R' de proclamacione cervisie.
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs that they cause the Assize of Ale to be observed, viz., that in cities, boroughs, and mercantile towns a gallon of the best ale be sold for three halfpence and of other ale for one penny, and in country towns a gallon of the best ale be sold for one penny, until further orders. Dated at Daventre, 22 Jan., 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316-17].
Proclamation made accordingly.
Folio. lviii b.
Indenture of defeasance of a bond entered into by John "Pisaquila" (fn. 10) de "Janua" in the sum of £40 in favour of Hugh de Waltham, on condition that the said John shall well and honestly behave himself towards Lecia, wife of Geoffrey de Conduit, Charles, brother of the said Geoffrey, and the said Hugh de Waltham. Dated at London, Saturday after the Feast of the Conception B. M. [8 Dec.], 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316].
Memoranda tangencia Joh'em et Agnetem liberos Jacobi fil' Fulconis de Sancto Edmundo.
Thursday after the Feast of St. Gregory [12 March], 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316-17], certain deeds and muniments relating to property belonging to Fulk de St. Edmund and James his son, as well as certain memoranda touching the Shrievalty of the said James, were delivered by John de Wengrave, the Mayor, the rest of the Aldermen, and the Chamberlain, to Agnes de Braghyng, executrix of the aforesaid James and guardian of John and Agnes his children, for safe custody until the said children come of age. Sureties for the said Agnes, viz., Ralph Fulk and William de Braghyng.
Afterwards, viz., on Tuesday after the Feast of St. Lucia [13 Dec.], 14 Edward II. [A.D. 1320], came John de Braghyng, William de Lutone, and William de Braghyng, executors of the aforesaid Agnes, (fn. 11) and brought two black coffers to the Guildhall containing the above muniments, the keys of which remain in the custody of the said John de Braghyng.
Folio. lix.
Saturday before the Annunciation B. M. [25 March], 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316-17], came Matilda, late wife of Hugh de Oxon', and acknowledged a deed for the receipt of various household goods (fn. 12) from Walter Waldeshef, Matthew de Essex, and James Beauflur, executors of Richard de Blountesham, to hold in trust for Idonia and Johanna, daughters of Margery, wife of the said Richard, until they arrive at marriageable age. Surety, viz., Nicholas de Bristoll, vintner.
Folio. lix b.
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to the effect that whereas the King had appointed William de Ormesby, John de Thorp, and John de Fresyngfelde to survey and examine corn measures in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, as well within the liberties as without, and to deliver measures proved by the King's Standard in London to be used in appointed places in those counties, the said Mayor and Sheriffs are to cause a certain measure of corn to be made and proved according to the King's Standard of the said City, and to be sealed with the King's Seal deputed for that purpose, and to be sent forthwith by some responsible person to the said William, John, and John. The costs to be allowed in the City's account with the King's Exchequer. Dated at Westminster, 20 April. 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1317].
Folio. lx.
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to pay to Margaret, widow of Peter de Gavastone, late Earl of Cornwall, an annual rent of £43 18s. 9¾d., issuing from Queenhithe, for the term of her life, the same to be allowed in the City's account with the Exchequer. Dated at Clipstone, 20 Dec., 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1316].
Another writ addressed to the Sheriffs of London, of the same date, and to similar effect.
Folio. lx b.
Scriptum Rad'i Gubbe stokfisshmongere.
A general acquittance granted by Richard, son of Walter Gubbe, to Ralph Gubbe, "stokfisshmongere," his late guardian, who had suffered imprisonment for default in rendering an account. Dated Wednesday after Easter [3 April], 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1317].
Acknowledged before John de Wengrave, the Mayor, on Friday after the Feast of St. Ambrose [4 April].
Scriptum Joh'is de Waltham capellani et vicar' de Wyndesore.
Deed whereby, in return for a sum of money paid and received, Hugh de Waltham covenants to pay to John de Waltham, called "le Teler," chaplain, an annuity of £8 for a term of fourteen years. Dated 18 May, 10 Edward II. [A.D. 1317].
The above deed acknowledged on the 19th May.