Lincoln Wills: 1521

Pages 87-105

Lincoln Wills: Volume 1, 1271-1526. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1914.

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In this section


[Roger Baytt of Wyberton, priest, a.d. 1521.]

[Pryn, 44.]

7 April, 1521. I sir Roger baytt off wyberton, preste, make my testament and last will, etc. To be buryed in Wyberton church yerde or ellys att gods plesur wher as he thynkes best. My mortuary to be affter the costome off the towne. To our lady off lincoln xijd. and a gold ryng wych was agnes wryghttes. To the hygh alter in Wiberton church xijd. To every alter in the same church iiijd. To John bate my brother the hows that was Mr. browns yff yt may be sparyd, and the ground under it, to hym and to hys heyres off hys body. To Wylliam leffe xxiijs. iiijd. To John bate my brother the resydue, to be att hys disposicyon, save I will the church have xiijs. iiijd., Syr Alen xijd., and george wylkynson viijd. The resydue of all my goodes I put them in the disposicyon off John bate my brother, whome I make and ordeyne my executor, and he to dispose all as he thynkes best. Thes wyttnesses, sir Alen askewe, John wylkynson, and george wylkynson. To the fatherless chyldren at sanct katheryns wyth owt the barres off lincoln xxd.

Proved before P., at Lincoln, 15 Nov., 1521.

[Robert Lovell of the parish of St. Peter at Pleas in the city of Lincoln, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 21.]


20 June, 1521. I Robert lovell of the parish of St. Peter of the play within the citie of lincoln make my testament and last will, etc. To be buryed in the parishe churche aforsaid bifore the Image of our lady in the body of the said churche. To the said church werkes vjs. viijd. I will ther be said an hole trentall of messes in the same churche the day of my buriall. I will that aftyr the decesse of Margaret my wif Sir Thomas Carter prest and Edward Smyth bocher have the endentur of my house standyng in the said parishe, which is undre the common seale of the said citie, and the yerly rentes therof clerely had and resayved therof I will thei be gyven yerly duryng the termes of the said indentur for a yerly obit to be done in the said churche at the vijth day of marche for the soule of William Hunte my predecessour xijd. Also I will that the said Sir Thomas Carter and Edward Smyth or ther executours let to ferme the sayd howsyn duryng the termes of the said Indentur. I will that Margret my wif be my soule executrix, to whome I bequeth wholly the residew of my goodes unwite and bequethed, etc., so to dispose theym for the helth of my soule as she may be the better rewarded of almighty god. I will that the said Sir Thomas Carter and Edward Smyth be supervisors, to whom I bequeth iijs. iiijd. a pece for ther labours. Thies witnes, miles horseman, christopher watkynson, Alayn wakeman, and Thomas mason, with other more.

Proved before D., in the parish church of St. Peter in Eastgate in the city of Lincoln, 10 March, 1521.

[Robert Cowpper of Ancaster, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 49d.]


4 August, 1521. I Robert cowpper of Ancastr' in (fn. 1) the parish of Willesforth. To be buried in the church of Willesforth. My best good in the name of my mortuarye. To the high alter of Willesforth for forgotten tithes viijd. and a quarter of barley. To our lady of Lincoln vjd. To Robert my son, and Catheryne and Jennett my daughters, each v marke. To William my son my bonden wane, ij oxen that cam from Hornecastell, etc. To the sepulcre lyght of Willesforth half a seme barly. To Fulbeke and Cathorpe each half a seme of barly. I will that there be done ij trentalls for the health of my soul. Residue of goods to Catheryne my wife, whom I make executrix. To my brother Richerd Cowper iijs. iiijd., he to oversee and help my wife in her business. Thyes wittness, Sir Thomas Hamkyn, William Ellmyt, William Hamkyn, John Muston, Thomas Too, Richerd vppton, and many other.

Proved before W2., at Grantham, 19 Sept., 1521. Adm. granted to the executrix.

[Thomas Gudall of Thornton Curtis, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 20.]


1 September, 1521. I Thomas gudall off Thornton makes my last will, etc. To be buryed in the church yard off saynt laurence off thornton, with my best gud to be my mortuarye after the custom off the countre. To the hye awter off thornton viijd. To our lady off lincoln viijd. To the kirke off thornton viijd. To the hye awter off saynt marie kirke off grymesby xijd. To the kirke of torksey xijd. To Margarett Butler myne awnt and John Butler mine uncle and ther assignes all my howsinge and landes within the towne and ffelds off Normanby with a close in claxby; also a close and a land that ys v stonges lyinge in thetylthorp. The residew off my guddes to the forsaid John butler and Margarett his wiffe, whom I make my executors to dispose them to the plesur off God and the helth off my saull, etc. Theis wytnesse, syr Richard Rawlyn (fn. 2) vicar off Thornton, William thomson, Will' lancaster, martyn wodall, and William boswell, with other moo.

Proved at Kelby, before D., 10 Feb., 1521.

[Robert Place of Hogsthorpe, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 6d. There are the first seven lines of another copy in 1506 &c., folio 55.]


3 September, 1521. I Robert Place of hoggesthorp maketh my last wyll, etc. To be buryed in the churche yerd off our lady off hoggesthorp, with that the lawe and custom requirith to be my mortuary. To our lady of lincoln vjd. To the hye awter in the parish churche of hoggisthorp iiijd. To the mendyng of the Stepull in the churche aforesaid vjs. viijd. To Alys my wif. To eche of my children. To John my son the yonger when he come to lawfull age. To every one of my god children iiijd. The residue of my goodes to Alys my wif. I wil that Alys my wif and John bradewall my nepvew be my executours. I will that they prove the last will of my moder Jenet late departid and dispose her goodes accordyng to the same. Gyven at hoggesthorp the day and yer above writen. Thies witnes, Will'm Willouse, Will'm yong senior, and John yong, with other more.

Proved before D., at Alford, 5 Feb., 1521.

[William Stevenson of Roughton, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 47.]


3 September, 1521. I William Steuenson of Rughton makyth my last wyll and testament, etc. My body to be buryd in the church yerd of sancte Margaryt of Rughton. I bequeth in the name off my mortuare after Custom of the Towne. To the same cherch on toftstede with the howsys belldyd ther opon accordyng to my grandsyr wyll; for defawte off usshew to remane in the feoffers handes, And by the vyce of the parson and the cherch masters to ffynd two lyghtes in the cherche of sant Margeret aforesaide, on byfore the royde and another byfore our lady for evermore. The resydew to be dysposyd for all crystyn sawlys. Theis wytnys, Robert Baytman, Thomas Elys, Richa' Wryght, John Potter, Hew Sowth, John Palmer of Rughton, with other moo.

Proved before W2., at Lincoln, 1 Oct., 1521, etc.

[Robert Sergend of Huttoft, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 24.]


20 September, 1521. I Robert sergend off holoft [sic] makyth my testament and last wyll, etc. To be buryd within the kyrk of hottoft off saynt margrett, and that the law requirith to be my mortuari. To our lady of lincoln vjd. To hotoft kyrk vjd. To the vycar of the sayd church iiijd. I will that my eldest sonne beyng myne hayr enter my land att xxjth yeyr of hys ayege; also I wyll that he have a grett pott; and yff he dy withowt herres of his body then I will the sayd land remane to my oder sone on lyffe. And the pott and the spitt to remane to saynt margret gyld in hotoft kyrk. Yff my wyffe mary after my deses, then I gyff to my ij sonys liijs. iiijd. To Annes my dowghter xxvjs. viijd. I will that Robert sweytt and Willȝ steyll, whome I make executours, occupy my landes to my ayrres cume at xxjth yeyr of ayge, to the weyll of my children. The Resydew off my guddys I gyffe to my seyd executours, they to dispose it for the helth off my sawll and all crysten sawlles. Wyttnes, sir Thomas markby vykar off the sayd church, John blain, Nycolles mor, John swet.

Proved before D., at burwell, 27 March, 1522. Adm. granted to the executors.

[Stephen Howyt of Butterwick in Holland, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 54d. Collated with another copy in 1520–31, folio 4d., which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]


12 October, 1521. I stevyn howyt of butterwike makes my testament concludyng there in my last wyll, etc. To be buried in the chyrche yard of sant andros in butterwike with that thing to be my mortuarie that the lawe requires. To every awter in the saide chyrche iiijd. To the blessytt sacrament in the forsaid chyrche off boterwike vjd. To our lady chapell ijd. To our lady of lincoln iiijd. To the faderles chyldern of saynt katern with out lincoln ijd. I will John my sone have my plught (fn. 3) and my carte at xviij yeres of age. I will that every on of my chylder have a yow and a hooge. To John my son my copy that I dwell in with the pastur and arable land lyng there under, conteyning viij acres, at viij yeres of age; and yff ought cum at hym, I will it remayn to Alys my wyffe; and yf ought cum at hyr, I wyll ytt remayn to my childer; and to Rogger my son my copy lying at John bleke conteyning land and pastur xiiij acr', at xviij yeres of age; and that my wyfe have the thyrde parte of the saide ij copyes the terme of hyr liffe, and yf it fortun they forsaid Rogger to dye, then I wyll my wyffe have the said copy to hyr and hyr assigners. To Alys my wiffe ij acr' of fre land the terme of hyr lyffe, and after her decesse to be sold, and on prest to syng in butterwike chyrche for my soul, my faders saull and my moders saull. The residew of my guddys to Alys my wiffe, whom I make my executor to dispose my goodes for the helthe of my saull as she wyll ansswer be fore the hyghe Judge of hevyn. Thes wyttes, thomas clarke, William Collyn, William bentlay, (fn. 4) with oder mo.

Proved before D., at Boston, 1 Feb., 1521, etc.

[Thomas Jakson of Spalding, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 56.]


12 October, 1521. I Thomas Jakson of spaldyng, etc. To be beryed in the churche yarde off owr lady in the parich off Spaldyng geveyng that thyng that is most necessary in the name off my mortwary, to be offeryd after the custome of the towne. To the hy alter off the sayd kyrke for my tythes forgoton viijd. To the gylde off the Trinite in the sayd churche iijs. iiijd. To the gylde off owre lady in the sayd churche iijd. To the v devocions in the sayd church to every devocion xijd., that to say to the devocion of corpus x'pi, the devocion off holy goste, the devocion of saynt thomas of canterbery, the devocion of saynt Crystofore, the devocion of saynt george. To the churchewarke of the sayd church xxd. To owre moder kyrke of lincolne viijd. To the howse of saynt katerns iiijd.

Thys the laste wyll of me Thomas Jakson. I bequeth to Willȝ my sone j federbed, j masar, halfe a dosyn sylver sponys, j spruse cheste, j spruse cofer of bygest, j jake, j salett, that is to say, the chose of theis parcelles aforenamyd the said Wyllȝ to take. To Margret my doughter j federbed, j maser, halfe a dosen of sylver sponys, a sylver hernest gyrdele, j lynne cheste, j spruse cofer, and the said Margaret to have chose of thes parcelles afor namyd next Willȝ hyr brother. To Agnes doughter of Willȝ jakson when she comyth at lawfull age to hyr marage iijl. vjs. viijd., and yf the said Agnes dy with in age, then I wyll the said iijl. vjs. viijd. remayne unto the said Wyllȝ hyr fader to hys owne propur use. To the said Agnes j federbede of sex quarters, j compter of the lest neste, (fn. 5) j powdrat crose gyrdyll, j newe sylver spone, j pare of gette bedes, with sartan Rynges and Juelles with them, j grate cheste, j spruse cofer, j basen, j laver, j lytyll potte, and j panne. To Julyane the dowghter of Ryc' robertson iijl. vjs. viijd. when sche comyth at lawful age, and if she dy with in age, hyt to remayne to Margaret hyr moder; also j federbed of v quarters, j compter of the mydillineste, j harneste girdylle of grene, j sylver spone, j payre of Jette bedes, j lynne cheste, j smale cofer, j potte, j panne, j basen, j laver. I bequeth all my lenon wyche was my wyfes unto Wyllȝ my son and Margaret my doughter evenly to be partyed betwene them tow. I wyll that Willȝ my son have the howse [folio 56d.] wyche I dwellin to hym and to hys heyres and to hys assignes; also a howse wyche I bowght of Ryc' Hargate and a noder wyche I bowght of the executors of master lynsay with the apurtenaunce to hym to hys heyrs and to hys assignes; also I wyll that Wyllȝ have after my decesse j howse wyche I bowght of Thomas Whyte, lying in fulney after the maner aforsaid, iij acres of lande lying in fulney wyche I bowght of Robert Horner wyfe, v acres of pasture wyche I bowght of John Gregby wyfe, j howse with ij acres of lande lying under it wyche I bowght of the feoffers of our lady gilde, with all the apurtenaunce, to hyme, to hys heyres, to hys assignes. Also I wyll that Margaret my dowghter have after my decesse j howse wyche I bowght of John fayleyn wife with the apurtenaunce; also a noder house wyche I bowght of John Hyll of pynchebek with the apurtenaunce; that is to say, all the afore namyd I gyffe to the said Margaret, to hyr heyers, and to hyr assignes; and the resedew of all my goodes I will that Wyllȝ my son have them; myn executors to dispose for the helth of my soule and all my good frendes soules with all crystyn soules to the plesure of God. Thies wytnesys, Wyllȝ keld of pynchebek, Ryc' creche, thomas Stevenson of spaldyng, with oder mo. yeven the day and the ȝere abowesaid.

[No probate act.]

[Jenet Wright of Benington in Holland, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 53d. Collated with another copy in 1520–31, folio 4d., which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]


15 October, 1521. I Jenytt Wright of Benyngton makes my testament with my last wyll, etc. To be buried within the chyrche yard of all halows in the forsayd chyrche; for my mortuary that thynge that the law requyres. I bequeith for forgotten thynges (fn. 7) vjd. To every awter in the chyrche of Benyngton ijd. To our lady of Lincoln iiijd. To Sent Katerns without Lincoln ijd. To the chyrche warke of Benyngton xijd. To the ornament of the hye auter j towell cloth. To Jenytt my daughter on pott and on panne. To Elizabeth my daughter on pott and on panne of the best, etc. To Isabell my daughter on posnytt and on pane, on plat', (fn. 8) etc. To Jenytt Tatershall my goddaughter viijd. I wyll that on acre lande lyyng in medilgate besolde be the handes of myne ecucors, (fn. 9) and on priest to syng for the helthe of my saull and my faders and moders saulles in the forsaid chyrche of Benyngton as long as it wyll indure. To Kateryn my syster on kerchew of the best. I wyll that all my landes beyng in the handes of my feffors remayn to Sir William Wryght my sonne. The rysidew of my guddys I gyffe to Syr William Wryght my sonne, whome I make executor to dispose for the helthe of my saull and my fader and moders saulles and all my gud frenddys saulles and all crystyn saulles. Thyes wittness, Syr John Eschadle, (fn. 10) John Kokleo, (fn. 11) John Wryght, with oder moo.

Proved before D., at Boston, 1 Feb., 1521.

[John Slye of Sibsey, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 7. The first section is translated from the Latin.]


28 October, 1521. I John Slye of Sibsey, make this my testament together with my last will, at Sibsey, etc. To be buried in the churchyard of St. Margaret of Sibsey. I bequeath in the name of my mortuary as the custom is. To the high altar for tithes forgotton viijd. To the crucifix iiijd. To St. Mary of Lincoln xijd. To the reparation of the bell-tower iiijs.

This is the last will of me John Slye of Sibsey, made the day and yere afore rehersed. To Margarete my doughter a rode of lande in northcrofte and half an acre in the westfeld leyng in the moore, half an acre in the southestfeld leyng of hyfery, iij rode in the northestfeld lyeng be southe the mylne. To Robert my sone my hed mansyon and certayn parcelles of land and medow that longeth to it accordyng to my faders will. I will that iij rode lande at fendland dike ende, iij stonge medow under hill dike, buttyng of mr. leeke of the north, and Mawer acre of john porter of the south, and half of the hill, mr. leeke of the south, and Kelsey of the north bisold to a quarter wages to a prest synging within the church of sibsey for me, my wif and all my benefactours. To Elzebeth martyn. To Jenet Slye. To Agnes Slye. The residue of my goodes not set nor bequest I gif to Robert my sone, whom I make my executour, etc. Witnes, sir Will'm ffoster parishe prest, Henry baston, John Darman, with many other more.

Proved before D., at Asheby, 3 Feb., 1521. Adm. granted to the executor.

[Robert Newcom of Candlesby, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 5d.]


The last day of October, 1521. I Robert Newcom of Candilsby makes my testament and last will, etc. To be buried in the churche of St. Benet of Candilsby, with my best beste in the name of my mortuary. To the high awter in the same churche for tithes forgoten xxd. To our lady of Lincoln xijd. To the church of Candlesby for my buriall xs. To John and Richard my sones al my hole barkeho[use], and I will that they be togeder the space of iiij yeres if they can agrey, and if so be that the one be not aggreable with the other then he that will not agre shall have lesse at ther partyng then the other bi vl. Also Richard Kyrke of horncastre owe to me xl. in money and iiij daker of net hydes, the price of theym vjl. xiijs. iiijd., from his indentur and obligacion be expired. Also I will that the said Richard Kyrke have the forsaid xvjl. xiijs. iiijd. the space of iij yeres next comeng, so be that he wil fynde myn executors sufficient surtye bi indenture and obligacion. And at the iij yeres ende I will he delyver the said xvjl. xiijs. iiijd. to my executors to be equaly devided among my iiij doughters when they come to lawfull age, that is to say, Mawde, Jenet, Sibell and Agnes. And if fortune any of theym to departe bifore lawfull age then the parte of theym so departed equaly to be devided among theym that lyves, etc. To John and Richard my sones either of theym a silver spone, and if either of theym depart or they be maried aftyr he be brought to the erthe, etc., I will that the residue be disposed among my doughters and the other broder. To Xp'ofer Hobulwite xls., a deker of over leder and pechisse or xls. if so be that he will byde ij yeres and favourably teche theym the occupation of tanner craft, etc. I bequeth vs. to be disposed among the pourest folke in Welton at the sight of the curate and ij or iij men of the same towne. Also aftyr the same manner in orby vs., gunby ijs., braytofte ijs., Irby xxd., Frysby iijs., gret Stepyng iijs., Ashby ijs., Scremby ijs., viijd., and Skendilby iijs. To eche of my god children ijd. The residue of my goodes I put to the dispocicion of Margaret my wif and William Hudson of Orby, whom I make myn executors. I will that the said William Hudson have for his labour xs. Witnes, syr Robert Andreson parson of Candilsby, Cristofer at Hall, and miles Wilkynson, and other more.

Proved before D., at Parteney, 5 Feb., 1521. Adm. granted to the executors.

[John Etgosse of Quadring, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 52d. Collated with another copy in 1520–31, folio 3d.]


6 November, 1521. I John etgosse of quateryng makes my testament and last will, etc. To be buryed within the chyrche yarde of saynt margett in quadryng. To the hy awter for my forgotten things xijd. To every awter in the chyrche iiijd. To our moder chyrche of Lincoln iiijd. To the faderlesse chyldren at saynt katerns ijd. To chyrche warke xijd. To the chapell in the edyke iiijd. To John browne my mansion with appurtenance to him and to hys assiners under thys condision that the forsayd John and hys assignes shall paye to the chyrche warkes of quadryng vj markes within the space of xij yeres, that ys to say, vjs. viijd. be yere to the forsayde yeres be past. The residue of my guddys to John Browne and Adlard etgose, the whyche I orden my executors that they may despose for the welle of my saull. Witness, Roberd Rychardson, Roberd stebard, and Syr William Wyllson, with oder mo.

Proved before D., at Swyneshed, 29 Jan., 1521.

[John Dyand of Baumber, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 7d.]


6 November, 1521. I John Dyand off Bamborowgh in a pure and a whole mynd makys my last wyll. My body to be beryed in the Cherch yerd off sancte Swythune off Bawmbrugh; In gyvyng that thyng that the custum off the Cuntre wyll requyre to my mortuare. To thy hy alter off Bawmber iijs. iiijd. To owr ladys warke off lyncoln xijd. To the iiij orders off ffrerys off lincoln to every on off them xijd. I wyll that Margaret my wyffe have all my londes and tenementes the whych that I hadde, duryng her lyve yff that she kepe her sole wedow. And yff she mare then I wyll that the said londes and tenementes remane unto John Dyand and Robert Dyand my sonnys, and their assyners. And yf it fortune that thei be both prestes, Then I wyll the said londes and tenementes be devyded betwyx them. And yff on off them be preste and not the other, then I wyll that he that ys no prest have all the fforsayd londes and tenementes. And yff that John and Robert fortune to dye without heres, then I wyll that Annas my dowghter have it and her hares of her body. I bequath a nobet off ijs. viijd. for to be taken owt off ls. rent lying within the town and the feld off Thathewell, to be dystrybut yerely ffor to be doyn ffor evermore in the Church of Bawmbrugh after this manner, to the parysh prest ffor sayng dyryge and masse iiijd. Item ffor prayng for me in the bede roll iiijd. A masse peny to the dekyn ijd., to the Clark ijd., to a Clark to help in the quere at the dyryge jd., to the Ryngers vjd., to the belles iiijd., to the Candylles to be at the herse iiijd., to the Cherch masters to se that this obet be done ffor evermore iiijd. (fn. 12) I wyll that yff John, Robert and Annas aforenamyd dye without hares, then I wyll that the forsayd londes and tenementes to be sold and dystrybyt ffor my solle and my wyffe solle and all christine solles. And yff that my breder wyll by it I wyll that thai have it before a noder payng os a noder wyll ffor it. I will that Sir Wylliam Dyand my broder se that my nobet be done yerely; and also I wyll that John Hoggeson have a howse lyyng within the town off marum with the purtenans belongyng thereto, he payng ffo it os a nother wyll. I wyll that Annas my doughter shall parte all and synguler stuffe off the howyshold with her mother. The resydew off my goodes to Margaret my wyffe for to dyspose it for the helth off my sawle, etc., whome I make my executryx. Sir Robert pecocke parson off Hatton to be supervysor, he havyng ffor hys labor xs. Theis wytnes, Sir John Gray, Sir Wylliam Dyand, Sir Robert Dyand, and Wylliam Curtas, with other mo.

Proved before D., at Ashby, 3 Feb., 1521. Adm. granted to the executrix.

[Robert Wright of Great Gonerby, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 50. Collated with another copy in 1520–31, folio I.]


7 November, 1521. I Roberd Wryght of Gunwardby makes thys my laste wyll, etc. To be buryd in the chyrcheyarde of sente bastion in gunwarby, and in the name of my mortuary on brasse potte. To the hye auter iiijd. To our lady of Lincoln ijd. I wyll that after my buriall and my wyll provyd my guddys be devyded in ij partes, on part to be disposyd for my sole after the discrescion of myn executors and of my gosly fader, and the oder parte I wyll it be equaly departyd amonges my chyldern. I do orden to be my executors William branson and William my son. Theis Wytnes, Rychard Carter, Crystouer Jeruys, Thomas Willertton, whyth oder mo.

[No probate act.]

[Thomas Merington of Saleby, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 9.]


9 November, 1521. I Thomas Merington makes my testament, etc. To be buryed in the church yarde of saynt Margarettes off saylby, and my mortuare as use is ther. To our blessyt lady off Lincoln xijd. To the hye awter off saynt Margarettes in saylby viijd. To markby church viijd. I will have a trentall donne for my soull, my wiffys saull, and all cristen soulys. I will have iij messes done at scala celi, on for my fyrst wiffys faders saull Robert clarke, and a nother for myne on faders and moders saulles, and the thyrde for myne owne saull and all cristen saulles. I will my guddes be devyded in three partes, on part to perform my will and doo reparacion, and a nother parte to paye my dettes, and the thyrde parte to be devyded amonges my childer by equall porcions; and iff any off them dye ylk on to be oder executors. I make myn executors William my sone, and William Ere for to helpe hym, and the said William Ere to have for his labur vjs. viijd. Thies wytnes, syr John Smyth vicar off Saleby, John fowler, Helene tailiour, with oder moo.

Proved before D., at Alford, 6 Feb., 1521.

[John Collyng of Heckington, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 2. Translated from the Latin, and collated with another copy in 1506 &c., folio 51.]


11 November, 1521. I John Collyng of Hekyngton, make my testament, etc. To be buried in the churchyard of St. Andrew of Hekington. I bequeath in the name of my mortuary as right requires. To the high altar of St. Andrew of Hekington for tithes forgotten iiijd. To the fabric of the mother church of Lincoln iiijd. To the alter of St. Mary of Hekyngton ijd. To the altar of St. Nicholas of the same ijd. I bequeath one cow to provide (inveniend') my anniversary in the parish church of Hekington with six pence. To Margaret Collynge my wife my house in which I now dwell, after my life, for the term of her life, and after her death I will that Joan Collynge my daughter have it for her life, and after her death, if she die without little children born of her body, I will that the vicar of the church of St. Andrew of Hekyngton, if he shall be present, and the wardens (gardiani) of the same shall sell it to buy one vestment or one cope (capa) for the said church to the honour of God and all the saints. The residue of my goods I bequeath to Margaret Margaret [sic] collynge my wife, whom I make my executrix to dispose for the health of my soul. These being witnesses, Robert Forest chaplain, William Mathow, Robert Carmall, and Thomas Ederwike of Hekington, and many others.

Proved before D., at Slefford, 28 Jan, 1521. Adm. granted, etc. (fn. 13)

[William Sargeant of Barnetby, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 20. Translated from the Latin.]


13 November, 1521. I William Sargeant of Barnetby make my testament, etc. My body to be buried in the church yard of the blessed virgin mary in Barnetby, and in the name of my mortuary my best beast. I bequeath to the high altar there vjd. To the fabric of the mother church of Lincoln xd. To the high altar there xd. To every order of the friars of Grimsby, Hull and Beverley xs. for one trental to be celebrated for the health of my soul in each of their places. To every child (puero) of my children (puerorum) one sheep. I leave all my tenements, lands, meadows, feedings, pastures, rents and services, etc., in the town and fields of Howsom, beykby, barnetby and kirnington to Helen my wife for her life, and after her death to Robert Sergeant son of William Sergeant my son one house in Kirnington for ever in the tenure of Richard Blynke. I bequeath to every parish church of the following towns that is Melton, Wrauby, Beykby and Elsham iijs. iiijd. I will that after the death of my wife all my said tenements, etc., be divided between William Sergeant my son and William Sergeant son of my son John Sergeant their heirs and assigns for ever, except as above excepted. The residue of my goods I bequeath to my wife and William my son, whom I make my executors, to dispose for the health of my soul, etc. These being witnesses, John Beverley gentleman, James Wytley chaplain, John Richmond, and Thomas Halyffax.

Proved before D., at Kelby, 10 Feb., 1521.

[John Forman of Frieston, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 21d.]


20 November, 1521. I John Forman of Freston, etc. To be buried in the churche yerde of saynt James in Freston. My mortuary aftyr the custume of the towne of Freston. To the high awter for tithes forgoten viijd. To St. James iiijd. To our lady werkes at lincoln viijd. To the faderles children at St. Catheryne without lincoln ijd. To our lady of pytie in Freston ijd. To St. cithe ijd. To the churche werkes of Freston xxd. To Agnes my wif my house and ij acre land that the hous standeth on, and ij acre at furlonges, and j acre in Rede felde called Waynes land, and iij stong called Abraham land, she to have the said land the terme of hyr lif, and [after] her decease I will that Richard my sone have the howse and vij stong land. And to Alyce my doughter ij acres of the said land. To Richard my sone v stong land called kyndham grene, and j stong called kytchyn garth, and v stong called westdykes, and j acre called mawdeland, and iij stong called derebought, and j acre of yngrownde in grenys hylles in Freston ynges. Also to Richard my son a mere and a folle, etc. [folio 22] To Alyce my doughter ij acre land in furlonges, and j stong strube, and iij stong in Arduland, and iij stong in elbusche, and j stong strayndyke. I will that Richard my sone and Alice my doughter have the lande at the age of xv yeres, and if either of theym die within the said xv yeres I will either of theym be other heyre. If my wif die and both my childern, then I will that John Baxter have kyndham grene, kytchyn garth, westdykes and mawd land in fee symple, and that Henry my broder and John Baxter have all my land and goodes, and either of theym to do a trentall of messes for me. And if ought come to Henry my broder, I will that John Baxter have all my land and goodes, And he to fynde an honest prest to syng for my [soul] half a yere. The residue of my goodes I gif to Agnes my wif; she and John Baxter to be myne executors, etc. Thies beiyng witnes, Syr Thomas picto parishe prest, John Rufforth, and John Maydyn, with other more, etc. deus pacis ac ch'r'tis regione sanctorum benefactorum gentium of peple redemtor [sic].

Proved before D., at Lincoln, 12 March, 1521. Adm. granted, etc.

[John Alynson of Leeke, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 23.]


21 November, 1521. I John Alynson off leeke, etc. To be buryed in the church yard off Leeke, and in the name off my mortuaye as law and custom requyrys. To our lady off lincoln viijd., and to saynt kat'yns without lincoln iiijd., and to the reparencion [sic] off our lady off leek viijd. To the hye awter in the sam church iiijd., and to every auter in the same churche ijd. To the parsons for tithes forgotten vjd. To the buyldinge off the new stepull off Leeke ijs. To William Alynson my son a bed, etc., when he commys to xviij yeres off age, etc. To Margarett my daughter on blake arke, etc., when she commys to xv yeres off age, etc. To Agnes Burton my servant. I will that Alson my wiffe have a pastur conteyninge ij acres and a rode lyinge in ffelandes, on pastur called stevyn grene conteyninge ij acres and a hallff, and on pesse land arable contenynge v stonge lyinge in the toftes, the terme of hyr liffe; remainder to Will' Alyson my son and to his heres off his body, off this condition that he pay to Margarett my daughter off the day off hyr mariage xls.; remainder yff my wiffe be with child and it be a sonne, to hym and to his heres off his body, etc.; remaynder to Margaret my daughter and to hyr heres off hyr body; remainder, iff my wiff have a child and it be a daughter, to that child and to hyr heres off hyr body; and ffor deffawytt off suche heres, I will that on pasture called stevyn grene, ij acres and a halff, and on [pesse (fn. 14) ] pece land arable contenyng v ston beynge in the toftes remayn to the child off my brother William for evermore, and on pastur contenynge ij acres and a rod lyinge in ffelandes remayn in the handes off my ffeoffees and the kyrk wardyns off Leeke for evermore, and thei to kepe an yere day in the churche of leeke for evermore for my saull, my wiffys saull, my fader and moder saull, and all criston saulles. The residew off my guddes I giffe to Alson my wiffe and to William larkes, whom I make myn executors to pay my dettes, etc. The residew to remayn to Alson my wiff. [The resydew of my money. (fn. 15) ] Thies beynge wytnes, syr John scott, John Jakson, William Alynson the elder, with other moo.

Proved before D., at Lincoln, 11 April, 1522.

[Richard Burton of Pinchbeck, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 53. Collated with another copy in 1520–31, folio 3d., which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]


1 December, 1521. I Rychard Burton of pynsbeke makes my testament with my last will, etc. To be buryed in the churcheyard of pynsbeke with my mortuarie for the helthe of my saull and [sic] the custom ys of the towne. To the hy awter of pynsbeke (fn. 16) vjd. and to every awter in the same chyrche iiijd. To our lady of lincoln iiijd., and to saynt katerns with out lincoln ijd.

Thys ys the last wyll of me Rychard Burton of pynsbeke maide the day and yere abovesaide. I wyll that Elizabeth my wyffe have my howse whith the appurtenance syttyng at the crosse in bathrowe the terme of hyr lyffe; remaynder to thomas burton my sonne hys eyrys and assignes. To Elizabeth my wyffe all my cattell, my mortuarie taken, and all my howsehold stuffe with all my corne and flax. To Thomas my sonne xiijs. iiijd. To Johan my daugter vjs. viijd. To Alys Colbe (fn. 17) vjs. viijd., etc. I wyll that they howse that I dellin be solde for the perfyrmans of my wyll be the shyght of my executors. The resydewe of my guddys I bequeith to John Maynerd the yoner and to William Wright, whom I orden my executors. Thes wytnes, sir Thomas lamberd priest, Rychard Wodman, and Robert colby, with oder mo.

Proved before D., at spaldyng, 30 Jan., 1521, etc.

[William Kell or Kelde of Pinchbeck, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 53. Collated with another copy in 1520–31, folio 4, which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]


Dated 6 December, 1521. I William Kell (fn. 18) of Pynsbeke, etc. To be buried in the chyrcheyarde of Pynsbeke with my mortuarie as the custom of the towne. To the hye awter theyr for thyngs (fn. 19) forgotten vjd. To every oder awter ther ijd. To the chyrche warke ther xxd. To Alhalowe lyght ther ijd. To our lady of Lincoln iiijd. To thei chyldern at Sent Katern ijd. To Helyn my wyffe the howsse that I dowe dwell in for x yeres; remainder to William prest for hys lyffe, and after hys descesse to be solde by the vicar of pynsbeke and the wardyns of the saide chyrche, and the money thereof takyn I wyll yt be disposyd in the chyrche of pynsbeke in shuche thyngs as shalbe then most necessarie to be had. To the saide Helyn my wyffe an acr lande and a halffe arabull in the tenure of the prior and convent of Spaldyng the terme of hyr lyffe; remainder to William prest and to hys assyners. To William prest ij acr' and a halffe of land to hym and to hys eyres in the tenure of the prior and convent of Spaldyng, etc.. The resydew of my gooddys I put to the disposion of William prest and Helyn my wyffe, with the supervision of Sir Thomas potrell. (fn. 20) Theys beyng wytnes, Roger sparowe, gilberd Whyte, and Thomas Hudson, with oder mo.

Proved before D., at Spalding, the penultimate day of Jan., 1524.

[John Robson of Osgodby in the parish of Kirkby, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 20d.]


10 December, 1521. I John Robson off osgottby in the parishe off Kirkby, etc. To be buryed in the churchyarde off saynt androws in kirkby, with my mortuary after the custome there. I wytt to the hye awter off saynt androws aforsaid xijd. I wytto our lady off pytty to ffynde a light afore hyr Imperpetuum vjs. viijd. To the hye awter off lincoln vjd. To our ladyes warke off the same vjd. To our lady freers [sic] off the same iiijd. To the grey freers off grymesby iiijd. To the austyn ffreers there iiijd., and to thei same austyn freers to say a messe at scala celi vjd. I witto John Robson my brother my best coytt, my best dublett and my best hose. To Robert my brother my Rosytt coytt, my fustean dublett and my blake hose iff he wilbe content therwith and trobul nott my childer, and iff he trobull any off my childer he shall have nothinge. I wytt to every on off my godbarns and my wiffys godbarns iiijd. I wytt to myn awnt Margarett Robson off kyngerby iiijd. I wytt to thomas my sonne vjs. viijd., etc. I wytt to Johne and Robert my sonnes. To Isabell and Jenytt my daughters all my brasse vesyll, puter vesssell, maslynge vessyll, laten vessell and tree vessell, etc. I witt to kateryn pechfforth. The residew off my guddes nott giffyn nor wytt I giffe to John Robson and Richard Robson my sonnys, whom I orden myne executors to dispose for the well off my saull. Thies witnesse, syr John Doughty vicar off kirkby, William cundall off the same, Richard tode off the same, with other moo.

Proved before D., at Market Rasyn, 11 Feb., 1521.

[Alice Vassell of The Thores in the parish of Quadring, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 52d. Collated with another copy in 1520–31, folio 3.]


12 December, 1521. I Alys Vassell dwellyng in the thores within the parish of Quadringe, etc. To be buryed in the chyrche yard of the oly virgyn sant margett in quadrynge, and my mortuarie to be payde as the custom of the sayde towne doth require. To the hye auter in the sayde chyrche ijd. To sant Jamys auter jd. To our moder chyrche of Lincoln ijd. To every awter in the parish chyrche of gosberkyrke jd.; and to our lady of Lincoln ijd. To the orphans at sant Kateryns without Lincoln jd. I wyll that Agnes my daughter have my house whyth iij stonge of land belongyng thereto, and the sayde Agnes to offer yerly on messe penye for the helthe of my saule. I wyll the said Agnes gyffe yerly on stryke of wheytt in allmys to the pore pepull there most nede ys; and the resydew of my guddys nott gyffn nor bequeithed I leve them to the handys of Thomas Wassell my son, whom I make my executor for to dispose my guddys for the helthe of my saull as god shall gyffe them grace. Witnes hereoff, Thomas Steberd, Thomas Cokrell, and John parkyn, with oder moo, etc.

Proved before D., at Swynshed, 29 Jan., 1521, etc.

[Richard Barne of Gosberton, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 5. Collated with another copy in 1506 &C., folio 54d.]


14 December, 1521. I Richard Barne of Gosberkirke, etc. To be beryed in the churchyard off peter and poull off gosberkirke, and my best beiste to be my mortuarye after the custom of the town. To our lady off Lincoln iiijd., and saynt kateryns of Lincoln ijd. To the hye awtar off gosberkirke for tythes forgotten iiijd., and to the reparacion off the same awter ijd. To every awtar in the sam churche ijd. To every gild in the same church ijd. To the reparacion off the gyld hall xijd. To Simon my wiffys son hallff an acre land callyd carman ryge, etc. To the churche of gosberkirke ij acre arabull lande lying in cromes to kepe an obytt for me and my frendes off iiijs. vj yere, and yff thei willnott kepe it, I will it remayne to Swyneshed abbey to pray for me and my frendes. I will that Jenyt my wiffe have my sonnes daughter in kepynge and hyr guddes for the space off xij yeres, and yf so be that Jenytt my wiffe marye agayne, I will the child remayn to Thomas Barne my brother and the house and land for xij yeres. To Gilbert Blankney condishrigg and clobb (fn. 21) horne to hym and his heres to do with what he will. To Thomas Barne my brother hallf an acre land that I bough of John flowter called hyrdill tree. To John Barne my brother sonne xs.; iff it may be spared off my gudd I will he have iijs. iijd. [sic] more, etc. To John Ranson. All such thinges not giffen nor bequethed I giffe to my executors, whom I make Jenyt my wife, Thomas Barne my brother, and gilbert Blankney, with this condicion that ij executors putt forth the thyrd executor yff he make any bayt or stryffe. In Wytnes whereoff, John Ranson, John lynsey, Richard Barne, Adam Thaker, Robert Blankney, with other moo.

Proved before D., at Boston, 1 Feb., 1521. Adm. granted to Gilbert Blankney, an executor, reserving power, etc.

[Miles Blakey of Barrowby, husbandman, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 50. Collated with another copy in 1520–31, folio 1.]


9 January, 1521. I Mylys Blakey of Barewby husbandman, etc. To be buried in the chyrche of All Hallows in Barowby, unto the which hye awter I bequeithe for tythes forgotten xijd., and my mortuarye as the custom of the countre is theyre. To the moder chyrche of Lincoln viijd. To every on of my childerne iij score of woull sheype, and yf any of them departe I wyll that hys parte remayne with the oder ij; and iff ij of them departe I will that bothe there partes remayne with that child that lyffys; and yf they dy all iij I wyll ther partes be done for theyer soulys and for them that yt came of. To Rychard my eldyst son. To Peter Blakey my younges son. To Elizabeth my daughter. I will that all theyr partes remayn with myn executors unto shuche tyme as they come to the age of xviij yere. To John my servant. To Elizabeth my servant. To the parish chyrche of Barowby vjs. viijd. To the chyrche of Gunwarby viijd. To the chyrche of Harlaxson viijd. To the freers in Grantham vs. To the chanons of Newbo iijs. iiijd. The resydeue of my guddys I putt to the disposicon of William Sheres (fn. 22) and Robert Crane wome I make my executors. These men beyng present and wytnes, Sir Dyners hundell curate, Thomas Bell, Thomas Preston, Thomas hundell, with oder moar.

[No probate act.]

[John Sawer alias Smyth of Thurlby near Bourne, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 50d. Collated with another copy in 1520–31, folio 1d., which is referred to in the footnotes as A.]


14 Januury, 1521. I John Sawer alias Smyth makes my testament etc. My body to be buryed in the chyrche yarde of sent Fyrmyn in Thurlby, wythe my mortuary after the custom of the contre. To thei hye auter of Thurlby for thynges (fn. 23) forgotton i stryke barly. To our lady of Lincoln viijd. I gyffe my erp (fn. 24) to the chylde (fn. 25) of our lady whyche the mynstrilles kepe in Lincoln. To the bellys of Thurby [sic] a strike barly. To Sent Firmyne gylde a strike barly. To Elizabethe and Aliis (fn. 26) my daughters. To my son Thomas Sawer a Jacke and a salytt. To my fader my gray cot, etc. To Rychard my son. I wyll that v messys of the v woundes of our lorde be saide for my sole in the chyrch of Thurlby. To Johan my wyffe my howse, landes and pastures in the towne of fendes (fn. 27) of Thurlby the terme of hyr lyffe, and after hyr decesse to remayne to Rychard my son and his errys; remainder to on of my childers, ether Thomas, Alys, or Elizabethe they whiche hast most nede. The resydew of my goddys to Johan my wyffe, whom I make my executrice. Witnes, Sir Anthony Aldersun curate, John Wardon, Thomas Vicars, with many oder.

Proved before D., at Burne, 27 Jan., 1521. (fn. 28)

[John Fermer of Market Deeping, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 1d. Translated from the Latin, and collated with another copy in 1506 &c., folio 50.]

15 January, 1521. I John Fermer of Depinge, of the parish of St. Guthlac, etc. My body to be buried in the church of St. Guthlac. I bequeath for my mortuary as the custom of the town is. To the high altar of the said church for tithes forgotten vjd. To the fabric of the mother church of Lincoln xijd. To the gild of St. Mary and All Saints iijs. iiijd. To the light of St. Guthlac iiijd. To the light of the Holy Trinity iiijd. To Thomas and Richard, my sons, and Agnes my daughter, iijl. vjs. viijd. each when they shall have come to the years of discretion, or at least to the age of twenty years, and each of them shall be the others heir; and if they all die before the years of discretion, the said sum shall be disposed for the health of my soul. To the anchorite of St. Paul, Staunfford, xijd. To Thomas Arnold, my servant, two sheep. The residue of my goods I give to Joan my wife and William Browne, whom I make my executors to dispose for the health of my soul and of the souls of my friends and all the faithful dead, by the oversight of William Sherman, whom I make the supervisor of my will. These being witnesses, Sir William Sherman, John Gibbys, Robert Flynx', William Shawe, with others.

[No probate act.]

[Margaret Frysmer of Halton Holegate, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 23.]


16 January, 1521. I Margarett Frysmer, etc. To be buryed in the churche yarde off saynt andrews in Halton, with my mortuarye after the custom off the towne. To our lady warke off lincoln vjd. To the hye awter off halton ffor tithes forgotton viijd. To our lady off grace a silver rynge or the price. To our lady off pety an yeyrne candilstike. To the trynite awter iiijd. To saynt kateryne iiijd. To Ashby church xijd. To scremby church xijd. To lytill stepinge churche xijd. To nether toynton churche xijd., and to the over parishe xijd. To my daughter Isabell a peyr off yerne gallows, etc. To my daughter Agnes. To syr Robert porchytt xijd. To William gibson an acre land lyinge at stanwith. To the gild hall off halton a borde. To our lady gild off halton all my vessill and dishes. To the payntinge off saynt androw ijs. I will that Richerd langer & John gibson my son be my executors. The residew off my goodys I will that they dispose them for my husbandes saull and my saull and all criston saulles. Thies wytnes, syr Will' ryngott, John manynge, and Richard malney, with other moo.

Proved before D., at Esterkele, 17 March, 1522. Adm. granted to the executors.

[William Fowle of Kirton in Holland, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 51d. Collated with another copy in 1520–31, folio 2.]


1521. I William Fowle off Kirton in Holand, etc., make my testament and my last will, etc. My body to be buryed in the churchyarde off the holy apostilles petur and pole off kirton, and for my mortuarye after the costom off the towne. To the high awter for forgotten thynges viijd., and to the churche warke xxd. To every awter in the saide churche ijd. To the leight off seynt erasme iiijd. To the moder churche off lincoln iiijd. To the faderlesse childer at saynt kateryns with owt Lincoln ijd.

This ys the last will off me William Fowle off kirton in Holand, maide ther the xiij day off Januar' the yere before named. First, I will that my executors sell iij acre lande called Andertoft to paye my dettes and brynge me forth; the residew off the money that levys I will it be wared in the reparacions off a new lofte or a wolte under the bellofte in kirton aforsaide. Also I will that the chauntre prest off our lady of kyrton have ij acr' lande arable and pastur called wright grene with the appurtenance in this condicion that the said chauntre prest kepe an obyt yerely for my faders sawll, my moder sawll, my sawll and all my forelders sawlles, off the sume off ijs. viijd. by yere. And iff the saide prest wilnott kepe the saide obytt, then I will the churche wardens reentur in to the saide lande and pastur withe the appurtenance, And the to kepe the said obytt. The residew off the money to go the church profytt. Also I will that thomas fowle my brother have my house in the Edike with all the grownd under it, and ij acre and a stonge called brown landes in fe symple. I will that thomas fowle my brother sonne have an acr' lande and a hallffe called hosylande in fee symple. To Robert fowle a tabull. To Richard ffowle on federbed and a sey coverynge. To Richard Marshall my weddinge gowne, and to Elizabeth marshall his wiffe my best mattres, etc. To Elizabeth Eland daughter off Robert Eland the yonger. To Agnes Eland the wiffe off Robert Eland a lytill chiste. To John Eyland and Alyn Eland, sonnes off Robert Eland the elder, other off them a sheip off the best. To Elizabeth my wiffe a cowe and vj sheip and halffe my howsold stuffe not gyffyn, and the oder equaly to be devyded betwene Elizabeth and agnes the doughters off thomas fowle my broder. To the saide Elizabeth ffowll a gerdill. The residew off my guddys to Robert Eland the elder and thomas ffowle my broder, that thei dispoce them to the plesur off god and the helth off my saull, whom I make my executors, and master John litilbury to be supervisore. Wytnes, syr John plummer priest, thomas poules, Robert Eyland the yonger, with other moo.

Proved before D., at Swyneshed, 29 Jan., 1521.

[Henry Doubleday of Grantham, a.d. 1521.]

[1520–31, 22d.]


1521. I Henry Doubleday of Grantham, etc. To be buried in the churche of St. Wulfran of grantham as nygh to the rode as the space conveniently may be had. To the high awter iijs. iiijd. To our lady of lincoln werkes vjs. viijd. To the churche of Herby iijs. iiijd. To the upholdyng of Notyngham briges iijs. iiijd. To Agnes my wif xxl. To William my son vjl. xiijs. iiijd. To Robert, Francoys, Margaret Jakson, Margaret Scot, Emot, and Agnes, my servaunts. To my doughters Margaret and Elizabeth. To William Bawdwyne. To Agnes Jakson. To Thomas Doubleday. To Thomas Jakson. To Sir John Segraue vjs. viijd. The residue of my goodes if I have no space to dispose theym myself, I bequeth to Agnes my wif, to William my sone and to Syr Robert Dryng, whome I make myn executours. Thies witnes, Master John Halle, John Metcalf, John Haskerd, and Sir John Segraue prest.

Proved before D., in the parish church of Roppesley, 17 March, 1521, Adm. granted to the executors, etc.

[Walter Cowper of Boston, a.d. 1521.]

[1506 &c., 47.]


1521. I Water Cowper, etc. To be buryde in the churche within the gray frayres in Boston. To my mortuary as the lawe and custom requirythe. To our ladys warke in Lincoln xijd. To the faderles children of sent Katheryn in Lyncoln vjd. To the hye alter in Boston churche ijs. To the gray freres in Boston for my beryall vjs. viijd. To every order of freres besyde in Boston xxd. To Beatryce my wyffe. I will that my whole shepe remayn to my broder Julyan Nedermell, and he to sell it to bring me to the erthe, etc. The rest of my goods to my said broder Julyan Nedermell, whom I make executor. Wytynes at Boston, Sir Jamys parish prest in Boston, William plattes prest, Ric' Hype, Sir John markby, and others.

This is the last wyll of me Walter Cowper of Boston, made II February, 13 Henry VIII [a.d. 1521–2]. First, I wyll that the iiij acres of lande that I bowthe of Sir Thomas Godfray, lyinge in sancte Marys parish of Waynflet; and ij acre land, sumtyme Helcote lande, bowthe of Wilȝam Bonde and John Bonde of Wynthorpe, lying in the parishe of Sancte Marys in Waynflete; and on acre and on halffe of arable lande that I bowthe of Sir John Raynaldson, (fn. 29) vicar of Claxby, lying in the sayde paryshe remaynyng in the feoffes handes to the performance of thys my wyll. Also I wyll that the prest that singes for water flax'n say placebo and durge with commendacion and messe of Requiem iiij tymes in the yeer for the soles of my fader and my moder, my sole, my wifes sole and all crysten sowles, and I will that the prest have of the rent of the sayde lande for every tyme iiij cotew contynuyng xlv yeeres. (fn. 30) Also I will that the prest hole rente of sayde landes besyde the xvjd. remayne in lodons handes wyll he lyves, and after hys decesse to remayn in oder off feoffes handes. And yf yt be that the rent of the landes of Water flax'n wyll nott pay the prest his wagys, then I will that the prest have as mych of the rent of the landes to make up hys full wagys; and the housyng needethe reparacions, I will that parte of the rentes of the sayd landes go to the reparacions of the sayd howsing. And after my decese I wyll that vjd. be takyng every yeer to kepe my obyt with my faders in alhalow churche, that ys to say, ijd. in mespenys for my sole, my wyffes, on penny to the lyght abowte the herse, and ijd. to the Ryngeres. (fn. 31) And after the xlv yeers be expiryde, I wyll that all the sayde landes remain in my feoffes handes to fynd myne obyt with my faderes in alhalow churche for ever. I wyll that Julyan Nedermell, my broder, have my house that I wone in with the gardyn that I boght of stoleres of London, lying by coypytt to hym, to hys hayres and his assiners without end, and the resydew of the rent of the sayde lande, myne obit kepe, remaying [sic] in loydons handes os longe os he lyffe, And to take of yt and dispose yt by the syght of the oder feoffes in the chyrche of alhalows when most nede ys. I will that my woll hous and the tenement, that Geffray wonys in be solde by my broder Julyan, and he to gyffe my wyff xl. Also I wyll yff it be so that the feoffes dye to the number of vij, I wyll they make a newe dede and infeoffe to the number of vij, and thus to continew for ever, And the feoffes to pay the charges of the sayde lande. Theys to wyttnes, Sir Jamys paryshe prest of Boston, William plattes prest, Sir John Markeby, Ric' Hybe, and oder.

[No probate act.]


  • 1. Part of Ancaster seems to have been reckoned as being in the parish of Wilsford (cp. Lay Subsidy Roll, 135/15, mem. 8d.)
  • 2. He is called 'Rawlinson' in Subsidy 1526 (page 29), but 'Raulyn' in Bishop Smith's Institutions (folio 85), and 'Rawling' in Bishop Longland's Institutions (folio 34).
  • 3. 'Plughe' in A.
  • 4. 'Pentley' in A.
  • 5. Cp. 'myddillineste' below.
  • 6. 'Joan' in A.
  • 7. 'tithes' in A.
  • 8. 'plater' in A.
  • 9. 'executors' in A.
  • 10. 'Eschdale' in A.
  • 11. 'Kokler' in A.
  • 12. The items leave 1d. of the bequest unaccounted for.
  • 13. The copy in 1506 &c., omits the administration clause.
  • 14. Struck out.
  • 15. Written in the margin.
  • 16. A adds here ' for tythes forgotten.'
  • 17. 'Cobbe' in A.
  • 18. 'Kelde' in A.
  • 19. 'Tithes' in A.
  • 20. 'Puttrell' in A.
  • 21. 'Colbe' in A.
  • 22. Or possibly 'Sherp.'
  • 23. 'tithes' in A.
  • 24. 'herpe' in A.
  • 25. 'gilde' in A.
  • 26. 'Alys' in A.
  • 27. 'feldes' in A.
  • 28. There is no probate act in 1506 &c.
  • 29. This is probably John Rawlynson, vicar of Claxby Pluckacre. He was instituted 20 February, 1505–6 (Reg. xxiii, folio 115), and was dead in August, 1515 (Reg. xxv, folio 2).
  • 30. Sic. There seems to be a confusion in the text. The priest was probably to have 4d. for each celebration for forty-five years.
  • 31. These items do not amount to 6d.