Index: M, N, O

Pages 458-466

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.

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Mablesteyn, Sir John, sub-prior of St. John's, letter to, 910.

Mablethorpe, Linc., g. 1063 (6).

Mabton, Linc., g. 1063 (6).

McCarthy, Cormok Oge, 556.

McCarthy Reagh (Macarte Ryagh), baron of Carberry, 556.

McDonell, —, 116.

McGerald. See Fitzgerald.

McGwire (McGwyer), the lord, 116, 173, 515.

Machynlleth (Maighancloithe), co. Montgomery, 319, 706.

McMahounde, —, 116.

McMurgh, (McMargho), —, 331, 515.

Mâcon, in France, 941.

Macon (Mascon), Charles de Hemard, bp. of, French ambassador at Rome, 268, 813, 904 (p. 303), 931, 937, 1006, 1007.

-, -, letters from, 813, 931, 1006.

McShane, Gerald. See Fitzgerald, Gerald, son of Shane Fitzgerald.

Macye. See Chaffecomb.

Maden. See Maiden.

Madius. See Maggio.

Madock, John ap Harry, g. 504 (2).

Madrid, 602.

Madrid, treaty of, 912.

Magdalen, eldest daughter of Francis I., married (1536) James V., 7, 960, 970.

Maggio or Madius, of Brescia, doctor at Padua, 648, 917. See Matthio.

Magnus, Thomas, archd. of the E. Riding, 201, 475, 791 v.

-, -, letter from, 201, 475.

-, -, his house in Windsor, 475.

Mago. See Mahon.

Magor, merches of Wales, g. 236 (1).

Maho. See Mahon.

Mahometans, the, 1072.

Mahon (Mago), in Minorca, 602, 665.

Mahon (Maho), Layr de, small island near Minorca, 459, 490 (see notes), 665.

Maiden (Maden) Bradley, Wilts, 42, 168.

-, prior of, 168.

Maidstone (Madestone), Kent, letter dated at, 632.

Maigham Cloyth (qu. Machynlleth ?), in Powis land, 319, 706.

Maikhole, in Kylpeck, Heref., g. 504 (2).

Maillorque. See Majorca.

Maior. See Meyer.

Maison Dieu. See Dover.

Majorca (Maillorque), 490, 602.

-, viceroy of, 602.

Makgill, Jas., 81, 1047 (see notes).

Makschane. See McShane.

Malaga, in Spain, 602.

Malaghe. See Mallow.

Malbethorpe. See Mablethorpe.

Male, Anth. van, notary, 711.

Malete, —, 413.

Malling or West Malling abbey, Kent 693:—App. 10.

-, abbess of, App. 10.

-, abbess quondam of, App. 10.

Mallow (Malaghe), in Ireland, 556.

Malmesbury, Wilts., 139, 160.

-, abbot of, 160.

Malmoe (Elbagen), in Sweden, 277, 483, 564.

Malta, Island of, letter dated at, 123, 910, 920.

Malton, Yorks., 791, 1070 (4), 1173 (p. 400).

-, castle of (chantry in), 1070 (4).

-, priory of, 1173 (p. 400).

Malvern Major (Great or Much Malvern), 5, 913.

-, letter dated at, 913.

-, priory of, 913.

-, vicar of. See Gylham, Ric.

Malvern Minor, priory of, valor of, 1124. (See Errata).

Malyn, Robt., 717.

Manchester, 1054.

Manewden, Essex, 520.

Manlius, Marcus, example of, cited, 198 (p. 63).

Manning (Manyng), Ralph, under-sheriff of Chester, 183, 1106.

Mannington (Manyngton), Norf., letter dated at, 496.

Mansell (Mawucyl), —, chamberlain of Chester, App. 3.

-, (Manxell), Cessell, wife of Sir Rice, letters from, 19, 197, 318.

-, Sir Rice, 19, 197, 318.

-, -, letter from, 197.

-, Thos., of Dover, 717.

Mantua, 127, 834, 903, 1018.

Mantua Hercules Gonzaga, cardinal of, 1007.

Mantua, Frederic Gonzaga, duke of, 512, 526, 1028–29.

-, -, his brother, 526.

Manxell. See Mansell.

Manyng. See Manning.

Mapersall, Linc. dioc., g. 914 (40).

Mapesbury, 430.

Marboro. See Marleborough.

March, earldom of (England), g. 914 (14).

March, earldom of, in Ireland, 1079.

March, Camb., 507.

March treason, condemnations for, 1.

March wool, App. 20.

Marche, Wm., 1121.

Marches. See under Scotland and Wales.

Marden, Kent, g. 729 (22).

Margaret of Angoulême, Queen of Navarre, sister of Francis I., called by Imperialists Madame d'Allebrecht (da Lebret), 238, 378, 696, 838, 853 (See Errata), 906 (p. 305), 964 (p. 323), 965, 980.

-, -, letter to, 378.

Margaret, Queen Dowager of Scotland, sister of Henry VIII., 184, 217–19, 232–33, 498 (3), 730 (2), 956–58.

-, -, letters from, 956–58.

-, -, a letter to (vol. iv. 4131), 730 (2).

Marie, Mademoiselle. See Basset, Mary.

Mark and Oye, near Calais, 345, 803, 1121.—g. 236 (3), 729 (12).

-, serjeant and freemen of, 1121.

-, searcher of. See Howell, Walt. ap: Hussey, John (1535).

Markby, St. Peter's priory, John prior of, App. 2.

Market Orton, Rutl., 481.

Markham, Sir John, 179, 751.

Marlborough (Marboro), letter dated at, 107.

Marlow, Little, 1166.

-, prioress of. See Vernon, Marg.

Marriages (of priests, &c.), 540 (2), 725 (p. 244), 748, 812, 1001.

Marrys, —, 362.

Marseilles (Marcellez), 157, 565, 906 (p. 304), 910, 1038.

-, the galleys of, 565.

Marshall (Marchall), Wm., earl of Pembroke (temp. John), 1173 ii.

Marshall, Wm., 283, 345, 358 (p. 121, "the printer"), 523.

Marshalsea prison. See under London.

Marshe (Marsche), Walter, governor of the Merchant Adventurers, 182 (p. 57).

Marsshe or Mursshe park, 316, 436.

Marsyngberd. See Massingberd.

Marten, —, 385.

Martin. See Luther, Martin.

Martin (Martinus), John, pirate, 81, 1047 (see notes).

-, (Martyn), Robt., clk., 408.

Marton (Merton) priory, Yorks., Thos. Yodson, prior of, 816 ii. (3).

-, surrender of, 816 ii. (3).

Martyn. See Merton.

Martyrano, —, [Milanese] secretary, 777.

Marven, Thos., 1059.

Mary, the princess, daughter of Katha rine of Arragon (called officially "the lady Mary," and by Imperialists "the Princess"), 15, 17, 58 (pp. 17, 18), 71, 75, 143, 178, 287, 326, 356 (pp. 119–20, see notes), 434 (p. 141), 449, 484, 557, 565–6, 587–8, 594–6, 665, 674, 681, 732–3, 770, 776–7, 827, 861, 862 (p. 290), 873, 904 (p. 303), 912, 937 (p. 316), 966–7, 970, 973, 983, 987, 1035, 1036 (p. 358).

-, -, letters from, 71, 596 (see Errata).

-, -, her gouvernante (governess of her household). See Shelton, Lady Anne.

Mary, the French queen, sister of Henry VIII., duchess of Suffolk (died 1533), g. 1063 (5, 7).

Mary of Bourbon, daughter of the duke of Vendome, proposed in marriage for James V., 148, 178, 249, 258, 295, 548, 644, 674–5, 804, 853, 906 (p. 304), 960, 964 (p. 323).

Mary, queen dowager of Hungary, regent of Flanders, sister of Charles V., 17, 18, 39, 48, 58, 71, 143, 175, 178, 202, 295, 319, 409, 434, 449, 665, 733, 972.

-, -, letters to, 48, 71.

-, -, her interview at Cambray with queen Eleanor of France, 17, 18, 39, 48, 58, 143, 175, 178, 295, 434, 449, 665.

Mary, infanta of Portugal, daughter of John III., 75, 674.

Mary, infanta of Spain, daughter of Charles V., 566 (p. 188), 602.

Mascall, John, 234 (p. 78).

Mascon. See Mâcon.

Mason (Masun), John, 459, 927, 981:—g. 504 (16).

-, -, letter from, 981.

Mass, 345, 681, 1001.

Massingberd, John, 1121.

-, (Marsyngberd), Sir Oswald, knight of St. John, 920:—g. 1063 (2).

Massingham Magna, Norf., 1125.

Massy, John, g. 914 (22).

Mathew. See Matthew.

Matilda, the Empress, mother of Henry II. of England, 168.

Matthew, a lay brother of Sion, 986.

-, (Mathew), Wm., 353.

Matthio (qu. Maggio ?, q.v.), —, 659.

Mawer, Will., g. 1063 (3).

Mawling, John, 1105.

Mawncyl. See Mansell.

Maxey, John, bp. of Elphin, commendatory of Welbeck, 652, 745.

-, -, letter from, 745.

Maxwell, Robert lord, 844, 949.

Maxwell, —, heretic, 230.

-, —, Cromwell's servant, 259.

Maydland, Dr., a Black Friar, 846.

Maydwell, John, the Scottish friar, 283, 523, 846.

Maye, Mr., 194.

Mayence, Albert of Brandenburg, cardinal elector archbishop of, 211, 526, 1001.

-, -, letter to, 211.

Mayer, John, g. 504 (10). See also Meyer.

Mayne, Mr., 1535 (see Errata).

Maynestoke, App. 12.

Maynooth, in Ireland, 514.

-, letters dated at, 116, 626.

Mayre. See Meyer.

Mear. See Meyer.

Meares, Garrard, 125.

Meath, in Ireland, 347.

Mechill. See Michell.

Mecina. See Messina.

Mecklenburg (Meckelyngburg), Albert duke of, 177, 181, 277, 291 (Hart Van Meken Borrowe), 379, 483, 564.

-, -, letters from, 379, 564.

-, -, letters to, 277, 483.

-, -, his brothers, 483.

-, -, his lady (Ann, daughter of Joachim I. of Brandenburgh), 177, 181.

Mecyna. See Messina.

Meddellton. See Middleton.

Medeley. See Midley.

Medicis, Alexander de, duke of Florence, 127, 526, 981 (p. 330).

Medicis, Hippolytus de, cardinal (died 1535), 127, 148, 526 iv.

Medicis, Katharine de, duchess of Orleans and of Urbino, niece of Philip Strozzi, 526, 804.

Medlee, Mr., 1138.

Medley, George, 234 (p. 78).

Megges, Anth., g. 914 (22).

-, Thos., letter from, 754.

Meken Borrowe, Hart Van, i.e., Herzog von Mecklenburg (q.v.)

Melan. See Milan; also Melun.

Melancthon (Melanton), Philip, ("Philippus,") the Reformer, 54, 55, 56, 153, 157, 180, 213 (2), 217, 219, 222–6, 281, 294, 299, 300, 355, 363, 389–90, 499, 503, 508, 521, 540, 543, 545–8, 593, 615 (2), 629, 674, 704, 733, 765, 775, 825, 835, 848, 911, 918, 928–30, 953, 1013, 1030, 1068.

-, -, letters from, 222–5, 503, 540, 545–6, 593, 629, 911, 918, 930, 953, 1013, 1068.

-, -, letters to, 508, 929.

-, -, his book De Locis Communibus, 213 (5), 223–6, 540 (4), 733, 835, 1013 ("dedication"), 1068.

-, -, books of, 615 (2).

-, -, articles sent to France by (consilium missum in Gallias, German articles, &c.), 281, 299, 546, 911, 953.

Meldcmay, Wrait de, 1085.

Melden, Nthld., 1078.

Melen (Melland), Bernard von, 58.

Meleneth, marches of Wales, 140: g. 236 (2).

Melfi, prince of. See Doria, Andrea.

Melfitota. See Molfetta.

Melius, Sp., example of, cited, 198 (p. 63).

Mell or Melle, Leonard, his goods, &c., 642, 682, 767, 950.

-, -, his widow, 950.

Melland. See Melen.

Melton, Sir John, g. 914 (22).

Melun (Melan), treasurer of, 1021.

Mendoza, Bernardino de, brother of the marquis of Mondejar, captain of Goletta (1535), 602 (p. 204).

Menell, Peter, g. 504 (16).

Merchant Adventurers, governor of. See Marshe, Walter.

-, ships of, 330.

Merchants, 725 ii.

Meredeth, Robt. ap., 244.

Mering (Merynge), Notts, letter dated at, 553.

Mering or Meryng, John, 478 (pp. 156–7).

-, Sir Wm., 553, 751.

-, -, letter from, 553.

Merton (Martyn), Surr., priory ("abbey") of, 4, 472.

Merton, Yorks. See Marton.

Merton, Leonard, 637.

Merye, John, M.A., 361.

Meryfelde, letter dated at, 655.

Meryfeld, John, 1059.

Meryng. See Mering.

Meschynes. See Muschamp.

Messina (Mecyna, Myssyn, Messana), in Sicily, 602 (p. 204), 658 (p. 222), 827, 910, 920, 927, 981 (p. 330).

-, letters dated at, 665, 674.

Metcalf, Dr. Nic., 661, 666.

-, -, signature of, 666.

Metingham castle (college in), master of 1084.

Metschen Hans, "landvoigt" of Saxony, 928.

Meux or Meusse abbey, Yorks., 1173 (p. 400).

Mewtas, Peter, 172.

Meyer (Mayre, Maior, Mear, Mayer, Meyr, Meyrus), Sir Marcus, of Lubeck, 23, 187, 199, 217, 229, 232, 277, 309, 356 n, 483, 922–3: App. 4.

-, -, letter from, 309.

-, -, his brother, 277.

-, -, servant of, App. 4.

-, -, English embassy with, 483.

Michael (Mychael), Roger, 1155.

Micheldever. See Mitcheldever.

Michell (Mechell), Cicily, 1147.

-, Geoff., g. 729 (25).

-, John, priest, 864.

Mickleham (Mykelham), Surrey, 798.

Middelburg, in Flanders, 711.

-, burgomaster, &c., of 711.

Middlesex, 237, 450:—g. 914 (38).

-, duchy lands in, 478.

-, sheriff of. See Smith, Leonard.

-, under-sheriff of, 273, 342, 370, 450.

Middleton (Myddylton), Dr., 52 iii.

-, (Meddellton), Thos., 371 (4).

Midley (Medeley), Kent, 445.

Milan (Myleyn, Melan), Duchy of, 39, 205, 443, 674, 812 ii., 819, 838, 847, 867–8, 875, 904 (p. 303), 906 ("Millenc"), 912, 917, 919, 920, 927, 937, 964 (p. 324), 987–8, 1000 (p. 338), 1018, 1021, 1028–9, 1036 (p. 357):—App. 7.

-, -, book of the Emperor's reply to the French claims on, 988.

Milan, castle of, 1028.

Milan, Francis-Maria Sforza duke of (died Oct. 1535), 512, 526 ii., 812 ii., 819, 867, 874–5, 906 (? p. 304 line 2, "du. d ....."), 912, 917, 919, 920, 947, 964 (p. 323–4), 1028, 1036.

-, -, his widow. See Christina of Denmark.

Milford Haven, S. Wales, 465.

Milgate, John, prior of Buckenham, letter from, 800.

Mille or Myllis, John, of Southampton, 367, 380, 925.

-, -, letter from, 367, 380.

-, Ric., letters from, 1128–9.

Miller (Myllare), Thos. (?), 859.

Milles, Roger, 460.

Minne. See Mynne.

Minorca (Mynorke), 459, 490 (see notes), 526, 602, 658 (p. 222), 665, 687, 910, 920, 964, 1028.

-, viceroy of, 602.

Misrule, lord of, 1059.

Missenden, Great, Bucks, 1116.

Mitcheldever (Micheldever), Hants, App. 14.

Mitford (Mytforthe, Mytford), Chr., feodary of Crown lands in Nthld., 371:—g. 914 (39).

-, -, signature of, 371 (3).

Modena, a nobleman at, 645.

Moket, Nic., g, 504 (16).

Mokoke, Nic., 1109 (2).

Molfetta (Melfitota), prince of. See Gonzaga, Fernando.

Molton, Devon, T. Clotwurthie, constable of, 833, 851, 968.

Molyng, Thos., 1147.

Mompesson (Mountpeson), Edw., g. 914 (22).

Monasteries, suppression of, 850, 1065.

-, suppressed by Wolsey, 862.

-, surrenders of, 816.

-, visitation of. See Vistation.

Monasternenagh, house of Observants In Ireland, 556 (? a "place of the order of Greenwich.")

Monastic vows, 1001.

Mondaye, John, priest, 408.

Mondejar, — de Mendoza, marquis of, 602 (p. 203–4).

Mondy (Monde), Sir John, 183 (p. 58).

Monke, Mr., 892.

Monks Horton, Kent, prior of, 464.

Monkton (Monketon), Soms., 188.

Monmouth (Munmoth), Humph., sheriff of London (1535–6), 220, 273–4, 342, 370, 1114.

Monreale (Montreal), in Sicily, 602 (p. 204).

-, cathedral of, 602 (p. 204).

Montaborinus, Chr., commonly called Mount or Mont, a German in the King's service, 54, 55, 157, 180 (Christopher), 213 (5), 217, 229, 232, 281, 298–300, 540, 543 (p. 180), 565 (see notes), 593, 629, 836, 1018 (p. 348).

-, -, letters from, 54, 55, 281, 298–300.

-, -, letter to, 540.

Montacute priory, Somers., prior of, letters to 1126–7.

-, prior quondam of. See Chard, Thos.

Montague, Sir Henry Pole lord, 127, 673, 701, 927, 981 (p. 331).

-, -, his place in Dowgate, London, 981 (p. 331).

-, -, his son, 673.

Montague, Edward, serjeant-at-law, letter from, 518.

Monte, Ant. Ciocchi da, Cardinal (died 1533), 658 (p. 222).

Monte, John-Maria da, abp. of Siponta, cardinal (1536), nephew of the preceeding, 658 (p. 222).

Monteagle (Mowntegle, Mountegle), Thos. Stanley lord, 1173 (p. 400):—g. 1063 (5).

Monteza or Montesa (Montesse), —, Chapuys' secretary or maitre d'hotel, 595, 966, 1037.

-, -, letter to, 1037.

Montmorency, Anne de, count Beaument, Grand Master of France, 54, 157, 395, 437, 469, 492, 498 (3), 696, 838, 873, 893, 906 (pp. 304–5), 961, 1021, 1045.

-, -, letter from, 469.

-, -, letters to, 893, 1045.

-, -, his family, 906 (p. 305).

-, -, his sister, 961.

Montpellier, 1038.

-, University of, 238.

Montreal. See Monreale.

Monygton, Thos., letter from, 428.

Moore. See More.

Moorish king. See Tunis, king of.

Moors (Mores Mori), the, 459, 526, 658 (p. 221).

Moote, —, chaplain, 697.

Morano in Calabria, 827.

Moravia (in Scotland). See Murray.

Mordaunt, John lord, 752, 895, 1005.

Mordaunt, Sir John, son of Lord M., 1005.

More (Morus), Sir Thomas, formerly Chancellor (beheaded 6 July 1535), 15, 46, 82, 157, 198, 213 (p. 70), 222, 240, 243, 295, 313, 449, 521, 557, 658 (p. 222), 873 (p. 294), 1013, 1118.

-, -, his books, 1118.

-, -, his daughter. See Roper, Marg.

-, -, a son of, 557.

More, Alice, widow of Sir Thomas, 218.

-, Edw., son of Eliz., g. 914 (20).

-, Edmund, 1059.

-, Eliz., g. 914 (20).

-, John, 653.

-, Ric., vicar of Chitterne All Saints, 320, 1103.

-, Sir Thomas, of Dorsetshire, 577.

-, or Moore, Wm., prior of Worcester, 5, 51 ("unkind master"), 52 (2), 90 (p. 26), 108, 151, 165, 204, 304, 497, 510, 609–10, 653–4, 656, 1109 (2).

-, -, letter from, 5.

Mores (Morres, Morys), Chr., King's master gunner, 187, 199, 220, 229, 232, 260–1, 287, 365, 391, 417–18, 434.

-, -, letters from, 199, 261, 417.

-, -, servant of, 220.

Mores (Moris) Goz., Hugh ap Griffith ap, g. 236 (2).

-, (Morys), Rob., g. 594 (3).

Mores lands, 234.

Moreton, Thos., g. 914 (12).

Morette, Charles de Soliers sieur de, 378.

Morgan, Dr., 986, 1120.

-, David. See Kemeys, David Morgan.

-, Gregory, 320.

-, Sir Will., letters from, 161, 695.

Moris. See Mores.

Morison. See Morysine.

Morres. See Mores.

Morton (Morten), Mr., 133–4.

-, John, chaplain, 282.

-, (Mortun), Robt., 1155.

-, Roland, letter from, 646.

-, (Moreton), Thos., 354.

Mortuaries, 90 (p. 26).

Mortun. See Morton.

Morus. See More, Sir Thos.

Morys. See Mores.

Morysine (Morison) Richard, 101–3, 198, 292, 687, 1010, 1016, 1034.

-, -, letters from, 101–3, 687.

-, -, his handwriting, 1016 (5).

-, -, his patron or master, 102–3, 687. (The foot-note to this last entry is certainly wrong. See No. 103.)

Moskavetor, the. See Russia, the Czar of.

Motfount. See Mottisfont.

Motham, the parson of, 461.

Motley, —, 53.

Mott, Rob., 1059.

Motte park, by Windsor, 476.

Mottisfont (Motfount), Hants, prior of, 380.

Mottram in Longdendale, Chesh., g. 914 (26).

Mounte, Chr. See Montaborinus.

Mountegle. See Monteagle.

Mountgrace Charterhouse, Yorks., 1173.

-, -, prior of, 49.

Mountpeson, Edw., g. 914 (22).

Mowbrey, lord, temp. Stephen, 1173.

Mowntegle. See Monteagle.

Moyse, John, alias Tenterden, prior of Bil sington, 816 ii. (5), sig.

Muckton (Multon or Mabton), Linc., g. 1063 (6).

Mudford (Muddeford), Somers., 479.

Muley Alhazen, king of Tunis (q. v.)

Multon, Linc., g. 1063 (6).

Multon, John, 653.

Munmoth. See Monmouth.

Münster, in Germany, stronghold of the Anabaptists (q. v.), 824.

-, John of Leyden, the "king" of, 824, 922.

Murano, near Venice, 512.

Mure, Alex., 915.

Murray, James Stuart earl of, lord Abirn [ethy], 233, 672 n, 960.

Mursshe or Marsshe park, 316, 436.

Musard, John, monk of Worcester, 51–2, 90 (p. 26), 204, 497.

-, -, letters from, 51–2, 497.

-, -, his father and uncles, 52.

-, -, his master. See Worcester, prior of.

Muscavitts. See Russia.

Muschamp (Meschynes, Meschynne), lord, (temp. Hen. I.,) 1173 (p. 400).

-, Cicily Romily his wife, 1173 (p. 400).

-, lord Reynold, 1173 ii.

Musgrave (Mussegrave), John, in Ireland, 98, 147.

-, Sir William, letter from, 844.

Mussegrave. See Musgrave.

Musters, See Musgrave.

Musters, commission of, 646.

Mutchell fee, in Emneth, 507.

Mychael. See Michael.

Mychell. See Michell.

Mydylton. See Middleton.

Mykelham. See Mickleham.

Myles, Thos., prior of Boxgrave, 509, 530.

Myleyn. See Milan.

Mylkeley, Herte, 481.

Myll or Myllys, Ric., letters from, 1128–9.

Myllare. See Miller.

Mylsent, John, 478.

Mylyster, John, 736.

Mynne (Minne), John, 45, 111, 156.

Mynorke. See Minorca.

Myreke, Robt., App. 12.

Myssyn. See Messina.

Mytford or Mytforthe. See Mitford.


Naas (Nasse), in Ireland, 164.

-, letters dated at, 98, 147.

Naasy, W.. See Fitzgerald, Wm.

Nalson, Wm., 614.

Names, list of, 1077.

Nancoy fishery, in Wales, g. 914 (14).

Nansau. See Nassau.

Naples, kingdom of, 595, 602.

-, -, parliament or council of, 981 (p. 330), 1028–9.

-, -, viceroy of (Peter de Toledo marquis of Villa Franca), 270.

Naples (town), 82, 127, 357, 376, 435, 449, 459, 490, 512, 546, 601, 658 (pp. 221–2), 659, 867, 910, 917, 920, 927, 981, 1028–9.

-, letters dated at, 972–3, 975, 981, 1035.

Nassau (Nansau), Henry count of, 295, 1000 (p. 338).

-, -, his wife, Mencia Mendoza (daughter of Roderic marquis of Xanten or Zenete), 295.

Nasse. See Naas.

Navarre, 1001.

Navarre, Henry d'Albret (Allebrecht), king of, 238, 964 (p. 323).

Navarre, Queen of. See Margaret of Angoulême.

Navarre, the marquis of Canetta, Imperial viceroy of, 33.

Neath abbey, S. Wales, 465.

Neckam, Dr. Roger, monk of Worcester, 52 (2), 609–10, 639, 654 (Master Doctor), 656, 755, 807.

-, -, letters from, 609–10, 755, 807.

Necolles, —, 631.

Necromancy, 740, 846.

Nedam (Nedeham), James, surveyor of works, 65, 125, 217 (p. 73), 234 (p. 79), 252.

-, Robt., sheriff of Salop (1535–6):—g. 914 (22).

Neffeld, Launcelot, 150.

Neill (Neyle). See O'Neill.

Nele, John, 563.

Nelle, advowson of, 897, 924.

Nelson, Wm., 830.

Nesam, Robt., 122.

Nesfelde, John, bailiff of Londesborough, 791.

Netherlands. See under Flanders.

Nethermyll, Julian, 883.

Netley or Letley, Hants, abbot of, 380.

Netter, Thos., letter from, 1130.

Nettleham (Nettylham), Linc., letter dated at, 328.

Neumarckt, in Germany, letter dated at, 591,

Nevill (Nevile), Mr., 255.

-, Mrs., 697.

-, (Nevell), Sir Edw., g. 236 (8).

-, Thos., 382.

-, Wm., 271.

Newall, John, 1106.

Newark, Notts, 553, 1070 (4), 1089.

-, St. Leonard's Hospital, 1070 (4).

-, bp. of Lincoln's bailiff at. See Foster, Ant.

Newark College. See under Leicester.

Newborough (Newbrow) priory, Yorks., 1173.

Newborow, John, 1123.

Newcastle upon Tyne, 1, 2, 323, 371 (4), 617, 637.

-, letters dated at, 2, 88.

-, controller of customs at, 617. See also Blytheman, Wm.

Newchurch, Kent, 1105.

Newenham, Edm., 697.

Newenham Bridge. See under Calais.

Newham, Devon, 479.

Newington (Newenton), Kent, 234 (p. 78).

Newington, Midd., 1112.

Newington, Oxon, 783.

Newington, Surr., 783.

Newington Luces, Kent, g. 729 (22).

New Learning, the, 846, 1059.

Newman, John, prebendary of Warthill, 727, 1070 (4).

-, Thos., 1155.

Newnam, John, 653.

Newnambryge. See Calais, Newenham Bridge.

Newporte, Thos., g. 914 (22).

New Testament. See under Bible.

Newton, Camb., 507.

-, Nthld., 371 (2).

Newton Abbots, Devon, 479.

New Year's gifts, 234 (p. 78), 477, 1032, 1055.

Neyle (i.e. Neill). See O'Neill.

Nieuport (Nyewport), in Flanders, 649.

Nix, Ric. See Norwich, bp. of.

Nobull, Wm., 179 (3 ii.).

Noote. See Notte.

Nores. See Norris.

Norewoode, Sheppare, Kent, 1112.

Norfolk, 721, 726, 849, 978, 1084.

-, monasteries in, 849.

-, escbeator of, 1084.

Norfolk and Suffolk, sheriff of, 721:—g. 914 (22). See also Hubberd, Walter (1535–6).

Norfolk (Northfoyke), Thomas Howard, 3rd duke of (1524–54), High Treasurer and Earl Marshal, 90 (p. 26), 147 (2), 178, 198, 213 (5), 248, 308, 343, 398, 420, 440, 464, 525, 567, 599, 672, 793, 803, 812 ii., 958, 978, 1038, 1173.

-, -, letters from, 308, 398, 420.

-, -, letters to, 248, 958.

Norfolk, Agnes dowager duchess of, 117.

-, -, a chaplain of. See Rookes, Chr.

Normandy, 324, 1036 (p. 357).

-, natives of, g. 236 (10), 729 (3, 25), 914 (19).

Norris or Norres (Nores), Henry, esquire for the Body, chief of the Privy Chamber, Chamberlain of N. Wales, constable of Beaumaris castle, 87, 111, 156, 172, 642, 682, 767, 836, 850, 896–7, 924, 950, 962, 1032, 1095, 1127:—g. 914 (34), 1063 (11).

Norris, Edw., g. 914 (38).

North, Edw., 792, 1131.

-, -, letter from, 1131.

-, (Northe), John, 456.

Northampton, 697.

-, St. Andrew's priory, 1005.

-, -, prior of, 1005.

-, -, quondam prior of, 1005.

-, St. James beside, 20.

-, statute of, 519.

Northamptonshire, sheriff of, g. 914 (22). See also Clerk, Sir John (1535–6).

Northe. See North.

Northfoyke. See Norfolk.

Northmerssh, Kent, 1105.

Northowrom, near Halifax, 464.

North Stoke, Oxon, 519.

Northumberland, 1, 371, 641, 752.

-, feodary of Crown lands in. See Mitford, Chr. (1535).

-, sheriff of, g. 914 (22). See Northumberland, H. earl of.

Northumberland, Henry Percy, 18th earl of, warden of the East and Middle Marches, 1, 2, 64, 88, 142, 234, 371, 533, 641, 735, 752–3, 778, 791:—g. 914 (22), 1063 (6).

-, -, letters from, 1, 2, 88, 371, 641, 752, 778.

-, -, letter to, 64.

Norton, Chesh., 183.

-, abbot of, 183.

-, -, his bailey, Robt. Jannons, 183.

Norton, —, 697.

-, Peter, son of Ric., 146, 643.

-, Ric., 146:—g. 914 (22).

Norway, 356.

-, king of. See Christiern III.

Norwich, 308, 821, 1132.

-, letter dated at, 849.

-, cathedral, 1132.

-, Bishop's palace at, 821.

Norwich, Ric. Nixe, bp. of (died Dec. 1535), 496, 821, 889, 978, 1032, 1042.

-, -, letter from, 821.

Note. See Notte.

Notley in Crendon Park, Bucks, 457.

Notley, 447.

Notte (Noote, Note), John, 45, 111–12, 156.

-, -, letter from, 112.

Nottingham, 1089.

Nottingham, archdeacon of, 1070 (4, 5).

Nottinghamshire, justices of, 1089.

Notts and Derby, sheriff of, g. 914 (22). See also Langford, Sir Ralph (1535–6).

Nowell, Andrew, g. 914 (32).

Nun Burnholme (Nunburneham), Yorks., 1070 (4).

Nuns, injunctions touching, 423.

Nuremberg, 55, 548, 581.

-, letter dated at, 581.

Nycolson, Jas., glasier, letter from, 226.

Nyellane, Dr., alderman of Limerick, 613.

Nyeuport. See Nieuport.


Oakley (Okley), Ntht., 697.

O'Brien (O'Brene, O'Breyn), Conoher, prince of Thomond (the great O'Brien), 116, 164, 514, 556, 613.

-, -, letter from, 613.

-, -, his son, 556.

O'Briens, the Irish family, 164.

O'Brien's bridge, in Ireland, 147, 164.

Observants. See Friars Observant.

Oby. See Hoby.

Ockendon (Okondon), North, Essex, 182 (p. 57).

Ockham (Okham), Surr., 481.

O'Connor, (ochonor), Brian of offaly, 116, 147, 164, 173, 197, 514, 573.

O'connor, Chaier, 147.

-, (O'chonor), Phelim Boy, 98, 147.

O'Donnell, Odo or Hugh, chief of Tyrconnell, 116, 173, 515.

O'Donell, Manus, son of lord O'Donell, 173, 515.

Offaley (now King's county), in Ireland, 116.

Ogbourn (Okeborne), St. George, letters dated at, 348, 403.

Ogle, Cuthbert, 371 (4).

O'Hanlonis, the Irish family, 116.

Okeborne. See Ogbourn.

Okenfold Wood, 627, 741.

Okham. See Ockham.

Okley. See Oakley.

Okondon. See Ockendon.

Olasco, Henr. Derem., letter from, 702.

-, -, his brother, 702.

Oldebury, Thos., g. 914 (24).

Oldenburg, Chr. count of (or grave, "Greve Crystover"), 177, 277 ("the count"), 291, 483, 564.

Oldendorpp, Dr., 483.

Old Ford, near Bow, letters dated at, 358, 370, 450:—g. 504 (7–12, 14).

Oldisworthye, Nic., letter to, 241.

Oliver, —, Gardiner's servant, 969, 980.

Olyver, Dr., of the Arches, 119, 549, 690.

Ombarly. See Umberleigh.

Omore, Conell (or the O'More), chief captain of Leix, 98, 147, 229, 232.

O'Neill, Conan, 116, 515.

O'Neill, Neill Connelagh, 116.

-, Neill More, 116, 731.

Ordnance, 199, 229, 232.

-, clerk of the. See Uxley, Wm.

O'Reilly, (O'Raylly), —, 116.

Orford, Suff., 234 (p. 78).

Orkney, 1049.

Orleans, University of, 238.

Orleans, Duchess of. See Medieis, Katharine de.

Orleans, Henry duke of, second son of Francis I., 602 (p. 203), 732, 804, 853, 906 (p. 305).

-, -, servants of, 602 (p. 203).

Ormond, Earl of. See Boleyn, Sir Thos.

Ortiz, Dr., letters from, 15, 143, 249, 557, 681, 770, 775, 873, 983.

-, -, letter to, 967.

-, -, other references to, 565, 728 n.

Orwell, port of Ipswich, 234 (p. 78).

Osbaldwick, prebend in York, 24 ii.

Osbarn, John, 637.

Osborne, Ric., 1158.

Oseney (Osney), letter dated at, 375.

-, John abbot of, letter from, 375.

Osmotherley or Osmunderley, Yorks., 1070 (4).

Ossory, Piers Butler, earl of, 90 (p. 26), 149, 164, 229, 232, 358, 556 (p. 184), 575, 613, 626, 628, 1052.

-, -, letters from, 164, 1052.

-, -, an Act legitimising certain bastard brethren of, 149, 358, 575.

-, -, his son, 613.

Ostend, in Flanders, 649.

Osterwyke, in the county of Guisnes, 400.

Ostia (Hostia), in Italy, 961 (p. 322).

Oswalde, Thos., 653.

Oswell, John, letter from, 1133.

Otes, Gilb., letter from, 464.

Otford, 65, 185.

-, letters dated at, 97, 561.

Otland, 1151.

Otterburn (Ottirburn), Sir Adam, of Reid hall, letters from, 64, 959.

Otterington West (Westottrington), Yorks., 1070 (4).

Oudall, Mary, letter from, 872.

Ousburn, —, of Cambridge, 977.

Outwell, Camb., 507.

Overay, St. Mary's. See Southwark, St. Mary Overy.

Overbury, Wm., 135, 381, 1134.

-, -, letters from, 381, 1134.

Overstoune, 1173 ii.

Overton, Yorks., 158.

Owedall, Thos., 643. See Uvedale.

Owen (Howyn), Sir David, constable of Winchester castle (died 1535), 183 (p. 58), 450, 642, 725 ii., 1135:—g. 729 (14).

-, -, his will, 725 ii.

Owen, Anne, widow of Sir David, sister of lord Ferrers, 1135.

-, David Lloyd ap, 319, 706.

-, Henry, dec., 1135.

-, Jasper, 183 (p. 58).

-, John, son of Sir David, 1135.

Oxcombye Linc., g. 1063 (6).

Oxenbregge, Will., letter from, 786.

Oxford, 138, 457, 720, 772, 789, 1120, 1128–29.

-, letters dated at, 13, 14, 312, 350–51, 445.

-, St. Frideswide's. See Henry VIII.'s College.

-, Castle, 551.

-, Black Friars, prior of. See Hopton, Dr.

Oxford University, 13, 14, 138, 265, 350–51, 645, 720, 784, 849, 1128–29.

-, letters from, 13, 14.

-, commissary of, 361.

-, a B. D. of, 747; i.e., George Cotes q. v.

-, colleges:—

All Soul's (Allsowllen), 350.

Corpus Christi College, 288, 306, 350.

-, letter from, 288.

-, president of. See Claymond, John.

Henry VIII.'s or Cardinal's College (St. Frideswide's), now Christchurch, 234 (p. 78), 375, 478, 1070 (4).

-, dean of, 478.

-, sub-dean of, 234 (p. 78).

Magdalen College, 312, 350, 1120.

-, letter from the fellows, 312.

-, president of. See Knolles, Thos.

Merton (Marten) College, 350.

New College, 350.

Oriel College, 1120.

Queen's College, 350.

St. Alban's Hall, letter from, 361.

Oxford, John de Vere, earl of, 1099:—App. 12.

Oxford, Anne, countess of, letter to, 485.

Oxfordshire or Oxon, 393, 519, 720.

-, escheatorship of, 720.

-, and Berks, sheriff of, g. 914 (22). See Carter, Sir Thos. (1535–36).

Oye, in the marches of Calais, 803, 1121.

Oye Sluice, 624.

Oye. See Mark and Oye.