Pages 98-124
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 8, January-July 1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1885.
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February 1535, 21-28
21 Feb. R. O. St. P. i. 427. |
254. Bishop of Bath and Wells to Cromwell. |
This same Sunday, Dr. Carsley, canon and residentiary of Wells, in bidding the beads in the Cathedral, mentioned lady Katharine the queen, but evidently by a slip of the tongue, and when the bishop reproved him, at first would not acknowledge it, but afterwards expressed his sorrow, saying that he thought not of the lady Katharine, and meant queen Anne. He is a good man, not much under 80, and it was evidently said unawares. Wells, 21 Feb. Signed. | |
Add.: Secretary. Sealed. Endd. | |
22 Feb. R. O. |
255. The Earl of Northumberland to Cromwell. |
Cannot express all his obligations to Cromwell. Prays God it may be one day in his power to show his gratitude. Could not well spare the bearer. Sir Reynold Carnaby, for whom Cromwell has twice written; but, understanding that Cromwell wishes to speak with him about his lands in Kent, has allowed him to go up. Desires credence for him touching certain articles "anempst my brother Sir Thomas Percy," and about justice on the Middle March under my charge. Topclyf, 22 Feb. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: Master Cromwell, principal secretary to the King's majesty. Sealed. Endd. | |
22 Feb. R. O. |
256. John Wellysburn to Cromwell. |
Please move the King for me for the wardship of the son and heir of a kinsman of Geo. Raleghe of Warwickshire, a man of 300 marks of land and more. He was upon Wednesday "enoyled," likely not to escape the disease. His wife and five or six of his servants have died of it. I write now for fear of writing too late. I shall be able to do the King better service, "or else as good cheap as it shall please you to make the bargain, and you to have the half of that, or of any other thing of the King's gift, whatsoever it shall be hereafter, that I shall have by your good help." Fulwell, 22 Feb. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd. | |
22 Feb. R. O. |
257. John Jenkins. |
"[The] cont[ession o]f Jo[hn] Jenkins made to me, William ...," 22 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII. | |
1. That John Conneway, Irishman, born under the governance of O'Coner, refuses to be sworn to the succession. 2. That he has been without a master three quarters of a year, using the company of riotous persons. 3. That when Kildare was in the Tower of London Conway was in Ireland conversant with O'Coner, who made war on the King's people, and reported to him "as moch of the Englissh ........ as he coude gather till the busshop of Develyn, de[ceased?], laide waite to take hym." Signed. | |
P. 1. Mutilated. | |
22 Feb. Vienna Archives. |
258. James V. to Charles V. |
Wonders he has not heard from his Majesty since the departure of Gotscalcus. Is pressed everywhere by offers from other princes, but regarde all others less than the alliance with his Majesty. Meanwhile Charles will learn what has passed between his uncle the king of England and him, from the letters of the lord Vere (Verrarum Domini), to whom he has written fully. Holyrood, 22 Feb. 1534. | |
Lat., p. 1. Add. Copy. | |
23 Feb. R. O. |
259. Nicolas Robertson and others to Cromwell. |
Received his letters on the .... Feb., and promised the bearer an answer next day, but he insisted on being answered immediately. The truth is, the most part of the evidence relating to the Lekes' lands in the controversy between Thos. and Wm. Leke, brethren, and John Robinson, Thos. Robertson, late of Boston, deceased, Thos. Holland, now treasurer to the duke of Richmond, and Ric. Rede, of Wrangyll, who are still alive, yet remain together in the mail, which was sealed and laid in a frame in Corpus Christi revestry within Boston church. Cromwell might therefore appoint persons to view them, and all evidences relating to the heir of master Tamworth will be delivered to his hands. Boston, 23 Feb. Signed: Nicolas Robertson—Robt. Polvertoft—Ric. Coke. | |
P. 1. Mutilated. Add.: Secretary and Master of the Rolls. | |
23 Feb. R. O. |
260. The Mayor and Aldermen of York to Cromwell. |
Thank him for former kindness and now in the matter between the earl of Rutland and them; for the city is so poor and the council chamber so in debt that they cannot continue suit any longer. Cannot recompense his pains, but send a poor token by the bearers their solicitors, for whom they desire credence touching the fishgarths on the Ouse, their cause being removed from the Exchequer to the King's Bench by certiorari; for the parties presented are powerful enough in the shire to defeat the King, to the great loss of the Exchequer and obstruction of merchandise on the river. York, 23 Feb. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. as Secretary and M. R. Endd. | |
R. O. | 2. Articles of instruction to the King's council on behalf of the city of York touching 120l., part of the fee farm of 160l. of the said city, claimed by the earl of Rutland. |
P. 1. | |
24 Feb. R. O. |
261. Cuthbert Ogle to Cromwell. |
I send you two seals with my kinsman the bearer, desiring you to give one to the King and keep one to yourself. I desire to have letters of pardon for such tenths as the King shall have of my poor benefices on the Borders, which are necessarily uncertain, as they lie waste in war. 24 Feb. | |
The Borders were never in such good order as Sir Thos. Clifford has put them in. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Right-worshipful. | |
24 Feb. R. O. |
262. Sir Thomas Audeley to Cromwell. |
I sent you a bill concerning the town of Colchester for the King's wood heath, for which his Highness shall have 100l., and 40s. a year rent. The money is ready for you at London, and you shall have 10l. for two tuns of wine for your furtherance of the matter. The bargain is good for the King, as none of his ancestors have derived any profit from this heath for 300 years. The bailiffs have been allowed 40s. a year in the exchequer, because it was of old time parcel of their town and now they will have no allowance. I pray you have it signed before your return, or send it me. Remember my old houses. Their decay defaces the street. and their repair will be dearer the longer it is put off. St. Mathyez day. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my loving friend, Mr. Secretary. Endd. | |
25 Feb. Vienna Archives. |
263. Chapuys to Charles V. |
About eight days ago the Queen your aunt wrote me a letter requesting me to beg the King to send her the Princess her daughter, to have her cured of her illness, which she thought would be easy with the aid of God and of her physician and apothecary. joined with the care which she herself would have of her. for she meant to be her nurse. with several honorable proposals (propoz) too long to write. Immediately on receipt of the said letter I sent to Cromwell for an audience of the King, which was assigned me for next morning. Then, after reading the Queen's letter to the King. I made several representations on the subject. reserving, however, the principal reasons (les principales). e.g., the report made to me by the physicians. both that I might use them another time, and also not to provoke him too much the first time, and thirdly, because I thought it best to keep a part of my reasons for Cromwell, who would know best how to urge them. The King heard me patiently and graciously. and, instead of answering as usual that he knew better than anyone else how to provide for his daughter, he very gently answered he wished to do his utmost to procure his daughter's health, and would proceed with the same diligence about it as he had begun, and that, since the Queen's physician could not assist, he would find others. But. on the other hand, while seeing to the health of his daughter, he must not forget what was due to his own honor, which would be injured if, by bad keeping, the Princess were taken out of this kingdom, or if she herself escaped, as she might easily do by night if she were with the Queen her mother: for he perceived some indication that your Majesty would be glad to withdraw the said Princess somehow, and that I knew well what had been put forward touching the marriage of his said daughter between your Majesty and the king of France, which put him all the more in doubt, and made him consider how to prevent this. I remarked that there was no probability that your Majesty would attempt to steal away the said Princess, for several reasons that I alleged, and that, during the five years these matters had lasted, there had not been the slightest indication of it. He then said there was no great occasion to put the Princess again in the Queen's hands, for it was she who had put it into her head to show such obstinacy and disobedience, as all the world knew; and although sons and daughters were bound to some obedience towards their mothers, their chief duty was to their fathers, and since the Princess could not have much help of the Queen, and it was clear the whole matter proceeded from the latter, she must submit to his pleasure. I did not wish to dispute with him on the subject, but asked that he would at least put the Princess under the care of her old gouvernante, the countess of Salisbury, whom she regarded as her second mother. He replied that the Countess was a fool, of no experience, and that if his daughter had been under her care during this illness she would have died, for she would not have known what to do, whereas her present governess is an expert lady even in such female complaints. Seeing that nothing could be done at that time, I said that besides the causes which I had told him moved me to press this subject, my principal object was to avoid the perplexity in which I saw him on Sunday before Shrovetide; and I begged he would believe it was mainly owing to the great desire I had to do him service. He thanked me, and showed himself very glad, especially when I took leave without "rencharge." He was so glad to get quit of the matter that he did not dare to ask my news until I was at the door of the room, when he begged also that I would communicate any intelligence as I received it. As it was not a holiday I had no thought of dining there, but I was unable to excuse myself. All the lords were in Council, and dined at Cromwell's house, except the duke of Richmond, who remained to entertain me. My men were also retained to dine, and great cheer shown them. All which was done merely to increase the jealousy of the French. | |
The day before yesterday I called on Cromwell, to whom I reported what had passed between me and the King; and although he had been already informed of it, he showed great satisfaction, commending the dexterity which he said I had used in talking of those matters with the King, who was very well pleased with me. I said that since speaking with the King I had consulted with the physicians, who were unanimously of opinion that the Princess's illness was caused by distress and sorrow, which at this moment could be very easily cured if she were put in some place where she could take pleasure and have exercise; otherwise, remaining where she was, she would be in great danger of her life, which I had told the King would be the most serious thing that could happen in this kingdom, as no doubt his wisdom could well understand. And since the King objected to send the Princess to the Queen, I hoped he would at least send her to some house near her, in order that, both now and whenever necessary, she might be visited by the Queen's physician and apothecary, for he had clearly seen the danger in which she expected to fall, because the King's physician would not undertake her cure except along with the Queen's physician, who was too far off. I hoped he would also send to the Princess some of her old and loyal servants to keep her cheerful, commending [the arrangement] that the present gouvernante should have charge of her, as there might be danger in any immediate change, lest someone gave her a slow poison; whereas, so long as she remains under her charge, I suppose she would not do or promise such a thing, on account of the suspicion already entertained of her. Long ago I warned her by a third hand of the mischief which might arise to her if anything happened to the said Princess, and I also took care to get the King's physician to tell her that of late there was a common report in London that she had poisoned the said Princess; which put her in terrible fear, so that she can do nothing but weep when the sees the Princess so ill. Cromwell replied that he knew all that I had said, that my requests were reasonable, and that he had been on the watch for an opportunity to secure more favorable treatment for the said Princess, as he had long ago promised; but matters were rather hard of digestion, and he couldn't yet get his master to chew them, and dared not press the subject for fear of incurring suspicion. It would be necessary to wait till either the King brought forward the subject himself, or some occasion arose tending thereto; and as affairs were beginning to look better, and I had half opened the door, they would enter the more boldly into business. and he hoped at his return from Court he should be able to bring me some news that would give me satisfaction. He was very familiar and confidential in this conversation, and I think he has only to study his conduct as regards the King, who is by nature so very suspicious. | |
He then reminded me of several conversations he had formerly held with me about the establishment of friendship with your Majesty, which there were many who wished to disturb, not only strangers, but perhaps servants of your own, and said the King had lately received news that your Majesty had undertaken this coming March to send an army into Ireland, and that in Flanders they held council day and night about an expedition against his master, which. after I had shown him my opinion, he confessed to be a got-up story. Thereupon I told him that long ago we had held similar conversations, but that if he would not put his hand to the work all our words would not mend matters much for the next twenty years; and to speak frankly to him, as I would to my confessor were it not that I had always known his great love of amity, and that no one could appreciate its importance more than the King his master, besides that I considered him a plain dealing prince, free from dissimulation, I should almost have suspected that the attentions paid to me were artificial, and dissembled for the purpose of being used in other places. But the King should consider that even if I knew it was so. nevertheless for his service I would not forbear to keep up a good appearance, whatever others might think of it. Cromwell thanked me for being so frank, and said, even if I had not disclosed my opinion to him, he had imagined it to be such as he did not doubt that I saw what was going on. and to satisfy me he would tell me that, even if I had charged him with dissimulation, of which he assured me he had not been guilty, nevertheless I should have occasion to be satisfied, and hoped that affairs would improve greatly, as I might well believe from the language the King had used with me; but I must not suppose there had been anything like artifice or dissimulation, and he was very glad an opportunity had arrived for giving effect to his wishes for the said amity. He did not tell me what he reterred to. but he meant that there was trouble between them and France, and that I must not be surprised that no overture had been made. because the King had had no leisure to think of it and even if he had determined on it he could hardly venture to propose it as it appeared to him there would be some shame in doing so, and that the King was so very cautious that there may be some secret which they will not declare particularly to anyone. Perhaps the King would give him power in general to consult with me what could be done agreeably to his honor, and if he had such a charge he believed some good would be done, but without authority from his master he did not wish to enter on the subject, as it would be a mere waste of time and a sort of mockery which he would not use towards the ministers of such a prince as your Majesty, but at his return from Court he hoped to bring me some agreeable news. He then said he had intended for some days to make me a long discourse "de la contreponderacion de lamyte de v're Majeste[et] toutes les autres," and to set forth what was found about it in the chronicles about the necessity of intercourse with the subjects of your Majesty, the aid England has always obtained from the Flemings in case of a war with France, and the impossibility of stirring up the English to make war against your Majesty, adding that whenever he was called on to speak of the friendship of France he has always done so in ambiguous terms, which might be construed in different ways, so that he might not be accused afterwards of inconstancy. He said also that Likkerke had several times spoken about this establishment of friendship to master Wallop, their ambassador in France, who in this matter had done good service, writing always to persuade his master to the friendship of your Majesty, and that had come very much of his prompting. He praised their ambassador very much, because he was a bad Frenchman. | |
When I came to Cromwell the treasurer of Brittany was going out, who, as Cromwell told me before we entered on other subjects, had brought him news that the Turk, having defeated the Sophy, was returning to Constantinople, where they were making great triumph and preparations for the army which the said Turk was going to send to Barbarossa, who was now victorious and in peaceful possession of Tunis. The treasurer had also reported to him particularly the costliness of the feast which the Portuguese ambassador had given to the king and queen of France, and by the manner in which Cromwell reported this to me, he appeared to deride the French for making so much of these news, for which one might accuse them of irreligion and vanity. I said that, as to the Turk, I believed that within two days he would hear the contrary, and so he did; for next day I sent to show him letters from Venice and Ragusa that some merchants had received, stating that the Turk had been defeated, of which he showed himself very glad. As to the feast, I considered that a much better one was that which the king of Portugal, it was said, was to give your Majesty of certain carvels for the fleet against Barbarossa. When I left him Cromwell told me he only waited to know from me where this Jacques could be found, of whom I wrote to your Majesty, to take him and send him to me to be dealt with at my pleasure, either by sending him to you or having him punished here. And he had such commandment from the King that he believed the said Jacques was already prisoner in the hands of the duke of Norfolk. Cromwell had already made me this offer, but, awaiting an answer from the queen Regent in Flanders, I did not dare accept it, fearing that, in reward for this courtesy, they would ask for some of the letters ("quelcung des letters") from thence, which might be a bad exchange. And while I was waiting for the said answer, the said Jacques went from here "dans une charrue denvers" (in a carvel of Antwerp?). | |
Yesterday there returned from France the maitre d'hotel of the French ambassador and another courier. I have not yet learned their news, except that La Pomeraye was to reside here as ambassador in place of Morette. This morning, hearing that the treasurer of Bretaigne was going to speak to Cromwell, I sent after him one of my servants to spy out what bearing the said Cromwell would show after having spoken with him. Cromwell, although the mayor and several great people were waiting on him, called my man as he was parting with the said treasurer, and my man having spoken of some private matter as an excuse, Cromwell charged him to tell me that he was very mindful of our late conversations, and would not forget to make representations, as I should see at my return. He showed himself very gracious, and held his bonnet in his hand almost as long as my man did. I think the said news cannot have been agreeable to him. | |
The King complained wonderfully of the king of France, in presence of lord Montague and several others, saying "qui luy estoit bas devant," and that if a pope had done such injury to the king of France as had been done to him, he would not be content with throwing off obedience to the Church. but would have gone and burnt Rome, Pope and Cardinals; and he comforted himself by one thing,—that he had shown the true way of salvation to his subjects, and he expected, will-he nill-he, that the French king would come to it in the end. I am told the King unburdened his stomach (s'est desgorgé) still more bravely to the French ambassador the other day, when those of the Council dined with Cromwell; there was not a man among them but bestowed some epithet (blason) on the French. Cromwell dwelt strongly upon the ingratitude of the Grand Master, Admiral and Monpesan, to whom he had given great presents, and who had scarcely said thank-you; but he hoped some day to revenge it. He is particularly displeased with the Admiral, whom he has covertly jeered at to me in a very emphatic way. | |
The King, four or five days ago, sent another gentleman in post to Scotland, to learn (as I am given to understand) on what footing the Scots stand or hope to stand with the French, that they may show themselves pliant or brave towards the said French accordingly; and if everything be against this king, both in France and Scotland, I expect he will still remain obstinate, "mectant son extreme refuge de envers par tous ses subjectz en heresie," which is the thing good men here fear most, for it will make matters almost hopeless. You cannot imagine the reports spread about my going to Court and the good reception given to me, nor the joy it has created everywhere, as it is expected matters will soon be set right, though some doubt it is only to get your Majesty to strike sail and submit to the King's will. I doubt not some are afraid I shall be lulled to sleep with fair words, but I hope, please God, "que ilz ny gaigneront que les barrilz." | |
Whoever is pleased with my frequenting the Court, it is not the French ambassadors, who seek every way to spy out what I can be treating there. The treasurer of Brittany said twice to one man that he feared I was getting up some marriage and alliances with the English, and he had been informed that there had lately come some commander of Spain, who remained secretly in my lodging. I think the King has whispered this to them to put them in greater jealousy. | |
Today the duke of Suffolk leaves secretly for Suffolk, I know not for what purpose. Norfolk withdrew to his house 15 days ago very ill-pleased. The day before he left he complained to lord Montague that he was held in no esteem, "et par avant avoit nulle choses de la dame du Roy." The Marquis has been (word omitted) and only regrets that he has no opportunity of shedding his blood in the service of the Queen and Princess; "sil estoit question de quelque chose il ne seroit des derniers, et unyroit petite suyte." The young lady who was lately in the King's favor is so no longer. There has succeeded to her place a cousin german of the concubine, daughter of the present gouvernante of the Princess. The Queen has been informed on good authority that the Waywode's man was seeking the marriage of the Princess with his master; but there is no great probability that he will succeed either in this or in obtaining money. I will inform your Majesty hereafter of whatever I may hear about this and about a gentleman lately come from the duke of Holstein. I am informed letters have come from Gregory de Casale, who says the Pope told him that if the King would replace matters of the Church as they were, other things could be arranged; but all that is lost labor. So great is the obstinacy and avarice of the King, that he would sooner take back the Queen than restore what is due to the Church, from which he has taken, within the last month, 50,000 ducats, "emolument d'eslus" (first-fruits). | |
The Princess has just sent to tell me that if your Majesty were to write to the King her father, requesting him to place her with the Queen, or at least take her from where she was, that, in her opinion, "ledit roy en oseroit conplaire a v're Majte." I have promised that I would write of it, (fn. 1) nevertheless that I feared the King would think you wished to dictate to him how he should treat his daughter, and perhaps I could manage by gentleness more than such a letter could accomplish. Your Majesty, however, will exercise your discretion on the subject; but if you think proper to write, I would suggest that it would be best to thank the King for what he has said to me, and the care he has taken about the Princess's illness, trusting that as the said illness only arose from sorrow caused [by] being where she is, Henry would ascertain the fact, as he was already determined to do according to my report. If such a letter produced no other result, it would at least serve as half a protest. | |
Whatever pretence the King makes about the Princess's illness, he has been very cold; in fact, she was taken ill on Friday, and he did not send his physician thither till Thursday after, and I do not know if he would have gone even then if I had not for three days importuned Cromwell. On Friday afterwards she was let blood, and on Monday following, when I spoke to the King, he did not know she had been let blood or anything about her condition. Since the first news I have sent to her four or five times by my servants, who make a poor report of her treatment and of her company. She sent to me yesterday two persons to beg that I would continue to send some of my servants to her, for that caused her to be better respected. Your Majesty may consider what solace and pastime she can have with those about her, hearing them desire her death, by which, they say, the world would be at peace, and they discharged of the pain and trouble they have had about her. As to getting her away from here, if the King do not remove her from hence, it could be accomplished by having a pinnace on the river and two armed ships at the mouth of the river; at least I could find means to get her out of the house almost at any hour of the night. | |
It has been reported of late that one of Kildare's men had come to Bristol and taken a good ship, and that Kildare had lately made several invasions and done great injury to the English. London, 25 Feb. 1534[5]. | |
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 10. | |
25 Feb. R. O. |
264. Sir John Dudley to Cromwell. |
For perfecting my book in the matter between Mr. Guildford and me, my counsel desires to see what evidence my old lady Guildford has for the assurance of her jointure by Sir Richard Guildford. She will doubtless let me have copies of them if you will speak to her, to be showed tomorrow to my lord Chancellor. London, Thursday, 25 Feb. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd. | |
[25] Feb. Harl. MS. 6,989, f. 23. B. M. |
265. L. Bonamicus to Starkey. |
Has received the Frenchmen whom Starkey commended to him by letter. Hortensius will soon be finished and worthy to be read by learned men, for Starkey knows Sadolet's genius, and he has worked hard at it all the winter. Wishes to hear about More and Tunstal, and about Starkey himself, Venice, at Pole's house, "ubi την αποκρεων (sic) celebramus, v. kl. intercalares," 1534. | |
"Petrus Bechynius, qui nobiscum adest. p. tibi s. inscribit." | |
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Mem. by Starkey on the back. | |
26 Feb. R. O. |
266. The Earl of Northumberland to Cromwell. |
Received 25 Feb. the King's letters, dated Westminster the 17th, and others from Cromwell, desiring him to repair to the King with all convenient haste. Has been very sick for a whole year, and has long kept his chamber, but will come with what speed he can. Desires credence for Sir Reynold Carnaby. Topclyf, 26 Feb. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: Master Cromwell, principal secretary, &c. Sealed. Endd. | |
R. O. | 2. The Same to [Henry VIII.] |
To the same effect. Topclyf, 26 Feb. Signed: H.N. | |
Copy, p. 1. | |
26 Feb. Titus, B.i. 354. B. M. |
267. Ricardus Guerceius to Cromwell. |
A letter of mere compliment, xxvj. cal. (sic) Februarii. | |
Hol., Lat., pp. 3. Add.: "Nobilissimo viro ac patrono meo, domino Cromuello, regi a secretis." | |
26 Feb. R. O. |
268. Henry Earl of Essex to Cromwell. |
This Friday, 26 Feb., has received his letter, and in accordance therewith sends up Crooke, the marshal of his hall, and Wm. Westrae. Sends also Parkar and Marshall to the justices of assize at Bury. Has retained Allen Brewstar because Daniell is not yet come to Cromwell. Will therefore be at the King's commandment. Stansted, 26 Feb. Signed. | |
Slightly mutilated, p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd. | |
26 Feb. R. O. |
269. Ric. Sampson to Lord Lisle. |
The bearer, Robt. Pole, has obtained a bill signed by the King in consideration of his services to the late Sir Robt. Gerningham. I pray your Lordship, therefore, to befriend him. London, 26 Feb. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd. | |
Add. MS. 28,588, f. 161. B. M. |
270. Charles V. and Francis I. |
Considerations about what the ambassador in France writes of his practises with the English ambassador concerning the suspension of the difference about the divorce between the king and queen of England. | |
Considering the wrong done by the King to the Queen and Princess, without excuse, the obligations of the Emperor toward them, their quality and virtues, the Queen's affection for the Emperor, their trust in him, that any inclination shown by the Emperor to the King may be taken ill by Christendom, and cause the Queen and Princess and their party to despair and make them averse to the Princess's succession,—(it might also be an occasion for others to try divorces, from which greater confusion might result):—and considering also that the English ambassador has perhaps advanced this without foundation, and it may be said that he had no commission:—it may only have been his intention to cause this to be declared to the Emperor and published, so as to do him an injury. | |
On the other hand, regard must be had to the position of the affairs of Christendom, and the Emperor's difficulties in consequence of the malignity of the French king, who trusts in the assistance of the king of England, and his obstinacy and blindness by reason of his new marriage; and that not only has his Majesty [no] means to withdraw him by force, but by maintaining present relations with him, he would rather drive him further to despair in matters of the Faith, and hinder the meeting of the Council. (fn. 2) | |
He (the king of England) will join the French king, and aid him in doing the worst they can against the common good and the Emperor. Being powerful princes, without conscience or honesty, and uniting themselves with heretics, they will perhaps reduce the Emperor to great necessities, and cause him to incur great expense, without any good to the Queen and Princess, but more probably harm. | |
Perhaps if this proposal (este medio) were entered upon, it might be managed so that the King should at least suspend his acts against the Faith and his assistance to the French king, and refrain from doing anything against Flanders and continuing his practises in Denmark, Lubeck and other Hanse towns (villas australes). The Queen and Princess would be better treated and safer, and the marriage of the latter might meanwhile be arranged. God might inspire the King to leave his blindness and obstinacy, "pues que tambien sy tornasse a tomar por fuerca y costriniendose la dicha Reyna, loqual por agora no se puede conduzir, ella estaria peor que no esta y em mayor peligro." | |
If the smallest suspicion can be produced between the kings of England and France, it will be a good opportunity to moderate the extreme obstinacy of the latter for war, and to make a suitable treaty either with one or the other, or with both, especially if the Emperor defeats Barbarossa, as may be hoped with the help of God, unless the kings of England and France hinder it, and also of convoking the Council, which may put everything in order, if it is managed so prudently as not to be taken ill as regards either God or the world, and if the princesses and their party understand that this will be for a greater good. | |
If, in case there is any inclination to follow up this practise, Hannart should be ordered to continue it, or whether it would be better for him to give the English ambassador hopes, and find out from him to what the king of England would agree, with the greatest advantage to the princesses, and least inconvenience in matters concerning the Faith; and the ambassadors on both sides should continue the practise and advise their masters. | |
Or whether it would be better to remit the matter to the ambassador in England, and the English ambassador in France to write that he may be confidentially spoken with. The ambassador in England, by his knowledge of the country, will see if there is any foundation for the practise, and can at the commencement hinder the King from joining the French king in waging war. (In the margin, opposite this paragraph. "Lo uno y lo otro.") | |
Whether consent should be given to a suspension of the divorce, and for how long, during the life of the King or till the Council, both of which are uncertain, or for some fixed time. (In the margin: "Sy la dissimulacion del efecto de la execucion s .... el futuro Concilio.") | |
Meanwhile the princesses must be treated honorably, and not compelled to agree to any treaty or convention without the Emperor's consent, and especially that the Princess shall not be married without the consent of the Emperor, the Queen and her relations (los parientes). The King should neither directly nor indirectly do anything against the Emperor, the king of the Romans, or their dominions, and prevent others from making war on them, according to the treaties between him and the Emperor. He should abandon all practises in Germany, Denmark, Lubeck and other Hanse towns. The King should not ill treat those who have assisted the Queen and Princess. The above points must be arranged as advantageously as possible. | |
Whether it should be agreed to remit the declaration of the divorce to the future Council, to which the King has appealed, considering that perhaps the King, for the discharge of his conscience and to excuse himself with his mistress and her relatives, may wish to do it. On the other hand, if he remains obstinate, it would be an occasion to put off the Council. | |
If the King persists in the suspension for his life, or at least that force should not be used, whether it should be agreed to, and the Queen induced to consent, reserving the course of law and any remedy obtained at the Council, and stipulating that the Princess shall not be married without the consent of the Emperor, the Queen and her relations, but any suitable match to be considered with their consent, reserving her rights during her father's life. As to the Queen, it would be better that she should be well treated and apart from the King, than ill treated and with him. She must insist on the Princess's returning to her power until she marries. | |
Whether it should be insisted on that the king of England must return to the obedience of the Church, "y que tuviesse la mano que lo dicho Consilio, syn toda via persistir sy no le viesse que estava bien inclinado porque seria antes peor que mejor," and considering that this point of the princesses and the suspension of force does not touch the above points, except for the execution of the sentence, which depends on the will of the parties. (In the margin: "Sy, con ofrecimiento.") | |
Whether the ambassador in England shall be charged to show the King the Emperor's good-will to preserve friendship and to endeavor to find out anything which will conduce to these practises. (In the margin: Sy.) | |
Whether friendly words shall be spoken to the English ambassador here, on pretext of telling him of the Emperor's journey to Barcelona, and that his Majesty does not wish to make war in Christendom unless forced, adding that he wishes to keep on good terms with the King, and justifying his conduct hitherto. (In the margin: Sy.) | |
Whether the ambassador in England shall inform the Queen of the commencement of this practise, "bien que paresce que esto seria poner a la madre y hija en mayor congo ...... syno se viesse mas esperanca o apparencia d .... que la dicha pratica." | |
Reasons why it is advisable to send to Ireland, in pursuance of the Emperor's letter to the chiefs there, considering that the man who has been sent ought to be there all the month of March next, that the [season] is already far advanced, and that the thing cannot be done conveniently after the Emperor has left this town. | |
Sp., pp. 8. Modern copy. | |
26 Feb. Granvelle, Papiers d'Etat, ii.299. |
271. Charles V. to his Ambassador in France. |
Account of a conversation with the French ambassador concerning the duke of Gueldres and other matters. Touching the marriage with England, he said it would be difficult to manage. Repeated to him what has already been written, that the Emperor and Francis can conduct the affair honorably, and to the great benefit and the repose of the conscience of the king of England. He suggested also that the old quarrel between France and England might be revived, and this would be occasion of discord between the brothers. Replied that there was less reason to doubt this for the third son, who would thus be well provided for, and good assurance could be given by making other treaties of marriage. If anything happened to the princess of England, they could treat about the marriage of Portugal and consider the case of the queen of England, who would then be without lawful heirs. The ambassador said that, notwithstanding this, his master wished to have some assurance on the side of Italy, for Nassau's mission and the hope he had entertained from the contents of his charge had rather embittered him than done any good. * * * | |
Madrid, 26 Feb. 1534. | |
Fr. | |
26 Feb. Vienna Archives. |
272. Charles V. to Chapuys. |
We have received your letters of the 1st and 14th [Jan.], with the news of the confidence shown you by lords Darcy and Sands, the affection they show towards us and to the Queen and Princess, and the desire they have to see a remedy for the violence and disorder in England. We certainly perceive that the case is so extreme that there would be more than need if the other affairs of Christendom permitted, and if we were not hindered daily, especially now, by the coming of Barbarossa to Tunis with all the naval forces of the Turk, against whom we are compelled to prepare a powerful fleet, as you already know; besides the terms held by the king of France, and his preparations for war by sea and land, with the aid, of which he greatly boasts, of the king of England. And notwithstanding the good-will of the said personages and others in England we do not see how it is possible for the present to remedy the mischief by force, as, in truth, we have more than just cause to do. For which reason we think it best still to temporise, entertaining the said personages and others in hope, and waiting to see if God will inspire the said king of England to repent (a soi reduire), or some good opportunity may arise to compel him. In the present perplexity we have determined, upon the advertisement made to us by Likkerke of his conversations with the English ambassador, and moreover, of those which you will have already seen by the cipher that we last sent to you, to write to our said ambassador a letter the copy of which we send in cipher, after having long discussed the questions in its pros and cons, as you will see both by the said copy and by a bill joined thereto. And I desire you very earnestly to follow this policy (correspondre a la practique), if you see any means whatever to the end contained in the said letter; and to use great discretion and vigilance in this matter, accommodating yourself to the present necessity; seeing that we are so hindered that nothing better can be done for the relief of our aunt and cousin; and whatever division or scruple it may engender between the kings of France and England cannot but greatly conduce to the remedy both of their affairs and of all others. Again I urge this upon you very earnestly, without however making any mention to them of this practise until there be some more probability and assurance. And write to us thereupon as soon as you can what you think, with all the news. | |
From this quarter we can write nothing more, except that, in accordance with our previous letters, we leave this place about the end of this month for Barcelona; and as it may be that they will suggest there, as they have done here, various designs upon our said going to Barcelona, you will not believe that we have any other motives than what we write. We thank you for your information for the going of the Grand Master "et bourgme de Berghes" of which we write at present to the Queen our sister, without letting it appear that it comes from us, in order that she may enquire the occasion of the said going. And as to Mr. Godscalke Eryci, we have already informed you of his return, and we have since despatched him again to Germany. Madrid, 26 Feb. 1534. | |
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 2. The paper from which it is taken is headed: Copie de la minute d'une lettre de l'Empereur a son ambassadeur en Angleterre. | |
ii. "Copie de la copie. Consulte touchant ce que l'ambassadeur en Franche a escript des propoz de celle d'Angleterre, 25 Feb. 1535." | |
Supposing that which the ambassador in France writes of the proposal made to him by the English ambassador for the suspension of the difference about the divorce between the king and queen of England, the following considerations require to be weighed:—First, the great wrong and injustice which the King practises towards the Queen and Princess, inexcusably, with the irrefragable sentence of the Holy See, and the strict obligation under which the Emperor lies to maintain the dignity of the said princesses; and considering how they are oppressed and how virtuous they are, and what good offices the Queen has done towards his Majesty, in whom alone they have confidence,—if the Emperor were to show himself at all inclined to some arrangement with the king of England, it might be ill published in Christendom and dishearten the said princesses, and especially those in England, who have hitherto favored them "a fin quant ladite fille puist pervenir a la succession dudit royaulme." And further, this would be a sort of encouragement to others to attempt divorces, from which still greater confusion might arise. Considering, moreover, that the said English ambassador has perhaps put this forth without grounds, and it may be disavowed, and his purpose may only have been to obtain a declaration from his Majesty and publish ill or make out of the communications something which will do them service against his Majesty. | |
On the other hand, regard must be had to the condition of the affairs of Christendom and the hindrances of his said Majesty by the extreme malignity of the French king, who relies greatly on the assistance of the king of England and his obstinacy and blindness in the matter of his new marriage. And that not only his Majesty has no means of withdrawing him from it by force, but rather, by maintaining present relations with him, it will all the more drive him to despair in matters of the Faith and hinder the Council, and he will incite (fn. 3) the king of France and assist him that they may do together the worst they can against public affairs and procure against his Majesty as many troubles as possible; so that, as they are great and powerful princes leading damnable practises without respect to conscience or honesty, and negotiating with those perverted from the Faith, they may possibly bring his Majesty into too great perplexity and intolerable expense without doing any good but rather still more injury to the said princesses, so as by despair to destroy them utterly, without his Majesty being able to remedy the matter either soon or late. Or if, perchance, one entered so far as to agree to the means, it might be in such wise that the English king would forbear at least to do worse in this matter of the Faith or to assist the king of France, and of himself he would abstain from moving anything against the Low Countries, and would give up his continual practises in Denmark, Lubeck and other Hanse towns (et autres villes australes; qu., hanseatiques?), and the said princesses would be better treated and more secure; and meanwhile one might consider about the marriage of the Princess, and perhaps God might inspire the king of England to abandon the blind course he is now in, since as well [qu. even?] if he took back by force and constraint the said Queen, which is not for the present "conduisable," she would be still worse than she is, and in still greater danger. And with the least suspicion in the world that might be engendered between the two Kings there would be great occasion to moderate the extreme obstinacy of the French king to make war, and to come to a convenient treaty with each of them or with both, especially if his Majesty got the victory over Barbarossa, as he gives reason to hope, without hindrance of the said two Kings, and arrive at the indiction and celebration of the Council, which would settle everything; using in this matter such dexterity that the matter may not be ill taken as regards either God or the world, and that the said princesses and those who bear them good-will may understand "que ce fut pour ung mieulx." If in this case of inclining to the practise, it should be remitted to the said viscount Hannaert to see to it, with instructions as to the conditions (et luy escripre les moyens); or if it would be better that, giving by him hope of good-will by means of some ministers of his Majesty, and of having a good answer on this side as the said English ambassador said he had on his own, he should assent as far as he might for his own part to what the king of England would agree to, (fn. 4) to the greatest advantage that can be made for the said princesses, and the least injury to the Faith; and that these two ambassadors should continue this practise, each consulting their respective masters. | |
Or whether it would be better that the said ambassador of his Majesty, using these means to encourage the practise, "et assentant des moyens et intencion dudit roy d'Angleterre," shall procure that the matter be remitted to the Imperial ambassador in England, and that the English ambassador in France should write that they might speak confidently about it with him, in order that, being fully acquainted with England and the men of influence there, he may see if there is good foundation for the said practise, "pour selon ce lenchenement discretement," and in the first place take means to prevent the king of England from helping France to move war; considering that in managing this practise from France, possibly, as remarked above, it might afterwards be disavowed, and so the time would be lost which is most important for stopping the ill intentions of France. And wherever the said practise be carried on, it will appear better managed according to the "fondement" found therein. If a suspension be agreed to about the question of the divorce, for what time,—whether for the life of the king of England or till the future Council, considering that both are uncertain, or if it shall be until some time prefixed, with conditions and means that seem suitable. | |
Particularly that the said princesses be meanwhile well and honorably treated according to their estate, and it may be declared that they shall not be constrained to any treaties or agreements without the knowledge and consent of the Emperor; especially that the Princess should not be married without his consent and that of the Queen her mother, and also of her relations, as far as the king of England may be inclined. And that the king of England give no assistance, direct or indirect, against the Emperor or the king of the Romans, but prevent, as far as he can, others from making war upon them, as specially agreed in the treaties between his Majesty and England. And that he shall abandon all practises in Germany, Denmark, Lubeck and other Hanse towns (villes australes), and likewise do no displeasure to those who have maintained the justice of the Queen and Princess, treating the above points as advantageously as possible, to see how much the king of England is willing to concede in them. | |
If they were to agree to remit the declaration of the divorce to the coming Council, to which the king of England has appealed, considering that perhaps the King would like it for the discharge of his conscience, and to excuse himself towards his Lady and her friends (et ses paces, qu. parens?); but, on the other hand, if he remain blind and obstinate, it would hinder and put off the Council. | |
If the king of England insist on having the suspension for the time of his life, at least not to proceed by force, and with the aforesaid conditions, whether they ought to be conceded and the Queen induced to consent, reserving, as above said, the way of justice and remedy that may be obtained in the coming Council, making it a condition that the Princess do not marry without the consent of the Queen and the Emperor and other relations; and to listen with their advice to some reasonable agreement, even if the rights of the said daughter be taken away except after the death of her father, considering that, as to the said Queen, it would be better that she should be well treated and separated from the King than ill treated with him, insisting that her daughter should be replaced with her until she is married. If it must be insisted that the king of England return to the obedience of Mother Church and lend assistance to the Council, without, however, insisting upon this if it appear that he is not well inclined to it, which would be rather worse than better, and considering that this private matter of the princesses and the said suspension does not in anything touch the above points except for the execution of the sentence, which depends on the will of parties. | |
If it be advisable now to write to the ambassador in England to assent, as showing the good-will of his Majesty to preserve the King's friendship, if he can learn anything agreeing with the proposals of the English ambassador to Hannaert, informing him of the means above touched upon or others to which they would agree, because he is a discreet and prudent person, who will know what to make of it without going further than his charge. | |
If amiable language should be used to the English ambassador here, on pretext of informing him of his Majesty's departure to Barcelona, and of his not desiring to enter into war with any Christian power if he is not compelled, adding, when the conversation affords an opportunity, the desire his Majesty would have to remain in good friendship with the king of England, as his Majesty has done towards Henry till now, without giving occasion to the latter to act otherwise. | |
If it would be well that the ambassador in England should agree as of himself. or by occasion of the language held by the English ambassador, that he thought it would be well for the Queen to enter into the said practise, although it seems likely to give both mother and daughter more anxiety if one does not see more hope or probability of entering into the said practise. | |
Moreover it is important, both in the present state of matters as regards England, and considering how his Majesty is hindered in this expedition against Barbarossa, and also considering the terms held by the king of France, both to create hindrances to the king of England in his realm and to fulfil and follow up what his Majesty has written to the principal men in Ireland to despatch someone to them who ought to be there all March following, (fn. 5) and that the thing cannot be done if it is not done before the departure of his Majesty from Madrid. (fn. 6) | |
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 6. The orig. is endd.: Angleterre. Consulte sur ce que le Viconte Hannart a escript a Monsr. de Granvelle, 25 Feb. 1534, in Madrid. | |
26 Feb. Granvelle, Papiers d'Etat, ii. 307. |
273. Charles V. to his Ambassador in France. |
Writes in reply to what he wrote to Granvelle in cipher about his declaration to the English ambassador touching the army against Barbarossa, and his overtures, after having heard from a friend in England, for arranging a firm friendship between the King and the Emperor. Approves of what he said to the ambassador. Wishes to try whether the king of England can be restrained from his present practises, and from assisting the French king in his preparations for war. Desires him to sound the ambassador as to the possibility of a treaty with England. If nothing else can be done, it will be no small thing to procure "la suspension mise en terme," which would create suspicion between the kings and perhaps disunite them, and result to the advantage of the Queen. The communications must be kept secret if no good comes of it. No occasion must be given for vexing the Queen and Princess, nor for persuading the King that the Emperor would consent to anything to their prejudice. He must find out whether there is any means of inducing the King to redress the wrong done to the Queen and Princess, and leave his present blindness: or if not, and it be still determined to suspend the question of the divorce. he must ascertain for how long, and whether Henry will agree that it be suspended till a future Council, and promise in good faith to do his best to procure the holding of such a Council, and to obey its decrees the said princesses being meanwhile honorably treated and not forced to agree to anything without the Emperor's consent, especially that the Princess our cousin should not be married contrary to his and her mother's pleasure. He must also agree not to give any help against the Emperor, the king of the Romans, or their subjects, and to prevent others from making war against them, especially considering the treaties between England and the Emperor; he must cease all practises in Germany and Denmark, in Lubeck, and other towns, and must not illtreat those who have maintained the Queen's rights. He must ascertain on all these subjects to what point it may be possible to bring the king of England, making it a condition that he should return to his obedience to the Church, even if it might be on condition that the Pope should be induced to allow him some profit on the churches in his realm, which he has not had hitherto. | |
The suspension would be some injury to the Queen and Princess, but will be less hurtful if the Council is celebrated soon and the King consents to it. Suspension during the King's life would be hopeless for the princesses, and any other limited time, without reference to the Council, would be dishonorable and prejudicial. Nevertheless, if suspension for life or other fixed time, irrespective of the Council, is insisted on, the answer must be delayed to see the course of affairs and the inclination of the King, the object being to prevent Henry from helping the king of France and carrying on practises in Germany and elsewhere, and to ensure his abandoning Francis if he should commence war, even if he will not help the Emperor, as he is bound to do by the treaty of Cambray. All this must be ascertained so clearly that there shall be no dispute about it in future. | |
It is so important to gain time in this matter and make sure of the king of England that, if there is any chance of success, the ambassador must get the English ambassador to write to persons he trusts in England to speak to the Imperial ambassador there about it, that the affair may thus be finished the sooner, and the King be induced to abstain from practising with France. Desires him to write to the ambassador in England, and send him a copy of this. Madrid, 26 Feb. 1534. | |
Fr. | |
27 Feb. | 274. Westminster Abbey Choristers. |
See Grants in February, No. 61. | |
27 Feb. R. O. |
275. Sir Edw. Wotton to Cromwell. |
Remonstrates against Cromwell's urging him by his letters to resign his patent of the stewardship of the abbey of Malling, the King having written to the abbess in favor of master Thos. Wyatt. Cromwell may be as much assured of his heart as Mr. Wyatt, and since the death of his brotherin-law, Sir Henry Guildford, he has always depended on Cromwell's friendship. The grant he obtained under the convent seal was in fulfilment of a promise of the abbess many years past. Would have waited on the King before, but has been lately with his sister Guldeford and others, who have been with his cousin, Edw. Brown, son of Sir Matthew Brown, who has died of the common plague. Asks Cromwell to relate the matter to the King. Supposes that when the abbess made the grant to Cromwell she had forgotten her promise to him, for, though he knew from the first of the death of Mr. Fisher, he waited for five or six days before writing to the abbess, thinking that few then would apply for so small an office. On first reading his letter she had forgotten the promise which he claimed as having been made within two years and less after her being made abbess. She was not dissembling in her answers either to the King or Cromwell. No effect can grow in law or conscience of her promise to Cromwell, so long after her promise to him. Begs Cromwell to be good master to her and her poor house. Bocton Malherbe, Saturday, 27 Feb. | |
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Secretary. Endd. | |
27 Feb. Vesp. F. xiii. 101 b. B. M. |
276. Robt. [Earl of] Sussex to Cromwell. |
Sends him a patent of 20 nobles a year for life, as promised. If his power were equal to his good-will, would gladly have given him one of 40l. Wodeham Wauter, 27 Feb. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. | |
27 Feb. R. O. St. P. i. 428. |
277. Archbishop Lee to Cromwell. |
Sends his profession to the King, signed and sealed after the form which Cromwell wrote. Is ready in this and all other things, as his conscience and learning will suffer, to follow the King's pleasure and commandment, so that our Lord be not offended, and the unity of the Faith and the Catholic Church saved; for saving whereof, he perceives the King's Christian and Catholic mind, in a statute 25 Hen. VIII. cap. 21. Will not knowingly offend the King, God not offended. Thorpe, 27 Feb. 1534. Signed. | |
Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd. | |
27 Feb. R. O. |
278. Sir Fras. Bryan to Cromwell. |
On Monday last, at the sessions at Brykehill, Bucks, was informed by Robt. Ansley, bailiff of Newport Panell, and others, that Geo. Taylor had said, "The King is but a knave and liveth in avowtry, and is an heretic and liveth not after the laws of God," and further, "I set not by the King's crown, and, if I had it here, I would play at football with it." Taylor denied it, and if he said it, it was in drunkenness. Remembering the late statute, sent him to gaol as a traitor. Would have sent the deposition, but his clerk forgot to give it him. Can send him up if Cromwell wishes. If not. he may be tried by the King's commission, hanged, drawn and quartered, and his quarters set up in Buckingham, Aylesbury, Wycombe and Stony Stretford. Thinks the due execution of justice in this case will be a very great example and the safeguard of many. Amptill, 27 Feb. | |
The man has another name. Will send all particulars with speed. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd. | |
27 Feb. Vesp. F. xiii. 111. B. M. Ellis, 2nd S., ii. 104. |
279. Arthur Lord Lisle to [Cromwell]. |
On the 26th I received a letter from Sir John Wallop, enclosed. It is reported here that Dr. Latymer has turned over the leaf, and on Wednesday in Ember week preached before the King, acknowledging the Pope's authority, and approving prayers to saints and pilgrimages. I desire to know if this be true, that if not the reporter may be punished. The Emperor has made proclamations at Dunkirk, Burborow and St. Omer's that no horses shall pass out of his dominions. Turneyham was sold to the French, and the buyer and seller, both the Frenchman and the Fleming, were taken, and are in Du Bever's custody. Also the captain of Turwyn was at a point with an archer of the Emperor's guard for Arye, but it was discovered, and the archer is hanged. Now there was never better watch kept. Proclamation is made for every subject of the Emperor within six weeks to come and be resident in his dominions. Calais, 27 Feb. Signed. | |
R. O. | 2. Corrected draft of the preceding. |
27 Feb. R. O. |
280. Edward Lovell to Lady Lisle. |
Her son John Bassett is in good health. Her tailor Ric. Tonge is yet unpaid, and begs her to remember him. London, 27 Feb. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais. | |
27 Feb. R. O. |
281. Piracy. |
Sentence of death pronounced in the Admiralty court at Boulogne against Anthoine Noel diet Jehan Antoin, George Willain, Thos. Alleberecq, Henry Witin and Robin Douf, English, and Guillaume Tibault, Norman, for piracy. Saturday, penult. Feb. 1534. | |
Fr., pp. 3. Endd. | |
R. O. | 2. Valuation of the losses sustained by Francis Du Com, owner of a ship called the Isabel of Abergrach in Brittany, robbed by Thos. Gorre, Ric. Sarre and others being with Calverley, with costs of suing for the same in the French courts and in England from the 10 Nov. 1533 to 1 Feb. 1534. Total, 1,013l. 5s. 10d. |
Pp. 4. Endd. | |
27 Feb. Add. MS. 8715, f. 17. B. M. |
282. Bishop of Faenza to M. Ambrosio. |
Little or nothing is said about the interview with England, which has apparently ended in smoke. Nothing is to be discovered from the Admiral's secretary, who went to England, except that he has negotiated it very secretly. The Court leaves today, and will travel towards Rouen. The Grand Master is still absent. The Legate is going towards Paris. Is going to Paris to procure certain necessary things, and will then follow the Court. | |
Ital., copy, p. 1. Headed: Da San Germano ut supra, alli 27 ut supra, [Feb.] del (qu. al ?) Sigr M. Ambrosio ut supra. | |
28 Feb. R. O. |
283. Sir Fras. Bryan to Cromwell. |
Sends by the bearer the French book he promised him. Reminds him of the bill of Raunston which he left to be signed, and the bill of the poor man Adams. Ampthill, 28 Feb. | |
Will view Tyrrell's land tomorrow, and next week Elmys' land in Northamptonshire, and advertise him of the truth shortly. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: The King's secretary. Endd. | |
28 Feb. R. O. |
284. Archbishop Lee to Cromwell. |
Sends the names and values of churches and other spiritual promotions and offices void since Jan. 1, and the names of the persons presented and inducted. Cannot yet send word of all, for the archdeacon of Richmond gives institution in his archdeaconry, and his official will not be here until Mid Lent. There are also some others who give institution and some donatives, which it will be hard to know. By the statute all ordinaries may give institution and mandatum ad inducendum, as they did before, but the party upon his peril may take no real possession until he has agreed for the firstfruits. Will institute no one till Cromwell has appointed a commissioner for that purpose. Asks his favor for the bearer, and thanks him for his kindness to him, which is a good example to all those who care not what they swear so that they may fulfil their malice. | |
Some of the collectors have brought in part of their money. They say they cannot get it from some farmers who are temporal men. If they persist, Cromwell must help, or at least write to the parties. Has charged the collectors to bring in all between this and Low Sunday. | |
Has given Peter Vannes collation of the prebend of Boole. Waited for Cromwell's letters, for he is informed there is no such prerogative, and there is no word of any such or like in the abridgement of the King's statutes. Will always follow the King's commandment, but trusts he will consider that Lee has hitherto given few, and some of his poor chaplains have none and few any good thing. Asks Cromwell to stop such suits. | |
The master of Savoy writes that Cromwell says the Archbishop's fishgarths must be taken down. If this be done he will be wronged, for it appears by record at an assize in Edward III.'s days that they all existed before Edward I.'s days, and such must be reformed, not pulled up, according to the Statutes of Edward III. and Henry IV. Has already reformed them, and required the mayor of York, who is chief of the commission, to view them. | |
Hopes Cromwell will not believe Newton and his fellows, who intend to have their will of him. as they had of Teshe, either by hook or crook. If Cromwell will write to the mayor to view them, will reform them as he thinks right. Sends a few articles on the subject. Thorp, ult. Feb. 1534. Signed. | |
Pp. 2. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd. | |
28 Feb. R. O. |
285. Henry Earl of Essex to Cromwell. |
Has sent Thomas Edmondes to wait on him for the chantry of Halstede. The vicar of Branketre is so well known in the county that there is not owing him more than 90s. tithe, which he offered to resign. The chantry of Halstede is in your gift by reason that there is no prior known of the Charterhouse. Stanstede, 28 Feb. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: "Secretary." Endd.: "For the chauntre of Hallsted, and concernyng the vicar of Branketre." | |
28 Feb. Add. MS. 28,587, f. 238. B. M. |
286. Charles V to his Ambassador in France. |
Account of an interview with the French ambassador touching Nassau's communications and what Francis had said of them, —that they had not succeeded because Nassau expressly denied having any power. The Emperor thinks he had given sufficient evidence of his sincerity in the matter, having given Nassau full powers for the establishment of peace. Also touching Gueldres, the Turks. &c. As to the arrangement for the marriage with the English princess. the ambassador said that it was a very difficult matter. | |
Replied to him that the French king and he could manage the affair honorably and with benefit to the conscience of the king of England. The ambassador said it might be feared that the old quarrel of England would be an occasion of discord between the brothers. Said there was less likelihood of this with Francis's third son, who would thus be well provided for, and security might well be given by such an agreement, especially if the other marriage treaties were concluded. If anything happened to the Princess, a marriage might be arranged with the Infanta of Portugal, and some arrangement made for the kingdom of England, which would be without heirs. Finally the ambassador said that his master did not desire any assurance or estate in Italy, notwithstanding all the declarations and reasons shown to him that they ought not and could not be given, (fn. 7) declaring openly that Nassau's coming had only irritated the King. | |
Sp., modern copy, pp. 10. The original is endorsed: Copia de una carta que screvio su Magestad al embaxador de Francia. De Madrid, ultimo de Hebrero, 1535. | |
R. O. | 287. Sir William Poulet to Cromwell. |
Mr. Bettes, the King's chaplain, is departed. He had the parsonage of Hatfield, (fn. 8) of my lord of Ely's patronage, which I should once have had of you, and should be glad to have it now. There is a P.S. in my brother's letter that, after writing and delivering of your letters, Sir John Sentlow sent word that he could not come to the lieutenant (fn. 9) and the Council till after next week, lest danger should arise in the country. He mentions a great lack of handguns, "for it were little enow to have 200" for the garrison of the rebel (fn. 10) and his adherents. There lacketh two trumpets. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd. | |
R. O. | 288. Sir William Poulet to Cromwell. |
I wish you would appoint 2,000l. to be paid to the bearer, Mr. Cofferer's clerk, towards our prest for the King's provision, or provide for it as soon as you can. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Sealed. Endd. | |
Feb. R. O. |
289. Robt. [Sherburn] Bishop of Chichester to Cromwell. |
I have lately re[ceived the King's highness'] dread letters dated at W[estminster, wherein] is contained that the Ky[ng] ... (which of my part sha[ll] ... that I shall not from hen[ceforth institute any] person to any benefice o[r] .... until the King's highness ..... profits of the same a .... in that behalf. And f[urther that I shall show the names] of all such persons as hath [obtained any] promotion within my diocese [and declare] the values of the same ..... to be advertised that sy ...... presented unto me. First .. of Aldrynton the value w ...... of is 9l., with the charges wh ....... informed me hath compounded ..... The second is Sir Andrew Trac[y (fn. 11) who hath been admitted by his] highness to a prebend in my [Cathedral] .... uder of Sir Christopher Plummer, late preben[dary], ... is 5l. 5s. 8d., which hath my lett[er] ...... taken no possession. The third is Sir H ..... vicarage of Esebourne, the value whereof ..... yet admitted to the same. And f ..... letters, and as touching the eff[ect] ...... brief send therewithal. I have ...... accordingly like as ye shall per[ceive] ...... by this bearer. By whom ...... writings as I have of t ..... ryche of Chichester and ..... you to order me therein ......... February. | |
It may further please you ....... with some hand like the same ..... Signed. | |
P. 1. Mutilated. Add.: Thos. Cromwell, [secret]ary to the King. Endd. | |
R. O. | 290. [Cromwell's] Remembrances. |
To remember the duke of Holstis servant, and to take the books [and] a copy of his letter with me for his despatch. To speak with the King for my lord elect of Salisbury, and to take the view and value of the bishopric with me. To take with me my lord of Canterbury's letters. To relate to the King the effect of the letters sent unto me from the bishop of Aberdeen. The effect of the communication had between me and the Emperor's ambassador touching Clutton and Roger Banbridge. Touching the money received and paid to the King's solicitor. Touching Dr. West and Mr. Bigges of Salisbury. "Touching a patent of Sir Edward Guldford's patent of the duke of Buckingham's lands." | |
Hol., p. 1. Endd.: On the back is a beginning of a letter to Wallop. | |
Feb. — Grants. |
291. Grants in February 1535. |
1. Ric. Coke, of London alias late of Alveley, Essex, executor of John Coke. Protection for one year in the suite of Arthur Plantagenet, Viscount Lisle, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 1 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
2. Sir George Conyers, knight of the Royal body. Lease of the manor of Shyrbourn, parcel of the lordship of Sherifhoton, Yorkshire, now in tenure of Edward Forest, a page of the Chamber, and Miles Forest his brother, by virtue of patent 22 March 10 Hen. VIII.; for 30 years, from Mich. A.D. 1540 on the expiration of the said lease, at the annual rent of 37l. 2s. 9d. Westm., 25 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 20. | |
3. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Mortmain licence to William Sowde, clk., the master, and the fellows of the college of Corpus Christi and St. Mary the Virgin in the university of Cambridge, to acquire lands to the annual value of 100s. Westm., 20 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 21. | |
4. Corpus Christi College. Cambridge. Licence to Wm. Sowde, clk., the master or warden and the fellows, to alienate a parcel of land with buildings thereon in the parish of St. Benet, Cambridge, between a lane called Nutlane or Plutlane on the south and the land of the provost and scholars of King's College on the north: which abuts on the highway on the east, and the land of the said provost and scholars on the west, and is in length 86 feet on the side that abuts on Nutlane, and on the other side by the land of the said provost and scholars, 108 feet; to Edw. Fox, clk., the provost, and the scholars of the King's College of St. Mary and St. Nicholas in the university of Cambridge. Westm., 20 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 21. | |
5. Miles Forest. Lease of land called Ruthland and a close called Galoclose in the lordship of Castle Barnard, and a close called West Shawes in the lordship of Westwick, parcel of the lands assigned for the payment of the garrison of Berwick, in the bishopric of Durham, with reservations, for 21 years, at certain stated rents. Del. Westm., 3 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 22. | |
6. John Throughgood, officer of the Buttery. To be bowbearer of Arkylgarthdale, understeward of Middleham and Richmond, and one of the foresters of Coverdale in co. Richmond; with 40s. a year as bowbearer, 3l. 6s. 8d. as understeward, and 30s. 4d. as forester. On surrender by Nic. Horneclif of patent 18 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII., granting the same offices to him and Will. Towers, now deceased. Greenwich, 26 Dec. 25 Henry VIII. Del. 4 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. | |
7. Richard Ambrose, clk., rector of Wykhambreux, Kent, and Crauley, Surrey. Licence, at the instance of dame Lucy Browne, widow, to be absent from his benefices and reside in the household of the said dame Lucy or elsewhere, notwithstanding the statute 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 23. | |
8. Henry Brayne. Grant of the custody of "le Gawle above the Woodde" in Deane forest, Glouc., and of the office of one of the riding foresters and "le alecunner," in the said forest; on surrender of patent, 15 May 25 Henry VIII., granting the same to Richard Longe. one of the King's equerries. Westm., 26 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 7. | |
9. Wm. Clerke, one of the King's serjeants-at-arms. Fee of 12d. a-day vice Wm. Almer, deceased, late one of the King's serjeants-at-arms. Del. Westm., 4 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat., p. 2, m. 23. | |
10. Robert Wrothe, attorney of the duchy of Lancaster. To be steward and bailiff of the lordships or manors of Edelmeton and Sayes Bery, with lands. &c., in Edelmeton. Midd.: with 40s. a year as steward, and 6l. 13s. 4d. as bailiff. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7. | |
11. John Ogden. clk. Grant of the rectory or free chapel of St. Peter in the Tower of London, vice Richard Layton, clk., resigned, LL.D. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1. m. 21. | |
12. Edmund More, jun. Grant of the free chapel of St. Margaret, Hilborowe. Norf., void by death. Westm., 1 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Feb.— P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 30. | |
13. Joan Sumptor. widow of Walter Sumptor, of Shirforde, Devon. Pardon for having along with the said Walter on the 22 July 22 Hen. VIII., at the highway called Molston lane, in the parish of Shirford, assaulted and killed John Sture. Del. Westm., 6 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII. — S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 27. | |
14. Alex. Spurre. To be feodary of the Crown lands in cos. Notts and Derby; with power to take into the King's hands the persons of ail heirs under age in said cos., and deliver them to Sir Thos. Englefeld, J.C.P., and Sir Wm. Poulett, guardians of such heirs. Westm., 8 Feb.— Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 32. | |
15. Jasper Fraunceis. of Emerike. a native of the parish of Oldechurche, in the town of Emerike (Emmerich ?), in the dominions of the Emperor. Denization. Westm., 5 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 10. | |
16. Eliz. Lawson, wife of Sir Geo. Lawson, and Geo. Lawson, son of the said Geo. and Eliz. Lease of certain parcels [of land] called Burton felds alias Burton leez, in the lordship of Shrefehoton (Yorks.), parcel of the lands assigned for the payment of the garrison of Berwick; with reservations; for 21 years; at the annual rent of 13l. 16s. 8d., and 40d. increase. On surrender of patent 5 March 9 Hen. VIII. granting a similar lease to Ric. Rokeby, deceased, who by his will appointed Robt. Creeke of Beverley his executor, and the said Robert, by his deed dated 2 June 17 Hen. VIII., quitclaimed to the said Sir Geo. Lawson, by the name of Geo. Lawson of York, all his interest in the premises. Del. [Westm.], 8 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2. m. 6. | |
17. Sir Thos. Audeley, lord chancellor, and Thos. Crumwell, chief secretary and Master of the Rolls. Power to grant denizations. Westm., 6 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Feb.—S.B. | |
18. John Hunte of Westlulworthe, Dorset, glover. Pardon for having, on the 16 June last, accidentally shot with an arrow one Hen. Jacobbe, who died on the 23 June, as appears by inquisition taken at Westlulworthe on the 23 June last before Wm. Stone, one of the coroners in the said co. Westm., 11 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 10. | |
19. Nicholas Sympson. a page of the Privy Chamber, and Joan his wife. Grant, in survivorship, of the manor called Canon Hall, Wanstede, Essex, with all lands, &c. in Wanstede and Westham, Essex, thereto belonging, which came into the King's hands by grant of the prior and convent of the late priory of Holy Trinity, London; on surrender of a grant of the same to the said Nicholas alone on the 18 Feb. 25 Hen. VIII. Also three messuages in the parish of St. Mary Colchurche, in the ward of Chepe, London, tenanted by Edw. Sole, Will. Reymond and Anth. Totehill, grocers; which also came to the King by gift of the said late prior and convent. Westm., 25 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 30. | |
20. Thos. Darcy, lord Darcy. Licence, on account of his age and infirmity, to absent himself from Parliament, and exemption from being placed in any commission.—, 28 Oct. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Feb.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 38. | |
21. Elizabeth late lady Taylboys, now wife of lord Clynton. Grant of three tuns of Gascon wine yearly of the prizes of the port of Boston, Linc. Del. Westm., 12 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23. | |
22. Peter Harrison, a native of Gelderland. Denization. Westm., 12 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 43. | |
23. James Langman of Besthorp, Norf., butcher. Pardon for the murder of Thomas Barker. Del. Westm., 13 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 37. | |
24. Thos. Wolvert, girdeler, of London. Protection, for one year, in the suite of Arthur Plantagenet, viscount Lisle, deputy of Calais. Westm., 10 Feb. 26 Hen.VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Feb.—P.S. | |
25. Beds.—Commission to Walt. Luke, one of the justices of the Common Pleas, Sir Fran. Brian, Sir John Dyve and Sir John Seynt John, to make inquisition p. m. on the lands and heir of Reg. Grey. Westm., 14 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 32d. | |
26. Thos. Wilson, mercer, London. Protection, for one year, in the suite of Sir Arthur Plantagenet, viscount Lisle, deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 15 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat., p. 1, m. 30. | |
27. John Averye, yeoman of the King's bottles. To be steward, surveyor and receiver of the lands late of Res Griffyth, in the "comwoode" (commote) of Kidwelly, Karnollon and Iskennon, in the lordship of Kidwelly, S. Wales, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, and governor of the manred in the said "comewood"; with the appointment of officers under him. Greenwich, 25 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 38. | |
28. Wm. Barres, a native of France. Denization. Westm. 15 Feb. — Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 40. | |
29. James Swygher, a native of Flanders. Denization. Westm. 15 Feb. — Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 40. | |
30. City of Exeter. That the mayor and recorder and persons who have filled those offices, so long as they continue aldermen, shall be justices of the peace in the said city and liberty. Greenwich, 11 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 38. | |
31. John Duxe alias John Hassenor, of Cambridge, cordwainer, a native of the bishopric of Liege, in the Emperor's dominions. Denization. Westm., 16 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 40. | |
32. James Theodoricus, a native of Friesland. Denization. Westm., 16 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 43. | |
33. Gilbert Basyll, a native of Gelderland. Denization. Westm., 16 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 41. | |
34. Lambert Luper, joiner, a native of the bishopric of Liege, in the Emperor's dominions. Denization. Westm., 16 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 41. | |
35. John Bartelot. Reversion of the office of searcher in the town and port of Calais, with 12d. a day, now held by John Miller by patent 21 May 7 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B.—Pat. p. 2, m 32. | |
36. John Dirrikys, cordwainer, a native of the bishopric of Liege, in the Emperor's dominions. Denization. Westm., 17 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 41. | |
37. Carolus Capellus, Venetian ambassador. Passport on his return home, with servants, 21 horses, 2 mares, &c. 18 Feb.—S. B. | |
38. Thos. Hennage, a gentleman of the Privy Chamber. Grant of the rents and farms of the lands of the King's tenants-atwill in Saltefletby, in the lordship of Stewton, Linc., and the said lordship of Stewton; which rents, &c. are parcel of the possessions of the late viscount Beaumounte. The grant of the said rents and farms is in reversion after John Hennage, along with a grant in præsenti of a rent and farm of 8l. 13s. 4d. reserved upon a lease of the same granted to John Hennage by Sir John Daunce and John Hales by an indenture dated 6 Feb. 17 Hen. VIII. Also, the reversion of the site of the manor of Stewton and all demesne lands, &c. there; of the tenements called Esthouse and Westhouse, and certain enclosures thereto adjoining; and of five acres of meadow called Hollands, in Stewton, which are leased to Sir Wm. Skipwith, by patent 18 March 24 Hen. VIII.; with the rent of 21l. 13s. 4d. reserved upon the said lease. Del. Westm., 18 Feb. 26 Hen.VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 21. | |
39. Denizations. | |
Will. Waters of Cambridge, tailor, a native of Antwerp, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
John Nele of Cambridge, shoemaker, a native of the bishopric of Liege, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Hen. Brikman, stationer, a native of Culenborth, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Hen. Harmanson, stationer, a native of the city of Daventria, in the diocese of Utrecht, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Boniface Mewrs, a native of the town of Masseke (Maseyck), in the diocese of Liege. | |
Westm., 19 Feb. | |
Pat. 26 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 41. | |
40. Denizations. | |
Geo. Collyn, shoemaker, a native of Cologne. | |
Lambert Fandissoldorpe, a native of Cologne and born subject of the Emperor. | |
Hen. Garrison, a native of Ughtrite (Utrecht). | |
Geo. Heys, a native of Cologne. | |
Francis Cowper, a native of Luke (Llege) and born subject of the Emperor. | |
Drake Hallar, a native of Cleves and born subject of the Emperor. Westm., 19 Feb. | |
Pat. 26 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 43. | |
41. John Mynne. Reversion of the office of one of the auditors of the Exchequer on the death, resignation or surrender of John Assheton, John Goldynge, Edw. Chamber, Brian Taylour or William à Price, now auditors of the Exchequer. Del. Westm., 20 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 22. | |
42. Robt. Radforth, canon. To be prior of St. Sepulchre's, Warwick, vice Wm. Harvy, deceased. Del. Westm., 20 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 37. | |
43. Leicestershire.—Commission to Edw. Mountague, serjeant-at-law, and John Harryngton, to make inquisition p.m. on the lands and heir of Walter Kebyll. Westm., 20 Feb. Pat. 26 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 32d. | |
44. Denizations. | |
Egbart Tybbanson, cordwainer, a native of Ewteright (Utrecht), in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Herman Inonis (?) of Banderalt, a native of Juliers, in the diocese of Liege. | |
Westm., 20 Feb. | |
Pat. 26 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 41. | |
45. Nic. Haryson, cordwainer, a native of Gelderland, in the Emperor's dominions. Denization. Westm., 21 Feb. — Pat. 26 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 41. | |
46. Thos. Crofte. Lease of the demesne lands, &c. of the manor of Wygmour, in Wygmourland, marches of Wales, parcel of the earldom of March; the meadows called Segemede, Normands Crofte Magna, and Normands Crofte Parva, in the lordship of Lenthall Starkes, member of the said manor; the cornmills called Aylemynster Mylles, in the lordship of Lenthall Comitis, member of the said manor; the meadows called Newmylmore, Brodemede, Shiphey and Muttonhale, and the pasture called Buryton Poles, in the lordship of Buryton, member of the said manor; with reservations, for 21 years, at certain stated rents. Del. Westm., 22 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 20. | |
47. David Holand, yeoman of the Chamber. Lease of the manor of Denorben Vaure, commote of Istulas, in the lordship of Denbich, parcel of the earldom of March; for the term of 21 years, at the annual rent of 5l., and 60s. newly approved; on surrender of patent 27 March 9 Hen. VIII., granting him a similar lease. Del. Westm., 22 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 20. | |
48. Roger Walford of Claverdon, Warw., yeoman. Lease of the site of the manor of Claverdon; two meadows, called "The Brode Medowe," and "Bukkenam," with "lez Hadys;" the arable lands called Caylands, in Claverdon, now in the tenure of the said Roger; two crofts there called Asshwells, and a field called Ernyngale felde; a cottage in Claverdon, and a croft with an acre of land there, in the tenure of the said Roger; a croft called Laicrofte, and another croft there called Pickerells; with reservations; for 21 years, at certain rents payable to the receiver of Warwick lands; on surrender of patent, 16 July 9 Hen. VIII., granting a similar lease to the said Roger. Del. Westm., 22 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 20. | |
49. Denizations. | |
Rob. Desanyce of London, tailor, a native of Hareflete, in the dominions of the French king. | |
Martin Couers, a native of Liege, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Michael Williams, shoemaker, a native of Brabant, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Godfrey Nolans, tailor, a native of Brabant. | |
Westm., 22 Feb. | |
Pat. 26 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 41. | |
50. Hanibal Zenzano, farrier of the King's horses, a native of Italy. Denization. Westm., 22 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 43. | |
51. Roger Carne. Lease of the undermentioned parcels within the lordship of Rythyn, Glamorgan, parcel of the lands late of Jasper duke of Bedford, viz.:—24½ acres of land in Pante Rithyn, late in the tenure of Thos. ap Roger; 6½ acres in Pante Rithyn, in the tenure of John Stradlynge; 4½ acres 3¼ quarters of an acre of land in the tenure of Glam Vadam; 1¾ acres called Gurne Lloyd; 15 acres of land in the tenure of Thos. Dee; and ½ acre of land late of Quyrill, son of Jevan ap Glam; with reservations; for the term of 21 years, at certain stated rents. Del. Westm., 23 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 37. | |
52. Denizations. | |
Gregory Richardson, glasier, a native of Sconhoma, in Holland, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Michael Mark of London, hosier, a native of the Emperor's dominions. | |
Godfrey Loubury of London, shoemaker, a native of the duchy of Cleves. | |
John Lowbury of London, shoemaker, a native of Cleves. | |
Michael Myles of London, cobbler, a native of the Emperor's dominions. | |
James Robardys of Brewe Denall, in Britanny, alias of Calais, mariner, a native of Britanny and born subject of Lewis king of the French. | |
Derick Fanliterforde of London, tailor, a native of Saunton, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
John Holibusche of London, stationer alias bookbinder, a native of Roermond, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
John Brande of London, cordwainer alias shoemaker, a native of Unnowe, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
John Lanwaert, tailor, alias John Love, of London, butcher, a native of Lononia (qu. Louvain?,) in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Derick Johnson de Fryse, of London, alias Derick Johnson de Bomell, tailor alias butcher, a native of Gelderland. | |
Westm. 24 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 41. | |
53. Wm. Leuardeson, a native of the city of Cologne. Denization. Del. Westm., 25 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, | |
54. Denizations. | |
James Dirikkys, shoemaker, born a subject of the duke of Cleves. | |
John Harford, shoemaker, a native of the bishopric of Howsenbrige, in the dominions of the duke of Saxony. | |
Cornelius Johnson, basket-maker, born a subject of the Emperor. | |
Imandus Cornelii, a native of Zealand. | |
Peter Colman, a native of Barrowe, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Bartholomew Leonard, shoemaker, a native of Liege, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Giles Mason of London, tailor, a native of the Emperor's dominions. | |
John Waterscot, goldsmith, a native of Flanders, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
Will Leonardson, a native of the city of Cologne. | |
Westm., 25 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 41. | |
55. Sir George Griffith. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Sir Walter Griffith, deceased, and to Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, one of the justices of the Common Pleas, Sir Wm. Skevington, Sir Anth. Babyngton, Hezekiah Clyfton, Wm. Asshebie, Wm. Chetwin, Thos. Skevyngton, Wm. Sowche, Rog. Wescote, Thos. Skevyngton, sen., Thomas Moreton, Robt. Tovie, and Wm. Webster, chaplain, as trustees, on all the possessions of the said Walter in England, Wales, Calais or the marches thereof. Westm., 27 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 12. | |
56. George Salveyn. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Sir Ralph Salveyn, deceased, on all the possessions of the said Ralph, and of Anne Salveyn, his widow, on her death, in England, Ireland, Wales, Calais and the marches thereof. Westm., 24 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 14. | |
57. Rog. Say of Saxlingham, Norf., alias of London alias of Grenewiche, Kent, yeoman alias servingman. Pardon for having on the 31 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII. stolen a silvergilt dish belonging to the King, in the manor of Greenwich. Westm., 26 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2. | |
58. Denizations. | |
Peter Mountenaken, a native of Flanders. | |
James Nicholson, glazier, a native of the Emperor's dominions. | |
Hen. Garrett, glazier, a native of the duke of Cleves' dominions. | |
Nic. Yoman, shoemaker, a native of Liege and born subject of the Emperor. | |
Simon Martynson of London, stationer, a native of Haerlem, in Holland, in the Emperor's dominions. | |
John Cocke alias Hane of London, cordwainer, a native of Glanvandermark, in the dominions of the duke of Cleves. | |
John Abrowyler alias John Coleyne, shoemaker, born a subject of the Emperor. | |
Simon Over, a native of Normandy and born subject of the king of the French. | |
Westm., 26 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, ms. 41–2. | |
59. For the abbey of Godstowe, Oxon. Congé d'élire to Agnes Oxford, the prioress, and the convent of Godstowe, on the resignation of Margaret Tewkesbury, the abbess, on account of old age and ill-health. Hampton Court, 26 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII.—P.S. | |
60. Denizations. | |
Will Skrewar of London, shoe maker, born a subject of the duke of Cleves. | |
John Antony of London, shoemaker, a native of the bishopric of Cologne. | |
Matthew Levyson, shoemaker, born a subject of the Emperor. | |
John Topige, hatter, born a subject of the Emperor. | |
Comus Sawyn, born a subject of the Emperor. | |
Hector Bayne, a native of the diocese of St. Andrew's and born subject of the king of Scots. | |
Westm., 27 Feb.—Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 42. | |
61. Westminster Abbey. Constat and exemplification, at the request of Wm. abbot of St. Peter's, Westminster; of patent 17 Dec. 13 Hen. VII., for forbidding the removal of choristers from the said monastery of St. Peter, Westminster, and authorising the chaunter of the monastery to take choristers for the same monastery from any place in England, except the Chapel Royal. Westm., 27 Feb.— Pat. 26 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 36. | |
62. Thomas ap Guillam, page of the Chamber, and John ap Guillam, sewer of the Chamber, his son. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of ranger of the forest of Deane, Glouc., with fees out of the lordship of St. Briavell's, bailiff of Fanhope and Maunsell Lacy, Heref., keeper of Mylkewode Chase, within the lordship of Berkeley, with 40s. a year, and keeper of Mylkewood Chase, within the county of Gloucester, with 40s. a year. This grant is on surrender of patents dated 5 July 16 H. 8; 4 Sept. 6 H. 8; 19 Apr. 1 H. 8; and 25 Feb. 1 H. 8; by which the said Thomas alone held the said offices severally. Hampton Court, 28 Feb. 26 Hen. VIII. Del....... —P.S. | |
R. O. | 292. Royal Supremacy. |
Articles devised by the abp. of York in favor of the King's supremacy, and declaration of the same by the clergy of his province. | |
Pp. 6. | |
R. O. | 2. Another copy, with additions by Cromwell. |
R. O. | 293. Diocese of Bath and Wells. |
Injunctions by John [Clerk], bp. of Bath and Wells, to his clergy for publishing the King's supremacy in their several cures, and erasing the name of the bishop of Rome from the service books. Wells, the — (fn. 12) day of— (fn. 12). | |
Pp. 3. Endd. | |
ii. Places to be reformed within the diocese of Bath in the books of the churches by the King's command, consisting of 29 items. | |
Pp. 2. | |
R. O. | 294. The Royal Supremacy. |
A discourse in defence of the same, intended for the use of unlearned priests. | |
Begins: Ye shall understand that I am commanded by mine ordinary to declare unto you. | |
Ends: being under their rule and dominion. | |
Pp. 5. Endd.. Articles for priests unlearned. | |
R. O. | 295. The Supremacy. |
Fifteen "articles concerning the power of the bishop of Rome and the statute whereby the King is recognised to be supreme head of the Church of England." | |
Pp. 4. Endd. | |
R. O. | 296. Ecclesiastical Courts. |
Fragment of a treatise set forth by the King, entitled "A breve tretie for the practise, stile, observation of terms and exercise of causes in our spiritual laws of England." Refers to the Act of Supremacy, 26 Hen. VIII. | |
Pp. 61. | |
R. O. | 297. Convent of Stratford [Langthorne] to Sir Roger Chomley, Recorder of London. |
Sunday last the abbot, according to the old papistical custom, read a sentence among us, saying he was grieved so to do, not only denouncing us accursed because of our controversy at this last visitation, discharging our conscience according to our oath to the King as supreme head of the Church, but also for proclaiming it abroad, saying that we are accursed. The excommunication was procured by the General Chapter beyond sea, by none other authority than that of certain bishops of Rome in past years. All such excommunications are forbidden by Parliament as contrary to the King's supremacy. Such conduct we think is not that of a true subject. If not, we desire you will make interest with the King that we may obtain absolution. We desire you, Master Steward, if you think it contrary to law, to show it to the visitors. | |
ii. Copy of the sentence. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd. | |
R. O. | 298. Sir John Nevill to Cromwell. |
Sir Will. Hansarte, deceased, had one son, Thomas, late deceased without heir male. My friend Herry Hansart is the right heir, but not able to sue the law without help. He desires you will of your charity direct letters to the justices of assize and to my lord Borow and Mr. Monson for their lawful favor. He hears that the son of this Monson has got one of the Hansarts' name, and reapparelled him and sent him into the country to make answer before you and gain friends. The assize is on Monday before Palm Sunday. If you will let him have your letters before that day he will give you 40l. of the land for ever. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd. | |
R. O. | 299. S. V[aughan] to Cromwell. |
I have sent you by Williamson, your servant, the writings that when I was with you were sent out of Flanders respecting your process there. I advise you to consult Dr. Tregunnell upon them. The procurator there writes for money for himself and your advocate. I advise you to send for Thos. Legh, merchant of the Staple, to repair to Brussels. He shall do you another pleasure. I have a bill of Mr. Hacquett's son, of 20 marks Flemish, which he offered to pay Legh if he might have his bill. Legh goes to Flanders on Friday next. You must cause Sowlement to write to you. I have got an ague, from my desire to smell the sweet hedges in the country. "My battle draweth nigh." This Tuesday. | |
Hol. p. 1. Add.: Secretary. | |
R. O. | 300. S. Vaughan to Cromwell. |
I have been diseased of an ague 14 days, but have now recovered. After the fever vexed me I was told it had taken you. Though I have often sent, I can hear nothing certain of you. If you are amending it must proceed from the benefit of nature or very good regiment. I can recommend you a man who, though he is no physician, has had much to do with fevers. He is my wife's brother, and you will find in him much help. Wednesday. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. | |
R. O. | 301. S. V[aughan] to Cromwell. |
Among the many benefices which fall daily through the lewdness and traitorous demeanor of evil priests, I beg you will be mindful of my wife's brother. You will never repent it. I would never have written to you in his behalf, though he did me such service in my sickness, did he not deserve it. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. | |
R. O. | 302. Vaughan to Cromwell. |
Whereas you have taken great displeasure with me for the last and only fault I ever committed, and to threaten me very sharply before other men, I am extremely sorry. I did this neither wilfully nor arrogantly. When your passion is assuaged, bear me in your favor. By the contrary you may undo me, my wife and my children for one fault, who have been so long in your service. As men in great heat are not assured of themselves, neither was I when a small occasion was offered me. I am not the untrustiest of your friends, though you have sore abashed and astonied me. London, Friday. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd. | |
R. O. | 303. S. Vaughan to Cromwell. |
Rob. Pakyngton intends to report to you the truth of all that is passed in Flanders, and deserves your thanks. The King has no better subject. Our ship will not be ready till Tuesday. We can get no mariners. They run away, and ought to be punished. London, Saturday. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd. | |
R. O. | 304. S. V[Aughan] to Cromwell. |
I have been with him to whom ye willed me to go, and have said as you commanded. He answered he was glad of my company, and purposed to leave in the morning about 8 o'clock and ride 17 miles. I said I was glad it was my chance to keep him company. He was more joyous to be with me. Thus we departed. I will not forget what you willed me to do. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. |