Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666, St Martin in the Fields , Knuckles Alley

London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, 2011.

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Knuckles Alley

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
Thomas Dansey 4 b Empty
John Williams 4 j
Wm Mardin 0 j
Mary Roberts 4 b empty
Mr Morton 4 s
Mr Newman 4 b
Katherin Dod 4 b
Susan Page 4 b no distr
John Dunne 4 b
Robert Turner 3 s
Rich: Lett 7 s
John Turner 4 s noe distress
Laure: Perry 4 s
John Powell 5 s Empty
William Pryce 3 s empty
Robert Williams 4 b
Mr Redish 4 b noe distress
Mr Lanton 4 s
Fra: Lett 4 b
Widd Russell 3 j empty
Mr Freind 0 j
Thomas Sylly 3 s
John Gunne 2 b
Richard Williams 2 b noe distress
Mr Blackwell 2 b pore