Appendix: Additions to volumes 1 and 2 from other sources

Pages 307-317

Final Concords of the County of Lincoln 1244-1272. Originally published by Lincol Record Society, Horncastle, 1920.

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[British Museum, Harleian Charter, 49 A. 3.]


[At Northampton; on the next Thursday after the octaves of St. John the Baptist, 29 Henry II, [7 July, 1183].

Between Maurice de Creun and Roger son of William de Hontingefelt, by Wido son and heir of Maurice and Alexander his steward, whom Maurice attorned in his place to win or to lose, concerning this plea, before William Basseth and Nigel son of Alexander, whom the king's justices had sent from the chief court to Maurice to hear this; before whom this fine was made and recorded, and granted by Maurice, concerning the advowson of the church of Toft, and concerning the vill of Friston', and concerning Maurice's whole tenement in the vill of St. Botulf, and concerning the vill of Warneborne, and concerning the service of William Langevin of Quappelade, and concerning the service of Alan de Roches of Friston', and concerning the service of Walter son of Matfrid of Friston', and concerning all other plaints and matters touching lands and services, whereof then and formerly there was a strife between them. And whereupon there was a plea between them; to wit, that Maurice has granted from himself and his heirs to Roger and his heirs the vill of Toft with the appurtenances, excepting the advowson of the church of Toft which remained to Maurice and his heirs for ever. And he has granted to Roger and his heirs his whole fee in Francton' with the appurtenances, excepting the service of Hugh de Boeby in Dunington', which remained to Maurice and his heirs. Maurice has also granted to Roger the service of Thomas de Muleton' in respect of the whole tenement which he held of him, and the service of Walter son of Matfred in respect of the tenement which he held of him in Pinchebech, and the service of Walter Malregard in respect of the tenement which he held of him in Titton; the services of which tenements Alan de Creun gave to William, Roger's father. Maurice has also granted to Roger the manor of Suthorp with its appurtenances in exchange for the manor of Warneborne which he claimed of the gift of Maurice. And Maurice has given Roger in the fair of St. Botulf certain land next the land of Herbert the Clerk towards 'le Nort,' from the land of John the Cook to the road; and on the other side of the road towards 'le Nort' certain land 12 feet in breadth, and in length from the road which is before the house of Richard son of Guse to the road; and certain land next the land of Walter le Neucomen towards 'le suht,' which is 60 feet in length, and in breadth from the road to the water, without any retainment. Maurice has also remised to Roger and his heirs the service of one knight and the fourth part of the service of one knight in respect of the service of the fee of four knights which Roger owed to him. And for all these tenements which have been given and granted to him in lands and services, Roger and his heirs shall do to Maurice and his heirs the service of two knights and three parts of one knight for all service. And for this grant and gift Roger has quitclaimed from himself and his heirs to Maurice and his heirs the advowson of the church of Toft and all demands in respect of lands or services touching which there was heretofore a strife between them.]

Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini Regis, apud Norhantoniam, proxima die Jouis post octabas sancti Johannis Baptiste, anno regni Regis Henrici secundi xxix° [7 July, 1183]; coram Ranulfo de Glanuill', justiciario domini Regis, et Rogero filio Reinfridi et Willelmo Basseth et Willelmo Mald et Michaele Beloth et Geruasio de Cornhell' et Ranulfo de Gedding' et Ricardo Malebiss' et aliis baronibus domini Regis et fidelibus suis, qui tunc ibi aderant; inter Mauricium de Creun et Rogerum filium Willelmi de Hontingefelt, per Widonem filium et heredem ipsius Mauricii et Alexandrum dapiferum suum, quos ipse Mauricius atornauerat loco suo ad lucrandum uel perdendum de hac loquela, coram Willelmo Basseth et Nigello filio Alexandri, quos justiciarii domini Regis a capitali curia domini Regis ad ipsum Mauricium miserant ad hoc audiendum; coram quibus finis iste factus et recordatus fuit, et ab ipso Mauricio concessus, de aduocacione ecclesie de Toft, et de villa de Friston', et de toto tenemento ipsius Mauricii in villa sancti Botulfi, et de villa de Warneborne, et de seruicio Wllelmi Langevin de Quappelade, et de seruicio Alani de Roches de Friston', et de seruicio Walteri filii Matfrid' de Friston, et de omnibus aliis querelis et rebus de terris et seruiciis unde tunc et prius inter eos habita fuit contentio. Et unde placitum fuit inter eos in curia domini Regis, scilicet, quod prefatus Mauricius concessit eidem Rogero et heredibus suis de se et heredibus suis villam de Toft cum pertinentiis, excepta aduocacione ecclesie de Toft, que remansit ipsi Mauricio et heredibus suis inperpetuum. Concessit etiam eidem Rogero et heredibus suis totum feodum suum in Francton' cum pertinenciis, excepto seruicio Hugonis de Boebi in Dunington', quod remansit ipsi Mauricio et heredibus suis. Concessit etiam idem Mauricius eidem Rogero seruicium Thome de Muleton' de toto tenemento quod de eo tenuit, et seruicium Walteri filii Matfredi de tenemento quod de eo tenuit in Pinchebech, et seruicium Walteri Malregard de tenemento quod de eo tenuit in Titton, quorum tenementorum seruicia Alanus de Creun dedit Wllelmo patri istius Rogeri. Concessit etiam idem Mauricius eidem Rogero manerium de Suthorp cum pertinenciis suis in excambiis manerii de Warneborne, quod clamauit ex dono ipsius Mauricii. Dedit etiam idem Mauricius eidem Rogero in feria sancti Botulfi terram quandam proximam terre Hereberti clerici uersus le Nort, a terra Johannis Coci vsque ad uiam; et ex alia parte uie uersus le Nort terram quandam. xij. pedum in latitudine, et in longitudine a uia que est ante domum Ricardi filii Guse vsque ad uiam: et terram quandam juxta terram Walteri le Neucomen uersus le suht que est. lx. pedum in longitudine, et in latitudine a uia vsque ad aquam, sine ullo retinemento. Remisit etiam idem Mauricius predicto Rogero et heredibus suis seruicium vnius militis et quarte partis seruicie vnius militis de seruicio feodi . iiijor. militum quod prefatus Rogerus debebat predicto Mauricio. Et pro omnibus his predictis tenementis, que concessa et data sunt ipsi Rogero in terris et seruiciis, faciet idem Rogerus et heredes sui predicto Mauricio et heredibus suis seruicium duorum militum et trium partium vnius militis pro omni seruicio. Et pro hac concessione et donatione prefatus Rogerus clamauit quietam de se et heredibus suis ipsi Mauricio et heredibus suis aduocationem ecclesie de Toft, et omnes demandas de terris uel seruiciis vnde prius et tunc inter eos habita fuit contentio.

Endorsed: Toft et Fraunkton'.

[British Museum, Harlcian Charter, 44 A. 23.]

[This is the final concord which was made by a friendly composition between the nuns of Bulingtun' and the nuns of Steinfeld with respect to a dispute which there was between them concerning the land in which the nuns of Bulingtun' claimed common pasture against the nuns of Steinfeld; whereupon, before the justices of the lord the king who were that year (fn. 1) at Lincoln, to wit, before Hugh de Morewic, Ralf Murdac, William le Vauassur and Thomas de Esseburne, they mutually promised to abide by an arbitration made by friends. And the friends among whom they promised, and who made the peace, were the abbots of Reuesbi, Topeholme and Barling', and the priors of Kirkested and Louth Park, who represented their abbots, since the abbots themselves could not be present, and Master Richard de Kime, canon of Lincoln, and Roger de Benigwr' and Stephen de Wikingebi, who were on the side of the nuns of Bulingtun', and Master Alexander, canon of Lincoln, and Richard le Vauassur, who represented his brother William, and William de Paris, who were on the side of the nuns of Steinfeld, to make this peace.

This concord was made in a friendly way by the assent and goodwill of both parties; to wit, that both the convents shall have free egress and ingress to their own [property], according to the metes and bounds which have been established between them. And the pasture about which there was strife shall remain to the nuns of Steinfeld. And moreover Philip de Kim' has given them all the land which he had outside near the dike which runs from the boundary of Neubel to the boundary between Bulingt' and Applei. And the nuns of Bulingt' shall have in the land of the nuns of Steinfeld from the aforesaid dike to the water of Barling' one perch of land in breadth next the boundary of Neubel to enlarge their road, provided that the perch shall be 16 feet. And for this land Philip de Kime has given the nuns of Steinfeld an exchange from his own demesne. And both the convents shall have power to enclose their portions from the dike and from the hedge towards themselves, provided that no one shall erect houses or sheepfolds or buildings from the dike which is on the west side of the park of Philip de Kime to the boundary of Neubele. And that this concord may be confirmed and ratified the seals of the three abbots aforesaid have been in witness set to this writing, and the seal of Philip de Kime, and the seals of the two convents of Buligtun' and Steinfeld.]

Hec est finalis concordia que est facta amicabili composicione inter moniales de Bulingtun' et moniales de Steinfeld, de controuersia que fuit inter eas de terra in qua moniales de Bulingtun' clamabant communem pasturam uersus moniales de Steinfeld; unde compromiserunt in amicos coram justiciis (fn. 2) domini Regis qui fuerunt eo anno [quaere A.D. 1185–6 (fn. 1) ], apud Lincolniam, scilicet, coram Hugonis (fn. 3) de Morewic et Radulfo Murdac et Willelmo le Vauassur et Toma de Esseburne; et amici in quos compromiserunt, et qui pacem fecerunt, fuerunt abbates de Reuesbi et de Topeholme et de Barling', et priores de Kirkested et de Parcholude, qui pro abbatibus suis fuerunt cum ipsi adesse non possent, et magister Ricardus de Kime, canonicus Lincolniensis, et Rogerus de Benigwr' et Stephanus de Wikingebi, qui fuerunt ex parte monialium de Bulingtun', et magister Alexander, canonicus Lincolniensis, et Ricardus le Vauassur, qui fuit pro Willelmo fratre suo, et Willelmus de Paris, qui fuerunt ex parte monialium de Steinfeld, ad faciendam hanc pacem. Hec concordia facta fuit amicabiliter assensu et bona voluntate partis utriusque; scilicet, quod uterque conuentus habebit liberum exitum et introitum in suo secundum divisas et terminos qui constituti sunt inter eos. Et pastura unde contencio fuit remanebit monialibus de Steinfeld. Et insuper Philippus de Kim' dedit eis totam terram quam habuit extra juxta fossatum quod tendit a diuisa de Neubel vsque ad diuisam inter Bulingt' et Applei. Et moniales de Bulingt' habebunt in terra monialium de Steinfeld a fossato predicto vsque ad aquam de Barling' unam perticatam terre in latum juxta diuisam de Neubel ad dilatandam uiam suam, ita quod pertica sit sedecim pedum. Et pro hac terra dedit Philippus de Kime escambium monialibus de Steinfeld de sua propria demenia. Et uterque conuentus poterit claudere partem suam de fossato et de sepe uersus se, ita quod domos aut bercarias aut hedificia aliquis non faciat a fossato quod in occidentali parte parci Philippi de Kime vsque ad diuisam de Neubele. Et ut hec concordia firma sit et rata apposita sunt in testimonium huic scripto trium abbatum predictorum sigilla et sigillum Philippi de Kime et sigillum utriusque conuentus de Buligtun' et de Steinfeld.

[Three seals, of which two are damaged and indecipherable. The third is described by W. de G. Birch as the first seal of Stainfield priory, late 12th century, light brown mottled, about 2¾ × 17/8 in., pointed oval— the Virgin, crowned, seated on a carved throne, with finials of peculiar shape, the Child with nimbus on the left knee, in the right hand a sceptre fleury: Sigillum . capitul ... [M]arie . de . Steinfeld... (Catalogue of Seals in the Department of MSS., British Museum, i., p. 757).

[British Museum, Harleian Charter, 44 A. 22.]

Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini Regis, apud Lincolniam, anno regni Henrici Regis secundi. xxxiij. die Sabati proxima ante festum sancti Luce, [17 October, 1187]; coram G[odfrido] de Luci et J[ocelino] Ciscestrensi archidiacono et Willelmo Vauassore, tunc justiciariis, et ceteris baronibus et fidelibus domini Regis, qui tunc ibi aderant; inter priorem et canonicos de Bulington' et Gilbertum filium Pagani et Emmam sororem eius, de. ij. bouatis terre in Faldingwurthe, et. ij. toftis cum pertinenciis. Unde placitum summonitum fuit inter eos in curia domini Regis per breve domini Regis de recto; scilicet, quod predicta terra tota remanet quieta cum pertinenciis predicte Emme et heredibus suis: tenendam de prefato Gilberto et heredibus suis in feodo et hereditate pro. ix. denariis per annum pro omni seruicio, excepto forinseco. Ita quod predictus Gilbertus et predicta Emma reddent singulis annis. i. marcam argenti domui de Bulington' quamdiu Matheus filius [Geru (fn. 4) ]asii de Halton' vixerit, scilicet,. j. medietatem ad Pentecosten et aliam medietatem ad festum sancti Michahelis. Sed post obitum predicti Mathei nihil reddent de predicta marca. Et sciendum quod predictus Gilbertus et predicta Emma demiserunt. iiij. acras terre, videlicet, ij. in campis de Haketorn, et alias. ij. in campis de Faldingwurthe, ad aliamentum (fn. 5) fratrum commorancium ibidem, domui de Bulington in puram et perpetuam elemosinam.

Endorsed: Cyrographum in curia Regis factum inter nos et Gilbertum de Hachetorn (Hach') et E. sororem eius de. iiij. acris terre in Hachetorn (Hach') et Faldingwrd. (fn. 6)

[British Museum, Cartulary of Bardney Abbey, Cotton MS., Vespasian E. xx, f. 44.]


De Edlingtona

[This is the concord made between Thomas Bardolf and the monks of Bardenay, at Lincoln, on Friday, the first feast of St. Gregory after the lord Henry II first received the allegiance of the Scots at York, [12 March, 1175–6]; of land in Edlington', concerning which there was a plea between them; that Thomas and Roeis his wife have remised from themselves and their heirs all the claim which they had against the monks in respect of the land; and have quitclaimed the land to them; and have promised that they will be their aid against all men who shall molest the monks in respect of the land.]

Hec est concordia facta inter Thomam Bardolf et monachos de Bard[enay], apud Lincolniam, die ueneris festo sancti Gregorii primo postquam dominus Henricus secundus primo cepit ligentias Scottorum apud Eboracum, [12 March, 1175–6]; coram Hugone de Gundeuile et Willelmo filio Radulfi et Willelmo Basset, justiciis (fn. 7), de terra de Edlington', de qua placitum erat inter eos in curia domini Regis. Thomas Bardolf et Roeis uxor eius remiserunt totam calumpniam quam habebant uersus predictos monachos de predicta terra de ipsis et heredibus suis, et eis predictam terram quietam clamauerunt, et auxilium eorum uersus omnes homines prefatos monachos de supradicta terra infestantes se prestituros promiserunt.

[Bardney Cartulary (as above), f. 45d.]


[This is the fine and concord made at Westminster, at the Treasury, on the Friday next after the feast of St. Denis, 27 Henry II, [16 October, 1181]; between the abbot of Bardenay and Adam the Clerk, of 12 bovates of land in Steping'.

Whereupon there was a plea between them in the court of the lord the King, to wit, that Adam quitclaims to the abbot all his right and claim which he claimed in the land. And the abbot accordingly has given A. 11 marks of silver.]

Hic est finis et concordia que facta fuit (fn. 7) apud Westmonasterium ad scacarium, die ueneris proxima post festum sancti Dionisii, anno vicesimo septimo regni Henrici Regis secundi, [16 October, 1181]; coram R[icardo] episcopo Wintoniensi et R. (fn. 8) episcopo Eliensi et J[ohanne] episcopo Norwicensi et Ranulfo de Glanuill' et magistro Waltero de Const[anciis] et Willelmo Basset et Ranulfo de Gedl[ing] et Hugone de Morwic' et aliis justiciis (fn. 7) domini Regis, qui tunc ibi aderant; inter abbatem de Bard[enay] et Adam clericum, de duodecim bouatis terre in Steping'. Unde placitum fuit inter eos in curia domini Regis, scilicet, quod predictus Adam quietum clamat predicto abbati totum jus et clamium suum quod ipse clamabat in predictis duodecim bouatis terre. Et iam dictus abbas dedit predicto A. . xj. marcas argenti.

[Bardney Cartulary (as above), f. 46d.]


[This is the final concord made, at Lincoln, on the Saturday next after the octaves of the apostles Peter and Paul, 22 Henry II, [10 July, 1176]; between the monks of Bardenay and Paulinus and Anneis his wife, of half a carucate of land in Barton' with the meadow adjoining.

Whereupon there was a plea between them; to wit, that Paulinus and Anneis have quitclaimed the land, with the meadow belonging to it, from themselves and their heirs to the monks for ever. And for this quitclaim and fine and concord the monks have given Paulinus and A. one bovate of land with one toft in Bartona: to hold to them and their heirs of the monks by the free service of three shillings by the year.]

Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini Regis, apud Lincolniam, die sabbati proxima post octabas apostolorum Petri et Pauli, anno regni regis Henrici secundi. xxij. [10 July, 1176]; coram Galfrido Eliensi episcopo et Nicholao archidiacono Couentrensi et Gilberto Pipard, tunc justiciis (fn. 9) domini Regis, et aliis baronibus et fidelibus domini Regis, ibidem tunc presentibus; inter monachos de Bard[enay] et Paulinum et uxorem eius Anneis de dimidia carucata terre in Barton' cum prato adiacente. (fn. 9) Unde placitum fuit inter eos in curia domini Regis, scilicet, quod predictus (fn. 9) Paulinus et Anneis vxor eius quietam clamauerunt predictam dimidiam carucatam terre in Bartona, cum predicto prato ad eam pertinente (fn. 9), de se et heredibus suis inperpetuum predictis monachis de Bard[enay]. Et pro hac quieta clamancia et fine et concordia predicti monachi dederunt prenominato (fn. 9) Paulino et A. uxori sue unam bouatam terre cum uno tofto in Bartona: tenenda (fn. 9) sibi et heredibus suis de predictis monachis per liberum seruicium. iij. solidorum per annum.

[Bardney Cartulary (as above), f. 48d.]

Folkingham Hundemanby

[This is the final concord, made on the Lord's day next after the Conversion of St. Paul the apostle, 2 Richard, [27 January, 1190–1]; between Henry de Gant put in the place of Robert de Gant to win or to lose, and Richard de Bardenay put in the place of the abbot of Bardenay, touching five shillings in respect of two bovates of land in Folkingh', and touching one toft in Hundemanb' on the west side of the vill, which was of the cultivated land of Walter de Gant.

Whereupon there was a plea between them; to wit, that Henry has quitclaimed the premises to Richard to the use of the abbot and monks of Bardenay in frank almoign. And for this fine and concord Richard has given H. de Gant 5 marks of silver.]

Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini Regis, apud Norhantoniam, die Dominica proxima post conuersionem beati Pauli apostoli, anno secundo regni Regis Ricardi, [27 January, 1190–1]; coram comite de Arundel' et Willelmo Marescall' et Willelmo de Briwerre et Hugone Bardolf et G[alfrido] filio Petri et Roberto de Witefeld et Simone de Pat[es] hill et aliis baronibus et fidelibus domini Regis, ibidem tunc presentibus; inter Henricum de Gant, positum loco Roberti de Gant ad lucrandum uel perdendum, et Ricardum de Bard[enay], positum loco abbatis de Bard[enay], de v solidis de duabus bouatis terre in Folkingh', et de uno tofto in Hundemanb' ex occidentali parte uille quod fuit de cultura Walteri de Gant. Unde placitum fuit inter eos in curia domini Regis, scilicet, quod predictus Henricus de Gant clamauit predicta quieta, scilicet, et v solidos de duabus bouatis terre in Folkingh', et unum toftum quod fuit de cultura Walteri de Gant in Hundemanby, prenominato Ricardo ad opus abbatis et monachorum de Bard[enay] in puram et perpetuam elemosinam. Et pro hoc fine et concordia predictus Ricardus de Bard[enay] dedit prenominato H. de Gant quinque marcas argenti.

[Bardney Cartulary (as above), f. 49]

Item Braunceton'

[This is the fine and concord made at Lincoln, on the next Tuesday after the feast of St. Nicholas, 26 Henry II, [9 December, 1180]; between Ralph abbot of Bardenay and John de Einecurt, of the pasture which the monks of Bardenay and the men of the same vill have for their beasts in the marsh of Braunceton'.

Whereupon there was a plea between them; to wit, that John has given to the monks and men of Bardenay three perches of land in breadth through his meadow, in order that their beasts may have a road freely to come and go to the pasture. And John has granted to the monks the fisheries with the waters and meadows adjoining, and the digging of turfs, as the charters of his predecessors witness.]

Hic finis est et concordia que facta fuit, (fn. 10) Lincolniæ, proxima die Martis post festum sancti Nicholaui, anni vicesimi sexti (fn. 10) regni Regis Henrici secundi, [9 December, 1180]; coram Ranulfo de Glanuill' et Thomam Basset et Reginaldo de Curteney et Rogero filio Renfridi et Michaele Belet et aliis justiciis (fn. 10) et baronibus domini Regis, qui tunc ibi aderant; inter Radulfum abbatem de Bardenay et Johannem de Einecurt de pastura quam monachi de Bard[enay] et homines eiusdem ville habent in marisco de Braunceton' animalibus suis. Unde placitum fuit inter eos in curia domini Regis, scilicet, quod predictus Johannes dedit prefatis monachis et hominibus de Bard[enay] tres perticatas terre in latitudine per pratum suum ut animalia predictorum monachorum et hominum de Bard[enay] uiam habeant ad libere eundum et redeundum ad predictam pasturam. Idem etiam Johannes piscaciones cum aquis et pratis adiacentibus et fossuram turbarum, sicut carte predecessorum suorum testantur, prescriptis monachis concessit.

[Bardney Cartulary (as above), f. 49d.]


[This is the final concord made at Lincoln, 3 Richard, on the Lord's day in eight days of St. Michael, [6 October, 1191]; between the abbot of Bardenay and William de Ainecurt, of a plea of rent in respect of the marsh of Hanewrd'.

Whereupon there was a plea between them; to wit, that William has given, granted and confirmed to the abbot and monks of Bardenay and their successors, in frank almoign, the digging of 6 men for 15 whole days, where they will, in the marsh, and the mowing of two men for eight days. And he has quitclaimed from himself and his heirs to them and their successors the rent which they were wont to render to him. For this liberty and for this grant and for this fine and concord the abbot and monks have given William 3 marks of silver.

Touching the liberty of Bardney in Hanworthe.]

Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini Regis, apud Lincolniam, anno regni Regis Ricardi tertio, die Dominica in octabis sancti Michaelis, [6 October, 1191]; coram Hugone Bardulf et Willelmo de Stuteuill' et Hugone Pipard' et aliis fidelibus domini Regis, inter abbatem de Bard[enay] et Willelmum de Ainecurt de placito redditus de marisco de Hanewrd'. Unde placitum fuit inter eos in curia domini Regis, scilicet, quod prefatus Willelmus dedit et concessit et carta sua confirmauit prefato abbati et monachis de Bard[enay] et successoribus eorum, in perpetuam et puram elemosinam, fossuram sex hominum per. xv. dies integros in predicto marisco ubi uoluerint, et falcacionem duorum hominum per octo dies, et quietum clamauit de se et heredibus suis eis et successoribus eorum redditum quem ei solebant reddere. Pro hac libertate et pro hac concessione et hoc fine et concordia prefati abbas et monachi dederunt prefato Willelmo tres marcas argenti.

De libertate de Bardney in Hanworthe.

[Bardney Cartulary (as above), f. 216d.]

Kyrke stede (fn. 11)

[This is the fine and concord made between the abbot and convent of Kyrkestede, plaintiffs, and the abbot and convent of Bardenay, tenants, of several plots of meadow upon the bank of Widma, and of one booth which Ralph de la Boþe held upon the same bank; to wit, that the abbot and convent of Kyrkestede have acknowledged the whole meadow with the booth to be the right of the abbot and convent of Bardenay. For this recognition, fine and concord the abbot and convent of Bardenay have granted and quitclaimed from themselves and their successors to the abbot and convent of Kyrkestede and their successors 14 perches of meadow upon the bank of Widma, and from that bank towards the marsh 14 perches; and between those 18 perches and the dale of la Boþe as much meadow as it contains from the dale of la Boþe in breadth: and from the bank of Widma towards the marsh 14 perches and the aforesaid booth: to hold and to have of the abbot and convent of Bardenay for ever; rendering therefor yearly to the abbot and convent of Bardenay one penny.

It is inscribed in the Register of Martyrs.]

Hec est finis et concordia facta inter abbatem et conuentum de Kyrk[estede] petentes et abbatem et conuentum de Bard[enay] tenentes de pluribus placiis prati super ripam de Widme et de una boþa quam Radulfus de la Boþe tenuit super eandem ripam. Videlicet quod idem abbas et conuentus de Kyrk[estede] recognouerunt totum pratum cum boþa esse jus ipsorum abbatis et conuentus de Bard[enay]. Pro hac recognicione fine et concordia; iidem abbas et conuentus de Bard[enay] concesserunt et quietum clamauerunt de se et successoribus suis ipsis abbati et conuentui de Kyrk[estede] et eorum successoribus quatuordecim perticatas prati super ripam de Widme. et ab ipsa ripa uersus mariscum; quatuordecim perticatas. Et inter illas decem (fn. 12) et octo perticatas et dailam de la Boþe tantum prati; quantum de daila de la Boþe continet in latitudine. Et a ripa de Widme uersus mariscum quatuordecim perticatas et predictam boþam tenendas et habendas de abbate et conuentu de Bardenay inperpetuum. reddendo inde annuatim abbati et conuentui de Bard[enay] unum denarium.

Scribitur in Martilogio.

[British Museum, Cartulary of Kirkstead Abbey, Cotton MS., Vepasian E. xviii, f. 96d.]

C[yrographum] inter nos et Basiliam uxorem Johannis filii Mengi

[This is the final concord made at Oxford, on the Wednesday next after the feast of St. Hilary, 35 Henry II, [18 January, 1188–9]; between the abbot and monks of Kyrkestede and Basilia who was the wife of John son of Mengus and Geoffrey her son and heir, concerning 6 bovates of land in Welleton' which Basilia and Geoffrey her son and heir claimed against the abbot and monks of Kyrkestede.

Whereupon there was a plea between them; to wit, that Basilia and Geoffrey have granted to the abbot and monks 80 acres of land in the aforesaid 6 bovates in pure and perpetual alms, to wit, out of 4 bovates of land, which were of William Trig, by the perch of 20 feet. And if more be found in the aforesaid 4 bovates, the residue of them and of the whole claim shall remain to Basilia and Geoffrey; and if less be found, Basilia and Geoffrey shall fully make up to the abbot and monks 80 acres out of other their free tenement, to wit, in respect of the residue of the claim, by the perch of 20 feet. And if the abbot and monks shall have exchanged any part of the 4 bovates, that shall be reckoned to them in the measure of the aforesaid 80 acres, by the aforesaid perch. And for this fine and concord the abbot and monks have given to Basilia 10 marks of silver and 1 palfrey, and to Geoffrey 2 marks of silver.]

Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini Regis, apud Oxoniam, proxima die mercurii post festum sancti Hilarii, anno regni Regis Henrici secundi. xxxv. [18 January, 1188–9]; coram J[ohanne] Norwicensi episcopo et Ranulfo de Glanuill', justiciariis domini Regis, et Godefrido de Luci et Radulfo Colecestrensi archidiacono et Roberto de Whuttefeld, et aliis fidelibus domini Regis, tunc presentibus; inter abbatem et monachos de Kyrk[estede] et Basiliam que fuit uxor Johannis filii Mengi et Galfridum filium et heredem eius, de. vj. bouatis terre in Welleton', quas predicti Basilia et Galfridus filius et heres eius clamabant uersus predictos abbatem et monachos de Kyrk[estede]. Unde placitum fuit inter eos in curia domini Regis; scilicet, quod predicti Basilia et Galfridus filius eius et heres concesserunt predictis abbati et monachis. iiijor xxti. acras terre in predictis. vj. bouatis terre, in puram et perpetuam elemosinam, scilicet, de. iiijor. bouatis terre que fuerunt Willelmi Trig, per percam. xxti. pedum. Et si in predictis. iiijor. bouatis terre magis inuentum fuerit, residuum earum et totius clamii predicti [folio 97] remanebit predictis Basilie et Galfrido filio et heredi eius; et si minus inuentum fuerit in predictis. iiijor. bouatis terre, predicti Basilia et Galfridus filius et heres eius perimplebunt predictis abbati et monachis. iiijor xxti. acras de alio libero tenemento suo, scilicet, de residuo predicti clamii, per predictam percam. xxti. pedum. Et si predicti abbas et monachi excambiauerint aliquid de predictis. iiijor. bouatis terre, illud eisdem computabitur in mensura predictarum. iiijor. xxti. acrarum, per predictam percam. Et pro hac (fn. 13) fine et concordia predicti abbas et monachi dederunt predicte Basilie. x. marcas argenti et unum palefridum, et Galfrido filio eius et heredi duas marcas argenti.

[Cartulary of the Priory of Bridlington, edited by W. T. Lancaster, F.S.A. (Leeds: 1912), p. 375]

Fine at Linc[oln], Friday before the feast of St Barnabas apostle, 1 Rich. (1), [8 June, 1190], before the Justices of the King, the abbot of Burg, H. archdeacon of York, Ralph son of Stephen, G. son of Peter, Michael Belet, Richard de Pecco, John Kenteys, clerk of the Chancery, and other faithful of the king then present, between the canons of Brid[lington] and Philip (Philippo) son of Robert de Tatesal, respecting a certain grange and a toft in Witham which (qui) lies (iacet) between the toft of the said canons and the toft of Robert son of Osbert; whence there was a plea between them in the King's Court, namely that Philip quitclaimed the said toft to the canons in free and quit alms for ever; and for this quitclaim the canons gave him three marks of silver.

[Bridlington Cartulary (as above), p. 426]

Fine at Linc[oln], in the octaves of Trinity, 20 Hen. III, [1 June, 1236]; between Thomas, prior of Bridel[ington], querent, and Hugh son of Martin son of Jwayn, deforciant, respecting the customs and services which the prior demanded from Hugh from the free tenement which he holds from the prior in Linc[oln], namely, from one toft, with the appurtenances, whence the prior claimed three shillings and four pence yearly, which Hugh had hitherto not recognised; whence there was a plea between them in the same court, namely, that Peter granted for himself and his heirs that henceforth they would pay yearly to the prior and his successors and church three shillings and four pence for the said tenement for all service, custom and exaction; and for this concession, etc., the prior remitted all arrears of the said service.

[British Museum, Harleian MS., 3875, f. 362: Extracts from the Cartulary of Ormsby Priory, f. 58]

This is the final concord made in the 14th year of the reign of King John [a.d. 1212–13], between Robert prior of Ormesby, plaintiff, and Philip son of Simon de Kyma, deforciant, of one knight's fee in Little Grimesby and Foterby. Philip has acknowledged it to be the right of the prior, as that which the prior and his church have of the gift of Simon de Kyma, his father, whose heir he is.

[British Museum, Harleian MS., 3875, f. 367d.: Extracts from the Cartulary of Welbeck Abbey, p. 205]

The final concord made in the 26th year of the reign of King Henry III [a.d. 1241–2]; between John Pabham, querent, and the abbot of Welbec, of the advowson of the church of Kirketon, to wit, that John has acknowledged the advowson to be the right of the abbot.

[British Museum, Cartulary of Kirkstead Abbey, Cotton MS., E. xviii, f. 189]

At Lincoln; from Trinity in three weeks, 34 Henry III, [12 June, 1250].

Between Simon [abbot of Kyrk', plaintiff, and . . . . . . . abbot (fn. 14) ] [f. 189d.] of Walth', deforciant, by William de Horsete put in his place to win or to lose, of 5 acres of meadow in Wrengle.

Plea. The abbot of Walth' has acknowledged the meadow, to wit, the whole of that piece of meadow which the abbot of Kyrk' and his church have of the gift of John le Dekene in le Ouerhenges of Wrengle, to be the right of the abbot of Kyrk' and his church, and has rendered it to them in the same court: to have and to hold to the abbot of Kyrk' and his successors and his church of the abbot of Walt' and his successors and his church for ever; rendering yearly therefor and for all other lands and tenements which the abbot of Kyrk' and his church held of the abbot of Walth' and his church in the same vill, on the day on which this concord was made, 2s. 6½d., for all secular service, suit of court, custom and demand. And for this acknowledgment and concord the abbot of Kyrk' has granted for himself and his successors and his church that they shall not henceforth sell any part of the fee of the abbot of Waltham in the same vill without the assent and good will of the abbot of Walth' and his successors and his church. And if any one shall hereafter sell any of the fee of the abbot of Walth' or his successors, it shall be lawful for the abbot of Walth' and his successors to enter into the tenement without gainsaying of the abbot of Kyrk' and his successors or his church. And be it known that John le Dekene was present in court and granted this concord.


  • 1. The year seems to be settled by the following title which occurs under Lincolnshire in the Pipe Roll of 32 Henry II, "Nova placita et nove conventiones per Hugonem de Morewich et Radulfum Murdac et Willelmum Vauassur et Magistrum Tomam de Husseburn'" (Pipe Roll Society, xxxvi, p. 77).
  • 2. Sic.
  • 3. Rectius 'Hugone'.
  • 4. The charter has been injured.
  • 5. The word is somewhat obscured by a blot, but it is almost certainly as printed above.
  • 6. A translation is printed in F.C., i, pp. 1, 2. The original is given here because of the early date of the document.
  • 7. Sic.
  • 8. Rectius 'Galfrido.'
  • 9. Sic.
  • 10. Sic.
  • 11. There is nothing to indicate the date. The concord, however, probably belongs to the 12th century.
  • 12. Possibly we should read 'viginti' here, two parcels of 14 perches each having been mentioned. It is impossible, however, from the description given in the text, to understand how the land lay. The punctuation of the original has been followed.
  • 13. Sic.
  • 14. A corner of the leaf has been torn off.