Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666, St Martin in the Fields , Hedge Lane East

London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, 2011.

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Hodge Lane East Syde

Title Forename Surname Total Hearths Listing Status Notes
John Yeates 2 s poore
John Hurst 2 s
Thomas Jenning 2 s poore
Lewis Lambert 6 s
Sergeant Nevill 4 s
Mr Marte 4 s noe distress
Daniell Craweleig 4 s
Mr Allen 1 b
John Slater 1 b
Humphry Barns 4 b new built & emptie
Mr Paines 5 b & Emptie
William Addington 2 b noe distress being poore
Thomas Murrey 2 b