Lincoln wills: 1532 (May)

Pages 230-233

Lincoln Wills: Volume 3, 1530-1532. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1930.

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1532 (May)

The testament of William Baker [of Saltfleetby All Saints].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 357.]

10 May, 1532. I William Baker of the parysh of All Halloys of Salfletby makyth my last will and testament. My body to be buryed within the churche of All Halloys, and also my mortuary to be payd aftyr the rate and substance of my goodes. To the high altare of our mothe [sic] churche of Lincoln iijs. iiijd. To our Lady warke of the sayd churche iijs. iiijd. To the high altare of the forsayd churche of All Halloys for tithys and oblacions forgottyn vjs. viijd., and towardes the reparacions [folio 357d.] of the sayd churche xls. To the reparacions of the paryshe churche of st Jamys in Louthe xiijs. iiijd. To the paryshe churche of Northelkyngton xxs. To the paryshe churches of Mabylthorp st Mary, st John of Stayn, and Ludburgh, [each] vjs. viijd., and towarde the honornament of the parysh churche of Lyttyll Grymesby one crosse clothe the price vjs. viijd. And I will that one honest preste shalbe hyeryd to syng and celebrate messe and other divyne service satisfactorie within the aforesayd parysh churche of All Halloys for the helth of my soule, my benefactors, and good frendes soulys, and all crysten soulys by the space of x yeres nexte immediatly foloyng aftyr my departyng from thys present worlde, and the sayd preste to have to hys wagys yerely duryng the sayd x yeres cvjs. viijd. to be payd to hym quarterly. To the iiij orders of frerys beyng within thys limitacion to every one of them vjs. viijd. To Alice my wyff in redy money xxl. and halff the householde stuff that was myne and hyrs. To Mary the doughter of mr John Raythby and Margarete my doughter lxl. and the other halff of my housholde stuff. To the forsayd Margaret Raythby my doughter the housholde stuff wich was Beatrix Baker my mother. To masterys Fitzwilliam the wyff of mr George Fytzwilliam my mr xls. To mr Jeffray Raythby gentleman xls. and to hys wyff xxs., and to every one of ther chyldren vjs. viijd. To the forsayd Margaret Raythby my doughter in money xxs. To Isabell Baker the wyff of John Baker xxs. To Margaret Whyte the wyff of John Whyte the yonger of Thedylthorp vjs. viijd. To Robert Baker hys wyff and hys chyldren emonges them xxs. To Alyson Smeton vjs. viijd. To Margaret Johnson iijs. iiijd. To Margaret Bowyd iijs. iiijd. To Walter Bolyngbroke xls. To Bryan Baker xls. To Xp'ofer Baker xls. To every one of my awnte Jenet Curtes chyldren viijd. To every one of my uncle Thomas Peper chyldren vjs. viijd. To John Chyste lxvjs. viijd. To every [folio 358] one of hys brether and systers vjs. viijd. To every one of my godchyldren xijd. To Beatrix Poterill liijs. iiijd. To Nicholes Ray and hys wyff xiijs. iiijd. To Richerd Edmundson vjs. viijd. To Robert Scorthereth my servant vjs. viijd. I will that my mansion or dwellyng house with the appurtenances in Louthe, wich I of late bought of William Lincoln merchande, be solde be my executors towardes the performance of thys my last will and testament. To Alice my wyff my mansion or dwellyng place with all other my landes within the towne and parysh of Salfletby duryng her lyff naturall, and aftyr her decesse to remayn to Margaret my doughter the wyff of mr John Raythby and to the heyres of her body, and for defawte of suche issue to remayn to John Baker and to the heyres of hys body, and for lake of suche issue to remayn to the right heyres off me for ever. To my doughter aforesayd all suche leyseȝ as I have takyn to ferme by indenture copy or other wyes in Brakenborow, Salfletby, Mabilthorp, and elswhere within the countie off Lincoln, excepte ij acres yng grounde lying in Yng Crofte in Saltfletby, and also excepte suche parcellys of grounde belongyng to any of the sayd leyseȝ as lyeth within the close which I before have gyven unto my wyff for terme of her lyff, whiche ij acres and parcells I will my sayd wyff shall have and enioy duryng the terme of the yeres whych I have taken them for, and aftyr her decesse I will they shall remayn unto my sayd doughter her heyres and assygnes, accordyng to the tenor and effecte of thys my will touchyng the leyseȝ and fermeȝ aforesayd. I will that mr George Fytzwilliam of Mablethorp esquier be the supervisor, and he to have for hys labors one horse of my best, ij yeres olde, or ellys in redy money xls. The resydue of my goodes [folio 358d.] I gyff to mr John Raythby my sonne in law, John Baker of Saltfletby and John Whyte yonger of Thedylthorpe st Helene, whome I make my executors they to expende it as they shall thinke it moste expedyent for the helthe of my soule and to the ples' of allmyghtty God, and they to have for ther labors every one of them iijl. Thes beyng wytnes, syr George Gummby preste; Thomas Fyswyke the elder, Martyn Gunny, Martyn Browne, and Thomas Browne of Saltfletby; with many moy.

Proved before P., at Lincoln, 23 June, 1532.

The testament of Robert Yolle [of Bullington].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 341.]

12 May, 1532. I Robert Yowle of the paryshe of Bullyngton, yoman, and servant to sir George Taylboys, do orden and make my testament and last will. My body to be buryed in the churche of st Jamys in Bollyngton, for the which buryall and romyth I do gyff to the churche iijs. iiijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln iijs. iiijd. To the high altare of the forsayd churche of st Jamys for tithys necligently forgottyn xijd. To my lady dame Elizabeth Taylboys vjs. viijd. To mr William Taylboys sonne unto the forsayd Elizabeth vjs. viijd. To masterys Vernon iijs. iiijd. To mastres Dymok iijs. iiijd. To every servant in my master house singulerly iiijd. I will that a prest syng a trentall off messys for the helthe of my soule, and he to have xs. therfore. I will that ther shall be gyffyn to prestes for Dirige and ministracion of messys at my buryall and in other almys dedes vjs. viijd., at my vijth day iijs. iiijd., and at my twelvemonthe day iijs. iiijd. To my syster Julyan Jakson iij brode yerdes off marbyll clothe. To Edwarde Jakson sone to the forsayd Julyan. To Anne Jakson doughter to the forsayd Julyan. To Jane Hall of Langton ij kye whiche be in the custody of Robert Yarker at Aplay. To William Hall brother unto the sayd Jane a brandyd cowe which is in the custody off olde Hvme at Aplay. To John Jakson of Howton in Bekeryng a mare which is in the custody of Robert Yarker off Applay. To Thomas Browne xijd. To John Hollyngworthe ij sterys, a red geldyng and a clene red. To Xp'ofor Brumby preste xijd. The resydue of my goodes I gyff to William Hall and Jane Hall, the which William and Jane I make my executors for to dispose accordyng to conscience and as they shall thynke most conuenyent for the helthe of my soule, and John Hollyngworthe to be supervisor. Thes beyng whytnes, Xp'ofor Brumby, preste; Thomas Browne; John Hollyngworthe; and other moy.

Proved before P., at Wragby, 15 May, 1532.

The testament of David Edward' [of Horncastle].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 357.]

20 May, 1532. I Dauid Edwarde of Horncastre makes my testament. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of our blessyd Lady off Hornecastre. To the high altare of Horncastre iiijd. To the churche warkes of the same vjs. viijd. I will that my detts be payd. I will that my goodes be devydyd in thre partes, one parte to my ij chyldren, the other ij partes to my wyff, and she to dispose for my soule as she thynkes best. I will that yff it shall please God to take other of my chylder from this present worlde at any tyme or that they cum to laufull age, that other of them shall be other heyr. I will that if Johanne my wyff mary at any tyme afore my chyldren, that is to say Barnabe my sonne and Beatrix my doughter cum to lauful age, then I will that she shall fynde sufficient suerty that ther partes shall be delyueryd unto them by the sight of my frendys; and yff she wilnot fynde sufficient suerty by the discrestion of Oliuer Luffell and other my frendys, then I will that ther partes be delyveryd owt at the discrescion of master Browne parsone of Marom and Oliuer Burkynshawe of Myntyng, to be putte in save custody to the sayd childer behoyff to they cum to laufull age. The residue of all my goodes I gyffe unto Johanne my wyff, whome I make my executrix for to dispose it for the helthe of my soule. In wytnes, Olyuer Luffell; John Goodwyn; and Gylberde Wyberde; with other mo.

Proved before P., at Scamelesby, 14 June, 1532.

The testament of Walter Sooly [of North Rauceby].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 342.]

22 May, 1532. I Walter Sooly, seke in body, make my testament. My body to be buryed in the churche of st Peter in North Rawceby. To our Lady of Lincoln xijd. To the high altare for forgottyn tithys xijd. To my curates to pray for me vjs. viijd. To the churche of Rawceby xxd. To st Jamys chapell xijd. To Henry Burton. To Agnes my doughter, and to iij of ther [sic] childer. To Simon Welby. To Laurence my sonne my copy that I holde of st John. I bequeth my house with the appurtenances that longes therto to Agnes my wyff, and she to stande with reparacions. To every one of my godchilder iiijd. The resydue of my goodes I gyff to Agnes my wyff and Laurence my sone, whome I orden my executors that they may dispose for the helthe of my soule yt God better may be pleasyd. Thes wytnes, sir William Styrlay vicare; sir Edward Thomas; Thomas Shoter; Thomas Bate; with other moy.

Proved before P., at Lincoln, 29 May, 1532. Administration granted to Laurence the son, power being reserved to grant to Agnes the relict.

The testament of William Watson [of Owersby].

[L.C.C., 1520–31, f. 351.]

24 May, 1532. I William Watson of Owresby, seke in body, makes my last will and testament. My body to be buryed in the churche yerde of st Martyn in Owresby. I wyt to the high altare of Owresby for oblacions and tithys forgottyn xijd. To our Lady warke of Lincoln xijd. To the altare in Holton churche iiijd. I wyt to st John off Wyngall iiijd. I witt to the high altare of Thorneton iiijd. To the churche warke of Owresby iijs. iiijd. To Adam my sonne. To John Hardy. To Jenet Hardy. I wit to Helene my doughtter. To Cecill my wyff one house in Owresby with all the landes belonging to it duryng her lyff yff she mary not, and yff she mary then Adam my sonne to have it. I will that my goodes be devydyd in iij partes, one to my wyff, another to my chylder, and the thyrde parte to be disposyd for the helthe of my soule aftyr the discrestion of Cecill my wyff, whome I make my executrix. Thes beyng wytnes, sir Nicholes Hughytson vicar; Robert Broxham; William Wellys; and John Magnell; with other moy.

Proved before P., at Croxby, 10 June, 1532.