Henry VIII: June 1535, 22-30

Pages 356-379

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 8, January-July 1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1885.

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June 1535, 22-30

22 June.
Vesp.C. vii. 66.
B. M.
905. T. Batcock to Cromwell.
Has sent divers letters, and never heard of their arrival. Sent them to his friend Wm. Pratt of London, from whom he has had no letters. Asks Cromwell to let Wm. Popley advertise him of their receipt. Sends the news since his last letter of 21 May. The Emperor sent ten galleys to intercept the Turkish ambassador on his return from the French king, who, hearing of it, ordered the people of Marseilles to arm the best of his to conduct the Turk's galley. They left in a storm, and escaped the Emperor's galleys, which were in port. The Emperor is marvellously displeased. Hears that there were 200 ships and galleys and 30,000 men at Barsalona. The Emperor set sail on the last of May for Sardeyna. He left behind 6,000 soldiers, and took 6,000 adventurers to save cost. The soldiers he has ordered to go to Italy at his cost. He left behind also 900 horsemen, whom he could not ship. 50 galleys, 100 ships, and 15,000 "Almen" and Spaniards, tarry in Sardinia, and if he needs any more men he will take them in Cecila. The Emperor intends to pass to Tonys because the king of Tonys has "juntyd" 60,000 of his Moors, and lies at the siege of the town, and tarries upon the succour of the Emperor. If he takes Tonys, he will send part of his army to "tack" Alger; thence he will pass to Greece, which he trusts to take, as the Greeks will rise against the Turk. The Emperor has all manner of weapons and artillery that the Greeks will need. The Suffy wars strongly against the Turk, who will not be able to resist him and the Emperor.
Small vessels going from this country and Biscaya to Malaga are ordered to return hither.
Sends this letter to Mr. Thos. Whitt of Bristow.
Asks Cromwell, in remembrance of the good service he has done the King and his father, to get him a license for 100 tun of wine and woad, to help him in his age. In the Rendre, 22 June 1535.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
22 June.
R. O.
906. The King's Payments.
Indenture of receipt given by Cromwell to Tuke, notifying for 1,000l. for the King's affairs. 22 June 27 Hen. VIII. Signed by Alan Hawte, Tuke's clerk.
22 June.
Royal MS. 7 C. xvi. f. 66.
B. M.
907. Plate.
"Thes parcellis war in the custody of Wyllm. Worley, and delyvered to Amyas Hille, at Wyndesour, the 22nd day of June, a° regis Henrici VIII. 27, by thandes of Edmonde Harman."
A standing cup of gold, having three roses and a sapphire in the top. A gold cruse with a cover and an acorn in the top. A gold chain enamelled with black, and a great tablet hanging thereto with an antique chased on it. A flat gold chain with an unicorn's horn; another with a tablet of Our Lady, and Ave Maria round it; another with In God is all my trust round it. A pomander and a dial closed in a triangular tablet of gold. A gold bracelet, with a scripture enamelled in black, Plus tost morir que changer ma pensee. A tablet with St. James. A gold crucifix enamelled white and black. A box of registers, one of gold and one of silver. A little pair of writing tables, garnished with silver and gilt. Another new flat chain, brought to Windsor since Worley departed. And other similar articles.
Pp. 2. Endd.
22 June.
R. O.
908. John Sutton to Peter Rede.
I thank you for the kind letter you have sent me, dated 28th ult. I understand that you are with the ambassador of England. If he favors you, you may be promoted hereafter. I am sorry you mistrusted me at your first going over. If there be any fault, it is in you, and not in me. I have always wished to do you good. All in Norwich are your friends. Rone (Rouen), 22 June 1535.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his well-beloved brother, Peter Rede, now being with the Inbasyter of Yngland in Spayne. Add. also in French to the same effect. Endd.
22 June.
Add. MS. 8,715, f. 76 b.
B. M.
909. Bishop of Faenza to M. Ambrogio.
The Admiral, who was 22 days at Calais, returned on the 17th, though it was said everywhere that he would go on to England. Mons. de Ricciafort (Rochford), the brother of the new Queen, came here for eight days, but, as far as could be seen, did nothing. It is only from his relation to the Queen that he is employed, for the King has very few to trust in. All business passes through the hands of people who depend on the new Queen, and must therefore be settled according to her purpose. This was the case in the negociations with the Admiral, which were broken off on account of his refusal to allow the duke of Angoulême to go to England until the girl was old enough to be married, and because he would not declare in any way against the Church, or in favour of the King's second wife (ne voler difendere in alcun modo contro la chiesa o declaratione del concilio la causa della seconda moglie). Every one knows that the alliance (parentado) has not been concluded, as both sides confidently affirmed it would be, but that the ambassadors separated very ill satisfied, and the English are guarding Calais more carefully than they have done, even when the French were there in greater numbers. However, both sides affirm the friendship to be firmer than ever. The French king and Council say that their respect to the Holy See and the Pope has been the principal cause of their not coming to some other understanding (ad altro ristretto) with the king of England, who is a most bitter enemy of the Church, and so firm in his opinion that he intends to die in it, and tries to have this kingdom for company. The duke of Norfolk, according to the Admiral, affirms that he would sooner die than see any change as regards the King or the new Queen; which is not unlike what the writer has heard in other ways of Norfolk, viz., that this breaking off might reasonably have been expected, matters depending very much on his dexterity, and the affairs of England being commonly managed more than barbarously. For he, being one of the greatest men in the kingdom, and having sons, and the duke of Richmond for his son-in-law, might hope one day to have that daughter for one of his sons, or, if disorders ensued, to get the rule into his own hands. The French lords are not too well contented with the English, who, since Norfolk's return, have despatched a courier, and show themselves displeased that nothing was concluded at Calais. The Admiral, though he takes Fisher's case much to heart, has great fears for his life, especially as the Pope says in the brief that the created him a cardinal to make use of him in the Council. He says also that the English pretended that he could not live much more than a month, being a valetudinarian of 90; which shows what they mean to do with him, reckoning him 25 years older than he is, although they declare there is no hope in any case of his coming out of prison. These are truly the most monstrous things seen in our time. The French make great account with the Pope of not listening to anything proposed to them by the English which might turn to the damage of the Holy See.
Ital., pp. 9, modern copy. Headed: In Amoien, al Sig. M. Ambrogio, alli 12 (sic) ut supra.
R. O. 2. An extract copy from the original is in the Vatican transcripts, dated Amiens, 22 June 1535.
Pp. 3.
22 June
Add. MS. 8,715, f. 80 b.
B. M.
910. Bishop of Faenza to M. di Fossumbrone, Papal Nuncio with the Emperor.
The Admiral, who was at Calais with the duke of Norfolk, returned six days ago without having concluded the marriage of the duke of Angoulême with the last daughter of the King, which was spoken of as certain on both sides, or anything else that one can hear of; but the capitulation and the old friendship remain. The cause was the exorbitant demand of the English that the French king should bind himself to maintain Henry's marriage against the Pope and any determination of the Council; and finally they wished him to act in Church matters as had been done in England. They are very anxious about Fisher. The English who were at Calais say that he will not come out of prison; that he is 90 years of age, and very ill, giving him 25 years more than he has; and that he cannot live more than a month; so that it is easily seen that in this their actions correspond with the others. The cardinal of Paris set out four days ago for Rome. * * *
Ital., pp. 2, modern copy. Headed: A Mons. di Fossumbrone, Nuntio di Sua Santita all a Maesta Casarea. D'Amien, alli 22 di Giugno 1535.
23 June.
R. O.
911. Cinque Ports.
Writ of Geo. Boleyn lord Rochford, as warden of the Cinque Ports, to the bailiff and jurates of Romney and Old Romney, to provide a jury at Lyde on Thursday, 1 July. Dover Castle, 23 June 27 Hen. VIII.
R. O. 2. Similar writ to the bailiff and jurates of Lyde. Dover Castle, 23 June 27 Hen. VIII.
Sealed. Add. Endd.
R. O. 3. Bailiff and jurates of Romney to lord Rochford, warden of the Cinque Ports.
Send the names of 12 jurors, according to his writ. Romney, 1 July 27 Hen. VIII.
Lat., p. 1.
R. O. 4. Presentments of the jury at Lydd, concerning lead, wine, sugar loaves, &c. found at Weis end, Langard, Brockes end, the Forland, the Nasse, &c., the last date being Whitsuntide 27 Hen. VIII.
Signed by Thos. Cuttarde. Pp. 2.
ii. Presentment of the jury at Romney concerning wine, a streamer with a shield of St. George, &c.
Signed by Thos. Cuttarde, on behalf of his fellows, 1 July 27 Hen. VIII. Pp. 1. Endd.
R. O. 5. Modern abstract of § 4. 1 July 27 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
23 June.
R. O.
912. Edward Fox to Lord Lisle.
Thanks him for kindness showed to the writer at his last being at Calais. The King has declared in presence of the Council, "at this our return from you," his very great regard for Lisle. He was seconded by my lord of Norfolk and Master Secretary. To reform all disorders in Calais and the pale, the King has resolved to send Mr. Treasurer Fitzwilliam to Calais with commission for that purpose. London, 23 June.
Hol., p. 1. Sealed. Add. Endd.: My lord of Harford the xxiijth of June.
23 June.
R. O.
913. Christopher Morres.
Expenses of Christopher Morres, sent by the King to Lubeck, 28 Oct. 26 Hen. VIII.
His diets for 239 days from 28 Oct. to 23 June, at 10s. a day. Reward to the horsemen of Hambrowe, and a waggon for their conduct to Lubeck, 27 Nov., 3l. 3s. 4d. To the same horsemen, 9 Dec., for conduct to Rostock, 45s. To Thos. Davynson, 25 Jan., sent from Rostok to Copmanhaven to Geo. Wulwever, 21s. For his conduct from Wismer to Rostok, 8 March, 21s. From Rostok to Sounde and back, 12 March, 42s. His passage into Denmark from Rostoke, 1 April, 20s. Conduct from Gosser to Copmanhaven, 2 April, 21s. Conduct to Elsenour and back to Copmanhaven, 12 April, 14s. Boat hire to view Elsenburgh, 25 April, 3s. 6d. Boat hire from Copmanhaven to Elbowe, Launcron, and back, 4 May, 7s. Conduct to Yorkholme, which was "beseched," to Danskholme, and along by the Belt, for five days, 10 May, 53s. 4d. Conduct from Copmanhaven to Elsenour and to Warbarge, 26 May, 34s. 8d. To Oliver Holl, the lodeman, 27s. In reward at Warbarge, 22s. Total, 139l. 4s. 10d.
Whereof Morres received from Mr. Secretary, 27 Oct., by Wm. Body, 50l.; and from Ric. Candishe, Esq., at Wismer, 25l.
Due to Morres, 64l. 4s. 10d.
Pp. 4.
23 June.
R. O.
914. W. Brabazon to Alen and Aylmer.
Is at Kildare, and no soldiers with him, but his own men and gentlemen of the country. Expects much of Kildare will be destroyed before Aylmer and Alen return. Unless they bring better order the King will waste all his cost. Hears no good tidings. Asks them to procure the King's warrant for 500 kerne this winter, which is the charge of 100 horsemen. Is more discouraged by the lack of money than by any war. Midsummer even.
The horsemen will now pay neither for men's nor for horse meat, and the country is ready to flee from them. Wants the Welsh horsemen to be sent for home, seeing their misorder. Desires Aylmer and Alen to come with all speed. But for Thos. Eustace and others would be clearly cast away; therefore desires them to remember his pardon. Wishes for an order forbidding soldiers to plunder on pain of death.
If it had been ordered as agreed that he and the Lord Treasurer should have been in Kildare, all had been well.
Needs not to write; but now, seeing the country is almost lost, puts them in remembrance.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
24 June.
R. O.
915. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
According to the King's letters, I, Master Englefield, the abbot of Gloucester, with many more, were at Gloucester on Sunday last, where my chaplain made a sermon, and did in all things as this bearer, my cousin, can inform you. Sunday next he shall be at Coventry, where my chancellor will meet him for the same purpose. I perceive by Mr. Bedyll's letter that you are desirous of the "avocation" of Halifax, and say that I promised it. I am sure I never did; but as my lord of Norfolk was desirous of it, and I remembered his old goodness to me and my kinsfolk in times past, I wrote to him that I was contented for him to have it. I will endeavour to please you in something else. Gloucester, 24 June. Signed.
P.S. in his own hand.—I pray you will not be displeased touching the aforesaid avocation. Considering that the mortmain is gone, and the great cure annexed, the benefice is not highly to be esteemed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
24 June.
R. O.
916. Sir. Edw. Ferrers to Cromwell.
I thank you for the pains you have taken between my son Frognall and Mr. Wyott. I have been too sick to visit you. My brother Alex. Frognall did never agree that his son and mine, Thos. Frognall, should have more than 20 marks a year out of the manor of Frognall; but as the said Alexander lived wantonly, and I was afraid lest he should encumber the manor, it was devised that the manor should be assured by covenant to the said Thomas and his wife, and that when they came of age they should make a lease of it to his father during his life, reserving only to themselves 20 marks. But as the said Alexander was negligent to call for [it] when his son was of full age, who entered into covenant with Wyott before it was his own, and the said Alexander received the whole profits, I have desired Mr. Wigston to inform you further of my mind in the premises. Baddesley, 24 June.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
24 June.
R. O.
917. Lawson to Cromwell.
Today Geo. Duglas sent his servant for the money due to him for keeping Cawe Mylles. As Cromwell knows, Lawson has not a penny. Entreats him to send a warrant for the sum to the abbot of St. Mary's by the bearer. Next week money will come in from the clerical subsidy. There is great exclamation for payment of the last garrison. Many of the captains think that the warrant has come to his hands and he will not pay them. It were a good deed to help the poor men to their money.
Desires him to obtain the repayment of 100l. borrowed from him by Dacre when he was last in London. Asks him to despatch his servant, and give credence to the bearer. York, 24 June.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
24 June.
R. O.
918. Henry Earl of Essex to Lord Lisle.
Begs redress against Thos. Hall, who has hindered Jas. Whetley, a friend of the writer's. Is much obliged for the wines he sent him. Desires a tun of French wine against his servant's coming. 24 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Deputy of Calais.
24 June.
R. O.
919. Sir Will. Kyngston to [Lord Lisle].
I thank you and my Lady for my "puetts," "which made the King merry in Waltham forest," and also for your letters. The hawk you sent to my lord of Carlisle has not yet come, "bot when she comys you apounted a gud keper fro hyr for Johnnies may now keper well, for my lord his master fell yowt with hym for playing at penny gleke and never will play with hym agayn." No news here worth writing. The King and Queen are well, "and her Grace has a fair belly as I have seen." Master Treasurer was never better, and thanks you for your continual kindness. You wrote me for Master Elmer. I have not yet spoken with him, but will do for him as for my brother. Master Radcliff recommends him to you and my lady and so does my poor wife, who has had little health since your departure. Do not forget me to my good bedfellow Master Porter (my lady is here), and to Master Marshall and my lady. Greenwich, St. John's Day.
Hol., p. 1. Endd.: 24 June.
25 June. 920. Cromwell.
See Grants in June, No. 22.
25 June.
R. O.
Burnet, vi. 106.
Strype's Eccl. Mem. i. pt. ii. 209.
921. Henry VIII. to —.
A circular setting forth the measures taken for the abolition of the bishop of Rome's authority, the King's assumption of the title of Supreme Head of the Church, and the instructions sent to the bishops to cause the clergy to preach accordingly, and to erase the bishop of Rome's name from mass-books, &c. used in churches. The person addressed is to see to the execution of the premises in the parts about him, and make diligent search whether the bishops and clergy do sincerely preach to the people as abovementioned, and is also to declare the same to the people at the assizes. He is also to set forth the treasons of the late bishop of Rochester and Sir Thos. More. Westm., 25 June.
Pp. 5, mutilated. Signed at the top with a stamp.
Add.: To our trusty and right well beloved councillor.
Cleop. E. vi. 214.
B. M.
2. Another copy, also signed with a stamp.
Pp. 4. Sealed.
Add. MS. 32,091, f. 119.
B. M.
3. Imperfect copy of the same. Not signed.
Harl. 283, f. 104.
B. M.
4. A later copy.
Pp. 3.
25 June.
Cleop. E. vi. 260.*
B. M.
Ellis, 3 Ser. ii. 335.
Strype, i. ii. 206.
922. John Bishop of Lincoln to Cromwell.
I have, according to the King's command, set forth throughout my diocese his title of Supreme Head, and shall continue. The last letter of declaration in English sent me by your Mastership must go to so many places in my diocese that the clerks I have are insufficient, and I have had 2,000 printed, of which I send a copy. I desire to know if it be your pleasure to have it sent forth in this form. Wooborn, 25 June.
Signed. Endd.
25 June.
R. O.
923. Roland Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to Robert Browne.
Learn Mr. Secretary's pleasure in the following: Many of those who have been guilty of felony or manslaughter have, on their submission, been received by this Council; but of late some who have been guilty of rape or murder have made their submission; whom we doubt about receiving until we know Mr. Secretary's pleasure. They have offered to take other thieves for their pardon, and for eight years to be of good disposition. Gloucester, 25 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my servant Robert Broune, lying at Chester Place in London. Endd.
25 June.
R. O.
924. William Lord Sandys to Cromwell.
I received your letter. And whereas you have written for this bearer, Mr. Browne, that I had granted to him the advowson of a benefice; I must deny it, for I gave it to Walter Rowdon for a kinsman of his, who died before the vacancy, and then this Browne came to Mr. Arnold, Rowdon's executor, and demanded presentation, which Arnold gave him on condition of his obtaining my consent. He then sued to the official for institution, unknown to the chancellor and unlawfully. I have presented a chaplain, a kinsman of my wife, who has been lawfully instituted. I marvel not a little you should ask me to do what is contrary to law, right, and conscience. I have done nothing but what was proper. This Mr. Browne has not only been with my lord of Wiltshire and with you, but with all my other friends. I beg, therefore, you will give your favor to my wife's kinsman in this matter. I and my poor house have been punished by the hand of God. Three of my tallest men have died, and most of my other servants have been sick. I am constrained to repose in a poor lodge in the forest of Wulmer, and my wife in another, so that I cannot wait upon the King, to whom I beg you will excuse me. The Forest of Wulmer, 25 June. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Mr. Secretary.
25 June.
R. O.
925. [Sir] Ric. Bulkeley to Cromwell.
I send you 20l. in a poor token, which I intend to continue yearly; also a bag which my old master the Cardinal ware, and gave me the last time I saw him. Your Mastership told my servant, this bearer, when he was last with you, that I would suffer no man to dwell in this country but myself. I trust you believe no such thing in me, for I never intended to expulse any man, but only to do the King service, though I was hindered by my old adversaries Edw. Gruff, Dr. Glyn, Serjeant Pilston, and Sir Roland, late deceased. "They play with me Scogan; for they begin to complain because they know that I have special good matter to lay unto their charges." I beg you to believe no such thing till it is proved. My only trust is in you and Mr. Norres. This year and a half past I have been occupied with this King's commandment and yours for the preparation of harness within the three shires of North Wales, and also with the King's commission for the tenth within the dioceses of Bangor and St. Asaph's; which have been to my no small charges. Bewmares, 25 June.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
25 June.
R. O.
926. John Butler to Cromwell.
Sends half a dozen storks by the bearer. If the King and Cromwell had come to Calais it would have rejoiced many a good man's heart. Calais, 25 June 1535.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
[25] June.
R. O.
927. Thomas Culpeper to Lord Lisle.
Thanks him for favors at various times. The bearer has made a special suit to me, by my lady my mother's letters, that he desires to serve the King in the town of Calais. Would be glad if he could have a place, as he hears there are three now vacant. Friday after Midsummer's day at Westminster, where the Court then was.
Commendations to lady Lisle.
Hol., p. 1. Sealed. Add.
R. O. 928. Thomas Collpepar to Lady Lisle.
I thank your Ladyship for the hawks you sent me, a kindness I can never deserve. No news but that the King and all his Court are merry.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
25 June.
R. O.
929. William Hussy of Flyntham.
Bartholomew Methley to Wm. Hussy.
"Cousin Hussey," I see by your letter, by Miles Anorthe, that you owe Lame (?) but small favor. However, I pray you to help him, and I will bear any cost you put on it. Get him out of the place he is now in, which would soon ruin him. Also see Rob. Fyssher, "which he hath stricken," and arrange a compensation. Recommend me to my cousin, your bedfellow. 25 June 27 H. VIII. From London.
Hol., pp. 2, small paper. Add.: at Flyntham.
R. O. 2. William Hussy to —.
"Right worshipful cousin," you send word that you marvel at my taking the law against your shepherd. I told you last time I saw you what mischief he did in my wood; and a close worth 6s. 8d. a year has been spoilt by his cattle. I trust you will side with an Englishman against a false Scot.
Hol., p. 1, small paper. Mutilated.
R. O. 3. Sir John Byron to William Hussy.
Requesting him, on sight of this, to give up the cattle of Wm. Hotoftes, which Byron hears he has distrained. Hopes to speak with Hussy on Monday next at the assizes. Colwyke, 2 (?) Oct.
Hol., p. 1, small paper. Add.
R. O. 4. Acknowledgment dated the 12th "of ................. the x .. year" of Henry VIII., by Thomas More, servant of Sir Godfrey Foljambe, of the receipt, for two years past, of 3s. 4d. in Knalbye (?) from Wm. Hussy of Flyntham.
P. 1, small paper, faded.
R. O. 5. John Duffeyld, priest, to — Hussy.
I am sorry you keep William Hoose, your son, who went away from me without licence. I am still more sorry that he tells lies of me. I have never beaten him while with me, nor have I ever struck him. If you will correct him for his lying, I will be content to take him back again.
Hol., p. 1, small page, mutilated.
R. O. 930. [The Council of Calais to Cromwell.]
We have received the King's letters, bearing date the 2nd inst., for drowninġ the marsh for the surety of Calais, to be done without rancor or malice, taking care of the haven. Think it would be desirable that an Act of Parliament pass for the purpose. Have drawn a book, which we send and submit for amendment. Your Mastership and my lord of Norfolk have seen the marsh, and know better than we do what inconvenience may arise by the dryness of the same.
In Palmer's hand, p 1. Endd.: The King's letter and Master Secretary's touching Mainbroke.
ii. On the back is the following account in another hand:—
"Mottuns. Item for a veale, ij. s. iiij.d. Item for a parnes (?) of a lam, ij.d. Item for a quarter a motton, x. [d.]. Item for a do. a lam, viij. d. Item for a quarter a veale, vij. d. Item for a parnes (?) of a lam, ij. d. Item for a lene a veale, v. d."
27 June.
R. O.
931. [Lord Lisle to Cromwell.]
"And perceiving by the contents of the same that the King's highness taketh in good part mine answer made to the baillie of Arde concerning the French king's subjects (which was to my no little comfort), yet to be plain with you as my special good master and friend, the residue of your said letters were couched after such sort, and went so nigh unto mine heart, that I could minister unto me such cause of sorrow that never thing grieved me so much in my life hitherto. For I have lived in this world at God's pleasure unto this day, and never went about the bush with any man. And now to have it laid to my charge, and specially by you, that I should use myself after that sort towards my most dread sovereign Lord and King, of whom dependeth all my life and living, it is the greatest heaviness that ever fortuned unto me. And surely I had rather be under the ground than that either the King or you should worthily conceive any such opinion of me. Wherefore, Sir, I most heartily desire and pray you to interpret my writings and sayings as proceeding from him that meaneth as faithfully and as sincerely to deal with the King's highness as becometh his true liege man, and in all such things as his Highness shall commit unto my charge, to execute the same with as much truth and diligence as my poor wit can extend unto." Begs him not to impute it to want of truth or good heart towards the King if he do not express himself so well as he could wish, but rather to the foolishness of his secretary and want of knowledge on his own part. Has taken such order as to the casting down of the marshes, (fn. 1) that he trusts no negligence will be imputed to him. Begs him to move the King for a warrant to his vice-treasurer for the payment of 10l. or 20 marks, which he has no doubt will meet the expenses thereof.
"Such news as is in France and Flanders ye shall be participant of them herein." (fn. 2)
Draft, pp. 3. Endd.: The copy of Mr. Secretary's letter the 27th day of June.
27 June.
Cleop. E. iv. 129.
B. M.
Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 34.
932. The Charterhouse Monks.
Statement of John Darlay, monk of the Charterhouse.
Had licence to say service with father Raby of our religion, a very old man, and when he lay on his death-bed after he had received the sacraments, and the convent had departed, said to him, "Good father Raby, if the dead ma[y] come to the quick, I beseech you to come to me." He said "Yea," and died the same night, "which was in the clansyng days last past, anno 1534." Never thought of him since till St. John Baptist's Day last, when he appeared at 5 p.m. in the entry in our sell, "and said to me, 'Why do ye not follow our father? (fn. 3) And I said, 'Wherefore?' He said, 'For he is a martyr in heaven next unto angels.' And I said, 'Where be all our other fathers which died as well as he?' He answer and said, 'They be well, but not so well as he.' And then I said to him, 'Father, how do ye?' And he answered and said, 'Well enough.' And I said, 'Father, shall I pray for you ?' And he said, 'I am well enough, but prayer both for you and other doeth good;' and so suddenly vanished away."
On Saturday next after, at 5 a.m., he again appeared in the same place with a long white beard, and a white staff in his hand, lifting it up; whereupon I was afraid. "And then, leaning upon his staff, said to me, 'I am sorry that I lived not to I had been a martyr.' And I said, 'I think ye be as well as ye were a martyr.' And he said, 'Nay, for my lord of Rochester and our father was next unto angels in heaven.' And then I said, 'Father, what else?' And then he answered and said, 'The angels of peace did lament and murne without measure;' and so vanished away."
"Written by me, John Darly, monk of the Charterhouse, the 27th day of June, the year of our Lord God aforesaid." (fn. 4)
Hol., pp. 2.
27 June.
Egerton MS. 2, 350, f. 29.
B. M.
933. Thos. Bishop of Ely to Dr. Edmonds, Master of Peter House, Cambridge.
Has received the King's letters ordering him to charge all parsons, vicars, &c. to preach, on every Sunday and solemn feast, the sincere and true Word of God, and to set forth the King's title of Supreme Head, and to declare the just renunciation of the bishop of Rome's usurped authority. Charges him to preach as above in person, and to command the fellows of Peter House to do the same in their parish church in Cambridge. Somerstone, 27 June.
Copy, p. 1.
27 June.
R. O.
934. Robt. Shorton to Cromwell.
Thank you for your great pains taken for me in the reformation of the college of Stoke, wherein you will do a meritorious deed. The bearer will inform you of all the statutes connected with the college, and the enormities committed. I have given him a book, which you may see at your leisure. My lord Cardinal caused Mr. Allen and me to visit the said college, and the comperta of the said visitation I have delivered to the bearer, but no statutes were made thereon. Stoke College, 27 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add., Mr. Secretary. Sealed. Endd.
28 June. 935. Sir Thomas Audeley.
See Grants in June, No. 26.
28 June.
R. O.
936. Balsall, Warwickshire.
Decree in Chancery, annulling a former decree of Sir Thomas More in the suit of Isabella, widow of Martin Docwra, v. Sir Wm. Weston, prior of St. John of Jerusalem, touching a lease made to the said Martin, by the late prior, Sir Thomas Docwra, of the commandry of Balsall, Warwickshire.
Large paper, pp. 3.
28 June.
R. O.
Archæol. ix. 244.
937. Henry VIII. to the Lord Windsor, Keeper of the Great Wardrobe.
Mandate to make payment to John Malte, the King's "tillor;" Th. Addington, the King's skinner; Lettice Worsop, his silk-woman; Wm. Crofton, his "hoosyar;" Henry Cornelys and Henry Johnsone, his cordwainers; and to Wm. Sporyar, for making robes, doublets, &c., and for stuff for the King; for satin, &c., delivered to the Queen; for gowns, coats, &c. for Culpepir, the King's page; the three officers of the King's robes; the two royal barbers; the five grooms of the privy chamber; Mark Philip, and Culpepir of the privy chamber; the said Wm. Crofton; the King's "sporyar;" 67 yeomen of the guard; and Wm. Somar, the King's fool. Given under the sign manual, at Windsor Castle, 28 June 27 Hen. VIII.
To our trustie, &c., counsaillor the lorde Windsore, keper of oure greate warderobe."
Fac-simile of the King's signature.
28 June.
R. O.
938. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
The lord Chief Baron has been your very good friend in your cause. My lord of Norfolk sent me to him with your letter. No precedent can be found in the Exchequer, and therefore this matter cannot be determined there; it must be brought before Norfolk and the Council. He has, however, devised a supplication in the matter, and has bound Anthony Cave in 100l. not to leave till the Duke's pleasure be known. Cave denies that any of the wools are in his hands, and says he paid Crispe before he last came to Calais. Gives further details. Norfolk is now at Court, and will be here on Wednesday. You will need Skryven's help, for if it be no more than three pockets, as Cave asserts, it is not worth past 30l. Sends the Chief Baron's letter for Golson's karseys. Norfolk and Mr. Treasurer say redress shall be briefly made of the victual and fuel of which you and the Council complain. I think the Commissioners who were last at Calais will meet there again before the end of September. Mr. Treasurer commands me to fetch the geldings he gave you at Guildford. Mr. More will be arraigned the latter end of this week. Sends a letter from Owdall. The Secretary is not a little displeased at the news from Calais. What salutation he gave me on delivering your letter I will defer till I come over. "When Mr. Marshal cometh he shall have his part; for surely he loveth him not." Cromwell begs Lisle not to write news he is not certain of; but his anger lasts only a little while, and therefore Lisle must write and desire his favor. London, 28 June.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
28 June.
R. O.
939. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
Since I came I have got nothing settled about the forfeit. It is now to be determined before my lord of Norfolk and the King's Council here, not in the Exchequer. I have written more at large to my lord. I have not delivered your tokens to the ladies at the Court, but shall ride thither at the end of this week, and not forget your kirtle. Mr. Basset is merry, and thanks you for the 20s. I gave him; but Bery delivered him only the double ducat. He desires you to remember his coffer, as trussing coffers are dear here. He learns more than any in that house; for his time, there is none like him. The pewter vessel is not come. I have the spices ready, and only lack shipping. Mr. Oxenbridge says he will send you some lanards. London, 28 June.
Goodalle could come no sooner, as my lord of Norfolk only rode to Court on Saturday last. The quails for Mr. Suyllyard will be as welcome as wine.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
28 June.
R. O.
St. P.vii. 615.
940. Ghinucci to Cromwell.
Supposes he has heard that the Pope has made him a cardinal. His expenses will be greater than ever, and his revenues less. Asks Cromwell to send to Antony de Bonvisis the assistance the King has ordered to be given to him. Assures him of his continued friendship. Rome, 28 June 1535. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
R. O. 2. Modern copy. Pp. 2.
28 June.
Cleop. E. vi. 258.*
R. M.
Strype, i. ii. 205.
941. Robt. Bishop of Chichester to Cromwell.
On Sunday, 13 June, preached the Word of God openly in his cathedral of Chichester, and published the King's most dreadful commandment as to the union of the Supreme Head of the Church of England to the Imperial Crown, and the abolition of the bishop of Rome's authority. Also sent forth his suffragan to preach and publish the same. By this day every abbot, prior, dean, parson, &c. in his diocese has received similar orders. Begs him to move the King that, considering the writer's age and impotence, it may suffice that further steps be taken by others. Selsey, 28 June. Signed.
Add. Endd.
29 June. 942. Lord Sands.
See Grants, in June, No. 31.
29 June.
R. O.
943. Abbot and Convent of St. Mary, York, to Henry VIII.
We have received your letter concerning our cell at Lincoln. On consultation we consider the said cell rather to be a mean to provoke liberty and conversation not meet for religious persons, than to be beneficial to the monastery. We therefore desire your Majesty to call home for ever to this monastery our brethren there resident, and we will be bound, instead of the prior and his two brethren that used to be resident there, to keep three brethren at the University, if the lands and profits are secured to us. For we are not bound by our foundation to keep any brethren there. For your sake we shall be bound to give for the better advancement of the city of Lincoln 100 mks. to be paid by instalment in five years. York, 29 June.
Signed: Willm. abbot ther—Gye, priour—Thomas, supprior—Ric. Wod, seuior—Nicholes, sacrista.
Large paper, p. 1. Add. Endd.
29 June.
R. O.
944. Will. Abbot of York to Cromwell.
We have received the King's letters and yours of the 28th June, about our cell at Lincoln, and would have signified our answer to the King, but the bearer would not tarry unless we promised to be ready on the morrow by noon. There is much diversity amongst our brethren, whose answer I enclose, beseeching you to be our good friend with the King. We are content to give for our better advancement to the city of Lincoln 100 marks to be paid in five years. I send you a poor token by the bearer. York, 29 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Sealed. Endd.
29 June.
R. O.
945. Sir George Lawson to Cromwell.
The archbishop of York and the King's other Commissioners now send you by my gossip Tristram Teshe the rolls engrossed by the auditors of all spiritual promotions in this diocese. My lord has taken the utmost pains to get at the true knowledge thereof, and the other Commissioners also within their limits; of whom the names in every deanery are shown in the rolls. The auditors, Jas. Rookeby especially, have taken great pains; also Edw. Edgar, Thos. Hunter, and Ric. Crosbye. But some doubts remain, though the King's instructions have been followed; and perhaps a melius inquirendum might enlarge the values of monasteries, &c. York, at my departure towards Berwick, 29 June. Desires credence for bearer.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary and Master of the Rolls.
29 June.
R. O.
946. Sir Richard Tempest to Cromwell.
Received on the 25th his letter dated at the Rolls, 18 June, directing him what to do about the misdemeaned persons who cast down houses and dykes. Had committed some of the offenders to York Castle before the letter came; but a gentleman named Johnson, servant to the earl of Northumberland, took them from his servants, saying he would discharge them of their responsibility. Begs him to remember the parks for which Cromwell has his bills. States the reasons that induced the King to give him those parks:—(1) in recompense for 50 marks a year granted him by the King soon after he came from France (which patent he has ready to show), and a patent of the surveying of the earl of Derby's lands, both which my lord Cardinal took from him, so that he is unpaid of above 400l.; (2) that by the King's comfort he was induced to purchase the new park of Wakefeld of my lord Chief Baron, which cost him above 100 marks. Bollyng, St. Peter and Paul's Day. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Master Cromwell, secretary to the King's Majesty. Endd.
29 June.
R. O.
947. Sir T. Englefield to Cromwell.
As the temporalities of the bishopric of Hereford are now in the King's hands, one mead near the Grey Friars there of 40s. rent is in the King's hands, and is necessary for my yearly provision of horses. I beg you, therefore, to write to Mr. Skydmore to grant me a lease of it, as he is appointed by you to make leases of the lands of the bishopric. It will be well that when the King appoints any of his chaplains to the bishopric, we may have liberty to lie in the Bishop's palace at Hereford at such times as we think convenient, as no other place is so suitable. The castle of Ludlow is in such decay that we cannot lie there until it is repaired. I request that you will obtain a warrant for the same, and for the pardons remaining in your hands, as they will contribute to the reparation of the said castle. Wales is very well amended, and, in comparison, there is very little thieving of cattle, chiefly because no one will buy them if they are suspected of being stolen. We are harder upon the thieves than before, and compelled by policy to take the outlaws; so they now come in fast by themselves, desiring pardon, and we are obliged to take means to prevent them. Gloucester, 29 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
30 June.
Vienna Archives.
948. Chapuys to Charles V.
As soon as Cromwell had returned from Court, where he had been since the arrival of Norfolk and the other Calais deputies, he came to me to inform me, on the part of his master, that the promise made to me that he would conclude nothing at Calais, had been strictly observed; of which Cromwell, for his part, said he was very glad, both because he had shown himself a man of good faith, and because the King remained at his full liberty; and the King wished me to despatch a man express to your Majesty to inform you of the fruitlessness (irresolution) of the said assembly. To this I replied that I was willing to comply by despatching one of my servants, provided there was matter which required it, but that it would be a foolish waste of money, as I had already informed your Majesty eight days ago, and I believed you had also received notice of it from France, and, even if you had no recent news of it, I had written long ago assuring you thereof, by Cromwell's words and promises; and since the King, his master, was at liberty, as he said, it would be the right time for him either to accept the overtures made by his (qu. your?) Majesty, or make others. He replied that he had no charge whatever to make any overtures to me, and that I was not one to whom he would say one thing in place of another, nor say anything that he could not maintain; and as to what had been proposed on the part of your Majesty, that the King his master should submit to the determination of the Council, the said King would never agree to it, and also that it was unreasonable for the considerations he had already shown. Moreover, the great hatred that all this "prestraille," as he called it, bore him because he had withstood the tyranny of the Church, and reformed the churchmen of his country, would prevent his obtaining justice, seeing that the greater part of the Council must be composed of the said "prestraille"; and it must not be supposed that the King his master, or any portion of his subjects, would be present at a Council convoked by the Pope, even if one were convoked by the authority of your Majesty. Hereupon, he began to talk of the said reformation which the King had begun with his clergy, and said that before Christmas I should see constitutions made for it here, composed by the King, which would be very different from the papistical ones; and he had no doubt it would be a true and singular mirror to all Christendom, and that your Majesty would not forbear to make the same reformation in your countries, unless it was for fear of invalidating the sentence given in the Queen's favor. I replied that in this he was very much mistaken, because, although his Majesty denied the Pope to be universal Head of the Church, nevertheless that would in no wise prejudice the said sentence, seeing that the King had implored justice from his Holiness, even if the latter had been the least important and most out-of-the-way bishop of the world (le moindre et plus estrange evesque du monde); and I alleged reasons of law thereupon, to which he did not know what to reply.
Going from one subject to another, Cromwell repeated that if God had taken to himself the Queen and Princess, the whole dispute would have been ended, and no one would have doubted or opposed the King's second marriage, nor would anyone have disputed the succession, unless it were the king of Scots, of whom he made no great account, and no other prince could make any claim. As to the first, I replied that by the canon law, according to which all good Christians ought to govern themselves in matters of conscience, the second marriage would be found invalid and unlawful even if the Queen died first; and I cited the canons and chapters; at which he was greatly abashed. As to the second, he ought not to make so little account of the king of Scots in case of so just a claim, in the pursuit of which God, who was the true executor of justice, might furnish him with aid and friends. Cromwell said that at least one could not say that there was any other prince who could put forward any title against them. I replied that it was a thing of the possibility of which I had not thought much; but, since he pressed me, I thought there were several others who might put forward claims now or hereafter. He replied that perhaps I meant, by the common title of princes, which was the sword, or by the Imperial title "quavoit pretense sur toute la monarchie." To this I replied that, as to the Imperial title, England might be well assured it would not be troubled, as your Majesty was not so ambitious; but if the Pope were to fulminate censures, and invoke the aid of the secular arm, which would deprive the King of his title and deliver his kingdom to those who took possession (et ouctroyat les biens aux occupans), it would be the most just and catholic title that any Christian prince could have. I did not speak of the title of the king of Denmark, or of any other, as it was far better to avoid dangers than to enter into such odious matters; yet it was very opportune that he touched upon this point, that they might have the better care for the preservation of the good ladies, when I confuted their dangerous opinion that on being rid of them they would be at peace. And it appeared to me that Cromwell was much confused at what I said, and, after thinking for some time, knew not what to say, except that the King his master had so many treaties with his (your) Majesty and with the French that he could not imagine that either would have the heart to violate them.
Cromwell related to me how their ambassador in France had written to the King that as soon as the Admiral was returned to the Court of France he had given all the ambassadors to understand that in the assembly at Calais they had negociated very great and important affairs to the great satisfaction of both parties. And in reply the King had informed his ambassador of the real truth, charging him to communicate it to the ambassador of your Majesty and beg him to do his best to give effect to the practice commenced. The King made the same request, praising me to my face, and Cromwell saying that he would die the most cruel death to see friendship between your Majesty and the King firmly established; which done, he believed that you might have the aid of his master against the Turk to the extent of half a million of gold, or even a million; and that this question of marriage can never be settled except by a meeting between his (your) Majesty and his master. On this he began to speak of the ingratitude of the French, and said he knew well that they were soliciting his (your) Majesty to treat with them, and that Morette had lately told him that if this King would not agree to the French demands they would be compelled to ally themselves again with his (your) Majesty. On speaking to Cromwell of some arrears due to the Queen of the revenues of her lands, he replied with very good will that not only that should be paid to her, but that if she wanted more she only required to write or get me to write, and that she should have all she wanted without delay; and if she wished to have a treasurer near her to supply her always, she would be provided with one. And he desired me to think of this, and begged on the King's behalf that I would go to hunt where I thought good, and that he would give orders that I should be well received, and that I ought not to refuse that, both to gratify the King and to please myself. At last he could not refrain from saying that it was right I should do so, that people might see the favor which the King showed to me. He need not have told me, for I understood quite well that he was only trying to make people believe that your Majesty approved of all they had done, and they were not ashamed at Calais to try and persuade the French that if only his (your) Majesty had provided that the Pope should not trouble the affairs of Italy, that you intended to reform the Church in your countries as they had done. This I know on good authority, and when I spoke of it to Cromwell he said not a word.
At the beginning of our conversation, before entering on any of these subjects, Cromwell made two complaints to me on the part of the King his master: First, that his (your) Majesty allowed a German doctor, named Cochlæus, to publish the most defamatory books against the King, and that worse could not be said against a Jew or a devil; second, that the King's ambassador to the Waywode had been detained prisoner by the king of the Romans. As to the first, I replied that your Majesty would be very sorry for it, and would take what measures you well could; but the King must consider that the affairs of Germany being in such liberty and disorder, it was very hard to control all tongues, which are now so unbridled that they have no respect either to God or to their own princes; and since the said Cochlæus was in the country of duke George of Saxony, this King, who has long regarded him as his friend, would do well to write to him about it. As to the second, I said I did not know well what to reply, not having received information of it from the king of the Romans; and perhaps the said ambassador had been detained without his knowledge; but that, even if it had been done by his commandment, this King would have greater cause to complain of the rashness of his ambassador than of the said King's conduct, seeing that, as I was informed by certain merchants, the king of the Romans had refused the said ambassador passage through his lands, and not without good reason, considering that matters between him and the Waywode were in the way of arrangement, which the said ambassador might have interrupted; at least it was open to suspicion, considering the intelligence the English had hitherto had in Germany. Moreover, they were well aware that the king of France, without just occasion, indeed I might say without any, had kept the bishop and cardinal of Burgos (Burgez), your Majesty's ambassador coming from England; and, if I might be permitted to say so, the despatch of the said ambassador at that time was fully justified by various considerations; and, further, that the Waywode had no ambassador here, and neither the king of France nor any other prince had any ambassador with the Waywode. He replied that he never thought the said ambassador a wise man, and still less now, if he had been so foolish as to enter the lands of the King without his leave, and that certainly the King his master had only sent him to manage some little business at the intercession of Gregory de Casale, his brother, and that he ventured to affirm that during the six or seven years the said ambassador had been at Venice on behalf of the King they had not written him two letters, so that the king of the Romans will be much mistaken if he expects to get any news out of him, and as little will he get out of the Secretary of the Way wode who had been here, who is said to have been taken in company with him, for he is a fool, and for such the King had christened him from the first time he spoke with him. I expected he would have accompanied these two complaints with that of the intelligence of your Majesty in Ireland, but he made no sign. As to the news from that country, nothing has been said for a long time; but now it is said that the King has sent men and munitions. He continues to forge artillery, and has sent since the return of the deputies from Calais a good quantity to the island of Guernsey, being apprehensive of the French. The Princess also has been informed, on good authority, that it was feared there would soon be war with the French.
On the 17th, the good bishop of Rochester was sentenced to death for refusing to swear to the statutes made to the prejudice of the Pope and of the Queen; and on the 22nd his head was cut off in the place where the duke of Buckingham suffered. The regret and compassion of the people is inconceivable. He was very earnestly solicited after he mounted the scaffold to comply with the King's wish on an offer of pardon; but he refused, and he died very virtuously. There was given him as confessor one of his great enemies, the greatest Lutheran in the world and patron of all the diableries here, yet he does not cease to say that one of the most holy men in the world has been put to death. Cromwell told me that the Pope was the cause of his death, who had done very ill and very foolishly in making him a cardinal, seeing he was the worst enemy the King his master had, and that his Holiness had excused himself even more foolishly to Gregory de Casale, saying that he had done it because the Pope intended to convoke the Council, in which cardinals were to be present from all countries.
The bishop of Terbez, nephew of the cardinal Grammont, came here three days ago to reside in place of Morette. He was at Calais at the time of the meeting, intending to cross at that time, but as matters did not proceed as some expected, he returned into France with the Admiral to take new deliberation; and I am informed that, by report of one of his servants, he is charged to speak very strongly in behalf of the Princess, and use threats, in case of refusal, that Francis will at all events allow the Pope to proceed, whom till now he had restrained from launching the censures against the English, and he showed himself ready to obey the commands of the Holy See. The said bishop and Morette sent yesterday morning to Cromwell to ask him to dinner, but he excused himself, and sent to tell them he knew well what they were to speak with him about, and that they might say it to the King if they pleased. Which answer they did not take well.
The King's master gunner returned three days ago from Lubeck and Denmark, and it is said he has brought with him 100 fellows, gunners and captains, and old soldiers, but only two have come to this town with him, of whom one is a brother of the captain of Lubeck. London, 30 June 1535.
French, from a modem copy, pp. 7.
30 June.
Vienna Archives.
949. Chapuys to [Granvelle].
Sends a gallant and notable interpretation of a chapter of the Apocalypse which was played on the eve of St. John. To see it, the King went thirty miles from here, walked 10 miles at 2 o'clock at night with a two-handed sword, and got into a house where he could see everything. He was so pleased at seeing himelf cutting off the heads of the clergy, that in order to laugh at his ease, and encourage the people, he discovered himself. He sent to tell his lady that she ought to see the representation of it repeated on the eve of St. Peter. Sends bills in accordance with this interpretation of prophecy, which will show what hope there is of putting affairs right again. If there be no remedy all will go to ruin. It is wonderful that the people are not Lutheran before this, considering what the King causes to be said. Hears from Rome that the Pope was determined to grant the executorials, and the death of the good bishop of Rochester will not alter his decision. Some think that if commerce (contractacion) was forbidden by virtue of the executorials, the people would rise and put things right themselves, especially during this distrust of Frauce. Already they begin to murmur, because ever since these executions began it has rained continually, and they say it is the vengeance of God. Refers him to his letters to the Emperor. London, 30 June 1535.
Fr., from a modern copy, p. 1.
30 June.
R. O.
Cranmer's Letters, 307.
950. Cranmer to Cromwell.
Begs his favor for a servant named Jas. Arnold, for whom the writer has obtained the King's letters to the mayor of London, to be sword-bearer at the next vacancy. He has taken great pains "with me, Mr. Aliote (Eliot), and with Master Hethe in the King's service." Otford, 30 June. Signed.
Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
30 June.
R. O.
951. Philip Roche, Merchant of Kynsale, to Cromwell.
Had sent to him by Davy Syzhane two falcons, three merlins, and a sparrowhawk, and two greyhounds. Hopes to send a goshawk before long. The Council and Commons of Kinsale sent last year by Davy Sizhane the copy of our patent to be renewed and to have the King's gift of the "coked" to maintain their walls. Kynsall, 30 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
30 June.
R. O.
952. Edward Archbishop of York to Cromwell.
"We have now sent up our certificate by this bearer." (fn. 5) Prays Cromwell to excuse any defaults in it, for lack of skill. Cromwell will judge how little the Archbishop has spared himself when he sees the clear sum, more than ever came into the Archbishop's coffers, or appeared in any reckoning Cromwell may have seen. If any consideration is made afterwards for lands lying upon the waters, or for mills, &c., which require continual repair, he trusts to be as favourably used as others; his predecessors have lost over 100 marks yearly by inundation on one place, called Patrington, in Holderness. There are curates forced to have many priests besides themselves, whose benefices are scant worth 5l. or 6l. It would be better if provision were made for curates to take after the rate of their priests, and to answer for their priests. Otherwise a curate for 5l. will pay after 10l. if he have two priests, after 15l. if he have three priests, and so on. His chaplain, Dr. Braynesbie, is to move Cromwell to get him relieved from the collection of the archdeaconry of Richmond. The Archdeacon is quasi episcopus, and sufficient to answer for the collection. It is a wild country, and the Archdeacon will doubtless find better means of collecting there than the Archbishop can. Hears it is a hard country to ride in, and many parts cannot be ridden in in winter or before April. Bisshopsthorpe, 30 June 1535. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: "Secretarye." Endd.
30 June.
R. O.
953. Henry Bishop of St. Asaph to Cromwell.
Has this day received the King's letters, and will make haste to execute them. Hears the factor of the Lord of St. John's has complained to Cromwell that the Bishop would wrong him in the patronage of the vicarage of Kemmys, worth four marks a year. Has received from the factor an inhibition to appear before my Lord of Canterbury's audience within 15 days. Has business of the King's of greater importance, and thinks the matter de vero patronatu might be deputed to 12 men of the country: it is plainly set down in the Bishop's register. Wrexham, 30 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary, Endd.
30 June.
R. O.
954. Roger Coke, Mayor of Bristol, to the Privy Council.
We have received your letters, by which we understand that the King will not visit Bristol at this time in consequence of the sickness, which news is doleful to us. Bristol, 30 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
Cleop. E. iv. 45.
B. M.
955. Ric. Layton to Cromwell.
The diocese of York has not been visited since the Cardinal's time, and there are many things within the province needing reformation, especially amongst the exempts. The Archbishop leaves everything to be done at the King's intended visitation. If you would send me thither with your servant Blitheman as registrar, we might finish the whole province by Michaelmas, or soon after. Dr. Lee could also finish the counties of Huntingdon and Lincolnshire and the diocese of Chester by the same time. If you defer the visitation till you have leisure, I am in great doubt when the day will come, for your business daily increases. If you wait till Lammas, till the archbishop of Canterbury has finished his visitation, the year will be far spent. The Archbishop and his officers would be very glad if you did not visit. The dean of Arches tried to persuade me to move you not to do so this two or three years, so that I thought "Quod erat orator sed parum vehemens et sine aculeo."
I should advise you to set forth the King's authority as Supreme Head by all possible means. There can be no better way to beat the King's authority into the heads of the rude people in the North than to show them that the King intends reformation and correction of religion. They are more superstitious than virtuous, long accustomed to frantic fantasies and ceremonies, which they regard more than either God or their prince, right far alienate from true religion.
The book of Articles is clean written, in the custody of Bartlett, your clerk, and a commission is ready for the same. You will never know what I can do until you try me.
The charges you give me shall in no way be transgressed, and I will go to the King for instructions if you wish. From Pater Noster Row.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Thos. Cromwell, chief secretary.
R. O. 956. William Edwardes to Cromwell.
At my leaving you in Lent twelvemonth you commanded me, in any business of my own or my friends, to write to you. I beg you, therefore, to show your favor to the bearer, late servant to the bishop of Hereford. I also pray you, at the coming of my lord Ferrers, to desire his favor for me, because through his proceedings the benefice of By kenor is not so good as it used to be by 20 marks. The whole profit of it is 12l. 16s. 10½d., and I have returned it as such to the King's Commissioners sitting at Gloucester for payment of the tenth granted by Parliament. I beg you will see me discharged of the bond of 6l. for which the King's attorney summoned me, and which I owed to my lord Cardinal.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.. Secretary.
ii. Valuation of the benefice of English Bykenor, in Gloucestershire, from the Annunciation of Our Lady, A. D. 1534, to the same feast in 1535, as above, with a statement of "the charges I was at" during the same period for my curate, the King's subsidies, &c.
P. 1.
R. O. 957. Harry Lord Morley to Cromwell.
As you will spend this summer in sporting, I send you a greyhound, fit for "a gentleman to disport withal, as ye be." Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
R. O.
958. John Bowes to Cromwell.
For informing Cromwell of things done in Ireland, Mr. Eylmer and Mr. Allen have threatened him with the Fleet or the Tower, or else to be sent with gyves to Dublin Castle if he goes to Ireland. They say they will have a copy of the bill he delivered to Cromwell, and try it in Ireland. It is not reasonable that Mr. Eylmer and Mr. Allen and other justices of Ireland should sit in trial in a matter in which they are themselves guilty. They will all certify they are not faulty. Begs Cromwell to examine the matter here before they leave, for if they go over they will stop the mouths of those who could show the truth. Now there are here, ready to be examined, Mr. Leonard Schevyngton, Mr. Fynglasse, Mr. Denman, Robt. Powell, More, Mr. Cowley, Savage, and Lawrence, Mr. Brabshon's servant, and others. Thinks they will corroborate him. If Eylmer is examined Cromwell will find that he has men allowed in the King's wages, and not the King's friends. Mr. Denman may be examined upon that also. Begs Cromwell either to try these matters before their going over, or keep them and the writer in prison, and send a commission for the examination there.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
R. O. 959. Dan Robert Marshall, Monk of Shene, to Cromwell.
Of late I was at home at our house of Shene, and made inquiry among them whether the King's commission sent to them by the bishop of Winchester for the King's supremacy was declared among them in their chapterhouse, and to strangers and others in church, every Sunday and holiday, and it was not so declared, whereby not only my brethren who are the King's friends, but our servants, are greatly offended with our vicar and proctor; and though our vicar be so stiffnecked against the Prince that he will not declare it to his brethren, it was our proctor's duty to have declared it to our servants and others; for to them he is bound by rule to preach and teach. The vicar has received a commission, and will not declare it, nor suffer it to be declared; and as a true subject I must declare the matter to you. Austen Friars, London.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.. D. Thome Crumwell, secretario, &c. Endd.
Vesp. F. xiii. 106.
B. M.
Ellis, 2 Ser. ii. 69.
960. Henry Lord Mountague, T. and H. Nevylle, to Cromwell
His father-in-law, lord Bergevenny, died this Sunday morning about 2 o'clock. In his time he trusted Cromwell above all men, and said, at his end, that he was sure the writer and his two uncles should have his lawful favor in the execution of the will. He sent Cromwell a token of gold, desiring him to be good to his son, who is the King's ward. Eurydge, within the forest of Waterdown. Signed.
Add.: Mr. Secretary.
R. O. 961. Jane Basset to Lady Lisle.
My cousin Degory Greyndfylde, when at Barnstaple, desired Sir John Bond to tell me that if I had anything to send you he would bring it; but Bond neglected the message. Your feather beds and testers of silk were not put out these three-quarters of a year till the 6th June last, "and that was by the sight of a letter that was come unto him" (? Bond). Complains that she gets no answer. It was lady Lisle's pleasure she should have a chamber here; "but now I am taken up with Sir John Bond and also with Brenyllcom that I cannot tell what to do; for they had liever that any brothell in this part were here than I; and so the said woman that I wrote unto you is here daily." So she said to me herself, "and defied also." As for your fishing, when he goes to market and receives 20s. a day for the fish he puts into the book 4s.; and he does not go to market more than three times a week, one week with another. Send word that all this shall be amended, and that this woman may not come here. Hears that Sir John Bond will be with lady Lisle shortly, to excuse himself and Bremyle, and give her a pig of her own sow.
Hol., p. 1. Add.

962. Grants in June 1535.
1. Sir Edw. Nevill. Inspeximus and confirmation of—i. A patent of the queen consort Anne, dated at Westm., 8 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII., granting him, during the said Queen's life, the office of keeper of Southfrythe park, parcel of the manor or lordship of Southfrithe, Kent, with the power of appointing keepers under him, and fees of 5l. 6s. 2½d. a year, same as Hen. Vane, or any other held the office; and the herbage and pannage of the said park. ii. A patent of the said queen Anne, dated at Westm., 8 Dec. 26 Hen. VIII., granting him during the said Queen's life the office of bailiff of the lordship or manor of Southfrithe, Kent, with the usual fees. Also, grant by the King to him in tail male of the reversion of the said offices, &c. Greenwich, 18 May 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 21.
2. Agnes Knowght, wife of Thos. Knowght, alias Monke, late of Raynam, Norf., laborer. Pardon for having, along with the said Thomas, stolen certain wearing apparel, &c., the property of John Lecy, at his house at Slepe, in the parish of St. Peter, in the liberty of the exempt monastery of St. Alban's. Del. Westm., 2 June 25 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
3. John Dygby. Livery of lands as kinsman and heir of Sir John Digby, deceased, viz., son of Will. Digby, son of the said Sir John Digby. Westm., 26 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. 3 June 27 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 13.
4. Margaret and Eliz. Stokys. Livery of lands as daughters and heirs of Rob. Stokys of Bykarton, Yorks., viz., of the possessions of the said Robert in England, Wales, and Calais; and all those of which Thos. Middilton, Rob. Maleverer, Geo. Thwyng, Hen. Newarke, Ric. Barke or Banke, and Brian Stokys, or any others, were seized to the use of the said Robert; notwithstanding that such possessions have been seized into the King's hands on the death of the said Robert, or any other ancestor, or of Bridget, mother of the said Margaret and Elizabeth. Westm., 26 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. 3 June 27 Hen. VIII.—P.S. (mutilated). Pat. p. 2, m. 16.
5. The earl of Northumberland, warden of the East and Middle Marches against Scotland. Licence to appoint three of his servants to shoot with cross-bows and handguns at any fowl, deer, or other game, either in his own grounds or any other man's in any part of the kingdom north of the Trent, notwithstanding the statute 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 32.
6. Hen. earl of Essex and Mary his wife, tenants of the manor of Hodesdon. Licence to have a market on Thursday in every week at the said manor, and a fair there three days in every year, viz., on the eve, day, and morrow of the Translation of St. Martin in summer, instead of the eve, day, and morrow of St. Martin, on which days the fair was formerly held by charter 22 Jan. 37 Hen. III. to Richard de Boxe. Del. Westm., 5 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 25.
7. Thos. Orpyn, of Strowde, Glouc., tucker. Pardon for having on the 4th Nov. 26 Hen. VIII. in the highway at Alchurche, Wore., assaulted and robbed one Thos. Dawson of Lychefyld, chapman. Del. Westm., 6 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 32.
8. Edw. North. Grant of an annual rent or fee-farm of 33l. 6s. 8d. paid by Sir John Sharpe for the manor of Kertelyng, alias Kertelenge, Camb., granted to farm to Sir John Sharp, by patent 12 May 6 Hen. VIII. Westm., 7 June.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18.
9. Thos. Grenewey, or Greneway, and Richard his son. Lease of the manors or lordships of Syngleburgh and Agmondesham Wooderew, and the demesne lands of Buckeland; and one virgate of land and 3 quarters in Bucklond called Dycons, parcel of the lands of the late earl of Warwick; with reservations; for 21 years, at the annual rent of 26l. 9s. 0½d. and 40d. of increase; on surrender of patent 18 May 14 Hen. VIII., granting a similar lease to the said Thomas alone. Del. Westm., 8 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. b. Pat. p. 1, m. 23.
10. Sir John Daunce of London, King's councillor. Grant of one part of an indenture made 26 Sept. 17 Hen. VIII., between Sir Thos. More of Chelsey, Middx., King's councillor, and the said Sir John, containing an agreement that Will. Daunce, s. and h. of the said Sir John, should marry Eliz. More, one of the ds. and hs. of the said Sir Thomas; and likewise a bond given by the said Sir John to the said Sir Thomas for the fulfilment of the said indenture; the said indenture and bond being confiscated to the King on account of certain contempts and misprisions committed by the said Sir Thomas. Del. Westm., 12 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 24.
11. Sir Rob. Peyton and Frances his wife. Licence to alienate to Rob. Hawke, clk., and Ric. Spencer, chaplain, and the heirs of the said Robert, the manor of Lyndon, and 16 messuages, 600 a. of land, 200 a. of meadow, 100 a. of pasture, 200 a. of furze and heath, 40 a. of wood, and 10l. rent in Lyndon and Tytyncote, and the advowson of the church of Lyndon, Rutland; to the intent that the said Robert and Richard should regrant the same to the said Sir Rob. Peyton and Francis his wife in survivorship; with remainder to Rob. Peyton, son and heir apparent of the said Sir Robert and Frances; with contingent remainder to John Peyton, brother of the said Robert; with contingent remainder to Richard Peyton, brother of the said John; with contingent remainder to the heirs of the said Sir Robert and Frances. Westm., 12 June.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20.
12. Edw. bp. of Meath, Walter bp. of Kildare, John Alen, master of the Rolls, Gerard Ailmer, chief baron of the Exchequer, Thos. Lutterell, justice, and Thos. Hethe, the King's remembrancer, in Ireland. Commission to suppress and extinguish the nunnery of Greyn in co. Carlow, Dublin dioc. Westm., 9 June 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 14 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 30. Rym. xiv. 551.
13. Anne Bladwell, widow. Wardship and marriage of William s. and h. of John Bladwell during the minority of the said William. [Westm.], 15 June.—S.B. Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 40.
14. Monastery of Sherborne, Salisbury dioc. Restitution of the temporalities on the election of John Barstable, a monk of the said monastery, as abbot, vice John Mere.—S.B. (undated). Westm., 15 June.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14.
ii. Certificate of the new abbot's institution by Thos. Benet, LL.D., vicar general of Nic. bp. of Salisbury. Dated Salisbury, 31 May.
15. Francis Vanderscluse, a native of Antwerp, in the duchy of Brabant, in the Emperor's dominions. Denization. Westm., 17 June.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. Enrolled also as of date 7 June, p. 1, m. 15.
16. John Stephyns, haberdasher, a native of Brabant. Denization. Westm., 17 June.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
17. Ralph Ellerker, jun. Annuity of 20 marks issuing from certain lands and tenements in Ryle, Winterset, Langfeld, Hunshelf, Brycheworth, Bolsterton, Cotes, Wolley, Melton, Wortley, and Staynburgh, Yorks., lately belonging to Roger Rockeley; during the minority of Robert s. and b. of the said Roger; with the wardship and marriage of the said Robert. Del. Westm., 17 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B.—Pat. p. 2, m. 25.
18. John Rudd, jun., confirmation of his interests in the following grants, viz.:—
i. Patent of Hen. earl of Northumberland, dated 20 June 19 Hen.VIII., granting to Thos. Hennage, one of the Privy Chamber, the office of feodary of his possessions in co. Linc., with 3l. 6s. 8d. a year in that office.
ii. Deed of the said Thomas, dated London, 8 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII., appointing the said John his deputy in the said office.
iii. Other letters patent of the said Earl, dated at his manor of Hagney, 12 Nov. 25 Hen. VIII., granting to the said John the office of surveyor of the possessions of the said Earl in co. Linc., with fees of 4 marks a year. Del. Westm., 20 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B.—Pat. p. 1, m. 29.
19. Ric. Wake. Lease of the mill of Grafton, in the lordship of Grafton, parcel of lands exchanged, Northt.; for 21 years, at the annual rent of 66s. 8d., and 13s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 20 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B.b.—Pat. p. 1, m. 22.
20. Ric. Ambrose. Reversion of the office of master carpenter of the Tower of London and liberty thereof, which was granted by patent 29 July 7 Hen. VIII., to Rob. Bates, with fees of 8d. a day. Del. Westm., 21 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.
21. Will. Dixon of Great Yarmouth, Norf., mariner, a native of Scotland. Denization. Westm., 24 June.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
22. Sir Thos. Rotherham. Licence to alienate the manor of Donton, Beds, to John Gostwike, Ric. Crumwell, Ralph Sadler, John Smyth, Thos. Polsted, Hen. Polsted, and Thos. Averey, to the use of Thos. Crumwell. Westm., 25 June.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13.
23. Alan Bowdisson of Depe (Dieppe), a native of Normandy. Denization. Del. Westm., 25 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B.—Pat. p. 1, m. 22.
24. Thos. Bagard, LL.D., vicar-general in the dioc. of Worcester. Grant on his petition of letters patent to Thos. Crumwell, secretary and M.R., Edw. Fox, almoner, [Sir] Will. Kingston, and John Bell, King's counsellors, Thos. Hennage, and Edm. Boner, clk., of the next presentation to the parish church of Fladbury or Flatbury, Worc. dioc. Del. Westm., 25 June 27 Hen. VIII. —S.B.
25. Ric. Thornton. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Percival Thornton. Westm., 24 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 June "anno subscripto."—P.S. Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 35.
26. Sir Thos. Audeley, chancellor. Grant of the messuages, tenements, &c. in the parishes of St. Katharine Christischurche within Algate, and St. Botulph without Algate, London, lately belonging to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, called the priory of Christischurche, which came to the King's hands by grant of Nic. Handcoke, last prior, &c. Del. Westm., 28 Jüne 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 45.
(2.) Modern copy of the preceding in Harl. MS. 7048, f. 147.
27. Thos. Hennage, one of the Privy Chamber. Confirmation of the following offices and emoluments granted to him by patent of Hen. earl of Northumberland, dated London, 20 June 19 Hen. VIII., viz., the office of feodary of the said Earl's possessions in co. Linc., with the appointment of a clerk for keeping the court in the said possessions; with annual fees of 3l. 6s. 8d. as steward, 40s. for the said clerk, and 3l. 6s. 8d. as feodary.
Also to be bailiff of the lorships of Burwell and Calceby, Linc., with the usual fees and an annuity of 5l. 3s. 4d. Del. Westm., 28 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 32.
28. Ant. Missendyn. To be feodary of the possessions late of Hen. earl of Northumberland in co. Linc., with an annual rent of 3l. 6s. 8d.; and surveyor of the said possessions, with an annual rent of 4 marks. Del. Westm., 28 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 32.
29. John Chowe. Licence to keep open bowling alleys, and to hold other public games in his house and gardens. Addressed to justices and other officers in the city of London. Greenwich, 27 May 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 33.
30. Will. Parr. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Sir Thos. Parr, deceased, and of Matilda, wife of the said Sir Thomas, one of the ds. and hs. of Sir Thos. Grene, deceased; with licence of entry to Thos. duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England, Hen. earl of Essex, Thos. Vaus lord Harowden, Sir Thos. lord Burgh, Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, Sir Will. Parr, Sir Edw. Darrell, Edw. Montagewe, serjeant-at-law, Ralph Lane, Thos. Butteler, James Rokeby, Chr. Godmond, Thos. Thecher, Alan Shepard, clk., and Thos. Pykering, as trustees. Windsor Castle, 20 June 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 40.
31. Lord Sands, the King's chamberlain. Grant of the building materials of the old manor house in the park of Wardelham, Hants, with power to carry the same away; with reservation of the park-keeper's house, or another built in its place at the expense of the said lord Sands. Westm., 25 June 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 29 June.—P.S. Pat. (9 June on roll), p. 1, m. 33.
32. John Predeaux, rector of Gatton, Surrey. Licence to be non-resident, notwithstanding the Act 21 Hen. VIII. Westm., 10 June 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 30 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 30.
33. Jacques Baquer of London, capper, a native of Normandy. Denization. Del. Westm., 30 June 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B.


  • 1. It would seem that letter 1363, in vol. vii. must be later than this.
  • 2. This sentence is added in another hand.
  • 3. Prior Houghton.
  • 4. The only year "aforesaid" is 1534, but the reference is to "the cleansing days" (or Shrovetide) "last past,"where 1534 certainly means 1535 by the modern computation, beginning the year in January.
  • 5. Tristram Teshe. See No. 945.