Folios xxi - xxx: Aug 1314 -

Pages 31-44

Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: E, 1314-1337. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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Folio xxi - xxx

Wednesday before the Feast of St. Laurence [10 Aug.], 16 Edward II. [A.D. 1322], certain good men of the City informed Hamo de Chig[welle], the Mayor, and the Aldermen that John Waldeshef, a sworn serjeant of the City, was opposed to the grant of an aid to the King for the war in Scotland, and was spreading false reports, &c., and asked that he might be attached to answer for his conduct. On a day named he fails to appear before the Mayor, and Nicholas de Farndone, Richard de Gloucestre, Elias de Suffolk, Roger de Frowik, Richard de Betoigne, Edmund Lambyn, John Cotoun, Robert de Swalclyve, Hamo Godchep, R[eginald] de Conduit, John de Prestone, Hugh de Gartone, Robert le Callere, Robert Sely, Roger le Palmere, Henry de Secch[ford], W[illiam] de Hedersete, John Poyntel, and John Priour, Aldermen, and Richard Costantyn, Alderman, and Richard de Hakeneie, the Sheriffs, and a great number of the Commonalty assembled in the Guildhall to hear his defence.

Evidence having been given of his having (inter alia) opposed the raising of the sum of 2,000 marks in aid of the King and of his disseminating discord among great and small, it was adjudged that he should be deprived of the freedom of the City and of his fee of 100s. paid to him by the Chamberlain on behalf of the Commonalty, (fn. 1) and that he should be removed from the Council of the City and not be allowed to plead for any one in the City. (fn. 2)

Folio. xxi b.

Custodia pueror' Benedicti Alfox.

Friday after the Feast of the Decollation of St. John Bapt. [29 Aug.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314], came Margery, widow of Benedict Alfox, woodmonger, and Geoffrey le Brochere, her co-executor, before Nicholas de Farndone, the Mayor, and William de Leyre, Alderman of the Ward of Castle Baynard, and bound themselves to deal with the issues, &c., of certain tenements in the parish of St. Benedict de Wodewharf, bequeathed by the said Benedict to Thomas, John, and Juliana his children, by will proved and enrolled in the Husting on Monday before the Feast of St. James, Ap. [25 July], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314], (fn. 3) to the use of the aforesaid Thomas and Juliana (their brother John having died), the said Thomas being eight years of age and Juliana three.

Writ to the Mayor and Bailiffs of Donewych. (fn. 4) William Prodhome and Robert de Ely, citizens of London, had complained to the King of a ship with a cargo of salt having been seized on the way from Southampton to Great Yarmouth and carried to their town of Donewych, and of their delay in doing justice in the matter, although often requested by the Mayor and Commonalty of London. They are reminded that, according to the custom of the City in matters of this kind, the Mayor and Commonalty could take withernam of the goods of such peers and commoners (parium et communariorum) as were found in the City. In order, however, to promote peace, they are commanded to do instant justice, and to make a return into Chancery of what they do. Dated at York, 22 June, 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1319].

Folio. xxii.

De civibus electis ad eundum ad parliamentum apud Ebor'.

Be it remembered that on Monday next after the Feast of the Assumption B. M. [15 Aug.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314], there were assembled at the Guildhall Nicholas de Farndone, the Mayor, John de Gysors, John de Wengrave, William de Leyre, Roger de Frouwyk, Simon de Paris, Anketin de Gysors, Roger de Paris, William de Trente, John de Lincoln, Stephen de Abyndone, and Simon Corp, Aldermen, and good men of the Commonalty summoned from each Ward, and they elected certain citizens to attend the Parliament at York on the business of the realm and the City according to the King's command, &c., viz., John de Gysors, John de Wengrave, and William de Leyre, Aldermen, for the Mayor and Aldermen to select two of them who, &c. And of the Commonalty they elected Robert de Keleseye, William de Gartone, Richer de Refham; taverner, and Matthew de Essex, for two to be selected from them who, &c. And for their expenses it was agreed that every one assessed for the last fifteenth granted to the King should pay one penny in the pound of his chief chattel. (fn. 5)

Deliberacio franci Banci facta Alicie que fuit ux' Joh'is de Harwe.

Precept to the Sheriffs to deliver to Alice, late wife of John de Harwe, her free-bench (fn. 6) in a tenement which belonged to her late husband, viz., the hall, principal chamber, and cellar beneath, and also common easement in the kitchen, stable, common privy, and courtyard. The residue of the tenement to remain to Johanna and Agnes, cousins and heirs of the deceased. (fn. 7)

Deliberacio cujusd' ciste facta d'ne Joh'e relicte d' ni Thom' de Lodelowe.

Memorandum of the delivery of a chest by Dame Cecilia, late wife of Sir John de Bacquelle, to Dame Johanna, late wife of Sir Thomas de Lodelawe (or Lodelowe), on Saturday after the Feast of the Assumption B. M. [15 Aug.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314]. (fn. 8)

Folio. xxii b-xxiii b.

Allowance of the franchise of London made before the lord the King at Westminster, Hillary Term, anno 6 Edward II., at the instance of William de Burgh, at that time Attorney of the Mayor and Commonalty of the City aforesaid.

Petronilla, widow of Robert de Brome de Lappeworthe, appeals Henry de Braundestone and Edmund Wolmer of the death of her husband. They came not. Precept to the Sheriffs for their attachment. The Sheriffs made return that they had attached the said Henry de Braundestone and taken sureties, pursuant to the King's writ, for his appearance before the King's Justices at their next coming to the Tower, according to the custom of the City, (fn. 9) but the said Edmund Wolmer they could not find. (fn. 10) And inasmuch as the King desires to be informed as to the custom of citizens appealed for death in the City claiming to find sureties for their appearance at the next Iter, the Mayor and Sheriffs are commanded to appear before the King on a certain day, and Petronilla likewise. A further precept to the Sheriff to demand the above Edmund from Husting to Husting until, &c., and if he appears to take him into custody. The Mayor and Aldermen fail to return the writ on two occasions. Thereupon the said Petronilla proffers a certain bill sealed with the seal of John de Wydeville, Roger de Bosco, William Granset, Richard Anketil, Robert de Hernes, Robert de Knaptone, and Robert, son of Geoffrey de Graftone, declaring that in their presence she had delivered her aforesaid writ on Tuesday after the Feast of the Ascension [24 May], 6 Edward II. [A.D. 1313], and she gives security for her claim by Henry Fitz Henry and Roger de Bosenho against the said Mayor and Aldermen. And because they are suspect, &c., precept is issued to the Coroner to attach the said Mayor and Aldermen to appear before the King in the octave of St. Michael, wheresoever, &c. They appear on the day, and the said Petronilla likewise, who says that she delivered the writ to the Mayor and Aldermen in the Chamber of the Guildhall where they held their Court on the day aforesaid, and in the presence of John de Wydeville and others, and the Mayor and Aldermen had not returned the writ as ordered, and were in the contempt of the King to the extent of £1,000, and had delayed her suit to the loss of £200, which she was prepared to prove. The Mayor and Aldermen deny having received the writ, and as to certifying the King on the franchise and custom aforesaid, they cite the Charter granted to the City anno 27 Edward I., (fn. 11) and the Great Charter of liberties of England which confirmed to the City all its ancient liberties and customs. Thereupon the King sent a "bill" under the Great Seal to Roger le Brabazon and his fellow-Justices to the effect that the citizens should be allowed to enjoy all their ancient privileges. The "bill" dated at Wyndesore, 25 Jan., 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1313-14].

The Mayor and Aldermen pray that the custom in question may be recorded as being one the citizens had of old enjoyed; and the said Petronilla having been asked on three several occasions to show cause against the City's claim, and having answered nothing, it was adjudged that the Mayor and Aldermen should go without a day, &c., and the said Petronilla was told to prosecute her suit, for the death of her husband, before the Justices Itinerant at the Tower. (fn. 12)

Folio. xxiii b.

Breve missum pro privato sigillo R' elongato.

Writ [to the Sheriffs ?] notifying the loss of the King's Privy Seal, and ordering that proclamation be made that no attention be paid to any command that may appear under that seal without further orders from the King, unless the command be to the King's benefit and honour. Dated at Berwick-on-Tweed, 27 June, 7 Edward II. [A.D. 1314]. (fn. 13)

Folio. xxiv.

Breve Regis pro Will'o de Coule.

Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to summon before them Francis "Bachimo" and John "Passaquila," (fn. 14) merchants of Genoa, that an account may be taken of what sums of money (if any) are due to them from William de Coule, apothecary, under a statute merchant, and, if they or either of them cannot be found, to release the said William, who had been committed to Newgate, on his finding adequate security. Dated at York, 5 Sept., 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314].

Another writ to similar effect. Dated at York, 3 Oct., 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314].

Folio. xxiv b.

Monday before the Feast of Conversion of St. Paul [25 Jan.], 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318-19], came Thomas de Wynchester, bureller, one of the executors of Henry le Jonge (Yonge ?), bureller, before the Mayor and Aldermen in full Husting of Pleas of Land, and complained that Margery, widow and executrix of the said Henry, and now wife of John de Dene, had sold some property left to her by her husband without the consent of the plaintiff, her co-executor, contrary to the terms of the will of her said husband, and the said Thomas prays that no sale shall be allowed to take place in future contrary to the said will. The said John and Margery, being present in Court, make no denial. The will having been examined, judgment is given that no sale in future take place without the assent of the plaintiff, and that when a sale takes place, one moiety of the proceeds shall go to the said Margery and the other to pious uses for the good of the soul of the said Henry.

Folio. xxv.

Andr' Godard ponderator magne balancie.

Wednesday after the Feast of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314], came Luke de Haveringe, John de Bureford, Stephen de Prestone, William Walram, Roger de Arcubus, William de Bidyk, John de Prestone, Walter Walram, Adam atte Bowe, John Drury, Henry de Prestone, and William de Prestone, and presented Andrew Godard to be weigher of the Great Beam of the lord the King in the City of London, in the presence of Nicholas de Farndone, the Mayor, John de Wangrave, Richard de Gloucestre, Simon Corp, Roger de Frouwyk; William Trente, and John Lambyn, Aldermen, and the said Andrew was admitted and sworn.

Mr marc' mutuate d'no Regi per Maiorem Adr'os et co'itatem civit' London' a° r' sui auodecimo.

Be it remembered that on the 21st March, 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1318-19], the Mayor, Aldermen, and the rest of the citizens of London being asked by the Treasurer, the Barons of the Exchequer, and others of the King's Council for a loan of 1,000 marks in aid of the war against the Scots, the same was granted on the understanding that due allowance should be made to them on the first aid made to the King by the said City and the County of Middlesex, and that they should obtain pardon for each advance to be made to the King, all of which was conceded by the said Treasurer and Barons to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty aforesaid.

Scriptum Jacobi Beauflur et Thom' Drinkewatre.

Lease by Thomas Drynkewatre, taverner, to James Beauflur, vintner, of a tavern situate at the head of London Bridge in the parish of St. Olof for a term of six years from Christmas, anno 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1317]. Dated at London the eve of Christmas, anno 11 Edward II. [A.D. 1317]. Witnesses, Ralph de Storteford, William le Cotiller, Robert de Borham, Robert and Richard de Barsham, clerks, and others [not named]. (fn. 15)

The above deed read and acknowledged on Friday the eve of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr [7 July], 12 Edward II. [A.D. 1319].

Folio. xxv b

Writ of Privy Seal to the Mayor and Sheriffs to attach certain apostate brethren of the Order of Preaching Friars and deliver them over for punishment to the Prior. Dated at York, 22 Sept., 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314]. (fn. 16)

Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to deliver up to the Prior of the Order of Preaching Friars, when requested, any vagabond friars of that Order they may find in the City, and further, to take steps to prevent the publication of defamatory writings against the Order. Dated at York, 18 Sept., 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314].

Pursuant to the above writ and letters patent publication (puplicacio) was made in the church of St. Paul on Friday after Michaelmas [29 Sept.], in the presence of certain canons and ministers of the said church and of many persons then writing there (plurimorum ibidem tunc scribentium). (fn. 17)

Folio. xxvi.

Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to levy a debt due by Robert de Wight to Thomas de Wight on the goods of the former, and to dispatch the proceeds in aid of the ransom of the said Thomas, who had been taken prisoner in Scotland. Dated at Spaldyng, 24 Oct., 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314]. (fn. 18)

Folio. xxvi b.

Libertas civitatis allocata coram Justic' de Banco Regis.

Pleas before the lord the King at Westminster, Michaelmas term, 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314]:-William de Mortone attached to answer a charge of having forcibly abstracted various articles of jewellery, silver plate, linen and woollen cloths, also certain bonds and deeds of acquittance, &c., from two chests lying near the church of St. Magnus in the Ward of Bridge. The said William defends by Thomas de Musle, his attorney, &c. Thereupon came William de Burgh, attorney of the Mayor and Commonalty, and demanded the franchise, &c. And inasmuch as it had been allowed the Mayor oftentimes in like case, it was again allowed, and the aforesaid attorney fixed a day, and orders were given for speedy justice to be done, otherwise, &c.

The above record was delivered to Hamo de Chiggewelle, the Sheriff, anno 8 [Edw. II.], and he was commanded by the Mayor and Aldermen to hear the plea and do speedy justice, &c. (fn. 19)

Folio. xxvii.

Monday before Christmas, 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314], a certain turret (turella) on London Wall near Bisshopesgate granted as a residence to Sir John de Elyngham by John de Gisors, the Mayor, John de Wengrave, William de Leire, Henry de Durham, and John de Camera, Aldermen, at the instance of Sir Walter de Norwich. (fn. 20)

The same day John Dode, the Chamberlain, delivered to William Servat the sum of £10 recently entrusted to him for safe custody.

The same day came good men of the Ward of Bradestrete and prayed that a certain elm tree growing near London Wall by Bisshopesgate, which, by reason of its age and dryness, was dangerous to the shops of Roger Poyntel [might be cut down and sold], and the proceeds of the sale devoted to the purchase of a cord for le Wardehoke. And the same was granted. (fn. 21)

Breve R' pro ij civ' mittend' ad Parliament' a° viij°.

Writ to the Sheriffs for the election of two representatives of the City to attend a Parliament to be held at Westminster in the octave of St. Hillary [13 Jan.] next. Dated at Spaldyng, 24 Oct., 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314].


Pursuant to the above writ two citizens were elected to attend the aforesaid Parliament, and a commission to them was made as follows:-

To the Most Excellent Prince, &c., the Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and the whole Commonalty of the City. We have assigned William de Leire and Henry de Durham, and have by these presents given them full power to do in the coming Parliament whatsoever shall be ordained by common consent therein. Dated 18 Jan., 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314-15]. (fn. 22)

Folio. xxvii b.

Pleas before the lord the King at Westminster, Michaelmas Term, 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314]:-London, John de Merkyngfeld, goldsmith, in mercy for many defaults. The said John was attached to answer Peter Turgys on a charge of refusing to give an account of goods taken at York and carried away, and for using threats of personal violence, and fraudulently obtaining his imprisonment. And the said John, by Robert de Torkeseye his attorney, came and defended, &c. Thereupon William de Burgh, the attorney of the Mayor and Commonalty, demanded the franchise, and it was granted. And the said William named a day for the parties to appear at the Guildhall, and he was told to render speedy justice, otherwise, &c. The parties fail to appear, &c. The record delivered to Hamo de Chiggewelle, the Sheriff, &c., in case the parties wish to prosecute, &c.

Folio. xxviii.

Breve Regis directum de clericis vicecom' et ministris eorum amovend'.

Writ to the Sheriffs to dismiss from their service any one who had already been in the service of a Mayor or Sheriff since the commencement of the King's reign, pending an inquiry into the conduct of sheriffs, under-sheriffs, clerks, and officers during that period. Dated at Ely, 4 Nov., 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314].

Writ to the Sheriffs notifying the appointment of Hervey de Stauntone, John de Merkyngfeld, Henry le Scrope, and Ralph de Stokes, the King's Justices, to inquire into the misconduct of Hugh de Gartone and Robert Burdeyn, late Sheriffs, as well as of other sheriffs, clerks, bailiffs, constables, &c., during the King's reign, and bidding them make proclamation for all complainants to appear before the said Justices. Dated at Spaldyngge, 24 Oct., 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314].

Calnupn a [sic] Maioris et civium.

Proclamation having been accordingly made, and the said Justices being about to open their inquiry, there came to the Guildhall John de Gisors, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and Sheriffs, together with many fellow-citizens, and claimed the franchise of the City, saying that it was contrary to the franchise of the City for any other Justices to sit within the liberties to determine complaints of this kind except the Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs, by ancient custom, and prayed them to do nothing contrary to the franchise aforesaid. Thereupon the Justices adjourned their session and did not appear again, and so the matter remained undetermined.

Folio. xxviii b.

Eleccio Henr' de Glouc' et Anketini de Gisorcio in custod' pontis London'.

In the Husting for Pleas of Land held on Monday before the Purification B. M. [2 Feb.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314-15], Henry de Gloucestre and Anketyn de Gisors re-elected (electi fuerunt de novo) Wardens of London Bridge by John de Gisors, the Mayor, John de Wengrave, Henry de Durham, John de Lincoln, John Lambyn, Simon Corp, Anketyn de Gisors, Henry de Gloucestre, and John de la Chaumbre, Aldermen, Stephen de Abyndone and Hamo de Chiggewelle, Sheriffs, and the Commonalty, and sworn. And Thomas Prentice and John de Wymondeham, Wardens, (fn. 23) were removed from office, &c.

De auditorib' comp' custod' pont' ao viijo.

Auditors assigned to the above Wardens, viz., Henry de Durham, Simon de Paris, John de la Chaumbre, Elyas de Suffolk, Simon Corp, Aldermen, and a day named for rendering their account, viz., Monday in mid-Lent.

Dimissio cujusd' dom' pont' Lond' facta Will'o de Dounesheved.

Monday before the Feast of Purification B. M. [2 Feb.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314-15], John de Gisors, the Mayor, John de Wengrave, Henry de Durham, John de Lincoln, John Lambyn, Simon Corp, Anketyn de Gisors, Richard de Gloucestre, John de la Chaumbre, and Henry de Gloucestre, Aldermen, and Stephen de Abyndone and Hamo de Chiggewelle, Sheriffs, granted and demised to William de "Dounhefd," barber to Sir John de Sandale, the King's Chancellor, at the instance of the aforesaid Sir John, a certain house appertaining to London Bridge, near the tenements of John Mew and Thomas le Maderman in the parish of St. Dyonis, Baccherche; to hold the same for life at an annual rent of 2 marks.

Deliberacio xls. facta Elye le Callere.

Wednesday before the Feast of St. Peter in Cathedra [22 Feb.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314-15], came Elyas le Callere, mercer, before John de Gisors, the Mayor, and asked that the sum of 40s. which had been taken by way of Withernam from Thomas de Grantham de Dyvelyn (fn. 24) and Alexander, the valet of Luke de Hilkeneye de Dyvelyn, because his own valet had been distrained at Dyvelyn for payment of custom, might be given up to him, and it was given to him by John Dode, the Chamberlain, who had received it from John le Mazelyner, a former Chamberlain; the said Elyas finding sureties for indemnity, viz., William de Gartone and Thomas de Gisors.

Folio. xxix.

Forisfactura adjudicata de nucibus sup' Rad' in de la Pole.

Ralph de la Pole attached to answer the lord the King as well as Stephen de Abyndone, one of the Sheriffs of London, for that whereas no merchant stranger ought to buy any goods from another stranger within the liberty of the City, under penalty of forfeiture of the goods bought, &c., the said Ralph did on Monday before the Feast of St. Valentine [14 Feb.] in this year [8 Edward II.] buy from Peter le Picard, a merchant stranger, a fifth part of a cargo of large nuts, thus depriving the Sheriff of the King's custom on the said goods, to the damage of the City's franchise, &c. The said Ralph acknowledged the purchase so made, &c. It was therefore adjudged that the goods should be forfeited to the use of the Sheriff, &c.

De mensuracione dosseriorum piscis.

Saturday before the Feast of St. Valentine [14 Feb.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314-15], there were seized certain dossers (fn. 25) of fish belonging to fishmongers of the City, and in the presence of John de Gisors, the Mayor, John de Wengrave, William de Leire, Simon Corp, Elias de Suffolk, Roger de Paris, and Anketin de Gisors, Aldermen, they were measured and proved whether they were of the measure of a bushel of oats, as by the custom of the City they ought to be, &c.

The dossers belonging to Simon Fitz Robert, William de Braibrok, William le Long, Adam de Ely, William Lombard, Walter, the valet of Adam de Ely, Nicholas Edmond, John de Mockynge, William Prodhome, and Geoffrey Graspays, being found deficient in size, were ordered to be burnt in Chepe, and the fish confiscated to the use of the Sheriffs.

Folio. xxix b.

Custod' Matild' fil' Will' i de Kent.

Thursday after the Feast of St. Peter in Cathedra [22 Feb.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314-15], the guardianship of Matilda, daughter of William de Kent, tailor, (fn. 26) entrusted to Stephen le Naylere. Sureties, viz., John de Colkirke, tailor, and Alexander le Goldbetere.

Afterwards came Hamo de Vernon, "chaundeler," who married the above Matilda, and demanded her property, and it was delivered to him by the said Stephen on Monday the morrow of All Souls [2 Nov.] the year aforesaid.

Custod' Alic' filie Will'i de Kent.

The same day the guardianship of Alice, daughter of the above William de Kent, was entrusted to John de Colkirke. Sureties, viz., William de Aldenham and Stephen le Nailere.

Custod' pueror' Galfridi de Chelchethe.

Wednesday before the Feast of St. Peter in Cathedra [22 Feb.], 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314-15], the guardianship of John and Richard, sons of Geoffrey de Chelchethe, (fn. 27) entrusted to Ismanya, relict of the said Geoffrey. Sureties, viz., Richard Ussher and John Lefhog le Chaundeler.

The same day the guardianship of William, son of the above Geoffrey, was entrusted to the above John Lefhog, together with property comprising a leaden trough, a pot, carpets, and sheets. Sureties, viz., Gerard le Barbier de Holebourne and Geoffrey, son of Geoffrey de Chelchethe.

Folio. xxx.

Secundum breve de ordinacione poletrie, de inquirend' de forstallatoribus.

Writ to the Sheriffs for the attachment of persons found contravening a recent ordinance made with the assent of the King's Council for regulating the price of cattle, poultry, &c. Dated at Westminster, 20 March, 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314-15].

Breve de ordinacione facta de bestiis et poletria.

Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs for proclamation to be made in the City of the above ordinance. Dated at Westminster, 14 March, 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1314-15]. (fn. 28)

Proclamation made accordingly on Saturday before Palm Sunday.

Folio. xxx b.

Aliud breve ad inquirend' de forstallatoribus victualium.

Another writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs bidding them take steps to put down the practice of forestalling, and to see that the above ordinance is strictly observed. Dated at Westminster, 17 April, 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1315].

Pursuant to the above writ, John de Gisors, the Mayor, and Stephen de Abyndone and Hamo de Chigewelle, the Sheriffs, caused inquiry to be made on the oath of good men of the several Wards as to forestallers, and those who disregarded the above ordinance (de predictarum ordinacionum enervatoribus).

Breve Regis de ordinacione facta de vinis.

Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs for proclamation to be made that all vintners and taverners selling wine by retail in the City and suburb shall take no more than threepence a gallon under heavy penalty. Dated at Westminster, 30 May, 8 Edward II. [A.D. 1315]. (fn. 29)

Proclamation made accordingly on Sunday before the Feast of St. Barnabas [11 June].


  • 1. The freedom of the City and an annuity of 100s. had been granted to him in 1319 for his services in Parliament and elsewhere. Vide supra, p. 20.
  • 2. Printed in 'Memorials,' p. 147.
  • 3. See 'Cal. of Wills,' i. 248.
  • 4. Dunwich, co. Suffolk, once an important town, but long since swallowed up by the sea.
  • 5. Printed in Palgrave's 'Parl. Writs,' vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 129.
  • 6. The estate in copyhold lands which the wife had for dower on the death of her husband according to the custom of the manor. See 'Cal. of Wills, Court of Husting, London,' vol. i., Introd., p. xxxix.
  • 7. Printed in Liber Albus,' i. 393.
  • 8. See 'Memorials,' p. 110.
  • 9. Cf. 'Cal. Letter-Book D,' pp. 312-3.
  • 10. The return is printed with other particulars of the felony in 'Chron. Edw. I. and II.,' vol. i. pp. 219, 220.
  • 11. Inspeximus charter dated 17 April, 27 Edward I. [A.D. 1299], still preserved at the Guildhall. It confirms certain articles allowed by charter dated 26 March, 52 Henry III. [A.D. 1268], and among them the following article, here put forward on behalf of the City, viz. :- "Concessimus etiam eisdem civibus, quod de placitis ad coronam pertinentibus, de hiis maxime quæ infra civitatem prædictam et ejus suburbium fieri continget se possint disrationare secundum antiquam consuetudinem civitatis prædictæ."-'Liber Cust.,' 1. 264.
  • 12. The rest of the proceedings are chronicled in the account given in the City's 'Liber Custumarum' (i. 371- 374) of the proceedings of the memorable Iter held at the Tower from January to July, 1321, when a presentment was made to the Justices by divers Wards to the effect that in the sixth year of Edward II. John de Gisors, the Mayor, had been bribed to admit Henry de Braundestone to the freedom of the City, although he stood indicted before the Coroner and Sheriffs for having caused the death of Robert de Brome in the church of St. Mary at Hill, in order that the said Henry might become entitled to replevin (replegiari) on the indictment until the next Iter, and that the said Mayor had admittèd the said Henry under a false date, so that it should appear that his admission had taken place prior to the felony, and had allowed him to be replevined until the next Iter. The Mayor in his defence pleaded that the admission had taken place a month before the felony, but a jury found that the admission had been made after the indictment and that the Mayor was aware of the indictment. Upon this finding the Justices declared the custom abolished as being contrary to the law and custom of the realm, and the Mayoralty taken into the King's hand. At the same time they ordered John de Gisors into custody. He was, however, soon released on mainprise by the King's order, and got off eventually with a fine of 100 marks, whilst Henry de Braundestone was released on surety in the following November.
  • 13. Cf. Rymer's 'Fodera,' vol. ii. pt. i. p. 249.
  • 14. "Pinza Aquila," 'Cal. LetterBook B,' p. 248. "Pisaquila," infra, fo. lviii b.
  • 15. 'Memorials,' p. 131.
  • 16. This and the following writ and proceedings thereon are printed in 'Memorials,' pp. 111-13.
  • 17. Alluding to the scriveners and others who were in the habit of transacting business in "Paul's Walk."
  • 18. 'Memorials,' p. 113.
  • 19. Printed in 'Liber Albus,' i. 298. 300.
  • 20. 'Memorials,' p. 115.
  • 21. 'Memorials,' p. 116.
  • 22. Writ and commission printed from the Letter-Book in Palgrave's 'Parliamentary Writs,' vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 144.
  • 23. Elected 1311. 'Cal. Letter-Book D,' p. 275.
  • 24. Dublin.
  • 25. Dosseria. Baskets adapted for carriage on the back, otherwise known as "dorsers."
  • 26. His will enrolled in the Husting in November, 1314. See 'Cal. of Wills,' 1. 251.
  • 27. His will enrolled in the Husting in October, 1314. See 'Cal. of Wills,' i. 249.
  • 28. Rymer's 'Fodera,' vol. ii. pt. i. p. 263. A writ to the same effect and similar in every respect to the above, except that it is addressed to the Sheriffs only and bears date the 13th March, is printed in extenso in the 'Chron. of Edward I. and II.' (Rolls Series), i. 232-233. The proclamation met with such opposition that it was recalled in February, 1316. Ibid., i. 237.
  • 29. Rymer's 'Fodera,' vol. ii. pt. i. p. 268.