Hearth Tax: City of London 1666, St Michael le Querne

London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, 2011.

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In this section

Blow blather St north syde: St Martins Alley west syd

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Thomas Finch 3 s
John Hatton 5 s

Blow blather Streete north syde

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
John Bedingfeild 8 s
Thomas Moseley 6 s
Mathew Rycrafte 5 s
John Davingporte 8 s
Tho Jenrery 9 s
George Fadlut 5 s
Thomas Adams 8 s
Thomas Bruster 5 s
Peter Pickman 7 s
Ezekiell Wollis 12 s
John Sharpe 8 s
Barnard Gibbard 7 s

Blow blather Streete South syde

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Mr Booker 6 s
Gustavus Hacket 8 s
Paule Jones 6 s
Thomas Hood 6 s
Mr Pophet 7 s owner of an emp house
Ro: Boyce 5 s 1 stove & 4
John Mills 4 s
John Jones 11 s
Kineline Smith 10 s

Cheap syde South

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Rich Crackley 7 s
Thomas Danity 5 s
Ed: Wyle 4 s
John Snow 9 s
Clement Darbey 6 s
Thomas Barnes 4 s
Thomas Alcock 5 s
Rich Thrall 4 s

east syd

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Izaack Turner 3 s
Joseph Brookes 3 s
Edmond Bruster 4 s
wid Norton 3 s

East syde

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
George Coppin 5 s
wid Manson 3 s
John Brandon 2 s

Foster Lane west syde

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
John Boulton 6 s
John Windover 5 s
Edward Price 4 s

in a little Alley

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Rich Simson 5 s
Henrie Christant 5 s
Will Browne 11 s

ould Chaing west syde

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Izabella Roberts 4 s
John Webster 4 s
John Tippin 3 s
Ambros Frowin 4 s
George Emmis 2 s
Peter Harald 3 s
John Sothorne 2 s
wid Shorter 1 s
John Hyde 5 s

Panier Alley west syde

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
John Lowe 4 s
wid Hubbard 1 s
Robert Hays 4 s
Mr Eates 5 s owner of a emp house
John Manson 4 s owner of an emp house

Pater noster Row north syd

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Jefery Thomas 7 s
Mr Bonam 8 s owner of an emp: house
Nicholas Hygate 6 s
John Broughton 12 s
wid Archer 8 s
Thomas Trapam 7 s
Will Bearblock 6 b {
John Humphreys 5 b {
Henry Poole 6 s
Hen : Sprigg 5 s

Pater noster Row South Syde

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Thomas Sernwn 6 j & partner
0 j
Rich Lamey 4 s
John Garbrand 4 s
16 s 4 emp houses of the bridge house rents
John Boult 4 s
Nicholas Ady 4 s emp

Pater noster Rowe North syde

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Samuel Lucas 3 s
Anthony Dowse 9 s
Hen Such 4 s
Peter Puckering 5 s

Sun Courte

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Neale Daphin 3 s
Mr Bowden 4 s owner of an emp house
John Cresey 4 s
Mr Chandler 4 s owner of an emp house
Edward Gales 4 s Thomas Anguish Collected these Last four June the 9th 1666
John Jelebrand 5 s Thomas Anguish Collected these Last four June the 9th 1666
John Vaughan 4 s Thomas Anguish Collected these Last four June the 9th 1666
Speed 4 s Thomas Anguish Collected these Last four June the 9th 1666