Lincoln Wills: 1515

Pages 67-69

Lincoln Wills: Volume 1, 1271-1526. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1914.

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[Emmot Henrison of Multon, a.d. 1515.]

[1506 &c., 33d.]

4 September, 1515. I Emmot Henrison of multon in the dioc' of Lincoln late the wif of John Henrison (fn. 2) of the same town, makys my testament, etc. My body to be beryed in the church of all halows of multon, with my mortuar' as the laws requyres. To the hie awter ther for thithes forgotten iijs. iiijd. To five awters in the said church to every on of them xijd. To the leigh of the lantehorne iiijd. To the light of the crucifix iiijd. To the church warke of the same ijs. To the wark of the moder church of lincoln xvjd. To the orphans at saynt katerns with owt lincoln viijd. To every prest beyng at my beriall xijd. To the belman and the parichclerk of the same town every on of them viijd. I will that my husbandes legacies be fulfillyd and performyd. To the iiij orders of freers of boston a vestment or xiijs. iiijd. I will that a prest syng for my sole and all criston sollys an holl yere in the church of multon. Also I will that Isabell baston my doughter have my best gown and kertill. To Emmott Baston hir doughter to hir mariage v markes. I will that Jamys Baston have the hangyng in the hall, at [sic] hye deske, etc., after the decesse of his moder. To John Baston, Jenytt Thomson, John my servaunt, and the wiff of Robert Newdike. To every one of my godchilder a lame. To John parrowe of Boston, Richard Hoge of Swyneshed, Emmott Baston, Syr William Laws my gostly father, Syr Nicollas norton, and Sir Xp'ofer gigar. I will that marye and John standyng abowit the crucifix be gyltyd. I will that the image of our lady in the hye quere be giltyd after the maner. To Agnes Blake. To Jenytt Jonson xls. to hyr maryage. Yf she dye or she be maried I will it remayn to Isabell doughter. I will that Will' Hell have for hyr [sic] labars in rydyng and goo for me x markes and a mare. To Robert Newdike Cs. so that he shall indyver hym to ryde and goo in helpyng of my doughter at all hyr nedys. I will that Robert Newdike by a pastur at Chynkar crosse of my doughter for xls.; also that he have ix acres lat Robert of Byston. To the convent of spaldyng iij acres of longd lieing in vunclegate in multon. To olyuer my servaunt, Jenytt Atkynson, a childe of the same Jenyttes, and the wiffe of Robert Kyng of Awsten dike. The residew of my guddes I give to the dispossesion of Isabell Baston my dowghter, whom I make executrice to dispose for my sole and all criston sollys, etc. Thies beyng witnes, Syr William Lawes, John alyn, John Barett, William Taish, and Thomas Alward, with other moo.

Proved before H., at Lincoln, 10 Nov., 1515. Adm. granted to the executrix.

[John Porter of Bolingbroke, a.d. 1515.]

[1506 &c., 44d.]


14 November, 1515. I John Porter off Bolyngbroke Maykes thys my Testament, etc. I be quethe and Recommend my sowle to god allmighty hes blyssed moder our lady sent Mare and to all the sayntes of heven. To be beryd in the churche off the holye appostylles petur and paule off Bolyngbroke, wythe my best beest in the name off my mortuary. To the hye aulter off the sayd Bolyngbroke for forgottyn and wythdrawne tythes xxs. To the sustentacion off the lyght off the holye cursyfyxe xijd. To the lyght off the holye Sepulcre xijd. To the gylde off the holye trinite there xijd. To the gyld off sant peture there xijd. To the sustencion [sic] of the lyght off saynt xp'ofere there iijs. iiijd. To the reparations of the belles there iijs. To our moder churche off Lyncoln iijs. iiijd. To the hye aulter there xijd. To the orphans of saynt Katerine there xijd. To the hye aulter off menynsby for forgottyn and with drawne tythes vs. To the churche warke there xxs. To the abbott and convent off Revysby vjs. viijd. To mayster, wardon and felows off Tattersawle xs. To the hye aulter off Hareby for forgottyn tythes xxd. To the churche warke there xxd. To the churche warke off marum vjs. viijd. To a honest prest to synge by the space off one yere for the helthe off my sowle and the sowles off my fader and moder vl. To the fowndynge off a dekyn perpetuall to have godd the more honorably servyd in the churche off Bolyngbroke, and my sowle and the sowles off my fayder and moyder prayed fore there fore evermore as it shall appere in a compocissyon here after mayde and devyssyd, by the dyscressyon off myne executors, the sum of xll. To Margaret my wyffe one wane, one yocke, a payre of hors trees, etc. To Edward my son xl. To Rychard my son xl. To Charles my son xl., etc. To Thomas my son xl., etc. To Mawde my dowghter xl., provydyd that yff the foresayd Edwarde, Recarde, Charles, Thomas or Mawde dyssesse or they come to xxj yerys, that the money off hym, them or hyr so dyssessed be devydyd emonge them lyffynge. If they all die, I will that the ll. with iij kye be dysposyd to the churche off Bolyngbroke and in other charetabull warkes by myne executors. To Isabell my dowghter vjl. xiiijs. [sic] iiijd. To William my sone one vane with all the tyre thereto belongynge, etc. To Robert my son ij oxyn, etc. To Jhon my son ij oxyn, etc. To John Smythe of marum my best furyd gowne. To Sethe Tynsley off the sayd marum my russyd gowne lynyd with blacke. To William Smyth off the sayd marum my tawney gowne. To Jhon Smyth the elder off the same my old russyt gowne To Recherd granger my russet coott, etc. To Elyn Wattson my servant. To every off my godchylder iiijd. To William Melton. The resedew off my gudes I gyffe to Syr Robert Porter Couper (fn. 1) parson of the churche off Bolyngbroke, Thomas Bryan off the same, Jhon Bryan off the same, William Porter and Robert porter of the same, whome I make my executors to dyspose in charetabull workes, etc., and I give to every off them for their labor xxvjs. viijd. Wytnesse, Jhon gudale off Bolyngbroke, John Borvell of the same, Recard graunger off menyngsby, with other.

[folio 45d.] Thys ys the last wyll off me John Porter as to the dysposycion of my landes and tenements off fre hold and copye hold mayde the day and the yere a bove sayd, etc. I gyffe to the maintenance and sustentacion off a dekyn schyppe for evermore, to be fowndyd in the churche of Bolyngbroke, one toft wythe byldinges ther upon buldyd, wythe a lytyll close thereto belongynge in Bullyngbroke sumtyme Robert Wryghtes schomaker. I will that William my son have one toft with a lathe called est tofte, with certain landes thereto be longyng, lyeynge in the towne and feelld off menyngesby, and a closse with certaine landes callyd boston landes, and one shepcotte with a closse callyd hombbe closse, and one toft with a garth sumtyme off William maltby, with certayne landes in the towne and feldes of menyngsby. To John my son a toft with a closse sumtyme beyng Rechard Poweys, lyeng in the estend off the towne of menyngesby. To Robert my son one toft with certayne pasture and landes lyeing in the towne and feldes of Hareby, sumtyme Thomas garner. I will that Porters my broder son have one toft with a garthe, sumtyme beynge Rechard Smarte, lyeynge in menynsby yff he be on lyve, and yff he be dessessyd then Robert my son to have it; wyche all landys and tenementes aforesayd I will that Wylliam Robert and John my childer have and possesse in vesympull to them, their herys and assyns, excepte a toft in bullyngbroke, sumtyme Robert Wryghtes; yere and day and wytnesse above namyd. Amen.

[No probate act.]


  • 2. See page 63.
  • 1. Sir Robert Coper, priest, was instituted to the rectory of Bolingbroke, 25th April, 1504 (Bishop Smith's Institutions, folio 69), and Robert Cowper was rector in 1526 (Subsidy 1526, page 4). He is also called Robert Cowper in his will (Lincoln Consistory Court, 1543–56, folio 141d.). Perhaps the insertion of the name 'Porter' is a clerical mistake.