Index of arms

Pages 599-601

The Environs of London: Volume 2, County of Middlesex. Originally published by T Cadell and W Davies, London, 1795.

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N.B. Where the letter Q follows a figure, the quarterings of the family there mentioned are described.



Abbot, Page 348.

Albini, 307.

Allanson, 584.

Allen, 338.

Allot, 201.

Amy, 64.

Arderne, 573.

Aston, 367.

Aubery, 584.

Austin, 63.

Ayksith, 461.

Aylmer, 347. 349.


Baber, 520.

Badlesmere, 307, 467.

Baguley, 367.

Balderston, 367.

Barden, 461.

Bardville, 339.

Barker, 47. 201. (Q).

Barkley, 369.

Barnevelt, 202.

Barrett, 230.

Barrow, 371.

Basket, 347.

Beauchamp, 467.

Beaumont, 467.

Beauvoir, 469.

Belismo, 592.

Bellers, 263. (Q). 305.

Bennett, 464.

Benson, 63.

Berkley, 46. (Q). 367. 467. 521.

Billesby, 370. (Q).

Biscoe, 110.

Blencowe, 595. (Q).

Blunt, 200.

Bolney, 105.

Bolton, 585.

Bond, 372. (Q).

Bonner, 348.

Booth, 539.

Botetourt, 98.

Bragge, 520.

Brandon, 103.

Briginshaw, 594.

Bromley, 593.

Brotherton, 304.

Browne, bis, 440.

Bruse, 304.

Bruyn, 103.

Brydges, 338. 367. (Q).

Bryn, 367. 572. (Q).

Buck, 107.

Bukby, 98.

Bulbeck, 467.

Bulstrode, 469.

Bury, 64.

Button, 276.

Byrkhed, 571.


Cailridge, 371.

Cantelupe, 100.

Carew, 519.

Carlos, 369.

Carr, 440.

Carter, 573.

Casamajor, 202. (Q).

Castell, 440.

Cave, 411. (Q).

Cavell, 9.

Chaloner, 200. (Q).

Chamberlayne, Oxf. 109.

Chamberlayne, Gloc. 109. (Q).

Chandos, 367.

Charlton, 264.

Charlton, Ld Powis, 307.

Cheney, 263. (Q).

Chesham, 263.

Chester, 469.

Child, 374. 595.

Cibber, 427.

Clarke, 371. 584.

Cleeve, 24.

Clerke, 447.

Clifford, 109.

Clitherow, 47.

Clobbs, 371.

Clowes, 61.

Collett, 427.

Colley, 427.

Collins, 427.

Colmore, 338.

Colt, 85.

Colvill, 106. (Q). 573.

Compton, 348.

Conway, 5.

Cooke, 593.

Coriton, 372.

Cornish, 370.

Corona, 367.

Coryton, 9.

Coston, 440.

Cosyn, 373.

Cotton, 202.

Coulrich, 371.

Coventry, 304.

Crayle, 9.

Crispe, 408.

Croft, 367.

Crowcher, 426.

Culliford, 108.

Cullum, 48.


Dacre, 104. (Q).

Daniers, 367.

Davies, 519.

Delbosch, 203.

Delcrowe, 308.

Dent, 263.

Dericote, 465.

Dewell, 8.

Digges, 462.

Dod, 469.

Done, 371.

Dormer, 371. (Q).

Draper, 263.

Drapers Company, 63.

Duncombe, 446.


Edmondson, 68.

Edwards, 230. 465.

Eglesclive, 461.

Englowese, 103.

Espec, 307.

Evington, 306.


Fenner, 593. (Q).

Ferrers, 64.

Fiennes Lord Dacre, 104. (Q).

Fisher, 595.

Fitzalan, 46.

Fitzhugh, 105. 276.

Fitzjames, 348. (Q).

Fitzjohn, 98.

Fleetwood, 200.

Fletcher, 348.

Foliot, 461.

Francis, 264, 265.

Franklin, 441.

Furneaux, 105. 467.

Furnival, 592.


Gale, 47. (Q). 520.

Gardiner, 440.

Garrard, 306.

Garth, 571.

Gates, 447.

Gerard, 367. (Q).

Gernegan, 105.

Gervoise, 107.

Gibbon, 106.

Gibson, 348.

Gloucester Deanery, 348.

Godolphin, 338.

Goldsmiths Company, 106.

Goldwell, 464.

Gorges, 103. (Q).

Gorham, 427.

Graham, 574. (Q).

Grant, 276.

Green, 308.

Grelle, 100.

Grene, 594.

Gresham, 371. (Q).

Grey, 105.

Grindall, 348.

Guildford, 100. (Q).

Gurnell, 447.


Hadley, 277.

Halden, 100.

Halliday, 64.

Hamey, 99.

Hampson, 338.

Hant, 464.

Harland, 595.

Harris, 8.

Harrison, 277. 447.

Hart, 370.

Hawley, 47.

Hawtrey, 584.

Haydock, 367.

Hayes, 408.

Hayter, 349.

Hechstetter, 276.

Henchman, 347.

Henslow, 9.

Heron, 461.

Highgate, 594.

Hilliard, 371.

Hitch, 522.

Hogarth, 204.

Holland, 307. 464.

Horspoole, 338.

Hothersall, 584.

Howard, 304. (Q).

Howard, Katherine, 348.

Howby, 263. 305.

Hueriblock, 5.

Hungerford, 98. (Q).

Hutchinson, 411. 584.

Huxley, 262.


Jacob, 61. 64. (Q).

Jennings, 593.

Jenyns, 593.

Jeve, 24.

Impey, 411.

Ince, 367.

Johnson, 521.

Jolles, 68.

Jones, 539.

Jones, Earl of Ranelagh, 174.

Irwin, 408.

Isle of Man, 103.

Ithell, 200.

Juxon, 349.


Kay, 201.

Kemp, 348.

Kendall, 459.

Kevremond, 370.

Kighley, 464.

King, 338.

Kinsey, 370.

Kirkby, 305.

Kirton, 262. (Q).

Knight, 47.


Lane, 446.

Langley, 110.

Langton, 374.

Lannoy, 410.

Lateward, 447.

Lathom, 103.

Laud, 348.

La War, 100.

Lawrence, 106. 367.

Lee, 247. 263.

Legh, 367. (Q). 573.

Lightbourn, 585.

Limpany, 370.

Lisle, 467.

Litchfield, 467.

Lock, 573.

London, Bishopric, 348.

Lovel, 337.

Lovell, 306. (Q).

Loving, 230.

Lowfield, 105.

Lowth, 349.


Malmaynes, 464.

Manners, Earl of Rutland, 307. (Q).

Marmion, 105.

Marsh, 532.

Maule, 262.

Maynard, 372.

Megges, 368.

Mercers' Company, 464.

Merchant Adventurers Company, 106.

Merchant Taylors Company, 464.

Methuen, 110.

Michelsen, 427.

Middelton, 308.

Middlemore, 309.

Midleton, 47.

Millet, 447.

Milman, 103.

Monhault, 103.

Monoux, 263.

Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough, 370.

More, 85. (Q).

Mortimer, 100.

Morville, 105.

Moulton, 104. 307.

Mountaigne, 348.

Mowbray, 46. 304.

Moyne, 103.

Munden, 64.

Muswell, 307.


Napper, 306.

Nevill, 411. 467. (Q). 592.

Nicoll, 246.

Norris, 462.

Noseworthy, 230.

Nourse, 367.

Nowell, 263.


Oldhall, 103.

Onyon, 339.

Osbaldeston, 349.


Page, 573.

Pakeman, 305.

Palmer, 99. (Q). 306. 462. (Q).

Paston, 307.

Paule, 47.

Payne, 370. (Q).

Pearce, 230.

Pecok, 338.

Pennant, 110, 520.

Perris, 594. (Q).

Peryn, 8.

Peverell, 98.

Philipps, 47.

Pinchbeck, 106.

Place, 467.

Plantaganet, Earl of Cornwall, 98.

Plessington, 367.

Pluckley, 464.

Plukenett, 202.

Porteous, 348.

Powell, 99. (Q). 370.

Prescot, 411.

Pujolas, 338.


Radcliffe, 367. 573. (Q).

Rawlinson, 230.

Raynton, 307.

Rhodes, 65.

Riou, 309.

Roberts, 64. (Q).

Robinson, 262. 349.

Rochdale, 263.

Rogers, 8. 64. 107. 262.

Rokeley, 103.

Rolte, 64.

Roos, 307. (Q).

Rous, 6.

Rowe, 464. (Q).

Rumbold, 368.

Ruskan, 263.

Russel, 103.

Russel, Duke of Bed ford, 408.

Russell, 64.

Russian Company, 459.


Sackville, 105.

Saint John's College, Ox. ford, 349.

Saint Quintin, 105.

Sam ford, 467.

Saris, 368.

Saunders, 201.

Savage, 347.

Scales, 467.

Searle, 338.

Septvan, 369.

Sergeaux, or Serjeaux, 304. 467.

Serjeant, 459.

Sheffield, 440.

Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, 408.

Sherlock, 349. 584.

Shuckburgh, 574.

Sibthorpe, 8.

Skippon, 9. (Q).

Skudemore, 337.

Sloane, III.

Smith, 105. 367. 411.

Somerset, 592.

Sotheby, 462. (Q).

Spateman, 202.

Stafford, 467.

Stanley, 103. (Q).

Stavely, 105.

Staverton, 464.

Stewart, 99. 574.

Steynes, 370.

Stock, 465.

Stoughton, 201.

Strange, 103. 592.

Stratford, 5.

Strathern, 574.

Stringer, 309.

Summer, 573.

Surenden, 464.

Svanders, 369.

Syliard, 64.


Talbot, 592. (Q).

Tatem, 263.

Tayler, 203.

Terrick, 348.

Thoresby, 461. (Q).

Thornhill, 204.

Tindall, 427.

Tipping, 373.

Tiptost, Earl of Worcesster, 307. (Q).

Todeni, 307.

Topsfield, 63.

Trotman, 9. (Q).

Trussell, 411.

Tunstall, 347.

Tyes, 467.


Urswick, 461.


Vaughan, 103.

Vaux, 105. 307.

Venables, 304.

Verdon, 592.

Vere, 467.

Vernatty, 465.

Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, 304, 305.

Vyner, 460.


Waad, 533.

Wait, 9.

Walbancke, 263.

Waldo, 574.

Walker, 201. (Q).

Walliston, 595.

Warner, 203.

Warren, 46. 103. 304.

Waryn—Fitzgerard, 467.

Washington, 367.

Waterhouse, 440.

Wegersloff, 427.

Weld, 276. (Q).

West, Lord La War, 100. (Q).

Wheeler, 374.

White, 277. 338.

Wightman, 571.

Wilbraham, 519, 520.

Wilmer, 64.

Windle, 367.

Winter, 372.

Wolff, 427.

Wolley, 411.

Woodville, 103.

Worthington, 465.

Wrightington, 367.

Wybarnd, 105.

Wynne, 203. 522.

Wyrley, 440.


Younge, 592.


Zouch, 411.